Guideline For SS Students

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Guideline for Undergraduate Project Thesis (SS-4106) Soil Science Discipline

It must be outcomes of an original research work. The material should not be previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form. Review articles may cover either narrow disciplinary subjects or broad issues requiring interdisciplinary discussion. They should provide objective critical evaluation of defined issues/subjects. Review articles should not provide a summary of published data only. Evaluation of the current knowledge on the issue/subject matter, quality of data, identification of knowledge gap, and studies required for the advancement of knowledge should be integral part of the review article.


Preparation of manuscripts: Manuscript should be typed in English using MS Office Word (*.doc) with 12 pt Times New Roman font with 1.5" spacing manuscript should be printed on leaving 1.5" margin on the left side and 1" margin on rest all sides throughout the manuscript. The total size of the manuscript (including tables, graphs, photographs, etc.) should not exceed 35 (Except References) pages. Every page of the manuscript should be numbered at the bottom-centered position. Following guideline must be followed in preparing the manuscript:

Major sections

Brief Guideline
Should be clear, unambiguous, concise and complete.
Should include background information, problem identification, justification and objective(s). A detail review of literature (consulting journals, proceedings, books), must be relevant with topic. Should include short description of the study area, time of the study methods and/or techniques followed for data/information generation/collection, statistical/other methods applied for data analyses.
Should be logical, concise and clear. Quantitative data must be described/ integrate in suitable tables and/or illustrations. All illustrations (graphs, photographs, etc.) should be given as Figures. Data summarized in tables/illustrations should be interpreted. Findings from data analysis should be provided. Do not use the same data in table and illustrations. It should demonstrate a critical analysis and interpretation of the results (only important findings, patterns or trends) in a coherent and logical organization. It should identify the limitations or advantages of the findings in comparison to the work of others. Suggestions for further study, if any, should be given.

Introduction: Literature Review

Materials and Methods Results and Discussion Conclusion References

Tables, Graphs, Drawings, Maps, Photographs etc.:

Should include an indication of the significance (or limitations) of the results/thought.

Follow author-year system and arranged in alphabetical order. Please see below for details.

They should be placed on appropriate position of the text. Please see below for details.

Tables: Please use the Classic 1 style in formatting tables available in the Table menu of MS word program. Do not use vertical lines in the table. Tables must be placed in appropriate position in the text and should be numbered according to their sequence in the text using Arabic numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.). Tables should be numbered as Table 3 but never as Table- 3., Table-3:, Tab.- 3. etc. Each table should have a brief but clear title at the top of the respective table. Column heading of the table should be very brief but sufficiently explanatory. Any explanation of the table and source of data (in case of secondary data) must be given as footnote at the bottom of the table. Illustrations: All the illustrations (graphs, drawings, maps, photographs etc.) should be placed in appropriate place of the text. Each illustration should have a brief but self-explanatory caption and should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text (e.g., Fig. 3., but never as Figure-3. or Fig.- 3:).

Citations in the text: The author-year system should be followed for citing reference in the text. References cited together in the text should write in a chronological order with recent years first. In case of a reference of one author only the surname, year of publication should be given in first brackets [e.g. Islam (2006)]. In case of a reference having two authors, the surname of the first author and the surname of the second author should be followed by the year of publication [e.g. Hoque and Ullah (2005)]. In case of a reference having more than two authors, use the surname of the first author followed by an et el. [Rabbi et al. (2003)]. References: All the citations in the text must appear in the References section and vice versa. Be cautious to avoid any mistake in the spelling of authors name, journal/book/report name, article title, year of publication in both citation (in the text) and in the References section (list of references). The notation et al. used for citing references in the text should never be used in the list of references. All the authors name must be mentioned in the References section. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically using first authors surname (last name) and then the name(s) of other author(s). Publications more than one by the same author (s) in the same year should be listed as 1974a, 1974b, 1974c, etc. Abbreviated name of the periodical/journal or seminar/symposium (Bangladesh J. Soil Sci..) is not acceptable, i.e. full name of the periodicals or seminar/symposium must be given. Publications in any language other than English, the original title should be retained with an English translation in parenthesis and a notation of the language such as in Bengali or in Greek should be added. Studies accepted for publication but not published yet should be avoided, however, if essential please refer it as in press. References concerning unpublished data/information can be written as personal communication in the text but it should not be given in the list of references. Authors are suggested to follow the style mentioned below for presenting references in the List of Reference section.
Publication type

