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M. Chennani*, I. Salhi**, S. Doubabi***
Laboratory of Electric Systems and Telecommunications (LEST), Faculty of Science and Technology of Marrakesh BP 549 Marrakesh, Morocco * medchennani@yahoo.fr, **issamvotremi@gmail.com, ***doubabi@fstg-marrakech.ac.ma Received: 23 Sept. 2007; accepted: 29 Oct. 2007

In this article we present the study of the regulation of a micro hydroelectric power plant (MHPP) prototype. The Prototype is installed in our laboratory in the Faculty of Science and Technology. A model of the MHPP was developed with simulink based on some of our preceding works. The downstream regulation ensures good frequency regulation results. The used controllers are the P and PI. The practical results obtained are not far from those in simulation. Measurement and the command are done by an acquisition card controlled by computer.
Keywords: micro hydroelectric power plant, modelling, regulation, simulation. Obtained his diploma in Electrical Engineering from the ENSEM (Ecole Nationale Superieure dElectricit et de Mcanique) of Casablanca in 1995. Since he is a professor of electrotechnics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Marrakech. He has participated in several research and scientific projects and he is the author of more than 10 communications and publications. Obtained his master degree in December 2006 from Cadi Ayyad University Morocco. He is a researcher member of the Electric Systems and Telecommunications Laboratory and preparing his doctorate thesis.

Pr. Mohammed Chennani

Issam Salhi
Obtained his doctorate thesis in 1998 form Cadi Ayyad University Morocco ( CAUM ). Since 1998, he is a professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Marrakesh, Ex-responsible of the Automatic and Industrial Informatic Laboratory, subdirectory to Electrical Systems and Telecommunication Laboratory of CAUM. He has participated in and led several research and cooperation projects and he is the author of more than 20 international communications and publications.

Dr. Said Doubabi Introduction A Micro Hydroelectric Power Plant (MHPP) is equipped generally with an upstream hydraulic system which forwards water to the turbine equipped with a motorized injector which controls the turbines flow. The MHPP is coupled with a generator that supplies a mini electrical network. The regulation system must guarantee a good level of voltage with an industrial frequency (50 Hz). In the event of low consumption, it act on the opening of the injector to adapt the production to the needed power. The surplus of energy is switched on a resistance. Some departures are disconnected in the moment of overload. In this article, we present a model of the MHPP developed with simulink [1, 2]. The simulation results of the downstream regulation are compared with the practical ones used on a prototype of the MHPP. The downstream regulation used on the prototype uses a resistance of dissipation controlled by an electronic variator. Measurement is made by a acquisition card and the regulations used are P (proportional) and PI (proportional and integral) implemented in computer and control permanently the system. Description of the MHPP Real MHPP The upstream hydraulic part of the MHPP consists of [3]: water supply on a river, a feeder canal, a regulation basin, a pressure pipeline whose section is accorded to the flow and the available power.

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Small and micro hydro-power plants

Nozzles direct water jet against a series of spoon-shaped buckets mounted around the edge of a turbine. The system ensures the hydraulic energy transformation into mechanical energy. The wheel of the turbine is coupled to a generator. The general diagram of this system is represented in Fig. 1. The servo-motor related to the nozzle must be relatively slow to minimize the water hammers effect.

Fig. 3. The real prototype

Modelling of the MHPP Model of the Pelton turbine The Pelton turbine is used for the high falls and small flows. It Consists of a set of specially shaped buckets mounted on the periphery of a circular disc. It is turned by jets of water discharged from one or many nozzles which strike the buckets (see Fig. 4). The flow is adjustable using a mobile needle inside the nozzle, which is moved by an electric servo-motor.

Fig. 1. Synoptic diagram of a micro hydroelectric power plant

Description of the MHPP prototype The nominal values of the system parameters are: Electric power: 185 W Frequency: 50 Hz Voltage: 220 V Flow: 10 l/s Speed of racing: 1400 tr/min The installation allows to impose a variable flow between 0 and 20 l/s. The functional plan of the installation is represented in Fig. 2. The used turbine is of type Pelton. The generator is a synchronous machine which feeds directly a load formed by lamps. The frequency is measured by a frequency sensor ARDETEM DIP 605. The numeric regulation is done using an acquisition card. The actuator is an analogue power controller Type ACI 30-1. In the Fig. 3, we give the real system prototype photo.

Fig. 4. The geometrical shape of a Pelton turbine

The water fall power is given by:

Pt = gQt H e


with: Pt turbine power [W], Qt water flow of the turbine [m3/s], g gravity acceleration [m/s2], = = 1000 kg/m3 waters density, He effective high [m]. The parameter He in (1) is calculated by the following expression [2, 4, 5]:
He = U (V1 U )(1 + m cos ) g


Fig. 2. The functional plan of the installation

with: U drive speed of the turbine, V1 water speed in the contact of the jet with buckets, m report of V1 and V2 the water speed at the exit of the bouckets, angle between V1 and V2 .


