Excel SUBTOTAL Function
Excel SUBTOTAL Function
Excel SUBTOTAL Function
are 1 to 254 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal.
If there are other subtotals within ref1, ref2, (or nested subtotals), these nested subtotals are ignored to avoid double counting. For the function_num constants from 1 to 11, the SUBTOTAL function includes the values of rows hidden by the Hide Rows command under the Hide & Unhide submenu of the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab. Use these constants when you want to subtotal hidden and nonhidden numbers in a list. For the function_Num constants from 101 to 111, the SUBTOTAL function ignores values of rows hidden by the Hide Rows command. Use these constants when you want to subtotal only nonhidden numbers in a list. The SUBTOTAL function ignores any rows that are not included in the result of a filter, no matter which function_num value you use. The SUBTOTAL function is designed for columns of data, or vertical ranges. It is not designed for rows of data, or horizontal ranges. For example, when you subtotal a horizontal range using a function_num of 101 or greater, such as SUBTOTAL(109,B2:G2), hiding a column does not affect the subtotal. But, hiding a row in a subtotal of a vertical range does affect the subtotal. If any of the references are 3-D references, SUBTOTAL returns the #VALUE! error value. Example The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet. How to copy an example
1 2 3 4
=SUBTOTAL(9,A2:A5)Subtotal of the column above using the SUM function (303) =SUBTOTAL(1,A2:A5)Subtotal of the column above using the AVERAGE function (75.75)
See Also
AVERAGE function COUNT function COUNTA function Math and trigonometry functions (reference) MAX function MIN function