Bikol Reporter September 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
Bikol Reporter September 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
Bikol Reporter September 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
(Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., currently at the P51-1$ band – there is the independence of others who
How should faith be lived? CPAs-DFK International – is past chair “natural volatility in this price discovery may feel continually ingratiated
of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA process because of timing and other to Malacanang. Let us see how
Bicolanos have an answer and past president and Hall-of-Famer, uncertainties “. This is normal (daw) the cookie crumbles – and how
express them in their fervent annual and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement for a small open economy. truly senatoriable are our Senate
pilgrimage, either in Joroan and Awardee). The BSP stands ready to members. Now is the time for the
AUGUST INFLATION: Prices of intervene and neutralize the activity true Senate gentlemen to show their
Tiwi, in Capalonga or Calabanga, widely-used goods and services likely of speculators so they don’t define virtues and responsible stands!
and this month, in Naga. rose at a faster pace last month owing the market. They can’t be be allowed ROBREDO VS MARCOS: The
to higher costs of rice and gasoline, to distort price discovery in search of pending protests of the contending
The Penafrancia festivity which latest estimates of DOF has revealed. quick profits by promoting exaggerated parties for the Phl vice presidency
honors Mary, begins in the Traslacion In DOF’s bulletin dated August 30, price movements and instability. – Bongbong vs. Leni Robredo
2017, the country’s inflation may have Espenilla added. He considers the is another case of a lady under
– Ina’s traditional transfer to another increased to 3.1% in August 2017 from peso depreciation as modest and “duress”. It is good that the potential
temporary home, the Metropolitan 2.8% in July and 1.8% logged in August gradual and that the peso falling 2.8% case for impeachment of the lady
2016. Specially mentioned was the bird year-to-date is but a reflection of a vice president was thumbed down
Cathedral. flu outbreak which reportedly did not “dynamic” price discovery process (at least verbally) by no less than
On this occasion, revelry, affect our inflation rate (???). “on the back of strong and sustained Pres. Digong. He said let the case
The DOF’s inflation projection is imports growth as the PHL economy proceeds per legal proceedings –
reverence and raucousness well within BSP’s forecast range of hums along but not through numbered political
characterize the street of Naga, not 2.6% to 3.4% which was driven mainly ANTI-WOMEN? It seems many of machinations using the majority of
by higher fuel pump prices, electricity Pres. Duterte’s henchmen are fond PRRD allies in the House.
to mention the crass commercialistic rates and the unabated slide of the of putting down independent-minded The Supreme Court ruled that the
tarpaulins hanging on trees and all local currency’s foreign exchange rate. females. This includes SC Chief national elections in 2016 was valid
sorts of come-ons of malls, the new BSP also said credit growth as well as Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno and – including the use of computerized
the increase in Phl domestic liquidity Ombudsman Conchita Morales-Carpio ballots. If the SC ruled otherwise
cathedrals of consumerism. could have pushed the inflation rate - not to mention jailed lady senator – the election of even the lowliest
But is this how faith should be higher than earlier programmed by Leila de Lima. The first-named two councilor would have been open to
the financial analysts. With Christmas lady personalities are facing potential question. So the ruling is to proceed
lived? season spending on the wings – it may impeachment cases – courtesy of a with the ballot recount or poll results
be wise to budget our funds outflow. House majority kowtowing to PRRD audit or review. Both camps claimed
Shouldn’t it be also expressed in PESO FX RATE: The peso is keymen leading the pack! The that the SC decision favored their
other performative ways? in a free-floating exchange rate House vote is almost certain that the position! That’s what the law is all
environment, not a fixed level, and the impeachment will be passed. about – it is how you read it and how
A mark of a Christian is how they Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) will Here – the integrity – once again of you interprete it.
are keepers of their brothers. “practice self-restraint” to allow the local the Senate will be under scrutiny. While PROVERB: Deceit is in the heart
currency find its price discovery, said there are presumably many “wise” of them who imagine evil; but to the
Contemporary events in our BSP Governor Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr. senators who can take independent wise counellors of peace is eternal
country are calling on us to be He added: as the peso finds its level – stands – we are still uncertain as to joy.
witnesses of our times.
