Korogocho Streetscapes
Korogocho Streetscapes
Korogocho Streetscapes
documenting the role and potentials of streets in citywide slum upgrading
Design and layout: Maria Höök, Pia Jonsson, Emma Skottke, Marlene
Financial Support: This study has been made possible thanks to the
support of Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
Photos: Daniel Onyango (p. 2), Simon Kuriaki (67, 98, 100, 114. All other
pictures by the authors
documenting the role and potentials of streets in citywide slum upgrading
This report will explore the role and potentials which facilitates the flow within and to Koro-
of streets in slum upgrading, using the street gocho. As part of the larger number of people
upgrading project in the Korogocho slum in dwelling in the street, the perception of safety
Nairobi, Kenya, as a case study. It focuses on has increased. The level of participation highly
the experiences and perceptions of the resi- affects the resident’s attachment to the streets
dents in Korogocho, and the changes ‘on the and communication is crucial to sensitize
ground’. the community to the changes carried by the
The study argues that successful urban project. Overall, the project has brought posi-
places are based predominately on streets and tive aspects to the community and improved
the connected street life. Streets serve as demo- the life of the residents.
cratic, open public space and as platforms for The publication ends by providing a
economic and social development. Therefore, description of key lessons, and a list of
streets play a fundamental role for the public recommendations for planning, designing
life in cities and particularly in slums, where and maintaining streets in slum upgrading
open space is scarce. programmes and projects.
The key findings of the study reveal that the The publication forms part of an innova-
streets have boosted microeconomic activity, tive shift promoted by UN-Habitat towards
which has increased the number of jobs as well city-wide participatory slum upgrading where
as the available goods in the area. The connec- streets are used as the entry point.
tivity to the larger urban fabric is improved,
In Swahili, the name Korogocho means This is fundamental for creating sustainable
crowded, shoulder to shoulder. We all have and responsive interventions.
seen images of a slum and the reduced public Second, urban planning and the laying of
space citizens living there can share. Each new streets can help generate wealth. Micro-enter-
street means an increase of micro-economic prise activity springs up on street corners, new
activity, safety and security, and mobility. The services and products reach slum households
new streets brought new and fresh connec- and new jobs are created.
tions with the surrounding urban fabric. Third, planning street upgrades or creating
As a former mayor, I have already a strong new streets in all slums in a city helps us ‘go
conviction on the need to reassert urban to scale’ and connect the slums with the wider
design and planning as two key development urban fabric of the city.
drivers of contemporary city building. By What is needed – and what UN-Habitat
laying streets and setting out public space in is advocating for - is a pro-active approach
slums, you delineate public and private space to creating lively and economically produc-
and begin an urban transformation and regen- tive public spaces and streets in slums. This
eration that encourages prosperous cities. publication showcases our emerging princi-
When I speak of streets I do not mean simply ples regarding the importance of streets and
roads for cars. I am talking about streets as community participation in slum upgrading.
multi-functional spaces which contribute to I sincerely thank all those who worked on this
creating a safe, lively, and an economically for their efforts, critical insight and working
productive public realm. with me on a new approach to improving the
As the research carried in this publication living conditions of all urban residents and
shows, streets are an opportune entry point for addressing the challenge of slums.
successful slum upgrading for three reasons:
First, the planning of streets and public
space (as components of overall settlement
master planning) provides an accessible and
positive forum for community participation.
To improve the conditions of slums it is crucial Dr. Joan Clos
to consult with community so that residents Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
can participate in the planning, design, imple- Executive Director, UN-Habitat
mentation, and maintenance of interventions.
“When you introduce streets and latrines, and put lights in the streets, imme-
diately you have shops that emerge, you have more economic activities. There’s
a virtuous cycle of self-improvement. Yes, this requires an initial investment.
But it also requires dialogue with the stakeholders in slums, the local commu-
nity and the structure owners to agree on the improvements.”
Dr. Joan Clos
Executive Director, UN-Habitat
Interview with Joan Clos, April 2012, Africa Renewal, “For sustainable Cities Africa Needs Plan-
ning”. p17-19.
FOREWORD VI 04.1 Form 057
Six Main Characters 060
Material 065
KEY CONCEPTS X Form – Key Message 068
04.2 Activities 069
Attraction Points 070
Background 014
Activity Mapping 072
Streetscapes in Korogocho 015 Street Flow 076
Study purpose 015
Capital Flow 084
Study approach 016
Activities - Key Messages 090
Conceptual framework 016
04.3 Conception 091
Target groups 017
Safety and security 091
Tools 018
Sense of belonging and appropriation 099
Structure of the publication 018 Social Relations 103
Vision 104
Conception - Key messages 106
Urbanization and Slums 022
04.4 Improvement Ideas 107
The Kenyan Context 023 Improvement Ideas from the Community 108
Nairobi Context 024
Korogocho Context 026 05: MAIN FINDINGS & KEY
Slum upgrading 030 LESSONS 110
History of slum upgrading approaches 030 Main Findings 112
In situ upgrading 031 Key lessons for street upgrading
The Korogocho Slum Upgrading projects in slums 119
Programme - KSUP 034
Streets in human settlements 040
Streets as public space 040
Streets and democracy 041
Streets in slums 042
Streets for safety and security 042
Streets for economic prosperity 043
Threats to vibrant streets 043
Streets as an entrypoint to slum
upgrading 044
The Korogocho Street Upgrading
Project 045
CBO Community Based Organization
Appropriation To take possession of space by being or dwelling in it.
Land tenure Tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, among
people as individuals or groups, with respect to land and associated natural
resources. Rules of tenure define how property rights in land are to be
allocated within societies. Land tenure systems determine who can use what
resources for how long, and under what conditions.
Participation The involvement of people and organizations in making decisions and taking
action. In this context participation has been interpreted in two broad
ways. Firstly, as a means to improve development activities (instrumental
participation, making the interventions more sustainable by involving the
users or as an end in itself ). Secondly, to ensure people’s influencing of their
own situation acts as empowerment (transformational participation).
Public realm Public sphere or domain that incorporates all areas to which the public has
open access; parks, streetscapes, coastal areas and public places.
Road reserve The total open space that is reserved for the street; the road reserve includes
the carriage ways, pavements and edge zones.
Slum United Nations’ operational definition of a slum combines the following five
“Streets are undoubtedly the most important elements in a city’s public realm,
the network of spaces and corners where the public are free to go, to meet and
gather, and simply to watch one and other. In fact, the public realm in the city
performs many functions, not only by providing meeting places but also in
(...) representing meaning and identity.”
(Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity, vitality and urban design. In: Journal of
Urban Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998. p. 110)
“Streets are undoubtedly the most important the terrain for social interaction and a signifi-
elements in a city’s public realm, the network of cant part of a city’s transaction base.2
spaces and corners where the public are free to Streets serve both the mobility and the social
go, to meet and gather, and simply to watch one functions of a city. Mobility ensures residents
and other. In fact, the public realm in the city to travel, allows them to interact and perform
performs many functions, not only by providing business. Socially, streets make cities liveable;
meeting places but also in (...) representing mean- they foster social and economic growth.3
ing and identity.” (Montgomery, J. (1998). Today we are seeing a rapid and uncontrolled
Making a city: Urbanity, vitality and urban growth in urban slums that are increasingly
design. In: Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 3, putting pressure on land and public spaces,
No.1, 1998. p. 110)
which are converted into private use. 4 Often
the need for public space in slums is not
Streets have historically served as through
considered but it is particularly important for
passage and as an important public space.
these settings. Open space is a much-needed
During the motor era roads built for the fast
break from crowded housing conditions, for
movement of traffic replaced dynamic streets.
fresh air and for recreation.5
This vast road-driven transformation, however,
Streets have proven to be one of the oldest
has proven inadequate for creating new devel-
elements of the public realm and are a vital
opment that holds identity and vitality.1
component of livelihoods, and, in many areas,
Successful urban places are based predomi-
perhaps the only space allowing the local
nately on streets and the connected street life.
population to interact.6 Streets in slums are
The presence and size of the street defines
very much needed, to serve as democratic,
economic activity and diversity; it is impor-
open meeting places, public spaces and to aid
tant that at least a proportion of this should
economic and social development in a highly
occur in the streets, squares and spaces in the
public realm. For it is the public realm and dense area.7
associated semi-public spaces which provide
This study explores the role of streets in slum Open spaces in Korogocho are very few, thus
upgrading. It focuses on the Korogocho slum limiting recreation and forms of social and
in Nairobi, Kenya, which is used as a case economic opportunities for the residents.10
study to document the outcomes of installing Korogocho has, however, recently under-
a network of streets. The study pays particu- gone major physical development. Three
lar emphasis to documenting the effects of the interventions have been implemented: a foot-
streets ‘on the ground’, that is, for the residents bridge, a community office and a network
and daily life of Korogocho slum. of streets through the area. The planning
It must be emphasized that this study is process of the Korogocho Slum Upgrad-
not an evaluation of the streets, which would ing Programme (KSUP) has examined the
require more sophisticated tools and more possibilities of using integrated participatory
resources. Instead, this study is underpinned planning steps as a resilient slum upgrading
by a quest to understand the effects of the method.11
streets through documentation. It qualitatively
explores the key opportunities, challenges STUDY PURPOSE
and issues surrounding an approach to slum The study will document the effects of KSUP’s
upgrading where the street (here, broadly street upgrading project in Korogocho to
considered synonymous with public space) is understand the potential of streets in a slum
used as an entry point. upgrading. Placed in relation to the spatial and
According to the 2009 census, the three physical dimensions of the street intervention,
locations that constitute Korogocho slum the study documents the impact of the streets
is home to some 42 000 people,8 including in terms of both the process and outcomes.
the village of Ngomongo, and is Nairobi’s Based on the results, the study aims to draw
fourth-largest slum. Like all slum settlements key lessons and formulate recommendations
in Nairobi, it is home to a large poor popu- that can be utilized in other slum upgrading
lation with no access to minimum services.9 projects and programmes.
THE STUDY AIMED TO: The notion of place combines quality in three
t Understand the activities, uses, actions, essential concepts: physical space (form), the
functions, actors and perceptions that are experienced space (conception) and the activ-
associated with streets in slums in general ity within the space. Overlaid, the concepts
and Korogocho in particular define the components of a sense of place and
t Understand how the dynamics of the the relationship between them.
streetscape have changed through the Indicators were found revealing tendencies
Korogocho street upgrading project, and within each concept, and thus knowledge
how this has affected the livelihood of the about the role of the streets in an overall
residents upgrading process have been gained. This has
t Identify key issues and indicators associ- served as a guideline in the construction of the
ated with the street upgrading that can conceptual framework used in the assessment of
generate recommendations to guide the the streets and to understand the influence on
design and implementation of future the community.12
street upgrading projects
STUDY APPROACH The conceptual framework can be struc-
In the documentation, the upgraded streets tured into the three concepts, that when put
have been examined in terms of place, with together create a sense of place13:
the belief that streets hold important value to Activity: The activities associated with a place
the community as places. The starting point build upon vitality and diversity. Vitality of a
of the study has been the community’s expe- place refers to the number of people in and
rienced change implied by the streets. In this around the street during different times of
case the ‘community’ consists of the residents the day and night: the presence of an active
that dwell in the public space, the street, hence street life and generally the extent to which
giving it meaning and attributes of place. a place feels alive or lively. Vitality can only
Therefore, theory of place, and consequently be achieved where there is a complex diversity
the residents´ perceptions, will set the frames of primary land uses and activity: diversity
for the study and are outlined below. suggests mixtures of uses and activities.
place. The conception reflects cultural and Waste management
individual values and beliefs. Illegal activities Topography
Form: Activity and conception interrelate Services PLACE (STREET)
with form to generate sense of place. A city’s Business
form can be designed to stimulate activity, CONCEPTION
a positive conception and therefore a strong Memory
sense of place: the form describes the physi- Information
cal shape it takes to support the activities it Safety & security
desires. Social relations
Sense of belonging
From these concepts it can be understood Vision
how activity and conception interrelate with
form to create a sense of place. Conception is Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
established from the built form and the found
activities. Overlaid and put together, the TARGET GROUPS
three categories are fundamental components All groups in the community relate to place,
of a place and will provide the basis for a holis- in this case the streets, as co-creators in some
tic understanding of the dynamics associated way.14 How different groups use, involve and
with the streets. appropriate place can tell a lot about the
To understand the three concepts in the social structures and power relations in the
context of Korogocho and how the streets have community.15
affected the residents, they have been assigned In order to understand the impacts of the
different indicators to enable the revealing of streets fully, it has been important to identify
tendencies. The study has been conducted key actors and stakeholders in the community.
