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Editor: G4BUE
A red stamp on this News Sheet will indicate your 1997 subscription is due. Please note the following guidelines: 1. The 1997 rate is 14 for the UK, 16 for Europe and 18 or US $30 for non Europe. This is the same as for 1996. 2. Subscriptions are due on or before the 1st January 1997. 3. All members, with the exception of those in North and South America, should pay in sterling to me at Wychwood, Park Lane, Maplehurst, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6LL. Cheques and bank drafts should be made payable to First Class C.W. Operators Club and not to me personally. Cheques in currency other than sterling cannot be accepted as it costs more in bank charges to change the cheque than its value! 4. All North and South American members should send their dues to Elliott Wolheim, W2MUM, at 41 Silversmith Lane, Levittown, NY 11756, USA with cheques made payable to E. Wolheim. Elliott is a keen stamp collector and really appreciates any enclosures with your cheques. We all receive a fair amount of foreign mail and sending any surplus stamps to Elliott will ensure they find a good home. A number of members are in credit by varying amounts and if there are any queries I can either be contacted direct, via the mail or telephone (01403 891342), or via G3MXJ or G4BUE. As in previous years, it will not be my policy to issue receipts against cheques, bank drafts, etc. I plan to collect subscriptions at Lords, particularly from overseas members to avoid bank charges and inconvenience. I am sure Elliott and I can rely on your cooperation as always. Many thanks.


October - 20m 1/14 GCMM QRV as GB2ROA 4 Open House for Overseas at Alamosa 4 Mini-Dinner at 4X4NJs QTH 5 Annual Dinner at Lords 6 Open House at Wychwood 13/14 BV2/LA5HE by OZ8RO 26/27 HS5A by OH2KI and others 28 Deadline for November N/Sheet 31 W1WEF QRV from KH6 November - 15m 3/8 A61AD by WB2DND 10 Committee meeting 15/22 8P9HT by K4BAI

October 1996

A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755).


16/25 23/24

K5VT QRV from XZ1N November CQ WW CW Contest 5V by G3SXW and others 8P9Z by K4BAI 9M6NA by JE1JKL, 80m ZB2X by OH2KI 25 Deadline for FOCUS 29 27 Deadline for December N/Sheet December 7 7th Florida Dinner 7/8 Pump Handle Party 29 Deadline for January N/Sheet January 1 Subscriptions due

Starred List


Kildonan; telephone - 01206 396352 G3RVM (1407): new tel - 01635 826019; email - 10750.3727@compuserve.com G3WGV ((1600): new e-mail g3wgv@aol.com JE1JKL (1523): amend e-mail je1jkl@ja2.so-net.or.jp SM6DHU (1610): e-mail malco.trading@mbox200.swipnet.se VK2AYD (832): new e-mail davpil@postbox.midcoast.com.au VK6LW (1492): new address - P.O. Box 186, Glen Forrest, Western Australia 6071; telephone/fax - 9 295 4942. 4X4NJ (1476): new e-mail rikik@inter.net.il K1ZZ (1053): xyls callsign - KA1ZD. W2BA (1327): e-mail JackW2BA@aol.com W2GW (1023): e-mail - wrig78@uno.com K2LE ((1461): new e-mail abodony@ix.netcom.com K4XU (1268): new e-mail - dfrey@bcl.net AC5K (1662): xyl - Chris KA5PXK. KT5X (1636): amend address - 36 Seton Village Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505, USA; email - sfp@santafe.edu (mention name in subject). KC7V (1634): new e-mail kc7v@earthlink.net K8ONV (945): Silent Key W8ZC (1358): delete from records - no reply to correspondence.


An invitation has been sent to AA6KX.

Additional Nominations
6. VE1AL: N9RD, W1EYT. 6. W4PBC: W9GW, W4MJ, W4QM, ZL1MH. 6. WHZ: WIAK, W2DX, WKZV, K2OZ, K1GUP . 4. NNF: ZL2AGY, K1RH. 3. HA7PJ: W1PL, W2MEL. 2. JA7SSB: KT5X, JP1BJR, K1JKS, W9KNI. 1. ZS6QU: SM6DHU. 1. GBQV: G3LTV. 1. N4KG: N4AR. 1. K9DX: N4AR.

New Members
1667 AA5TN: (Bill) Wm. B. Wise, 2406 Dartmouth Drive, Midland, TX, 79705-6361, USA; xyl - Jacqueline; tel - 915 683 3263; fax - 915 683 8902; e-mail - aa5tn@apex2000.net 1668 OY1CT: (Caen) Carsten Thomsen, Box 25, FR-340 Kvivik, Faroe Islands; tel - 21434.