Yet, how many are even bothered Let’s celebrate Peñafrancia Fiesta with FROM MY
by the creeping culture of death in Merriment and Prayers & Cardinal WINDOW
the streets, all in the name of the Tagle’s Explanation on War on Drugs NENITA FUENTEBELLA PEÑONES
Duterte drug war, which lecherous
politicians are riding on, with their The feast of our regional patroness, the issues, no single individual, group or awakened consciences may come to
the Virgin of Peñafrancia is already at institution could claim to have the only your pastors to tell your stories and
eyes on the next election or a hand. The festive mood is increasing right response. We need one other. We we will document them for the wider
possible government position. everyday. This is possible because of cannot disregard each other. Let us invite society. I call on all the parishes in the
the peace we have here. I believe this families, national government agencies, Archdiocese of Manila to mark the
These are challenging times to be is because of the love and protection of local government units, people’s nine days from August 21 (Memorial
a Christian. our “Ina” and her Son Jesus, the Divino organizations, schools, faith-based of St. Pope Pius X) to August 29
Rostro.There were so many stories of communities, the medical profession, (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
And the challenge is giving flesh people who were helped by Ina and this the police and military, recovering as time to offer prayers at all masses
is due to their faith in her. Jesus cannot addicts etc. to come together, listen to for the repose of those who have
to what we shout in the streets this refuse the request of His Mother, who each other and chart a common path. died in this war, for the strength of
September. intercede for us. Let’s enjoy the religious The illegal drug problem should not be their families, for the perseverance of
occasion with merriments but always reduced to a political or criminal issue. It those recovering from addiction and
Our faith should be living. It with prayers to our Lady of Peñafrancia is a humanitarian concern that affects all the conversion of killers.
should be about life. and to Jesus, our Redeemer. Viva la of us. The Archdiocese of Manila would Finally, let us conquer evil with
Virgen! Viva el Divino Rostro! be willing to host such multi-sectoral good (Romans 12:21). Let us save
Let us affirm life therefore in these ****** dialogue. the lives of people most vulnerable to
times. The war on illegal drugs is dividing Secondly, to understand the drug dependency: the youth, the poor
us. Here’s the following Pastoral Letter situation better, we need not only and unemployed. Words of solidarity
of Cardinal Antonio Tagle published in statistics but also human stories. without tears and acts of compassion
the Philippine Graphic dated September Families with members who have been are cheap. I enjoin our parishes
4, 2017 which can guide us: destroyed by illegal drugs must tell and vicariates to commit again to
****** their stories. Families with members the parish-based drug rehabilitation
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the who have been killed in the drug-war, program of the Archdiocese of Manila
Archdiocese of Manila, especially the innocent ones, must called Sanlakbay in partnership with
On August 12-17, 2017, I participated be allowed to tell their stories. Drug the local government and police. I
in the meeting of Caritas Latin America addicts who have recovered must tell ask the Basic Ecclesial Communities
held in El Salvador, a country where their stories of hope. Let their stories be and other organizations of the lay
many people had been killed in a civil told, let their human faces be revealed. faithful to care for our neighborhoods
war. Until now it still contends with We knock on the consciences of in coordination with our partners.
armed groups. In El Salvador, I heard those manufacturing and selling illegal “May the Lord bless you and keep
news of the increase of killings in our drugs to stop this activity. We knock you! May the Lord let His face shine
own country due to an intensified war on the consciences of those who kill upon you and be gracious to you!
against illegal drugs. I am inviting you to even the helpless, especially those May the Lord look upon you kindly
reflect, pray and act. who cover their faces with bonnets, and grant you peace!” (Numbers
First, all Filipinos agree that the to stop wasting human lives. Recall 6:24-26)
menace of illegal drugs is real and the words of God to Cain who killed
destructive. We must face and act upon his brother Abel, “Your brother’s blood +Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle
together, as one people. Unfortunately, it cries out to me from the soil” (Genesis Archbishop of Manila
has divided us. Given the complexity of 4:10). Those with sorrowful hearts and 19 August 2017
Archbishop Rector Rev. Msgr. NOE P. BADIOLA, P.C.
Parish Priest
reached the river bank,” he ing the pagoda were cut and the next morning. A third of the hour,” an unidentified on-
added. I was turned over to quickly landed the boat at the the fallen Colgante bridge looker later said of them.
some bumberos (firemen) riverbank level where the old was lifted by two giant cranes They condoned off the
who rushed me to the pro- PhilamLife Building along early the next day, yield- rescue areas from curious
vincial hospital in their fire Peñafrancia Avenue stood. ing more bodies caught at onlookers, kept general order
truck. There, medics treated Although I saw the bridge the river bottom beneath the and formed a receiving line
my broken jaw.” as it collapsed. I didn’t wit- wreckage. for the bodies recovered from
“We were about 10 meters nessed what happened next. Boy Scouts at work the river, passing them on to
or so from the bridge when it We were to engrossed mak- As rescue work went on, a waiting ambulance or fire
collapsed.” Titoy Villafuerte ing sure INA was safe and Boy Scouts from Naga City truck for transport in the city
recalls of the incident. “Im- escorted back to the shrine.” and adjoining towns took morgues.
mediately we made sure the Rescue operations went front stage. Blessing the Holy Oils
rope lines of the bancas pull- on throughout the night into “They were the heroes of (Turn to page 23)
Peñafrancia Fiesta
Greetings From!!!
