Project Management by Roel Grit

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Project Management
A Practical Approach Roel Grit
Third edition Noordhoff Uitgevers Groningen|Houten

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Cover design: Studio Frank & Lisa, Groningen Cover illustration: Studio Frank & Lisa, Groningen

Translation: Prue Gargano, Fokko Veldman, Cindi Beckman, Studio Imago If you have any comments or queries about this or any other publication, please contact: Noordhoff Uitgevers bv, Afdeling Hoger Onderwijs, Antwoordnummer 13, 9700 VB Groningen, e-mail:

0 1 2 3 4 5 / 15 14 13 12 11 2011 Noordhoff Uitgevers bv Groningen/Houten, the Netherlands Apart from the exceptions provided by or pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1912, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an automated retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written approval of the publisher. Insofar as the making of reprographic copies from this publication is permitted on the basis of Article 16h of the Copyright Act of 1912, the compensation owed must be provided to the Stichting Reprorecht (postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp, Netherlands, To use specific sections of this publication for anthologies, readers or other compilations (Article 16 of the Copyright Act of 1912), contact the Stichting PRO (Stichting Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie, postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp, Netherlands, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN 978-90-01-79092-9 NUR 801

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Foreword to the Third Edition

This book, Project Management, is about approaching work activities as a project. A project can be defined as a number of people working together on a temporary basis to reach a specific goal with defined resources. More and more organizations are performing their tasks in a project-based fashion. Employees often have little experience with this type of working method. Students in higher education are being trained in project-based work approaches, often even approaching the training they provide as a project. Before a project gets under way, the project group or project team needs to put a lot of time into deciding on a uniform way of tackling the task. If this stage is rushed through, the individual project members will find themselves working in completely different ways, with inevitably unsatisfactory outcomes. Changes from the second edition The third edition of Project Management has been brought fully up to date based on user feedback. In addition to a number of textual improvements and a more attractive layout, a number of improvements have also been made to the contents: In the theoretical section, there is added focus on project risks, making it possible to create more a more detailed risk analysis section of the project plan. Considering the importance of having a good relationship with the project environment, a stakeholder analysis is used to devote additional attention to mapping out all those involved and communication. The chapter on Drawing up a project plan is often used in defining a project. This chapter is included in this edition as well and a new chapter entitled How to carry out a project has been added, containing practical step-by-step instructions for carrying out a project from start to finish. Group collaboration has become even easier these days, thanks to the variety of ICT tools available, both online and off. Instructions on using these virtual tools efficiently and effectively within a project group have been added to this edition. To prevent the book from becoming too cumbersome, the chapters on Making an offer and Writing letters have been omitted. If you still require this information, these two sections can be downloaded free of charge (by book owners) from the website. A number of textual changes have also been made for reasons of clarity, the most important being that the term project assignment has been replaced with project result and term intermediate product is now intermediate result. Website A number of the checklists that can be downloaded from the website and the MS Word and MS Excel models have been expanded.

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Tests for students and online lectures for students have been added to the website. The website also contains cases and an exam database for instructors. The website accompanying this book is extremely popular. The book therefore makes clear reference to the website where relevant. This is shown in the text using the icon shown here. More detailed information on the contents of the website can be found in Appendix 2. Who is this book for? This book was originally written for students at institutes of higher learning and universities, though it is also a practical tool for use in non-educational organisations. It was written as a practical introduction to working on projects. More and more students of higher education are being lectured on the theoretical backgrounds of project management. This book emphasizes the practical aspects, not the theory. The central theme here is How do you do that in practice? The imperative voice (commanding) is therefore used in Section 2 of this book. Project management in education It is becoming increasingly more common in education to use a project-based approach in preparing for practical application. This includes detailed study assignments, internal projects, internship projects and thesis projects. A thesis project can and perhaps should be approached as a project. In higher vocational education and at universities, Section 1 can be covered during a number of classes or lectures. In doing so, it is important that the philosophy behind a project-based approach is emphasised to students. In this instance, the instructor is more of an inspirer and motivator than a teacher. Groups of two to three students can be formed and given the assignment of drawing up a project plan and management summary based on a small case. Assignments formulated for this purpose can be found at the back of this book. These have been tested extensively in an educational setting. Alternatively or additionally, small groups of students can carry out a real project assignment. If none is available, a detailed case can be used. Several cases are available on the website. The instructor can take on the role of sponsor, while the other students and/or other instructors can provide expertise on the subject matter. However, a real assignment, whether within or outside of the organisation, is more realistic and therefore preferable. The assignment should be carried out based on interviews with the sponsor or others and concretized in a project plan. To practice project skills as effectively as possible, a large project group can also be formed. Because of its size, it will be necessary to allocate group tasks, while the supervisor of the group dictates which tools and techniques from this book are to be used: setting up a project, holding a meeting, drawing up a schedule, presenting the results and so on. See the relevant chapters on tools in the second section, as well as Integration Assignment 3 at the back of the book. In this case, the supervisor takes on the role of manager of the educational process, rather than instructor. This book makes it much easier for the supervisor to monitor the quality of the project. Roel Grit Emmen, Spring 2011

