Introduction To Biology Short Question and Answers: Q. Define Biology. Explain Its Branches. Biology

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XI – BIOLOGY 1 Chapter: 1

Chapter 1
Short Question and Answers
Q. Define biology. Explain its branches.

“It is a branch of natural science, which deals with the study of life, living things and related
How to define life
Living things are organized, take materials and energy from the environment, respond to stimuli,
reproduce and develop, and adapt to the environment.


Formally and classically, biology was classified into two main branches, namely:
1.      Zoology – It is the study of animals.
2.      Botany – It is the study of plants.

Each branch is sub divided into following branches:


It is the study of structure and function of the molecules that form structure of the cell and organelles
associated with living organism.


It deals with the study of environment and its effect on organisms.


It deals with the study of micro organisms {protozoan, bacteria etc}


It deals with the study of organisms inhabiting the sea and oceans, and the physical and chemical
properties of their environment.


It deals with the life dwelling in the fresh waters, physical and chemical characteristics of fresh water
bodies affecting it.


It deals with the study of all biological aspects of man regarding evolution, anatomy, physiology,
health, inheritance etc.


It is the study of inheritance of characters through genes and their mode of transmission from parents
to off springs.

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XI – BIOLOGY 2 Chapter: 1


It is concerned with the social interactions within a population of a given animal species, especially in
human beings focuses on such issues as whether certain behaviour are inherited or culturally induced.


It deals with the data and techniques of engineering and technology for the study and solution of
problems concerning living organisms particularly the human beings.


It is the study of different parasites and their effects on their hosts.


It is the classification, identification naming and grouping of living beings.

Q. What do we mean by modern system of classification?


Robert Whittaker in 1969 contradicted old concept of “Animals and Plants” and proposed a new
system of “Taxonomy”. According to this system of classification, Living beings are classified into
five Kingdoms, which are explained under:
1.      Kingdom Monera
2.      Kingdom Protista (Protoctista)
3.    Kingdom Mycetes (Fungi)
4.      Kingdom Plantae
5.      Kingdom Animalia

Q. What does kingdom Monera include?

In this kingdom, all living things having “Incipient Nucleus” (Nuclear material is not bounded in a
nuclear membrane) are included. They are generally called Prokaryotes. Examples are Virus, Bacteria
and Blue green Algae.

Q. What organism Kingdom Protoctista include?

These are microscopic acellular or unicellular Eukaryotes (Living beings having complete nucleus).
They may be single celled or colonial. Nutrition may be Autotrophic or Holozoic. Examples are
Protozoans like Amoeba, Paramecium and single celled Algae like Euglena and Chlamydomonas.

Q. Describe Kingdom Mycetes (Fungi).

These are unicellular to multicellular Eukaryotic Thalloid, Heterotrophic organisms. Multicellular

fungi are filamentous, whole structure of them is called Mycelium made up of Hyphae. Reproduction
is generally asexual by means of spores. Examples are Yeast, Moulds and Mushrooms.

Q. Define and describe Kingdom Plantae.

These are Multicellular Eukaryotic Autotrophic (few heterotrophic) living organisms generally having
differentiated structures like root, stem and leaves. Examples are all phanerogams and Cryptogams.

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XI – BIOLOGY 3 Chapter: 1

Q. Define Kingdom Animalia.

These are all Eukaryotic, Heterotrophic, multicellular animals (Metazoan) which may be “sessile” or
generally “motile”. Examples are Man, Monkey, Ant, Star fish.

Q. Describe the levels of biological organization.

The complexity of the living organisms are based upon certain combinations of biochemical elements
and the fundamental unit of any element is an element. The Levels of biological organization starts
from Atom to the high level organism.

The bodies of all the living organisms are composed of elements and the smallest unit of element is
called atom which contains all the properties of atom. These form the basic level of biological

Atoms combined to form a molecule and these biological molecules forms the organic and inorganic
essential compounds of the living organism.
E.g. Proteins and carbohydrates etc.


Numerous simple and complex molecules arranged in a particular manner to form cells and their
organelles. Cell is the fundamental protoplasmic unit of life having DNA which contains all the
necessary information which is required for the existence of life.

In Multicellular organism cells combine together to form different kinds of tissues which perform
various functions of life. E.g. nervous, excretory, connective tissues and in plants xylem and phloem
tissues for conduction of water. Etc.


