Estimacion CP
Estimacion CP
Estimacion CP
Abstract In this paper, we present the design of an observer/estimator for the estimation of the power coecient in a wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a separately excited dc generator. It is shown that the estimator is capable of supplying accurate estimates of the power coecient, and that it can handle measurement noise and provide satisfactory convergence qualities. A further advantage of the observer design presented is that it can be easily extended to other WECS where dierent types of generators are employed. Keywords: WECS, DC generator, observer, power coecient
I. INTRODUCTION Over the last decade wind energy is the fastest growing energy technology in the world. More recently focus has shifted considerably in terms of application to electricity generation. This shift is due to the fact that wind represents a sustainable, economically viable and moreover clean renewable energy source for the future with minimal environmental impact [1]. The UKs Government has extended its commitment to producing 10% of its electricity requirements using renewable energy sources by 2010 to 15% by 2015 [2]. As Europes windiest country the Tyndall study shows that 34% of this generation must come from wind energy. Further commitments to the Kyoto Protocol to cut green house gas emissions and more specically reduce 20% of CO2 emissions by 2010 provide an additional impetus to maximise electrical power produced by wind [3]. A wind energy conversion system (WECS) consists of a turbine, used to extract power from the wind, a transmission to gear up the rotational speed of the turbine shaft, a mechanical to electrical converter (usually an induction generator), and a controller to control the overall system behaviour. The expression for the amount of power Pm (u) a wind turbine is capable of producing is given by: 1 Cp (; ) R2 u3 (1) 2 where u is the wind speed (ms1 ), is the air density (kgm3 ), R is the rotor radius (m), and Cp is the power coecient of the wind turbine. The tip-speed ratio is dened as: Pm (u) = = R! u (2)
This work was supported by the EPSRC. L. Dodson, K. Busawon and M. Jovanovic are with Northumbria University, School of Engineering and Technology, Ellison Building, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST, UK. E-mail:
where ! is the angular speed of the turbine rotor (rads1 ). The power coecient Cp is the most important parameter for the WECS controller design, especially in the case of power regulation. It represents the turbine eciency, and is dened as the fraction of wind energy extracted by the turbine of the total energy that would have owed through the area swept by the rotor blades if the turbine had not been there [4]. In general, Cp is a non-linear function of the tip speed ratio and therefore changes with wind velocity. It is calculated from the turbine design, the pitch angle and it is sensitive to dirt etc. on the blade surface [5]. In practice, the Cp is dicult to obtain and is dierent for every turbine type. In many instances, it is provided by the manufacturer documentation which are used in many control schemes as look-up tables to generate optimal target power references [6], [1]. Various models are used to describe Cp in the literature (see e.g.. [7], [8]). However, these models are only approximate and in many cases there is no valid justication for their use. Consequently, there is a real incentive to estimate Cp on-line without assuming any particular model for its structure. To the best of the authors knowledge, there is no published work done in this area. From this point of view, the work to be presented has a signicant contribution. In this paper, we present the design of a proportional observer/estimator for the estimation of the power coecient in a WECS where a separately excited dc generator is employed. It is shown that the estimator is capable of supplying accurate estimates of the power coecient. In addition, it is demonstrated that the estimator can handle measurement noise and provide satisfactory convergence qualities if the gain of the observer is not excessively high. A further advantage of the observer design presented is that it can be easily extended to other WECS where dierent xed and/or variable speed generators are employed (such as the cage induction generators, wound-eld or permanent magnet synchronous generators, doubly-fed slip ring induction generators etc.). The Cp estimate can then be employed for designing various control schemes. These observerbased algorithms will have the advantage of being exible and applicable to dierent turbines; thus making the controller as independent of the turbine parameters as possible. An outline of the paper is as follows: In the next section, we present the modelling aspects of both the dc generator and the WECS. We then show how reduced order models of the dc generator and the turbine can
be obtained using output injection. In Section III, these reduced order models are used to design the power coefcient estimator. In section IV, simulations are carried out in order to demonstrate the performance of the estimator. Finally some important conclusions from the results presented are drawn, and the potential directions for future work given. II. SYSTEM MODELLING A. DC Generator Modelling The model of the separately excited dc generator can be subdivided into its electrical dynamics and its mechanical dynamics[9], [10], [11]. The corresponding equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 1. The electrical dynamics describe the eld winding and the armature winding and can be represented by the following dierential equations: Vf Rf if dif = (3) dt Lf Lf K1 if !e Va Ra ia dia = (4) dt La La La where Vf , Rf , and Lf are the eld winding voltage, resistance and inductance respectively; Va , Ra , and La are the armature winding voltage, resistance and inductance respectively, !e is the rotational speed of the generator (rad.s1 ), and K1 is the induced emf constant. The mechanical dynamic equation of the dc generator is of the well-known form: Tp Te Be ! e d!e = (5) dt Je Je Je where Be is the coecient of viscous friction (N.m), Te = K1 if ia is the electromagnetic torque (N.m), Tp is the drive torque (N.m), Je is the inertia of the dc generator (kg.m2 ). Additionally, the electromagnetic torque Te can be written as: eia Te = (6) !e where e is the induced emf which can be written as: e = K1 if !e : (7)
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Tp Te = Je ! e + Be !e _ Tp !e = T !
