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Second Year

After undergoing the second year Science Program, the learner shall have
developed the following competencies:
I. Nature of Biology
1. Understand the nature of biology as a science of life

1.1 Identify the unifying ideas in biology

1.2 Explain the different life processes
2. Understand biological concepts as applied in technology

2.1 Explain biological concepts in a given technology

3. Know the tools used in the development of biology and biotechnology

3.1 Identify the parts and function of the microscope

3.2 Name the special tools used in research and technology
3.3 Describe the contributions of Filipino and foreign scientists in the field
of biology and technology
II. Cell Structure and Function
1. Appreciate the cell as a highly organized structure

1.1 Identify the different parts of the cell

1.2 Differentiate plant cells from animal cells
1.3 Differentiate unicellular organisms from multicellular organisms
1.4 Differentiate prokaryotic from eukaryotic cells
2. Understand how discoveries on cellular structures and functions have led
to useful technologies

2.1 Explain that the activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote
food production and health
3. Appreciate cellular exchange of materials with the environment

3.1 Explain osmosis as a type of diffusion

3.2 Distinguish between active and passive transport
III. Life Energy
1. Understand how organisms obtain energy

1.1 Describe the location and function of chlorophyll pigments

1.2 Explain the requirements of photosynthesis
1.3 Explain light and dark reactions of photosynthesis
1.4 Give scientific explanations behind farming practices

2. Understand how organisms produce energy

2.1 Describe the cell part involved in producing energy

2.2 Explain the stages of cellular respiration
2.3 Evaluate the importance of the interdependency of living things for
important gases through oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle

IV. Organ Systems

1. Understand the interaction among cells, tissues, organs and systems in
maintaining the life of an organism

1.1 Illustrate the coordinated functions of cells, tissues, and organ systems
in maintaining the life of plants, animals and human beings
1.2 Recognize the necessity of an organized system for proper growth
development and survival of organisms
2. Understand the anatomy and physiology of plants

2.1 Describe the parts and functions of the different organ systems in
2.2 Explain the requirements of plants for growth
3. Understand the anatomy and physiology of humans

3.1 Describe the parts and functions of the different organ systems
4. Appreciate the technologies that help defective organ systems function

4.1 Identify the technologies that help the specific defective organ
functions properly
V. Reproduction
1. Understand and appreciate the importance of cell division

1.1 Describe the cell cycle

1.2 Differentiate mitosis from meiosis
2. Understand patterns of reproduction among organisms

2.1 Differentiate sexual and asexual reproduction of organisms

3. Understand the process of human reproduction

3.1 Describe the stages of development of the fertilized embryo and fetus

4. Understand the problems and issues related to fertility and population

4.1 Analyze some problems on fertility

4.2 Give some implications of rapid population growth
5. Demonstrate understanding of the ill effects of human sexually transmitted

5.1 Identify the risks of contamination from various sexually transmitted

diseases specially AIDS
VI. Genetics
1. Understand the chromosomal basis of inheritance and the role of DNA as
a blue print of life

1.1 Explain the chromosomal basis of inheritance

1.2 Analyze the role of DNA in the transmission of traits
2. Understand the fundamental role of chromosomes and genes in hereditary

2.1 Discuss the relationship of chromosomes and genes

2.2 Explain the different chromosomal aberrations
3. Demonstrate understanding of the Mendelian principles of heredity

3.1 Analyze Mendel’s experiment on garden peas illustrating Mendelian

principles of inheritance
3.2 Identify traits that follow Mendelian patterns of heredity
3.3 Solve monohybrid crosses given the phenotypes and genotypes of
4. Understand the Non Mendelian patterns of heredity

4.1Infer that certain traits do not always follow the Mendelian principles of

5. Understand some issues concerning advanced technologies in genetics

5.1 Explain what Genetically Modified Organisms or Food are

5.2 Analyze the effects of genetic engineering

VII. Evolution
1. Understand the theories of evolution

1.1 Explain Darwin’s theory of evolution

1.2 Differentiate Lamarck’s theory of evolution from Darwin’s theory
2. Discuss the direct and indirect evidences for evolution

2.1 Distinguish between direct and indirect evidence for evolution

VIII. Biodiversity
1. Appreciate the existence of diverse forms of living things
1.1 Describe the distinguishing characteristics of the different groups of
1.2 Evaluate the economic importance of organisms
IX. Ecosystem
1. Understand the similarities and differences of ecosystems

1.1 Differentiate natural from human-made ecosystems

2. Understand man’s role in maintaining balance in nature

2.1 Analyze the different environmental issues relevant to the community

2.2 Suggest ways of minimizing or preventing ecological problems


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