with a heuristic method, refining and adjust- From the start, different groups can be identi-
ing the indicators as the study continues. fied from more evident criteria such as gender,
age, ethnicity and religion and later by occu- It provides information concerning slums and
pation or trade followed by location in their previous slum upgrading programmes, lead-
settlement.16 By using the concepts of activ- ing to a discussion concerning urbanization
ity, form and conception as a framework and and globalization. It ends with a description of
simultaneously investigating and comparing the Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme
how different target groups relate to them, a and the key issues that informed the process.
broad view of the impacts in the community The frames for the field study are set through
was found. the theoretical background presented in this
Particular attention was given to vendors, section.
women, children and youths. Children and Chapter 3: The Role of Streets gives an over-
youths are the future of the area and their needs view of streets in human settlements in general
are often forgotten in the planning process. and streets in slum settings in particular. It
Women are also often underrepresented in discusses the importance of streets, not only as
participatory development17, even though a physical construct improving physical acces-
they have an important role in the everyday sibility but also their vital role as public space.
life. They act as the caretaker for the family This then leads to a description of the Korogo-
and thereby have certain needs that might cho street upgrading project.
have been changed by the construction of Chapter 4: Field Study provides the results
the new streets. Women are also often targets and analyses of the new dynamics connected
for criminals and their fears are supported by with the streets in Korogocho. This will guide
statistics on victimization. Vendors play an the recommendations and discussions in the
important role in the public space associated last two parts of the publication.
with the streets, as a place of livelihood. A Chapter 5: Main Findings and Key Lessons
change in this structure may have created an summarizes the findings from the field study
impact to the microeconomics that often is of and points out strengths and weaknesses of
much value for development in slums.18 the project and its process.21
Chapter 6: Recommendations transforms
TOOLS the most important changes to a number of
practical recommendations and addresses key
In order to document the impacts of the streets
issues to consider for future street upgrading
and draw conclusions, three main tools have
been used to identify indicators; observation,
dialogue and a questionnaire survey. The use of
three different tools has enabled comparison
and triangulation of the indicators and thus
the tendencies and outcomes of the study. Observation
Triangulation is valuable when exploring a Sketch (Quantitative)
problem in a comprehensive manner.19 Map studies
Field data collection
2. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity, the design of urban space. Landscape Design 200,
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban pp. 24-27, Relph, E. (1976) Place and Placelessness.
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998. London: Pion, pp.1-43.
3. Marshall, S. (2005) Streets and patterns. Oxon: 13. Montgomery, J. (1998) Making a city: Urbanity,
Spon Press. vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban
4. Davis, M. (2007) Planet of Slums. London: Verso. Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998
5. Montgomery, J. (1998) Making a city: Urbanity, 14. Brown, A. (2006) Contested Space. Street trading,
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban public space, and livelihoods in developing cities.
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998 Rugby: ITDG Publishing, Cardiff University.
6. Montgomery, J. (1998) Making a city: Urbanity, 15. Zukin, S. (2011). Naked City – The Death and Life
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban of Authentic Urban Places. New York: Oxford Uni-
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998 versity Press
7. Staeheli, L.A. & Mitchell, D. (2008) The people’s 16. Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemaker´s Guide to
property? Power, politics, and the public. Oxon: Building Community. Tools for community planning
Routledge. Earthscan
8. Census vol.1 [online] (2009) Available from: https:// 17. UN-HABITAT, (2003). The Challenge of slums. Lon-
kenya.socrata.com/Population/Census-Volume- don: Earthscan Publications Ltd.
1-Question-1-Population-Households-a/wd27-eki2 18. Brown, A. (2006) Contested Space. Street trading,
(2012-03-25) public space, and livelihoods in developing cities.
9. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010). Korogocho socio- Rugby: ITDG Publishing, Cardiff University.
economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory 19. Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemaker´s Guide to Build-
Training Promotions Institute. ing Community. Tools for community planning.
10. Davis, M. (2007) Planet of Slums. London: Verso. Earthscan.
11. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010) Korogocho socio-
economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
Training Promotions Institute.
02: THE
“Cities (…) are currently growing by
a million babies and migrants each
Davis, M. (2007) Planet of Slums. London: Verso.
As a result of demographic, economic and migration in Kenya are mainly economic
political realities many Kenyan cities are factors such as high levels of unemploy-
facing critical challenges. Perhaps the most ment9, though urbanization has been taking
important is the ongoing rapid urbaniza- place without the necessary corresponding
tion. People move to Kenya’s cities in search economic development, industrialization or
of employment and other opportunities than increased agricultural growth.10
urban areas offer.7 Kenya’s urban population is After Kenya’s independence from Britain in
at present 40 per cent of the total population 1963 there was a considerable migration of
of 40.5 million. Kenya’s slums have grown at inhabitants from the rural areas to the urban,
an unprecedented rate, and today more than and Nairobi, as the capital city, received the
70 per cent of the urbanites live in slums. largest group. With few other housing alter-
The prevalence of slums in Kenya is due natives, the government implicitly permitted
to a combination of rural-urban migration, the migrants who could not find accommoda-
increasing urban poverty and inequality, high tion to put up shacks in the urban centres and
cost of living, non-transparent land allocation squatter settlements emerged.
systems, land grabbing and, most importantly, Slums currently account for a substantial
insufficient supply of new affordable low- proportion of the settlements in Kenya.11 The
income housing.8 The causes of rural-urban Urban Regulatory Framework fails to meet
the needs of the slum dwellers that live in Since its origin Nairobi has been a strictly
the rapidly growing urban centres of Kenya. divided city and has a long history of margin-
Consequently, the urban poor have been alization and inequity. Slums have existed there
unable to comply with existing planning stand- since colonial times.19 Nairobi was founded in
ards, regulations and administrative systems.12 June 1899 by the British colonial explorers as
The inadequate policy framework has been a a trading centre as a result of the construction
hindrance to the urban poor in their efforts of the Kenya-Uganda Railway.
to improve their physical properties and has The divisions between the different ethnic
instead resulted in rapid expansion and densi- groups - Europeans, Asians and Africans -
fication of slums.13 started with the zoning of residential areas,
The issue of insecure land tenure has been, which were the result of the 1948 Colonial
and still is, the primary key constraint in Master Plan. The plan defined zoned resi-
improving conditions in slum settlements dential areas according to racial segregation.20
and has resulted in structure owners building The European residential area was situated
semi-permanent structures for rent, without west of the city centre. Asians were zoned to
providing adequate facilities for their tenants Parklands, northwest of the city centre, and
and operating completely outside the formal Africans were exclusively restricted to areas
property system.14 The government considered east of the city centre in what came to be
the formations of slums undesirable and on known as “Eastland”.21
and off, from the late 1960s to the late 1990s, Most of the slums that exist in Nairobi
official government policy was to demolish today were established after independence in
slums even though a large part of the urban 1963 mainly being located in the Eastern part
population had no other means of obtain- of the city. With the high rural–urban migra-
ing housing.15 These demolitions proved tion, and with no restricted movement into
unsuccessful as demolition of one settlement the city after independence, which was not
resulted in the dwellers moving elsewhere to accompanied with sufficient supply of low-
start new ones.16 income housing, there has been a significant
Today, Kenya continues to face the vast growth of slums. 22
challenges of urbanization and the main issue The rate of urbanization and slum growth
is how to facilitate an enabling environment has been high: 70 per cent of the population
to increase the provision of adequate shelter, in Nairobi lives in slums that occupy only 5
employment and basic urban services to the per cent of the total land area. The growth
slum dwellers.17 The Government of Kenya is of the slums is alarming and the number of
now acknowledging the existence of slums and slum dwellers is expected to double within the
addressing their conditions through upgrad- next 10 years. 23 Nairobi is a two-faced city,
ing. It is now vital to find sustainable strategies presenting a modern front to the world with
to face the urban growth.18
Korogocho is the fourth most populous slum in other slums. The settlement began with
Nairobi, estimated to house some 42 000 inhab- quarry workers who settled in the area and
itants.29 Korogocho extends over 50 hectares built temporary structures in the early 1970s.
and is mostly located on government-owned It expanded during the second phase of settle-
land, with smaller pockets of private land. It is ment with the resettlement of squatters from
located roughly 11 km from the central busi- slums demolished in other parts of Nairobi in
ness district in the Eastern part of the city. the late 1970s.
High densities, congestion and high unem- In the quest to maintain law and order and
ployment characterize the area. A scarcity of as a part of an attempt to create urban beau-
accessible and potable water remains one of tification, the government undertook slum
the most urgent problems in Korogocho, in demolitions near the city centre but allowed
addition to inadequate or absent infrastruc- those affected to settle in the then city fringes,
ture, education, electricity and community mainly in Korogocho.31
space for people. Korogocho consists of eight Grogan B is one of the villages that is a
villages: Grogan A, Grogan B, Korogocho A, result of this relocation. It is one of the oldest
Korogocho B, Highridge, Gitathuru, Kisumu villages in Korogocho dating back to 1976.
Ndogo and Nyayo.30 The majority of the residents in Grogan B
The majority of the slum dwellers of Koro- came from the Grogan area, in the modern-
gocho are victims of previous evictions in day Kirinyaga Road, to make way for new
APPROACHES became clear to the public authorities that
“There has been a recognition that effective economic development was not going to
approaches must go beyond addressing the specific integrate the slum populations and some
problems of slums – whether they are inadequate governments used a repressive approach, a
housing, infrastructure or services – and must combination of various forms of harassment,
deal with the underlying causes of urban poverty” leading to eviction of slum dwellers.50
(UN-HABITAT, (2003). The Challenge of The mass demolitions of slums and dismissal
slums. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd. p. of their residents were justified by stating
that slum dwellers were the actual cause of
urban poverty and that the presence of them
would encourage further migration.51 Evic-
It can be observed that the development
tion and forced resettlements that were once
of policies regarding urban renewal gradu- seen as appropriate actions by governments
ally evolved from demolition and eviction for improving housing standards were increas-
approaches to softer, more socially, economi- ingly recognized as a gross violation of human
cally, culturally and environmentally sensitive rights.52 Since the late 1980s global policy
approaches.48 concerning slums has shifted to the improve-
Negligence and inaction towards slums ment of informal areas in situ rather than
dominated practices in most developing coun- replacing them, or the large-scale relocation of
tries until the early 1970s. It was underpinned slum dwellers, to new housing.53
by two basic assumptions: slums were illegal, The advancement in the ideas and belief in
and slums were an unavoidable but a tempo- slum upgrading brought an awareness of the
rary phenomenon that could be overcome by need to involve slum dwellers and ‘partici-
economic development.49 The focus was there- pation’ was increasingly recognized as an
fore on providing formal affordable housing, important component of upgrading approach.
often through direct government involvement During the late 1980s and 1990s enabling
in the planning, design, construction and policies became prominent in global policy
maintenance of low-income housing. ‘Sites discourse, which called for involving the slum
and services’ schemes were also promoted as a dwellers in the decision-making and design
way to increase the supply of affordable hous- processes to establish priorities for action and
ing and minimize slum growth. to support project implementation.54 The
In the early1970s approaches towards slums legitimacy of local people’s knowledge and
shifted towards evicting slum dwellers. It
In 2009 SPARC, one of the largest community clusters and activities were
Non-governmental organisations in mapped and an analysis of the existing
India, partnered with architects from pedestrian movement and cooperative
Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for boundaries determined a phased hier-
Architecture (KRVIA) to develop a archy of streets. Planners and designers
community-led strategy for redeveloping observed that it would not be possible to
the master plan. The aim was to advise plan larger-scale issues if the focus rested
the government and set a precedent on small cooperative societies. Instead
in how communities can participate in larger community clusters were formed
upgrading projects.73 and given the freedom to decide the lev-
The plan illustrates a public-space el of collaboration they wanted to take.75
and street-driven approach, combining Local neighbourhood communities
several types of interventions.74 The would control the improved spaces.
concept was that the existing urban One of the main ideas was to place
configuration would determine the educational institutions alongside these
upgrading approach. spaces, so that the spaces could be used
The residential groups chose one of the as playgrounds during festivities and
densest sectors in the plan, to address religious celebrations.76
as a pilot. Structures, land uses, natural
Fact-Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva, 65. Gossaye, A. (2008). Inner-city renewal in Addis Ababa –
Switzerland: The Centre on Housing Rights and Evic- The impact of resettlement on the socio-economic and
tions (COHRE), housing situation of low income residents. VDM Verlag.
