Distributed Computing Paradigms Paradigms For Distributed Applications

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Distributed Computing Paradigms

Distributed Software Systems CS 707

Paradigms for Distributed Applications

It is useful to identify the basic patterns or models of distributed applications, and classify the detail according to these models. Characteristics that distinguish distributed applications from conventional applications running on a single machine are:
require the participation of two or more independent entities (processes). To do so, the processes must have the ability to exchange data among themselves. Event synchronization: In a distributed application, the sending and receiving of data among the participants of a distributed application must be synchronized.

Interprocess communication: A distributed application

Distributed Software Systems

Distributed Software Systems

Distributed Application Paradigms

level of abstraction high

The Message Passing Paradigm

Message passing is the most fundamental paradigm for distributed applications. A process sends a message representing a request. The message is delivered to a receiver, which processes the request, and sends a message in response. In turn, the reply may trigger a further request, which leads to a subsequent reply, and so forth.
Process A Process B

object space network services, object request broker, mobile agent remote procedure call, remote method invocation client-server message passing low

a message

Message passing
Distributed Software Systems 3 Distributed Software Systems 4

The Message Passing Paradigm - 2

The basic operations required to support the basic message passing paradigm are send, and receive. For connection-oriented communication, the operations connect and disconnect are also required. With the abstraction provided by this model, the interconnected processes perform input and output to each other, in a manner similar to file I/O. The I/O operations encapsulate the details of network communication at the operating-system level. The socket application programming interface is based on this paradigm.
http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/api/index.html http://www.sockets.com/

Distributed Application Paradigms

level of abstraction high

object space network services, object request broker, mobile agent remote procedure call, remote method invocation client-server message passing low

Distributed Software Systems

Distributed Software Systems

The Client-Server Paradigm

Perhaps the best known paradigm for network applications, the clientserver model assigns asymmetric roles to two collaborating processes. One process, the server, plays the role of a service provider which waits passively for the arrival of requests. The other, the client, issues specific requests to the server and awaits its response.
service request a client process a server process Server host a service Client host

The Client-Server Paradigm - 2

Simple in concept, the client-server model provides an efficient abstraction for the delivery of services. Operations required include those for a server process to listen for and to accept requests, and for a client process to issue requests and accept responses. By assigning asymmetric roles to the two sides, event synchronization is simplified: the server process waits for requests, and the client in turn waits for responses. Many Internet services are client-server applications. These services are often known by the protocol that the application implements. Well known Internet services include HTTP, FTP, DNS, finger, gopher, etc.

The Cli ent-Server Paradi gm, conceptual

Distributed Software Systems

Distributed Software Systems

The Peer-to-Peer System Architecture


The Peer-to-Peer Distributed Computing Paradigm

In the peer-to-peer paradigm, the participating processes play equal roles, with equivalent capabilities and responsibilities (hence the term peer). Each participant may issue a request to another participant and receive a response.
process 1

In system architecture and networks, peer-to-peer is an architecture where computer resources and services are directly exchanged between computer systems. These resources and services include the exchange of information, processing cycles, cache storage, and disk storage for files In such an architecture, computers that have traditionally been used solely as clients communicate directly among themselves and can act as both clients and servers, assuming whatever role is most efficient for the network.

re qu e st

re qu e st re spon se

re spon se

process 2

Distributed Software Systems

Distributed Software Systems


Peer-to-Peer distributed computing

Whereas the client-server paradigm is an ideal model for a centralized network service, the peer-to-peer paradigm is more appropriate for applications such as instant messaging, peer-topeer file transfers, video conferencing, and collaborative work. It is also possible for an application to be based on both the clientserver model and the peer-to-peer model. A well-known example of a peer-to-peer file transfer service is Napster.com or similar sites which allow files (primarily audio files) to be transmitted among computers on the Internet. It makes use of a server for directory in addition to the peer-to-peer computing.

Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


Peer-to-Peer distributed computing

The peer-to-peer paradigm can be implemented with facilities using any tool that provide message-passing, or with a higher-level tool such as one that supports the point-to-point model of the Message System paradigm. For web applications, the web agent is a protocol promoted by the XNSORG (the XNS Public Trust Organization) for peer-to-peer interprocess communication Project JXTA is a set of open, generalized peer-to-peer protocols that allow any connected device (cell phone, to PDA, PC to server) on the network to communicate and collaborate. JXTA is short for Juxtapose, as in side by side. It is a recognition that peer to peer is juxtapose to client server or Web based computing -- what is considered today's traditional computing model.

