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Pete 322 - Drilling Engineering - Ii Chapter 6 - Casing Design

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PetE 322 Drilling Engineering II, Chapter 6 Spring 2004

Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 1 of 39

PetE 322 Drilling Engineering II

Chapter 6 Casing Design

In the course of drilling are laid bare rocks differing in their lithological composition,
physico-mechanical properties, in the extent of their saturation with and the type of the
impregnating fluid, in the formation pressure abnormality factors and the solidity of the rocks.
Alongside stable, for instance, carbonaceous rocks, in which the well bore can remain
uncased for a long time, one comes across insecure and incoherent ones. Such rocks readily
crumble, cave in, or are susceptible to plastic deformations and bulge up inward the well bore
soon after having been drilled off. Particularly often unstable rocks are encountered at
comparatively shallow depths and also within zones of diastrophism. Among insecure rocks
are many chemogenic ones susceptible to plastic flow under the effect of rock pressure,
especially at elevated temperatures. To prevent any derangement in the stability of the bo-
rehole walls the well bore has to be cased off. For such purposes, steel pipes are used, called


Choosing the correct size, type, and amount of casing that is used in well construction is of
utmost importance to the success of the well. The casing must be of sufficient size and
strength to allow the target formations to be reached and produced.

The design of the integrated casing, cementing, mud, and blowout prevention control program
must take into account. The depths at which freshwater, hydrocarbon, salt, coal seams and
other mineral-bearing formations are expected to be penetrated, the formation fracture
gradients and pressures expected to be encountered, and other pertinent geologic and
engineering data and information about the area.

The main functions of the casing in any well are:
! Maintain hole integrity
! Isolate abnormally pressured zones
! Protect shallow weak formations from heavier mud weights required in the deeper
portions of the hole
o Prevent release of fluids from any stratum through the wellbore (directly or
indirectly) into the waters
o Prevent communication between separate hydrocarbon-bearing strata (except
such strata approved for commingling) and between hydrocarbon and water-
bearing strata
o Prevent contamination of freshwater-bearing strata
! Support unconsolidated sediments
! Provide a means of controlling formation pressures and fluids

Casing being installed should conform to American Petroleum Institute (API) standards and
cement should meet API standards and when mixed with water of adequate quality does not
degrade the setting properties.

The diameter, weight and strength must be calculated with respect to realistic load conditions
during the lifetime of the well. If an exploration or appraisal well is planned, the casing design
PetE 322 Drilling Engineering II, Chapter 6 Spring 2004

Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 2 of 39
must also take into account temperature expansion causing an increased collapse force on the
production casing.

When preparing the casing design, information from offset wells and well drilled within the
area along with the geological and pressure related conditions in the well must be taken into
account and the casing strings set at such depth that full control of the well can be maintained
at all times.

Installation should be in such a way that they anchored and can withstand the pressures and
loads from fluids and gases that can be expected in the well. Casings must also be of such
quality that it can withstand particularly corrosive media in the well (H
etc.), if
exposed to such formations.

Types of Casings

There are primary four types of casings that are commonly used in well construction.

Conductor Pipe

Other names for this casing are drive pipe or stove pipe.

Surface formations are loose and consolidated. They consist mainly of sand and stones. Due
to this, the surface hole will need to be cased off before any drilling can take place. Large
heavy walled pipe is often driven to a point of refusal or a safe depth.

The conductor pipe is the first casing to be put in place, and is generally installed before the
rig arrives on location. On land, the hole for this shallow casing is often dug with an auger
drill mounted on a truck, or driven using a diesel or steam hammer. Such casing can be driven
to 250 feet. Conductor casing measuring between 16 to 24" outside diameter is used onshore,
and between 24 to 48" for offshore. However the size of this casing will depend on the depth
of the hole, the deeper the hole, the larger the casing.

On land, a cellar is dug. This will house the well if completed. The cellar will normally house
only one well. There are three ways of putting this casing into the ground:
! Driven (driving with a diesel hammer)
! Drilled (the hole drilled beforehand the casing is then run and cemented in to place)
! Drill and drive (The pipe will be driven to refusal. A bit will be run and a short section of
hole drilled. The pipe will then he hammer in until refusal, the same processes repeated
until the pipe is at the required depth)

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Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 3 of 39
There are many reasons for such pipe:
! To return drilling fluid and cutting back to surface and clean the hole.
! Protect fresh water sands.
! Stop washouts under the drilling rig.
! To give a base and support for the next string of casing
! Protect the following casing string

As the hole is drilled, cuttings must be removed. To remove the cuttings, a drilling fluid is
pumped and circulated around the hole. This fluid, often referred to as spud mud, is pumped
down the drill string, out from the bit and back up between the drill string and drive pipe and
returned it a cleaning system. For this to be effective, a riser is attached to the drive pipe.

Surface Casing

Surface casing is set to
! Protect, water sands
! Case unconsolidated formations
! Provide primary well control
! Support other casing
! Case off lost circulation zones

Such a string would be run and cemented back to surface. It is normally the first casing to
support some for of secondary well control equipment. Equipment such as a diverter or 21 1/4

Major characteristics
! Casing size range from 7 5/8 on shallow holes to 20 inch on deep holes.
! Hole may have severe hole erosion
! Shallow string may be pumped out easily
! Drilling fluid often viscous with little water loss control or drilled with water
! Casing may stick easily in unconsolidated formations
! Lost circulation or water flows could be a problem
! Most area require that it be cemented to surface
! Guide shoe and float collar are commonly used
! Packing off can cause high pressure and can burst the casing
! Often run thought the bent section of the hole
! Often run to depths of 3000 feet plus
! Often need top cement job to complete cementing to surface

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Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 4 of 39
Drilling this hole section is normally fast and little time is wasted. If spud mud is used, it
would only be at the start. Formation clays would be use to continue with minimum chemical

In some area, a pilot hole may be drilled, then opened up to a larger size. Drilling tools are big
and cumbersome and the fewer BHA changes the better.

It is often in this section of the hole the start of directional work begins. Running into other
wells could also become a problem. On multi-well platform, there can be as many as 36 holes
all going in different directions, guiding the bit past some of the other wells can be a problem.

Shallow gas can also be a problem. For such area, a diverter should be used. In such a case the
well can never be closed in. Diverters of today have been vastly improved, and if rigged up
properly is an asset. Such a rig up would consist of the diverter package with 12 in. outlet, but
just as important are the dump lines a dump line dropping 90 feet to the water line on a jack
up has a siphoning effect and will suck both gas and water away from the rig floor.

Intermediate Casing

Of all the casing run, this one normally takes the worst beating. Prolonged drilling can and
often will damage it. Corrosion is common as such a string will often cover salt zones.

The justification for this string is to cover many of the problem zones that are encountered in
the top sections of the hole such as lost circulation and water flows.

Such zone need to be isolated as the drilling fluid weight may have to be raise in the deeper
section of the hole.

It will also be used to support the completion and any other string that may be ran later.
The casing point "where the shoe is to be set" must be in a firm and solid formation as the
secondary well control equipment will be installed on top. A leak off or integrity test will be
carried out to test the shoe.

Should there be any leak, the shoe must be re-cemented by squeezing it off as the casing must
withstand any drilling fluid raise in weight or kick from the formation.

Often run to depths of 5000 or 6000 ft, and would normally cemented back to surface. A shoe,
float collar and sometimes a cement diverter will be used.

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Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 5 of 39
This string will often be the largest cement job and could be done in two stages. The cement
diverter" is a ported tool the same size of the casing that is opened and closed with plugs and

The first section will be cemented. The cement is pumped down the casing and out of the shoe
into the annulus. As this is often a two stage job a water spacer will be pumped ahead of the
cement and should end up just around the outside of the cement diverter once the tail cement
is put in place with the wiper plug.

An opening dart will then be dropped and landed on the sleeve of the cement diverter.
Pressure will be applied to push the sleeve into the open position. The well will then be
circulated from the ports and the hole conditioned ready for the next stage. The second stage
will then be pumped and a closing plug will be pumped and bumped.

