Algorithms T5 Graph Traversal Algorithms
Algorithms T5 Graph Traversal Algorithms
Algorithms T5 Graph Traversal Algorithms
A [B, C]
B [A, D, E]
C [A, F, G]
D [B, E]
E [B, D]
F [C,G]
G [C,F,H,I]
H [G,I]
I [G,H,X]
X [I]
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
• Terminology associated with graphs
Traversing a graph
• There are two ways of traversing a graph:
• Depth-first
• Breadth-first
A depth-first traversal
• We will traverse the graph represented by the
following dictionary data structure
GRAPH = { "A":["B","D","E"], "B":["A","C","D"], "C":["B","G"],
"D":["A","B","E","F"], "E":["A","D"] , "F":["D"], "G":
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• The algorithm uses a stack to keep track of the last
node visited, and a list to hold the names of nodes
that have been visited
• Start with an empty stack and an empty list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Visit A, and add it to the visited list
• Colour it green to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push A onto the stack to keep track of where we
have come from and visit A’s first neighbour, B. Add
it to the visited list
• Colour it to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push B onto the stack and from B, visit the next
unvisited node, C
• Add it to the visited list
• Colour it to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push C onto the stack and from C, visit the next
unvisited node, G
• Add it to the visited list. Colour G to show it has been
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• At G, there are no unvisited nodes so we backtrack
• Pop the previous node C off the stack and return to
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• At C, all adjacent nodes have been visited, so
backtrack again
• Pop B off the stack and return to B
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push B back onto the stack to keep track of where
we have come from and visit D
• Add it to the visited list
• Colour D to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push D back onto the stack and visit E
• Add E to the visited list
• Colour E to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• From E, A and D have already been visited so pop D
off the stack and return to D
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• Push D back onto the stack and visit F
• Add it to the visited list
• Colour it to show it has been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• At F, there are no unvisited nodes so we pop D
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• B is popped
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Depth-first traversal
• A is popped
• The stack is now empty which means every node
has been visited and the algorithm has completed
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Applications of depth-first
• Job-scheduling, where some jobs have to be
completed before others can begin
• Finding a path between two vertices
• Solving puzzles such as navigating a maze
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Worksheet 5
• Try Task 1 on the worksheet
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• With a breadth first traversal, all the nodes adjacent
to A are visited before moving to B
• The process is repeated for each node at this ‘level’,
before moving to the next level
• Instead of a stack, a queue is used to keep track of
nodes that we still have to visit
• Nodes are coloured pale green when queued and dark green
when dequeued and added to the list of nodes that have been
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Append A to the empty queue at the start of the
• This will be the first visited node
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Dequeue A and mark it by colouring it dark green
• Add A to the visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Queue each of A’s adjacent nodes B, D and E in turn
• Colour each node pale green to show it has been
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• We’ve now finished with A, so dequeue the first item
in the queue, which is B
• Mark it by colouring it dark green and add it to the
visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Queue B’s remaining neighbour C
• Colour it pale green to show it has been queued
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• B’s neighbours are all coloured, so dequeue the first
item in the queue, which is D
• Mark it by colouring it dark green and add it to the
visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• D’s adjacent node E has already been queued and
coloured. Add D’s adjacent node F to the queue
• Colour F pale green to show it has been queued
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Dequeue the first item, E
• Mark E by colouring it dark green and add it to the
visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• E’s neighbours are all coloured, so dequeue the next
item, C
• Mark C by colouring it dark green and add it to the
visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Add C’s adjacent node G to the queue
• Colour G pale green to show it has been queued
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• C’s neighbours are all coloured now, so dequeue F
• Mark F by colouring it dark green
• Add it to the visited list
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Breadth-first traversal
• Finally, dequeue G, mark it by colouring it dark green
and add it to the visited list
• The queue is now empty and all the nodes have
been visited
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Worksheet 5
• Try Task 2 on the worksheet
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Applications of breadth-first
• Finding the shortest path between two points
• A Web crawler uses a breadth-first search to analyse
sites that you can reach by following links randomly
• Facebook uses a breadth-first search to find all the
friends of a given individual
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
Worksheet 5
• Do Task 3 on the worksheet
Graph traversal algorithms
Unit 12 Algorithms
• There are two ways of searching a graph
• Each has its own particular uses
• Each uses a different supporting data structure in
the traversal algorithm
• What are the data structures used in each case?