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Introduction 9

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13

Part 1 Practical Theory 1

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13

The project from start to finish 59

Organizing and carrying out the project 60 Project proposal 61 Initial meeting with the sponsor 61 Setting up the project 62 Project start-up meeting 62 Design and preparation 63 Execution of the project 63 Completion of the project 64 Monitoring aspects of a project 64 Monitoring projects in practice 66 Why projects fail 69 Project risks 73 Terminating a project prematurely 75 Assignments 76

13 15

The project

Types of activities, types of work 16 Examples of projects 17 What is a project? 18 From improvised activities to project to routine 19 Types of projects 20 Things to remember 20 Doing things in phases 22 Why do things in phases? 25 The phases of a project: an illustration 25 When to do it as a project 26 Lifecycle of a project 27 Project goals should be SMART 28 Carrying out the projects in this book 29 Assignments 31

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12

Planning and scheduling 81

Why plan? 82 Concepts and terms 82 Gantt charts 83 Network diagrams 85 Deriving a Gantt chart from a network diagram 88 Adjustments to schedules 88 Which activities are required? 89 Planning software 90 Using planning software 91 Planning a large project in phases 95 Time management 98 Mini-course on MS Project on the website 99 Assignments 100

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16

People working on projects 35

Line organization 36 The project organization 36 Sponsor 39 Future users 40 The project manager 40 The project members 42 Task-oriented and people-oriented leadership 43 Working on a project 43 Team roles according to Belbin 45 Virtual tools for collaboration 46 Team agreements 48 Brainstorming 49 Negotiating 50 Making decisions in a project 50 Related projects 51 Outsourcing a project 53 Assignments 54

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Part 2 Project tools 5

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15

105 8.1 8.2

Conducting interviews
Types of interviews 152 The three stages of an interview 152 Assignments 155


Drawing up a project plan 107

The project plan 108 Dividing the project plan into sections 108 Background information 109 The project result 111 Project activities 113 Project limits 114 Intermediate results 116 Quality control 117 The project organization 118 Schedule 120 Costs and benefits 121 Risk analysis 122 Drawing up the project plan 123 The projects files 124 Other project management methods 125 Assignments 126

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4

Writing a report


Preparing to write the report 160 Putting the report together 160 The structure of the report 162 The main contents and finishing touches to the report 163 Assignments 166

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Holding a presentation


Organization and contents of a presentation 170 Using an overhead projector or a beamer 171 The structure of a presentation 172 The presentation itself 174 Assignments 176

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Carrying out a project


Step-by-step plan for project execution 132 Step 1: Take the initiative for the project 132 Step 2: Define and organise the project 134 Step 3: Carry out the project 137 Step 4: Conclude the project 139 Assignments 140

11.1 11.2

Making an executive summary 179

The purpose of an executive summary 180 The components of an executive summary 180 Assignments 184 Final Assignments 185

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

Organizing meetings


Appendix 1 Risk Analysis 188 Appendix 2 Website 191 Bibliography 193 About the Author 195 Index 196

Project meeting 144 Preparing for the meeting 144 The meetings agenda 145 The meeting itself 146 After the meeting 146 Assignments 148

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Additional materials: Writing letters Making a project offer Downloadable tools: Sample schedule and MS Project (zipped) PowerPoint presentation for Chapter 4 Spartavus case (for making a project plan) Amalia Hospital case (for making a project plan) DropCo case (for making a project plan) Writing letters Making a project offer Agenda model Minutes model Sample project proposal Sample project progress report Sample weekly report Initial interview checklist Presentation checklist Mini-Course on MS Project Sample plan of approach Sample planning Sample risk analysis (by Jurgen Winkel) Stakeholder analysis checklist Sample information matrix Time registration 1 model Time registration 2 model Practice tests Online lectures Chapter 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4, 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4 some

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Structure of this book The aim of this book is to provide those with little experience in working in a project-based manner the theory they need to do so. It also describes a number of practical tools for approaching project-based work activities. Project Management consists of three parts: Part 1 of this book: Practical Theory Part 2 of this book: Project Tools Website:

The structure of Project Management

Project Management

Part 1 Practical Theory

Part 2 Project tools


Part 1 Practical Theory The first four chapters contain a short theoretical background to working in a project-based manner. This section describes what a project-based approach entails, when it is appropriate to take such an approach and how to make it work. Chapter 4 deals with the scheduling of activities. Part 2 Project Tools The second section of this book describes a number of the practical tools and skills needed to tackle projects, including how to organize and hold a project meeting, how to make an executive summary and how to write a report. An important aspect of the early stages of a project drawing up a project plan is dealt with in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, which explains how to approach a project in a step-by-step fashion. A number of the skills that are dealt with in this section organizing meetings, writing reports and holding presentations, for instance are also useful in contexts other than those described here. Website There is a detailed website with a range of different tools accompanying this book (

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Appendix 2 provides detailed information on the contents of the website. Two chapters can also be downloaded from the website that were omitted from this most recent edition of the book.