Various tissues grouped together to form organs and these organs collectively join together to
perform a single function called organ system level of body organization. e.g. Heart and different
blood vessels collectively form a complete blood vascular system.

When several organ systems work together with complete coordination and cooperation, an
individual whole organism is formed.

Q. Describe the broader level of biological organization.


1. Species: A group of very similar potentially interbreeding population.
2. Population: Members of one species inhabiting the same area.
3. Community: Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same
4. Ecosystem: A Community interaction with its non-living surroundings.
5. Biosphere: That part of earth inhabited by living organisms.

Q. Describe the emergence of life on earth by the help of geological time period.

TIME PERIODE OF LIFE ORIGINATION: 2.5 Billions years ago approx.

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XI – BIOLOGY 4 Chapter: 1

LIFE ORGANIZATION: Acellular as the consequences of gradual modifications in the genetic

material new types of living organisms evolved. First living forms are simple acellular organisms.
Researchers from time to time worked curiously and by applying different techniques they come to
know from the fossils records about the different group of organisms that arose in different
geological times.

Q. Describe the association among living organisms.

The organizations in living organisms are as follows:
1. Symbiosis: Two organisms live together and at least one or both useful to each other.
2. Commensalism: Two organisms live together one get benefit other gets no harm no benefit.
3. Mutualism: Two organisms live together and both are useful to each other if separated both
can survive independently.
4. Parasitism: Two organisms live together one get benefit other gets harm.

Organisms developed from acellular to multicellular by the process of evolution. This can be
studied through fossils which are mostly naturally preserved remains of organisms. By fossils it is
confirmed that different groups of fossils have different age and they have developed in different
geological periods of time.

Q. Write a note on Hydroponics.

Definition: “It is the science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution. It is also called soil
less or water culture”.
This technique is used for growing vegetables and other plants. It helps to fulfill the food requirement
of people living in particular area. Tomato and other vegetables were experimented in green houses
and result obtained satisfactory.

1. It controls the weeds and soil disease problems.
2. Area required for cultivation is reduced.
3. Crops are successfully grown in the arid parts of the world to meet the food requirement.

Q. Describe phyletic lineage in view of evolution.

Phyletic lineage is the common origin of species during the process of evolution. Evolution is the
series of gradual changes occurs in living organisms to accommodate themselves in the environment
and these changes must be inherited in their off springs.

Phyletic lineage is an unbroken series of species, which are arranged in ancestor to descendent
arrangement, related with other species, which have evolved from that species immediately, preceded

Q. Define cloning. Describe the method and importance of cloning.

Definition: It is a method of production of duplicate copies of genetic material; cells or entire
multicellular living organism occurs naturally in plants and animals.”
Some common examples are identical twins, asexual reproduction, regeneration and development of
tumors and cancers.

Cloning Method

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XI – BIOLOGY 5 Chapter: 1

In this process a fertilized egg nucleus is replaced by the unfertilized egg nucleus and that
zygote is then placed in to the womb of the female for complete development. This individual is
quite similar to that individual whose nucleus is used.

Importance of cloning:
1. By this process different kinds of human cells can be replaced such as liver cells, Skin cells,
Blood cells etc.
2. Defective organs can be replaced by cloned organs.
3. This method is used to improve the quality in agriculture and medical sciences.
4. Growth hormones, insulin and other substances can be prepared by cloning method.

Q. How can we protect and conserve our environment.


Environmental hazards have always been threatened to the mankind. This has been increased due to
urbanization and industrialization. Environment is damaged in different ways.

 POLLUTION: “This referred to as the unwanted physical or chemical changes o ccurred in

the environment”.

There are different types of pollution air, land, water, noise pollutions. Green house effect, Acid
rain is caused due to pollution. To protect the environment certain effective methods are necessary
to apply to reduce the pollution.

 DEFORESTATION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION: Cut down the forest and establishing

industries also causes disturbance in the biological system of natural environment. Conservation
of forests and parks helps to reduce soil erosion and flooding etc.

