Sample Question Paper Biology Class-Xi
Sample Question Paper Biology Class-Xi
Sample Question Paper Biology Class-Xi
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Time : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 100
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1– !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ É 1x9= 9
i) Úê˛ƒyˆÏ:yˆÏöy!üÛ Ü˛Ìy!ê˛ ˆÜ˛ ≤ÃÓï≈˛ö ܲˆÏÓ˚ö⁄
ii) Úê˛y•zê˛ çyÇ¢öÛ Ü˛#⁄
iii) ü)ˆÏ°Ó˚ çy•zˆÏ°ˆÏüÓ˚ !ÓöƒyˆÏ§Ó˚ öyü Ó°⁄
iv) Úüy•zˆÏê˛yܲö!í»˛Î˚y° !Ü ˛!T˛Û ܲ#⁄
v) !üˆÏÎ˚y!§§ ˆÜ˛y¢ !Óû˛yçˆÏöÓ˚ !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ˆÜ˛yö ò¢y!ê˛ˆÏï˛ ˆ§ˆÏrê˛∆y!üÎ˚yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ !Óû˛yçö âˆÏê˛⁄
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àV ≤ÈÏú˛çÈÙÈII âV xƒyöyˆÏú˛çÈÙÈII
vi) xyî!Óܲ x!:ˆÏçˆÏöÓ˚ í˛z˛õ!fiÌ!ï˛ˆÏï˛ ~ܲ xî% xƒy!§ê˛y•z° ˆÜ˛yÈÙÈ~ ~Ó˚ çyÓ˚ˆÏî Ü˛ï˛ xî% ATP í˛zͲõߨ •Î˚⁄
vii) ~ܲ!ê˛ §ç#Ó í˛z!qò ˆÜ˛y¢ˆÏܲ x!ï˛§yÓ˚ܲ oÓˆÏî Ó˚yáˆÏ° ܲ# âê˛ˆÏÓ⁄
viii) ≤ÃÓy•# ÓyÎ˚%Ó˚ ˛õ!Ó˚üyî ܲ#⁄
ix) ˆ˛õ¢#Ó˚ §ÇˆÏܲyã˛# ~ܲˆÏܲÓ˚ öyü ܲ#⁄
1. Answer the following questions 1x9
i) Who coined the term ‘taxonomy’?
ii) What is tight junction?
iii) Name the type of arrangement of xylem of root.
iv) What are mitochondrial cristae?
v) In which of the following phases of meiotic cell division centromeric division occurs?
a) Prophase I b) Anaphase I
c) Prophase II d) Anaphase II
vi) How many ATP molecules are produced on oxidation of one molecule of acetyl CoA in the presence of
molecular oxygen?
vii) What will happen to a living plant cell if it is placed in hypertonic solution?
viii) What is tidal volume?
ix) Name the Contractile unit of muscle Contraction.
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2– !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ É 2 x 7 = 14
i) Ú!ã˛Ç!í˛¸ üyåÈ öÎ˚Û ÈÙÈ Î%!=˛ ˆòáyÄ–
ii) Úڧܲ° ˆüÓ˚%ò[˛#•z ܲí≈˛yê˛y !ܲv §Ü˛° ܲí≈˛yê˛y ˆüÓ˚%ò[˛# öÎ˚ÛÛ ÈÙÈ Óƒyáƒy ܲÓ˚–
iii) ˛Ó yˆÏÎ˚yú˛y•zê˛ˆÏòÓ˚ í˛zû˛ã˛Ó˚ í˛z!qò Ó°y •Î˚ ˆÜ˛ö⁄
Page : 1
ÚˆÏê˛!Ó˚ˆÏí˛yú˛y•zê˛ í˛z!qˆÏòÓ˚y Ó yˆÏÎ˚yú˛y•zê˛ ˆÌˆÏܲ í˛zߨï˛Û ÈÙÈ ~Ó˚ ò%!ê˛ Ü˛yÓ˚î ò¢≈yÄ–
iv) ˆÜœ˛yˆÏÓ˚öܲy•züy Ä ˆÜ˛yˆÏ°öܲy•züyÓ˚ ò%!ê˛ ˛õyÌ≈ܲƒ ˆ°ˆÏáy–
v) Vmax ~ÓÇ Km ~Ó˚ §ÇK˛y ˆ°ˆÏáy–
vi) ˆ°à!•ˆÏüyˆÏ@’y!Óö ܲ#⁄ öy•zˆÏê˛∆yˆÏçö !fiÌ!ï˛Ü˛Ó˚ˆÏî ~Ó˚ û)˛!üܲy ˆ°ˆÏáy–
vii) ü%e í˛zͲõyòˆÏö ADH ~Ó˚ û)˛!üܲy ˆ°ˆÏáy–
2. Answer the following questions 2 x 7 = 14
i) “Prawn is not a fish’’. - Justify the statement.
