CALICUT Annual Quality Assurance Report 201011
CALICUT Annual Quality Assurance Report 201011
CALICUT Annual Quality Assurance Report 201011
Prof. K. Raveendranath
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Assumed the office on 3.10.2011
Sri.R.S. Panicker
Prof.K.A. Siraj
Dr.K.V. Lazar
Sri.K. Sivaraman
University of Calicut
University of Calicut
University of Calicut
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement Activities of Higher Educational Institutions. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) functioned effectively during the period of report (2010-11) in the University as per UGC guidelines with the following members: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dr. Anwar Jahan Zuberi, Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. C. Rajendran, Department of Sanskrit (Director) Prof. S. Nirmala, Department of Russian Prof. M.V. Joseph, Department of Bio-technology Prof. P. Mohammed Shafi, Department of Chemistry Prof. Ramachandran. P.T., Department of Mathematics Prof. C. Jayan, Department of Psychology Sri.V.Rajagopalan, Controller of Examinations Prof. K.P. Muraleedharan, Department of Commerce & Management Studies Sri.V.K.C. Mammed Koya (Representing Industry) Sri. P.T. Abdul Latheef, Deputy Mayor, Kozhikode Municipal Corporation (Representing Local Community)
The University was accredited by the NAAC in the year 2010 with B grade with institutional CGPA of 2.94 in a 4 point scale. The next re-accreditation is due in 2015.
University of Calicut
Setting up of Radiation Physics Centre, new M.Sc programme in Radiation Physics, expansion of Material and Nuclear Laboratories and Integrated M.Sc course (Physics) To start M.Sc Bioinformatics programme from next academic year onwards.(Biotechnology) National seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics and Related areas and Annual conference of Kerala Statistical Association during 15-17 March 2012 at the Department of statistics. (Statistics) Intensify research activities in various thrust areas by admitting more numbers of Ph.D students and also by submitting the research projects to various funding agencies. Enhance the knowledge of PG students, by conducting Seminars/Workshops in addition to the regular classroom lectures, Demonstration & practical experiments. Make earnest efforts to improve the quality of the students by incorporating recent & relevant topics in the syllabi, so as to enhance the number of the NET qualified students (Zoology).
Plan to introduce new courses in education. (Education) a) Revamp research activities in both basic and applied chemistry, b) Develop research groups in frontier and interdisciplinary areas, c) Enhance the interaction of our students and faculty with National and International experts in different areas via conducting a series of Frontier Lectures, d) Conduct regular seminars, workshops and lecture series, e) Building collaborative research projects by joint initiatives with neighbouring research institutions & industries, which would impart a real-life touch to our research activities, f)Plan the academic programmes to strengthen the quality of higher education and (g) Accumulate funds from the state/national funding agencies with definite research proposals. (Chemistry) To conduct a 3 day music festival in collaboration with South Zone Cultural Centres, five days seminar/ workshops on Relevancy of Institutionalized Music Education, World Music Day Celebration, Academic Centered new courses in Music and Drama, Seven day Technical Works Workshops (RRC), acting workshop by Alex Pinder, Australia, Three day film Appreciation and one week film making, CULT (Calicut University Little Theatre) Seven days Childrens Theatre Kalikkootom and Music Seminar (Drama). To get accreditation for Department Journal to make it a peer reviewed accredited journal publishing significant scholarly articles. Plan to apply for UGC SAP Programme in light of Department having acquired new faculty members. To conduct seminars/workshops, etc., streamline academic activities for achieving better results (English). Research in collaboration with other universities, b) Multimedia Education, c) Research and Extension activities will be strengthened during the next five years (Education). Publications of Journals (Four issues),Books, To conduct one International seminar, two National seminar, and one Workshop for Career Development (Arabic). University of Calicut
To start PG progammes in MAVC (cost brand)Master Degree in Audio Visual Communication. (Journalism). To start a P.G Diploma course in Computer Application in Hindi. (Hindi). Organizing a one day seminar on Women and Development in Kerala, Organizing a round table conference on Womens Code Bill, Starting M.Phil and Ph.D, Starting one year PG diploma programme in Womens Studies, Taking up UGC major and minor projects, Organiising a UGC sponsored ToT Workshop of Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education, Organising Pre-Marital Counsellings Programme for Students of the Campus. As per the Guidelines of the UGC, the Centre for Womens Studies will be taking up activities in the areas of Teaching, Research, Field Action, Dissemination (Library, Documentation and publication) and Advocacy. (Womens Studies)
A. Teaching 1. 2. 3. 4.
The Centre for Womens Studies will continue with its two year M.A Womens Studies (CCSS) programme. Foundation course in Gender Studies will be started at all UG level.(Syllabus already prepared). Elective papers in Gender Studies will be offered under the CCSS Scheme of the University to students of all PG Departments in the University Campus. A one year PG Diploma on Womens Studies with emphasis on gender sensitive counsellings will be offered to teachers, doctors and counsellors (Project under submission to the UGC).
B. Training
1. A Soft Skill Enhancement Programme will be started for girl students in the campus (Project under submission) Gender sensitivity training will be given to all students and faculties of the PG Department in the campus. Gender awareness training will be given to all employees of the University Campus in collaboration with the Complaints Committee (against sexual harassment) and Academic Staff College of the University. Training of Trainers will be undertaken for the adolescence education, awareness and motivation classes proposed under the various outreach activities of Centre for Womens Studies.
C. Research
1. 2. Ph.D in Womens Studies will be started from the year 2011-2012 onwards. Minor and major research projects will be undertaken.
University of Calicut
Motivation classes under the Comprehensive Education Programme of Nilambur Grama Panchayat (funded by UNICEF) will be undertaken by the Centre for Womens Studies. A Comprehensive Women empowerment Programme for girls and women in Malappuram District will be taken up (project under submission to MHRD, Government of India) A Safety Quotient Development Programme will be undertaken for girls in High schools, Higher secondary Schools and affiliated colleges of the University will be initiated. (Project under submission to Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India).