Production Casing

The fourth but not necessarily the final string of pipe run in the hole is the production casing.
The production casing is used to control the hydrocarbon bearing zones that will be produced.
This string of pipe adds structural integrity to the well-bore in the producing zones.

It is necessary to conduct the hydrocarbons to the surface. Production casing should be set
before completing the well for production. It should be cemented in a manner necessary to
cover or isolate all zones which contain hydrocarbons.

A calculated volume of cement sufficient to fill the annular space at least five hundred (500)
feet above the top of the uppermost hydrocarbon zone should be used.

Casings must also be of such quality that they can withstand particularly corrosive media in
the well (H
etc.), if expected to be exposed to such formations.

This string would normally be the longest string run and may often be cemented in stages so
as not to brake down the lower formation. It must also be of sufficient strength that should the
production strings leak, it will contain the formation pressure that will migrate to surface and
should be design to cover the expected life span of the well.

If there are indications of inadequate primary cementing (such as lost returns, cement
channeling, or mechanical failure of equipment) in the surface, intermediate, or production
casing strings, the casings should be evaluated, by pressure testing the casing shoe, running a
cement bond log or a cement evaluation tool log, running a temperature survey, or a
combination before continuing operations. If the evaluation indicates inadequate cementing,
the casing should re-cement and if necessary perforated and squeezed with cement.
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Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 6 of 39

When a liner is used as production casing, the testing of the seal between the liner top and
next larger string must be conducted as in the case of intermediate liners.

Selection of Casing Size

The controlling factor in the selection of casing size is the outer diameter of the production
string. Considerations in the determination of this factor outlined as follows:
! Drilling Cost: As hole diameter increases, so will the cost of drilling and completion. The
cost of large diameter holes should be balanced against expected economic advantages.
! Methods of Production: A well may flow naturally in its early history, but later may
require pumping. The hole should be large enough to accommodate necessary production
! Possibilities of Multizone Completion: Hole sizes should be large enough to handle
equipment for multizone completion, if this is a reasonable possibility.
! Number of Intermediate Strings: If the expected drilling conditions necessitate one or
more intermediate strings, the maximum size of the production string will be limited.
! Nature of the Fluids Produced: This factor is important primarily because it affects the
choice of production equipment, and in turn, the downhole equipment and accessories
limit the minimum hole size.
! Rig Limitations: Normally, the selection of a rig depends on size and depth of the hole to
be drilled. There are cases, however, when rig selection is limited in a given area. In these
cases, sizes of hole and casing are determined by rig capabilities.
! Workovers: If experience indicates that remedial work is commonly needed, hole size
should be large enough to accommodate the necessary equipment.
! Availability of Casing: Shortage of casing has, in many instances, been determined factor
in establishing production string size.
! Common Practice: Even after careful consideration of the above factors, the experiences
of others in given areas and situations should be studied before final determination of
casing size.
! Type of Well: In an exploratory well, the prime purpose of drilling is to prove up the
existence of commercial zones. Frequently, it is necessary to set casing, and in the interest
of economy, slim-hole drilling and completion may be used to extend the exploratory
budget. This type of drilling and completion, however, should be weighed against
possible production problems at some later date.

When the outside diameter of the production string has been established, bit sizes and sizes of
intermediate and surface casings can be determined. In selecting the hole size for a given
casing OD, it is necessary to consider the coupling OD for the casing and to provide sufficient
clearance to allow for mud cake and also casing appliances such as centralizers and scratchers
and hole conditions, such as caving formations and crookedness. The following table gives
minimum bit sizes for all API casing sizes.
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Table 1 Minimum bit sizes with corresponding casings
Casing OD Coupling OD Recommended Clearance Minimum Hole Size Minimum Bit Size
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
4 1/2 5.000 1.000 6.000 6
5 5.563 1.250 6.813 7
5 1/2 6050.000 1.250 7.300 7 3/8
6 6.625 1.750 8.375 8 3/8
6 5/8 7.390 1.750 9.140 9 1/2
7 7.656 2.000 9.656 9 3/4
7 5/8 8.500 2.500 11.000 11
8 5/8 9.625 3.000 12.625 13 3/4
9 5/8 10.625 3.250 13.875 14 3/4
10 3/4 11.750 3.250 15.000 15
11 3/4 12.750 3.500 16.250 17
13 3/8 14.375 3.500 17.875 18
16 17.000 3.500 20.500 20 3/4
20 21.000 3.500 24.500 25 1/2

Selection of Casing Setting Depths

The selection of the number of casing strings and their respective setting depths are generally
based on a consideration of the pore-pressure gradients and fracture gradients of the
formations to be penetrated. Usually, the pore pressure and fracture pressure are expressed as
equivalent circulating density, and are plotted vs depth. Usually, the mud densities are chosen
to provide an acceptable trip margin above the anticipated formation pore pressures to allow
for reductions in effective mud weight caused by upward pipe movement during tripping
operations. A commonly used trip margin is 0.5 ppg or that will provide 200 to 300 psi pf
excess bottomhole pressure over the formation pressure.

Following figure illustrates the relation between the casing setting depth and these gradients.

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Evren zbayolu, PhD, Tel: 210 5663, e-mail: ozevren@metu.edu.tr Page 8 of 39

Casings setting depth identification

To reach the depth objective, the effective drilling fluid density shown at point-a is chosen to
prevent the flow of formation fluid into the well. However, to carry this drilling fluid density
without exceeding the fracture gradient of the weakest formation exposed within the wellbore,
the protective intermediate casing must extend at least to the depth at point-b, where the
fracture gradient is equal to the mud density needed to drill to point-a. Similarly, to drill to
point-b and to set intermediate casing, the drilling fluid density shown at point-c will be
needed and will require surface casing to be set at least to the depth at point-d. When possible,
a kick margin is subtracted from the true fracture gradient line to obtain a design fracture
gradient line. If no kick margin is provided, it is impossible to take a kick at the casing setting
depth without causing hydrofracture and a possible underground blowout.

Other factors, such as protection of freshwater aquifers, the presence of vugular lost-
circulation zones, depleted low-pressure zones that tend to cause stuck pipe, salt beds that
tend to flow plastically and to close the borehole, and government regulations, also can affect
casing setting depth requirements.

Grades of Casings

Casing is graded on the basis of its minimum yield strength. API recognizes five grades and
the corresponding minimum yield strengths. The yield strength for these purposes is defined
as the tensile stress required producing a total elongation of 0.5 % of the length (except P-110,
where elongation is 0.6 %).
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Table 2 Casing grades, and minimum yield strengths
Minimum Yield Strength
F-25 25,000
H-40 40,000
J-55 55,000
N-80 80,000
P-110 110,000

Casing Dimensions

Casing is designated also by length range into which it falls. API standards (5A) establish
three length ranges with limits and tolerances as shown in the following table.

Table 3 API casing lengths
Length Range
Minimum Length
Maximum Length Variation
1 16 25 18 6
2 25 34 28 5
3 Over 34 36 6