Peñafrancia Fiesta Greetings
With Branches:
Planning, Design Estimate, Structural Analysis, Project Supervision,
Steel Fabricator/Erector, General Contractor
4th Street, Parkview Village, San Felipe, Naga City
Tel. Nos. (054) 891-0117 / 4490092
Devotees, pilgrims and guests welcome to the Pilgrim City of Naga, the home of our ‘INA’,
Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia.
Children: Jeffrey Richard, Richard Benedict & Abegail
Asst. District Engineer
DPWH 2nd District Engineering Office
Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur
Irokyaw niato an kapistahan ni ‘INA’ Welcome devotees, pilgrims & guests to the Pilgrim
Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia. City of Naga, home of the miraculous
Maogmang fiesta -
Children: Bernadette Brigitte
Sta. Justina, Buhi, Camarines Sur
Roi Drandreb Rei Dominic
Happy Fiesta sa gabos. Gabon, Polangui, Albay
An pag arang sa kagurangnan dai niato dapat lingawan. Lugod, banal, maogma asin trangkilo an pagcelebrar
nyato sa kapistahan ni ‘INA’
Irokyaw asin ipadagos an pagtubod sa Mahal na ‘INA’ Mabuhay an Patrona kan Bikolandia
an patrona kan Bikolandia.
Happy Fiesta -
JANET E.Administrative
Officer V
DPWH 3rd District Engineering Office
& FAMILY Tigaon, Camarines Sur
Legazpi City
What is Iriga City’s resorts and the last at the lungsod ng Iriga and the
newest tourist attraction Iriga City Learning Farm city government headed by
is its Railway Tourism where a tourist can expe- Mayor Madelaine Yorobe
dubbed Touring on Wheels rience first hand farming Alfelor. This new concept of
launched September 1, and feel nature at its best tourism which is Touring on
2017. Touring on Wheels is with its bountiful trees of Wheels is an original idea
an ultimate experience of all species. of the indefatigable Mayor
riding in a makeshift land Touring on Wheels is a Alfelor who will not sto to
transpo powered by skates very relaxing experience. think what is new to make
carrying three or four It looks like one is riding Iriga City a destination for
passengers using the rail- on a PNR coach he is actu- tourists and non-tourists
road tracks and pushed ally riding on skates-drawn alike. Many Iriguenos who
manually by three or two vehicle pushed by two have not tasted traveling
drivers or skaters. This driver-skaters. Since it was this way have lined up for
is very popularly known launched several days ago, their unusual new riding ex-
a “skates”. There are five many have taken the oppor- perience.
skates negotiating starting tunity to experience a won- Incidentally, a Nora Au-
at the PNR Iriga station derful and relaxing ride for nor life size replica stands
and its regular route starts a meager fare. at the ONR station and is an
at the PNR station and The launching of this added attraction to this new
moves south. There are new tourism attraction is tourism project. It could be
three stopovers: at Balai- a signed Memorandum of remembered that it was at
gang, a sitio of Iriga where Agreement among the PNR the old PNR station that the
there is a nearby resort,at headed by Jose Florece, only country superstar was
the Masosu where there OIC, PNR Naga City Area in her younger years ped-
are four natural spring 2, the Sangguniang Pan- dling water for a living.
SSS releases about P1.45-T benefits in 60 years
State-run Social Secu- milestone year, we look back from P6.62 million in 1957. and services,” Dooc said. 6,670 regular personnel and
rity System (SSS) over the with pride that SSS has been This was backed by the in- Assets of the pension 2,200 service bureau person-
weekend said it has dis- a staunch ally of its members crease in members’ contribu- fund, meanwhile, also im- nel.