F. Advocacy
1. A Counselling Centre with focus on Legal counsellings will be started for aggrieved girls and women in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, University of Calicut. Pre-marital Counseling programme will be started for campus students in collaboration with the Chair for Christian Studies and Research.
available new physical infrastructure. Also have plan to accommodate more research facilities in the Department to enhance research activities and to attract good students for the Ph.D programme. The Department has initiated steps for a sophisticated instrumentation centre. And has initiated steps for a centre for Green Energy and Technology (Nanoscience & Technology). Syllabus revision of M.Sc CCSS, Biochemistry, Human physiology and Microbiology, Departmental monthly seminar of Research Scholars and M.Phil students, Institution visit for M.Sc Students, Inauguration of smart classroom, new Annexure block, Dr..V.K Sasidharan Endowment lectures.( Life Science) Strengthening of existing programmes, Offering of more electives in 2nd 3rd &4th semester, Bringing out the 15th volume of the Departmental Research Journal Assonance, Conducting a workshop on Translation of Tagore stories(Russian). To start M.Phil in Management, Masters programme in International Business, Masters Programme in Tourism Administration, Integrated BBA-MBA programme (Commerce & Management studies). Implementation of the SAP Phase II and publication of historical series (History). Starting M.Phil in Political Science (West Asian Studies). Seminar on - Semi group Theory, Automata Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equation. Dr. P. Kesavamenon Memorial Lectures, Workshop for Departmental students on Fundamentals on Mathematics, National Seminar on Graph Theory, Dr. P. Kesavamenon Memorial Lectures. (Mathematics). Publication of Department Journal, Anthikoottayma (Folk song & Puppetry show) Proceedings of Tribal-lore Seminar, National seminar on Folk medicine, Restructuring Sangam Age through cultural practices in kerala, Fire Theyyam Festival in collaboration with Folklore Academy, Folklore day celebration, Syllabus Modification (Folklore). Implementation of the new projects sanctioned, further improvements of Botanical Garden, Full fledged opening of the labs of Inter-university Centre for Plant Biotechnology, Starting new Diploma programmes / finishing schools (Botany).
All faculties are actively involved in teaching and research as can be seen from the percentage of our students passing UGC/GATE and publications in high impact journals reflect the goal (Physics).
HRD in the area of Biotechnology all the M.Sc students qualified the National Level examination (Biotechnology).
University of Calicut
Conducted a workshop on Identification of Butterflies on 22.12.2011 (Zoology) Intra Departmental seminars, research forums, weekly meeting (English). The Department conducts weekly seminars for students on general topics, weekly screening of films, Students Wall Magazine Golos and the Display Box form part of student activities. (Russian)
Teaching, Research and community service. (Journalism). Research activities, Workshops, Lecture Series (Education). One day orientation programme on Gender Related Intervention in colleges: skill training for Teachers - In Thrissur District at Vimala College on 28.01.2011, In Kozhikode at Providence College on 04.03.2011, In Wayanad District at St. Marys College, Sulthan Bathery on 22.11.2011, In Malappuram District at Seminar Complex, University of Calicut on 27.09.2011, In Palakkad District at Mercy College, Palakkad on 26.11.2011 (Centre for Womens Studies).
Conducted two international seminars and one national seminar on area of topical interest, enrolled 10 Ph.D students including one foreign student, published 6 books of high research value (Sanskrit).
Timely completion of the various programmes of the Department. Helping the students, former students for getting placement (Library and Information Science).
Developed a curriculum capable of producing high quality, trained manpower in the areas of Nanoscience and Technology. Department has offered more than 6 months research projects for the M.Tech students. And conducted lectures on related areas by Eminent Scientist and professors from Internationally reputed Institutes in India. Initiated research activities by submitting two major research proposals to funding agencies for set up equipped labs (Nanoscience & Technology).
Teaching, research and other extension activities (Economics). Conducted several seminars in PDE and Analysis which are beneficial to the students as these are the thrust areas of current research Faculty members provided guidance lectures for UGC/ Career examination for PG students, faculty members provided training in LATEX software to all students in the Department (Mathematics).
100 per cent placement for MBA students (Commerce & Management studies). Play production, Filim Appreciation, CULT (Calicut University Little Theater), Teleproduction in Folk festival (Drama).
Promote historical studies and research (History). Translation Bureau, Employment Cell, Literary Club, Publications (Arabic).
University of Calicut
A new course namely Actuarial Science has been started under School of Distance Education as per the decision of the Syndicate held on 3.6.2010 (Item No.2010.369 of the minutes)
A new Board of Studies in Clinical Psychology has been constituted as per UO No. GA I/F2/302/ 2010 Vol. I dated 3.11.2011.
A new course Diploma in Gemmology under the School of Distance Education has been started and syllabus implemented vide Uo No. GAIV /J1/137/2010 dated 28.2.2011.
Nano Technology, a new course has been started in the Department of Nanoscience and the Syllabus was implemented.
A new Programme called Functional Hindi and Translation under Board of Studies Hindi 9PG) under Faculty of Literature has been started in the Department of Hindi with effect from 2010 admission.
7. 8.
M.Tech & MCA Regulations implemented w.e.f 2010 admission. The following M.Tech Courses have been started. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) Environment Engineering Production Engineering Thermal System Power Systems Chemical Process Control. Embedded systems Machine Design Computer Science Water Resources & Hydro informatics. Power Electronics Commutation Engineering & Signal Processing. Internal Combustion Engine and Turbo Machinery Manufacturing Systems Management Digital Signal Processing 13
University of Calicut
Power Electronics & Drives Applied Electronics & Communication Systems. Geo Technical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Electronics Design Technology.
MCA Syllabus (2010 Admission) Ph.D Programme (Full Time & Part-time) M.Phil course in Theatre Arts 1 Year)
Cost based
Sl.No. Particulars Professional 1 Students from the same state where the University is situated Students from other states of India UG Non-Professional Professional PG Non-Professional Diploma Total
University of Calicut
13 14 15
2 1 35
2 9 59
59 16 1 245
63 25 2 339
: : :
5000 25000
The University does not grant permanent affiliation to unaided courses ( Temporary / Permanent affiliation is not granted to the colleges but to the course offered in the colleges)
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Particulars University Teaching Departments Constituent Colleges Affiliated Colleges(Govt. and Aided) UGC recognised CPE(Colleges with Potential for Excellence) Autonomous Colleges P.G Teaching Centres in Colleges Recognized Research Institution / Centres Self Financing Colleges No. 30 94 245
University of Calicut
7 8 9 10
6 6
II. Number of students enrolled in the university during 2010-11 with the following details (Students enrollment in Teaching & Research Departments).
