Final Group Paper
Final Group Paper
Final Group Paper
Which means being able to understanding how things really work. In the article of Being Emotional During Decision Making-Good or Bad? An Empirical Investigation it shows the different types of variables. Decision Making-Good or Bad? An Empirical Investigation it shows the different types of variables. The four types of variables are: the dependent, independent, moderating, and mediating variables. The first variable is the dependent variable it shows what the main interest is. It is them trying to figure out if its good or bad thing being emotional when making decisions. Basically they used an experiment thats been used before. They did an internet-based stock investment simulation. Since there is a lot of decision making being done. It was copied from a similar technique used by others. Second is the independent variable that influences the dependent. The experiment hit some snags because they had to get rid of 7 people and 63 cases. Then there are the two main variables that are mentioned in the article, which are the moderate and mediate variable. They used different hypothesis to show the variables. For the moderation they test hypothesis 3 and for the mediate they used hypothesis 1and 2. They used hypothesis 3 to show the relationship between emotional reactivity and decision performance. There is a nondirectional hypothesis because it had mentioned that its actually hard to prove if emotional really has a positive or negative side to it. In their conclusion they realized that it depend mostly upon the persons experience. Also that people are more likely to exploit their positive side and minimize the negative side. Secondly, this is an alternate hypothesis as well. They have mentioned how it are different but how they also can relate to making certain decisions. Also talk about the managerial implications in the article. On how it could affect organizations and what other options they can do. The article is more of an exploratory study
because not much is known if emotional decision making can hurt or help a company. The type of investigation is correlational study. The 7th step to the Sekaran diagram is collect data analysis and interpretation. They used the experiment to find out the answer to their hypothesis. Basically collecting their own data and comparing it with data that was used before. They used a table for some of the data to make easier to read. When looking at it you can tell they might have data transformation. Also they tried taking the information to compare the different variables. It seems that the data collected is qualitative data. The reliability of the information can affect the results theyre looking for because they assume that the information is correct. They are using descriptive statistics. From the article the data looks like a type II error. The data display is a table that shows the means, standard deviations, and correlations. The 8th step is deduction. This article shows that there is really a good way to find out if its good or bad to be emotional when making decision. It did prove certain emotions can actually help make a good decision. For instance, it said people that are more emotional were more likely will make higher decision making performances. They have compared the data they found to other data to support the hypothesis. There is no correct answer. It prove that people that are a little more tempered might make decisions that could be bias.