ii) ‘All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrate’’ - Explain.
iii) Why are Bryophytes called amphibian plants?
Give two reasons to show that Pteridophytes are more advanced than Bryophytes.
iv) Write two differences between chlorenchyma and collenchyma.
v) Define Vmax and Km.
vi) What is leg-haemoglobin? State its role in nitrogen fixation.
vii) State the role of ADH in urine formation.
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3– !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ É 3 x 11 = 33
i) !mÈÙÈÓ˚y!¢Ü˛ öyüܲÓ˚î ܲ#⁄ ~Ó˚ ã˛yÓ˚!ê˛ §Ó≈§¡øï˛ !öÎ˚ü ˆ°ˆÏáy–
ii) xyÓ˚ˆÏ¢y°yÓ˚ ˆ˛õÔ!T˛Ü˛ ï˛ˆÏsfÓ˚ !ã˛!•´ï˛ !ã˛e xÑyˆÏܲy–
iii) àû≈˛˛õyò Ä àû≈˛¢#£Ï≈ ú%˛ˆÏ°Ó˚ !ã˛e §• §ÇK˛y òyÄ–
iv) @’y•zˆÏܲy§y•z!í˛Ü˛ Ä ˆ˛õ˛õê˛y•zí˛ Órôö# ܲyˆÏܲ ӈϰ⁄
v) ˆÜ˛y¢ ˛õò≈yÓ˚ ï˛Ó˚° ˆüyˆÏç•zܲ öܲ§yÓ˚ !ã˛!•´ï˛ !ã˛e xÑyˆÏܲy–
vi) !òˆÏöÓ˚ ˆÓ°yÎ˚ ˛õeÓ˚rô í˛zˆÏß√yã˛ˆÏö K+ ~Ó˚ û)˛!üܲy Óƒyáƒy ܲˆÏÓ˚y–
vii) @’y•zˆÏܲy°y•z!§§ ˛õÂô!ï˛!ê˛ í˛zÍˆÏ§ã˛ˆÏܲÓ˚ öyü §• ≤ÃÓy•ÈÙÈåȈÏܲÓ˚ §y•yˆÏ΃ ˆòáyÄ–
viii) ú˛y•zˆÏê˛yˆÏÜ ˛yü ܲ#⁄ ˛õ%ˆÏ‹õyÂàˆÏü ~Ó˚ û)˛!üܲy ˆ°ˆÏáy–
ix) •yò≈ í˛zͲõyò !öÎ˚sfîܲyÓ˚# !ï˛ö!ê˛ ¢ï≈˛ ï˛yˆÏòÓ˚ ≤Ãû˛yÓ§• í˛zˆÏÕ‘á ܲˆÏÓ˚y–
x) ≤Ã!ï˛Óï≈˛ !Ü ˛Î˚y ܲ#⁄ ¢ï≈˛§yˆÏ˛õ«˛ Ä ¢ï≈˛!öÓ˚ˆÏ˛õ«˛ ≤Ã!ï˛Óï≈˛ !Ü ˛Î˚yÓ˚ ã˛yÓ˚!ê˛ ˛õyÌ≈ܲƒ ˆ°ˆÏáy–
xi) •Ó˚ˆÏüyö !Ü ˛Î˚yÓ˚ !mï˛#Î˚ Óyï≈˛yӈϕÓ˚ û)˛!üܲy í˛zòy•Ó˚î §• Óƒyáƒy ܲˆÏÓ˚y–
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3. Answer the following questions 3 x 11 = 33
i) What is Binomial nomenclature? Write four universal rules of it.
ii) Draw a labelled diagram of alimentary system of Cockroach.
iii) Define hypogynous and epigynous flower with diagram.
iv) What are glycosidic and peptide bonds?
v) Draw a labelled diagram of fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.