44. Hansen, K.T. & Vaa, M. (2004). RECONSIDERING 66. Hehl, R. (2011). Infrastructure as a motor of social
INFORMALITY. Perspectives from Urban Africa. Nor- development. In: Moderators of change: Architecture
diska Afrikainstitutet. Spain: Grafilur Artes Gráficas, that helps, ed. Andres Lepik. Berlin: Hatje Cantz: 162-
COHRE. (2006). Listening to the poor? Housing 199.
rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Consultation Report, 67. Hernandez, F. (2010) Beyond Modernist Masters: Con-
Fact-Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva, temporary Architecture in Latin America. New York:
Switzerland: The Centre on Housing Rights and Evic- Springer, Mitlin, D. & Thompson, J. (1995). Participatory
tions (COHRE). approaches in urban areas: strengthening civil society
45. COHRE. (2006). Listening to the poor? Housing or reinforcing the status quo? In: Environment and
rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Consultation Report, Fact- Urbanization 1995 No. 7 Vol. 231
Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva, Switzer- 68. Hehl, R. (2011). Infrastructure as a motor of social de-
land: The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions velopment. In: Moderators of change: Architecture that
(COHRE), helps, ed. Andres Lepik. Berlin: Hatje Cantz: 162-199.
46-47. Bassett, E.M. (2005) Tinkering with tenure: the 69-70. Hernandez, F. (2010) Beyond Modernist Masters:
community land trust experiment in Voi, Kenya. In: Contemporary Architecture in Latin America. New
Habitat International 29 (2005) 375–398. Michigan York: Springer., Mitlin, D. & Thompson, J. (1995). Par-
State University: Urban and Regional Planning Pro- ticipatory approaches in urban areas: strengthening civil
gram, Department of Geography, December 2003 society or reinforcing the status quo? In: Environment
48. Gossaye, A. (2008). Inner-city renewal in Addis Ababa – and Urbanization 1995 No. 7 Vol. 231
The impact of resettlement on the socio-economic and 71. Navarro-Sertich, A. (2011). Favela Chic – a photo essay.
housing situation of low income residents. VDM Verlag. In: Berkeley Planning Journal, Volume 24, 2011 p. 175-
49-50. UN-HABITAT, (2003). The Challenge of slums. Lon- 196
don: Earthscan Publications Ltd. 72. Hehl, R. (2011). Infrastructure as a motor of social de-
51. Saunders, D. (2010). Arrival city. How the largest migra- velopment. In: Moderators of change: Architecture that
tion in history is reshaping our world. London: Random helps, ed. Andres Lepik. Berlin: Hatje Cantz: 162-199.
House Ltd. 73. SPARC. (2011). Annual rapport 2011-2012 Copy-
52. Gossaye, A. (2008). Inner-city renewal in Addis Ababa – right SPARC Samudaya Nirman Sahayak
The impact of resettlement on the socio-economic and 74. UN-HABITAT. (Unpublished, 2011). Streets as Pillars
housing situation of low income residents. VDM Verlag. of Urban Transformation: A UN-HABITAT approach
53. Mitlin, D. & Thompson, J. (1995). Participatory ap- to Participatory Street-led Citywide Slum Upgrading.
proaches in urban areas: strengthening civil society UN-HABITAT: Working Paper 1. Nairobi, August 2011
or reinforcing the status quo? In: Environment and 75. SPARC. (2011). Annual rapport 2011-2012 Copy-
Urbanization 1995 No. 7 Vol. 231 right SPARC Samudaya Nirman Sahayak
54. UN-HABITAT, (2003). The Challenge of slums. London: 76. UN-HABITAT. (Unpublished, 2011). Streets as Pillars
Earthscan Publications Ltd. of Urban Transformation: A UN-HABITAT approach
55. Mitlin, D. & Thompson, J. (1995). Participatory ap- to Participatory Street-led Citywide Slum Upgrading.
proaches in urban areas: strengthening civil society UN-HABITAT: Working Paper 1.Nairobi, August 2011
or reinforcing the status quo? In: Environment and 77. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010). Korogocho socio-econom-
Urbanization 1995 No. 7 Vol. 231 ic survey report. Prepared by Participatory Training
56. Saunders, D. (2010). Arrival city. How the largest migra- Promotions Institute.
tion in history is reshaping our world. London: Random 78. Kago, J.”Re: Questions about Korogocho street
House Ltd. upgrading”. Personal e-mail dated 22 May 2012.
57. Gossaye, A. (2008). Inner-city renewal in Addis Ababa – 79. Kenya-Italy Debt for Development Programme
The impact of resettlement on the socio-economic and (2008) Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme,
housing situation of low income residents. VDM Verlag. Government of Kenya, Nairobi.
58. Mitlin, D. & Thompson, J. (1995). Participatory ap- 80. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010). Korogocho socio-
proaches in urban areas: strengthening civil society economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
or reinforcing the status quo? In: Environment and Training Promotions Institute.
Urbanization 1995 No. 7 Vol. 231 81. Kago, J.”Re: Questions about Korogocho street
59-60. Gossaye, A. (2008). Inner-city renewal in Addis upgrading”. Personal e-mail dated 22 May 2012.
Ababa –The impact of resettlement on the socio-eco- 82. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010). Korogocho socio-
nomic and housing situation of low income residents. economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
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63-64. Saunders, D. (2010). Arrival city. How the largest economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
migration in history is reshaping our world. London: Training Promotions Institute.
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“...Principals of spatial organization and orientation in space are based upon the
human body in relation to other humans and objects. When the urban space
conforms to the human body we can feel in command and comfortable in the
space. A streetscape is a humanscape, if nothing else by the relation of the street
to the body...”
Tuan, Y-F. (1974). Space and place: humanistic perspective. In: Progress in Geography No. 6 pp.
“Good urban places are judged by their street life. For it is in streets as multipurpose spaces - that
all the ingredients of city life are combined: public contact, public social life, people-watching,
promenading, transacting, natural surveillance and culture. Streets bring together people who do
not know each other in an intimate, private social sense, including strangers.”
A good street is one that allows people to be provides the dynamic quality of success-
in contact with each other but simultaneously ful urban places.7
gives the option for individuals to remain The street, the pavement and the yard can
private and respect the privacy of others.1 all serve as meeting places. A place can be
People who reside in a slum and act within as small as the node where activities meet.
the neighbourhood often feel a powerful Street corners are places used for activities
attachment to their local street. The street is such as lunch breaks, vending or just to
a fine balance of essential privacy and varying dwell in.
degrees of public and private contact.2 The street, though, is not generally such
Successful urban places are based largely on a place in itself; it is directed horizon-
street life, and the various ways in which activ- tal space. When a street is transformed
ity occurs in and through buildings and spaces. into a centre, where people stay without
For it is the public realm and the street as having a certain direction, it becomes a
public space that provides the terrain for social non-directed horizontal space and thus a
interaction through activities such as markets, place.8
the street vendor and pavement activities.3 The streets of Korogocho contain both
Historically, urban streets have served not directed and non-directed space and
only as a thoroughfare but also as public space. thereby become places for spontaneous
During the motor revolution, vehicular roads meetings and social interactions. The
built for the fast movement of traffic replaced street creates opportunities to reside in
these streets.4 The creation of such vast road- public.9
driven transformation to suburban non-places,
which tend to be neatly laid out, organized STREETS AS PUBLIC SPACE
around a hierarchical pattern of roads, as Public spaces are spaces of sociability.
opposed to streets, has proven dysfunctional Spaces such as streets, street corners and
for creating new development that lacks empty lots provide a stage for economic,
identity and vitality.5 Streets and roads are social and political activities – public
perceived as something contradictory. spaces in this sense are social spaces.10 It
Merriam-Webster defines streets and roads is debatable whether the physical form
as parted concepts based on where they are and location of public spaces influences
situated: the street is within a city while the the public’s perceptions and whether
road lies outside an urban district.6 Today, they can create social interaction.11 But
planners are returning to traditional street- through social actions streets are made
based urban designs for it is the street life that public.12
STREETS FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY acute risk of crime and violence. Often, they
Slums are often perceived by outsiders, as rank either among the prime victims of urban
well as slum dwellers themselves, as unsafe crime or the common perpetrators. It is not an
and insecure.26 As slums seem to lack a clear issue of poverty but rather of the gap between
form and structure, one which can provide the social groups and neighbourhoods that could
basis for feelings of safety and security, they cause frustration that influences the level of
are often experienced as threatening environ- crime.32
ments to the majority of people who dwell A prerequisite for the situation in a slum
to improve is when a slum becomes lively
outside of them.27 The recognition and orien-
enough to promote and enjoy public life. The
tation in our surrounding is crucial; when we
wish to reside in a slum is influenced by physi-
feel lost we feel apprehensive and with disori-
cal factors in the neighbourhood. The valued
entation comes fear.28 security of one’s home, in part, is a literal secu-
Streets can be vital elements in providing rity from physical fear.
a sense of orientation in an area. Paths with Experience has shown that slums where
clear and well-known origins and destinations the streets are empty and where residents are
have stronger identities and help tie an area unsafe are less likely to improve spontane-
together.29 To add orientation and overview ously.33 Streets that gather the movement
to an area generates an experienced feeling of and activity of people provide a high degree
security for both dwellers within and outside of natural surveillance where the presence of
the area. other people generates self-policing.34
Building streets to improve access into and The feeling of trespassing on someone else’s
within slums has been proven to enhance territory is highly connected with built struc-
safety and reduce fear of crime. Access to the ture, safety and activities. If there are no public
rest of the city in combination with easier activities in an area then a visitor might experi-
orientation can increase the number of people ence uncertainty and trespassing.35
from outside who enter a slum area. Thus How cities are structured can affect inci-
raising the level of activity and bridging the vilities. Cities that have attractive and lively
socio-spatial gap with the rest of the city.30 public spaces and streets life combined with
In highly unequal societies, levels of violence little segregation experience higher level of
and crime are high.31 Social cohesion can security.36
reduce social inequalities and exclusion, and According to the safety audit conducted in
bridge the gap of urban segregation. Slum Korogocho before the street upgrading took
dwellers and the urban poor face a particularly
The Project Surveyor and Resident Engineer event acted to make the construction official,
from the Ministry of Local Government and which sensitized those whose housing struc-
the City Council of Nairobi did the techni- tures would be affected by the construction of
cal design, including the width of the street, the streets to the reliability of the project.64
drains, curves, and footpaths. They were also The street upgrading project has been
responsible for assuring that the agreed stand- undergoing different phases. The Residents’
ard for the design was followed and were Committee supervised the removal of the
assisted by the chainsmen who were available encroaching structures facilitating the process
daily throughout the construction period. of relocation.65 The project hired local labour to
The Engineer gave the contractor instruc- the largest extent possible in the construction
tions on what works should be done. He was process, which provided occasional employ-
in charge of all the overall management of the ment for several youths.66 As the project was
project and did the official communication to a quick win project the public was represented
the contractor through written correspond- by one representative from each village.67
ence. He called for regular meetings and site Kamunde Road, leading from northeast to
inspection to ascertain the progress of the southwest and connecting Kariobangi area to
project attended by the technical team, the the two primary schools, was started in the
Programme Manager, the contractor and the beginning of 2010 followed by Market Road,
Programme Officer from the donor.61 which passes the Market in the southwest of
The Project Quantity Surveyor did the Korogocho. The construction of Community
Bills of Quantity and the estimates. These Lane, leading through Grogan area towards
were then tendered by advertisement in the the primary schools, and Mama Ngendo
national newspapers, opening of tenders, Road, connecting Korogocho to Dandora
evaluation and award of tenders. The total dumping site by a new footbridge, was started
cost for the Street Upgrading Project was KES in June/July of 2010.
