Cement Plant Control-FLS

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Introduction FLSmidth Automation`s electrical control and engineering concept is based on FLS/ACE ( Adaptable Control Engineering ) FLS/AME ( Advance

Measurement Equipment ) FLS/ECS ( Expert Control System ) FLS/PCI ( Power Control Integration) By combining our systems with our knowledge in the cement industry and our supplier independence FLSmidth Automation is able to design an optimal solution with focus on maximum run time, low production cost and minimum investment. The design experience covers all aspects from the incoming feed to the factory, down to smallest transmitter, from turn key engineering to coengineering. This will make FLSmidth Automation the ideal partner both in design of new production lines, as well as a partner in renovation of existing production lines. FLS/ACE, FLS/ECS and FLS/AME The FLS/ACE system is the platform for the design of the control system. The system is object based, with everything tied together in an object. There is a link from the operator system or the engineering station to everything related to the object, such as PLC programs, drawings, manuals, database, pictures, and it is possible to link to a preventive maintenance system. The FLS/ECS platform is the platform containing all the optimizing tools specially developed for the cement industry for optimizing the production; ECS/Pocess Expert, ECS/CemScanner and ECS/Plant Guide. The FLS/AME platform contains all the special measuring equipment for cement, such as gas analyses systems, Indutherm for measuring temperature on kilns or mills and the well known folaphone for mill control.

High Voltage Switchgear

FLS/PCI Many years experience in designing the electrical systems for a cement factory is needed in order to ensure that all aspects are incorporated. By only having one responsible for designing the electrical system all the way from the incoming feed to the last transmitter the risk of mistakes is reduced substantially.

Power transformer

Power transformer

Incoming overhead line Medium voltage switchgear

Incoming overhead line Medium voltage switchgear

Distribution Distribution transf. transf.

3-winding Distribution step-down Step-down Distribution Emergency transf. transf. transf. Diesel Generator transf.

Distribution Step-down transf. transf.

Distribution transformer

MV Slipring motor~ ~ MDB
I > M I > M M


~ ~


Emergency Distribution Board

I > M

MV Slipring motor MDB

I > M

I > M

~ ~

MV Slipring motor

Main Distribution Board (MDB)

I > M

Variable speed drive

Variable speed drive

Variable speed drive MCC

I > M I > M

Motor Control Center (MCC)

I > M I > M

I > M

I > M


FLSmidth Automation Configurations

System Example 1: This configuration drawing is from a retrofit project with FLS ACE/SYS software concept and Rockwell Automation CLX PLC. The client at this factory preferred Rockwell CLX PLC but had recently installed a new cooler with a Siemens S7 PLC. As the FLSmidth Automation system is able to interface with several PLC systems the investment with S7 was not wasted. This retrofit job included an upgrade of the Motor Control Center with intelligent units on a Devicenet (Rockwell E3+ modules).

System Example 2: This configuration drawing is from a retrofit project with FLS ACE/SYS software concept and S7. The interfacing to the MCC is traditional parallel. For this installation the client did not want redundant ethernet between the redundant server system and the PLC placed in the MCC rooms.

System Example 3: This configuration drawing is from a retrofit project with FLS ACE/SYS software concept and Schneider Quantum PLC. The interface to the MCC is parallel.


Control room layout The ACE/Woodware system comprise of a range of control room furniture especially designed to modern process control equipment such as computer displays, keyboards and printers etc. The furniture is independent of the particular hardware and is well constructed to integrate equipment of different sizes and styles.

Features Independent of hardware Pleasant office look Cabinet maker quality Electrical adjustable working heights Ventilated cabinets for the PC Concealed cable ducts

Center unit The center unit consists of either a plate or a cabinet for separating and supporting the electrical unit for adjusting the height of the table. The cabinet consists of two sections. The bottom is a ventilated cabinet with filter and room for two PC`s. The cabinet can be locked to ensure that only authorized staff has access and the possibility of installing software on the PC`s. The top section is designed for binders, manuals and papers which are needed in the daily operation of the plant.


Adaptable Control Engineering System ACE/SYS Standard is an acronym for Adaptable Control Engineering SYStem. It is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming standard, defining control objects, data and program structures needed to implement an efficient PLC-based process control system for cement. The ACE/SYS standard is based on experience gained from the successful engineering, programming and commissioning of more than 300 control systems worldwide in cement factories. Right click on the selected object will bring the menu down, a left click on the faceplate line will open the faceplate. From the faceplate it is also possible to open the diagnostic for the object as well as the help function. It is also possible to open the faceplate by a left double click on the object. When opening a PID Loop or an analog point a real time trend is shown with a scan time of one second.