Sl No. 1 Students from the same state Students from other state NRI Students Foreign Students UG Profe- Non-Professional ssional PG Profe- Non-Professional ssional MPhil Ph.D Diploma/ Certificate Total
0 0 0 19604
0 0 8 78157
0 0 0 1490
0 0 1 5488
0 0 0 82
0 0 1 264
0 0 0
0 0 10 105085
3 4
Grand Total
z z z z z z z z z z z z
The School of Bio-Sciences The School of Business Studies The School of Chemical and Physical Sciences The School of Information and Communication Studies The School of Education The School of Language and Literature The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences The School of Performing Arts The School of Legal Studies The School of Social Sciences The School of Engineering and Technology The School of Earth Sciences
Details of candidates qualified in SLET/GATE etc. : A large number of students had Qualified the SLET/ GATE Exam.
7, 8, & 9 January 2011 -To inculcate Scholarship selection camp Kerala State Science & Technology Museum. 18 March 2011, Seminar on Forestry Practices in Kerala - UGC 21 July 2011, Gregor Mendal Birthday Lecture Gregor Mendal Foundation, University of Calicut. 19 October 2011, Science popularization programme Calicut University Botanical Society.
University of Calicut
16 & 17 December 2011, National Seminar on genetics, breeding and biotechnology Inter-university centre for plant biotechnology & Gregor Mendal foundation.
School of Drama Lalgudi creation-5 day workshop on music conducted during March-2011.
Conducted a workshop on koodiyattam in November 2010 by Margie Madhu Conducted a workshop on Natya sasthra in July, 2010 by Dr. N.K Geetha. Workshop conducted in January, 2011, by David Zinder, Tel-Avive University, Isreal
One day national workshop on the concept of Banking and Finance in Quran. Two weeks national workshop on Manuscriptology and Paleography in Arabic, Urdu and Persian conducted 7 to 19th February, 2009 jointly by the department of Arabic and Centre for Heritage Studies, Tripunithura aided by National Manuscript Mission, New Delhi. Three days International Seminar on Indias Contribution in Arabic Literature aided by UGC. 32 days advanced level national workshop on Manuscriptology and Paleography in Arabic, Urdu and Persian on 12th October to 14th November, 2011 sponsored by National Mission for Manuscript, New Delhi. University of Calicut
Department of Commerce and Management Studies National Seminar on Dynamics of Bank Management: Emergency issues, challenges and strategies, March 21 and 22nd.
Two-day seminar on consumer Protection and Consumer Welfare on November 11th&12th.
Economics National seminar on Economics Theories and its Relevance in the era of economic reform on 11.01.2011.
National seminar on Inclusive Growth : Potential and Changes in Kerala on 24.03.2011. Assessment seminar for Ph.D scholars.
National Seminar on Functional Hindi and Translation on 28th and 29th of March, 2011. National Seminar on Nagarjun on 5th August, 2011. National Seminar in connection with Premchand Jayanthi Celebration on 29th July, 2011. Hindi Fortnight Celebration on 14.09.2011 to 28.09.2011.
Mass Communication National Seminar on the changing role of corporate Communication on March 2011, sponsored by UGC.
National seminar on the new media trends, sponsored by Communication Club. National Seminar on Media, sponsored by MASSCAA. Seminar on Media Criticism, sponsored by Communication Club. Audio Production workshop on October
University of Calicut
Sanskrit Advanced Workshop on Navya Naya Prof. T. Arya Devi & Prof. V. Ramakrishna Bhatt
Two-day National Sastrasabha Sanskrit Day celebration. Kalithasothsavam The Erudite Scholar in Residence programme, January 10 to 14, 2011 The Erudite Scholar in Residence programme, February 7th to 12th,2011 National seminar on Indian music :Theory and practice.
Statistics The workshop on statistical computing and R-I during 21-23rd March 2011
The workshop on statistical computing and R-II during 28-30 March 2011 Erudite programme,Visit of Prof. Thomas of Mathew, Dept. of Maths & Statistics, University of Maryland, USA, during 6-17th June 2011 Mahalanobis Birthday Celebration. National Statistical Day on 28th June 2011.
Womens Studies One day seminar on Cyber Crime and Drug Abuse on 08.03.2011
One day seminar on Health : Menopause and Related Issues on 27.07.2011 Workshop on Adolescence Education Training for Students of MA Womens Studies on 28.11.2011
Nanoscience & Technology Dr. K. Krishnankutty, Former Co-ordinator of the Department has conducted a lecture on Smart Materials by Dr. John Philip of IGCAR.
The Department also arranged an invited lecture by Dr. Amelnerkar, Director, CMET and inaugurated the academic activities of the Department on the 16th of February, 2011. University of Calicut
Workshops on local History 21st and 28th February, 2011 and 1st March, 2011.
Commerce & Management Studies National Seminar on dynamics of Bank Management : Emerging Issues, Challenges and Strategies March 21, 22.
Two days seminar on Consumer Protection and Consumer Welfare on November 11 and 12.