141 million. As it is part of the Korogocho
Slum Upgrading Programme it is financed by t Layout Design: The Engineer from the
the Government of Italy, through the Italian City Council of Nairobi.
cooperation, and the Government of Kenya.62 t Technical Design: The Programme
In August 2009, the contract for construct- Surveyor and the Engineer from the
ing the streets was handed over during a public Ministry of Local Government and the
event at the chief ’s camp. In Kenya, contrac- City Council of Nairobi.
tors are selected through a competitive bidding t Financer: Government of Italy and the
process governed by the Procurement Act. The Government of Kenya.
34. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: 46. Mitchell, D. (2003). The Right to the City.
Urbanity, vitality and urban design. Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space.
London: Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 3, New York: The Guilford Press.
No.1, 1998., Gehl, J. (2006). Life between 47. Brown, A. (2006). Contested Space. Street
buildings: using public space. 6. ed. trading, public space, and livelihoods in
Thika road
City centre
Grogan B
Grogan A
Korogocho B
Korogocho A
OTHER 12.4%
FOOD 51.6%
RENT 7.6%
WATER 4.7%
Source: Korogocho Socio-Economic survey 2010
LUO 19%
Korogocho is situated on a ridge between Nairobi
river, resulting in an articulated topography uncom-
OTHER 5% mon for an informal settlement.
Public purpose
2000 2001. Glory primary and (churches,mosques, community house etc
secondary school constructed.
Ruaraka Ngomongo
Phase IV
Kariobangi Dandora
North Estate Phase III
Phase II
Estate Dandora
Phase I
Civil Servants Estate
South Estate
MOI Forces Academy
M iF
Korogocho is situated North-East from the City Center of Nairobi. It is located on a ridge between two riv-
ers. It borders the Kariobangi sewage treatment works in West and the Ruraka industrial area in the East.
Next to it lies Nairobi’s largest dumping site, Dandora.
Mama Ngendo
2008 Jun: Listening Survey report.
Aug: Election of the Residents
Committee, registration as a
self-help group.
Spatial typologies
Flow of people
Spatial relationships
Flow of capital
Waste managemen nt
Illegal activities
Safety & security
Social relations
Sense of belongin
Grogan A
The figure-ground diagram gives an indication
of how the streets function in relation to their
surroundings, and opens up the discussion on
socially acceptable amounts, distributions and
sizes of open space. The figure ground diagram Grogan B
gives a clear image of the open space and the built
form and how it relates to each other. Different
typologies can be identified, as presented in the
small thumbnail images of the different villages.
Scale is a combination of the ratio of building
height to street width, relative distance, perme-
ability and the sense of grandeur or intimacy of Gitathuru
space. The spatial relationships between open
space, the space without built structures and built
form is related to the activities that can take place
in the space. When combined with analysis of
business and flow, this can indicate different ways
in which the residents have reclaimed the different Highridge
streets. Consequently, this is suggesting successful
and less successful forms and designs.
Overview, one or both sides. High connectivity. Sometimes visual vegetation. Good
orientation to the surrounding. Wide and accessible edge zone.
permanent business
5 parked piki pikis
transport wagon mango
for sale
portable business
dissolving edge
22 people coconuts for sale
Every thing in its place. Pavement. Drainage. Clean. No portable buissnes on the
street some in the edge zone. Low activity and varitation in the edge zone. Residential
often upgraded structures, various materials, permanent services and business.
10 people
Overview, one or both sides. High connectivity. Sometimes visual vegetation. Good
orientation to the surrounding. Wide and accessible edge zone.
vegetation landmark
group of children
People are sensitive to the spatial properties of photography. The experience and the level of
the environment. The way space is organized activity in the place, as well as physical attrib-
provides information about what one might be utes such as difference in edge zone, width and
able to do in that space2. Six main characters pavement have been defining elements in this
have been defined through observation and investigation.
13,5 m
1,5 m
0,5 m
0,5 m
18 m
2,5 m
0,5 m
7,5 m
1,5 m
18 m
5,4 m
0,5 m
2,5 m
1,5 m
No view to the sides. Inaccessible edge zone with high level of waste. High activity/
speed on the street. Low connectivity. Enclosed facades towards the street. Pavement.
Drainage. Structures various materials.
Open wide space. Overview and orientation. High level of various activities. Both
permanent and portable business.
electricity poles
two floor buildings
permanent business overview
portable business portable business
piki piki
piki piki
19 people
Residential/private feeling. Low activity. Low connectivity. Enclosed facades towards
the street. Often low standard structures.
0,5 m 0,5m
4,5 m
13% PAVEMENT 0,5m
1,5 m 25% EDGE ZONE
50% STREET 6m 6m
30% EDGE ZONE 1m
1,5 m
10% DRAINAGE 0,5m
4% DRAINAGE 0,5m
0,5 m
10 m
1,5 m
12 m
8% PAVEMENT 1,5 m
18 m
064 path one connection
064 path two connections
path 3-4 connections
path 5 connections
path 10 connections
path 20 connections
path 30 connections
path 40 connections
path 50 connections
path 100 connections
The connectivity map identifies if some areas
of the community are less integrated and
shows hierarchies between streets. Short streets
leading to culs-de-sac indicate exclusion. This
is the case in both Grogan A and B, as well
as in Gitathuru. On the other hand, continu-
ous and narrow streets function as successful
escape routes for criminals. This is the real-
ity in Highridge, with long streets leading to
criminal hideouts along the river.
The areas that have fewer connections also
present a faster transition from public to
private, whereas the areas with a more articu-
lated hierarchy between the streets have a soft
transition. This results in a heterogeneous
urban fabric that allows for nuanced transi-
tions of semi-private and semi-public places3.
FLOORS survey. However, Korogocho A had a slightly
Paving the dusty and muddy streets of Koro- different result where 80 per cent of the partic-
gocho was, apart from an infrastructural ipants experienced more waste on the streets.
upgrading intervention, a symbolic gesture One reason for this could be the high amount
that made the area part of the city’s continu- of new vendors in the area and the concentra-
ous urban floor. However, many residents tion of activities.
interviewed have expressed a disappointment WALLS
in the quality of the construction, and even
fear that the streets will rapidly degrade. Many of the walls along the upgraded streets
Using a low-cost approach may commu- have fresh paint. It is unclear whether this is
nicate a lack of care from the outside and the effect of an increased care of one’s struc-
strengthen the community’s negative percep- ture or the effect of many houses being partly
tions of upgrading interventions, which or fully demolished and hence repaired. The
might result in less attachment and identifi- majority of the structures are one-storey high
cation with the streets.4 If the streets are not and the most common materials on the walls
perceived as community property this might are corrugated iron, mud, or (sometimes)
result in less care and even generate vandalism. brick stonewalls.
The layout principle of the streets is pave- More permanent material could signal
ment on one side and drainage on the other. continuity and diligence for the future. It is
However, the pavement changes from side to said that a community feeling that contains
side irregularly and limits a continuous flow of confidence makes people want to stay in the
pedestrians. Pavements are important features neighbourhood and improve it.7 The places
in an urban setting and should be wide enough where we are most attached are fields of care,
to accommodate commerce but not too wide locations where we have had various experi-
as to make the street itself over spaced.5 ences results in feelings of affections and
The paving has reduced dust and mud on response. We have an eagerness to preserve
the streets even though some residents are them and let the memories they possess stay
dissatisfied with stagnant water on the streets there.8
and in the poorly constructed drainage during As the majority of the inhabitants in
rainy seasons. It is apparent that the ground Korogocho do not own their homes,
texture should be smooth to enable envisaging the strengthening of attachment to their
of how one could function in a setting.6 neighbourhood is important in order to
The total amount of waste has decreased in create sustainable and community driven
most villages according to the questionnaire improvements.9
How the facades in the area relate to the streets poor quality. There is a fear that it will rapidly
varies. This greatly affects the character of the degrade. Poor maintenance and manage-
streets. As human beings naturally prefer a ment results in the drainage being congested
certain amount of complexity and surprise in and limits the flow of water. As the residents
the surrounding, monotone facades with no expect the government to manage the drain-
gaps for connecting paths might be perceived age, having it be congested by waste is seen as
as negative. Wide, open undefined landscapes a betrayal from the formal city.
and dense impenetrable structures both lack As there is a very low amount of urban
point of reference. Suggestions of paths and furniture in the area, people often use second-
transparency raise accessibility and orientation ary sitting spaces along the streets or sit on
to the surrounding.10 the ground on spots with climate protection,
mainly from the sun. It is also common for
EQUIPMENT residents to appropriate the public space with
New streetlights have been included in the private furniture.13
upgrading. This is widely mentioned in the
questionnaires and among the people inter- VEGETATION
viewed as a major crime-reducing factor. From elevated locations the surrounding vege-
Streetlights are important both for the tation is very much present in the experience
perceived safety and the actual level of illegal of Korogocho. In the dense slum setting, vege-
activities. For women, the lack of lights in the tation can function as landmarks and a link to
public realm means that they are more likely the surrounding areas.
to be sexually assaulted at night.11 Several studies show that visual and physi-
In Kibera, where high streetlights have been cal contact with vegetation has positive effects
implemented, there have been positive social on human conditions and microclimates in
and economic impacts with ability of trad- the urban environment. Cooler temperatures,
ers to keep their businesses open late and a dust and pollution reduction are examples
decrease of mugging and rapes. However, it is of environmental beneficiaries. Trees have
important to remember that sufficient light- a placemaking quality and often function as
ing does not eliminate the actual reason for social gathering points.14
insecurity.12 Vegetation also has positive effects on the
The upgrading in Korogocho also consti- environment in a larger scale for the rapid
tuted of improved drainage, although this growth of slums has led to lack of appropriate
has been criticized by residents for being of land-use planning and measures for sustaina-
ble development. As a result, slums in Nairobi
have replaced a large amount of natural and
agricultural vegetation. These changes are
affecting habitat quality and have prompted
concerns of environment and ecological health
degradation in the city.15
Spatial typologies
Flow of people
Spatial relationships
Flow of capital
Waste management
Illegal activities
Safety & security
Social relations
Sense of belongin
The activities associated with a place
build upon diversity and vitality.
Diversity suggests mixtures of uses
and activities, complex variety, and
an economic diversity. Vitality of a
place refers to the number of people
in and around the street across differ-
ent times of the day and night as well
as the uptake of cultural events, facili-
ties and celebrations over the year:
the presence of an active street life.16
- What and where are the important attraction points?
- What streets carry the highest amount of attraction points?
Activity often generates more activity.17 are highly dependent on the physical struc-
Important attraction points for optional social ture of the public space. Social activities are
activities in the public space along the streets dependent on interaction with other people in
in Korogocho have been mapped as they are the public space; children playing with other
indicators of the quality and character of the children, saying hello, having a chat, group
public space. activities, seeing and hearing other people.
Outdoor activities can be divided into three The social and optional activities often share
categories: necessary activities, optional activi- space. Where there are social activities there
ties and social activities. Necessary activities are often also optional activities.18
involve going to work and school, buying
food, waiting for the bus: everyday activities SUMMARY
that are not so dependent on the physical t Kamunde Road and Market Road carry
structure (mainly walking activities). Optional the majority of attraction points
activities are those carried out voluntarily if t The market is an important attraction point
the space enables it: strolling, pausing, sitting t The entrances provide several important
in the shade, drinking a soda; these activities functions and activities
Benches, shade Boda
Ngunyumu School and yard standing in the
Dandorra recycling market St:Johns Primary
Kiosk hangout
Sitting spot good overwiev
The Market
- Have the services/functions of the surrounding buildings changed due to the street
- What are the activities on the street and edge zone? Have the activities changed?
Has the street acted as a catalyst and facilitated new activities? Do the activities
change during the day?
- Have illegal activities decreased or increased?
