Influence of Parents Socio-Economic Status On Learning
Influence of Parents Socio-Economic Status On Learning
Influence of Parents Socio-Economic Status On Learning
JUNE 2012
1. BACKGROUND OF STUDY--------------------------------------------------- PAGE 3-4 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM-------------------------------------------- PAGE 4 3. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY---------------------------------------------------- PAGE 4 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS------------------------------------------------------ PAGE 4-5 5. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS----------------------------------------------------- PAGE 5 6. DEFINITION OF TERMS ------------------------------------------------------PAGE 5 7. LITERATURE REVIEW-------------------------------------------------------- -PAGE 6-7 8. HOME EVIRONMENT AND STUDENT------------------------------------ PAGE 7- 8 9. ATTITUDE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 8 10. PARENTAL INVOVLEMENT -------------------------------------------------PAGE 9-10 11.RESEARCH DESIGN ----------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 11 12. REFERENCE---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 11 13. QUESTIONAIRE--------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 12
The family has many functions in societies. It serves as an economic unit. It assumes responsibility for a small number of people as they move through life. Its most widely recognized function is the care and socialization of new generation. Parents are usually considered the primary agents of socialization because their influence begins so early in life. Although the family is supposed to care for, socialize and optimize the potential of children, it sometimes falls short of these goals. Children may be neglected. It has been generally observed that people are not equal in terms of status and achievements. The existence of many strata in the society is thought to be natural. Researchers believe that socio-economics status of the students parents has a great influence on their attitude towards objects and phenomena. Okon (2006) emphasized that socio-economics status of a person affect his or her attitude and life chances. These attitudes include: positive or negative attitude towards academic, food, dressing, drug use and abuse and the group the individual belongs. In the same vein, Aluede and Maliki (1998) emphasized the socio-economics status of parents as a major determinant of the attitude of students towards anti-social behaviors. They further stated that students of low socio-economic families lack basic necessities of life and are both economically weak and socially depressed. Such students develop certain negative psychological feeling which often lead to frustration and could culminate in the manifestation of anti-social behaviours such as cultism. These students most often depend on psycho-active drugs and groups to carry out these antisocial behaviours. These anti-social behaviours are often employed to make up for their inadequacies of not being able to accept their poverty and low social status in the mist of their peers. Kallaghan (1972) observed that there is a positive correlation between socio-economic status of parents and students attitudes and
behaviour manifestations. He opined that the relationship between the two variables may be the economic advantage of the parents, which enables them to give their children the materials money can buy. A child from a high socioeconomic background is enriched with necessities of life, receives stimulating experiences that translates into a healthy attitude towards life generally.
2. Can your parents afford the payment of teachers for extra lesson/ home lesson at home after the school hour? 3. Do you have enough time at home to reading and attend to your school assignments? 4. Does your parent educational level influence your performance in school?
Also Chauhan (2002) posited that, there is a positive correlation between poverty and crime involving very high earnings and very low risks. He observed that the highest percentage of criminals come from low socio-economic background. Furthermore, he observed that all persons who come from under-privilege class are criminals. The crucial factor in poor homes is that parents cannot fulfill the legitimate needs of their children. This financial incapability makes students vulnerable to the deceit of cultism, who deceives them that they will empower them and meet their needs only to end up being a cultist. On his part, Ekpo (2000) view socio-economic status as a complex phenomenon which exerts pervasive influence on all aspect of ones life. He noted that socio-economic status is a liability that renders students vulnerable to the mischievous antics of cultists in order to make ends meet. Ukpong (1999) observed that socio-economic status has some sociological implication on the society. She explained that crime rates like cultism, gangsters, rape, street life such as hawking, prostitution and drug addiction are seriously on the increase because of poverty. Similarly, Essien (2003) in his study on socioeconomic status and social adjustment discovered that out of the 200 students that constituted his sample only 110 representing 55 per cent were well socially adjusted to school programmes. The remaining 90 representing 45 per cent were not properly socially adjusted. The reason being that rich parents provide their children with conducive house environment, good food and other psychological needs that help them to adjust socially while the students from low socio-economic status tend not to adjust socially probably because of their homes are unstable, their means of livelihood are hardly available and as such they become withdrawn.
Keith and Page, 1985a), parental influence as determinant of attitude towards learning, (Oguntelure, 1987), contribution to childrens activities (home work, encouraging children to read), and promoting school and school based activities (attending parent teachers association meetings, parent teachers conference and participating in fund raising activities (Olatoye and Ogunkola, 2008).