LORDS 1997 by G4HZV

The 50th Post-War Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday 4 October 1997 at Lords. The ticket price is expected to be about 27, It is never too soon to book for the big one.


The 25th North American Dinner will be held 9/11 May 1997 at the Marriott Hotel, Tysons Corner, VA, USA. A separate flyer will be sent with the November News Sheet giving details about the hotel and dinner.

G3BIQ (1429): Silent Key. G3HZL (915): new address - 2 St. Margarets Court, Uttoxeter Road, Draycott, Stoke-on-Trent. G3LKZ (671): amend house name -


Score updates can be passed to any G3LIK, G3MXJ, G4BUE or any committee member. An asterisk against the call indicates the score has been updated this month. Table shows the scores received by 1300z 2 October 1996.
GM3POI* 391 EA8CN* 343 K4KQ* 339 W4QM* 327 G4BLX* 304 G3JZV* 286 W2BA 282 W1HMD 277 K4LTA 275 K4EF* 271 W9NKI* 261 G3LIK* 260 DL6TQ 254 VE1BN* 248 G3KTZ 242 K9BG 231 K9QVB 229 G3RVM* 228 K6OU* 220 W3VT* 220 N3SZQ 219 N3RS 217 G4BUE* 215 W3NZ 213 G3IY 205 W6OV 205 K2LE* 203 K5DQ* 202 VE3BHZ* 201 G3FDF 200 G4PKT 200 VE3DZZ 200 WA4SNI* 194 W6DU 191 G4BUO 190 YV1NX 190 G3HZL 183 K4II* 183 K1RM 182 G4RMV* 165 W6CYX 173 K4BAI* 171 W8KJP* W9GW F3AT GW3SYL LA1IE* OH2BDA G3IEW GM3UA G3HZV AA5DX W2GW* W8XM* G3KKQ G3NOH YO4PX G3MXJ* G3GFG G4BJM* OK1RR W4YE W6THN 171 171 170 161 161 157 156 155 153 152 152 150 148 148 147 146 145 145 145 145 145 N4AR K6RA W1WEF* AC5K K4XU G4ODV ZL1MH* G3KDB G3RCU G4PKD K1JKS* DL7AKC G3TXF KT5X* W2DX* W1BIH W6GTI* GCMM ZL2AGY* DL4CF G3MCK 144 143 143 142 142 141 139 138 135 135 135 133 133 133 132 130 130 128 126 124 123 PALOU 122 G3WGV* 121 K6DC 120 OZ5DX 118 W1NV* 116 U3DR 115 K7UOT 113 G3LZK* 112 N3JT 112 N4TO 112 W1HT* 112 GM4SID 111 PABW 111 G3JFF* 110 G3LHJ 110 KRY 110 WB4CSK*104 W1EYT 107 ZP6CW* 107 G2HKU* 106 W5XJ* 106 G4SFO 105 SMCOP* 105 WB2YQH*105 G3ZYV 104 LA3FL 104 GIVZ* 102 G3AZ 102 G3VCN 102 K4FU 102 W6TZD 102 K6TS 101 KL7PJ* 101 OK1KT 101 W4TAJ* 101 G3LKZ* 100 G3LTV 100 G8VG 100 N4LS 100 OZ8RO 100 WB2DND 100 K4DL 99 DK4LX 96 K5MA 96 W5GEL 93 DJOS 90 GM3HUN* 90 W8TPS 89 G4XRV 87 W4DHZ 87 W9NN* 87 G3NKS 81 G4ZVJ 80 GW3SB* 79 N4XR 79 KC7V 78 XE2/NR7O 77 OH2BDP 76 VK8AV* 76 GM3YTS 75 WD8LLD 75 G3JJZ* 74 N9RD GW3KGV OH2KI G3SXW* K1SS* OK1CZ SO5TW G4FNL KP4L PADIN LA2UA OX3XR W1FZY PAINA G3ZWH W2MEL W6RGG ZL1AH GW3HCL DJ9SB VE3AR 73 72 70 66 66 65 63 62 62 62 60 60 59 57 56 55 55 54 52 51 51 W3NX 51 VK3MJ 50 W9FKC 49 W4DGJ 48 WA1G 47 4X1FC 46 W1RM* 43 G4FM 42 W4/GIHM39 WB4OSN 39 W4MJ 38 K2VUI* 37 JP1BJR 30 K5XK 29 ZS6AL 26 N4WJ 24 OZ7YL 21 W9VNE 20 W1HL 11 DL8CT 10


