Nursing Care Plan Sheet Sample

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Nursing Care Plan Sheet - Sample

Date: 11/08/2004
Student Name: Jane Doe
Instructor: Jim Smith
Patient Initials: J.D.3

Assessment NANDA
Nursing Diagnosis (copy and paste INEFFECTIVE AIRWAY CLEARANCE (1980, 1996,
from NNN Linkages or, see NANDA): 1998)

Definition of diagnosis (copy and paste

from NNN Linkages Glossary or, see Definition
NANDA): Inability to clear secretions or obstructions from the respiratory
tract to maintain a clear airway

Defining Characteristics
*Dyspnea; *diminished breath sounds; *orthopnea; adventitious
breath sounds (rales, crackles, rhonchi, wheezes) ; cough,
ineffective or absent; *sputum; *cyanosis; *difficulty vocalizing;
*wide-eyed; *changes in respiratory rate and rhythm;

Related Factors
Environmental: *Smoking; *smoke inhalation; *second-hand
Obstructed airway: *airway spasm; *retained secretions;
*excessive mucus; *presence of artificial airway; *foreign body in
airway; *secretions in the bronchi; *exudate in the alveoli
Physiological: *Neuromuscular dysfunction; (hyperplasia of the
bronchial walls; *chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
*infection; *asthma; *allergic airways

Definition modified in the 1998 DRC revision process; *marks
revised defining characteristics and related factors. This
diagnosis was revised by NDEC.

Subjective Data Objective Data

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Planning NOC
Goals: Same as attached indicators and success scale levels
Definitions for each outcome Respiratory Status: Airway Patency -----
(copy and paste from NNN Linkages Extent to which the tracheobronchial passages
or, see NOC): remain open

Nursing Activities NIC

Nursing Intervention Group (checkmark) (see chart below):
1. Physiological: Basic (Classes A-F) 4. Safety (Classes U-V)
x 2. Physiological: Complex (Classes G-N) 5. Family (Classes W, X, Z)
3. Behavioral (Classes O-T) 6. Health System (Classes Ya-Yb)
7. Community (Classes Yc-Yd)
Definitions for each intervention Cough Enhancement -----
(copy and paste from NNN Linkages Promotion of deep inhalation by the patient with
or, see NIC): subsequent generation of high intrathoracic pressures
and compression of underlying lung parenchyma for
the forceful expulsion of air

References (APA style)

American Heart Association. (2004). Air patency statistics. Retrieved October 5, 2004, from
Dochterman, J.M., & Bulechek, G.M. (Eds.). (2004). Nursing interventions classification (NIC) (4th ed.).
St. Louis: Mosby, an affiliate of Elsevier.
Johnson, M., Bulechek, G. Dochterman, J.M., Maas, M., & Moorhead, S. (Eds.). (2001). Nursing
diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions: NANDA, NOC, and NIC linkages. St. Louis: Mosby, an
affiliate of Elsevier Science.
Johnson, M., Bulechek, G., Dochterman, J.M., Maas, M., & Moorhead, S. (2003). Nursing diagnoses,
outcomes, and interventions: NANDA, NOC, and NIC linkages [computer software]. New York:
Mosby, a division of Elsevier Science.
Kozier, B. (2004). Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall Health.
Moorhead, S., Johnson, M., & Maas, M. (Eds.). (2004). Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) (3rd ed.).
St. Louis: Mosby, an affiliate of Elsevier.
Murdoch, M., Sheridan, S.A., Doeden, M.L., Wilt, T.J., & Rubins, H.B. (2000). Impact of a low-cost
intervention to increase diagphragmatic breathing awareness among older patients. Journal of
Clinical Outcomes Management, 7, 31-39.
Woods, A. (2002). Respiratory status and airway patency. Nursing, 32(6), 56-57. Retrieved October 5,
2004, from CINAHL.

Page 2
NIC Groups

1 Physiological: 2 Physiological: 3 Behavioral 4 Safety 5 Family 6 Health 7 Community

Basic. Complex System
A Activity & G Electrolyte & O Behavior U Crisis W Childbearing Y Health Yc Community
Exercise Mgt. Acid-Base Mgt. Therapy Mgt Care System Health
Mediation Promotion
B Elimination H Drug Mgt P Cognitive V Risk Z Childrearing Ya Health Yd Community
Mgt Therapy Mgt Care System Risk Mgt
C Immobility Mgt I Neurological Mgt Q Communication X Lifespan Yb Information
Enhancement Care Mgt
D Nutrition J Perioperative R Coping
Support Care Assistance
E Physical K Respiratory Mgt S Patient Ed.
F Self-Care L Skin/Wound Mgt T Psychological
Facilitation Comfort
M Thermoregulation
N Tissue Perfusion

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