The structure of Project Management

Project Management

Part 1 of this book Practical Theory

Part 2 of this book Project tools


The project

Drawing up a project plan

Extra theory: writing letters making an offer

People working on projecs

How to do a project Mini course MS Project Organizing meetings Software PM Toolbox

The project from start to finish

Planning and scheduling

Conducting interviews Resources: - Excel models - Word document models - Checklists - Tests - Web tutorials

Writing a report

Holding a presentation Teachers materials: - Computations - Tutorial sheets in PowerPoint - Assessment model - Cases - Exam bank

Making an executive summary


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Theoretically, there is nothing particularly difficult about project management. Projects nevertheless frequently fail to attain their objectives. Since project work is very dependent on the people involved in it, those involved need to be aware of the fact that there is a difference between ordinary ways of approaching work and working in a project-based manner. This section of the book deals with the theory underlying the project-based approach to work based on real-life situations. The following questions will be addressed in this part: What is the difference between project-based work and other work? How do I organize the project? How do I start the project? How do I monitor the project? How do I plan the project?

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Practical Theory
1 2 3 4 The project 15 People working on projects 35 The project from start to nish Planning and scheduling 81

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1 The project

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13

Types of activityies, types of work Examples of projects What is a project? From improvised activities to project to routine Types of projects Things to remember Doing things in phases Why do things in phases? The phases of a project: an illustration When to do it as a project Lifecycle of a project Project goals should be SMART Carrying out the projects in this book Assignments

Jobs for life are a thing of the past. With our society caught up in a process of constant change, organizations are finding that they have to both respond to each change while already anticipating the next one. Their responses often take the form of projects. Being able to manage projects effectively has therefore become a necessity. The important issues are not only when to take a project-based approach and how to tackle the project itself, but even what a project actually is. This chapter describes how project-based work differs from regular work.

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Types of activities, types of work

All kinds of activities take place within an organization. They may be characterized in the following three groups of activities: 1 Improvised activities 2 Routine activities 3 Project-based activities This book deals with the last type. To show the special position that projectbased activities occupy, all three types of activity will be described. Improvised activities An improvised work approach to new activities is one option. People usually improvise when something unforeseen that requires an immediate response occurs. Their reaction will be an ad hoc one: not according to a laid down plan, but decided on as events unfold. Since there are no directions about what to do that can be given beforehand, it is hard to predict with any accuracy the outcomes of working in an ad hoc manner. The advantage of not having any directions is that the new situations can be met in a flexible manner. However, while the large amount of freedom may be welcomed by the improviser, it carries the risk of chaos and could put the organization under a lot of pressure. Workers in an organization in which there is a lot of improvisation going on are likely to be working under a certain amount of strain. Having to constantly adjust to changing working conditions is, after all, quite stressful. Routine activities Routine activities are activities that are repeated frequently and are relatively predictable. The work will be carried out according to predetermined patterns. Since there is a precedent, it is not necessary to constantly think about what has to be done next. In order to be able to perform these routine activities efficiently, work procedures or instructions have to be developed. Most of the activities carried out within an organization belong to this type. Production line activities, sales procedures, purchasing procedures and administrative activities are some examples. Project-based activities Project-based activities fall roughly midway between improvised and routine activities. They are non-recurring and have a limited duration, but are reasonably predictable. In order to increase this predictability, the work should be done according to a plan. Plans gradually illuminate each phase of the process. Before the activities get underway, some time needs to be spent on working out what the aims are and how to achieve them. For this to be effective, large projects are often divided up into a number of phases. After each of these phases, the aims and procedures may be adjusted. Before starting the project, a project plan is formulated, the instructions for which are given in Chapter 6. By working with a project plan based on fixed criteria, some degree of routine can be introduced to the project. In other words, You introduce routine to something you have never done before. This greatly enhances the possibility of success. Projects often have an organization of their own, one created specially to

Three groups of activities

Improvised work Ad hoc


Work procedures

According to a plan

Phases Project plan

Project organization

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deal with the needs of the project. People who do not normally work together may do so as part of the project group. Each will have their own specific tasks. Some of the activities of businesses such as shipbuilding, aircraft construction and information technology are regularly carried out as project-based activities. In other businesses, project-based activities may be the exception rather than the rule. Such a project might involve a departmental reorganization, moving into new quarters, or the introduction of a new computer network. A project-based activity is not an objective in itself, of course. It is a way of structuring activities that are less predictable than others and that fall outside the scope of normal activities. These structured activities then become easier to manage and monitor. Table 1.1 contains a summary of the properties of the various types of activities. 1


Types of activities

Improvised When? Result? Familiarity? Freedom? Procedures? Ad hoc (suddenly) Uncertain New, sudden A lot of freedom Chaotic

Project-based Predictable Reasonably certain New, planned A suitable amount Increasingly clear