The Message System Paradigm

The Message System or Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) paradigm is an elaboration of the basic message-passing paradigm. In this paradigm, a message system serves as an intermediary among separate, independent processes. The message system acts as a switch for messages, through which processes exchange messages asynchronously, in a decoupled manner. A sender deposits a message with the message system, which forwards it to a message queue associated with each receiver. Once a message is sent, the sender is free to move on to other tasks.
receivers message system ... sender


Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


Two subtypes of message system models

The Point-To-Point Message Model
In this model, a message system forwards a message from the sender to the receivers message queue. Unlike the basic message passing model, the middleware provides a message depository, and allows the sending and the receiving to be decoupled. Via the middleware, a sender deposits a message in the message queue of the receiving process. A receiving process extracts the messages from its message queue, and handles each one accordingly. Compared to the basic message-passing model, this paradigm provides the additional abstraction for asynchronous operations. To achieve the same effect with basic message-passing, a developer will have to make use of threads or child processes.

The Publish/Subscribe Message Model

In this model, each message is associated with a specific topic or event. Applications interested in the occurrence of a specific event may subscribe to messages for that event. When the awaited event occurs, the process publishes a message announcing the event or topic. The middleware message system distributes the message to all its subscribers. The publish/subscribe message model offers a powerful abstraction for multicasting or group communication. The publish operation allows a process to multicast to a group of processes, and the subscribe operation allows a process to listen for such multicast.

Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


Toolkits based on the MessageSystem Paradigm

The MOM paradigm has had a long history in distributed applications. Message Queue Services (MQS) have been in use since the 1980s. The IBM MQ*Series is an example of such a facility. http://www-4.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/ Other existing support for this paradigm are
Microsofts Message Queue (MSQ), http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/msmq/msmq_overview_4 ilh.htm Javas Message Service http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Netwo rking/messaging/
Distributed Software Systems 17

Distributed Application Paradigms

level of abstraction high

object space network services, object request broker, mobile agent remote procedure call, remote method invocation client-server message passing low

Distributed Software Systems


Remote Procedure Call

As applications grew increasingly complex, it became desirable to have a paradigm which allows distributed software to be programmed in a manner similar to conventional applications which run on a single processor. The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) model provides such an abstraction. Using this model, interprocess communications proceed as procedure, or function, calls, which are familiar to application programmers. A remote procedure call involves two independent processes, which may reside on separate machines. A process, A, wishing to make a request to another process, B, issues a procedure call to B, passing with the call a list of argument values. As in the case of local procedure calls, a remote procedure call triggers a predefined action in a procedure provided by process B. At the completion of the procedure, process B returns a value to process A.

Remote Procedure Call - 2

Process A proc1(arg1, arg2) proc2(arg1) Process B


Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


Remote Procedure Call - 3

RPC allows programmers to build network applications using a programming construct similar to the local procedure call, providing a convenient abstraction for both interprocess communication and event synchronization. Since its introduction in the early 1980s, the Remote Procedure Call model has been widely in use in network applications. There are two prevalent APIs for Remote Procedure Calls. The Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call, evolved from Both APIs provide a tool, rpcgen, for transforming remote procedure calls to local procedure calls to the stub.
the RPC API originated from Sun Microsystems in the early 1980s. The Open Group Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) RPC.

The Distributed Objects Paradigms

The idea of applying object orientation to distributed applications is a natural extension of object-oriented software development. Applications access objects distributed over a network. Objects provide methods, through the invocation of which an application obtains access to services. Object-oriented paradigms include:
Remote method invocation (RMI) Network services Object request broker Object spaces
21 Distributed Software Systems 22

Distributed Software Systems

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

Remote method invocation is the object-oriented equivalent of remote method calls. In this model, a process invokes the methods in an object, which may reside in a remote host. As with RPC, arguments may be passed with the invocation.
Process 2 Process 1
remote method invocation method1 method2 a remote object

Distributed Application Paradigms

level of abstraction high

object space network services, object request broker, mobile agent remote procedure call, remote method invocation client-server message passing low