Suggested style
Amin, M.S. and Hoque, S. 2005. Influence of wheat growth on the transformation of inorganic phosphorus in Dhamrai soil. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science, 31(1-2): 21-27. Rabbi, S.M.F.; Ahsan, M.; Rahman, A.; Islam, M.S. and Kibria, K.Q. 2006. Water stability of aggregates of two soils of Gangetic alluvium and its relationship with field observed soil structure. Journal Asiatic Society Bangladesh, Science, 32(1): 81-87. Hassan, M.M. and Mazumder, A.H. 1998. The Ganges floodplain soils and the related environmental aspects. pp. 26-35. In: Rahman, M.A.; Shah, M.S.; Murtaza, M.G. and Matin, M.A. (eds.), Integrated Management of Ganges Floodplains and Sundarbans Ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Seminar, 16-18 July 1994, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh. Brady, N.C. and Weil, R.R. 2002. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 13th Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Acharya, G. and Kamal, D. 1994. Fisheries. pp. 101-114. In: Hussain, Z. and Acharya, G. (eds.), Mangroves of the Sundarbans, Volume Two: Bangladesh. IUCN, Bangkok, Thailand.
Rabbi, S.M.F.; Ahsan, M.; Rahman, A.; Kibria, K.Q.; Islam, M.S. and Bhuiyan, M.R. 2005. Report on morphological study of soils of Khulna. Project report. Khulna University Research Cell, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh. Ali, M.Y. 1997. Fisheries. pp. 93-102. In: Choudhury, A.M. (ed.), The Bangladesh National Conservation Strategy Towards Sustainable Development. The Government of Bangladesh and IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Alam, M.S. 1989. Remote sensing for coastal land use mapping: a case study on shrimp culture in Paikgacha. M.Sc. Thesis, Jahangir nagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 105 pp. Author. Year. Title of the webpage. Publisher of the webpage, Date of retrieval, Web address (URL: http://www. Pizzali, A.F.M., 1988. Small-scale fish landing and marketing facilities. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. On-line document, Retrieved on May 24, 2006. Web (URL) address: <>.

Periodicals (Journals)
Edited symposia, Workshop, Conference proceedings, Special issues, etc.

Multi-author and edited books

Reports, etc.



Type setting: Please use the 'Times New Roman font throughout the manuscript. The size and form of the font would be different as follows:
Attributes Title Heading (Abstract, Introduction etc.): Sub-headings (Background, Objectives, Materials, Location of study etc): Body of the texts: Tables & Illustrations (Maps, Graphs, Photographs (Body and title): References: (Hanging Indent 0.5") Size (pt) Casing Font style 12 UPPER CASE Bold and regular 12 Title case Bold and regular Sentence case 12 Bold and Italics 12 8 8 Sentence case Regular Sentence case Regular Variable Variable but not bold Line spacing 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" Single 1.5"

Latin names and abbreviations: The Latin binomials of plants, animals and microbes, and common Latin phrases (e.g. vice versa, in situ, in vitro, viz., et al. etc.) should be typed in Italic font. For the first time in the text, Latin names are to be written in full followed the author name (e.g. Penaeus monodon Fabricius). In all the subsequent mentions of the Latin names, the generic name should be abbreviated by its first letter in capital, which will be followed by species name (e.g. P. monodon). Any Bangla word/term/key word, if used, must be written as Italics. Formulae/Units: Leave enough space around the formulae. Subscript and superscript should be clear. Take special care in writing zero (0) and the letter O, degree symbol () and the letter zero (0) and between one (1) and the letter l (11th letter of the English alphabet). Use fractional powers instead of root sign and use powers of e instead of denoting as exp. Use following statistical significance without further explanation: *p<0.05, ** p<0.01 and *** p<0.001. In case of chemical formula, valence of ions should be given as, e.g. Ca2+, not as Ca++. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols, e.g. 18O, not O18. Greek, Latin and other symbols should be explained in the margin where they are first used. Give the meaning of all symbols immediately after the equation in which they are first used. For simple fraction, use the slash (/) instead of a horizontal line (e.g., Ip/2m ). Please express rate/unit as mg l-1, not as mg/l or mg/L. For expressing gram, please use g not gm. Proof: One soft copy of Project thesis must be submitted finally after thesis defense to the coordinator in MS Office 2007 format.

Guideline for Project Work (SS-5206) CH-6.0 Soil Science Discipline

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