Veterans Fire Corps 2012 Fall

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Veterans Fire Corps Fall 2012

Coconino National Forest, Arizona Prescott National Forest, Arizona

Veterans Fire Corps provides recent-era Veterans with the training, credentials and experience they need to competitively pursue wildland fire and/or forestry careers. Projects include fuels reduction, fire effects monitoring, FIREWISE educational outreach, participation in prescribed fires, and pre-fire preparation of burn units. This position offers a variety of field and office work, including gathering field data in forest settings, navigating plots with GPS hardware, and managing the FEAT/FIREMON Integrated database. Typical work hitches may include up to 4 consecutive 10-hour days with 3 days off. Position involves long hours in the field working in all weather conditions and in rough terrain. Training and education are key components to this program, including:
n Wildland Fire Chainsaws n Basic Wildland Firefighter n Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior n Introduction to Incident Command n Standards for Survival n Human Factors on the Fireline n Introduction to the National Incident

Program Dates: Sep 3 Dec 2, 2012 Benefits


Community housing provided (participants should also plan on camping for extended periods) during work activities Living stipend of $300/week training session expense reimbursement of up to $550 to and from sites

n Transportation n

n Week-long n Travel

Current-era military veteran, honorably discharged; 21 or older; valid drivers license; good physical condition; able to hike up to 8 miles on rugged terrain; able to pass USFS Work Capacity (Pack) Test; willing to undergo criminal background check.

Management System
n Wilderness First Aid and CPR


To apply: Go to and click Sign Up .

For info and fee waiver call 603-543-1700 Ext 1499 or email subject Veterans Fire Corps.
Position Numbers: 00171169 and 00171170

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