2,00,000 24,80,000
5 6
--- ---
--- ---
5,66,200 40,00,000 21
University of Calicut
SAP-DRS under the Co-ordinatorship of Prof. K.M.Varier/ Prof. B.R.S. Babu, HOD, Department of Physics ISRO-RESPOND under the Co-ordinatorship of Dr.Ravikumar.C.D under the Department of Physics Taxonomic Revision of Indian Marantaceae and Musaceae under the Co-ordinatorship of M.Sabu, Department of Botany Science popularization programme for Higher Secondary and UG Students of Malappuram District under the Co-ordinator ship of Dr.Jos T Puthur, Department of Botany Transformation of vegetable oil into omega-6 fatty acids enriched functional food by microbial intervention under the Co-oridnatorship of Dr. Sailas Benjamin, Department of Botany Prospecting industrially significant lignocellulolytic micro organism from the wood-yards in Kallai under the co-ordinatorship of Dr.Sailas Benjamin, Department of Botany A process development for ameliorating alarming environmental and health hazards posed by phthalates in plastic via chemical, biochemical and bio-remediation approaches under the co-ordinatorship of Dr.Sailas Benjamin Identification and physiological characterization of energy grass(es) suitable for poor quality soils under the co-ordinatorship of Dr.Jos T Puthur, Department of Botany Effect of GABA/BABA priming on drought tolerance potential of pepper (Piper nigrum L) a less defense investment process under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. Jos T Puthur, Department of Botany Contribution of Madrassa Education System with Special Reference to Kerala under the Co-ordinatorship of Dr. A.B.Moideenkutty, Department of Arabic Indian Contribution to Arabic Literature An Attempt to Prepare an Encyclopedic Volume in English to Introduce the Entire Indian Arabic Writings under the Co-ordinatorship of Prof. (Dr.) A.I.Rahmathulla, Department of Arabic Women Empowerment in the prose writings of Mahadevi, under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. Pramod Kovvprath, Department of Hindi. Department of Biotechnology funding for M.Sc programme
20,00,000 13,20,000
11 12
ISRO Dept. of Science & Technology New Delhi KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala
--- ---
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--- ---
University of Calicut
23 24
Bioinformatics Infrastructure facility, Department of Biotechnology, Calicut University Linguistic and cultural integration of Kerala under the co-ordinatorship of K. Gopalankutty, Dept of History Project of Local History under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. Ashokan Mundon, Dept. of History Morphometry and phylogeography of Honey Bees and Stringless Bees in India under the Co-ordinatorship of Dr. K.V. Lazar, Department of Zoology. Genetic Diversity of corals of Lakshadweep Islands under the Co-ordinatorship of Dr. K.V. Lazar, Department of Zoology FIST, Under the co-ordinatorship of Head of the Department, chemistry (Departmental project) SARD, Under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. K.K. Aravindakshan, Department of Chemistry (Departmental Project) SAP, Under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. P Mohammed Shafi & Dr. K. Krishnankutty, Department of Chemistry (Departmental Project) Development of E-content for selected units in the content of Teacher Educatin Programme. Dr. P. Usha (Education)
4.43 lakhs
22,00,000 5,00,000
25 26
25,07,000 18,000,00
28 29
30.9 Lakhs
Heavy ion irradiation impact on the Thermo electric power of thin filims under the co-ordnatorship of Dr. P.P. Pradyumnan, Dept. of Physics Studies on Thermo Electric Properties of magnetic ion incorporated semiconductor thin filims Under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. P.P. Pradyumnan, Dept. of Physics. Potential ornamental Gingers:Domestication and Development of Agrotechniques under the co-ordinatorship of M.Sabu, Dept. of Botany DNA Bar coding of selected genera of zingiberaceae: Alpinia; Globba and zingiber under the co-ordinatorship of M.Sabu, Dept. of Botany
30,00,000 TA/DA
University of Calicut
Science popularization programme for higher secondary and UG students of Malappuram District, under the co-ordinatorship of Dr.Jos.T.Puthur, Department of Botany Rabindra Natha Tagore and Khaleel Jibran a comparative Study, under the co-ordinatorship of Dr. V. Mohammed, Dept. of Arabic Investigation on the Jump Phenomenon observed in Catalysis of gasification of cellulose chars under the Co-ordinatorship of Dr. M.P. Kannan and Dr.T.Ganga Devi E-learning package for Adolescent Health Education Dr. Baiju K Nath Multimedia package for Teaching science as process skills for secondary school students Dr. P.K. Aruna
--- ---
10 UGC 11 UGC
10. Patents generated, if any Applied for Patents - 3 11. New collaborative research programmes Sl.No.
Name of Department
Collaborating Institutions
National Institute of Technology, Calicut Indian Institute for Spice Research, Calicut Centre for Materials for Electronics(CMET), Thrissur, Kerala. University of Vienna. Quest International Ashford, U. K. Amala Cancer Research Centre, Thrissur, Kerala. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala, Kottakkal, Kerala Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. ISRO, Bangalore IIAP, IUAC (NSC) New Delhi IUCAA Pune, C-MET University of Pisa. American Univ., Eotvos University, Hungary etc.
3 4
Biotechnology Zoology
Resource Sharing with School of Life Science, Kannur University. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Indian Institute Spice Research, Calicut Jammu Kashmir University Tamil Nadu Agriculture University University of Agricultural ScienceDhaward VSBT University of Calicut
Asoka Trust for Research and Ecology Environment (ATREE), Bangalore 5 6 Psychology Sanskrit SSA, Wayanad, Kerala Charles University, Prague for joint academic activities projects and research. Jegallenian University, Krackow, Poland SCERT Educational Multimedia & Research Centre National Institute of Technology, Calicut. Cochin University of Science & Technology Pondichery University Cochin University of Science &Technology CIILT & Kannada University National School of Drama,Delhi Kerala-Sangeetha Natak academy
7 8
9 10 11
Grant received
Amount 84150 764334 100000 496268 575000 2042000 1400000 609000 700000 81402
Apart from this the following departments are getting assistance from UGC under SAP 1. History 2. Philosophy 3. Education 4. Chemistry 5. Physics University of Calicut 25
List of Departments getting assistance from DST under FIST programme. 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Zoology 4. Botany.
hph\mSv F \nnXn Fw.Sn. hmkptZh \mbcpsS IrXnI ZznXob `mjm\ns kmaqlnI ]cnkcw-]Wnbh hnZymnIfpsS aebmf `mjm`ymks ap\nn Hcp ]T\w \thmm\ k]\ kzmXnXncp\mfntamln\nbm cN\I Bkv]Zamn Hcp ]T\w \h am[yafnse aebmf kmlnXyw, ssk_ hyhlmcfpsS kmwkvImcnI ]cnWmaw. s]\p`hhpw BJym\hpw kaImeo\ aebmf sNdpIYbnse kv{XoIXr cN\Isf ap\nnbp ]T\w s]mXpaehpw `mhpIXzhpw IYm{]kwK Iebnse ]cnWmasf B[mcamnbp ]T\w \ho\ am[yaoIrX hmMvabImes apow BhnjvImc sskmnI ]cymtemN\I LS\mhmZm\c NnIfpsS {]tbmKw kaImeo\ aebmf hnai\n (kwkvImc ]T\sf ap\nnbp hniIe\w)
Dr.V.Anil Kumar
Huidaifa Rahman
Dr.Ummer Tharammel
University of Calicut
Department of Hindi 9 10 Suma.A.M Sreekala.T.K Jnanpith women laurates and the world of their novels An evaluation of Malayalam poetry translated into Hindi in the perspective translation theory The changing scoio cultural scenario depicted in Srilal Shuklas Novels Contemporary Hindi shortstories (published in journals from 2001 to 2010) An analytical study with special reference to globalisation Cultural unity and diversity in Hindi travelogues Sociological study of Hindi Dalit poetry (1990-2010) Cultural diversity as depicted in the short stories of south Indian languages. Search for the cultural identity of India in contemporary Hindi poetry (with special reference to 1980-2000) Different levels of satire in contemporary Hindi drama an analytical study Dr.R.Surendran Dr.R.Sethunath
11 12
Lekha.M Sajila.K
13 14 15 16
Department of Sanskrit 18 19 20 21 Jisha.S.V Vrinda Venugopal Krishnan.O.P Sarath.P.Nath Elements of Ayurveda in Atharvaveda A textual analysis The concept of biodiversity and conservation in Banabhattas works A critical study of Mathrusadbhava The treatment of the concept of sentence A study based on Vakyapadiyas Dr.K.K.Geetha-kumari Dr.T.K.Narayan Dr.Y.K.Narayan Dr.P.Narayanan Nampoothiri.
