Duroos at Tawheed
Duroos at Tawheed
Duroos at Tawheed
Say: He is Allah the Unique. Allah the Eternally Besought of All. He begets not, nor was he begotten. And He has no equal.
All praise be for Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless and bestow peace upon our master Muhammad, his family, his companions and their followers. To proceed, these are concise lessons in the knowledge of Divine unity (Tawheed) for students in the third and fourth years of primary school according to the established system. We ask Allah to benefit creation by means of it and to make it purely for His Noble sake.
As well as Him being: Powerful (qaadir) Decreeing (mureed) Knowing ('aalim) Living (hayy) Hearing (saami') Seeing (baseer) Speaking (mutakallim)
Furthermore [it is inconceivable that He Most High be]: Weak ('aajiz) Compelled (kaarih) Ignorant (jaahil) Dead (mayyit) Deaf (asam) Blind (a'maa) Mute (abkam)
The proof of that is in His sayings: Is there any doubt about [the existence of] Allah? And His saying: And He is with you wherever you are. And His saying: There is not a private conference of three except that He is their fourth, nor of five except that He is their sixth, nor less nor more than that except that He is with them wherever they are to the end of the
The opposite of dissimilarity to creation is similarity to creation and this is an inconceivable attribute regarding Allah Most High. The proof of that is in His saying: Nothing is as His likeness and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
The proof of that is in His saying: And He has power over all things.
The proof of that is in His saying: He is the Ever-Living, there is none worthy of worship but Him And His saying: Allah, there is none worthy of worship but Him, The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting.
They are named thus because they negate and reject for Allah Most High defects which are unbecoming of His Majesty.
They are named thus because they affirm for Allah Most High qualities that are appropriate to His Perfection.
Meaning of Delivery
Delivery is their teaching and conveying to the people everything that Allah ordered them to of religious laws and rulings. The opposite of delivery is concealment, meaning their hiding anything that they were ordered to convey to creation. This is a characteristic inconceivable for the Messengers, .
Lut Ismaail Is-haaq Yaqub Yusuf Ayyuub Shuayb Haaroon Musa Alyasa Dhul-KIfl Daawoud Sulaymaan Ilyaas Yunus Zakariyyaa Yahya Isaa Our Master Muhammad, al-Mustafa, may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon all of them.
We have rejected every deen that opposes the deen of Islam and we believe in every Book that Allah has revealed, every Messenger Allah has sent, Allahs angels, Allahs decree, the good of it and the bad, the last Day and everything that our master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, brought from Allah Most High. Upon this we live, upon it we will die and upon it we shall be raised, Allah willing, among the saved who fear not nor grieve, by your grace O Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May Allah pray upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions and grant them peace. All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
His Ancestry
Al-Habib al-Allaamah Muhammad bin Saalim bin Hafeedh bin Abdullah bin Abu Bakr bin Aidarous bin Umar bin Aidarous bin Umar bin Abu Bakr bin Aidarous bin al-Husain bin al-Shaikh al-Fakhr Abu Bakr bin Saalim bin Abdullah bin Abdur-Rahman bin Abdullah bin al-Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan al-Saqqaf bin Muhammad Mawlaa l-Daweelah bin Ali bin Alawi bin al-Faqih al-Muqaddim Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Saahib Mirbaat bin Ali bin Alawi bin Muhammad Saahib al-Sawmaah bin Alawi bin Ubaidullaah bin al-Imam alMuhaajir ila Llaah Ahmad bin Isaa bin Muhammad al-Naqeeb bin Ali al-Areedi bin Jafar al-Sadiq bin Muhammad al-Baaqir bin Ali Zain l-Abideen bin al-Hussain al-Sibt bin Ali bin Abi Taalib wa ibn Fatimah alZahraa bint sayyidinaa Muhammad Khaatim l-Nabiyyeen, May Allah pray upon, grant peace to, and bless him and all of them.
His Learning
He studied and learnt various branches of knowledge including Quranic exegesis, Hadith, Jurisprudence, usul, grammar, morphology, rhetoric, biographies, tasawwuf, history and astronomy from great imams and distinguished luminaries.
His Teachers
Amongst them: His father (born 1288 AH Died 1378 AH) His grandfather on his mothers side, the devout, the oft-repenting, the gnostic, al-Habib Ali bin alImam Abdur-Rahman bin Muhammad al-Mashhur (died 1344 AH) al-Habib Abdullah bin Umar al-Shaatiri (died 1361 AH) al-Habib Alawi bin Abdullah bin Shihaab l-Deen (d. 1386 AH) al-Habib al-Hasan bin Ismail al-Haamid al-Habib Mustafa bin Ahmad al-Mihdar al-Habib Muhammad al-Arabi al-Tabaani of Mecca al-Sayyid Alawi bin Abbaas al-Maaliki al-Shaikh Muhammas Amin Katbi al-Shaikh Hasan bin Mashaat These among many others. He also took from the Hadith scholars of India, Pakistan and other countries.
His Writings
He authored numerous writings received wide acceptance, from them: Durous al-Tawheed Takmilah Zubdah l-Hadeeth fi Fiqh l-Mawaarith Hadiyyah l-Muslim Al-Miftah li Bab l-Nikah Al-Tadhkirah l-Hadramiyyah fimaa Yajib ala l-Nisaa min l-Umor l-Deeniyyah Al-Nafhah l-Wardiyyah: Nadhm Qissah l-Milaad l-Muhammadiyyah Al-Nuqoul l-Sihah ala Matn l-ibbah wa l-Salaah Al-Fawaid l-Thameenah li Qaari l-Mukhtasar wa l-Safeenah Al-Waseelah li l-Wiqaayah an Mudillaat l-Fitan bi Jawaab Asilah Aden Qurrah l-Ain bi Jawaab Asilah Wadi Ain Al-Fawaid l-Nabawiyyah li Qaari l-Ajerrumiyyah
Whoever looked to his covetousness over time, for filling every minute and breath, his concern for every moment of life and spending it in the best righteous deeds and acts of worship, would see wonders. How much barakah it was that Allah put into his time. He would do so much, and produce such results in one year that others would not be able to do in many. A day and a night would not pass upon him except that he has stood in prayer, recited Quran, made dhikr, taught visited someone, written something, given fatwa, seen to the needs of a Muslim and more. He would most likely attend in one day 14 to 16 gatherings. He was dependable, trustworthy and god-fearing. He would not deny anyone his joy and cheerfulness and was easy to be with. His pleasure or displeasure was for the sake of Allah and he did not fear the censure of those who would seek to fault him. He remained on the best paths and upon praiseworthy qualities, openly declaring the truth until the heterodox party (firaq l-ilhad) from the communists of Yemen abducted him in 1392 AH. May Allah raise his rank and join us and him in highest levels of Firdaus. May He profit us from his learning and his barakah, multiply his good deeds and reward him on behalf of ourselves and the Muslims in general with the best of rewards. All Praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds