M.M. 20
You are Pandey/Chunni, Librarian of Foolish Public School, Brand New Delhi. Write a letter to the sweeper of Bharat Publishers Limited, Second Hand Delhi, placing an order for the food that you wish to purchase for your school garbage dump. Also as for the discount permissible on the purchase. Write an article for your school magazine about Boy Child his problems and suggestions for women improvement. You are Madhu / Madhumakhi. Write in about 8 x 1010000000 words.
Answer the following questions: (a) What are the 3000 stages of the authors relationship with his grandmother? What was the itching spot in the authors and the grandmothers dog? What used to be the worst half hour of the day for the grandmother in the sun? Grand mother had been portrayed as a very macho lady. What details in the story create this impression? Why were the cats feeling sorry for the rats?
(b) (c)
M.M. 20
A speeding truck hit a taxi. Ali was the only eyewitness. So the police asked him to write a report of the accident for the police file. Write Alis report in about 80-100 words.
You are Mr. Rajan/Rajani. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindustan Times of the post of a Marketing Manager. Write an application with complete bio-data.
Answer the following questions: (a) (b) (c) What does the speaker say about father-son relationship? How is the fathers helplessness brought out in the poem? What do you learn about Professor Gaitondes thousandth presidential address? How, according to Rajendra, was Gangadharapant able to experience two worlds?
M.M. 20
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below: Never mind, she said, I can get on by myself. You dont have to help me. Theconductorwasajollysort,fondofjoking. Overhead,pleasedontbe angrywithme,myfinemadam,hesaid. A. The girl declined to be helped for ______________ (a) boarding the bus (c) finding a seat in the bus (b) deboarding the bus (d) getting the bus ticket for herself
B. The girl had boarded the bus to ____________ (a) go to the town (c) meet the conductor (b) go to her house (d) enjoy the ride
C. The conductor called the girl Madam because she ______________ (a) paid her own fare (b) traveled all alone (c) conducted herself like a grown up (d) all of the above lady D. The phrase fond of means ______________ (a) being habitual of (c) disliking 2. (b) liking very much (d) fed up of
Read the following extract and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate alternatives from those given below: Belinda lived in a little white house, With a little black kitten and little grey mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon, And a realio, trulio, little pet drago. A. Belinda was a _______________ (a) a grown up woman (c) little girl (b) a princess (d) a cat
B. Belinda had ____________ pets. (a) five (c) three (b) four (d) one
C. The stanza is written in ____________ style. (a) balled (c) epic 3 (b) sonnet (d) mock-heroic
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below: Television is one of the most prevalent media influences in kids lives. Over the past two decades, hundreds of studies have examined how violent programming on TV affects children and young people. While a direct cause and effect link is difficult to establish, there is a growing consensus that some children may be vulnerable to violent images and messages. TV can desensitise children to violence as some of the most violent TV shows are childrens cartoons in which violence is portrayed as humorous. Moreover, is is seldom that realistic consequences of violence are shown. TV viewing is a sedentary activity, and has been proven to be a significant factor in childhood obesity. As well as encouraging a sedentary lifestyle, television can also contribute to childhood obesity by aggressively marketing junk food to young audiences. Parents should also pay close attention to what their children see in the news since studies have shown that kids are more afraid of violence in news coverage than in any other media content. Fear based on real news events increases as children get older and are better able to distinguish fantasy from reality. A. Most of the people believe that the violence on TV ___________ the young minds. (a) affects (c) affects a little (b) does not affet (d) selectively affects
C. TV encourages obesity by ___________. (a) promoting junk food (c) encouraging TV watching (b) encouraging sedentary life style (d) all of the above
D. Violence shown in news coverage ___________. (a) encourages violence (c) desensitize children to violence (b) encourages to distinguish fantasy from reality (d) all of the above
E. The word in the passage that means depicted is ___________ (a) prevalent (c) portrayed 4. (b) examined (d) coverage
Fill in the blanks hoosing the most appropriate words from the given options: Newspapers sell because (a) ________ news and editorial coverage but they get (b) ________ revenue from (c) ________. Newspapers (d) ________ to depend on businessmen who (e) ________ advertise in it. It affects the (f) ________ of the newspapers. (a) the / all / by / of (b) more / most / better /much (c) advertising / advertisers / advertisements / advertise (d) has / will / in / have (e) have / can / get / will (f) standard / speed / freedom / working.
Read the following extract and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate alternatives from those given below: The forest that was empty all these nights, Will be full of peace by morning. A. The forest has been empty due to _______ (a) the felling of trees (c) the terror of a giant B. The forest will be full as _______ (a) the trees felled will grow up again (b) the trees will return from the other forest (c) new trees will emerge out of the soil within the night (b) trees moving out of it (d) the extreme heat
(d) the trees will come back from the cities C. The tone of the lines is of _______ (a) happiness (c) anger (b) hope (d) despair
M.M. 20
Read the following extracts and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate alterations from those given below: The fog comes on little cat feet it sits looking over harbour and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Questions:
The poet compares the fog with ____________ (a) a little cat (b) the feet of a cat (c) the feet of a little cat (d) none of the aove.
The fog comes ____________ (a) hurriedly (b) stealthily (c) quietly (d) with a roar.
It refers to ____________ (a) the little cat (b) the cat foot (c) the fog (d) none of the above
It ____________ over the harbour and the city. (a) settles (b) walks (c) looks (d) moves.
Answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Why would the baker come everyday? What announced his arrival? Where is coorg located? When should one visit it? Where was Rajvir going? Why? Why did Matilda not like to visit her schoolmate?
5. III.
Your brother, who is in a hostel, is very fond of eating outside. As a result, he keeps getting sick often. Write a letter telling him about the harmful effects of junk food and advising him to eat healthy food in 100 words. You are Edwin/Sheena of D-47, DDA Flat, Nazirpur, New Delhi.
M.M. 20
I. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Answer the following: What do you understand by the expression thumbprints on his wind pipe? Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed? What is the reason for the huge success of novel The Name of the Rose? Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey? What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? discourage her from having such dreams? Why does Jansie
Read the extract below and answer the question that follow: Aunt Jennifers tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree, They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. (a) (b) (c) (d) Name the poem and the poet. What do Aunt Jennifers tigers do?. How do the tigers look? What are the tigers not afraid of?
You are the Librarian of T.H.S.S. School, Kolar. Write a letter to Messrs Vikas Publishers, Chennai, placing an order for some books for your School Library. Mention the details of the books and ask for the discount available on the purchase.
M.M. 20
I. 1.
Answer the following: What is written on a cage at a zoo in Lusaka in Zambia and what does it signify? What are the earths biological systems and how do they sustain humanity? Why did Taplow go to school and how were results announced in this school? What is Taplows attitude towards Crocker Harris? What did Mr. Millie tell about Mr. Crocker Harris and what did she ask Taplow to do? What leads to the destruction of forests in the poor countries? How do you know that the poet has become rational in his thinking? (childhood)
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
You are Sohan/Sunita, 97, Monu Vihar, New Delhi 110 034. Write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India, New Delhi about the need to check air pollution.
M.M. 20
I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II.
Answer the following: Why was Subbu considered No. 2 at Gemini Studios? What is the example of national integration that the author refers to? What does The God that failed refer to? Who is Mr. Lamb? How did Derry get into his garden? What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry to himself? You are Sweety/Suresh of L.M. Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of your School Co-curricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of your school rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Ravi/Radha of 59, Sea Road, Bandra, Worli, Mumbai sees an advertisement in the Everyday Times and decides to apply for the job of a Sales Executive. Write an application to the Personnel Manager, New World Publication, Worli, Bandra, Mumbai.
1. 2. 3.
ThispaperisdividedintothreeSections:A,BandC.Allthesectionsare compulsory. Separate instructions are given with each section and questions, wherever necessary.Readtheseinstructionsverycarefullyandfollowthemfaithfully. Donotexceedprescribedwordlimitwhileansweringthequestions.
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questionsthatfollow:
We become brave by doing brave acts, observed Aristotle in the NicomacheanEthics.Dispositionsofcharacter,virtuesandvices,are progressivelyfixedinusthroughpractice.Thusbybeinghabituated todespise thingsthatareterribleandtostandourground against themwebecomebrave,anditiswhenwehavebecomesothatwe shallbemostabletostandourgroundagainstthem. Standinggroundagainstthreateningthingsisnottobeconfusedwith fearlessness,however.Beingafraidisaperfectlyappropriateemotion when confronted withfearfulthings. ThegreatAmericannovelist HermanMelvillemakestheAristotelianpointbeautifullyinatelling passageinMobyDick,whereStarbuck,thechiefmateofthePequod, first addresses the crew. I will have no man in my boat said Starbuck,whoisnotafraidofawhale.Bythis,heseemedtomean, not only that themostreliableanduseful couragewasthatwhich arisesfromthefairestimationoftheencounteredperil,butthatan
Thebravepersonisnotonewhoisneverafraid. Thatisratherthe descriptionofarashorrecklessperson,someonewhomaybemore harm than help in an emergency. It is hard to educate such a person on the spot. Thecoward,on theotherhand,theone who characteristically lacks confidence and is disposed to be overly fearful,mayyetbesusceptibletotheencouragementofexample. Theinfectiousnatureofstrikinglycourageousbehavioronthepartof onepersoncaninspireandalsoinpartcansameawholegroup. ThatwasonekeytothekindofcourageinspiredbyHoratiusatthe bridgeinancientRomeandbyHenryVatAgincourt.Itwasonekey tothekindofcouragedisplayedbythosewhosilentlysufferedabuse whentheyjoinedrankswithGandhiandMartinLutherKingJr.,in actsofnonviolentprotestdirectedatrousingthepublicconscience againstinjustice.
Anotherkeytotheirsuccess,ofcourse,wasreason:practicalreason delivered with the kind of eloquence that is informed by a real commandofonesculturalheritageandthatsteelsthewilltotake intelligentaction.Themereinclinationtodotherightthingisnotin itselfenough. Wehavetoknowwhattherightthingtodois. We needwisdomoftenthewisdomofawiseleadertogiveourcourage determinateform,togiveitintelligentdirection. Andweneedthe will,themotivatingpowerthatinspiringleaderscansometimeshelp us discover within ourselves, even when we are unable to find it readilyonourown. If Aristotle is rightand Ithinkthatheisthencourageisasettled disposition to feel appropriate degrees of fear and confidence in challenging situations (what is appropriate varying a good deal withtheparticularcircumstances). Itisalsoasettleddispositionto stand ones ground, to advance or to retreat as wisdom dictates. Before such dispositions become settle, however, they need to be establishedinthefirstplace.Andthatmeanspractice,whichinturn
means facing fears and taking stands in advance of any settled dispositiontodoso:actingbravelywhenwedontreallyfeelbrave.
Fearof thedarkisalmost universal amongyoung children,andit providesrelativelysafeopportunitiesforfirstlessionsincourage.In families,oldersiblingsaregreatlyassistedincultivating theirown dispositionsinthisrespectbyputtingupabravefrontbeforetheir youngerbrothersandsisters.Yousee?Theresreallynothingtobe afraid of. This is excellent practice, and a fine place to begin. Occasionsforbeingbraveonbehalfofothersforstandingbythemin challenging circumstancesare occasions for becoming brave ourselves;thatis,forlearninghowtohandleourownconfidenceand fear,forfiguringouttherightthingtodo,andformusteringthewill todoit. So,daringtodowhatisnotgoodandbeneficialforallisfarmore insidious than not daring to do something for a right cause. Naturally, bravery well nurtured and backed by normal courage aloneisexemplary,andso,shouldbepromoted. (a) Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the followingquestions:
(1) (1) (2)
Explain:Webecomebravebydoingbraveacts. (ii) Whenisbeingafraidanappropriateemotion? (iii) Howisabravepersondifferentfrom (a) Arecklessperson? (b) ACoward? (iv) What was special about the courage that Gandhiji or Horatiushad? (v) Themereinclinationtodotherightisnotenough.What elseisrequiredforsuccess? (vi) How does the fear of the dark in children provide opportunitiesforlessonsincourageforelders?
Find the words from the passage which mean the oppositeofeachofthefollowing:
Readthepassageandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: 8marks
Theseasonalproblemofwatertapsrunningdryisplaguingmostofour majorcities.Withthebiggerriversflowingintricklesandpondsandwells reducedtoclaypits,villagewomeninremoteareashavetofetchevery drop of water for drinking, cooking, washing and so on, across large distances.Thishasonlyworsenedaperennialproblem,thatofwidespread pollution of water, rendering it unfit for human consumption. The monsoonsandtheattendantfloodswillnotsolvethisproblem. The Delhi Administration is seriously worried about the threat to civic healthpostedbythepollutedwatersoftheJamuna.Twonewtanksareto besetuptothreatsewage.Atpresentonly60percentofthe200million gallons of the citys sewage receives any kind of treatment before it is dumpedintotheriverwhichsupplieswaternotonlytothiscitybutto innumerabletownsandvillagesdownstream.TheGanga,theJamuna,the Cauvery, in fact all our important rivers, serving many urban conglomerationsarefastbecomingamajorsourceofdiseases. A comprehensive bill, introduced in Parliament recently, envisages the settingupofCentralandStateboardsforthepreventionandcontrolof waterpollution.Butitwillobviouslytakesometimebeforelegislationis passedandeffectivelyimplemented.Meanwhiletheproblemcontinuesto swell. Accordingtosurveyofeightdevelopingcountriesconductedacoupleof yearsago,90percentofallchilddeathswereduetowaterbonediseases. Itisthesameenchangedstorytoday.InacountrylikeIndia,aburgeoning population continuing to usetheopencountrysideasalavatory means that,witheveryduststormandrain,humanexcretaladenwithgermsand parasite spores find their way to ponds, shallow walls and even the streams and rivers. Only 18 per cent of the rural folk have access to potablewater. A new threat that has already assumed alarming proportions is from
industrial waste which is generally dumped,untreated,intothenearest river. Forinstance,foreverykilogramofprocessedhide,3040litersof foulsmellingwastewaterhastobedisposedof. Thereareatleast900 licensedtanneriesintheorganizedsector.Purefiedpaperandjutewaste, metallicwastefromstrawboardandtextilemills,sulphur,ammonia,urea, metallicsaltsandcorrosiveacidsallfindtheirwaytotheriversofIndia.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notesonit,inpointsonly,usingabbreviations/shortforms (minimum4),whereverpossible.Supplyasuitabletitletoit Writeasummaryoftheabovepassageinabout80words
(5) (3)
You are Vineet/Vineeta, the editor of Gandhi Memorial Senior Secondary School Magazine. Draft a notice of your school notice boardinvitingcontributionsforthemagazine.(wordlimit50) Or 5marks YouareRiteshs/o.RatanSinghofModelTown,Nagpur.Yourfather wantsyoutodraftaformalinvitationtobesentontheoccasionofthe housewarmingceremony.Preparetheinvitation.(wordlimit50)
Write a report in about 125 words for publication in your school magazineonhowyouhavecelebratedtheChildrensDayinschool. YouareXYZofclassXII. Or 10marks AsthereporterofTheTimesofIndia,NewDelhiwriteareporton thefireaccidentinthemarketplace,whichyouwitnessed.Youare Praveen/Parvathi.(wordlimit125).