Casing is designated also by i) outside diameter, and ii) wall thickness or nominal weight. The
following table is taken from API Spec.5A, lists 74 sizes of casing, varying diameter from 4.5
in to 20 in, in wall thickness from 0.205 to 0.595 in, and in weight from 9.50 to 94.00 lb/ft.
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Table 4 API recognized casing list according to their sizes
OD Wall Thickness Nominal Weight Available Available OD Wall Thickness Nominal Weight Available Available
(in) (in) (lb/ft) Grades Threads (in) (in) (lb/ft) Grades Threads
0.205 9.50 F,H,J S 0.250 20.00 F S
0.250 11.60 J S,L 0.300 24.00 H S
0.250 11.60 N,P L 0.328 26.40 J S,L
0.290 13.50 N,P L 0.328 26.40 N L
0.337 15.10 P L 0.375 29.70 N,P L
0.220 11.50 F,J S 0.430 33.70 N,P L
0.253 13.00 J S,L 0.500 39.00 N,P L
0.296 15.00 J S,L 0.264 24.00 F,J S
0.296 15.00 N,P L 0.304 28.00 H S
0.362 18.00 N,P L 0.352 32.00 H S
0.228 13.00 F S 0.352 32.00 J S,L
0.224 14.00 H,J S 0.400 36.00 J S,L
0.275 15.50 J S,L 0.400 36.00 N L
0.304 17.00 J S,L 0.450 40.00 N,P L
0.304 17.00 N,P L 0.500 44.00 N,P L
0.361 20.00 N,P L 0.557 49.00 N,P L
0.415 23.00 N,P L 0.281 29.30 F S
0.238 15.00 F S 0.312 32.30 H S
0.288 18.00 H S 0.352 36.00 H S
0.288 18.00 J S,L 0.352 36.00 J S,L
0.288 18.00 N L 0.395 40.00 J S,L
0.324 20.00 N L 0.395 40.00 N L
0.380 23.00 N,P L 0.435 43.50 N,P L
0.434 26.00 P L 0.472 47.00 N,P L
0.245 17.00 F S 0.545 53.50 N,P L
0.288 20.00 H S 0.279 32.75 F,H S
0.288 20.00 J S,L 0.350 40.50 H,J S
0.352 24.00 J S,L 0.400 45.50 J S
0.352 24.00 N,P L 0.450 51.00 J,N,P S
0.417 28.00 N,P L 0.495 55.50 N,P S
0.475 32.00 N,P L 0.545 60.70 P S
0.231 17.00 F,H S 0.595 65.70 P S
0.272 20.00 H,J S 0.300 38.00 F S
0.317 23.00 J S,L 0.333 42.00 H S
0.317 23.00 N L 0.375 47.00 J S
0.362 26.00 J S,L 0.435 54.00 J S
0.362 26.00 N,P L 0.489 60.00 J,N S
0.408 29.00 N,P L 0.330 48.00 F,H S
0.453 32.00 N,P L 0.380 54.50 J S
0.498 35.00 N,P L 0.430 61.00 J S
0.540 38.00 N,P L 0.480 68.00 J S
0.514 72.00 N S
0.312 55.00 F S
0.375 65.00 H S
0.438 75.00 J S
0.495 84.00 J S
20 0.438 94.00 F,H S
8 5/8
7 5/8
9 5/8
6 5/8
13 5/8
11 3/4
10 3/4
4 1/2
5 1/2

Casing Threads and Couplings

Individual casings are usually joined by means of threaded couplings. Couplings are graded in
the same manner as casing, and the physical properties of a coupling must be at least equal to
those of the casing section joints. Couplings are classified also according to the outside
diameter and the wall thickness of the casing with which they are to be used. Finally,
couplings are classified as either long or short in accordance with the lengths of the threads of
the casing with which they are to be used. Table above also shows the couplings available for
each size and grade of casing. API Spec.5A gives the dimensions of long and short threads
and couplings as shown in the following figure.

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Thread and coupling schematic representation

In this figure, d
is the outside diameter of the casing, d
is the outside diameter of the
couplings, d
is the pitch diameter at distance L
from vanish point, d
is the pitch diameter at
hand-tight plane, J is the distance from end of casing to center of coupling for power-tight
make-up, L
is the length of coupling, L
is the distance from end of casing to vanish point of
threads, L
is the distance from vanish point of casing threads to plane of d
, M is the distance
from face of coupling to hand-tight plane, d
is the diameter of coupling recess, and t is the
casing wall thickness. Numerical dimensions are given in the following tables.

Table 5a For short threads and couplings
t d
M d
4 1/2 All 4.43175 4.40337 0.500 5 2.000 0.625 0.704 4 19/32 5.000
5 0.220 4.93175 4.90337 0.750 6 1/2 2.500 0.625 0.704 5 3/32 5.563
5 X 4.93175 4.90337 0.500 6 1/2 2.750 0.625 0.704 5 3/32 5.563
5 1/2 0.228 5.43175 5.40337 0.750 6 3/4 2.625 0.625 0.704 5 19/32 6.050
5 1/2 X 5.43175 5.40337 0.500 6 3/4 2.875 0.625 0.704 5 19/32 6.050
6 All 5.93175 5.90337 0.500 7 3.000 0.625 0.704 6 3/32 6.625
6 5/8 All 6.55675 6.52837 0.500 7 1/4 3.125 0.625 0.704 6 23/32 7.390
7 0.231 6.93175 6.90337 1.250 7 1/4 2.375 0.625 0.704 7 3/32 7.656
7 X 6.93175 6.90337 0.500 7 1/4 3.125 0.625 0.704 7 3/32 7.656
7 5/8 0.250 7.55675 7.52418 0.875 7 1/2 2.875 0.625 0.709 7 23/32 8.500
7 5/8 X 7.55675 7.52418 0.500 7 1/2 3.250 0.625 0.709 7 23/32 8.500
8 5/8 0.264 8.55675 8.52418 0.875 7 3/4 3.000 0.625 0.709 8 23/32 9.625
8 5/8 X 8.55675 8.52418 0.500 7 3/4 3.375 0.625 0.709 8 23/32 9.625
9 5/8 0.281 9.55675 9.52418 0.625 7 3/4 3.250 0.625 0.709 9 23/32 10.625
9 5/8 X 9.55675 9.52418 0.500 7 3/4 3.375 0.625 0.709 9 23/32 10.625
10 3/4 0.279 10.68175 10.64918 1.250 8 2.750 0.625 0.709 10 27/32 11.750
10 3/4 X 10.68175 10.64918 0.500 8 3.500 0.625 0.709 10 27/32 11.750
11 3/4 0.300 11.68175 11.64918 0.750 8 3.250 0.625 0.709 11 27/32 12.750
11 3/4 X 11.68175 11.64918 0.500 8 3.500 0.625 0.709 11 27/32 12.750
13 3/8 All 13.30675 13.27418 0.500 8 3.500 0.625 0.709 13 15/32 14.375
16 All 15.93175 15.89918 0.500 9 4.000 0.625 0.709 16 3/32 17.000
20 All 19.93175 19.89918 0.500 9 4.000 0.625 0.709 20 3/32 21.000

Table 5b For long threads and couplings
t d
M d
4 1/2 All 4.43175 4.40337 0.500 7 3.000 0.625 0.704 4 19/32 5.000
5 All 4.93175 4.90337 0.500 7 3/4 3.395 0.625 0.704 5 3/32 5.563
5 1/2 All 5.43175 5.40337 0.500 8 3.500 0.625 0.704 5 19/32 6.050
6 All 5.93175 5.90337 0.500 8 1/2 3.750 0.625 0.704 6 3/32 6.625
6 5/8 All 6.55675 6.52837 0.500 8 3/4 3.875 0.625 0.704 6 23/32 7.390
7 All 6.93175 6.90337 0.500 9 4.000 0.625 0.704 7 3/32 7.656
7 5/8 All 7.55675 7.52418 0.500 9 1/4 4.125 0.625 0.709 7 23/32 8.500
8 5/8 All 8.55675 8.52418 0.500 10 4.500 0.625 0.709 8 23/32 9.625
9 5/8 All 9.55675 9.52418 0.500 10 1/2 4.750 0.625 0.709 9 23/32 10.625

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When casing is furnished with threads and couplings, the length is taken to be the overall
length pf pipe plus attached coupling, i.e., the length as measured from the uncoupled end of
pipe to the outer face of the coupling at opposite end, with the coupling made up power-tight.
When two or more lengths are made up to form a section or a string of casing, the overall
length of string is less than the sum of the individual lengths of casing because of the make-up
loss at the couplings. The make-up loss per unit joint for a string made up power-tight is

i c
L L J =

where J is a dimension defined above.


Calculate the make-up loss per joint for 7 in 26 lb/ft casing with short threads and couplings.


