Casing Design

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Casing Design

Casing Design

 Why Run Casing ?

 Types of Casing Strings
 Classification of Casing

Casing Design
What is casing? Casing


•Casing is defined as a heavy large steel pipe

which can be lowered into the well for the
following functions:

Casing Design
Why run casing?

1. To prevent the hole from caving in

2. Onshore - to prevent contamination of fresh

water sands

3. To prevent water migration to producing


Casing Design

4. To confine production to the wellbore

5. To control pressures during drilling

6. To provide an acceptable environment for subsurface

equipment in producing wells

7. To enhance the probability of drilling to total depth


Pf = 0.6

Where will casing strings be set?

Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

shale Pf = 0.65

Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

Pf = 0.8

Pf = 0.85 psi/ft
Pf = 0.6

Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

shale Pf = 0.65

Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

Pf = 0.8

What happens if the well drills below Pf = 0.85 psi/ft

the shale with the light mud? Can mud
weight be increased without breaking
down an upper zone?
Pf = 0.6

Pp = 0.43 psi/ft
Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

shale Pf = 0.65

Pp = 0.33 psi/ft
Pf = 0.6 psi/ft

Pf = 0.8

Pp = 0.65 psi/ft
Pf = 0.85 psi/ft
Classification of Casing
Component Parts of A Casing String


Casing Types
Conductor Casing
• Seal off unconsolidated formations at
shallow depths

• Stop washouts under the drilling rig.

• Protect fresh water sands.

• To give a base and support for the next

string of casing
Casing Types
Conductor Casing

• The conductor pipe is the first casing to be put in place, and

is generally installed before the rig arrives on location.

• Such casing can be driven to +/- 200 feet, depend on refusal


• Conductor casing measuring between 16 to 30" outside

diameter for onshore & between 24 to 48" for offshore.
Casing Types
Surface Casing

• Protect water sands

• Support the wellhead and BOP

• Case unconsolidated formations

• Support other casings

• Case off lost circulation zones

Casing Types
Surface Casing

• Surface casing is the first string of casing used after the

conductor pipe.

• It is required in some instances by law (to protect ground

water) and is normally cemented full length.

• Surface casing supports the BOP stack and subsequent

casing and tubing strings and is normally the only string
designed to carry compression loads.
Casing Types
Intermediate Casing
Intermediate casing is any string
between the surface and production
string. Intermediate casing may or
may not be cemented full length, may
be used to:

1. Seal off weaker zones

2. Protect previous casing strings

from higher Pburst
Casing Types
Production Casing

• The fourth but not necessarily the final

string of pipe run in the hole is the
production casing.

• The production casing is used to control

the hydrocarbon bearing zones that will be
Casing Types
Production Casing

• Production casing should be set before completing

the well for production. It should be cemented in a
manner necessary to cover or isolate all zones which
contain hydrocarbons.
Example Hole and String Sizes (in)

Hole Size Pipe Size

Structural casing
36” 30”
Conductor string
26” 20”

Surface pipe
17 1/2 13 3/8

12 1/4 Production Liner 9 5/8

8 3/4 7
Example Hole and String Sizes (in)

Structural casing Mudline

Conductor string



Surface pipe
Production Liner

Types of Liners

Types of Liners

1. Drilling liners are used to isolate lost circulation or

abnormally pressured zones to permit deeper drilling.
2. Production liners are run instead of a full casing to provide
isolation across the production or injection zones.
3. The tie-back liner is a section of casing extending upwards
from the top of an existing liner to the surface. It may or may
not, be cemented in place.
4. The scab liner is a section of casing that does not reach the
surface. It is used to repair existing damaged casing. It is
normally sealed with packers at top and bottom and, in
some cases, is also cemented.
5. The scab tie-back liner is a section of casing extending from
the top of an existing liner but does reach the surface. The
scab tie-back liner is normally cemented in place.
Recommended Casing sizes
for Hole sizes
Casing Design
Bit – Hole - Casing

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