bursed nearly P1.45 tril- for six decades now as we tions from P6.58 million in proved through the years SSS was established in
lion worth of benefits to its look forward with hope that 1957 to P1.51 trillion as of from the initial P6.37 million 1957 by virtue of Republic
members since it started the pension fund will con- end of the first half of 2017. in 1957 to P501.49 billion as Act 1161 or the Social Se-
operations in 1957. tinue to stand strong, ready Investment and other income of end first semester of 2017. curity Act of 1954. Due to
Celebrating its 60th year, to help its members through from P40,000 in the pilot Latest data showed SSS numerous objections from
SSS President and Chief Ex- difficulties and milestones of year grew to P567.53 billion membership now stood at the business and labor groups
ecutive Officer Emmanuel F. their lives for generations to as of end of the first half of P35.5 million from a mere in 1954, the execution of the
Dooc said benefit disburse- come,” Dooc said. 2017. 224,156 members in 1957. law was delayed until it was
ments of the pension fund Benefit disbursements “The pension fund’s in- From an office space sta- finally implemented on Sep-
grew nearly 20 million times pushed total expenditures of come from contributions and tioned in Manila, SSS now tember 1, 1957.
from P80,000 in benefits paid the pension fund to P1.58 investments has always been of the Social Security Com- has 301 local and foreign of- SSS will hold its anniver-
in its first year of operations trillion as of end-June 2017 the strong pillar and source mission to allow the SSS to fices. Its workforce has also sary program on September
in 1957 to P1.45 trillion as of from P580,000 in 1957. of benefits for members. invest in more feasible and expanded through the years 6, 2017 at its main office in
end the first semester of 2017. Revenues for the 60-year With the current proposal to profitable investments, we as its serve more members. Quezon City with President
“This year, as the pen- period also jumped to P2.08 amend the SS Charter, such hope to serve our members From the 211 personnel in Rodrigo Roa Duterte as the
sion fund celebrates another trillion as of end-June 2017 as rationalizing the power better through better benefits 1957, the SSS now employs keynote speaker.
Cagayanos receive
The winners were present building. “Your dedication to “We hope the accomplish-
during the recognition rites your profession is most timely, ments of these exceptional in-
held at the Speaker’s Social especially since a lot of young dividuals will encourage other
Hall wherein Alvarez handed people do not see the difficult Filipinos to emulate them as
livelihood training
each one of them a certificate life of a public servant,” said they help fulfill the long dream
of recognition for the services Alvarez. of national growth and devel-
they rendered above and be- “Tingnan nyo naman, ang opment,” said Acop, also a re-
yond the call of duty and their daming kahanga-hangang po- tired police general.
pursuit of excellence for the lice officers, tapos yung nabab- Metrobank this year leveled
greater good of the Filipino alita lang yung mga scalawags up its recognition program by “Providing livelihood
society. na involved dun sa murder. imposing a more stringent and training is one of our means
This year’s batch of win- So, dapat tingnan din natin na rigorous selection process. It to help our clients who mostly
ners consists of four teachers, hindi lahat,” Speaker said after gave each awardee an incen- came from the underserved
three soldiers, and three police recognizing the awardees. tive of P1 million, a gold me- communities to attain social
officers. Five of them hail from Rep. Ramon “Red” Durano dallion, and a trophy. and financial progress,” Ms.
Mindanao. VI (5th District, Cebu), chair- Of the 20 finalists, the Me- Jocelyn Dequito, CARD,
“The House of Representa- man of the House committee trobank Foundation Outstand- Inc. Executive Director, said.
tives stands by and support you on basic education and culture, ing Filipinos chose 10 award- CARD-MRI Development
and we’ll work on legislation said the recognition shows that ees as “Metrobank Foundation Institute, Inc. (CMDI), the
that will ensure that your effort the House of Representatives Fellows” in public service. school and training institute
will neither be in vain nor for- continues to share in the pride The 10 awardees were of CARD MRI, is regularly
gotten,” said Alvarez. and honor of deserving and ex- chosen by a Final Board of conducting various capacity Ms. DEQUITO Mr. ALIP
The Speaker, who is from ceptional members of society. Judges composed of Senator building programs including
Davao del Norte, said he was Rep. Leopoldo Bataoil (2nd Panfilo “Ping” Lacson, Rep. livelihood training to clients, The participants in the live- My knowledge in making tur-
glad to witness the ceremony District, Pangasinan), a retired Feliciano Belmonte Jr. (4th especially those who are just lihood training were taught meric tea can help the partici-
honoring fellow Mindanaoans police general, said the occa- District, Quezon City), Court starting their own enterprise. how to make turmeric tea. pants make their own and turn
for protecting peace and sav- sion was meaningful to him of Appeals Associate Justice “With the growing demand of it into their livelihood,” she
ing lives. “As a public servant, especially since he belongs to Magdangal de Leon, US Am- Sung Kim, Manila Electric turmeric tea in the market, we said. “It’s good to know that
I am proud to stand before you a family of teachers and was bassador to the Philippines Company president and CEO would like to tap our new po- the training helped their family
Oscar Reyes, Asian Institute tential suppliers in Mga Likha a lot,” Wenielyn said.