Routine Repetitive Certain Well-known Little freedom Clear


Examples of projects
The following overview gives a number of examples of projects. The website accompanying this book ( contains further examples. Building a new shopping centre, bridge, housing estate, nursing home or factory The technical development of a new product such as an electric razor, a computer or a car Developing a marketing plan or export plan for a new product like the iPad Reducing waiting lists in the field of healthcare Designing a new school course Formulating an information plan, sales plan, personnel plan or training plan Doing a theatre production such as We Will Rock You or producing a feature film or information film Doing the research for a thesis Developing a new house style for an organization Organizing a major exhibition such as a retrospective on Rembrandt

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Organizing a major event like Pink Pop, a major sports event or home fair Implementing a large-scale software package at an organization, such as financial software, logistics software, client management software or patient information system Setting up a website for an organization such as a hospital or commercial business Arranging a logistical system for providing meals in a hospital Adjusting a companys logistics in response to engaging in e-commerce Reducing the total drug expenses at a hospital Developing a project to improve communication between the hospital and family doctors Relocating a large company to a new location Projects are not a modern trend. Ancient Egypts biggest projects building the pharaohs pyramids were even started during the lifetime of each pharaoh. Wars required a project-based approach even in times past. During a long campaign, the logistics of a large army demanded a lot of preparation. Napoleon was a great general because he was an excellent project manager! Columbus preparations for his 1492 journey to America are a masterly example of project management. He was not as successful in executing his plans, however: India, and not America, was his destination.


What is a project?
This book is about project management, but what exactly is a project? A project can be defined as a group of people, usually from various fields of expertise, collaborating temporarily with the aim of reaching a predetermined goal within a predetermined budget.

Features of a project

A project should have the following features: A project should have a clear starting point, known as the project start-up or kick-off. Because a project has a limited duration, a finishing date needs to be set. A project has a unique and clearly defined goal. The projects outcome is the end product. This could be a variety of things, such as a new machine, building, report or even an event. The project goal tells why the sponsor has commissioned the project. The project result is the outcome of the project and contributes to the project goal. A project (usually) has a client who has commissioned the project and who pays for the project, commonly referred to as the sponsor. This is the person who has an interest in the project result, provide the project team with clarity on the project and make important decisions. A project has a budget that needs to be determined in advance. The project group has to make do with that amount. The budget consists of money for funding the project and paying the projects staff. A project without a financial budget should at least have a time budget applicable to those participating in the project. The project group usually consists of people from various fields of expertise working together as a temporary team. The members of the project

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may come from various parts of the organization and have their own particular skills. They include managers, financial experts, economists, marketing experts and technicians. Each is familiar with the terminology of his or her own field and has his or her own perspective on things. This makes working on a project both interesting and challenging. A project has its own organizational set-up. An employee who is temporarily relieved of his normal duties to take part in a project will suddenly have a different person to be accountable to: the project manager. The person (or body) the project manager is accountable to is the sponsor. A project is initiated as a purposeful move. It never starts spontaneously. It has to be initiated and organized consciously. The sponsor appoints a project manager with sufficient authority and the capacities to give shape to the project. The project manager then draws up a project plan in consultation with the sponsor. This project plan describes the project in detail. Chapter 5 explains how to draw up a project plan. Since the members of the project team have to work together, they have to know what is expected of them. They must make mutual arrangements about such things as the resources to be used and where the meetings will be held. These are only a few of the matters that need to be arranged. It is also essential that all members of the project team be able to work in a result-oriented fashion. After all, the goal is to achieve the project results!

Never spontaneously

Result-oriented fashion


From improvised activities to project to routine

Improvised activities, project-based activities and routine work can be part of the same work sequence. There is likely to be a lot of initial improvisation when an organization takes on a new task. As soon as it becomes obvious that the task will have to be repeated, a greater degree of organization will become necessary. A project whose aim is to put things on the rails properly could then be undertaken. By the end of the project, standard working procedures will have been developed. Improvisation will be a thing of the past; the activities can now be carried out as the standard routine. Figure 1.1 shows this process as a diagram.


From improvised activities to routine

via project



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Types of projects
According to their character, projects fall into one of several different categories: technical projects, social projects, commercial projects, mixed projects and events.

Technical projects

Technical projects are projects whose aim it is to effect some change in technology or to come up with a new product. These projects are usually relatively easy to plan. The end result is usually obvious. The construction of a building, a bridge, a road, a pipeline or a railway line are some such projects. These projects are also known as hard projects. The outcomes of social projects are usually not quite as evident. In the business arena, their aim is very often to change the corporate culture or organizational structure of a company. They deal with the way in which people work together. Because people tend to resist changes, social projects are more difficult to execute than technical projects. Social projects include a reorganization of a firm or an adaptation of work procedures. Social projects are also known as soft projects. The ultimate goal of commercial projects is to earn money. Examples are conducting market research, developing a new product or introducing a new product on the market. Mixed projects combine some of the aspects of both technical and social projects. The design, programming and installation of an extensive computer program is an example of a mixed project. These kinds of projects can be especially complicated since the members of the project team come from a wide variety of areas of expertise and do not always speak each others language. Events are a special kind of project, as the end result only appears at a certain point in time. Examples of events are a computer fair, pop festival, home fair or car show. Projects can also be categorized in different ways based on content, such as those with an internal sponsor as opposed to those with an external sponsor. Another possibility is to categorize projects into those that provide a service (course, event) and those that yield a product (building, railway line).

