Service Marketing
Service Marketing
Service Marketing
1)Write a brief note on the emerging key services in the Indian perspective. 2) Differentiate between Transaction Marketing and Relationship Marketing. 3) Differentiate between Customer Perception and Expectation. 4) Discuss briefly the steps in service segmentation. 5) Explain various demographic changes affecting service sector. 6)Enlist the reasons which have stimulated the growth of services in Indian economy. 7) Define service and enlist classification of services. 8) Explain the concept of Relationship Marketing. 9) Discuss the importance of data mining for a service marketer. 10) What are the basic steps in service segmentation 11) Customer expectation. 12) Service triangle. 13) Customer retention. 14) What is service mix? 15) What is relationship marketing? 16) Define Services. 17) Define targeting. 1)Discuss the features of services which differentiate the marketing of service from marketing of goods. 2) Point out and explain the important reasons for a substantial growth in the service markets in India. 3) Describe the GAPS model. Apply in to any one industry of your choice and explain how it could be used to plug the possible gaps in service quality. 4) which are the various approaches used by the service marketers for a target market? 5)Describe how consumer behaviour in services buying might be different from consumer behaviour in the purchase of goods. 6)What are the benefits of retaining the existing customers? Discuss the various Strategies for customer retention 7) Consider a small business preparing to buy a computer system. Which of the influences on customer expectations do you believe will be pivotal? Which factors will have the most influence?
1)Define Positioning. 2) Discuss the concept of Delivered Value to the customers with respect to a supermarket. 3) Define Servicescape. 4) What does service recovery & service failure mean? 5)Discuss the concept of .Delivered Value. to the customers with respect to a supermarket. 6) Define .Value Chain..
7) We find fifth .P., i.e. .People. more effective in managing the services. Comment on this statement. 8) Define .Servicescape.. 9)Front end planning. 10) Marketing research. 11) Physical evidence 1)Describe and explain the various stages of new service development. 2) Mention a few ways in which an insurance company can improve its marketing through the use of physical evidence management. 3)Would you choose a college which have a better physical evidence and mediocre faculty or mediocre physical evidence and good faculty? Why? 4) Explain what is meant by position mapping? How is it beneficial to a service company?. 5) What is service positioning? Discuss how service quality can be used for positioning services? 6) Explain the recovery paradox and discuss its implications for a service firm manager 7) Why are service employees critical to the success of a service organization? 8) What types of intermediaries are available to a Service Product Company? Describe the factors determining the choice of an intermediary
1)Enlist the various elements of communication mix for service sector. 2) Explain the concept of Internal Marketing with respect to a fashion clothing store. 3) Name three services you buy where you perceive price as the quality of service and explain ? Why? 4) Write a short note on Demand Oriented Pricing. 5) Discuss how service quality can be used for positioning service? 6)Explain concentrated marketing approach. 7) What do you mean by .Benchmarking.? 8) List down the critical factors which affect pricing for any two service products. 9) Explain the concept of cost oriented pricing. 10) What is the importance of productivity in service sector? 11) How will you define Internal marketing? 12)Time capacity. 13) Franchising. 14) Capacity management in service sector. 15) Effective services advertising. 16) Customer expectation. 17) Skimming pricing. 1) What are the main reasons for including the element of people in marketing mix for services? 2) Discuss the process of railway reservations in India a decade ago and now.Include multiple choices that may be available to consumers. What are the major benefits of these changes (a) for the railways (b) for the consumers. 3) Explain the various methods used in pricing services.
4) what are the different media used by (a) telecom service providers (b) airlines industry? Discuss various possible reasons why these are preferred media in each case? 5) Discuss the role of productivity in the service quality. 6)Assume that you are marketing a tourist resort. Briefly describe the role of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity in your campaign. 7) Consider the service organization where you had to wait for a long time.How would you improve some of the waiting situations that you have encountered there? 8)Describe the three basic waiting line strategies. 9) What are the most effective Internet advertisements that you have seen? Why are they effective? 10) For what consumer services do you have reference prices? What makes these services different from the ones that lack reference prices? 11) How do you match service promise with delivery? Discuss the various strategies