The ACE/SYS is designed for the followering PLC Systems; Rockwell Type CLX, Siemens type S7, Schneider Quantum, and ABB Controllers IT. Object blocks are standard in the system, and there is a group of faceplates related to each object. A tool box exist for special functions. A block examples in the tool box is for instance PLC to PLC communication. The system is very flexible and easily adapted to the individual needs of the factory. ACESYS covers the following control tasks: Positioner Valve Select point Digital alarm Analog measuring PID controller Group control Route control Uni-directional Motor Bi-directional Motor Change Over Gate


Operator Station In the ECS series, the ECS/OpStation software program for advanced Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) runs on Microsofts Windows 2000 operating system. Integrated in the ECS environment it offers a set of basic process-control functionalities with object-based drivers to process controllers, process object database, object and event treatment, and data logging and trending. ECS/OpStations object-based control structure enables access to all related supervision information and control commands with a simple right-button mouse-click on any mimic object.

Note pad for the object, all objects has one

Faceplate for a measuring point


Operator station Trend and Alarm System The trend and alarm handling in the ECS/Opstation system is a very powerful and easy to use tool both for the operator in the daily operation of the plant, but also for the management and the maintenance department in the ongoing optimization of the production and improvement of the run factor.

Each time a new measuring point is selected and the trend icon is activated, the measuring point is added to the trend. It is possible to add 8 measuring trends into one chart. If the assembling of the number of trends are to be used several times, it is possible to save it as one of the 250 trend packages available in the system.

The alarm reporting system is developed to satisfy both the operator in his daily work, and the management for analysing the production performance. The alarm filtering facility is a powerful tool in analysing the errors, and thereby improving the run factor.


FLS Automation`s Engineering Station ECS/SmartStation is an engineering and software tool integrating the process control with on-line view to PLC programs and key electrical documentation. The ECS/SmartStation integrates software, program applications and support functions, and automatically finds the object in the database for: Live process HMIs from ECS/OpStation PLC programming software CAD/CAM software and key electrical documentation

Word and textual documents Photos of the object Interlocking diagram Video and Audio documentation Software for remote support (via modem or Internet)

ECS/SmartStation runs in a client/server environment using standard PCs with Microsofts Windows 2000 operating system. It is normally connected to the same plant network as the ECS/OpStation (NT) and the PLCs.

Benefits derived from ECS/SmartStation Device or object focus (example); Click on a motor in the ECS/OpStation HMI. Select an application on the Toolbar and view on-line the associated PLC program, the electrical and textual documentation for that specific object. Easy retrieval of any kind of documentation linked to an object i.e. bit maps, log-book, mechanical drawings and suppliers data. Highly efficient trouble-shooting because process ECS/OpStation HMI, PLC program, electrical and project documentation are integrated into the same software environment. Remote connection offers plant engineers easy assistance from system and process specialists at technical headquarters, when problems arise and support is required.
Link to Preventive Maintenance Maximo


High-level Control FLSmidth Automation has long been acknowledged as being the pioneer of using Fuzzy Logic techniques for high level process control. Around 200 systems have been installed worldwide since the ECS/ FuzzyExpert system was introduced in the late 70's. Initially, the ECS/FuzzyExpert system was mainly used for kiln control but in the recent years a number of installations for mill and cooler control has also been successfully commissioned bt FLSmidth Automation Using high-level advanced process control, ECS/FuzzyExpert has resulted in the following benefits: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Improved process stability through continuous, accurate and consistent process evaluation and control actions Rapid control and suppression of process upsets Lower operating costs through energy and maintenance savings Better, more uniform end-product quality Better utilization of human, capital and material resources Minimized emissions and environmental effects Release of operators from routine control actions

Optimum operation point Limits
Operator Control ECS/FuzzyExpert

The ECS/FuzzyExpert system aims at forcing the operation trends towards the optimum point.


ECS/FuzzyExpertCementMillOptimisation has typically resulted in:

] 3-8% increase in production ] 3-8% reduction in specific

power consumption

] 10-20% reduction in standard

deviations of product quality

The operator interface of ECS/FuzzyExpert-CementMillOptimisation system is based on the proven concept of ECS/PlantControl HMI enabling operators fast and easy access to control performance measures and trends, select/de-selct control loops, insert off line quality measurements, process alarms and event diagnostic.


Cement Plant Simulation ECS/CEMulator is an advanced cement process simulator that encompasses the extensive knowledge of F.L.Smidth in process modelling and the long experience of FLSmidth Automation in process simulation. With a vast amount of functions and features in ECS/CEMulator, the product aims at ! ! ! ! ! Process operator training in an absolute realistic environment, Increasing operator skills in reaching pre-defined production quantity and quality targets, Operator skill evaluations, Increasing operators skills in interaction with and optimal utilisation of a modern control system. Enabling process engineers and designers in testing their ideas before practical implementations

A typical pay-time of an ECS/CEMulator investment can be justified by the savings in a production stop/waste of one shift in a middle size cement plant of 3000tpd. Thus systematic training of operators in a cement production plant has a direct impact on, not only plant safety and environment protection but also the overall plant economy.

