Acute Suppurative Otitis Media

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Acute Suppurative Otitis Media

Dr. Vishal Sharma

Pyogenic infection of middle ear cleft lasting for

< 3 weeks.
Routes for infection:
1. 2. 3.

Via Eustachian tube Via Tympanic membrane perforation Haematogenous (rare)

Predisposing Factors
1. Breast feeding in supine position 2. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection 3. Nasal allergy

4. Chronic rhinitis & sinusitis

5. Tumours of nose & nasopharynx

6. Exposure to cigarette smoke

7. Cleft palate

1. Haemophilus influenzae

2. Streptococcus pneumoniae
3. Staphylococcus aureus 4. Moraxella catarrhalis 5. - Hemolytic streptococci (causes acute necrotizing otitis media)

Stages of A.S.O.M.

1. Stage of Hyperaemia

Synonym: Stage of tubal occlusion

Mild earache
T.M. retracted in early stage T.M. congested later stage Cartwheel appearance: radiating blood vessels from handle of malleus

Cart wheel appearance

2. Stage of Exudation

High fever

Severe earache

Marked congestion + bulging of T.M.

Mastoid tenderness

P.T.A.: high frequency conductive deafness

due to mass effect of pus

Stage of Exudation

Stage of Exudation

Stage of Exudation

Stage of Exudation

Nipple sign (impending perforation)

Localized protrusion

of tympanic
membrane due to

destruction of
fibrous layer by

continuous pressure
of pus

3. Stage of Suppuration

Ear discharge (blood-stained purulent) Increased deafness Decreased fever

Decreased earache

Blood stained otorrhoea

Signs & Investigations

Pinhole perforation + otorrhoea

Light house sign: intermittent reflection of light

Decreased mastoid tenderness High (mass effect) + low frequency (stiffness effect of thick periosteum) Conductive deafness

Clouding of air cells in mastoid X-ray

Light House sign

Pinhole perforation

Clouding of mastoid cells

4. Stage of Coalescent Mastoiditis

Otorrhoea > 2 weeks, otalgia & deafness

Mastoid reservoir sign: pus fills up on mopping

Sagging of postero-superior canal wall caused by

peri-osteitis due to pus in adjacent mastoid antrum

Ironed out appearance of skin over mastoid due to

thickened periosteum

Mastoid cavity in X-ray & CT scan

Aditus Blockage Failure of drainage Stasis of secretions Hyperemic decalcification Resorption of bony septa of air cells

Coalescence of small air cells to form cavity

Empyema of mastoid cavity


Mastoid reservoir sign

Sagging of posterior wall

Ironed out appearance

Mastoid cavity

Mastoid cavity

5. Stage of Resolution



Normal hearing

Healed perforation

Stage of Resolution

Sterile exudate in middle ear

6. Stage of Complications

Sub-periosteal abscess

Headache + blurred vision + projectile vomiting Fever + neck rigidity + irritability Drowsiness Gradenigo syndrome (apex petrositis)

Treatment of A.S.O.M.
1. Systemic Antibiotic 2. Nasal decongestants (systemic + topical) 3. H1 anti-histamines

4. Analgesic + anti-pyretic
5. Aural toilet for ear discharge

6. Heat application for severe earache

7. Review after 48 hours

Amoxicillin-clavulanate duo: 625 mg B.D. Ciprofloxacin: 500mg B.D. Doxycycline: 100 mg B.D.

Cefadroxil: 500 mg B.D.

Cefaclor: 500 mg T.I.D.

Cefuroxime: 250 mg B.D.

Cefixime: 200 mg B.D. Cefpodoxime: 200 mg B.D. Azithromycin: 500 mg O.D. Clarithromycin: 250 mg B.D.


Cetirizine: 10 mg OD
Fexofenadine: 120 mg OD

Loratidine: 10 mg OD
Levocetrizine: 5 mg OD

Desloratidine: 5 mg OD
Topical: Azelastine spray (0.1%): 1-2 puff BD

Nasal Decongestants
Systemic decongestants


Topical decongestants


Anti-cold preparations
Name COLDIN SINAREST DECOLD SUPRIN Chlorpheniramine Decongestant Paracetamol 4 mg 4 mg 4 mg 2 mg PsE 60 mg PsE 60 mg PhE 7.5 mg PhE 5 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg

PsE = Pseudoephedrine;

PhE = Phenylephrine

Topical Decongestants

Oxymetazoline 0.05 %: 2-3 drops BD (NASIVION)

Oxymetazoline 0.025 %: 2 drops BD (NASIVION-P)

Xylometazoline 0.1 %: 3 drops TID (OTRIVIN) Xylometazoline 0.05 %: 2 drops BD (OTRIVIN-P) Saline 2 %: 3 drops TID Saline 0.67 %: 2 drops BD (NASIVION-S)

On review after 48 hours

Earache + fever persists: change to higher

antibiotic. If T.M. is bulging perform myringotomy.