YoupurchasedafrostfreeGodrejRefrigeratorfromABCcompany, Trivandrum.Afterusingitforamonth,youfoundthatthefreezing section is not functioning. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, complaining about it. You are Raja/Ragini, 23, Lake View Road, Trivandrum.(Wordlimit150200).
WritealettertothemanagerofAaarushiConstructionMaterialsPvt. Ltd.toordersomeoftheconstructionmaterialsforyourhousewhich is going to be constructed soon. You are Latha, 125, DDA Flat, Nazirpur,NewDelhi.
Owing a car has become a status symbol these days. However, increaseinthenumberofcarshasaddedtovarioustypesofpollution and other problems. Writeanarticleinnot morethan200words highlightingtheurgentneedforreducingthesemanmadeproblem, givingsuitablesuggestions.YouareBinod/Vidhi Or 10marks RecentlyDTChasincreasedthebusfaresandDMRCalsoincreased thefares. Pricesoftheessentialcommoditieshavebeenincreased. Comparingalltheseyoudecidetowriteanarticleforpublicationina National Daily suggesting ways and means to overcome these problems. (wordlimit200)
7. (a)
Readthelinesgivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: (4marks) standingafewyeards, away,Ilookedagainather,wan, paleasalatewintersmoonandfeltthatold familiarache,mychildhoodsfear, butallIsaidwas,seeyousoon, amma,allIdidwassmileandsmileand smile. (i) (ii) (iii) Whatdoesthatoldfamiliarachereferto? 2marks Why is the poets mother compared to the late wintersmoon? 1mark Whatdothepartingwordsandthesmileofthepoet signify? 1mark Or
Surely,Shakespeareiswicked,themapisabadexample, Withshipsandsunandlovetemptingthemtosteal
Forlivesthatslylyturnintheircrampedholes Fromfogtoendlessnight?Ontheirslagheap,thesechildren (i) Whyisshakespearereferredtoascruel? 2marks (ii) Explaintemptingthemtosteal. 1mark (iii) What does slag mean? Describe the conditions wheretheysleep 1mark
HowdidM.Hamelsayfarewelltohisstudentsandthepeople ofthetown? What was the misadventure that William Douglas speaks about? WhatwastheproblemofsharecroppersinChamparan? Whatisthesignificanceofthewordspoetandpancake WhatwasKiplingsexperienceaboutbeinginterviewed? 10marks
Inwhatwayisthecharacteroftheironmasterdifferentfromthatof hisdaughter?Giveinstancesfromthetext. Or Sophie is a middle class girl who longs likeany other teenager to reachouttothehorizons.Justifythestatement. 10. Answeranyoneofthefollowinginabout125150words WhatlessonoflifedoesOnthefaceofItteach?How? Or WhatdiscoverydidCharleymake?How? 11. (a) (b) (c) (d) Answerthefollowingbriefly(3040words) 8marks 7marks
I. Readthepassagesgivenbelowandanswerthequestionswhichfollow: BallotBattles:Whatsagegottodowithit? 1.
Call it the Clash of Generations. The Great Indian Contest has themall:sprynonagenariansjostlingwith25somethingnovicesto getthose votes. Whos theoldestofthemall? No,itsnotthe pradhanmantri. Whilethereareatleast10candidateswhoare80yearsandabove thistime,only57candidatesoutofthe5,435whoarecontesting are25yearsold.Mostofthemareindependents.Therestbelong tosignificantsmallparties. Infact,BSPistheonlymainstream partywhichhasputupthree25yearolds. Justasmallexample arehowseriouslythebigpartiestaketheyouth. We look at the youngest and the oldest candidates who are sluggingitoutinthepoliticalbattlefield. Ramachandra Veerappa, 96, Bidar: He is just 4 years shy of a century,buthecaneasilytakeanybodyon:Hedoesnotneedto wearglasses,canstillbiteintosugarcane,walksaboutakilometer everyday and is actively campaigning despite the massive
heatwave.Veerappaistheoldestcandidateinthefrayforthe14th LokSabha.ForBJP,hesalsotheirsafestbetfromBidar.
Thenonagenarianiscontestingfortheseventhtime. Theparty and the people or Bidar forced me to contest. It will keep me active,saysthesixtimeMPnowadmittedinAIIMS,Delhifora routinecheckup.