The process models are based on comprehensive and complex mathematical descriptions of the physical, chemical and thermodynamic relations that characterize the cement production process. In addition, the digital I/O part of the process (PLC sequence control) is also fully simulated using a Soft PLC system with the entire I/O control including interlockings The combination of analog and digital simulation capabilities covers the process operation entirely from stand-still to full production state. During this transition, a number of realistic process disturbance and changes in dynamic characteristics can be introduced.

Operator Training: Normal Operation Control Handling Upset Conditions Quality Control New Control System

Engineering Platform: High-level Control Strategy Test Test Before Process Modifications Test Material and Fuel

ECS/PlantControlSDR (Operator HMI)

Process Dynamics

Digital I/O

wai (vwai ) =+ fwb - c j wai t x dEi = Yset - Y dt


H = x C Pi (T )dT

The operator can be evaluated against predefined weighted- target values of the process control performance.

Process Model

Soft PLC implementation

ECS/CEMulator operator interface has exactly the same lookn feel as the real ECS/PlantControl including alarm, trend,



Management Information System FLSmidth Automation's Management Infomation System, MIS, solution is called ECS/PlantGuide. The purpose of the ECS/PlantGuide system is to be a "Data Warehouse" and to integrate and archive all relevant plant data (process, chemical analysis and cement dispatch data) into one single dedicated database. Today's plants are typically supported by several computer systems linked together by a Local, Wide Area or Satellite Network. The ECS/PlantGuide server makes process data available to any client that has a requirement, regardless of physical location. The aim of ECS/PlantGuide is to ! Enable a user-frindly access to the key plant data for management use ! Ensure consistency and reliability of data for management use The main focus of a MIS system is data storage and general data availability. This means that important requirements to a MIS database are storage capacity, flexibility, data availability and security. To meet these requirements the ECS/PlantGuide server database has been developed based on the Microsoft SQL server database. The SQL server database has the flexibility to store both process and lab data in a readily accessible format, and has the capacity to store large amount of data. The data archiving facility of SQL server allows the user to store and retrieve data for a period of several years. In addition, ECS/PlantGuide has the following features in order to fulfill the above mentioned objectives: ! ! ! ! Advanced trending and reporting capabilities Possibility of designing special reports for Special mimic diagrams form the factory level Data export to various formats e.g. MS-Access, SQL, HTML ect.



Kiln Shell Temperature Scanner The ECS/CemScanner is a system for online measurement of the kiln shell temperature. The principle of using infrared line scanners to measure the kiln shell temperature was introduced by FLSmidth Automation in the mid 80's and has since then proven to be the most effective tool. The use of the ECS/CemScanner will result in: ! ! ! ! ! Increased kiln availability Lower refractory consumption Fewer stops Reduced thermal consumption Ability to plan overhauls

An advanced, processing system with distributed intelligence, the CemMicro-II, constitutes the back bone of the system. The Scanner Front-end Interface (SFI) receives the temperature measurements from the scanner head and the kiln position from the Kiln Position Encoder (KPE) as well as kiln and tyres rotation pulses and transmits the measurements via an optical, high speed fiber link to a dedicated Fiber Optic Link Interface (FOLI) in the CemScanner PC. Set up parameters and diagnostic information is exchanged between the modules by means of an industry standard robust LonWorks network ensuring maximum data reliability.

The operator interface of the system is specially designed for easy access to all the functions and features used in daily operations. The next two pages outline some of the software features in displaying both actual and historic kiln shell temperature distribution as well as calculated brick and coating thickness.

A click on the history button from the toolbar turns the actual operation window into a history data view. Historical data are saved in a set of user configurable short, medium and long term time spans.



Special Instruments The FLSAutomation Advance Measurement Equipment (FLS/AME) contains several special instruments for instrumentation in the cement industry. The instruments are: Induterm II, Folaphone and Gas analysis equipment.

Indutherm II The FLSAutomation Indutherm II system is designed for temperature measurement in a rotary kiln or cement mill. The system provides useful temperature information, for better control of the kiln or cement mill. Features Online and continuous temperature measurement Wireless transmission Simple system, easy to install Minimum maintenance

Folaphone The FLSAutomation


system is designed for monitoring and supervision of the material charge in a ball mill. The system is developed for applications in the cement industry. Features Online and continues control of the filling charge of material Minimum maintenance Simply system, easy installation