Department of English 22 23 Premanand.M.E Gladin Rose Developing A hexagonal writing Unveiling widowhood shifting locations in selected Indian narratives Dr.B.Sreedevi Dr.Janaky Sreedharan
Department of Russian 24 Prajisha.R.V The Portrayal of urban poverty and suffering in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Charles Dickens. Dr.S.Nirmala
University of Calicut
Department of Arabic 25 Abdul Jaleel.M Thoughts on civilization : Two different Islamic approaches with Malekben Nabi and Sayyid Qutub Virgin love as employed in classical Arabic literature in comprison with the same in modern literature A study based on important specimens of different period A critical study of the works of Fadwa Tuqan Historical and critical analysis of the criteria and methodology of the Science of Hadith in the Sheea and Sunni perspectives. Development of novel literature in the kindom of Saudi Arabia with special focus on Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Gosaibi and his works Egyption social degeration narrated by Najeeb Mahfouz in his trilogy Impact of western imperialism and colonization on modern Arabic poetry Dr.A.I.Rahmathullah
26 27
Dr.Mohammed.V Dr.Mohammed.V
Dr.A.B.Moideen Kutty
29 30
Department of Physics 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 28 Chacko.K.V Ramachandran.T Trends of variables and air sea fluxes over the Indian ocean Studies on thermo electric semiconducting oxides materials Dr.Vishnu Mayya Bannur Dr. P.P.Pradyumnan Dr.K.M. Varier Dr.Vishnu Mayya Bannur Dr.P.P. Pradyumnan Dr. Ravikumar.C.D Dr.M.M.Musthafa Dr.C.D.Ravikumar Dr.C.D.Ravikumar Dr.Vishnu Mayya Bannur University of Calicut
Sivaramakrishan.P.A Intermole cular secondary relaxation process in glass forming systems. Neethu.P Shibina.T Dhanya Joseph Rukkiyya.V.P Reshma Bhaskaran Jathesh.V Nimmi Narayanan Collective effects in QGP Studies on electric, Dielectric properties of magnetic ion incorporated oxide materials Morphological Analysis of Galaxies Study of heavy ion reactions on medium mass nucue ner coulomb Barrier Studies on background radiation Study of environment of ultra luminious x-rays sources Elliptical flow study in RHIC
41 42
Ramya.P Nikesh.M
Department of Chemistry 43 44 45 Muneer.C.P Sangeetha.K.G Sam John Synthesis and Biological activity of some heterocyclic compounds Synthesis and characterization of metal complexes of Schiff bases Theortical and electrochemical studies on the corrosion inhibition properties of triazine and triazine and triazole based Schiff bases towards milkd steels and aluminium in acid solutions Corrosion inhibition on mild steel and aluminium alloys in acid environment using nanometric solbel materials Synthesis of ziroconia nano powders through sol-gel method and their characterization Electochemical and quantum chemical studies on triazine and triazole based Schiff bases on the corrosion of mild steel and copper in acid environmet Synthesis and characterization of metal complexes with chelating ligands One potmulticomponent synthetic protocols for highly function alized unnatural b-amino acid derivatives Studies on the development of ecofriendly synthetic protocols to identify Bio-active compounds based on clickable MCRs Dr.P.Mohammed
Dr.Abraham Joseph
Jabeen Fatima.M.J
Dr.Krishnan Kutty
Dr.Abraham Joseph
49 50
Dr.K.K.Aravinda-kshan Dr.D.Bahulayan
Biny Balan
Department of Botany 52 Swapna.K.S Phytroeme diation potential of chromolaena odorata (LINN) kin & Robins towards heavy metals Pollination Biology of selected specials of alpinia roxb and zingiberboehm Floristic and ecological studies on madayippara Dr.Nabeesa
University of Calicut
A study on the pollination Biology of selected lamiacean plants in southern western Ghats Taxonomic studies on the family scrophulariaceae Juss in Kerala Studies on dark-spored Agarics (Gilled mushrooms) of Silent valley National Park Studies on dark-spored Agarics (Gilled mushrooms) of Silent valley National Park Molecular characterization of ammonium transporters in relation to host parasite interaction in sandal (santalum album)
56 57
Adnaan Farook.U
Dr.P.Mani Mohan
Department of Bio-technology 60 Unni.K.N Enrichment of vegetable oils with conjugated linoleic acids by microbial approach Microbialremediation of phthalates and characterization of protocate chuate dioxygenases Dr.Sailas Benjamin
Department of Zoology 62 63 64 65 Anjana.M Kavitha.S Studies on lohmannid mites (Acari : Oribatei) of Malabar Studies on the genetic diversity of wasps of the family vespidae from Kerala. Dr.N.Ramani Dr.K.V.Lazar Dr.K.V.Lazar Dr.N.Ramani
Muhammed Seyid.P Studies on DNA sequence variations in some Digenean trmatodes of Kerala. Rahana Moideen Koya V.K Remya.S Studies on naturally infesting parasites and pathogens in oribated mites (Acari: oribatei of Malabar)
Studies on the role of hormones in the Dr.M.Gokuldas regulations of protein metabolism in the mango leaf WEBBER, ORTHAGAEXVINACEA HAMPSON (LEPIDOPTERA:PYRALIDAE) Studies on the biosystematics of fig wasp (HYMENOPERA: AGAONIDAE) of south western ghats Role on volatile organic compounds of different coconut cultivars Studies on the oribatid mites Studies on mites injurious to selected medicinal plants of Kerala Dr.Nasser.M
68 69 70
Comparative study of the effect of selected herbs biomolecules and modern medicinesin dementia induced rats Studies on the therapeutic properties of some herbal formulations on peripheral neuropathy Anti hyperglycaemic effects of some Ayurvedic preparations: a prospective study on rats
Deepthi Mahesan
Seena T. P
Department of Mathematics 74 75 Sreeja.M Santhosh.P.K Some problems related to homogeneity in topological spaces Some problems in categorical topology Dr.Ramachandran.P.T Dr.Rama-chandran.P.T
Department of Psychology 76 77 78 79 Manju Sherine John Sumitha .K. Sridharan Susan Varghese Reena George Development of psychological intervention strategies to enhance cognitive skills Development of psychological intervention strategies to enhance social skills Emotional labour and personalityt as moderators of quality of work life and Organizational culture and quality of worklife as moderators of job attitudes and effectiveness Psychological problems of midlife: An exploratory study. Dr.Baby Shari.P.A Dr.Baby Shari.P.A
Dr.C.Jayan Dr.C.Jayan
Anoop Kumar.K.V
Department of Biotechnology 81 Nithya.N Molecular investigations on plasmid based antibiotic resistance and cloning of related sequence from clinical isolates of multi drug resistant bacteria An in vitro and in vivo analysis of anti carcinogenic compounds A study on metabolic inhibitors to regulate gene expression in carcinomas Dr.P.R.Manish
82 83
Dr.M.V.Joseph Dr.M.V.Joseph
Department of Economics 84 85 86 Flowarin.A.D Sajitha.M Indira.P.M Export of capital goods in India with reference to engineering goods Impact of international agreements on marine fishery sector in Kerala Environmental issues of urban road transportation in Trichur municipal corporation 31 Prof.(Dr.)K.X.Joseph Prof.(Dr.)K.X.Joseph
University of Calicut
Electoral effects on fiscal policies of Government in Kerala Growth and instability of the unorganized labour market in Kerala