A meeting was held on 15 September at GW3KGVs QTH with G3KTZ, G3MXJ and G3SYM giving apologies for not attending. The 1996 Pump Handle Party is to go ahead on 7/8 December and G3LIK will contact EUCW clubs with a view to opening the even to nonFOC members in 1997 to increase participation. Final arrangements for the Lords Dinner were made followed by a lengthy discussion on a possible change of venue for 1997. It was agreed to stay at Lords for the 50th Post-War Dinner in 1997 and consider the alternative venues for 1998. The proposed combined memento for the 25th North American Dinner and 50th London Dinner in 1997 was discussed and further research will be carried out by G3LIK. A proposal from N3JT for FOC to have its own Web page on the Internet and for an FOC Reflector was considered in detail and although the idea of a Web page was thought to have some merit, it was not supported at the present time. The following reply was made to N3JT:The Committee are not convinced of the need for a Web page for FOC. The primary purpose of clubs and organisations that do have Web pages is to advertise and promote it with a view to increasing their membership and enlarging the Club. FOC is different in that we have a procedure for new members and our constitution restricts us to 500 members. However, the Committee could be convinced of the need for a Web page to promote the use of Morse code, good operating standards, etc. (perhaps sponsored by FOC), but that is different from a Web page for FOC. There are other implications with this that the Committee would need to consider further, but they did not do this as it was not the proposal before them. The Committee are not convinced that the time is right. Only 26.6% of the FOC membership are Internet users and the Committee would not want the other 74% to be under the impression that they are second class members of FOC

because they are not receiving news and information about the Club as quickly as those on the Internet. The number of FOC members using the Internet is increasing and perhaps one day the time will be right to re-examine your proposal. The Committee will not support a Reflector for the same reasons. Finance did not come into the discussion. The Committee wish to thank you for submitting the proposals and those members who volunteered their facilities, time and effort. Membership of FOC stood at 476 and 21 Associates. Correspondence in relation to two Rule 8 letters was considered and the appropriate action taken. The Band of the Month was considered and it was agreed to continue it for October (20 metres), November (15 metres) and December (to be decided,) and then start in 1997 the same as for 1996. A proposal from G3FBN for a VHF Band of the Month was considered (see pages 20/21 of FOCUS 28) and although the idea was agreed in principle, it was decided to hold it during one of the summer months of 1997. The next meeting will be on 10 November.


GCMM: John will be operating GB2ROA on all HF bands to mark the inaugeration of the Radio Officers Association of Europe. G3BIQ: Members will be saddened to hear that Buggy passed away 2 September. Thanks to Ron, G3MYN, Buggys neighbour for arranging the funeral and affairs on behalf of his family. G3HZL: Don is moving to a new bungalow which is in an area of poor TV reception (everyone using pre-amplifiers), but his club station is only five minutes drive away and he plans to be QRV from there. K3ZO: Somporn and Fred visited Ham Fair 96 in Tokyo on their way to Thailand where Fred has been QRV as HSZAR. K4BAI: John will be looking for members from 8P9HT in November, particularly WARC and 160 metres before and after the CQ CW Contest.

K4XU: Dick moved to Colorado in September. K5BGB: If you hear W5ADZ it will be the Austin County Amateur Radio Club. Rod says they have applied for Brads call to use in various events throughout the year. K5VT: Vince is one of the operators for the Central Arizona DX Associations XZ1N operation 16/25 November, including a multi-multi entry in the CQ CW Contest. OK1CZ: Peter was QRV from 3V8BB between 21 September and 1 October. OZ8RO: Rag will be in Taipei 13/14 October possibly QRV as BV2/LA5HE. VK2AYD: David regrets he will not be at Lords this year as he will be in VK7 at that time. He has built a small QRP rig for 40 metres to carry in his attache case but doesnt think it will have the power to get out of the continent. VK6LW: Julie and Kevin are renting a home while they build a new house on a 2 acre plot they have just bought in the hills about 20 miles east of Perth. 70 foot trees at the rented house should provide Kevin with wire antennas pending better antennas at the new QTH. W1NV: Carl was due in the UK 27 September. W1WEF: Natalie and Jack will be in Hawaii for three weeks at the end of October and Jack will be QRV from KH6 between 31 October and 4 November, including the SS CW Contest. He recently bought an IC765 and IC706 for mobile use, and likes them both. W2AMS: Our condolences to Hank on the passing of Mary on 29 August - thanks G3XNG. WB2DND: Don will be QRV 3/8 November from A61AD, all bands including 160m. He is shipping 1000 feet of wire to put up an inverted L and beverage aimed at Europe and North America. WB4CSK: Mark is taking delivery of a new Omni VI on 5 October and has bought a CL-33 beam for his new house. W9NN: Bob says he offered to carry K5DQ, Peggys bag to Lords for her, but she said she could handle it ok!

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