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Anatomical Details
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Movementpace 69General Proportions and Measurements
of the Figure
The figure advanced here departs from the waditional length of
seven and one-half heads, and is established at eight and three-quarter
heads for the total figure length, Using the head as a unit of measure-
ment to determine its proportions, the divisions are as follows:
1. The Front Torso: Three heads long, from a line drawn acros
the shoulders to the pubic arch, it divides (a) across the base line of
the pectozals: (1b) across the line of the umbilicus or navel; (¢) across
the line of the pubic arch
2. The Back Torso: Three and a half heads long, from a line drawn
across the shoulders to the base of the buttocks, it divides (a) across
the base line of the shoulder blades; (bs) across a line drawn through
the center of the externus oblique muscles (the line of the navel in
front); (c) actoss the line of the coccyx bone at the base of the spine
(the line of the pubic arch in front); (d) across the line of the base
of the buttocks.
3, The Neck: One-half head long in the erect position, from the
point of the chin to the pit of the neck.
4, The Arm; Two and three-quarter heads long, from the collar
bone attachment to the wrist, it divides at the elbow across the line of
the umbilicus. The wrist lies on the position of the great trochanter,
across the line of the pubic arch in front and the coccyx bone in the
rear, The hand length adds three-quarters of a head to the arm; thus,
the total length of the arms is three and a half heads long,
5. The Leg: Four heads long, from the great trochanter to the
high inner ankle bone, it divides mid-point at the knee, The foot adds
one-fourth head to the length; thus, the total length of the leg is four
and a quarter heads long,
6. The Hand: Three-quarters of a head in length, or the distance
from the point of the chin to the hairline; the width is one-quarter of
a head wide, or the distance from the hase of the nose to the point of
the chin.
1. The Foot: The foot length is equal to the length of the forearm,
or one and a third heads long; the width at the front of the foot is one-
half head wide
The finer details of measurement in the body are developed in the
chapter on the Details of Anatomy and are integrated with the specific
descriptions of each of the figure sections,
race 71