Prof.(Dr.)K.X.Joseph Dr.K.V.Rama-chandran
Department of Philosophy 89 Sreedevi.P Narrating the city in cinema a case study of Malayalam films during the period between 1950s and 80s Towards a meaningful talk about religion prospects and problems of LUDWIG WITTGENS TEINSS philosophy of religion Dr K.Gopinathan
Abraham Vettiyolil
Department of Folklore Studies 91 92 Satheesh .K.P Arshad.V Folklore tourism possibilities and challenges in Kerala Dr.Raghavan Payyanad
Folklore and environment: analysis of the Dr.E.K.Govinda Varma world view reflected in oral tradition of North Raja Kerala folk.
Department of History 93 94 Vineeth.R Mayadevi.M International communism and communist movement in Kerala 1919 to 1964 Notions of womanhood family marriage and morality among namboothiris and nairs in late 19th and early 20th century kerala Dr.K.N.Ganesh Dr.K.Gopalankutty
Department of Education 95 96 97 Praseeda.P.Nair Development implementation and evaluation Dr.K.P.Meera of a stress reduction programme
Rincy mol Sebastian Social skills in relation with communication Dr.K.P.Meera apprehension Abdul Saleem.K.P Effect of shared leadership on organizational effectiveness of secondary schools in kerala and lakshadeep Emotional intimacy in relation to occupational stress An exploration of the cognitive and pedagogic variables Effectiveness of cognitively guided instruction Development of computer based assessment package for testing subject competency in social science. Dr.P.K.Aruna
98 99 100 101
University of Calicut
Muhammed Nasimudeen.T
Department Of Library & Information Science 103 Mahajabeen Aydeed Role of information in managerial decision making among the managers of IT industries in Kerala The role of public libraries on woman empowerment in Kerala Use and effectiveness of U G C Infonet in promotion of education and research among Universities in Kerala a study Impact of mass media information of the socio-political empowerment of woman in Kerala Dr.Jalaja.V
104 105
Dr.Jalaja.V Dr.Jalaja.V
Department of Commerce & Management Studies 107 108 109 110 Biju Joseph Mammed .P Vimya K.P Archana Kesavankutty The effects of consumer personalitytypes on branded choices The role of south Malabar Gramin bank in financial inclusion in Kerala Leadership styles and organizational performance Gender focused marketing in kerala Dr.P.Mohan Dr.E.K.Satheesh Dr.A.K.Sarada Dr.K.P.Muraleedharan
Physical Education 111 112 113 Habeebu Rahman K.P Mathew Issac Jayakumar.M A study on the attitude towards professionalism of players of various sports Development of computersied software for testing health related physical fitness Health risk behavior Dr.K.P Manoj Dr.K.P.Manoj Dr.K.P.Manoj
Drama & Fine Arts 114 Surabhi.M.S Identity of audience in a keraliate performing area Dr.Shibu S Kottaram
Department of Arabic 115 116 Khadeejakutty C I Abbas.K.P Reflections of the life realities Md. Zafzaf- Morrocan novelist- an attempt to explore his views. Dr.A I Rahmathullah Dr.N.A Md. Abdul Khader
Statistics Zoology
: :
: : :
University of Calicut
17. Details of departments getting assistance/recognition under SAP, COSIST(ASIST)/ DST, FIST and other programmes
Department of Chemistry Period of assistance - 2007 2010 Special Assistance Programme (SAP) Fund for improvement in facilities in Science and technology (FIST) Department Research Support (DRS) SAARD Department of Physics Period of assistance - 2007 2012 Special Assistance Programme (SAP) Department Research Support (DRS) Development of E-content for selected units in the content of Teacher Education Programme. Department of Zoology Period of assistance - 20072010 Selective augmentation of Research & Development (SAARD) under STEC, Government of Kerala DBT Department of Philosophy Period of assistance - 2007 2012 Special Assistance Programme (SAP) : Total amount - Rs.24,80,000 : Amount released - Rs.16 lakhs : Total amount - Rs 50.10 lakhs : Total amount - Rs.40 lakhs : Amount released - Rs.20 lakhs : Total amount - Rs. 30.9 Lakhs : Total amount - Rs.40 lakhs : Total amount - Rs.18 lakhs : Total amount - Rs.20 lakhs : Total amount - Rs. 30 Lakhs
University of Calicut
Officers :
Professional Assistants (Grade II) Manuscript Keeper Store keeper Assistants Gardeners LD Typists 11 01 01 94 06 127
Centre. The subjects covered are Data Entry, Internet surfing, emailing, CD writing and copying etc. The operating system used for this purpose is Ubuntu which is an open source OS based on the Linux platform. Till now 20 students have got benefited from this course in 6 batches. Apart from this, facility for using the library, is also given to the students. Help is given to the surf the Internet and to read the journals. Now a days, a system called DAISY (Digital Access Information System) has been introduced to aid the visually challenged. With the help of this system the e-test displayed in the monitor can be heard at the same time without an extra screen reader. Such saved books can be read conveniently. The CHMK Library, in its programme to make the visually challenged friendly got the permission from the authorities to start a DAISY Production unit and it will be started soon. Not a single university in Kerala has initiated such a novel attempt. In order to get the visually challenged acquainted to this, a workshop on the DAISY system was conducted on 22nd October 2011 in the Library. About 60 visually challenged persons participated in the workshop. A seminar was also conducted on 23rd October 2011 on Assistive Technology and Visually Challenged. The purpose of this two day programme is to make the visually challenged acquainted with the prospects of the IT to make them employable. Four persons from four different fields Mr. R. Rajan, Deputy Director, Inclusive Education, Kerala, Mr. Sudhir.R. From the corporate field, Dr. Reshmi Pramod (Ayurvedic Doctor) from the medical field and Mr. C. Habeeb, Associate Professor, Farook College from the teaching field, shared their experiences of using the screen readers. In order to spread the use of the ICT among more students, the Section Officer of the ICT centre took a three day class in the Ubuntu operating system in the Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad, which is an affiliated college of the University of Calicut. The CHMK Library and the ICT Centre will continue their efforts to make the library more visually challenged friendly, thereby enabling them to contribute their potential for the society. Digital Resource Centre - As part of the digitization of library resources the CHMK Library has completed the digital conversion of 300 Ph.D theses submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Calicut. Dspace, an open source software, is used for the digitization purpose. Taking into consideration of the increased demand on part of the students the library has initiated the work of digitizing the question papers of the various examinations conducted by the University in the previous years. Digital copies of the question papers can be given to the students on demand and the whole set of question papers will be uploaded in the library site.