“Spaces such as streets, street corners and empty space. By choosing key sites along the streets,
lots provide a stage for economic, social and noting ongoing activities at different times of
political activities – public spaces in this sense the day, conclusions of activity levels and types
are social spaces” (Staeheli, L.A. & Mitchell, can be understood. As activity often brings
D. (2008). The people’s property? Power, politics, more activity19 it can be assumed that some
and the public. Oxon: Routledge.) places have the possibility to become positive
economic and social nodes in the community.
To understand streets and street corners as a The questionnaires support the observations
stage for economic, social and political activi- and highlight the perceived changes in activity
ties the mapping of activities on the streets nodes and type and amount of activity.
is essential to grasp their meaning as public The mapping of activity levels led to the
conclusion that the level and variety of
activity was often high in street corners. To
investigate this phenomenon further, a more
in-depth study of street corners was done
noting street vending, business structures and
leisure activities. Type and amount of activi-
ties varied within the different street corners
chosen. The northwest entrance had a high
amount of different activities; both temporal
and permanent market vending structures,
selling a variation of goods. As the Korogocho
playground is situated nearby, different sport
activities are practiced during the day.
Hangouts, spaces where residents congregate The highest amount of new activities are
and spend time, were found along the streets, said to be found in Korogocho A where 92 per
especially along Market Road and Kamunde cent of the questionnaire participants noticed
Road. Street vending was found everywhere an increase. Korogocho A is situated along
and the permanent structures have in many Market Road, which many of the participants
places expanded onto the edge zones. Most mentioned as important because of the selling
of the temporary vending was found on the of goods and prosperous business. Here are
informal entrance on Market Road where the also characteristics such as open street space,
empty ground in the west is used for vend- wide edge zones with good views, connecting
ing during day and evening. The water facility streets and transparency, motorcycle hangouts
nearby is another attraction point that also and some portable businesses in street corners.
provides shadow and generates activities on The illegal activities in Korogocho seem to
site. Several new hotels and businesses have have decreased in Nyayo. The majority (94
been put up close to the crossing and act as per cent), of the questionnaire participants in
supplements for the businesses that were Nyayo say that the illegal activities have been
demolished during the upgrading process. reduced. In Korogocho B and Kisumu Ndogo
On Market Road, intersection activities on the other hand, the majority noticed an
such as Mandazi selling and electricity shops increase in illegal activities. They mention
were found. These places are also hangouts the selling of fake phones and second-hand
for the motorcycle business even though the equipment, local brews, drug trafficking and
activities are fewer than in the northern sites. bhang as examples of these activities. It could
On Kamunde Road, the majority of the be debated whether the increase depends on
activities were found in the northern parts. the street upgrading or if it is an argument for
The two crossings have permanent business saying that the illegal activities still exist.
structures and several people spend time Grogan B was mentioned among many of
sitting around the crossings. Where Kamunde the participants as an area with an increase of
Road and Dandora Entrance meet, connect- illegal activities, but what is interesting is that
ing Korogocho to Dandora dumping site, a the majority of the people living in Grogan B
lot of vendors and customers operate and sell - 52 per cent - had not noticed any change.
recycled material on the edge zone. Other This might be a reason to assume that Grogan
activities observed are children playing on the B is perceived as more insecure outside of the
schoolyard opposite the crossing and a few village than inside.
businesses selling fruit. Grogan - Ngomongo
Entrance has very few temporary vending
structures but the water facility and the biogas
station works as attraction points and makes
people reside in the crossing.
Most of the participants in the questionnaire
survey (69 per cent) said that new activities
have been created on the streets since they were
constructed. Only in Highridge did the survey
indicate less activity. In general, these activi-
ties consist of an increasing amount of people
moving on the streets, motorcycles, small busi-
nesses, vending, and cleaning. Roller skating is
also mentioned from participants in Nyayo.
hideouts for criminals are almost gone. The
improvement of sight makes my area safe, I
can see around the corners and now I can
even be out until 10 at night!
Enemi, vegetable vendor
Kisumu Ndogo
Korogocho B
Korogocho A
Grogan B
Grogan A
More illegal activities Less illegal activities No change
t New services like motorcycle transpor- t Many businesses have extended their
tation have been generated through the space by appropriating the edge zones
upgrading project. Near the Market with temporary structures
Road’s informal entrance, new business t There are more vendors operating on the
structures have been built to accommo- streets since the street upgrading and the
date some of the business owners that had streets have facilitated business activities
to be relocated for the street upgrading t The activities operating are quite the same
project. during the course of the day
t The activities that can be found along the t Overall, illegal activities seem to be a
streets and edge zones are businesses such continuing problem in Korogocho
as food vending, selling of goods, hotels
and motorcycle transportation
- Has the flow of people changed?
- Who uses the street? Are certain groups underrepresented? Is there a change in use
and movement according to time of day? Is it easier to use the street now? Where is the
highest density of people?
- What are the activities on the street and edge zone? Has the activities changed? Has
the street acted as a catalyst and facilitated new activities? Are the activities changing
during the day?
- Has the illegal activities decreased or increased?
The flow survey quantifies movements, including both motorized and non-motorized
vehicle traffic plus pedestrians. Data from the flow survey describes peak traffic vol-
umes and accessibility. It complements the analysis of the streets in favor of pedes-
trian security and tells in what extent the public transport is implemented and where.
The flow survey takes into consideration the gender perspective in order to under-
stand hierarchies and functions, and studies for what purpose the different streets
are used. During the survey people and vehicles were counted at selected key-sites
on three different times of the day, five minutes at a time. While doing so gender,
age group and constellation are studied. The calculation of vehicles noted type of
vehicle and gender of the driver.
The questionnaire survey investigated the perceived changes in traffic and pedestrian
flow that is brought by the upgrading project, changes such as amount of traffic,
new functions and purpose of use. The survey led to the discussion with the residents
of how traffic could be organized differently.
In the school workshop, children from Ngunyumu Primary School were asked to
point out sites and indicators causing insecurity on their way to school. They pointed
out where risks for traffic accidents are high.
The flow of pedestrians and vehicles within Observations are usually supplemented by
Korogocho has been investigated through measuring and counting, which offers addi-
different methods to give an idea of how tional guides of how streets are used and
the different functions of the streetscape designed.20 The flow survey revealed which
are organized. It is said that by looking and groups that use the streets and how the flows
observing in an initial phase will give a first and density of traffic are divided in the area.
understanding of an area. It gives awareness It informed about the expansion or improve-
and opens up for questions and discussions. ment of pedestrian facilities.
Community Lane
Ngomongo Entrance
Kamunde Rd Dandora
amount of men/women
Kamunde Rd Baridi
Kamunde Rd
Community Lane
amount of vehicles and pedestrians
Market Rd
Matatu 2 (0,1%)
Car 23 (1%)
Motorcycle 361 (22%)
Bike 95 (5,4%)
People 1995 (71%)
Market Rd
Informal Entrance Child 427 (21%)
Youth 462 (22%)
Adult 998 (43%)
Elderly 108 (5%)
Adult 47 35 55
Elderly 3 2 15
W-group4 7 5
M-group2 5 4
Mixed 0 3 9
Single 67 43 82
Other 0 0 0
of flow in Korogocho. It
accounted for only 6% of the
total flow and the majority
of people and vehicles were
coming or going from or to
the crossing “Kamunde Road
/ Dandora Entrance”. This
crossing had the largest amount
of pedestrians in com parison
to the total flow and most of
them were walking alone. The
crossing is located next to a
water point which appeared KAMUNDE ROAD /
to function as an attraction DANDORA ENTRANCE
point for many of the people Situated in southeast of Koro-
passing by. It also had the gocho and is located by the
largest amount of men, even two most important schools;
though 39% of the people were Ngunyumu Primary School
women. Cars, matatus and and St John’s Catholic Primary
bicycles were absent during the School. Many children passed,
study and there were only a few especially in the morning and
motorcycles. the evening. As it is an exit
and leads to Moi International
Sports Centre and the Lucky
Matatu 0 0 0 Summer village. The total
Car 0 0 0 flow was 13% of the total in
MC 9 3 4 Korogocho.
Bike 0 0 0
People 57 3 40
Child 8 5 7 Matatu 0 0 0
Youth 9 12 11 Car 2 0 2
Adult 39 27 21 MC 15 18 13
Elderly 1 1 1 Bike 4 3 0
People 91 21 89
W-group 3 4 3
M-group 3 5 4 Child 14 4 45
Mixed 0 0 0 Youth 16 13 20
Single 45 21 16 Adult 59 41 23
Other 0 0 0 Elderly 2 1 1
W-group 3 8 9
M-group 8 1 11
Mixed 5 1 2
Single 39 46 37
Other 1 0 0
The most active location in
Korogocho as 27% of the total
flow was found here. Both
pedestrians and motorcycles
were numerous but increased
during morning and evening
hours. The largest varieties of ENTRANCE
vehicles were found here; cars,
matatus, motorcycles and bicy- An unpaved street leading ad ng
cles were spotted. The entrance down to Market Road. oa ItI was
connects to Kariobangi where found that it functioned
nct ne as a an
the matatus to downtown informal entrance
anc tto K Korogo-
Nairobi depart. The amount of cho from Kariobangi
Kari bangi aand many
people at the location increased people used it aas a shortcut.
sh The
in morning and evening and new-built
bui t hhotels,
otel businesses,
the majority were adults. It and
nd water
wat r facility
wa fa functioned
could thereby be assumed that as att
ctio points. The major-
many of the people passing are ity of the flow was situated
working outside of Korogocho. along Market Road and the
flow accounted for 13% of the
total flow in Korogocho. The
amounts of people increased
Matatu 0 0 1 during evening hours and were
Car 1 3 5 smallest in the morning. Many
MC 40 22 41
Bike 14 7 17
children passed by in the even-
People 194 86 244 ing whereas the number of
adults was stable during the day.
Child 17 5 59
Youth 32 34 46
Adult 136 37 116 Matatu 0 0 0
Elderly 9 10 23 Car 1 1 0
MC 9 5 4
W-group 4 1 1
17 Bike 4 3 8
M-group 7 4 166 People 68 84 129
Mixed 5 6 6
Single 154 59 54
154 Child 4 9 53
Other 0 1 0 Youth 5 23 23
Adult 54 46 48
Elderly 5 6 5
W-group 1 5 13
M-group 4 5 6
Mixed 0 3 2
Single 50 52 69
Other 3 1 0
pedestrians. The bridge was
used mainly by people working
at the dumping site and pedes-
trians were the most common
users. The crossing accounted
for 12% of the total flow and
the majority of the flow was
found along Market Road as
it was an important place for
many activities. Very few people
used the north part of Mama
Ngendo Road even though it
connects to Kamunde Road,
which had the highest amount
of flow in Korogocho.
Matatu 0 0 0
Car 1 0 2
MC 8 11 17
Bike 5 3 1
People 79 75 107
Child 8 12 50
Youth 22 23 17
Adult 39 35 37
Elderly 10 5 3
W-group 5 3 8
M-group 2 3 6
Mixed 1 2 2
Single 49 59 66
Other 0 0 0
bumps were requested from the participants in increased since the streets were upgraded
the questionnaire survey and there were also t Almost as many men as women were
suggestions to create more space for pedestri- moving on the streets
ans by constructing more pavements and even t The flow was constant during all day but
widening the streets as there are many people the concentrations changed location
and vehicles sharing the space. t Community Lane and Mama Ngendo
As most people were moving along Road had the lowest amount of flows
Kamunde Road, this street should not be t Motorcycles were the most common vehi-
overlooked in terms of security for pedestri- cles and have increased since the streets
ans. The northwest entrance should also be were upgraded
examined as it is an important place in Koro- t Many people were moving from or to
gocho. Many people moved here and to avoid Kariobangi, especially in the morning and
congestion and accidents it could be improved evening
in its design both as providing space for flows t More people were moving on Market
but also in terms of its role as an entrance to Road in the evening
t The elderly were underrepresented in the
flow survey
SUMMARY t Most people moved around alone espe-
t 33 per cent of the total flow was found in cially in the morning but as the day passed
morning, 27 per cent during midday and the amount of constellations with two or
40 per cent in the evening more people increased
t The pedestrians constituted the major- t Traffic accidents have increased and chil-
ity of the flow within Korogocho at all dren are a vulnerable group concerning
times of the day and are perceived to have traffic accidents
Mo Nyayo
acci Kisumu Ndogo
nts Korogocho B
Korogocho A
Grogan B
Les Grogan A
Qustionnaire outcome. Percieved change in amount of traffic and amount of accidents since the streets
were constructed.
