Nursing Care Plan Sheet Sample
Nursing Care Plan Sheet Sample
Nursing Care Plan Sheet Sample
Date: 11/08/2004
Student Name: Jane Doe
Instructor: Jim Smith
Patient Initials: J.D.3
Assessment NANDA
Nursing Diagnosis (copy and paste INEFFECTIVE AIRWAY CLEARANCE (1980, 1996,
from NNN Linkages or, see NANDA): 1998)
Defining Characteristics
*Dyspnea; *diminished breath sounds; *orthopnea; adventitious
breath sounds (rales, crackles, rhonchi, wheezes) ; cough,
ineffective or absent; *sputum; *cyanosis; *difficulty vocalizing;
*wide-eyed; *changes in respiratory rate and rhythm;
Related Factors
Environmental: *Smoking; *smoke inhalation; *second-hand
Obstructed airway: *airway spasm; *retained secretions;
*excessive mucus; *presence of artificial airway; *foreign body in
airway; *secretions in the bronchi; *exudate in the alveoli
Physiological: *Neuromuscular dysfunction; (hyperplasia of the
bronchial walls; *chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
*infection; *asthma; *allergic airways
Definition modified in the 1998 DRC revision process; *marks
revised defining characteristics and related factors. This
diagnosis was revised by NDEC.
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Planning NOC
Goals: Same as attached indicators and success scale levels
Definitions for each outcome Respiratory Status: Airway Patency -----
(copy and paste from NNN Linkages Extent to which the tracheobronchial passages
or, see NOC): remain open
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NIC Groups
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