Media Development in Third World

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Media development in third world After World War 2, there was a dramatic change in the political composition of nation.

Most of the colonised countries became independent, some through violent means, the rest peacefully, the first and second worlds were waging an undeclared war, and the newly independent countries were caught in between. The third world has no proper infrastructure, no industry, no food, no medicine and above all, no capital but a huge population to feed, clothe and provider shelter from disease, hunger and death were their only companions. The leader of these newly independent countries had very bitter experience of exploitation by colonial powers. They were aware of the danger of going back to these imperialist powers for aid to feed their people, to build infrastructure, to set up industries. Etc. on the other hand they were suspicious about the communist countries. Thus, the newly independent countries were a precious situation. They had to ask for aid from their former colonial masters, on their term and condition, or play into the hands of socialist and communist countries. Faced with the choice a few countries succumbed to the temptation and joined one or other group. Regional and international alliances, like SEATO, NATO, and WARSAW PACT, came into being. However, a few of the third world countries decided to form their own group called the Non-aligned Movement (NAM). India, along with Egypt, Yugoslavia (formerly) and Ghana, played a very important role in this movement. The NAM countries, while remaining neutral between the two camps, could gain from both their economic development. Sincere efforts were made by many NAM countries to develop their information networks. India stands out in their endeavour. It had the Press Trust of India (PTI) AND United News of India (UNI) - two major national news agencies. Not many countries were formulated. Their political instability, corruption, economic backwardness, ethnic conflicts, religious wars. Foreign debt servicing, etc, hindered growth in the field of information and communication.

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