Mazda 3 MPS Intake
Mazda 3 MPS Intake
Mazda 3 MPS Intake
Tools required 7mm hose clamp driver 10mm and 12mm socket and suitable ratchet Stanley knife Phillips head screwdriver Needle nosed pliers 3mm allen key
1. Start by opening the bonnet and loosening the two jubilee clips holding the filter outlet hose, and unclip the MAF sensor plug by squeezing the rear of the plug and pulling it off.
2. Pull up the clips that retain the top of the filter housing and remove it from the car
3. Remove the rubber outlet hose still left in the car, by first removing the breather hose attachement (push fit), then pull the base of the filter housing sharply upwards to release it from the two rubber grommets in the chassis, and remove it from the car.
4. Remove the battery from the car by loosening and removing the earth and positive terminals with a 10mm socket, then remove the two 10mm buts on the retaining bracket that holds the battery into the cover.
5. Remove the single 10mm bolt under the battery that holds the battery cover to the chassis, and the two 10mm nuts that holds the ECU bracket to the chassis on the front edge of the battery cover. Pull the ECU bracket up and off the two studs.
6. Now pull the battery cover upwards and roll it forwards at the same time. The front face of the battery cover unclips so that the negative battery terminal wiring can be pulled free.
7. Remove the phillips head screws holding the ECU onto the battery cover, then unclip the front of the battery cover (this part stays in the car) and remove the rest of the battery cover from the car. The ECU can be positioned temporarily in the space left by the battery.
8. Remove the single 10mm nut holding the turbo inlet pipe to the engine, remove the clip holding the wiring using needle nosed pliers,and remove the scissor clip holding the dump valve return to the inlet pipe.
9. Near where the pipe enters the turbo, remove the clip holding the small vacuum tube to the pipe, pull the pipe off, and undo the jubilee clip securing the inlet pipe to the turbo. The inlet pipe can now be removed from the engine bay.
10. Remove the other end of the breather pipe removed in step 3 from the back of the cam cover, the two green plastic prongs need to be pushed in in order to remove the pipe.
11. From the inlet pipe you removed, take off the rubber mount and rubber hose insert as shown and fit them to the provided Forge pipework. Fit one of the supplied jubilee clips around the rubber hose insert (loosely) ready for installation.
12. Remove the front right bolt 12mm on the gearbox shifter mechanism this can be tight so be careful not to round off the bolt head.
13. Lower the Forge pipework into the engine bay taking care. Tuck the turbo end under the wiring as you do so and push the rubber grommet you fitted in step 11 over the threaded stud that held the stock pipe in place. This should line up the pipe with the turbo inlet which can now be pushed on too.
14. Bolt the remaining bracket loosely to the top of the gearbox using the bolt removed in step 12, then tighten the jubilee clip on to the turbo housing, the 10mm nut on the stud and the bolt on the gearbox in that order.
15. Cut down the dump valve recirculating pipe with a sharp stanley knife in order for it to connect to the Forge pipework. If you also have the Forge Front Mounted intercooler, then the slight bend at the end of the recirc pipe is a perfect fit.
16. We provide a small attachment on the pipe in order to use a cable tie to secure the upper water pipes to the intake if necessary.
17. Fit the short breather hose supplied to the Forge pipework and the cam cover, using the 22mm jubilee clips provided.
18. Remove the MAF sensor from the stock airbox and secure the MAF to the Forge pipework using the two M4 screws provided, and plug the MAF sensor back in to the loom.
19. Jack the car up and remove the left front road wheel, and the screws securing the arch liner. Mount the Forge splash guard over the vents in the arch liner, and use a 7mm drill bit to drill four holes through the liner, then use the provided M6 bolts and penny washers to secure the splash guard to the liner.
20. Fit the aluminium trumpt into the airfilter, and the remaining 90 degree silicon bend to the rear of the trumpet with the provided jubilee clip. Use the last jubilee clip to secure the silicon bend to the pipwork fitted earlier. Orientate the clip so that it can be done up from within the arch as shown.
Installation is complete ! Refit the arch liner and wheel, and lower the car to the ground to enjoy your new found perfromance.