Q. What do we mean by biological control and disease management?

Naturally occurring organisms are now used to fight pathogens or pests in most of the countries.
This method is called biological control. For example introduction of small fishes in the pond
inhibits the production of larvae and pupae of mosquito.
Control of insect pest by free living non pathogenic nematodes and pathogenic nematodes by
fungi is another advance approach of biological control and disease management.
In plants crop rotation is very successful in preventing the diseases in which different crops are
grown on the same ground and cultivation of same crop is not repeated year after year. Soil
fertility can be increased by introducing a crop of leguminous family which has nitrogen bacteria
in their root nodules.


Q. Explain biological method in detail.

Like other subjects of science, Biology also has got definite way of investigation for the exploration
and discovery of new facts. The scientific way of study and exploration of facts in biology is called
Biological Method. Details are as follow:
1.      Hypothesis
The first logical statement given by scientist about work under study is the hypothesis. It is fairly
reliable and simplified version of facts.
After statement scientist uses isolated facts to reach the general idea that explains a
phenomenon. Example Robert Hook cell discovery led to further observations and
experimentations on plant and animal material.

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XI – BIOLOGY 6 Chapter: 1

Once hypothesis is stated, deductive reasoning involves with if ---then statement. Based on
results of accurate experimentation, conclusions are drawn.


Hypothesis is then tested experimentally, results are recorded and certain additions or deductions are
made accordingly.

3.      THEORY
After performing a number of experiments, the results are summarized and if majority of results and
observations are in favor, a “theory” is established.

4.      LAW

If a theory is tested and always found correct, it is accepted as a rule or law.

Q. Explain in detail the applications of biology.

The biology plays immensely important role for the development and welfare of mankind. It
improves the quality of living standard, helps people to promote better health, protection and
protection and conservation of environment by Appling the modern techniques in the field of
agriculture and medical sciences etc.

Some of the applications of the biology in the medical sciences are as follows:


Definition: “Immunization is concerned about resistance against diseases which is carried out by
vaccination in the world”.

Dangerous diseases like Polio, Small pox, hepatitis etc have been controlled and rate of
mortality and infection is greatly reduced. Vaccination was first introduced by Edward Jenner in
1795. In this process vaccines are introduced in the body to prevent person from many dangerous
diseases. However in many cases protection may not be long life.

Definition: “Antibiotics are chemical substances that prevent the growth or kill
the harmful micro-organisms in our body”.

First antibiotic Penicillin was isolated from a fungus, called penicillium notatum. this great
work was done by Fleming, Flory and Chain, they got noble prize. These antibiotics are widely used
to control many diseases, such as T.B., Cholera, Leprosy, Anthrax diseases which have been
controlled properly in the whole world.

Definition: “It is a method to control diseases like cancer, AIDS by certain chemicals”

With the advancement of medical sciences, biologists have developed new methods to tackle
the problems concerning health. This method has proved to be successful.

Definition: “Use of radioactive rays for the treatment of diseases”

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XI – BIOLOGY 7 Chapter: 1

This technique is also useful for the diagnosis of diseases. This process is also destructive to human
tissues. When exposed in high doses. However treatments of Cancer and tumors have been
successfully introduced by radiotherapy.


With the increase of population getting food is the major problem persists in the
nature therefore biologists have been constantly engaged to increase the maximum yield of food
resources and introduce the latest techniques in agricultural field to produce better quality crops.

Definition: “It is the science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution. It is also
called soil less or water culture”.

This technique is used for growing vegetables and other plants. It helps to fulfill the food requirement
of people living in particular area. Tomato and other vegetables were experimented in green houses
and result obtained satisfactory.

1. It controls the weeds and soil disease problems.
2. Area required for cultivation is reduced.
3. Crops are successfully grown in the arid parts of the world to meet the food

Definition: It is a method of production of duplicate copies of genetic material; cells or entire
multicellular living organism occurs naturally in plants and animals.”
Some common examples are identical twins, asexual reproduction, regeneration and
development of tumors and cancers.

Cloning Method:
In this process a fertilized egg nucleus is replaced by the unfertilized egg nucleus and that
zygote is then placed in to the womb of the female for complete development. This individual is
quite similar to that individual whose nucleus is used.

Importance of cloning:
4. By this process different kinds of human cells can be replaced such as liver cells,
Skin cells, Blood cells etc.
5. Defective organs can be replaced by cloned organs.
6. This method is used to improve the quality in agriculture and medical sciences.
7. Growth hormones, insulin and other substances can be prepared by cloning method.


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