of Management president and ni Inay (MLNI),” Mr. Julius The participants are grateful
dean Dr. Jikyeong Kang, Palo Adrian Alip, MLNI president for the said training. Juanita Se-
Archbishop John Du, and and CEO, said. MLNI is the miniano, a seven-year member
GMA Network senior vice marketing arm of CARD MRI of CARD, is planting crops as
president for radio Miguel that helps its clients improve a source of living. Because it
“Mike” Enriquez. their products then links these only takes a small capital, she
The awardees are: Jenni- to the mainstream market. is planning to make her own
fer Rojo, Tagaytay’s Vision- Wenielyn Bakidol, a three- turmeric tea and turn it into an
ary Science Teacher-Master year member of CARD Bank, income-generating project. “I
Teacher II, Neogan Elemen- a microfinance-oriented rural will surely share what I have
tary School; Edgar Elago, bank and also a member insti- learned to my co-members.
Agusan del Norte’s Cultural tution of CARD MRI, served They might consider this kind
Coach-Teacher III, Magallanes as the training’s resource per- of livelihood where we, as a
National High School; Prof. son. Wenielyn has been pro- group, will invest our loans
Esperanza Cabrera, RMT, ducing turmeric tea since 2014. from CARD to operate this
MSc, Ph.D., DPAM-Manila’s “I wanted to share what I know. business,” she shared.
Master Microbiologist-Pro-
fessor 10 and University Fel- Basilan’s Soldier-Trailblazer- Manila Police District’s Finest
low, De La Salle University; Operations Officer, Joint Task Officer- Chief, District Intelli-
Prof. Alonzo Gabriel, Ph D., Force Marawi; Lt. Col. Ricky gence and Operation Unit; and
RMicro, DPAM-Diliman’s Bunayog, Central Mindanao’s P/S Superintendent Joel Doria,
Food Security Advocate-Full Warrior-Peacekeepr- Asst. Ph. D., Cebu’s Pokemon
Professor and University Sci- Chief of Staff for Operations, Groundbreaker-City Director,
DARLING OF THE PRESS JAM MADRID/PIA-CAMSUR entist, University of the Phil- 6th Infantry Division; PO3 Cebu City Police Office.
Philippine Information Agency CamSur Provincial Director Ana-Liza S. Macatangay was ippines; Staff Sgt. Narding Shiela May Pansoy, Davao Since 1985, Metrobank
one of the presentors for the Darling of the Press awards to the newly crowned Miss Pascual, CARAGA’s Lumad del Sur’s Anti-Abuse Herald- Foundation has honored a to-
Bicolandia 2017, Kayesha Clauden Chua of Albay, together with Juan Escandor Jr. and Hero- Squad Leader, Bravo Investigator, Women and tal of 645 Outstanding Filipi-
Naga City Hall Press Corps president Roy B. San Ramon during the Miss Bicolandia Company, 26thInfantry Bat- Children Protection Desk; P/C nos, 356 teachers, 151 soldiers
pageant night, September 6, 2017. talion; Lt. Col. Elmer Suderio, Inspector Rosalino Ibay, Jr., and 138 police officers.
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC procession moved, night falls and the playing of bands, all
Application for extension CASE No.R5-EV-TT-2012-g-0485
CFN but no one even notices it for add to the deafening sound
of validity of Certificate
CCE-0058-2017 the light of day is replaced of profound joy in the heart of of Public Convenience to operate a
In compliance with the publication requirement and pursu- by miles of lights which, like whomever.” TOURIST TRANSPORT (TTS) Service
ant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guide- an enchanted view, brighten The entire ritual
lines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No. both banks of the river from culminated in the bank of the ELMER PLATON, for Tierra de Ibalon Tours,
where rockets are fired which barrio of Peñafrancia where Applicant
1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby
served to the public that MONICA SAVILLA PRIMAVERA right at the start covered the the “Lord bishop awaits NOTICE OF HEARING
space with such precious there at the shrine and when Petitioner, a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to
has filed with this Office, a Petition for Change of First
operatea TOURIST TRANSPORT SERVICE (TTS) on the route:
Name from “ALEXANDRA” to “MONICA” in the certificate flares and brilliant sparks the Virgin docks near the
of live birth of ALEXANDRA JASMIN SAVILLA at Naga which gave the splendor community hall in Francia, REGION., with the use of one (1) unit under the above-entitled
City, Camarines Sur and whose parents are ____________ of celestial appearance, garbed in episcopal raiment, case which Certificate is valid up to November 29, 2017, filed a
and NERLY JASMIN SAVILLA. delighted by the love which descends to the wharf”. petition for extension of validity of the said Certificate with the use
Any person adversely affected by said petition may these men manifest to her As part of the welcome of the same unit.