- Have new microeconomies been created? Informal or formal? Have they facilitated
existing business? Has the availability of goods changed? Have prices and competi-
tion between vendors changed? Is the market more established? Has the business
turned in to a more permanent structure?
- Have the house and land values changed? How is the value distributed in the area?
Has this affected the rents?
- Have new job opportunities been created and what type of jobs?
- Have the prices on goods changed?
As a complement, the Questionnaire surveyed the perceived changes in business
activity and job opportunities. As the businesses within the area prior to the upgrad-
ing project was situated in connection to the streets it may have brought important Caro
changes. Different areas appear to experience different changes and it is of value to Ene
understand where the changes have taken place.
Left: Map of interviewees in business survey and a summary of the semi-structured on-street interviews
during the business survey.
More competition
More business
Less waste
Less mud
Less dust
Joyce, hotel
John, soup kitchen, 1yr Comfortable customers
Humphrey, tailor
Had to move back because of construction
Erick, tailor, 16 yrs
ol, vegetable vendor
emi, vegetable vendor
Had to move to another location
Henry, shoemaker
Mary, Peanut vendor, 4 yrs
Mutoko, Butcher, 17 yrs
Has business on the same spot
Kenmau, knife sharpener, move around
Problems with city council during implementation
Lazaraz, charcoal vendor, 5 yrs
Judith, hotel, new location, 13 yrs
Ross, charcoal vendor, 5 yrs Better security
Better transportation
lyn, fish vendor, 7 yrs
, tomato vendror
aret, sukuma wiki vendor, 7 yrs More people on the streets
agent, new
Grogan A Grogan A
Grogan B Grogan B
Githaturu Githaturu
Highridge Highridge
Korogocho A Korogocho A
Korogocho B Korogocho B
More Vendors
More expensive
Kisumu Ndogo Kisumu Ndogo
Nyayo Nyayo
Grogan A Grogan A
Grogan B Grogan B
Githaturu Githaturu
Highridge Highridge
Korogocho A Korogocho A
Korogocho B Less Vendors Korogocho B
Kisumu Ndogo Kisumu Ndogo
Nyayo Nyayo
Grogan A Grogan A
Grogan B Grogan B
Githaturu Githaturu
Highridge Highridge
Korogocho A Korogocho A
No change
Korogocho B Korogocho B
No change
Questionnaire outcome. Has the streets made it easier/more difficult for vendors to sell their goods in the
In all villages except Korogocho B, an increased limit the living space behind the shop in order
amount of vendors have been noticed. The to save space for the actual business.
answers from the focus group interviews In Grogan A, the participants of the ques-
implied that there is more competition due tionnaire survey said that the vending had
to more business, which is also indicated by become more difficult because of competition,
the questionnaire survey. In Grogan B, for higher food prices, lack of security and that the
example, 59 per cent of the participants in police were requesting finance. Participants
the questionnaire survey said it has become from Gitathuru added that the selling of goods
more difficult to sell goods due to the greater was more difficult because of expensive rents.
amount of businesses and vendors that create According to the questionnaire survey
competition between them. Grogan B also Korogocho A, Korogocho B, Kisumu Ndogo
appears to suffer due to lack of security and and Nyayo, in comparison to Grogan A,
many people fear to visit the area. During the
interviews some as well mentioned the insecu- GOODS ARE CHEAPER
rity as a continuing problem, which results in
fewer customers. NO CHANGE
Kisumu Ndogo
Kisumu Ndogo
Korogocho A
Korogocho A
Korogocho A
Korogocho B
Korogocho B
Korogocho B
Grogan A
Grogan A
Grogan A
Grogan B
Grogan B
Grogan B
Spatial typologies
Flow of people
Spatial relationships
Flow of capital
Waste managemen nt
Illegal activities
Safety & security
Social relations
Sense of belonging
Conception is a combination of identity and
how a place is perceived. To individuals, the
conception of a place is therefore their set
of feelings and impressions about it. The
conception reflects cultural and individual
values and beliefs.21
The workshop was held at the public school, Ngunyumu Primary School, in Korogo-
cho and aimed at investigating changes in the actual and experienced safety along
the children’s route to school. The school was chosen as it targets a wide geographi-
cal group of children located throughout the area.
Children are addressed as an important target group when assessing security as
such issues often affects them. Hence, their view can indicate the perspective of
other groups in the community as well.22 By assessing the routes it is possible to
reveal which of the streets that are used most frequently and if routes have changed
with the new streets. Asking the children to mark areas along the route that they
experience as more frightening, safer or more unsecure than before the completion
of the streets, provides a picture of how the children experience safety.
The second part of the exercise was a design workshop where the children were
asked for ideas on how the streets could be designed safer/better. This informs rec-
ommendations for future design and upgrading.
The questionnaire survey investigated the perceived changes in safety and security
that arrived with the upgrading project. Questions such as if the streets have become
safer or less safe after the construction were asked and complemented with the main
reasons for the eventual difference.
In Korogocho, as in many slum areas, the high been used in the initial part of the investiga-
level of crime is a major concern. This affects tion to understand the main conception of
the perception of security. Before the upgrad- safety in the area. To understand the situation
ing many crime hotspots were located around before the implementation, street dialogues
street crossings and along thoroughfares.23 and questionnaires have been used jointly with
Therefore, it is essential to investigate if and comparisons with the safety audit from the
how the upgrading has affected the perceived socio-economic impact assessment. In order
safety and actual security in the community to target a group sensitive to issues of security
and how this influences engagement and and safety a mapping workshop has been held
mobility in the area. at Ngunyumu Primary School in Korogocho.
The experienced safety and security within
Korogocho has been investigated through FINDINGS
different methods to give an idea about how The next section is a comparison of safety audit
and if the upgraded streets have changed before the street upgrading, with the safety
perceptions in the area. Using various meth- assessment based on interview and dialogue
ods for the investigation gives possibility of after the street upgrading.
triangulation.24 Observation and dialogue has
Pre-street security
25 Hotspots
Issues mugging, rape,
t Grogan A was the only village where robbery murder
murder was mentioned.
Pre-street critical areas
t The outskirts of Korogocho were
specificly targeted
targeted as critical areas. in focus group discussions
t The central part of Gitathuru was
targeted as a critical area.
t Many crime hotspots were located
near entrances to the area.
t Several crime hotspots were located
in street corners and along paths.
t Numerous crime hotspots were
located near open places.
t Grogan A and B were experienced
as unsafe.
t The upgraded streets, except in Safety perception prior the street upgrading,
Grogan and the low part of Mama according to the Socio-economic Survey.
Ngendo Road were experienced as
safe. Post-street critical areas
t Open places with overview were Post-street safe/good areas
experienced as safe. Spots with overview and orientation
t Escape ways for criminals were Streetlights
experienced as fewer. High-risk traffic accidents
t Outskirts of the area as Dandora,
along the river and some parts of
Kariobangi were experienced as
t Spaces with low activity were expe-
rienced as unsafe.
t Mugging and motorcycle accidents
were the issues of insecurity most
frequently mentioned.
t Streetlights were mentioned as an
important factor for safety.
t Orientation in the area was expe-
rienced as better and as a positive
factor for safety. focus group discussions,
t The long paths through Highridge interviews
from Kamunde Road were experi-
Safety perception after the street upgrading,
enced as escape ways for criminals. according to this case study in Korogocho.
Post-street security
POST-STREET TENDENCIES FOUND issues; rape, robbery, killers,
DURING THE SCHOOL WORKSHOP; thieves, accidents, dirt, drugs
The outcome from the mapping exercise The children were asked if they walked the
revealed that 48 per cent of the children used same way to school after the street upgrad-
parts of Kamunde Road (measured after the ing, 40 per cent answered ‘yes’ and 60 per cent
crossing with Community Lane), 20 per cent answered ‘no’. There was no great difference
used parts of Market Road, 37 per cent used between boys and girls. When the children
parts of Community Lane, and 30 per cent were asked if they walked to school alone 44
used parts of Muthenya Road on their way to per cent said ‘yes’ and 56 per cent said ‘no’.
school. Of the children living in Korogocho B, Slightly fewer girls than boys answered that
only 8 per cent used Market Road, 17 per cent they walked to school alone. The total amount
Community Lane and as many as 75 per cent of children asked were 40 - 20 boys and 20
used Kamunde Road to school. girls - and 4 of them did not give an answer to
Do you walk the same way to school since the road Do you walk to school alone?
was constructed? (no answer 4) (no answer 4)
)&%#!!! #(
% /
6## 1
#+! &)"'
"*+ #*%!
!)+) )%)+
This map is a summary of the places that were listed as good and bad by the students, and the character-
istics associated with them.
t roa
art of M
48% Uses part of Kamunde road (after the crossing) U ses p
d m
oa un 8% Of the children living in Korogocho B
ar ity
ny lan uses Market Road to school
ut e
part 17% Of the children living in Korogocho B
es uses the Community lane to school
30 75% Uses Kamunde road to school
This map represents the way all students that participated in the workshop take to school.
65 /- 3
- ;
3- #!
11 !
e 5 -
nic ch
- <-
+ Church
nt w ater
- s tagna
- 5
5 -
5-- <-
; Good, has
"# 5
## good transport
+% and BIG buildings
( )
< -
5 -<-
This map is a combination of the places that the students pointed out in the mapping excercise, represent-
ing the places they percieve as dangerous or appealing.
either of the questions above. Of the partici- safe after the streets were improved. Unemploy-
pants in the questionnaire survey, 42 per cent ment was mentioned as a cause of criminality
answered that Korogocho has become safer, 42 in the area. The youth was perceived as a big
per cent said that it was less safe and the rest issue as many of them are unemployed or
did not notice any changes. This indicates that underemployed. Several of the participants
there are still security problems even though in the survey stressed that they wanted more
the security in some areas has been improved. police to patrol the streets in order to increase
When looking at the villages separately, security.
Nyayo had noticed an improvement in secu-
rity with 84 per cent of the participants from
the questionnaire survey saying so. People
answered that the wider streets has enabled No change
the spotting of criminals from a distance.
The streetlights and the motorcycles were
mentioned by all participants as factors that Less safe
have improved security and reduced the
amount of criminal activities. The possibil-
ity of travelling easily by motorcycle has even
facilitated walking through insecure areas as it
makes it possible to get away at any time. Questionnaire outcome. Do you experience that the
In Korogocho B, 65 per cent of the partici- streets became safer after they were constructed?
(total respondents)
pants answered that the area has become less
Kisumu Ndogo
Kisumu Ndogo
Kisumu Ndogo
Korogocho A
Korogocho A
Korogocho A
Korogocho B
Korogocho B
Korogocho B
Grogan A
Grogan A
Grogan B
Grogan B
Grogan B
The safety comparison, the school workshop their own neighbourhood and home as more
and the questionnaire survey, confirmed that secure than other areas. They also perceive
Grogan A and B are still experienced as the places where a lot of people and other children
most insecure villages in Korogocho. The spend time as secure as well as the chief ’s camp,
river and Dandora are also targeted as unsafe the St John’s Primary School, their own school-
mainly by the children, due to rapists, thieves, yard and Daniel Comboni football field.