The Remote Method Call Paradigm

Distributed Software Systems 23 Distributed Software Systems 24

The Network Services Paradigm

In this paradigm, service providers register themselves with directory servers on a network. A process desiring a particular service contacts the directory server at run time, and, if the service is available, will be provided a reference to the service. Using the reference, the process interacts with the service. This paradigm is essentially an extension of the remote method call paradigm. The difference is that service objects are registered with a global directory service, allowing them to be look up and accessed by service requestors on a federated network. Javas Jini technology is based on this paradigm.
Directory service

The Object Request broker Paradigm

In the object broker paradigm , an application issues requests to an object request broker (ORB), which directs the request to an appropriate object that provides the desired service. The paradigm closely resembles the remote method invocation model in its support for remote object access. The difference is that the object request broker in this paradigm functions as a middleware which allows an application, as an object requestor, to potentially access multiple remote (or local) objects. The request broker may also function as an mediator for heterogeneous objects, allowing interactions among objects implemented using different APIs and /or running on different platforms.
Object Requestor Object Request Broker

service object


Service requestor

Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


The Object Request broker Paradigm - 2

This paradigm is the basis of the Object Management Groups CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) architecture. http://www.corba.org/ Tool kits based on the architecture include:
Inprises Visibroker http://www.inprise.com/visibroker/ Javas Interface Development Language (Java IDL) http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/idl/ Orbixs IONA, and TAO from the Object Computing, Inc.

Distributed Application Paradigms

level of abstraction high

object space network services, object request broker, mobile agent remote procedure call, remote method invocation client-server message passing low


Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


The Object Space Paradigm

The most abstract of the object-oriented paradigms, the object space paradigm assumes the existence of logical entities known as object spaces. The participants of an application converge in a common object space. A provider places objects as entries into an object space, and requesters who subscribe to the space access the entries. requestor provider
requestor read
rea d

The Object Space Paradigm - 2

In addition to the abstractions provided by other paradigms, the object space paradigm provides a virtual space or meeting room among provides and requesters of network resources or objects. This abstraction hides the detail involved in resource or object lookup needed in paradigms such as remote method invocation, object request broker, or network services. Current facilities based on this paradigm include JavaSpaces http://java.sun.com/products/javaspaces/.
29 Distributed Software Systems 30


An Object Space

Distributed Software Systems

Component-based Technologies
Component-based technologies such as Microsofts COM, Microsoft DCOM, Java Bean, and Enterprise Java Bean are also based on distributed-object paradigms, as components are essentially specialized, packaged objects designed to interact with each other through standardized interfaces. In addition, application servers, popular for enterprise applications, are middleware facilities which provide access to objects or components. IBMs WebSphere, http://www.as400.ibm.com/products/webspher e/docs/as400v35/docs/admover.html
Distributed Software Systems 31

The Mobile Agent Paradigm

A mobile agent is a transportable program or object. In this model, an agent is launched from an originating host. The agent travels from host to host according to an itinerary that it carries. At each stop, the agent accesses the necessary resources or services, and performs the necessary tasks to accomplish Host 2 its mission.

Host 1 Host 3 agent

Host 4

Distributed Software Systems


The Mobile Agent Paradigm - 2

The paradigm offers the abstraction for a transportable program or object. In lieu of message exchanges, data is carried by the program/object as the program is transported among the participants. Commercial packages which support the mobile agent paradigm include:
Mitsubishi Electric ITAs Concordia system http://www.meitca.com/HSL/Projects/Concordia/Welcome.html IBMs Aglet system.

The Collaborative Application (Groupware) Paradigm

In this model, processes participate in a collaborative session as a group. Each participating process may contribute input to part or all of the group. Processes may do so using:
multicasting to send data to all or part of the group, or they may use a virtual sketchpads or whiteboards which allows each participant to read and write data to a shared display.

message message

Distributed Software Systems 33

Message-based groupware paradigm

Whiteboard-based groupware paradigm

Distributed Software Systems


Summary - 1
We have looked at a wide range of paradigms for distributed applications. The paradigms presented were:
Message passing Client-server Message system: Point-to-point; Publish/Subscribe Distributed objects:
Remote method invocation Object request broker Object space

Summary - 2
To varying degrees, these paradigm provide abstractions that insulate the developers from the detail of interprocess communication and event synchronization, allowing the programmer to concentrate on the bigger picture of the application itself. In choosing a paradigm or a tool for an application, there are tradeoffs that should be considered, including overheads, scalability, cross-platform support, and software engineering issues.

Mobile agents Network services Collaborative applications

Distributed Software Systems


Distributed Software Systems


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