Annexure I: ST ST ND RD TH
Annexure I: ST ST ND RD TH
Annexure I: ST ST ND RD TH
of School Teachers-2012-13 1. Full name and permanent address of the applicant (in Block Letters): 2. Date of birth and age of the applicant: 3. Whether the teacher is in service: 4. If answer to (3) above is Yes ,please give the following particulars in respect of the post held at present
a) Designation: b) Name of the Institution where
employed at present: c) Whether the institution is a Govt Institution/Aided/Private Institution: 5. Name of the student (In Block Letters): 6. Date of Birth and age of the student: 7. Relationship with the student: Father/Mother 8. a). Name of professional course: Medical/Engineering/Management b). Name & duration of course: 9. Name and address of the college where the student is studying/has studied during 2010-11 10. Date of Admission (for 1st Year) 11. Year in which studying during 2012-13 1st/2nd/3rd/4th 12. (i). Whether any scholarship is received from the Institution .If so specify the amount: (ii)Whether any assistance has already been received from N.F.T.W for this purpose. If yes, give particulars: 13. Actual fees paid for the professional course (Attach original cash receipts): 14. Amount of financial assistance claimed: 15. Whether certificate from the college where the student is studying is attached: 16. Certificate I (to be furnished by the applicant) I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars given above are
correct. I fully understand that in the event of this being proved otherwise, I shall be liable to such action as the National Foundation of Teachers/ Welfare may deem fit to take in the matter. Place: Date: Signature of the Teacher
17. Certificate II (to be furnished by the Head of the Institution where the teacher is
serving). Certified that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct Place: Date: Signature of Head of the Institution (with official stamp)
18. Recommendations of the State Working Committee i.e. amount of financial
assistance recommended for the year 2012-13 Place: Date: Signature of Secretary Treasurer (with official stamp)
Ref No
Study Certificate
This is to certify that Sh/Km. son /daughter of Sh/ Smt working as teacher in ........................................ is a bonafide student of this Institution and studying in/studied in ....year(1st/2nd/3rd/4th) semester (1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/8th) during the year 2012-13.
The student is studying /studied in this college as per details given below: Name of the course Duration of course (with semesters) Date of Year of admission (for course 1st year) Whether passed or failed Remarks
The student has received /not received scholarship from this institution during the year 2012-13 of Rs