From table-4, it has been seen that for 7 in 26 lb/ft casing, wall thickness is 0.362 in. Thus,
from table-5a, L
is found to be 7.25 in, and J is determined as 0.500 in. Therefore,

( ) ( )
0.5 7.25 0.5 3.125
i c
L L J = = = in/joint

When casing is run, the couplings forming the joints in the upper sections are in tension
because of the weight of the casing suspended below them. These joints must, of course,
possess sufficient strength to resist rupture or deformation under the axial stresses to which
they will be subjected. Additionally, they must be leak-resistant in tension if the casing string
is to perform its functions properly. From the previously conducted studies, it has been
concluded that; i) Although several factors influence the leak resistance of a joint made up in
the conventional manner, yield strength is apparently the controlling factor, and, ii) For
standard API round threads, a joint in tension is leak-resistant up to the yield strength of the
joint (and usually beyond), and hence the leak resistance in tension is greater than that
required in service.

The axial tension load which can be supported at a casing joint is called the joint strength.
Joint strength depends on grade, size and weight of the casing, and on the effective length of
the threads. The following empirical equations are recommended by API for calculating the
minimum joint strengths for standard API round-thread casings:

For short thread casings

( )( )( ) 33.71 0.071 24.45 0.742
js e e
F C d d t t =

and, for long thread casings

( )( )( ) 1.647 25.58 0.071 24.45 0.742
jl e e
F C d d t t =

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where F
and F
are minimum joint strengths for short and long thread casings, respectively
(lb), C is a constant depending on the casing grading, given in the table below, d
is the outer
diameter of the casing (in), and, t is the wall thickness of the casing (in).

Table 6 Constant C
Joint Grade C
F-25 134
H-40 182
J-55 243
N-80 282
P-110 369

Joint strengths calculated from the equations given above are presented in the following
tables. All Joint strengths given in these tables in 1,000 lbs.
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Table 7a Joint strengths (in 1,000 lbs) of API casings
OD Nominal Weight F-25 H-40 J-55 J-55 N-80 N-80 P-110 P-110
(in) (lb/ft) S S S L S L S L
9.50 71 96 128
11.60 159 189 220 288
13.50 258 337
15.10 394
11.50 84 152
13.00 178 210
15.00 210 247 288 377
18.00 354 463
13.00 95
14.00 139 186
15.50 211 247
17.00 234 275 320 418
20.00 382 500
23.00 440 576
15.00 108
18.00 179 239 278 323
20.00 366
23.00 432 565
26.00 646
17.00 121
20.00 195 259 299
24.00 320 370 430 562
28.00 511 669
32.00 582 762
17.00 118 160
20.00 191 254
23.00 300 344 400
26.00 345 395 460 602
29.00 520 681
32.00 578 756
35.00 635 831
38.00 688 900
20.00 138
24.00 227
26.40 333 378 439
29.70 505 661
33.70 581 760
39.00 676 885
6 5/8
7 5/8
4 1/2
5 1/2

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Table 7b Joint strengths (in 1,000 lbs) of API casings
OD Nominal Weight F-25 H-40 J-55 J-55 N-80 N-80 P-110 P-110
(in) (lb/ft) S S S L S L S L
24.00 161 288
28.00 252
32.00 295 393 437
36.00 448 499 581
40.00 655 858
44.00 729 954
49.00 812 1062
29.30 185
32.30 279
36.00 318 442 462
40.00 477 521 606
43.50 670 875
47.00 727 952
53.50 841 1100
32.75 196 265
40.50 338 450
45.50 518
51.00 585 680 890
55.50 750 981
60.70 1081
65.70 1180
38.00 222
42.00 236
47.00 507
54.00 593
60.00 668 778
48.00 260 352
54.50 545
61.00 613
68.00 695
72.00 868
55.00 258
65.00 423
75.00 662
84.00 753
20 94.00 359 487
9 5/8
10 3/4
11 3/4
13 3/8
8 5/8

Weights of Casing

In discussing casing weights, it is necessary to differentiate between plain-end weight,
average weight with threads and couplings, and nominal weight of casing. The plain-end
weight of casing is the weight without threads and couplings. The average weight (per foot) of
a length of casing is the weight with threads at both ends and a coupling attached power-tight
at one end. It is determined from the plain-end weight, the weight of metal removed in cutting
threads at each end, and the weight of the coupling. Nominal weights are used for
identification purposes and in cases where it is not necessary to specify the exact average
weight per foot. Conventionally, neither the length ranges of the casing nor the dimensions of
the threads and couplings are considered in calculations involving the weight of a section of a
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casing string, since satisfactory accuracy can be obtained by use of nominal weight
corresponding to the outer diameter and wall thickness of the casing.

The following tables give plain-end weights, coupling weights, and weights with threads and
couplings for all API sizes of casings. The weights with threads and couplings are based on 20
ft lengths. These weights must be adjusted for lengths longer or shorter than 20 ft in.

Table 8a Weights of API casings
OD Nominal Weight Plain-end Weight Short Long Short Long
(in) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb)
9.50 9.40 6.05 9.55
11.60 11.35 6.05 9.07 11.47 11.54
13.50 13.04 9.07 13.20
15.10 14.98 9.07 15.12
11.50 11.23 10.18 11.50
13.00 12.83 10.18 12.56 13.07 13.12
15.00 14.87 10.18 12.56 15.08 15.13
18.00 17.93 12.56 18.14
13.00 12.84 11.44 13.12
14.00 13.70 11.44 13.97
15.50 15.35 11.44 14.03 15.59 15.64
17.00 16.87 11.44 14.03 17.09 17.14
20.00 19.81 11.44 14.03 20.03
23.00 22.54 14.03 22.70
15.00 14.65 14.53 15.03
18.00 17.57 14.53 18.29 17.91 17.99
20.00 19.64 18.29 20.02
23.00 22.81 18.29 23.13
26.00 25.80 18.29 26.06
17.00 16.69 19.97 17.29
20.00 19.49 19.97 24.82 20.04 20.17
24.00 23.58 19.97 24.82 24.06 24.18
28.00 27.65 24.82 28.16
32.00 31.20 24.82 31.64
17.00 16.70 18.34 17.20
20.00 19.54 18.34 20.01
23.00 22.63 18.34 23.67 23.03 23.15
26.00 25.66 18.34 23.67 26.02 26.13
29.00 27.82 23.67 29.12
32.00 31.68 23.67 32.01
35.00 34.58 23.67 34.86
38.00 37.26 23.67 37.48
20.00 19.69 26.93 20.55
24.00 23.47 26.93 24.26
26.40 25.56 26.93 34.23 36.32 26.51
29.70 29.04 34.23 29.91
33.70 33.04 34.23 33.83
39.00 38.05 34.23 83.73
6 5/8
7 5/8
4 1/2
5 1/2
Coupling Weight Weight, Threaded and Coupled

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Table 8b Weights of API casings
OD Nominal Weight Plain-end Weight Short Long Short Long
(in) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb)
24.00 23.57 35.58 24.75
28.00 27.02 35.58 28.13
32.00 31.10 35.58 47.48 32.14 32.48
36.00 35.14 35.58 47.48 36.11 36.42
40.00 39.29 47.48 40.48
44.00 43.39 47.48 44.48
49.00 48.00 47.48 48.98
29.30 28.04 39.51 29.32
32.30 31.03 39.51 32.25
36.00 34.86 39.51 55.77 36.01 36.46
40.00 38.94 39.51 55.77 40.01 40.44
43.50 42.70 55.77 44.11
47.00 46.14 55.77 47.47
53.50 52.85 55.77 54.02
32.75 31.20 45.53 32.65
40.50 38.88 45.53 40.20
45.50 44.22 45.53 45.44
51.00 49.50 45.53 50.63
55.50 54.21 45.53 55.25
60.70 59.40 45.53 60.34
65.70 64.53 45.53 65.37
38.00 36.69 49.61 38.22
42.00 40.60 49.61 42.08
47.00 45.56 49.61 46.94
54.00 52.57 49.61 53.82
60.00 58.81 49.61 59.94
48.00 45.98 56.23 47.64
54.50 52.74 56.23 54.28
61.00 59.45 56.23 60.87
68.00 66.11 56.23 67.40
72.00 70.60 56.23 71.81
55.00 52.36 78.98 54.70
65.00 62.58 78.98 64.71
75.00 72.72 78.98 74.63
84.00 81.97 78.98 83.68
20 94.00 91.41 98.25 93.86
9 5/8
10 3/4
11 3/4
13 3/8
8 5/8
Coupling Weight Weight, Threaded and Coupled


A liner is an abbreviated oil string extending from the bottom of the hole upward to a point
approximately 100 ft above the lower end of the protection string, where it is suspended from
a liner hanger and sealed off. Its function is similar to that of an oil string. Its obvious
advantage over a conventional string (which would extend from a bottom of the hole to the
surface) is economy, since fewer pipes is needed for a liner. This distinct advantage is not
realized without certain disadvantages, among them, the possibility of leakage at the top
point, at which the liner is suspended.