Send ear discharge for C/S.

Earache + fever subside: continue same treatment for 10-14 days

Review after 3 months

On review after 3 months

No effusion: no further treatment

Effusion persists: treat as Otitis Media with Effusion

Presence of abscess or coalescent mastoiditis: do cortical mastoidectomy

Myringotomy in A.S.O.M.
Curvilinear incision made in

postero-inferior quadrant.
Incision is curvilinear & not radial (as in OME), to cut fibres of TM. This keeps opening patent for long time.

Why make incision in PIQ?

Least vascular area T.M. bulge is

Ossicles not damaged Easily accessible

Sub-periosteal abscess & fistula

Production of pus under tension

hyperaemic decalcification (halisteresis)

+ osteoclastic resorption of bone sub-periosteal abscess penetration of periosteum + skin fistula formation

Sub-periosteal abscess formation

Sub-periosteal fistula: dry

Sub-periosteal fistula: wet

Types of sub-periosteal abscess




Parapharyngeal & Retropharyngeal

Types of sub-periosteal abscess

Post-auricular abscess

Commonest. Present behind the ear. Pinna pushed forward & downward.

Bezold & Citelli abscesses

Bezold: neck swelling over sternocleidomastoid muscle Citelli: neck swelling over posterior belly of digastric muscle

Bezolds abscess

Bezolds abscess

Luc: swelling in external auditory canal Zygomatic: swelling antero-superior to pinna +

upper eyelid oedema

Retro-mastoid: swelling over occipital bone (? Citellis abscess) Parapharyngeal & Retropharyngeal: due to spread of pus along Eustachian tube

Retromastoid abscess

Gradenigo syndrome

Giuseppe Gradenigo (1859 1926)

Defining triad
Persistent otorrhoea: despite adequate

cortical mastoidectomy
Retro-orbital pain: Trigeminal nerve involvement Diplopia: convergent squint due to lateral rectus palsy by injury to abducent nv in Dorellos canal under Grubers petro-sphenoid ligament, at petrous apex

Persistent otorrhoea + Retro-orbital pain + Convergent squint

Right Convergent squint

Right gaze Central gaze Left gaze

Etiology: Coalescent mastoiditis involving petrous apex along postero-superior & antero-

inferior tracts in relation to bony labyrinth

Diagnosis: 1. C.T. scan temporal bone for bony details. 2. M.R.I. to differ b/w bone marrow & pus Treatment: Modified radical mastoidectomy & clearance of petrous apex cells

C.T. scan & M.R.I.

Hearing preserving approaches to petrous apex

Eagletons middle cranial fossa approach Frenckners subarcuate approach Thornwaldts retro-labyrinthine approach

Dearmin & Farriors infra-labyrinthine approach

Farriors hypotympanic sub-cochlear approach

Lempert Ramadiers peri-tubal approach

Kopetsky Almoors peri-tubal approach

Hearing sacrificing approaches to petrous apex

Trans-cochlear approach Trans-labyrinthine approach

Spread of pus

Post-auricular: Lateral spread Bezold: Inferior spread Citelli: Inferior spread Luc: Anterior spread Zygomatic: Superior spread Retro-mastoid: Posterior spread Parapharyngeal: Medial spread Retropharyngeal: Medial spread Gradenigo syndrome: Medial spread

Cortical Mastoidectomy

Antiseptic dressing



Marking of incision

Wildes post-aural incision

Incision deepened

Musculoperiosteal flap elevated

Bezolds abscess

Aspiration of pus

Drainage of abscess

Drainage of abscess

Corical mastoidectomy begun

Exposure of mastoid antrum

Widening of aditus

Aditus widened

Final Cavity

Cortical Mastoidectomy

Drain put in mastoid cavity

Mastoid dressing

Healed post-aural scar

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