Social projects

Commercial projects

Mixed projects


Things to remember
Later in the book an entire chapter will be devoted to scheduling and organizing a project. This section will describe a few of the basic principles. If you are the manager of a project, there are a number of things you will have to keep in mind. These are discussed below. Request planning time from the sponsor To work systematically, a project plan is essential. Make sure that the sponsor allows enough time for planning the project. The decision-making process can slow things down considerably, especially in large organizati-

Systematism Decisionmaking

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ons. It could be weeks or even months before the definitive project comes up for discussion and is approved. When you draw up your schedules, you should allow for the time needed to get the project approved. If not, you will have to deal with delays even before your project gets underway! In a small organization, the opposite might be the case. People are often asked to start immediately. Nobody should expect a project manager to embark instantly on a task that has never been done before. Consult everyone involved Since there are likely to be people from various fields of expertise working together on the project, it is imperative that the project be talked over with all parties involved. Make sure you have enough enthusiastic people and enough funds for the project. Make good arrangements about the contribution expected of every worker. Mistakes made in the early stages of the project are best rectified there and then. If not, the teams hardworking members may find that the work they have done has been for nothing. At the beginning of a project a mistake can usually be easily rectified, whereas later on in the project it might take ten times as long to do so. A word of warning: if you think that a project is doomed from the start, you should make sure that you are not the project manager! Work from the top down Set out the main lines of the project first. Avoid getting bogged down in details: they should be dealt with later on. However enticing it may be to commence with the more minor aspects of the project, make sure you avoid doing this. You may find that you have lost sight of the whole. Dividing a project into phases is one way of keeping it manageable. Projects can generally be divided into the following phases (Figure 1.2): Preparation (think) Execution (act) Aftercare (maintain) These phases will be described in detail in the following section.




The phases of a small project

Preparation Execution Aftercare

Thinking things through: from start to finish and from finish to start As the definition suggests, project work is work on a new situation. As such, you cannot rely on your experience. You need to determine what exactly needs to take place when carrying out the project. It is important not to overlook a single activity because your schedules will otherwise not be reliable.

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It is also important to look at a project from two directions: from start to finish as well as from finish to start. When a new bridge is built, it is not only the initial steps that need to be thought through. The official opening of the bridge by the queens representative needs to be thought through too. There may be tasks associated with the concluding stages that could easily be overlooked. Remember: if you overlook it in the beginning stages, it will return with a vengeance later on!

To manage

Doing things in phases

It is often difficult to manage large projects. Staying within the budget, getting the job finished by the deadline, and achieving the project result can all present problems. It is the task of the sponsor to ensure that the project is manageable. Projects such as the Channel tunnel between England and France and the Dutch land reclamation scheme were difficult to manage. On the whole, long-term projects are more difficult to manage than short-term ones. This is understandable in light of the changes constantly taking place within the world. The longer a project lasts, the more chance there is that the aims and goals of the project will have to be adjusted. There are a number of measures that can be taken to keep a project manageable. First, a project plan (plan of approach) should be made at the commencement of the project. This should contain a clear description of the project. It should also describe the projects objectives and the desired end products, and show the available funds and the schedules for the activities (see Chapter 5). A large project is often divided into a number of phases. Each phase will, naturally, be shorter in duration than the project as a whole. A phase can be regarded as a series of project activities that have a logical connection to each other. Phasing minimizes the risks associated with the project. The following are some common and useful project phases: Concept: the idea that sparks it off. The concept phase of a project often results in a project proposal. If the proposal is approved by management (the sponsor), the next phase may commence. Definition: defining the end result of the project and what needs to be done to achieve it. The result of the definition is a project plan. With complicated projects, it is common to carry out various sub-projects, each with its own project plan. Design: deciding what the project result will be, i.e. how to go about it. What will the sponsor be getting for his money? This phase results in the design report. Preparation: detailing how to do it. This phase results in a detailed design, such as a building plan. Execution: doing it. This phase results in the end result desired by the sponsor. Aftercare: making it operational and providing aftercare. The result is maintained by adapting it to new desires and resolving any problems.

Project plan


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Figure 1.3 summarizes the above.


Phasing and the products of every phase

Concept The idea Definition What needs to be done? Design What is the ultimate goal? Preparation How do you need to go about it? Execution Doing it! Aftercare Operation and maintenance Project proposal

Project plan Preliminary design

Detailed design

Project results

Using the project results Adapting the project results

The various phases will now be described. Each phase will be illustrated using a concrete example: building a house (a technical project). Concept At this stage, the project exists only as a problem or an idea in the minds of those who have thought it up. They (the projects initiators) believe that something needs to be undertaken. If a decision to proceed is made at the managerial level, a number of activities may be carried out: An investigation into the current state of affairs A rough estimation of the extent of the problem A determination of the aims or the desired results of the project A determination of the feasibility of the project. If desired, a feasibility study or a preliminary investigation could be carried out. This phase could result in an authorized commission or project proposal in which the sponsor gives the go ahead for starting the project. Alternatively, it could be decided not to take any further action and to let the matter rest. Definition The projects objectives emerge during the definition phase. The project has been given a fiat; the desired objectives must now be established. It is important to make a distinction between the projects formal objectives and the wishes of those involved. The projects objectives have to be met: this is mandatory. It is desirable that the wishes of those concerned be met, but there is no necessity about this. At the conclusion of the definition phase there should be a project plan in which the project is defined in detail. (The drawing up of a project plan is the subject of Chapter 5.) By the end of the definition phase there needs to be an answer to the following question: what will have been achieved when the project has been completed?


Project proposal

Formal objectives Wishes

Project plan

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Brainstorming sessions Prototype


Design The definition phase establishes what the projects objectives are. During the design phase, a way of resolving the problem has to be found. If the project is building a house, it is during this phase that a detailed construction drawing is made. This phase makes a demand on the creativity of the participants. It can be stimulated by holding brainstorming sessions with all the participants. In order to determine whether the proposed solution conforms to the requirements as laid down, one option is to make a prototype of it. A prototype is a simplified version of the real thing, and it can be used to test the demands that are likely to be made of the design. For instance, when a new airplane is being designed, the prototypes properties are tested in a wind tunnel. At the end of this phase, there should be a design that does the following: Shows the sponsor exactly what he will be getting Shows those who will be actively involved in the next phase exactly what has to be produced. Preparation During the preparation phase, the design that was prepared during the previous phase is made ready for production. Attention is now focused on how the design can be produced. This could take the form of a detailed construction drawing that shows a metal worker exactly how to make a certain part, or assembly instructions showing exactly how certain parts should be fitted together. The product itself is not produced during this phase. The aim is to create the conditions to allow the production phase to take place without a hitch. The motto of this phase is look before you leap. Execution After all the preliminaries, the actual work can now get underway. Depending on how thorough the preliminaries have been, there will be a proportionally less risk of unpleasant surprises during the production phase. During this phase, the objectives of the project are achieved and the product constructed. It does not necessarily have to be a technical product such as a machine: it could also be the reorganization of a factory or the introduction of a new system for production planning. This phase is also the phase of implementation. Measures have to be taken to facilitate the introduction of the projects outcomes. In the case of a transition from an old to a new situation, these will take the form of conversion measures. If the project involves making a new computer program for the computerization of a production process, the employees will have to be trained to work with the program. When a manual system of personnel administration is computerized, all the personnel data will have to be fed into the computer. At the end of this phase the projects outcomes are delivered. Aftercare In the aftercare phase the projects outcomes are put to use. Because circumstances alter as time goes on, the demands that are made of the products are likely to change as well. This may require making some adjustments to them. The finished products will also require aftercare. In the case of a technical project such as the building of a bridge, the aftercare should be provided by a maintenance crew set up for that


Conversion measures

Projects outcomes

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purpose. In the case of a computerization project, any change in circumstances will mean that the program has to be updated. In short, after the project is finished the job is not yet over. It is important not to underestimate this phase. The costs associated with maintenance can sometimes be many times greater than the cost of the project itself.


Why do things in phases?

Executing a large project in phases has the advantage that a number of opportunities for decision making are built into the project. At the end of each phase the sponsor has an opportunity to alter the project. The options available are as follows: Continue as planned Continue with some alterations to the project Termination of the project To terminate a project requires a great deal of courage. After all, a lot of time and effort has already been invested in it. The benefits must outweigh the costs during every phase of the project. The amount already invested in the project should not be an argument to continue. If continuing the project has already cost half a million and another $400,000 is still needed, then arguing that we cannot stop now makes no sense if the benefits of the project will only be $300,000. Also see section 3.12.
Number of opportunities for decision making


The phases of a project: an illustration

In building a house, we might come across the phasing process mentioned above. We use a detailed example to indicate the types of activities that take place during every phase. Concept A family with two children lives in a village in the countryside. The husband is a lecturer in a large city relatively close by; the children have reached the age of attending secondary school in the large city. The husband is fed up with being caught up in traffic jams before he gets to work every morning. Since they have inherited quite a large amount of money from an unexpected source, they could have a house built in a new housing estate on the outskirts of the city. They contact a real estate agent to investigate the possibilities. Definition The real estate agent and the couple look into a number of things: The financial possibilities. How much money does the couple have, what is the familys income and how much money could they borrow to build the house/how much money do they want to borrow? The availability of a suitable piece of land to build on. What are the municipal regulations relating to building a house? What sort of house they want. This family wants four bedrooms, a large living room, a garage and a large backyard. After the couple has made up their mind, they and the real estate agent go looking for an architect to draw up a plan for the house.