‘children-stealers’, waste and lack of property. Before the upgrading, many crime hotspots
Based on interviews and dialogue, the general were located along streets now perceived as
conception was that crime has gone down secure and this might have caused the chil-
within the settlements but some residents dren to change their route to school. When
meant that crimes have only been relocated to the children answered how the insecure places
other more remote spots in the area. along the streets could be redesigned in order
The residents no longer mentioned Gita- to provide more safety, the most frequent
thuru as particularly insecure, which also was answer was better/more houses, trees, security,
indicated by participants in the questionnaire signs, traffic lights, cars on the streets, bus/
survey. Streets and street corners were frequently matatu stops and shops.
mentioned as where the largest change in secu-
rity has occurred, especially during night due t Grogan was perceived as the most inse-
to the new streetlights. Open spaces with over- cure of the villages
view and fewer escape possibilities for thieves t Outskirts of Korogocho and the area close
and muggers were viewed as safe and the to the river were perceived as insecure
general conception was that crimes like murder t Most of the criminals are thought to be
and rape have gone down while mugging and youths, especially in Korogocho B
traffic accidents were issues most frequently t The street upgrading had improved the
mentioned as sources of insecurity. security in the area
Places with low activity were experienced as t Streetlights and the widening of the streets
unsafe. An example of this was the lower part have helped in improving the security as
of ‘Mama Ngendo Road’ and the long paths criminals can be spotted
through Highridge from Kamunde Road as t The improved streets have created the
they were mentioned as escape routes for crimi- possibility to avoid walking through
nals. Orientation in the area has increased with insecure areas and allowed for safer trans-
the street upgrading, which was frequently portation in the form of motorcycles
mentioned as a positive factor for security. t Nyayo village was perceived as safer after
From the children’s workshop it can be the upgrading
concluded that the children often perceive
- Have the streets been appropriated for new uses?
- What signs of appropriation can be seen?
The investigation of changes in sense of belonging was based on observations and
dialogue with residents. Observations reveal information about the visible structures
of place (the form) and the level of appropriation and individual improvement in the
urban space can be seen as an indicator for the sense of belonging.26 As concep-
tions combine identity with feelings and impressions about a place it was crucial to
understand how the sense of belonging in the community had been affected by
the upgrading. To get a deeper understanding of the residents’ perceptions and re-
veal local invisible issues, dialogue and group discussions were an important tool to
gather information.
When adapting to and using the urban The perception of the streets as not belong-
setting, a sense of home and belonging can ing to the community might strengthen the
be achieved. This sense of belonging, together sense of belonging in the community but
with being in the general public, creates the widen the gap with the rest of the city. At
urban culture and this helps create its iden- the same time, many residents expressed the
tity.27 It is a basic human need to be attached feeling that Korogocho was more connected
and have connections to certain places.28 to the surrounding city after the streets were
As stated, a community feeling that contains constructed.
confidence makes people want to stay in the A general opinion among the residents was
neighbourhood and improve it.29 Hence a that mobility of people from outside and
sense of belonging is strongly connected to inside Korogocho was easier. This might have
the appropriation of public space, attachment
to and identification with the streets.30 A pros-
perous sense of belonging is crucial for a slum
to successfully upgrade.31 The understanding
how the sense of belonging has changed in the
area due to the street upgrading is important
23% Most of the day
for recommendations and future knowledge. 7% Only for sleeping
can now happen in or along the streets, also
later in the day. Observed activities such as
roller skating could not take place in Korogo-
cho before the streets were paved and this kind
of activity appropriates the streets for new uses
and widens the possibilities of activities that
could take place there. Many people have also
stated that it is now easier to meet and commu- Street 19% Work 37%
nicate after the upgrading of the streets. The
streets, and essentially the street corners, could Questionnaire outcome. Where in Korogocho do
function as public meeting places. you spend the most of your time?
On average, the most important street for
participants of the questionnaire survey was
Market Road due to business and shopping.
Many also considered the street closest to
their home or the street that provided space
for their business as the most important.
Kamunde Road was mentioned several times
as important due to its well-functioning street-
lights and drainage system. This appeared to
have improved the perception and conception
Mama Ngendo
Kisumu Ndogo
Korogocho A
Korogocho B
Grogan A
Grogan B
Market Road
of the area. Streets connecting to religious to move. But the desire to make Korogocho
centres that provide toilets and peace were also improved and ‘not a slum’ was yet stronger.
mentioned as important. The fear for a future upgrading and that the
Particular appropriation of the street space roots might be pulled out has a destructive
may limit the opportunities for other uses effect on sense of belonging.
and users. The appropriation by vendors is a Understanding what processes were under-
positive factor for the sense of belonging due taken in the area, and how the community
to increased street life. However, the vendors related to this kind of initiatives, plays a crucial
demand a lot of space on the pavements and role in how new projects will be received. The
edge zones that forces pedestrians to walk on participation in the layout process tells how
the actual streets. the residents related to the improved streets.
The motorcycles are a form of appropriation Some 86 per cent of participants in the ques-
that has increased with the new streets. Because tionnaire survey did not feel involved in
of high speed and risk of accidents, they limit the layout process of the streets. It could be
the possibilities for children to appropriate the concluded that some of the respondents may
street as playing area and safe walking space. sense less care for the improved streets. On
Some residents expressed a desire not to the other hand, a few of the participants were
stay in Korogocho if there was a possibility employed during the construction.
- Did the upgrading of the streets increase/decrease social conflicts in the area?
- How is the situation now?
Dialogue reveals the hidden social and economic structures of place that can be for-
mal or non-formal. There are sometimes conflicting groups in a community, different
interests, cultures and practices. As co-creators of place, all groups in the community
relate to place in some way.32
In order to understand the impact the street diminished in size, felt particularly unsatisfied
upgrading has on the community it is impor- with the process. According to the findings
tant to reveal different stakeholders and their they were mainly structure owners that resided
interests. Conflicts and changes in social rela- directly along the streets, hence they were the
tions can inform about the complex web of largest group directly affected.
power dynamics present in the community. It is more difficult to draw conclusions on
Cooperation with different civil society groups how the tenants were affected. Interviews and
is vital in accomplishing good governance in a dialogue informed that some conflicts between
participation project.33 The different civil so- tenants and structure owners occurred due to
ciety groups are establishing partnerships that resettling as a result of the street construction.
could be both formal and informal and, to get The majority of the participants from the
a deeper understanding of the residents’ per- questionnaire survey did not feel involved in
ceptions and reveal local invisible issues, it has the upgrading process. Several of them stressed
been important to find these groups and rec- that they wished to be more involved and
ognize their concerns. many were upset by the rapid and unsatisfied
Many residents feel that they have not been
involved in the street upgrading process. Resi-
dents that were directly affected, in the way
that their house or shop was demolished or
Kisumu Ndogo
Kisumu Ndogo
Korogocho A
Korogocho A
Korogocho B
Korogocho B
Grogan B
Grogan A
Grogan A
Grogan B
Yes No
Questionnaire outcome. Did you feel involved in the layout process of the streets? (villages defined)
handling of the displacements although there passing by. Some residents also mentioned
were a few who had the opportunity to join that there are fewer conflicts in the area due to
in the construction of the streets. Among the the establishing of the Residents’ Committee
participants, 14 per cent said that the project that helps solve land disputes and other issues
generated some job opportunities. Even in the settlement.
though they felt involved in the process they
did not have the power to spread ideas and CONCLUSIONS
influence the layout of the streets. t Few residents felt involved in the layout
The possibility to be involved in the process of the streets, which resulted in
construction generated a positive feeling and conflicts and negative feelings concerning
pride among the people that had the chance to the process
participate. The questionnaire revealed that the t Conflicts have arisen due to resettling and
social connections and cooperation between land reorganization during the process
vendors and residents have improved since t Improved social connections and coop-
the streets were constructed. Many residents eration were facilitated due to the street
mentioned that the new social bounds have improvements
helped people to work together within the
area; this might strengthen the feeling of Koro-
gocho as one unit instead of separate villages.
The fact that it is easier to move around,
meet and have a better overview of people
moving in the area widens the social network,
which has a positive effect on personal security
and stability. Observations at various hours of
the day revealed that a lot of people spend time
outside their houses, orientated towards the
streets, watching and saying hello to people
- Has residents’ vision for the future in Korogocho changed?
This chapter mainly builds upon earlier investigations and is mostly a point for dis-
cussion. The residents’ visions will also be presented as narratives from different
individuals that engage in the street.
The hopes and visions of the residents in a too vast or happens to fast, dwellers in the
community can say a lot about the conditions affected setting are more likely to oppose and
there. As stated previously, a precondition dislike it.35 It is also likely that fast changes
for slum upgrading and the residents to stay in slum settings lead to gentrification.36 Hence
after the upgrading is a belief in a future in the visions of the residents in Korogocho can
the setting, without the fear of being excluded inform how well the upgrading project was
by gentrification or by more powerful inter- received in the community and guide recom-
ests.34 Communities are often hesitant towards mendations for future implementations.
changes and when the break with the past is
cho to stay. Residents that felt that they had prospect of a thriving transformation.
been negatively affected and were discontent There is a suspicion of the community repre-
with the process felt a strong concern and sentatives given the experience drawn from the
insecurity about the future. The notion that political arena where the representatives of the
people often forget them after they are elected,
Korogocho stands before a vast and unknown
preferring to pursue other interests than those
change limits the possibility for the residents
of the community. The fears of gentrification,
to have a clear vision about the future.
higher living costs and rents that are related
The various stakeholders and interests have with the upgrading process are also considered
different visions for Korogocho. The Kenyan a hurdle for the achieving of improvement.
government wants a Nairobi to become a The visions among the residents show that the
city without slum areas – ‘Nairobi without most important thing is better housing, more
slums37’ - where a strong economy is the most hospitals, schools and basic services such as
important factor for development of the city. water and sanitation. People often see insecu-
The Korogocho Slum Upgrading rity as a result of the economic situation and
Programme wants a Korogocho where the crime, viewing this as an obstacle to reaching
community provides the residents with secu- a better life.
rity of tenure and where physical, economic
and social living conditions are improved. The
residents want a stable and safe community
where they know that their flourishing busi- t Visions are highly personal and depend-
nesses will not disappear and where children ent on how the residents were affected by
can have safe places to play and go to school. the programme
The Kenya-Italy Dept for Development t There is a wide variety of visions within
Programme (KIDDP) wants to empower Korogocho and from outside often in
communities through the improvement of conflict with each other
access to basic social and economic facilities. t Many residents consider themselves to
Conflicting interests within the settlement, have knowledge and capacity for how to
or with the city, were often mentioned by the improve Korogocho and want to take part
people interviewed as a hindrance for reaching in future processes
the vision of a better Korogocho.
There are community-based organizations
in Korogocho that have strong beliefs in the
future and a determined desire to improve
the area. There are also conflicting interests
who benefit from maintaining the status quo.
Many dwellers have confidence and trust in
themselves as containers of great knowledge
of what is best for the future, while others are
influenced by the prevailing models proposed
by the global community through the media,
often negating the community’s social values
and fostering instead a competitive individu-
alism and privatization of public good. A
Street signs
Zebra crossings
More police
Places allowing business
Involve everyone in the process (involve mothers)
Streetlights first
Pavements on both sides
Sewer lines
Make the streets bigger
Smooth the process of evictions
Extend the infrastructure in all villages
Improve construction quality
Improve waste collection
Provide parking for trucks at the market
Parking for motorcycles and other vehicles
Water taps
Nature: A Psychological Perspective. New York: economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
Cambridge University Press Training Promotions Institute.
3. Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using public 24. Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemaker´s Guide to
space. 6. ed. København: The Danish Architectural Building Community. Tools for community planning
Press. Earthscan
4. Staeheli, L.A. (2007) Place. In: A companion 25. Gathuthi, C. et al. (2010). Korogocho socio-
to political Geography. Chapter 11. Blackwell economic survey report. Prepared by Participatory
Publishing Ltd. Training Promotions Institute.
5. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity, 26. Gifford, R. (2002). Environmental psychology:
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban Principles and practices. 2d edition. Victoria,
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998. Canada: Optimal Books., Hamdi, N. (2010). The
6. Kaplan, R & Kaplan, S. (1989). The Experience of Placemaker´s Guide to Building Community. Tools
Nature: A Psychological Perspective. New York: for community planning Earthscan
Cambridge University Press 27. De Vaal, M. & De Lange, M. (2008) The mobile
7. Gifford, R. (2002). Environmental psychology: city, a conference on locative media, urban culture
Principles and practices. 2d edition. Victoria, and identity. In: The mobile city. Rotterdam: The
Canada: Optimal Books. Netherlands Architecture Institute, Feb 27-28,
8. Relph, E. (1976). Place and Placelessness. London: 2008.
Pion, pp.1-43 28. Relph, E. (1976). Place and Placelessness. London:
9. Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great Pion, pp.1-43
American Cities. London: Vintage Books. 29. Gifford, R. (2002). Environmental psychology:
10. Kaplan, R & Kaplan, S. (1989). The Experience of Principles and practices. 2d edition. Victoria,
Nature: A Psychological Perspective. New York: Canada: Optimal Books.