API liners are manufactured only of grade J-55 steel, however, any grade, weight, and type of
casing may be used as a liner. Sizes of liners are designated in the same manner as casing
sizes, i.e., by outside diameter and wall thickness. The length limits and tolerances for liners
are the same as for casing in ranges 2 and 3. The tentative API liner list, with plain end weight
and inside diameter for each size, is given in the following table.
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Table 9 API liners
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Plain-end Weight
Inside Diameter
0.289 9.91 2.922
4 0.286 11.34 3.428
0.290 13.04 3.920
5 0.362 17.93 4.276
0.361 19.81 4.778
0.417 27.65 5.791

Effects of External Pressure

If casing is lowered into a hole, the pressure outside the casing may be greater than pressure
inside the casing because of fluid pressure in the formation opposite the casing or because of
the column of fluid standing between casing and hole. When the excess of external pressure
over internal pressure is of sufficient magnitude, there is a tendency for the casing to collapse.
If collapse is preceded by permanent deformation, the casing is said to have experienced
plastic failure. If, on the other hand, collapse occurs under elastic deformation, failure is said
to be elastic. The ability of casing to withstand external pressure without experiencing either
plastic or elastic failure is called collapse resistance.

The subject to collapse resistance of casing has been investigated thoroughly from both the
theoretical and experimental standpoints. As a result of these investigations, it has become
apparent that collapse resistance is determined by
! The ratio of pipe diameter to wall thickness
! The characteristics of the material of construction
! The axial tension or axial compression to which the casing is subjected

In late 1800s, research on collapse resistance, P
, leaded theoretical expressions for
explaining this phenomenon.

2 2
2 1

( | |

\ .

where E is the modulus of elasticity, is the Poissons ration, and d
/t is the ratio of the outer
diameter and wall thickness of the casing. The values of average yield strength, Y
, for the
various grades of casings are given in the following table.

Table 10 Average yield strength
Maximum d
/t for
plastic collapse
Average yield strength
H-40 40.02 50,000
J-55 30.73 65,000
N-80 23.91 85,000
P-110 18.57 123,000

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From the stand point of the fact that, the engineers must make their designs on the basis of
minimum properties of the material, the following equations are widely used in drilling
industry, and recommended by API.

For elastic failure,

x 46.95 10
e e
d d
t t
( | | | |

| |
\ . \ .

For plastic failure with 14
< ,

c a
| |

\ .
| |
\ .

For plastic failure with 14

c a
( =
| |
\ .

The Steward equation for 43.5

65, 000
| |
\ .

The Steward equation for 43.5

x 37.66 10
| |
\ .

The Steward equations are used to calculate the collapse pressures for grade F-25 casing only.
Also, F-25 has no elastic failure case. The rest of the equations are used to predict collapse
pressures for casing of grades H-40, J-55, N-80 and P-110.
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Calculate the collapse resistance for a 5
in17 lb/ft J-55 casing.


Except for grade F-25 casing, it is necessary to determine which of the equations given above
is applicable. Since collapse resistance is considered to have been exceeded if either plastic or
elastic failure occurs, the lower of the two values predicted by the plastic or elastic equations
must be used. The key to the selection of the proper equation is the
d t ratio. From table-10,
limiting value for the elastic failure of grade J-55 can be found. From table-4, t for J-55 5

in, 17 lb/ft casing is 0.304. Therefore,

= =

From table-10, it is seen that, since 30.73
d t < , the failure will be plastic, and, since
d t > , collapse pressure will be determined from

( )
1.887 1.887
0.0345 65000 0.0345 4500
c a
( = = =
| |

\ .

The following tables give collapse resistance for casing of all API sizes and grades. With a
few exceptions, the collapse resistances are calculated using the equations presented above.
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Table 11a Collapse resistance of API casings

OD Nominal Weight
(in) (lb/ft) F-25 H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
9.5 1,920 2,550 3,320
11.6 4,540 5,930 8,590
13.5 7,350 10,640
15.1 12,780
11.5 1,820 3,130
13 3,930
15 4,980 6,520 9,430
18 8,550 12,390
13 1,660
14 2,440 3,170
15.5 3,860
17 4,500 5,890 8,520
20 7,580 10,910
23 8,900 12,870
15 1,540
18 2,780 3,620 4,740
20 5,690
23 7,180 10,380
26 12,380
17 1,370
20 2,360 3,060
24 4,250 5,550 7,850
28 7,110 10,290
32 8,490 12,280
17 1,100 1,370
20 1,920 2,500
23 3,290 4,300
26 4,060 5,320 7,220
29 6,370 9,220
32 7,400 10,700
35 8,420 12,180
38 9,080 13,130
20 1,100
24 1,970
26.4 3,010 3,930
29.7 4,910 6,180
33.7 6,070 8,780
39 7,530 10,900
6 5/8
7 5/8
Collapse Resistance (psi)
4 1/2
5 1/2

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Table 11b Collapse resistance of API casings
OD Nominal Weight
(in) (lb/ft) F-25 H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
24 950 1,430
28 1,580
32 2,110 2,740
36 3,420 4,470
40 5,390 7,420
44 6,320 9,140
49 7,370 10,660
29.3 860
32.3 1,320
36 1,710 2,220
40 2,770 3,530
43.5 4,280 4,760
47 4,900 6,120
53.5 6,110 8,830
32.75 650 830
40.5 1,340 1,730
45.5 2,300
51 2,870 3,750 3,750
55.5 4,420 5,040
60.7 6,790
65.7 8,540
38 620
42 940
47 1,630
54 2,270
60 2,840 3,680
48 560 740
54.5 1,140
61 1,670
68 2,140
72 2,880
55 290
65 640
75 1,010
84 1,480
20 94 410 520
13 3/8
Collapse Resistance (psi)
8 5/8
9 5/8
10 3/4
11 3/4

Effects of Internal Pressure

During the entry of formation fluid into casing, as well as in such operations as squeezing and
fracturing, casing is often subjected to high internal pressures. In the lower portions of a
casing string, external pressure is normally greater than internal pressure. In the upper
portions of the string, however, external pressure is negligible, since at the surface, there is
neither formation pressure nor significant fluid column pressure opposite the casing.
Therefore, any appreciable internal pressure (whether resulting from entry of fluid or from
surface pump pressure) would cause an excess of internal pressure over external pressure in
the upper portions, with a resulting tendency of the casing to fail by longitudinal splitting. The
excess internal pressure at which this type pf failure takes place is called bursting pressure.

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Conventionally, bursting pressure, P
, for steel pipes (pressure required to rupture the pipe) is
calculated from Barlows formula

S t

where S is the tensile strength of steel, t and d
are explained in the previous sections. For oil
well casing, failure is considered to have occurred when applied stress exceeds yield strength,
resulting in permanent deformation of the pipe. This type of failure takes place at stresses
considerably below those which cause actual rupture. In the view of this, the effect of internal
pressure on casing is best analyzed in terms of internal yield pressure of the casing by
substituting minimum yield strength, Y
, for tensile strength in Barlows equation. A second
consideration in the application of Barlows formula is the fact that casing wall thickness may
vary, within API tolerances, by 12.5 % from nominal values. This means that, if nominal
values for wall thicknesses are used, bursting or internal yield pressures may be as much as
12.5 % lower than values predicted by Barlows equation. Making allowance for this, the
expression for minimum internal yield pressure, P
, becomes

( ) 2 1 0.125
m e
Y d
d t

= =
| |
\ .