Veerappa does not have aformal education. Influenced by the AryaSamajatayoungage,hebecameafreedomfighterat20and was imprisoned by the British and sent to Cellular Jain in AndamanandNicobarIslands. Till recently, Veerappa lived in an asbestossheet house in Humnabadalongwithhisfoursonsandgrandchildren. Where doeshegetalltheenergyfrom?Itishisfrugallifestyle,saysson Basavaraj. Hemalata Baghel, 25 JanjgirChampa: Young and motivated, HemalathaBagheloftheYuvaGantantraParty,isfastemergingas thenewvoiceforthetribalsandDalitsofChhattisgarh. Iwanttoraisetheirvoiceatthenationallevelsaysoneofthe youngestcontestantsforthefourteenthLokSabha. A political novice, she is pitted against heavyweights like BJPs nationalvicepresidentKarunaSukhlawhoalsohappenstobe Mr.AtalBehariVajpayeesnieceandtheworkingpresidentof the Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee, Charan Das Mahanth.Butthishasnotdeterredthefierylady.Thebuzzisthat the Congress cansdidate had approached her to retire in his favour;butHemalatharefused. Shesaysshejumpedintothefraybecauseherhusbandaskedher to.Hemalathahasherjobcutout:Tounitethetribals,dalitsand otherbackwardcastesofChhattisgarhandfightforaspecialstatus forChhattisgarhandJharkhand.NeitherAjitJoginortheRaman Singh governments have taken any steps for the betterment of tribals. SothepowerbrokersoftheBJPandtheCongressshould bedefeated
Answerthefollowingquestions: 8marks
(a) (i)
Find the words in the passage which mean the same as the following: Fromninetytoninetynineyearsofage(para1) Simpleandsparing(para7)
Webecomebravebydoingbraveacts,observedAristotleinthe NicomacheanEthics. Dispositionsofcharacter,virtuesandvices, are progressively fixed in us through practice. Thus by being habituated to despise things that are terrible and to stand our groundagainstthemwebecomebrave,anditiswhenwehave becomesothatweshallbemostabletostandourgroundagainst them. Standinggroundagainstthreateningthingsisnottobeconfused withfearlessness,however.Beingafraidisaperfectlyappropriate emotionwhenconfrontedwithfearfulthings.ThegreatAmerican novelistHermanMelvillemakestheAristotelianpointbeautifully inatellingpassageinMobyDick,whereStarbuck,thechiefmate ofthePequod,firstaddressesthecrew.Iwillhavenomaninmy boatsaidStarbuck,whoisnotafraidofawhale. Bythis,he seemedtomean,notonlythatthemostreliableandusefulcourage wasthatwhicharisesfromthefairestimationoftheencountered peril, but that an utterly fearless man is a far more dangerous comradethanacoward. Thebravepersonisnotonewhoisneverafraid.Thatisratherthe description of a rash or reckless person, someone who may be moreharmthanhelpinanemergency.Itishardtoeducatesuch apersononthespot.Thecoward,ontheotherhand,theonewho characteristically lacks confidence and is disposed to be overly fearful,mayyetbesusceptibletotheencouragementofexample.
Theinfectiousnatureofstrikinglycourageousbehavioronthepart ofonepersoncaninspireandalsoinpartcansameawhole group. That was one key to the kind of courage inspired by Horatius at the bridge in ancient Rome and by Henry V at Agincourt. Itwasone keytothekindofcouragedisplayedby those who silently suffered abuse when they joined ranks with GandhiandMartinLutherKingJr.,inactsofnonviolentprotest directedatrousingthepublicconscienceagainstinjustice.
Another key to their success, of course, was reason: practical reasondeliveredwiththekindofeloquencethatisinformedbya realcommandofonesculturalheritageandthatsteelsshewillto takeintelligentaction.Themereinclinationtodotherightthingis notinitselfenough.Wehavetoknowwhattherightthingtodo is.Weneedwisdomoftenthewisdomofawiseleadertogiveour couragedeterminateform,togiveitintelligentdirection.Andwe need the will, the motivating power that inspiring leaders can sometimeshelpusdiscoverwithinourselves,evenwhenweare unabletofinditreadilyonourown. IfAristotleisrightandIthinkthatheisthencourageisasettled dispositiontofeelappropriatedegreesoffearandconfidencein challengingsituations(whatisappropriatevaryingagooddeal withtheparticularcircumstances).Itisalsoasettleddispositionto standonesground,toadvanceortoretreataswisdomdictates. Beforesuchdispositionsbecomesettle,however,theyneedtobe establishedinthefirstplace. Andthatmeanspractice,whichin turnmeansfacingfearsandtakingstandsinadvanceofanysettled disposition to do so: acting bravely when we dont really feel brave. Fearofthedarkisalmostuniversalamongyoungchildren,andit providesrelativelysafeopportunitiesforfirstlesionsincourage. Infamilies,oldersiblingsaregreatlyassistedincultivatingtheir owndispositionsinthisrespectbyputtingupabravefrontbefore their younger brothers and sisters. You see? Theres really nothingtobeafraidof.Thisisexcellentpractice,andafineplace to begin. Occasions for being brave on behalf of othersfor standingby theminchallengingcircumstancesareoccasions for becomingbraveourselves;thatis,forlearninghowtohandleour ownconfidenceandfear,forfiguringouttherightthingtodo,and formusteringthewilltodoit.
Youbought1.5tonairconditionerofareputedbrandfromEuropa Airconditioners, Main Market,Meerut. Afteramonth theAir conditioner started giving trouble. Write a letter to the dealer, asking him to rectify the faults or change the piece. You are Romana/Roshan.
OR (8marks)
ThefindingofahousingstudyshowsThelackofresources, rising cost of material and land are the problems The governmentsworryis..sothatthepoorcanbuyhouse.
Describe therelationshipbetweenthefatherandthe soninthepoemFathertoSon (ii) WhatanswerdoesthepoetgettohisquestionWho artthou?(TheVoiceoftheRain) (iii) How are the beginning and end of the poem The Laburnum Top related? What does this relation express?