(9) (10)
B. WECS Modelling A typical WECS conguration is shown in Fig. 2. The power from the wind drives the turbine with a torque Tm and consequently the rotor of the wind turbine rotates at an angular speed !. The transmission output torque Tp then drives the generator, which produces an electromagnetic torque Te at a rotational speed ! e . Note that the turbine and generator speeds are not the same due to the use of the gearbox. The mechanical dynamics of the WECS and the dc generator can be described by the following set of equations [12]: _ Tm T = Jm ! + Bm ! (8)
where Bm and Be are the frictional constants of the turbine and the generator respectively, Tm , Te , T , Tp are the rotor torques at the turbine end, generator end, before and after the gear box, Jm , Je the moment of inertia of the turbine and the generator respectively, and !, ! e are the rotational speed of the rotor at turbine end and generator end respectively. Note that no torsion related losses are considered here to simplify the modelling. Furthermore, the transmission is assumed ideal i.e. lossless. The transmission gear ratio is dened as: !e (11) = ! Using (10), (11), we can combine (8) and (9) to show the mechanical equation of the WECS: J ! + B! _ J ! + B! _ where: J = Jm + 2 Je (13) = Tm Te Pe Pm = ! !e
B = Bm + 2 Be
where Pm denotes the wind power from (1) and Pe represents the electrical power generated by dc generator. It is clear from the previous section that Pe is related to the eld and armature currents of the generator: Pe = Te !e = K1 if ia !e : (15)
Finally, the WECS model is obtained by combining the dynamics of dc generator with that of the turbine and is given by: 8 di > f = Vf Rf if > > > dt Lf Lf > > di < a K1 if ! Va Ra ia = dt La La La > > 1 > 2 3 > Cp (; ) R u > d! > K1 if ia B! : = 2 dt J! J J III. ESTIMATION OF Cp
where if , ia and u are viewed as inputs to the system and ! as the output. In what follows, we are going to use this model for the design of the estimator for the estimation of the power coecient. The reduced order system (18) can be written in a matrix form as follows: x = Ax + '(if ; ia ) _ (19) y = Cx where ! x1 = ; A= x = x2 Cp 0 0 ! K1 if ia ; and C = 1 0 '(if ; ia ) = J 0 =
Our main objective is to design a power coecient estimator based upon the WECS model given in (16). For this, we regard Cp as a state variable instead of a parameter and assume that the power coecient is dCp ' 0 on the unknown and piecewise constant so that dt time intervals where Cp is constant. As a result, system (16) can be augmented by including the dynamics of Cp ; yielding a system of order 4 given by: 8 di > f = Vf Rf if > > > dt Lf Lf > > di > a K1 if ! Va Ra ia > < = dt La La La (17) > d! 1 Cp (; ) R2 u3 K1 if ia B! > > = > > dt J! J J > > dCp 2 > : =0 dt The estimation of Cp can be based on these four equations[13]. However, in order to reduce computation complexity we look for a reduced order model from which the estimation of Cp can be made. For this, we shall assume that the values of if , ia , ! and Va are measured: that is they are accessible outputs of the WECS. This is a reasonable hypothesis since in practice all these measurements can be obtained. The voltage Vf and the wind speed u are inputs to the WECS. Since if , ia , u and ! are measured, they can be injected directly into mechanical equation of the WECS. As a result, only the mechanical dynamics of the WECS can be considered for the estimation of Cp . More precisely, the following second order reduced model can be employed for Cp estimation: 8 1 Cp (; ) R2 u3 K1 if ia B! > d! > > < dt = 2 J! J J dCp (18) > > dt = 0 > : y=!