International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology 5 (61) 2008 Scientific Technical Centre TATA, 2008

M. Chennani, I. Salhi, S. Doubabi. Study of the regulation of a micro hydroelectric power plant prototype

The torque provided by the turbine is: Ct = Pt t (3)

V1 = tV1n


from where the expression of the turbine speed in (pu) is:

t = ht .

with: t angular speed of the turbine (rd/s). The linear speed of the turbine expression is:
U = t Dt 2


The turbine can be represented by the following model (Fig. 5):


with: Dt Diameter of the turbine (m). With the relations (1) (4) we obtain:

Ct = Qt

D U V1 t t (1 + m cos ) . 2 t


In this paper we use the IS unities for the physical values and the reduced sizes per unit system: pu for the model. qt Turbine flow (pu), t Jet speed (pu), nt Turbine speed (pu), ct Turbine torque (pu), Qtn nominal flow of the turbine (m3/s), Ctn nominal torque of the turbine (N.m), V1n nominal speed of the jet (m/s), tn nominal speed of the turbine (rd/s). The relation (5) becomes: ct = qt Qtn We note: Dt D tV1n t tn nt (1 + m cos ) . (6) 2Ctn 2

Fig. 5. Simulink model of a Pelton turbine

Model of the injector The injector is formed by a needle which moves in a conical form, its model is obtained by calculation of the area trough which the water jet passes [4, 5]. By taking an injector with the following form (Fig. 6):

kt =

Dt tn . 2V1n


For nominal values: qt = 1 ; t = 1 ; nt = 1 ; ct = 1 . From the relations (6), (7) we can write:

Qtn =

2Ctn . DtV1n (1 kt )(1 + m cos )

Fig. 6. Diagram of an injector


The surface by which water passes is:

Replacing Qtn in (6) by its expression in (8) we end at: ct = qt ( t k t nt ) . 1 kt (9)

Sd =

Dd d X d sin 2


The turbine power is given by:

pm = ct nt .


with: Dd external diameter of the injector, d tangential diameter of the needle with the opening of the injector, aperture angle of the punch, Xd opening in meter of the punch (advance). However:

By considering some approximations, we have:

V1 = 2 gH t ,

d = Dd 2 X d sin cos .


By replacing d in (16) we obtain Sd:

where H t the effective fall is given by:

H t = ht H tn


2 sin 2 S d = sin Dd X d X d . 2 The flow in the turbine is:


with: H tn nominal fall, ht effective fall in pu. The relation (11) is written by using pu units as:

Qt = S d V1 .


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Small and micro hydro-power plants

In pu, surface Sd and the needle advance Xd are expressed by: S d = sd Ddn , (19)

X d = xd X dn .


By combining the relations (19), (20) and (17) we end: sd = with: Dd X dn sin 2 xd k d xd (21) S dn
kd = sin 2 X dn . 2 Dd

The regulation based on a simple PID becomes insufficient in case of an important discharges [5, 7] (see Fig. 9). At the moment of important overload, the needles speed saturates and generates oscillations of frequency. The stability of the system can be completely lost as show in Fig. 10, 11.


For nominal values: s d = 1 ; xd = 1 we have:

1= Dd X dn sin (1 k d ) . S dn

(23) (24)

S dn = sin Dd X dn (1 kd ) .

After replacing Sdn by his value we will have:

Sd = xd (1 k d xd ) , 1 kd

Fig. 9. Charge and discharges implemented to the turbine: discharge from 70 % (dotted line) and 30 % (solid line)

(25) (26)


qt = S d t

from where the following model of the injector (Fig. 7):

Fig. 10. Upstream regulation with PID: stability for the small discharges Fig. 7. Simulink model of the injector

Regulation of the MHPP and simulation results Speed regulation of the MHPP The regulation of a MHPP consists in maintaining fixed the frequency of the electrical network by action on the injector position [2, 5, 6]. This usual regulation is represented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 11. Upstream regulation with PID: instability for the important discharges

Fig. 8. Synoptic of an upstream regulation with PID

Downstream regulation The downstream regulation is used in order to simplify the MHPP regulation systems and to limit damages caused by the motorized injector [8]. It consists in putting a resistance of dissipation in parallel with the


International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology 5 (61) 2008 Scientific Technical Centre TATA, 2008

M. Chennani, I. Salhi, S. Doubabi. Study of the regulation of a micro hydroelectric power plant prototype

mini electrical supply network (see Fig. 2). The regulator ordres an electronic variator whose time reponse is very short, that makes it possible to absorb immediately the disturbances of the netwark and guarantee a better stability. The injector is opened to the maximum then the stability is obtained by the dispatching of the electrical power between the load and the resistance of dissipation. The P controller gives good simulation results with a tiny static error. PI controller cancels the static error and gives good simulation results [9-10] (Fig. 12).

Simulation with measured or calculated parameters of the MHPP, gives good result of regulation.

Fig. 14. Functional diagram of the regulation chain

Fig. 12. Downstream regulation with PI controller: stability after an important discharge at 20 s

Practical results and discussion

The practical study is made on MHPP prototype described previously. The electrical load will be considered as a disturbance. It causes the variation of prototypes output (Frequency), as shows in the following Fig. 13.

Fig. 15. The real chain of regulation

regulator gives an excellent frequency response after an important discharge (see Fig. 12). This is practically confirmed with the MHPP prototype (see Fig. 16). The system finds stability in approximately 2 s after the important discharge at 0.3 s and the important overload at 5 s.

Fig. 13. Evolution of real systems output after a variation of disturbance (P = 85W) in open loop

The functional plan of our system regulation which we proposed, is given by the Fig. 14. The Fig. 15 shows the components of the real chain of regulation.

Fig. 16. Downstream regulation with PI (MHPP prototype): stability after the important discharge at 5 s

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Small and micro hydro-power plants


Hydroelectric energy is renewable, clean and free. Its exploitation requires good regulation systems to produce alternative current with an industrial frequency (50 Hertz). The simulation allows us to test various techniques of regulation: upstream regulation, mixed and downstream regulation. The technique tested practically and in the simulation is the downstream regulation. It gives good results with few equipments. The prototype allows the realization of the simulation; the obtained results are satisfying with a PI controller. The regulation is implemented on a PC connected to an acquisition card. Our system can be installed on the existing MHPP and ensure an alternative replacement solution of the complicated and irreparable systems after failure.

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International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology 5 (61) 2008 Scientific Technical Centre TATA, 2008

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