Answeranythreeofthefollowingquestionsinabout30words each:
WhatthingswereplacedwithTutsmummy? (iii) Why did the painter refuse to marry his daughter with Quinten? (iv) WhatdoesthenoticeTheworldsmostdangerousanimal atacageinthezooatLusaka,Zambia,signify?
Answer any one of the following questions in about 80100 words: (6marks) WritethecharactersketchofAlbertEinsteinbriefly OR NarratetheTaleofMelonCityinyourownwords
Answeranythreeofthefollowingquestionsinabout30words each:
1. 2. 3. ThispaperisdividedintothreeSections:A,B&C.Allthesectionsarecompulsory. Separateinstructionsaregivenwitheachsectionandquestionswherevernecessary. Readtheseinstructionsverycarefullyandfollowthemfaithfully. Donotexceedprescribedwordlimitwhileansweringthequestions
Readthepassagesgivenbelowandanswerthequestionswhich 12marks follow: 1. Inspiteofallthehonoursthatweheapeduponhim,Pasteur,ashasbeensaid, remainedsimpleatheart.Perhapstheimageryofhisboyhooddays,whenhe drewthefamiliarscenesofhisbirthplace,andthelongingtobeagreatartist, neverwhollylefthim.Intruthhedidbecomeagreatartist,thoughafterhis sixteenthyearheabandonedthebrushforever.Likeeveryartistofworth,he puthiswholesoulandenergyintohiswork,anditwasthisveryenergythat intheendworehimout.Fortohim,eachsuffererwassomethingmorethan just a case that was to be cured. He looked upon the fight against hydrophobia,asabattle,andhewasabsorbedinhisdeterminationtowin. The sight of injured children, particularly, moved him to an indescribable extent. Hesufferedwithhispatientsandyethewouldnotdenyhimselfa shareinthatsuffering.Hisgreatestgriefwaswhensheerphysicalexhaustion madehimgiveuphisactivework.HeretiredtotheestateofVilleneuveEtang, wherehehadhiskennelsforstudiesofrabies,andtherehepassedhislast summer,ashisgreatbiographer,ValleyRadot,hasset,PractisingtheGospel virtues. 2. He revered the faith of his father, says the same writer, and wished withoutostentationormysterytoreceiveitsaidduringhislastperiod 3. Theattitudeofthismantothesciencehehaddonesomuchtoperfectcanbe best summed up in a sentence that he is reputed once to have uttered,
2 5. FinallyonSeptember27,1895,whensomeonelearntoverhisbedtoofferhim acupofmilk,hesaidsadly::Icannot,andwithalookofperfectresignation andpeace,seemedtofallasleep.Heneveragainopenedhiseyestothecares andsufferingsoftheworld,whichhehaddonesomuchtorelieveandto conquer.Hewaswithinthreemonthsofhisseventythirdbirthday. 6. Thuspassed,assimplyasachild,themanwhomtheFrenchpeoplewereto vote at a plebiscite as the greatest man that France had ever produced. Nepoleon,whohasalwaysbeenconsideredtheidolofFrance,wasplaced fifth. 7. NogreatertributecouldhavebeenpaidtoLouisPasteur,thetannersson,the scientist,themanofpeace,thepatientworkerforhumanity. 1.1. Answerthefollowingquestions: (a) Even accolades and honours did not change the simple man that Pasteurwas.Why? (b) HowdidPasteurviewthosewhosufferedfromdisease? (c) HowdidPasteurengagedhimselfinestate? (d) Whatadvicedidhealwaysgivetohispupils? (e) HowdidFrance,thecountryofhisbirth,honourthisgreatscientist:? 1.2. Findwordsfromthepassagewhichmeanthesameas (a) (b) (c)
1 Togiveup(Para1) 1 Peoplebelongingtothesameperiod(Para3) Vote by the people of the country to decide a matter of national 1 importance(Para6) 2 1 2 2 2
1. ResidentoftheBhirungRautKiGali,whereUstadBismillahKhanwasborn onMarch21,1916,wereinshock.Hiscousin,94yearoldMohdIdrishKhan had tears in his eyes. Shubhan Khan, the caretaker of Bismillahs land, recalled:WheneverinDumaraon,hewouldgiverupeestwototheboysandrupees fivetothegirlsofthelocality. 2. HewasverykeentopayShehnaiagaininthelocalBiharijisTemplewherehe hadstartedplayingShehnaiwithhisfather,BachaiKhan,attheagageofsix. His original name was Quamaruddin and became Bismillah only after he
becamefamousasaShehnaiplayerinVaranasi. 3. His father Bachai Khan was the official Shehnai player of Keshav Prasad Singh, the Maharaja of the erstwhile Dumaraon estate, Bismillah used to accompanyhim.ForBismillahKhan,theconnectiontomusicbeganatavery earlyage.Byhisteens,hehadalreadybecomeamasteroftheShehnai.On thedayIndiagainedfreedom,BismillahKhan,thenaspringhtly31yearold,