Following tables give internal yield pressures for casing of all API sizes and grades, as
calculated from the equation above.


Calculate the minimum internal yield pressure for N-80, 7 in, 38 lb/ft.


For this casing,
d t value can be calculated as

= =

From table-2, Y
for N-80 is determined as 80000 lb. Thus, internal yield pressure for N-80, 7
in, 38 lb/ft is calculated as

( ) 1.75 80000
= = =
| |
\ .

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Table 12a Internal yield pressures of API casings
OD Nominal Weight
(in) (lb/ft) F-25 H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
9.50 1,990 3,190 4,380
11.60 5,350 7,780 10,690
13.50 9,020 12,410
15.10 14,420
11.50 1,930 4,240
13.00 4,870
15.00 5,700 8,290 11,390
18.00 10,140 13,940
13.00 1,810
14.00 3,110 4,270
15.50 4,810
17.00 5,320 7,740 10,640
20.00 9,190 12,640
23.00 10,560 14,520
15.00 1,740
18.00 3,360 4,620 6,720
20.00 7,560
23.00 8,870 12,190
26.00 13,920
17.00 1,620
20.00 3,040 4,180
24.00 5,110 7,440 10,230
28.00 8,810 12,120
32.00 10,040 1,380
17.00 1,440 2,310
20.00 2,720 3,740
23.00 4,360 6,340
26.00 4,980 7,240 9,960
29.00 8,160 11,220
32.00 9,060 12,460
35.00 9,960 13,690
38.00 10,800 14,850
20.00 1,430
24.00 2,750
26.40 4,140 6,020
29.70 6,890 9,470
33.70 7,890 10,860
39.00 9,180 12,630
Internal Yield (psi)
4 1/2
5 1/2
6 5/8
7 5/8

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Table 12b Internal yield pressures of API casings
OD Nominal Weight
(in) (lb/ft) F-25 H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
24 1,340 2,950
28 2,470
32 2,860 3,930
36 4,460 6,490
40 7,300 10,040
44 8,120 11,160
49 9,040 12,430
29.3 1,280
32.3 2,270
36 2,560 3,520
40 3,950 5,750
43.5 6,330 8,700
47 6,870 9,440
53.5 7,930 10,900
32.75 1,140 1,820
40.5 2,280 3,130
45.5 3,580
51 4,030 5,860 8,060
55.5 6,450 8,860
60.7 9,760
65.7 10,660
38 1,120
42 1,980
47 3,070
54 3,560
60 4,010 5,830
48 1,080 1,730
54.5 2,730
61 3,090
68 3,450
72 5,380
55 850
65 1,640
75 2,630
84 2,980
20 94 960 1,530
13 3/8
8 5/8
9 5/8
10 3/4
11 3/4
Internal Yield (psi)

Effects of Axial Loading

The effect of axial tension is twofold. First, it tends to cause the casing to fail by longitudinal
deformation or yielding, and second, it lowers the resistance of casing to collapse.
Considering the first effect, the stress at which permanent deformation takes place is the
minimum yield strength, Y
. If the axial load is sufficiently large to cause deformation
anywhere along the pipe, the deformation will occur at the root of the last perfect thread, since
the cross-sectional area of the pipe is least at that point. The axial load causing longitudinal
yielding is, therefore,

a m j
F Y A =

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where A
is the area at the root of the thread, which can be determined from the following
tables, including for all sizes and weights of casings.

Table 13a Cross-sectional dimensions of API casings

Casing OD Nominal weight Drift diameter Plain-end area Root thread area
(in) (lb/ft) (in) (sq in) (sq in)
9.5 21.951 3.965 2.766 1.775
11.6 18 3.875 3.338 2.347
13.5 15.517 3.795 3.836 2.844
15.1 13.353 3.701 4.407 3.416
11.5 22.727 4.435 3.304 2.2
13 19.762 4.369 3.773 2.67
15 16.891 4.283 4.374 3.271
18 13.812 4.151 5.275 4.171
13 24.122 4.919 3.776 2.561
14 22.541 4.887 4.029 2.81
15.5 20 4.825 4.514 3.299
17 18.092 4.767 4.962 3.747
20 15.235 4.653 5.828 4.613
23 13.253 4.545 6.63 5.414
15 25.21 5.399 4.308 2.981
18 20.833 5.299 5.168 3.841
20 18.518 5.227 5.777 4.45
23 15.789 5.115 6.709 5.382
26 13.825 5.007 7.589 6.262
17 27.04 6.01 4.911 3.444
20 23.003 5.924 5.734 4.267
24 18.821 5.796 6.937 5.47
28 15.887 5.666 8.122 6.666
32 13.947 5.55 9.177 7.71
17 30.303 6.413 4.912 3.361
20 25.735 6.331 5.749 4.198
23 22.082 6.241 6.656 5.105
26 19.337 6.151 7.549 5.998
29 17.157 6.059 8.449 6.899
32 15.453 5.969 9.317 7.766
35 14.056 5.879 10.173 8.622
38 12.962 5.795 10.959 9.408
6 5/8
4 1/2
5 1/2

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Table 13b Cross-sectional dimensions of API casings
Casing OD Nominal weight Drift diameter Plain-end area Root thread area
(in) (lb/ft) (in) (sq in) (sq in)
20 30.5 7 5.792 4.115
24 25.417 6.9 6.904 5.213
26.4 23.246 6.844 7.519 5.828
29.7 20.333 6.75 8.541 6.85
33.7 17.732 6.64 9.72 8.029
39 15.25 6.5 11.192 9.501
24 32.67 7.972 6.934 5.02
28 28.371 7.892 7.947 6.032
32 24.502 7.796 9.149 7.234
36 21.562 7.7 10.336 8.421
40 19.166 7.6 11.557 9.642
44 17.25 7.5 12.763 10.848
49 15.485 7.386 14.118 12.203
29.3 34.252 8.907 8.249 6.11
32.3 30.849 8.845 9.128 6.99
36 27.343 8.765 10.254 8.116
40 24.367 8.679 11.454 9.315
43.5 22.126 8.599 12.559 10.421
47 20.391 8.525 13.572 11.434
53.5 17.66 8.379 15.547 13.408
32.75 38.53 10.036 9.178 6.788
40.5 30.714 9.894 11.435 9.045
45.5 26.875 9.794 13.006 10.616
51 23.888 9.694 14.561 12.171
55.5 21.717 9.604 15.947 13.557
60.7 19.725 9.504 17.473 15.082
65.7 18.067 9.404 18.982 16.592
38 29.166 10.994 10.791 8.178
42 35.285 10.928 11.944 9.331
47 31.333 10.844 13.402 10.788
54 27.011 10724 15.463 12.849
60 24.028 10.616 17.301 14.687
48 40.53 12.559 13.525 10.546
54.5 35.197 12.459 15.513 12.535
61 31.104 12.359 17.486 14.508
68 27.864 12.259 19.447 16.468
72 26.021 12.191 20.769 17.791
55 51.282 15.188 15.378 11.812
65 42.666 15.062 18.407 14.841
75 36.529 14.938 21.413 17.847
84 32.323 14.822 24.112 20.546
20 94 45.662 18.936 26.917 22.456
9 5/8
10 3/4
11 3/4
13 3/8
7 5/8
8 5/ 8

In analyzing the effect of axial loading on collapse, it should be noted that the collapse
resistance given in the tables (also calculated using the equations given in the effects of
external pressure section), apply to casing subjected to no axial stress. The presence of axial
stress has no effect on the resistance of a tube to elastic collapse, however, it can
substantionally reduce resistance to plastic failure. If the (plastic) collapse pressure for casing
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under no axial load is P
, and the collapse pressure corrected for the effect of an axial load W
is P
, then,

cc t
c o

where S
is the yield stress in pure tension, and S
is the apparent yield stress in the tangential
or peripheral direction in the presence of axial stress, S
, which is defined by


where A is the cross-sectional wall area of the tube. Defining K, which is a constant
determined by the dimensions and the material of construction of the tube,