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Design The list of requirements is talked through with the architect. On the basis of this the architect does some drawings of the new house: the design. While he is working on the drawings he frequently consults the couple about various details: for example, the colour of the bathroom tiles and where to put the power points in the living room. The house design as well as a description of how it will fulfil all the requirements, budgetary and otherwise, is eventually ready. The drawings should give the future owners a clear picture of what the house they are commissioning will be like. Preparation On the basis of the drawings, additional technical drawings are made. The drawing of the electrical wiring will show the electrician exactly where to put the cables during the construction of the house. Drawings are also made of the sewerage system and the water and gas pipes. The capacity of the central heating system and the radiators is calculated. The drawings will give the builders and contractors of the next phase exact instructions on how to proceed. Now a building contractor needs to be found to do the actual building of the house. Execution The building contractor makes a plan for the building of the house. Various tradesmen will be needed: bricklayers, carpenters, electricians and plumbers, for example. The technical drawings from the previous phase serve as a blueprint for the construction of the house. At the end of this phase the house is ready and the family can move from their old home to their new one. In a sense, moving house is the conversion from the old situation to the new. Aftercare After the new owners have been living in the new house for a while putting the outcomes of the project to use they will have to make sure the house is maintained. The woodwork will have to be painted, the backyard landscaped and any necessary repairs done (a door repaired, for example). Because the husband is now spending more time working from home and he cannot do so with adolescents around him all the time, they decide to have an extra study attached to the house. All these activities are aimed at maintaining the projects outcomes and adjusting them to changing circumstances.



When to do it as a project
You are probably expecting a book on project management to recommend adopting a project-based approach. But that is not the case here. There are certainly advantages to a project-based approach, but naturally also disadvantages. Advantages of a project-based approach There are a number of advantages to a project-based approach: The project is not part of your everyday work; time has been set aside especially for the project. Since the members of the project team are able to concentrate on the project at hand, there is a greater chance of better results.

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There is a sponsor for the project who can make decisions when necessary. If there is a clear project plan (see Chapter 5), all parties involved will know exactly what must be done. The responsibilities of the project manager, sponsor and members of the project team are clearly defined in the project plan. If project is to be carried out in phases, it will be well organized. If the project team is well chosen, the members will complement and support one another, thereby increasing the productivity of every member. Since a project is started in order to achieve a specific end result, there is a smaller risk of failure. Working in a project team is a valuable experience and enables the members of the project team to develop and perhaps later on serve in a management position. Disadvantages of a project-based approach There are also a number of disadvantages to a project-based approach: Setting up and organizing a project costs time. A variety of individuals must be consulted and a project team has to be put together. It also takes time to formulate a good project plan. Since members of a particular department take part in the project, they leave behind a gap in their department that must be filled. A project-based approach can also be complicated. Inexperienced members of the project team sometimes must be trained first. Although the project team learns from the experience, it has less of an effect outside of the group since the most complicated tasks are carried out within a limited project group. When should a project-based approach be used? It is relatively time-consuming to set up a project organization for a rather minor job. For example, if this job can be carried out in only a weeks time, it would be unwise to use a project-based approach. A good rule of thumb is to only use a project-based approach if the duration of the project is at least two to three months. However, if a project is expected to take a year, it is worth considering whether it would not be better to divide it into several sub-projects.


Lifecycle of a project
The goal of a project is to achieve a specific goal. However, the end result is often only temporary. The results of reorganizing a car factory or manufacturing a new car model, for instance, will lose their value in the long term. After a number of years, the car factory will start up a new project in order to manufacture an even newer car model. The entire process from start to finish of a project is called the project lifecycle. Figure 1.4 illustrates this.


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Lifecycle of a project Use of project results

New project

Execution Preparation Design Definition Concept Time

Ph as es

Stagnation Utilization and aftercare Decline



You can recognize the phases of concept, definition, preliminary design, detailed design and production at the start of the project. At the end of the production phase, the end result is accomplished and subsequently used. This latter phase is also called utilization. During the utilization of the project result, aftercare and maintenance are required to maintain the results and keep them up to date. After some time, aftercare might be insufficient and stagnation will occur. With the case of the car factory mentioned above, for example, sales of the model start slowing down or the factory becomes obsolete from a technical perspective. A decline then follows and the project result is no longer useful. In the meantime, a new project might be started up to manufacture an even new car model or build a new factory, and the lifecycle of a new project begins.


Project goals should be SMART

Projects are carried out in order to achieve a certain goal. It is therefore important to examine ways in which goals can best be described. Project goals should be defined using the SMART principle. SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic Time-bound Specific The project goal must be specific, i.e. described in detail. In other words, what exactly are we going to do? There should be no misunderstanding as to the end result. For example, Were going to improve the delivery of our products is not specific enough. More specific would be to say We need to shorten the delivery time for our products. Measurable The goal must be measurable. This means that it should be possible afterwards to determine whether the project goal has been reached (or not) with regard to time, money, quality and quantity. Measurability is also important for determining when the goal is actually reached: When am I finished? For example, The delivery time of our products must be reduced from five to two days.