2.2 Attitude
Attitude is a concept, which arises from the attempt to account for the observed regularities in the behavior of individual persons, the quality of which is judged from the observed evaluative responses one tends to make. An individual can show positive or negative attitude towards a particular object, subject or idea. Kind et al. (2007) viewed attitude as having different components which includes cognitive (knowledge, beliefs and ideas); affective (feeling, like, dislike,) and behavioural (tendency towards an action). The attitude that one has towards an object makes one to make judgment as to whether the object is good or bad m harmful or beneficial, pleasant or unpleasant important or unimportant, Crano and Prislin (2006). Epstein (1995) identified six areas of parental involvement in their childrens academic activities. These are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, and decision- making and collaborating with the school. According to him, if they are actively involved in all these area, no doubt it will stimulate in school and influence academic achievements. Due to the great influence of attitude on educational pursuits, it is worthwhile to identify the determinants of attitude towards a particular object, subject or idea, the chief of which are hereditary factors, body, state, direct experience and communication. Hereditary factors (that is, inheritance from parents) form the basis of all human activities including developing of attitude as well as learning. Sometimes unconsciously parents and guidance through non-verbal communications transfer their fear, likes and dislikes to children via bodily movements and facial expression.
children enjoy from being capable and receiving adequate stimulation and resources. One study found that higher level of parental aspiration lowered the likelihood of academic failure during primary school by 48% compared with equally poor but low aspiring parents (Machen et al., 2005; Stelios et al., 2007; Zhaoand Akiba, 2009). Puph and DeAth (1989) identified five dimension of parental involvement, these are: (i) Non-participation - Parents are not involved in their childrens learning. These active non-participant parents are may have decided not to be involved. They may either be satisfied with what the school is offering, or are too busy at work, or wants time away from their children. Some of the parents passive simply because they lack confidence or may be unhappy with the form of partnership the school offer. (ii) Support - This dimension of parental involvement occurs only when parents are invited to attend events, e.g. parent/teachers meeting, contributing to developing school policies, or by providing money for learning resources. This is a form of direct involvement. (iii) Participation - Parents may wish to participate as helpers providing assistance on outings, running a toy library, supporting childrens learning in the setting and providing indirect support at home that is, keeping informed about what happens toothier children at school, monitoring their academic progress, reading to them and providing intellectually stimulating activities for them at home and within the community. (iv) Partnership - This dimension of parental involvement is a wide scope comes inform of partnership with practitioners. As a result of equal access to information and records some parents may share in the diagnosis and assessment of their children, or involve in the selection of practitioners, or become parishioners. (V) Control - In this case, parents determines and implements decisions. Direct experience by learners is one of the most important determinants of attitude. Parents/guardians need to influence their children by increasing familiarity in the learning attitude , taking interest in their school work, enroll them for extra lessons, ensuring that home work is done, acquire film and other electronic material that can stimulate their interest- learning attitude based careers and enable the children to develop friendly attitude towards the learning attitude . These experiences are effective in removing hostility towards schoolwork. The effectiveness with which parents are able to motivate their
children to learning attitude by way of enhancing their home and school learning environments is a function of their socioeconomic status.
The research is designed to examine the influence of socio- economic status of the parents on the students learning attitude.
The research will be limited to Ifo Local Government Area of Ogun State and two schools will be considered namely i. Ajuwon Junior Secondary School, Ajuwon, Ogun State. ii. Oke- Aro High School , Oke -Aro, Ogun State
An attitude questionnaire designed will be used and In exploring this attitudinal construct, items will be drawn relating to concepts which are important components of the attitudinal measures will be consider in this research. They are Likert scale item type questions, in which respondents choose from 5point scores such as strongly agree (SA), agree (A), undecided (U), disagree (D), strongly disagree (SD). (i). Interest or enjoyment of learning. (ii). Perception of learning. (iii). Perception of value of subjects (that is, usefulness). (iv). Assessment and performance (that is, ability). (v). Attitude towards teachers teaching the subject. (vi). Attitude towards content of the subject. (vii). Outside pressure (that is, home influence). (viii) Attitude towards self (that is, positive or negative relation to subject) (ix). Fear and anxiety. The questions which will be responded to under home influence are related to:
(i) Extra lesson/home work. (ii) Occupational/status of parents. (iii) Educational level of parents. (iv) Possession in the home. (v) Leisure. (vi) Time spent on domestic and commercial affairs. The total number of items in the questionnaire will be five and they all measured the same construct. Thirdly, information concerning the individual performance (in percentages) of respondents was obtained from their continuous assessment records of the school subjects such as English Language and Mathematics. Copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents by the researcher and will be collected from them immediately after completion and will be analysed using simple percentage.
These include the student past academic status, student incident of deviant behavior and academic honors.
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