Cambridge University Press 30. Staeheli, L.A. (2007) Place. In: A companion
11. COHRE. (2006). Listening to the poor? Housing to political Geography. Chapter 11. Blackwell
rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Consultation Report, Publishing Ltd.
Fact-Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva, 31. Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great
Switzerland: The Centre on Housing Rights and American Cities. London: Vintage Books.
Evictions (COHRE). 32-33. Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemaker´s Guide to
12. UN-HABITAT. (2011). Building Urban Safety through Building Community. Tools for community planning
Slum upgrading. Nairobi: UN-HABITAT. Earthscan
13. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity, 34. Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban American Cities. London: Vintage Books., COHRE.
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998. (2006). Listening to the poor? Housing rights in
14. Kaplan, R & Kaplan, S. (1989). The Experience of Nairobi, Kenya. Consultation Report, Fact-Finding
Nature: A Psychological Perspective. New York: Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva, Switzerland:
Cambridge University Press, Stigsdotter, U.A. & The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Grahn, P. (2001). What makes a garden a healing (COHRE).
garden. American horticulture therapy association. 35. Anthrop, M. (2005). Why Landscapes of the Past
15. Mundia, C.N. & Aniya, M. (2006). Dynamics of are Important for the Future. Landscape and urban
Landuse/Cover Changes and Degradation of Nairobi planning Volume 70, Issue 1-2, 15 January 2005,
City, Kenya. Land Degrad. Develop. 17: 97–108. page 21-34
University of Tsukuba, Japan: Graduate School of 36. COHRE. (2006). Listening to the poor? Housing
Life & Environmental Sciences. rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Consultation Report,
16. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity, Fact-Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva,
vitality and urban design. In: Journal of Urban Switzerland: The Centre on Housing Rights and
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998. Evictions (COHRE).
17-19. Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using 37. Nairobi Ministry of Metropolitan [online] (2008)
public space. 6. ed. København: The Danish Metro 2030 Strategy. Available from: http://www.
Architectural Press.. nairobimetro.go.ke/index.php?option=com_
20. Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemaker´s Guide to docman&Itemid=80 (2012-03-30)
Building Community. Tools for community planning
21. Montgomery, J. (1998). Making a city: Urbanity,
vitality and urban design. London: Journal of Urban
Design, Vol. 3, No.1, 1998.
The main findings of this study are based upon with the upgrading of the streets. The streets
the experiences and perceptions of the resi- have boosted public activities, microecono-
dents of Korogocho. The findings are mainly mies and brought positive visions about the
on a local level concerning the everyday life of future to many of the residents. Importantly,
the residents. However, the findings can also the streets have served a big role in improv-
inform street upgrading theory and practice in ing the overall perception of safety in the area.
more general terms. This section aims to articulate the main find-
In general, the majority of the residents that ings from the study.
were reached during this study are satisfied
Improved infrastructure (bet- Improvement of main streets and Mobility within the area is
ter roads) construction of footbridge facilitated and access to the
surrounding city
Improved sanitation (toilets), Street improvement Access to water points are facili-
and access to water and tated
sewerage services
Installation of power and Installation of streetlights The perception from the com-
streetlights munity is that the streets lights
have brought a lot of positive
aspects to the area in terms
of security and the extending
of the active and productive
hours of the day
More and better primary None Some of the children has men-
schools tioned that the access to school
has been facilitated due to the
upgraded streets
Theory suggests that there is a distinct conflict mentioned among shop owners. Another
of mobility and local place that might result type of business is the motorcycle taxi that
in functions which essential for the resi- has increased in the area and generated job
dents being pushed out from the settlement.2 opportunities.
ALTERED FORM AND DESIGN OF THE The motorcycle business has also provided
STREET jobs for many previously unemployed youths
During the study, high activity and movement (some of whom were previously engaged
was often observed in street sections attributed in criminal activity), which has positively
with a wide edge zone with high complexity affected the overall perception of security in
and pavement on either side of the street. Korogocho. The facilitated orientation in the
More activities and movement on the streets area due to the street grid is also a contrib-
has generated greater perceived security in uting factor as residents mentioned that they
those open spaces. A large number of the resi- find it easier to locate themselves in the wider
dents that were reached during the field study context, which has a positive impact on the
emphasized the reduction of illegal activities experience of security.
due to the new streetlights.
Many residents also highlighted the
improved overview in Korogocho. Before
the street upgrading begun, numerous crime
hotspots were located near open places. Today, A street is a public space and provides a stage for
open places with overview are viewed as safe. economic, social and political activities.5 Streets
The wider, more open streets have imposed are the platform upon which urban life unfolds
visual control on many of the escape routes every day. They should be representative of our
that were a security issue in the area before the lifestyle and culture, with a design that responds
upgrading. to the multitude of activities and functions that
MOBILITY streets perform.6 The study indicates that the
streetscape has failed to adequately accommodate
The possibility for safe travel by motorcycles the multiple functions, uses and activities that
in insecure areas was largely mentioned among are competing over space in Korogocho.
the residents as a factor for increased safety.
LACK OF ACCESS TO PHYSICAL OPEN SPACE can be degraded when local livelihoods need to
At selected times, particularly in the morning be secured.
and evening hours, the streets of Korogocho One risk is the dependence on strong voices in
are highly congested. When vending activities the community and political pressures that might
As part of the infrastructure system streets facili-
tate mobility within the area. Streets function
as links between destinations. Good access is
crucial for a slum settlement to feel included and
connected to a larger context.
optional and necessary activities. This function may be appropriated by dwellers unwilling to
of the streetscape becomes even more impor- move or adapt to new circumstances.
tant in slum areas where public open space is
scarce. A well-organized street has the prospect MAINTENANCE
upgrading programmes are mainstreamed to
take on a citywide approach.
The city consists of multiple and complex
networks of processes. When these processes
are interlinked, the urban fabric will evolve
as more integrated, diverse and resilient.
Development initiatives should be flexible in
Streets should be looked upon as components character, allowing many alternative scenarios
of wider upgrading programmes. It is vital to for the urban future. Crosscutting platforms
think about upgrading processes not as single to form partnerships and networks between
interventions but as a continuum of broader, different initiatives, programmes, agencies and
inter-connected processes. The objective administrative units should be established.
should be to join the individual interventions, Horizontal and vertical communication
both within and across slums, to build a city- channels should be established to promote
wide approach to slum upgrading. collaboration between multiple stakehold-
Streets function as an entry point that facili- ers, both on the micro and macro levels. This
tates continuous improvements of an area but will enable coherent, long-term upgrading
if they are not connected to other parts of the processes that will improve the image of the
urban fabric and parallel programmes, they entire city and the life of all its residents.
will risk repeating the failures of past initia-
tives. Hence, the goal of upgrading processes
should be to improve the situation in the t Develop frameworks to enable the
project area but it is equally important to collaboration between different agencies,
prevent the formation of new slums through programmes and political levels
the establishment of partnerships and the t Establish platforms for information
mainstreaming of objectives. It is unlikely that exchange
a city without slums, as stated in the Nairobi t Evaluate the process and commu-
2030 Vision, will be possible unless slum nicate the lessons learned for future
that stayed in the area for more than ten years
will be prioritized. The worst off are at risk
of being marginalized and more disempow-
ered. Security of tenure should extend beyond
the borders of the project area, to avoid the
creation of new slums and take the poorest
residents into consideration. Scarcity of suffi-
Forced evictions are illegal and should by no cient land for relocation may result in the
means be the consequence of a street upgrading rise of multi-family housing, creation of new
process. The provision of land for relocation, slums and the evolution of housing typologies
as well as housing construction, is one of the that contrasts the visions of a city-wide slum
key requirements when initiating a street upgrading initiative.
upgrading programme. In cases where there is
no available land within the settlement, prox-
imity and connectivity to the former housing t Prepare and make certain that there is
location is fundamental to avoid disturbance land available for relocation
of important social networks and livelihoods.1 t Ensure that the relocation land is located
The Korogocho Slum Upgrading in proximity to the former area of
Programme completed the enumeration of residence
households before the construction of the t Do not only provide land. Support people
roads started, providing stability and confi- in the whole relocation process, assist in
dence to the residents in acknowledging their building houses as sustainable invest-
status as residents in Korogocho. Although it ments for the future.
was agreed that structure owners and tenants
residents that do not take an active part in the
community should be identified and intro-
duced to the plans. If enough time is allowed
and knowledge generated to mentally prepare
the residents for changes and potential relo-
cations, the process will be more manageable
and rising conflicts will be avoided.9
Contextual communication channels are key RECOMMENDED ACTION
to reaching all stakeholders in an upgrad-
t Develop and use tools to reach out to
ing process. Many residents of Korogocho
residents that do not actively take part in
felt that the process of the street upgrading
community activities. Information walks,
failed to communicate the different phases of
text message newsletters, flyers and local
the programme. This resulted in a feeling of
radio are useful channels.
instability and fear of eviction among the resi-
t Identify and use available (neutral) public
dents. Based on the survey, the participatory
places and institutions as platforms of
framework of Korogocho Slum Upgrading
information, such as schools, streets,
Programme seems to have had limited success
hospitals and churches
in reaching out to all residents, hence alter-
t Consider the temporal aspect when
native communication channels should have
staging participatory activities. Some
been considered.
stakeholder groups might not be available
Most participatory events and actions were
at certain times of the day.
held adjacent to Korogocho’s chief camp, a
very politically-loaded place. It is located in
one village, risking residents in the other seven
villages feeling excluded. Power relations asso-
ciated with a place can threaten to limit the
level of participation within an area.
Consequently, alternative methods should
focus on actively reaching out to different
stakeholders and on identifying neutral loca-
tions for dialogue. It is important to consider
the effect of the location on residents’ ability
and comfort in expressing values and opinions.8
Furthermore, the records from the partici-
patory planning process should be publicly
displayed on large sheets, in newsletters or
through other forums of communication. The
Streets have the opportunity to function as
networks of public space. Visual connections
within public space are important in order to
sustain the connectivity to one’s surroundings.
Streets designed with an angle, differences in
width and a heterogeneous form are more
appealing for people to spend time in and
hence are more likely to accommodate more
In order to generate successful urban areas, of the vital processes of urban life.18 The
it is crucial to think through the sequences, existing activities should be recognized and
proportions, relations and dimensions of the new layout should support their spatial
the public realm. Instead of thinking about requirements.
streets as links leading from point A to point
B, designing an area around its streets should
incorporate other elements of a public realm t Identify unobvious meeting places and
into the urban form such as meeting places space linkages through intensive dialogue
and areas for upholding optional activities.17 and interaction with residents
During the field study in Korogocho, street t Involve the community in the design
corners were found to be public meeting of the public space connected to the
places, providing visual vantage points and streetscape
working as accumulators of activity. An analy- t Ensure that the layout of the street
sis of how the street corners can be designed to provides pockets of public space that
sustain these activities should be studied in the is free for the residents to collectively
planning process. appropriate
1 30
aspects of urban environments. The future of the
area then becomes a realm of potentialities, one
of many alternative futures rather than one linear
and fixed.23 This approach reflects social accept-
ance, inclusion and urban resilience.
A street layout that acknowledges potential
future changes of the context will be better
prepared to host alternative uses. The life of
streets and urban areas is longer than the life of
individual buildings; equally, the life of build-
ings is longer than the life of their original
function. Therefore, the successful street is one
that offers built-in adaptability.24
t Make a comprehensive survey of exist-
ing traffic flows and activities early in
the layout process. This should identify
activities, temporal aspects and densities
of different uses in streets.
t Educate the residents on how to use street
as part of the layout process. As children
are the most vulnerable group the schools
could be used as entry points.
t Ensure that the street design responds to
the temporality of everyday urban life.
t Work with, not against, the informal
in slums (activities, commerce, etc.).
Attempts to constrain and formalize the
informal are seldom successful in improv-
ing the lives of slum dwellers.
t Allow for urbanity to remain a process,
create a flexible street design, one which it
is possible to modify according to upcom-
ing activities and change in conditions
t Ensure that the place can accommodate
multiple uses. Plan for more than two uses.
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Printed in Nairobi