file his written opposition with this office not later than Blessed Mother, she shower ceremony, the bishop Notice is hereby given that this application will be heard by
September 24, 2017. over them her divine and censered the Virgin and led this Board on September 26, 2017, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon
at LTFRB Regional Office No. V, Rawis, Legazpi City.
abundant blessings which the polers and people closely
At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date of hearing, appli-
(Sgd.) ALEXANDER M. CAYETANO are transformed in copious pressed together, singing the cant shall publish this NOTICE once in ONE WEEKLY newspaper
City Civil Registrar rains of gold.” Salve, and afterwards doffed of general circulation in the Bicol Region.
Naga City, Camarines Sur Unlike today, the masses the pontifical vestments. Parties opposed to the granting of the application must file
BIKOL REPORTER in the late nineteenth century, The bishop, accompanied their written oppositions supported by documentary evidence on
Published: Sept. 10 and 17, 2017 served merely as spectators by the Spaniards and the or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the ap-
provincial and city officials, plicant and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time.
This application will be acted upon by the Board on the basis
would stop for a drink of
of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the par-
water at the community hall ties, unless this Board deems it necessary to receive additional
concluding the religious documentary and/or oral evidence.
ceremony. WITNESS the Honorable JUN B. ABRAZADO, Regional Direc-
tor, this September 5, 2017.
Peñafrancia Festival on
(Our Cover Story)
The rising tempo of the from various parts of the
ment in some portions of the
route. Civilian attired police
watch the event on television.
Arrival of the Virgin of
The river voyage will be
carrying back ‘Ina’ to Her
cia Basilica Minore with
Church dignitaries.
annual Peñafrancia fiesta country even from abroad, and military personnel were Peñafrancia and El Divino permanent shrine at the Ba- Following this solemn
season is on. Traslacion, a still came over for their tra- also in attendance to main- Rostro was welcomed by the silica Minore and National occasion, the pilgrims and
religious procession bring- ditional pilgrimage to pay tain some semblance of or- pealing of bells at the Naga Shrine, the devotees and devotees from other places
ing the sacred image of homage to the treasured icon der during the ‘Traslacion’ Metropolitan Cathedral, pilgrims will be lining both of the region and the archi-
the miraculous Virgin of of the region’s ‘Ina’. which lasted for four hours. inspite of the heavy down- sides of the river bank as the pelago will be going on their
Peñafrancia to the Naga Despite the code-color- But the enthusiasm of pour, they will stay for a Virgin passes by. They will backhome trip sayng a fond
Metropolitan Cathedral ing t-shirt of ‘voyadores’ the crowd remained. They novena homage and prayers be praying and waving with farewell to their ‘Ina’ of all
last Friday (Sept. 8) after- which increases this year, stayed on the main thor- for divine intercession. This that familiar September cry seasons – eagerly awaiting
noon ushered the 10-day noticeable lack of discipline oughfares for the passage will be capped with the big- of “Viva la Virgen! Viva el once more for next September.
regional festivities. among some of the par- of the religious procession. gest part of the regional fi- Divino Rostro!” Naga City, site of the cel-
The crowd of devotees ticipants, especially those Some avoiding the heat and esta: the Fluvial procession On Sunday, September ebration, will also return to
joining the Traslacion was drunk ‘voyadores’, during the seemingly uncontrol- of the religious icons along 17, the closing day of the normal conditions – once
not so big than last year’s the procession of the re- lable throng of spectators, the Naga River on Saturday, Peñafrancia fiesta celebra- more a little bit tranquil and
due to the ongoing econom- gional Patroness and the Di- stayed at their homes or air- (Sept. 16) afternoon, startin- tion, a concelebrated mass less crowded, after 10 days
ic crunch. Some Bicolanos vino Rostro, delaying move- conditioned restaurants to gat 3:00 o’clock. will be held at the Peñafran- of rejoicing.