K AS =

API recommended the corrected collapse resistance as

( )
2 2

where W is the weight of the casings suspended below the point of concern. K can be
determined using the tables given below.
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Table 14a K values (1,000 lbs) for API casings

Casing OD Nominal weight
(in) (lb/ft) H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
9.50 278 360
11.60 434 567 821
13.50 652 944
15.10 1084
11.50 430
13.00 490
15.00 569 744 1076
18.00 897 1298
14.00 403 524
15.50 587
17.00 645 844 1221
20.00 991 1434
23.00 1127 1631
18.00 517 672 879
20.00 982
23.00 1141 1650
26.00 1867
20.00 573 745
24.00 902 1179 1707
28.00 1383 2001
32.00 1560 2258
17.00 491
20.00 575 747
23.00 865 1132
26.00 981 1283 1857
29.00 1436 2078
32.00 1584 2292
35.00 1729 2503
38.00 1863 2696
24.00 690
26.40 977 1278
29.70 1452 2101
33.70 1652 2391
39.00 1903 2753
7 5/8
K (1,000 of pounds)
4 1/2
5 1/2
6 5/8

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Table 14b K values (1,000 lbs) for API casings
Casing OD Nominal weight
(in) (lb/ft) H-40 J-55 N-80 P-110
24.00 901
28.00 795
32.00 915 1189
36.00 1344 1757
40.00 1965 2843
44.00 2170 3140
49.00 2040 3473
32.30 913
36.00 1025 1333
40.00 1489 1947
43.50 2135 3090
47.00 2307 3339
53.50 2643 3825
32.75 918
40.50 1144 1487
45.50 1691
51.00 1893 2475 3582
55.50 2711 3923
60.70 4298
65.70 4670
42.00 1194
47.00 1742
54.00 2010
60.00 2509 2941
48.00 1352
54.50 2017
61.00 2273
68.00 2528
72.00 3531
65.00 1841
75.00 2784
84.00 3135
20 94.00 2692
11 3/4
13 3/8
8 5/8
9 5/8
10 3/4
K (1,000 of pounds)


Calculate the collapse resistance of 7 in, 26 lb/ft N-80 casing if a 2000 ft section of 7 in, 29
lb/ft N-80 is suspended below it.


For N-80 7 in 26 lb/ft casing, from table-13a, A is determined as 7.549 in
. Thus, from tabl-
14a, K for this casing is found as 1283000 lb. Collapse resistance of N-80, 7 in, 26 lb/ft casing
is determined from table-11a as 5320 psi.

Weight of 2000 ft of N-80 7 in 29 lb/ft is

( )( ) 2000 29 58000 W = = lb
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Since, from table-13a,
d t is equal to 19.337, which indicates that the failure will be plastic.
Thus, using

( ) ( )
2 2 12 12 6
x x x
3 1.646 10 0.010 10 0.058 10 5060
= = = psi

The following table is a list of all API casing sizes which fail elastically at zero axial stress.
Also, shown are minimum loads at which the equations for which plastic collapse apply. The
effect on H-40 casing is not considered, since this casing is not normally used in combination
strings, i.e., a section of it is not normally subjected to axial stress by the suspension of
another section below it.

Table 15 - API casing sizes which fail elastically at zero axial stress
Grade OD Nominal weight
(in) (lb/ft) pounds psi
13 3/8 48.00
16 65.00
20 94.00
8 5/8 24.00 36,800 5,300
11 3/4 47.00 22,500 1,680
13 3/8 54.50 123,500 7,960
13 3/8 61.00 9,000 520
16 75.00 201,200 9,400
16 84.00 104,800 4,340
9 5/8 40.00 43,500 3,800
11 3/4 60.00 20,800 1,200
13 3/8 72.00 309,200 14,890
6 5/8 24.00 35,000 5,040
7 26.00 106,000 14,040
7 5/8 29.70 235,200 27,540
8 5/8 40.00 127,500 11,030
9 5/8 43.50 558,500 44,470
9 5/8 47.00 386,200 28,460
10 3/4 51.00 816,200 56,060
10 3/4 55.50 658,500 41,290
10 3/4 60.70 348,500 19,940
Minimum axial load at which plastic collapse equations apply

Design Factors

As discussed in the previous sections, joint strength, F
, is a measure of the resistance of
casing to failure in tension at the joints; tensile yield load, F
, is a measure of the resistance of
casing to failure in tension based on the minimum yield strength and the cross-sectional area
of the material of construction; collapse pressure, P
, is a measure of the resistance of casing
to failure by collapse under external pressure; internal yield pressure, P
, is a measure of the
resistance of the casing to failure by yielding or bursting from internal pressure. All these
quantities indicate maximum allowable stresses based on minimum physical properties to
which casing can be subjected without failure.

It is seldom desirable to subject any material to its maximum allowable stress. This is
particularly true for the material of which casing is constructed, since minimum physical
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properties are determined statistically, and the properties of any individual length of casing
may deviate considerably from the statistical average. Accordingly, a concept called safety
factor is introduced, which is the ratio of maximum allowable stress to actual working stress.
If safety factors are designated by N with appropriate subscripts), the working loads and
pressures to be sustained by casing are

Joint Load

Axial Load

External Pressure

Internal Pressure

API suggested the following design (safety) factors according to the field experiences.

For P
, N
: 1.00 1.50
For F
j and a
, N
j and a
: 1.50 2.00
For P
: 1.00 1.75

Design of a Combination String

A combination string, i.e., a casing string consisting of more than one section, is used in order
to obtain a string which will satisfy the desired design factors with the least investment. Thus,
the starting point for a design is a statement of the weights and grades of casing available,
together with the designed factors to be employed. In connection with the latter, it should be
noted that the physical properties almost universally considered are joint strength, collapse
pressure, and internal yield.

Once the available casing and the design factors to be used have been determined, all grades
and weights of casing which will not meet the requirements for internal yield are eliminated.
The worst possible conditions are used in determining loading data. In line with this, the
internal pressure (for design purposes) is assumed to be full reservoir pressure, P
, and the
external pressure is assumed to be zero. Thus, minimum allowable internal yield strength for
the casing tube used in the string is

i res i
P P N =

For casing which will meet the requirements for internal pressure, the controlling factor in the
lower portions of the string is collapse pressure, and the controlling factor in the upper
portions of the string is joint strength (or, possibly, longitudinal yielding).

For purposes of investigating the setting depth limitations imposed by collapse resistance, it is
assumed that the external pressure is that due to the external fluid column, and that the
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internal pressure is zero. Accordingly, the lowest section of the casing string will be
composed of the least expensive weight and grade which will satisfy the equation

c c s
P N L =

where L
is the setting depth for the casing (ft), and is the density of the external fluid (ppg).
In determining setting depths for sections other than the lowest, the effect on collapse pressure
of longitudinal tension must be considered. This normally involves the use of either trial-and-
error or graphical solutions.

At some point up the hole, collapse resistance ceases to be the controlling factor in casing
string design. From this point to the top of the string, the primary consideration is joint
strength and longitudinal yielding. In this region, the casing must be designed to satisfy the

j j
F W N =


m j a
Y A W N =

where W is the weight of casing suspended below the casing under consideration.


Design a 7 in, 8000 ft combination casing string for a well where the mud weight is 12 ppg
and the formation pressure gradient is 0.5 psi/ft, suing the worst possible loading assumptions.
All weight of API casing in grades J-55 and N-80 are available. The design factors to be
satisfied are 1.125 for collapse, 2.00 for joint strength, 1.25 for yield strength, and 1.00 for
internal yield.


The available casings along with pertinent physical properties are listed as follows.