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Acceptable A person or group must be responsible for achieving the goal. So who will that be? The goal must also be acceptable for the person who must achieve it. For example, The Logistics Department must reduce the delivery time of our product from five to two days. Realistic The goal must be feasible and realistic. Can we achieve this goal? If the goal is not realistic, the project members will have little interest in pursuing it and will quit. For example, The Logistics Department must reduce the delivery time of our product from five to three days (since two days was not realistic). Time-bound There is a specific deadline by which the goal must be achieved. For example, The Logistics Department must reduce the delivery time of our products from five to two days by December 31 of this year. The following are two examples in which goals have been defined according to the SMART principle.


A personal goal
The goal I want to live a healthier lifestyle defined according to the SMART principle: I (A) want to lose (S) five pounds (M) over the next three months (T). The feasibility (R) of losing five pounds in three months is for you to determine.


A project goal
The goal of reducing waiting lists: The Surgery Unit (A) must reduce (M and R) the waiting lists for hip operations (S) by 20% by December 31 of this year (T).


Carrying out the projects in this book

This chapter provides a brief introduction to project management. A more detailed theoretical explanation of project management can be found in the following three chapters: Chapter 2 People working on projects Chapter 3 The project from start to finish Chapter 4 Planning and scheduling The second half of this book contains a number of practical tools, such as how to formulate a project plan, step-by-step instructions for carrying out a project, how to hold a project meeting and how to present the end result. To

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properly understand project management, it is advisable to closely read through the first four chapters of this book before getting started. But if you are eager to get started right away, you can begin directly by formulating a project plan (Chapter 5). The project plan is used to define the project before you begin carrying it out. If you want to carry out a project from the very first step to the very last, it is best to start with Chapter 6 Carrying out a project. This chapter cleans clear-cut practical steps divided into activities that take you through this process. This step-by-step plan refers to Chapter 5 on drawing up a project plan. Figure 1.5 below provides an overview of the process (with the chapter numbers between brackets) that can be used to carry out a project from start to finish.

This book and carrying out a project

Project start-up

Project execution

Project completion

Theoretical preparation (1, 2, 3) Carrying out a project (6) Interviewing (8) Drawing up a project plan (5) Project start-up (3) Initial planning (4, 5, website) Making a project offer (website)

Carrying out a project (6) Execution and mastery (3) Updating the planning
(4, website)

Meeting (7) Interviewing (8) Presenting the intermediate

results (10)

Carrying out a project (6) Writing reports (9) Presenting the end result (10) Writing a management summary (11)

Writing letters (website)

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1.1 a For which of the three groups of activity that have been mentioned in this chapter is it possible to draw up working procedures? b Give three examples of situations where activities could be carried out in an improvised manner. c Give three examples of routine work. d A vacation can be approached in a routine, improvised or project-based manner. Give an example of each. a Which six phases in the execution of a large-scale project are used in this book? b Describe in your own words the contents of each of these phases. c Which phases can be combined for a small project? d Explain why projects are broken down into phases. e Why should a project not take too long? Name three projects in your own area of expertise. a Define a project. b Which persons participate in a project and what are their roles? Explain the following statement: Improvisation can be turned into routine using a project-based approach. What are the different types of projects? Explain which type you believe is the most difficult to carry out. a Why is it advisable to work from the top down? b What does Projects are sometimes difficult to manage mean? In which phase of a project do the following belong? Design report Project plan Building plans Project proposal Project result


1.3 1.4




1.8 a b c d e 1.9

Suppose someone wants to start a copying company. a Which phases would you recommend? b List a number of activities for every phase.

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Large jobs are not always carried out as projects. a List three advantages of a project-based approach. b List three disadvantages of a project-based approach. Describe the following goals using the SMART principle: I want to be a journalist. I want to use my time better. I want to be a better student. The cafeteria needs updating. I want to improve my relationship with my sponsor. The communication in my project group must be improved. What is meant by: A discipline Brainstorming; A prototype The implementation of a project Conversion A project plan This assignment should be done in groups. Each group is assigned to list as many activities associated with the following projects as possible: Organizing a big party Organizing an excursion to Brussels Putting a new product on the market Computerizing the financial administration system Designing a mould The various groups work on the same assignment should then compare their results, paying special attention to the differences between them.

1.11 a b c d e f 1.12 a b c d e f 1.13 a b c d e


Should a final thesis project for an institute for higher professional education be regarded as a project? Comment. Explain why projects are being carried out more frequently now than in the past. a Chose five of the examples given in section 1.2. Ask your trainer or teacher for assistance if necessary. b Give a clear description of the outcomes of each of these projects. c Compare your answers to b with those of someone who has chosen the same examples. Clothing manufacturer X is not doing well. a List three possible causes. b For every cause, come up with a project that could resolve or turn around the problem. Company Y never works with projects. Explain step by step how the company can implement a project-based approach.





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Discuss the following statements in groups: a Working in a project-like way is a trend that is likely to be short-lived. b Devising a project plan takes up a lot of time and is better left out, especially if it is a small project. c You cannot terminate a project that has already had 100,000 dollars invested in it. d Routine work makes you unhappy. e Working together in a project is a good opportunity to develop your own capacities. f Carrying out a project in phases is not always necessary.

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