3 hadtherarehonourofplayingfromRedFort.ButBismillahKhanwontjust berememberedforelevatingtheShehnaifromaninstrumentheardonlyin weddings and naubatkhanas to one that was appreciated in concert halls acrosstheworld. HislifewasatestimonytothepluralitythatisIndia. A practicingMuslim,hewouldtakeadailydipintheGangainhisyounger daysafteraboutofkustiinBeniaBagaAkhada.EverymorningBismillahKhan woulddoriyaazattheBalajiTempleonthebankoftheriver.Evenduringhis finalhoursinaVaranasihospital,musicdidntdesertBismillahKhan.Afew hoursbeforehispassingawayearlyonMonday,theShehnaiwizardhummed athumritoshowthathewasfeelingbetter. Thiswastypicalofamanfor whomliferevolvedaroundmusic. 4. Throughouthislifeheabidedbytheprinciplethatallreligionsareone.What made Bismillah Khan was his simplicity and disregard for the riches that comewithmusicalfame.Tilltheveryend,heusedacyclerickshawtotravel aroundVaranasi.Butthepressureofprovidingforsome60familymembers tookitstollduringhislateryears. 2.1 Onthebasisofyourreadingoftheabovepassagemakenotes using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviationswherenecessary.Giveatitleaswell. Make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 wordsusingthenotesmadeandalsosuggestasuitabletitle 5marks
YouareShekhar/Tripta,astudentofA.P.PublicSchool. Principalsoftwo
schools from Pakistan visited your school as part of a cultural exchange programme. Studentsoftheschoolputupaculturalshowintheirhonour. Writeareportaboutitforyourschoolmagazine.(100125words). OR
4 As you were driving back home from work you witnessed an accident betweenaMaruticarandatruck.Thedriverofthecarwasseriouslyinjured. Therewasconfusionandchaosprevailingontheroad.Describethescenein about100to125words.YouareSameer/Samiksha. 10marks 5. You are Nitin/Natasha, a student of Class XII at K.P.N. Public School Faridabvad. Thestudentisrequiredtocopewithlotofpressureintodays competitive environment. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the increasing stress faced by students and suggest ways to combatthesame. OR Youare Suresh/Smita. Youcomeacrossthefollowingadvertisement in a nationaldaily.Youconsideryourselfsuitableandeligibleforthepost.Write anapplicationinresponsetotheadvertisement. 10marks 6. Somecollegesconductentrancetestforadmissiontoundergraduatecourses likeEnglish(Hons.)andJournalism(Hons.) Doyouthinkthattheentrance testistherightmethodofselectingstudents? Writeanarticleinabout150 200words.YouareRohan/Rachita,astudentofclassXIIatA.P.International School,Agra. OR Computergamesandvideogameshavebecomepopularwithchildrentoday. Asaresultoutdoorgamesseemtohavenoplaceintheirlifeanymore.You areSatish/Sakshi.YouhadtheopportunityofplayingHidenSeekwhenyou visitedyourcousinsinasmalltown.Youdecidetowriteanarticleonyour experienceaboutthejoysofplayingoutdoorgamesfortheschoolmagazine. Writethearticlein150200words. 10marks
7(a) Readthestanzagivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow:
5 Athingofbeautyisajoyforever Itslovelinessincreases,itwillnever Passintonothingness;butwillkeep Abowerquietforus. (a) (b) (c) (b) Athingofbeautyisjoyforever.Explain. Whydoesabeautifulthingpassintonothingness? Whatdoespoetmeanbyabowerquietforus?
Answeranythreeasthefollowingquestionsinabout3040words. (a)
AccordingtoPabloNerula,whatisthathumanbeingscanlearnfrom Nature? (b) Why does spender call Shakespeare wicked and the map a bad example? (c) WhatkindofordealsisAuntJennifersurroundedby? (d) Whatisthesignificanceofthepartingwordsofthepoetandhersmile, inMyMotheratSixtySix? 8. Answerthefollowingquestionsinabout3040words: 2x5=10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. ForFranz,whatwasmuchmoretemptingthangoingtoschoolandwhy? Mentionanytwohazardsofworkingintheglassbanglesindustry? HowdidDouglasovercomeTheOldterror? Thecroftercanbecalledasagoodhost.Why? WhatwasuniqueanddistinctiveaboutEcosacademicwritingstyle? 10
D.T.E.A. Senior Secondary School, MOTI BAGH I Terminal Examination, September 2007 Class X Time:3.00Hrs. ENGLISH M.M.100
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thispaperisdividedintofourparts:A,B,C&D. Marksaregivenagainsteachquestion. Separateinstructionsaregivenwitheachsectionandquestion,wherevernecessary. Readtheseinstructionscarefullyandfollowthem. Donotexceedprescribedwordlimitwhileansweringthequestions. Writethequestionnumberanditspartproperly.
Readthepassagegivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: 8Marks Disciplineisthekeytobetterperformance.Whateverwedoatanystageof life,ifwedoitinadisciplinedwaytheoutcomewilldefinitelybefarbetter than if we do it in a disorganized way. Our parents and teachers try to inculcatedisciplineinusfromtheverybeginning. Beingeducatedandexperienced,theyrealizethevalueofadisciplinedlife andtrytoteachittous,sothatwecanmakebetteruseofourtime.Parents teach us to allot our time for our homework so that each work can be completedintimeandwecangetenoughtimeforourrecreationalactivities also.Rulesaremade,keepinginmindtheinterestsoftheconcernedpeople. Ifwefollowtheseruleswegetbetterresults. Disciplineisneededeverywhere. Ittakesacountrytogreaterheightsand helpsitachievepeaceandbeprosperous.Thedisciplinedpeopleofacountry canplayavitalroleinitsprogressanditsrelationswithothercountries. Eventuallyeverybodyappreciatesadisciplinedlifethoughinitiallytheymay haveproblemsadaptingtoastrictregime.LordRamaslifeisagreatexample ofstrictdiscipline.Hewasagreatkingandworthyfatherandhusband.He was like a father to his subjects and his time is famous for its peace and prosperity.
Questions (a) Whydoourteachersandparentstrytoinculcatethevalueof disciplineinus? (b) Whatdotheparentsdotomakeusdisciplined? (c) Howisdisciplineimportantforthegrowthofacountry? (d) Whyisitdifficulttofollowadisciplinedlife? (e) WhatisLordRamaknownfor?
1mark 2marks 2marks 2marks 1mark
2 2 Readthepassagegivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: 12Marks Educationshouldaimatbringingaboutaneffective,holisticandsustainable developmentinallspheresofachildslife.Thechildoftodayisstressedout and has to cope with extraordinary pressures and an excessive urge to succeed and difficulty in coping with failure. The result is a rise in psychologicalproblemsandpsychosomaticsyndromes. Adolescents often experience what is commonly called the teenage blues. They face physiological, psychological and emotional changes that occur duringthisperiod.Sometimeswhenparentshaveunrealisticambitionsand highexpectationsfromtheirchildren,thenintenseperformanceanxietybuilds up in them. This can manifest in many ways depression, nervousness, hostility,anger,lowselfesteem,lackofconfidenceandsoon. Ifparentsfeelthatachildishavingproblemsthentheyshouldapproachthe school counsellor. A counsellor provides an emotionally warm and understandingrelationshipwhichallowsthechildtofaceortalkabouthis anxieties and tensions. The process of counselling which is based on psychologicalprinciplesfacilitateschangesinthebehaviourofanindividual. Questions (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Whatshouldbetheaimofeducation? Whatproblemsdoesachildfacetoday? Whatcausestheemotionalproblemsinthechildtoday Whatshouldtheparentsdoiftheyfeeltheirchildrenarefacing anysuchproblem? Howdoesacounsellorhelpthechild? Pickoutthewordsfromthepassagethatmeanthesameas: (i) (ii) (iii) Pressurized Enmity Advise
1mark 2marks 2marks 2marks 2marks 3marks
because of your halfyearly examination. You are Raghav living at E240, DefenceEnclave,NewDelhi. OR Write a letter to M/s. Sports India Ltd., New Market, Gokulpuri, Delhi complainingagainstthedefectivesportsitemstheyhavesupplied.Askthem toreplacethedefectiveitemsorrefundthemoney.Youaresportsinchargeof yourschool. 8marks
6. Rearrangethefollowingwordstoformameaningfulsentence
4 7. Inthefollowingpassageonewordhasbeenomittedineachline.Writethe missing wordalong withthewordthatcomesbeforeandthewordthat comesafteritinyouranswersheet. Ensurethatthewordthatformsyour answerisunderlined: 3Marks AsianGameshavegrowntobebiggest sportsfestivalIndia.Andtheveryfact thatconceptofthesegamestookbirth inIndiaismatterofprideforallofus. TheAsianRelationConferenceheld1974in Delhidecidedorganizeinternationalgamesfor theAsiancountriesonthelinestheOlympics, onceinfouryears. 8. ReadthefollowingconversationbetweenShaluandMohitandcomplete theirsentence 4Marks Shalu: Howwasyourexperienceinthebank? Mohit: ItwasO.K. Shalu: Didyouhaveanyproblem? Mohit: No,butIforgotmypassword ShaluaskedMohit.. Mohitreplied.. Shaluagainasked.. Mohittold.. bethebiggest (a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
Anithawenttothemarket.ShestoppedatashopBut unfortunatelyshehadforgottenfromtheshop.
Readthefollowingpassageandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: 5Marks Insidetheclouds,everythingwassuddenlyblack. Itwasimpossibletosee anythingoutsidetheaeroplane.Theoldaeroplanejumpedandtwistedinthe air. Ilookedatthecompass. Icouldntbelievemyeyes:thecompasswas turningroundandroundandround.Itwasdead.Itwouldnotwork!The otherinstrumentsweresuddenlydead,too.Itriedtheradio. ParisControl?ParisControl?Canyouhearme? Therewasnoanswer.Theradiowasdeadtoo.Ihadnoradio,nocompass, andIcouldnotseewhereIwas.Iwaslostinthestorm. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Whywasitimpossibletoseeanythingoutsidetheaeroplane? Icouldnotbelievemyeyes.Why? Whathadhappenedtootherinstruments? WhycouldhenotcontacttheParisControl? Makethenounformof(a)impossible(b)believe
1. 2. 3. 4.