Grade Weight






J 20 3740 2500 747,000 254,000 55,000 4.198
J 23 4360 3290 865,000 344,000 300,000 55,000 5.105
J 26 4980 4060 981,000 395,000 345,000 55,000 5.998
N 23 6340 4300 1,132,000 400,000 80,000 5.105
N 26 7240 5320 1,283,000 460,000 80,000 5.998
N 29 8160 6370 1,436,000 520,000 80,000 6.899
N 32 9060 7400 1,584,000 578,000 80,000 7.766
N 35 9960 8420 1,729,000 635,000 80,000 8.622
N 38 10800 9080 1,863,000 688,000 80,000 9.408

The reservoir pressure can be estimated using the given information above. If no information
is available, a reasonable gradient can be assumed.
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( ) 8000 0.5 4000
P = = psi

The minimum internal yield for any section of the string must be

( ) 4000 1.00 4000
i res i
P P N = = = psi

This requirement excludes J-55, 20 lb/ft casing (which has an internal yield pressure less than
4000 psi) at any point in the string. Since all other weights and grades have internal yield
strength greater than 4000 psi, they are retained for further consideration. The lowest section
of the string will consist of the least expensive casing available for which the collapse
pressure is at least

( )( )( ) 0.052 0.052 1.125 12 8000 5620
c c s
P N L = = = psi

Therefore, the lowest section (which will be designated as section-1) will consist of N-80, 29
lb/ft casing with long threads and couplings. The length of section-1 is limited physically only
by the axial load which can be sustained at the top joint of the section. Considering joint

= = = lbs

and considering yield strength,

( )( )
80000 6.899
m j
= = = lbs

The maximum length of section-1 is, therefore,

sec 1

= = ft

which is greater than the setting depth. This means that, collapse pressure is the controlling
factor for this portion of the string.

The next lowest section (will be called section-2), will consist of the next lighter casing,
namely, N-80, 26 lb/ft with long threads and couplings. Neglecting the effect of axial tension
(due to the weight of section-1, since the length of section-1 is not exactly known below
section-2), and knowing from the tables that P
for N-80, 26 lb/ft is 5320 psi, the setting depth
of section-2 is

( ) ( )
0.052 0.052 1.125 12
= = = ft.

This is the first assumed setting depth of section-2. Assuming that this setting depth is correct,
the weight of section-1 (below section-2) is
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( )( ) 8000 7580 29 12180 W = = lb

For this axial load, the collapse pressure of section-2 should be corrected as

( ) ( )
2 2 12 9
x x
3 1.646 10 0.445 10 12810 5270
= = = psi

So, setting depth of section-2 is updated to

( ) ( )
0.052 0.052 1.125 12
= = = ft

This is the second assumed setting depth of section-2. Under this assumption, the weight of
section-1 becomes

( )( ) 8000 7510 29 14210 W = = lb

and, hence, the corrected collapse pressure becomes

( )
12 9
x x
1.646 10 0.606 10 14210 5260
P = = psi

for section-2. The third assumption for the setting depth of section-2 is

( ) ( )
0.052 1.125 12
L = = ft

and the weight of section-1 below section-2 becomes

( )( ) 8000 7490 29 14790 W = = lb

Since the iteration results are close to each other, the collapse pressure for section-2 is 5260
psi, and the weight of section-1 is 14790 lb. So, maximum length for section-2 has to be
determined. The maximum joint load is

= = = lb

and the maximum yield load is

( ) ( )
80000 5.998
m j
= = = lb

Since the weight of casing suspended below section-2 is 14790 lb, the maximum length of
section-2 is

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( )
sec 2
230000 14790

= = ft

which is greater than the setting depth. Hence, collapse pressure is still the controlling factor
in this portion of the string. The next available lighter casing will be investigated. Section-3
will consist of N-80, 23 lb/ft casing with long threads and couplings, which has an
uncorrected collapse pressure of 4300 psi. Again, neglecting the effect of axial tension due to
the weights of sections 1 and 2, the first assumed setting depth for section-3 is

( ) ( )
0.052 1.125 12
L = = ft

On this basis, the weight of section-2 below section-3 is

( )( ) 7490 6130 26 35400 W = = lb

Total axial load below section-3 (due to section 2 and 1) is

14790 35400 50200 W = + = lb

The corrected collapse pressure for section-3 is

( )
12 12
x x
1.281 10 0.008 10 50200 4090
P = = psi

from which, the second assumed setting depth for section-3 is

( ) ( )
0.052 1.125 12
L = = ft

By continuing the trial-and-error procedure, the setting depth for section-3 is calculated to be
5780 ft. For this setting depth, the total weights of section-1 and section-2 is 59200 lb, and the
collapse pressure of section-3 is 4060 psi. The maximum length of section-3 can be
determined by checking the maximum allowable joint load and maximum yield load,

W = = lb


( ) ( )
80000 5.105
W = = lb

respectively. The maximum length of section-3 is

( )
sec 3
200000 59200

= = ft

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which is again greater than the setting depth. Thus, collapse pressure continues to be the
controlling factor, and will determine the setting depth of section-4. The least expensive of the
remaining grades and weights is J-55, 26 lb/ft casing with short threads and couplings. The
setting depth of section-4 is found by trial-and-error to be 5310 ft, the total weight of sections
1, 2 and 3is 71400 lb, and the collapse pressure of section-4 is 3730. The maximum allowable
joint load and yield loads for section-4 are, respectively,

W = = lb


( )( )
55000 5.998
W = = lb

The maximum length of section-4 is

( )
sec 4
172500 71400

= = ft

Since 3890 ft is less than the setting depth of section-4 (which is 5310 ft), the setting depth for
section-5 is not governed by collapse pressure, but by joint strength. Section-5 is composed of
J-55, 26 lb/ft with long threads and couplings (stronger than J-55, 26 lb/ft with short threads
and couplings), has a setting depth given by

sec 5
5310 3890 1420 L

= = ft

For section-5, maximum allowable joint and yield loads are, respectively,

W = = lb


( )( )
55000 5.998
W = = lb

The weight of all casings below section-5 is

( ) x 71400 26 3890 172500 + = lb

The maximum length of section-5 is

197500 172500

= ft

The setting depth of section-6 is

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sec 6
1420 960 460 L

= = ft

It is obvious that, section-6 must consist of casing with a joint strength greater than that of
section-5 (i.e., greater than 395000 lb). No weight of J-55 casing will satisfy this requirement,
and, therefore, N-80, 23 lb/ft casing with long threads and couplings must be used. For
section-6, allowable joint and yield loads are, respectively,

W = = lb


( ) ( )
80000 5.998
W = = lb

The weight of all casings below section-6 is

( ) x 172500 26 960 197500 + = lb

The maximum length of section-6 is

200000 197500

= ft

The setting depth of section-7 is

sec 7
460 110 350 L

= = ft

Section-7 must consist of casing with a joint strength greater than 400000 lb. The obvious
choice is N-80, 26 lb/ft casing with long threads and couplings. For this casing, from
calculations previously made, the maximum joint load and maximum yield load are, 230000
lb and 384000 lb, respectively. The total weight of the previous sections is 200000 lb. The
maximum length for section-7 is, therefore,

230000 200000

= ft.

Since this is greater than the allowable setting depth of section-7, this section can continue to
the top of the hole. Summarizing,
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1 7490-8000 510 N-80 29 L
2 5780-7490 1710 N-80 26 L
3 5310-5780 470 N-80 23 L
4 1420-5310 3890 J-55 26 S
5 460-1420 960 J-55 26 L
6 350-460 110 N-80 23 L
7 0-350 350 N-80 26 L

The calculations involving design factors are tabulated below;

Section N
1 2.04 1.277 35.2 37.3
2 1.81 1.125 7.77 8.11
3 1.58 1.125 5.60 5.71
4 1.24 1.125 2.00 1.91
5 1.24 3.54 2.00 1.67
6 1.58 11.55 2.00 2.04
7 1.81 19.50 2.20 2.30

The design problem discussed above was worked out in a great deal more detail than is
normally necessary. It is obvious that, once the joint strength becomes the controlling factor,
it is unnecessary to check for collapse resistance for each section. It is also apparent that, in
most instances, the design factor for axial yielding will be satisfied if the design factor for
joint strength is satisfied.

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