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vi) Explain the role of K+ in opening of stomata during day time.
vii) Give a flow chart of glycolysis mentioning the name of enzymes.
viii) What is phytochrome? State its role in flowering.
ix) Mention three factors controlling Cardiac output with their respective effects.
x) What is reflex action? write four differences between conditioned and unconditioned reflex action.
xi) Explain the role of second messenger in hormone action with expemple.
Write three differences between ‘Dwarfism’ and ‘Cretinism’
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4V !öˆÏã˛Ó˚ ≤ß¿!ê˛Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ É 4x1=4
i) ˆÜ˛y¢ã˛Ü ˛ ܲ#⁄ !öˆÏã˛Ó˚ ¢∑à%!°Ó˚ §ÇK˛y ˆ°ˆÏáyÈÙÈ
ܲV §y•zöƒy˛õ!§§ áV Ü ˛!§ÇÄû˛yÓ˚ 1 + S1 x 3V
àV ≤Ãyhsˇ#Î˚ àüö–
à°!à Ó!í˛ Ü˛#⁄ ~Ó˚ !ï˛ö!ê˛ Ü˛yç ˆ°ˆÏáy– 1+3
4. Answer the following question.
i) What is cell cycle? Define the following terms :
a) Synapsis b) Crossing over
c) Terminalization.
What is Golgi body ? Write three functions of it.
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5V !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ É 5 x 2 = 10
i) ˆÜ˛°!û˛ö ã˛Ü ˛!ê˛ åÈܲ §• Óƒyáƒy ܲˆÏÓ˚y– 3 + 2 SåÈܲV
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ii) ˛ˆ˛õÔ!T˛Ü˛ öy°#Ó˚ !Ó!û˛ß¨ xLjϢ í˛z͈ϧã˛Ü˛ myÓ˚y ˆ≤Ãy!ê˛ˆÏöÓ˚ ˛õ!Ó˚˛õyܲ ˛õÂô!ï˛ xyˆÏ°yã˛öy ܲˆÏÓ˚y–
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5. Answer the following questions
i) Explain Calvin Cycle with the help of schematic diagram. 3+2 (dia)
Explain noncyclic electron transport and photophosphorylation. Why is it called ‘Z-Scheme’ ? 4+1
ii) Discuss the enzymatie digestion of protein in different parts of our alimentary canal.
Describe the modern concept of fat absorption.
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Semple Question paper
Sub- Biology Practical
Full marks - 30
1. Study and descibe any one of the following flowering plants including dissection and display of floral whorls
and anther and ovary to show number of chambers. 5
i) Datura ii) Sesbania iii) Onion
2. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer 5
Test the presence of Glucose in urine.
3. Preparation and study of T.S. of Dicot stem or monocot root 3
4. Spotting : (One from each item)
Item (a) Spirogyra/ Volvox/ Chlamydomonas
Item (b) Ascaris/ Rohu fish
Item (c) Parenchyma/ Squamous epithelivm of human or Human blood
Item (d) Cymose selitary (china rose)/ spadix (colocasia)
Item (e) Conical taproot (Carrot)/ Rhizome (Ginger)
Item (f) Ball and socket joint/ Femur bone of human skeleton.
Item (g) Head of Cockroach/ Leg of cockroach
Biology Practical
Class- XI
Distribution of Marks
20 Marks
Part - A
1. Description of locally available flowering plants 5
Procedural skill- 3
Observation- 12
Drawing- 1
Interpretation 1
2. Physiological experiments 5
Procedural skill- 3
Observation- 1
Interpretation- 1
3. Slide preparation 3
Procedural Skill- 1
Obzervation- 1
Drawing- 1
4. Spotting (7 Spots) 7
One characteristic- 12 Mark
Identification- 12 Mark
Part- B
Practical File- 6
Viva Voce - 4 10
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