x= A^ + '(if ; ia ) + KP (y y) ^ x ^
where the KP coecients are chosen in order to impose a stable dynamic to the observer error dynamic. For this, we impose double real poles that we can place using the parameter : p() = det [I2 (A KC)] = 2 +(KP 1 + ) +KP 2 where I2 stands for the identity matrix of order 2. In order to choose a double negative real poles, we impose as a double eigenvalue of (A KC) where > 0 is a tuning parameter, that is p() = 2 + 2 + ()2 : By identication of coecients, we obtain 2 KP 1 : = KP = KP 2 2 In eect, by setting, " = x x, it can be veried that ^ the error dynamics of the observer is given by " = (A KP C) " _ 2 1 = " = A0 ": 2 0 Since the eigenvalues of A0 are both equal to and > 0; we therefore conclude that the error dynamics is stable. Consequently, the estimator/observer (20) is an exponential observer for system (19). In summary, the estimator for Cp is given by: 8 ! > d^ = C ^ K1 if ia + (2 )(! ! ) ^p < ^ ! dt J ^p > dC : = 2 (! !) ^ dt (21) A block diagram of the proportional estimator is given in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 4.
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this section, we evaluate the performance of the estimator designed in the previous section. The following numerical values of the model parameters are used for simulation studies: Vf = 240V Lf = 60H Ra = 1:2K1 = 0:353NmA2 Je = 0:208kgm2 R = 1:5m Jm = 0:3kgm2 Rf = 60Rated Va = 240V La = 0:01H Be = 0:011Nm = 1:25kgm3 = 1 : 23:4 Bm = 0:0151Nm.
Fig. 6.
For simulation purposes, we have assumed that Va is modelled as a purely resistive load so that Va = Rl ia : The numerical value used for the simulations is Rl = 15:57- . Two sets of simulations were carried out, one without and one with measurement noise d(t). For these simulations the values of = 2 and = 4 were adopted. The wind speed prole, shown in Fig. 4, is modelled as a step change with an additional uniform random noise.
Fig. 5 shows the estimation of Cp when = 2 with no measurement noise. The power coecient Cp and the ^ estimated power coecient Cp are shown. The piecewise square wave function represents the reference power coecient Cp . It can be easily seen that the estimator provides estimation of Cp with good convergence properties. Fig. 6 illustrates the estimator behaviour for = 4 with no disturbance. Again the power coecient Cp and ^ the estimated power coecient Cp are shown. Here we can see that the convergence is faster as expected for higher gain values. Fig. 7 shows the prole of the measurement noise d(t): Fig. 8 shows the estimation of Cp when = 2 under noisy measurements. The estimator again provides an estimation of Cp with satisfactory convergence properties. Fig. 9 shows the estimation of Cp when = 4 under noisy measurements. The estimator again provides
Fig. 7.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 8.
Some Remarks It is important to realise that the wind speed u measured by the anemometer is the wind speed as measured at a particular point in the area swept by the rotor. This is not an ideal representation as it assumes that the wind speed is uniform over that area and does not take into consideration spatial uctuations which can be eliminated using spatial ltering. Future work would be to consider the case when the power coecient is not assumed to be a piecewise constant function in order to provide a more realistic representation of the practical system. However, current suitable anemometer technology has a measurement frequency of around 1Hz, subsequently the assumption that Cp is piecewise constant is not too restrictive. V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS In this paper, the design of a proportional observer for the estimation of the power coecient in a wind energy conversion system has been presented and its performance evaluated by simulation studies. The results obtained have veried the estimators capability of supplying good estimates of the power coecient. It is also shown that the estimator can eectively handle measurement noise while retaining satisfactory convergence qualities provided that the observer gain is not excessively high. The proposed observer design has many other important advantages: it is versatile, allows fewer turbine parameter dependence of the associated control system and as such can easily be extended to any other WECS where dierent generators and/or turbine types are used. Further work would be to develop a maximum power controller for an adjustable speed WECS based on the implementation of the estimated power coecient.
estimation of Cp with good convergence properties and faster response than in Fig. 8. However, the noise is amplied to the high gain employed. It can be noted that the noise amplication is higher in the time interval 10s to 20s. This is due to the fact that KP 1 = 2 = B R2 u3 is a function of the cube of the wind J! J speed which is also aected by an additive random noise as mentioned previously. As a result, as the value of u increases the noise aecting the wind speed is also amplied by a cube factor. Consequently, a trade-o is necessary with respect to noise amplication and fast convergence. One way to overcome this problem would be to employ a PI observer as described in [14] instead of the previous proportional observer; since it is shown that the PI observer has the property of attenuating measurement noise.
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