22. New books/journals subscribed and their value CHMK Library Number
Text books Reference books ebooks to ebrary Journals/Periodicals Any other, specify 1007 211 -223 -3.0 lakhs 1499710 --
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Text Books
350 408 1060 471 123 103 500 208 190 190 272 89 33 953 394 245 31 106 32 157 140 310 88 48 381 248 110 253
Cost (Rs.)
1,50,000 1,34,728 149907 192063 85860 2,00,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 150000 148058 15000 135255
Ref. Books
Cost (Rs.)
Nil 16
Nil 64140
Nil Nil
Nil Nil
10 Philosophy 11 Mathematics
12 Biotechnology 13 Commerce &Management Studies 14 Malayalam 15 Folklore Studies 16 Physics 17 English 18 Statistics 19 Psychology 20 Education 21 Zoology 22 School of Drama & Fine Arts 23 Economics 24 Life Sciences 25 West Asian Studies 26 Library and InformationScience 27 Nanoscience & Technology 28 Computer Science
8,00,000 4030 2,00,000 23531 150000 3,40,000 1,23,844 63,241 2,00,000 3,79,275 1,00,000 124237 64038 1 (4 Vol.) 11,500 18 28 45256 71986
University of Calicut
23. Courses in which student assessment of teachers is introduced and the action taken on student feedback.
All the teaching departments of the University have introduced students assessment of teachers. Feedbacks received from the students are routinely analyzed at the Department Councils and remedial action is taken promptly.
26. Computerisation of administration and the process of admissions and examination results issue of certificates.
We have computerized almost 99% of the examination process. Bar coded answer scripts are being used for almost all regular examinations. Register Numbers are in Alphanumeric format. The only examination conducted manually is under the Faculty of Medicine. As new Medical University has been formed and they have started conducting examinations for the last two years we have not taken steps to computerize that section. We are studying the possibility of going for on line examination also. On line availability of hall tickets and publication of results have helped the student community to a great extend. Within another a couple of years even fee for examination will be made on line. Mass SMS facility is being used for communicating with students. We have proposals to send results through SMS. Discussions are being conducted for implementation of e-governance in the University.
University of Calicut
The major works completed in 2010-11 by the Engineering Department are: Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Chakkittappara. Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Kaniyampatta Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Malappuram Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Valappad Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Dr. John Matthai Centre, Thrissur. Construction of Ground Floor of UTEC building at Manjeri Construction of first floor of Mass Communication Building for Political Science. Building for Simulation and Data Analysis Centre for Astronomical Observatory. Guest House at Dr. John Matthai Centre, Thrissur.
29. Computer and Internet access and training to teachers, non-teaching staff and students
The University has a Central as well as department wise computing facility. All the teaching departments have internet connected computer labs for the use of students. Most of the faculty members are provided with individual computers having internet connectivity. The Cyber Spot at the Student Trap which offers internet connected computer facility is open to students/staff throughout the day. The Central Library has a well equipped Infonet lab with 50 latest systems, an IBM server and other necessary accessories for the use of students, research scholars and faculty and other members. 4000 electronic journals are available through Infonet. Apart from this 2000 journals can be accessed through Inter Library Loan Service. The resources available at the UGC Infonet Consortium has been extended to all academic departments, CUIET and other offices using Wi-max connectivity. The recently inaugurated Manuscript Library has been completely digitalized and data made available to students through Internet. Automation of all department libraries have been completed. The Academic Staff College regularly conducts computer training programmes to non-teaching staff members. This is very important as the University is effectively implementing systematic computerization of its administration and all examination related works and in the threshold of entering the egovernance system. University of Calicut
The University is also conducting coaching programme for SC/ST students to equip them to face competitive examinations like NET, IAS etc. A separate cell is effectively functioning for this purpose under the charge of a senior faculty member.
University of Calicut
Conducted an Alumni meet and one day seminar(Library Science). An endowment has been instituted by the association to award certificate and cash prize for the best outgoing students of PG course every year.(Economics)
Extended financial assistance to conduct lecture series on research methodology (Education). Providing financial aid to encourage academic activities like journal club,monthly seminars and providing printer facility to the students.(Life Science) Four MSc. Students were given PTA Scholarships worth Rs.2,000/- for each student and all MSc. Students were provided lab coats and goggles for use in the practical labs (Zoology) Coaching for NET/JRF examination to MSc students of the Department and affiliated Colleges (Chemistry)
The University Health Centre provides health care to students, teachers and staff of the University. The facilities has been extended to residents of three nearby Panchayats namely, Thenhipalam, Pallikkal and Chelembra. Around 2000 patients on a monthly average attend O.P. section of the Health Centre. Lab facilities are utilized by over 1000 people every month. Two doctors work here in two shifts. Services of a physician and paediatrician are also made available on weekly basis. Lab facilities include blood, urine, routine, blood glucose and cholesterol level. ECG facility is also available. Most of the medicines prescribed are also supplied by the Health Centre and given free of cost to students and staff.
Volley ball (women) Best Physique (Men) Cross country (Women) Handball (women) Softball (Women) Weight lifting (Women) Fencing (women) Swimming (4 x 100) (Men) Swimming (4 x 100) (Women) Teakwondo
3. 4.