The F.L.Smidth gas analysis solution for the kiln inlet is designed on the basis of onsite experience. The equipment configuration is modular for fast installation and commissioning. The equipment is specially designed for easy trouble free operation and maintenance in the very demanding environment and process of a cement plant. All power and external connections are terminated through the GASloq 1200 panel. Standard interface for F.L.Smidth Automation ECS is included and optional remote access can be provided. Gas Analysis - Process optimization FLSmidth Automation supplies gas analysis equipment giving large production benefits, lower emission, and a safer working environment. All sampling equipment solutions are supplied by our fully owned company FLS Airloq. FLS Airloq is specialised in gas analysis for process and emission purposes. As part of the FLS Group more than 40 years of experience is collected in servicing the cement industry. The supply is based on state-of-the-art analysis equipment with integrated process know-how. Our standard applications are: Kiln inlet Calciner Preheater Stack Emission Coal mill department Other applications are available on request. We are typically measuring gas analysis componts as: O2, CO, NOx, SO2, CH4, VOC, NH3, HF, HCl, Dust, Flow and Temperature. FLSmidth Automation believes that high quality and ease of operation and maintenance are the key factors for successful analysing equipment. The kiln inlet being the most demanding application on a cement plant therefore sets the high hardware standard for all applications offered.

The preheater analysis system only has to save the EP once to justify the investment and is, in connection with the plant safety, compulsory. This application is equipped with the unique FLS Airloq EP protection system. The Coal Mill Department needs various analysing results for safety and process control. If necessary the equipment is capable of scanning several measuring points from one system.



Gas Analysis Emission measurement and Reporting Traditionally Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) on cement plants has been limited to dust monitoring in order to fulfill legislational demands set by the local authorities. Due to an increasing number of demands on protection of the environment, cement plants must now deal with even greater reductions on emission values and the reporting of these. On the other hand plants are investing in CEM systems in order to burn waste, obtain ISO 14000 certification or adapt to the Cement Sustainability Initiative. Given these possibilities the benefits of the CEM system are: Reduce fuel cost Reduce emission Burn waste Obtain waste disposal fee income The configuration of the CEM equipment must reflect the legislation enforced by the local authorities or a specific production approval for a given plant. In determining the best configuration for a specific country/plant, We can provide you with the most suitable solution by not being dependent on any specific subsupplier.

D-R 290 AW

D-R 290 AW

D-R 290 AW

STO MOD + --

CEM calculation and reporting system. Optional integration into FLSmidth Automation ECS control system packages for full data integration and safety. Please see separate ECS detailst for CEM reporting

FLS Airloq

FLS Airloq

For sampling, preparation and cleaning of the gas used for analysis highly specialised components must be used. Corrosion is avoided by using heated components or corrosion resistence material. For any of the systems the kiln inlet process gas sets the standard as the most corrosive. The system can be installed in a electrical cabinet GASLoq 1200 or in a presampled housing for easy installation on site GASloq CUBE



Power Concept Integration The Power Concept Integration, PCI, is the FLSmidth Automations concept in power design. The concept covers the complete range of electrical engineering from the incoming power to the factory to the smallest transmitter. FLSAutomation is specializing in cement, the specialists are able to advise in new and retrofit projects either to replace or repair the system. FLSAutomation is hardware independed, we are always able to design and supply the best and most economical solution. Main substation installation, an installation at a new factory

High Voltage Switchgear

Power transformer

Power transformer

Incoming overhead line Medium voltage switchgear

Incoming overhead line Medium voltage switchgear

Complete one line power design including the ground protection, harmonic, cable, cable routing, and substation design including necessary relay settings.

Distribution Distribution transf. transf.

3-winding step-down Step-down Distribution transf. transf. transf.

Distribution Emergency transf. Diesel Generator

Distribution Step-down transf. transf.

Distribution transformer

MV Slipring motor~ ~ MDB
I > M I > M M




Emergency Distribution Board

I > M

MV Slipring motor MDB

I > M

I > M


MV Slipring motor

Main Distribution Board (MDB)

I > M

Variable speed drive

Variable speed drive

Variable speed drive MCC

I > M I > M

Motor Control Center (MCC)

I > M I > M

I > M

I > M

As the electrical bill is increasing every year, the saving by optimizing the drives in the factory are becoming more and more important. Replacing old drives to more modern frequence drive often have a return of investment which is



Motor Control Center (MCC) Retrofit projects always require a decision whether to replace or repair the MCC. If the decision is to replace, always remember that old cables, which have been subject to heat for many years can be damaged during disconnection, bending and reinstallation to the new MCC. Normally the MCC can be upgrated with new intelligent interface and contactors for less than 50% of new a MCC.

The Motor Control Centre Before repair and replacement of components

The Motor Control Centre After repair and replacement of components

The MCC after the repair and replacement of components. There was a demand for better power reporting, Power monitors where installed on all MCC`s enabling the plant to monitor the power consumption much better. The upgrade time on the MCC was approximately one week for each department. The number of PLC input/output were reduced due to I/O`s on the intelligent units.



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