Name of event
27 South Zone Inter University Festival held at Sathyabhama University, Chennai.
Mimicry General Quiz Spot Photography Clay modeling Classical music (Vocal) Group song (Indian) Group song (Western) Elecution Western Vocal(Solo) Debate First
Vimeesh.M.S (IIIrd Semester MA) got Literaray Award (English) Participated in All India Essay Writing Event 2011 organized by Sri.Ramchandra Mission (Economics) One got Inspire Scholarship and three students got NET (Life Science) Second Place in Inter Collegiate Quiz competition on the occasion of Science Day celebrations on 06.06.2011, Providence College, Calicut (Zoology).
Programmes aimed at providing career counseling to needy students are regularly organized by University Employment and Guidance Bureau. Such progrmmes are also conducted at various districts so that students of affiliated colleges are also benefited.
The department of Psychology of the University offers counseling, consultancy and training services in areas like consultancy service for Research Analysis, consultancy service regarding organizational matters, consultancy service regarding educational matters, training for various social groups including students, adolescents, teachers and workers and counseling services to organizations for community mental and mental health of women.
SC/ST/Minority Coaching Cell of the University frequently conducts coaching classes to equip underprivileged students to face competitive examinations.
Campus recruitment is a regular phenomenon in the Department of Commerce & Management Studies for the last so many years. In 2008-09 major banks like Federal Bank, South Indian Bank, ICICI Bank, HCL, visited the campus for recruitment which resulted in almost 100% of the final MBA students getting attractive placements. An effective Placement Cell is functioning in the University since 2007-08. The Cell provides a common platform for the students of all affiliated colleges and University teaching departments in placement services. The Placement Cell has so far conducted three mega job fairs which were tremendous successes in terms of number of companies participated, job seekers attended and placements offered.
In the year 2010-11 the Placement Cell conducted two job fairs. About 300 students were offered placements TCS, HCL, Sutherland, Trasset, OTB, WIPRO and leading establishments from IT, Banking, Insurance also recruited students.
As part of the implementation of systematic computerisation of the administrative and examination machineries of the University, computer training programmes are regularly conducted for the nonteaching staff members. The Academic staff college has conducted many such programmes in 2010-11. University of Calicut
The University has also entered into an agreement with the Institute for Management in Government, (IMG) Kozhikode Regional Office for conducting orientation training programme for newly appointed members of the nonteaching staff. The ten days residential programme covers subjects like State Service rule, Office procedures, University Acts and statutes, legal awareness programes, stress management, inter-personal relationship etc. The programme aims to enhance the efficiency level of University staff members.
c. d.
e. f. g. h. i. j. k.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
University of Calicut
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) Ernakulam and all its sub-stations Forest Research Institute, Dehradun Forest College, Coimbatore The Ramanujan Institute for advanced Study in Mathematics, University Buildings, Chennai Indian Institute of Astro Physics, Bangalore, 560 034. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) Bangalore (Entered into MoU) Inter University Accelerator Centre, Old JNU Campus, Aruna Asafali Marg, New Delhi The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Bangalore Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, New Delhi Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ganeshkhind,Pune - 411007 Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad Central Institute of Indian Languages Ministry of Social Welfare - Government of India, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570 006. Kerala Sahithya Academy, Thrissur Cholera Research Centre, 3, Dr. M. Ishaque Road, (Kyd Street)Kolkatta 16 Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram Amala Cancer Hospital And Research Centre, Amala Nagar P.O.,Thrissur Government Medical College, Kozhikode University of Pisa, Itally Dallhouse University, Canada Indianapolis, University U.S.A.
Liquid Nitrogen Plant worth Rs.28 Lakhs , Photometer and Spectrometer were attached to the Telescope of the Observatory. Kit for 30 experiments was purchased, UV Visible spectrometer, differential scanning calorie meter etc were purchase (Physics) Automotive exhaust gas purification was added to lab, conducted National Seminar, Signed MoU with CMET as part of collaborative research. ( Chemistry) Autoclave, LED Microscope(5 Nos), Gel doc systems, PCR Machines were added to lab ( Life Sciences) Biospin Fermentor, High Speed Centrifuge etc were added to the Lab (Bio-Technology) UV Visible spectrometer and experiment kits (Zoology) Research on Taxonomy and pollination ecology of Lamiacean plants of South India and the taxonomic studies of Scrophulariacean plants of Kerala was carried out. Research on Study on agarics carried University of Calicut
z z z
out. Research Study on Marantaceae and Musaceae carried out. Research on Energy grass carried out. Research on genetics and breeding of specialty rices and mentha caried out. (Botany)
z z z
Digitization of manuscripts is nearing completion.(Malayalam) Peer reviewed research journal Samskrtakairali, first issued published (Sanskrit). Workshop on new media was conducted (Journalism).
43. Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add. Section C: Outcomes achieved by the end of the year z Modernization of Examination Wing undertaken on a grand scale continues. By 2011-12 it will be one of the best Universities in India to provide the best facilities to students. Multipurpose building for the students was inaugurated.
Facilities provided by our CHMK Library is having very high standard. We have provided excellent facilities to the visually challenged. Our publication Division maintains very high standard and generates own resources. Enormous scholarships to studentship. NET Coaching being provided by almost all departments. We have utilised all funds effectively to equip our laboratories to meet the needs of the students. Digitization of Manuscript Library is nearing completion. University achieved the status of being the first wire-free campus in the state of Kerala. With the introduction Wi-max system, the knowledge resources available at UGC-Infonet Consortium has been made accessible to all the teaching departments and Calicut University Institute of Engineering Technology (CUIET).
z z z z z z z
Section D: Plans of the University for the next year (2011-12) To provide Smart Class Room in every department.
To inaugurate the new Humanities Block. To provide ATM in the Multipurpose building exclusively for students. To start egovernance system of administration. To clear all pending files. To issue degree certificates within short period of time. To publish results as early as possible. Filling up of vacant positions of academic and administrative staff. To provide better facilities in Students Hostel. To make the Campus more Green than before. To bring more projects to the departments To make elaborate arrangements to prepare big projects to get more funds in XIIth Plan. To have centralized system of admission to all PG Courses in the teaching departments and affiliated colleges. To maintain punctuality in the office Bio-metric punching system will be installed. 47
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University of Calicut
University of Calicut
University of Calicut
Biospin Fermentor
University of Calicut
University of Calicut