This document provides guidelines for planning, designing, constructing, operating and closing tailings dams produced by ANCOLD. It aims to update ANCOLD's 1999 guidelines and provide more information on risk management and designing for closure. The guidelines support documents from the Australian government and international organizations on sustainable tailings management. They are intended to provide technical details to allow tailings dams to be developed according to leading practice and ensure safety and cost-effectiveness over the full lifecycle from planning to post-closure.
This document provides guidelines for planning, designing, constructing, operating and closing tailings dams produced by ANCOLD. It aims to update ANCOLD's 1999 guidelines and provide more information on risk management and designing for closure. The guidelines support documents from the Australian government and international organizations on sustainable tailings management. They are intended to provide technical details to allow tailings dams to be developed according to leading practice and ensure safety and cost-effectiveness over the full lifecycle from planning to post-closure.
This document provides guidelines for planning, designing, constructing, operating and closing tailings dams produced by ANCOLD. It aims to update ANCOLD's 1999 guidelines and provide more information on risk management and designing for closure. The guidelines support documents from the Australian government and international organizations on sustainable tailings management. They are intended to provide technical details to allow tailings dams to be developed according to leading practice and ensure safety and cost-effectiveness over the full lifecycle from planning to post-closure.
This document provides guidelines for planning, designing, constructing, operating and closing tailings dams produced by ANCOLD. It aims to update ANCOLD's 1999 guidelines and provide more information on risk management and designing for closure. The guidelines support documents from the Australian government and international organizations on sustainable tailings management. They are intended to provide technical details to allow tailings dams to be developed according to leading practice and ensure safety and cost-effectiveness over the full lifecycle from planning to post-closure.
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The document provides guidelines for planning, design, construction, operation and closure of tailings dams.
The purpose is to provide a single base document that supports other publications on tailings management with engineering details accepted by authorities and companies involved in tailings dams.
The 1999 ANCOLD Guidelines on Tailings Dam Design, Construction and Operation are being updated to include new information on designing for closure and risk assessment.
This is a draft document and has not
been released for use.
IMPORTA!T DISCLAIMER ANCOLD Incorporated and its members, the Convenor and Members of the Working Group which developed these Guidelines, and the independent Reviewers, do not accept responsibility for the consequences of any action taken or omitted to be taken by any person, whether a purchaser of this publication or not, as a consequence of anything contained in this publication. No persons should act on the basis of anything contained in this publication without appropriate professional advice in relation to the particular circumstances. GUIDELINES ON TAILINGS DAMS PLANNING, DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND CLOSURE May 2011 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T D R A F T ANCOLD produced their Guidelines on Tailings Dam Design, Construction and Operation in 1999. Since that time the publication has been widely used within Australia and internationally where the expertise of Australian practice has been recognised. In the ten years since the release these Guidelines there has been considerable increase in the recognition of environmental responsibilities by the mining industry and its regulators, particularly in addressing the concept of sustainable mining. This has culminated in Australia with the release of Tailings Management one of a series of publications outlining Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry published by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR). ANCOLD has prepared these new guidelines to provide a single base document that supports the DITR publication and others like it, with engineering detail that can be accepted by all relevant government authorities, and national and international companies involved in tailings dam development, allowing them to undertake design and construction consistent with leading industry practice. The new guidelines include Foreword much of the original guidelines but with appropriate updating. There is considerable new information on designing for closure and on the use of risk assessment techniques to assist in design and management. ANCOLD is pleased to make this contribution towards safe and cost-effective tailings dams. The work is the result of the Tailings Dam Sub-committee of ANCOLD and I take this opportunity to thank these members for the unselfsh contribution oI their time and experience. These guidelines are not a design, construction or operation code, and dams personnel must continue to apply their own considerations, judgements and professional skills when designing and managing tailings dams. As time goes on there will no doubt be improvement in contemporary tailings dam practice and it is intended that these guidelines will be updated as circumstances dictate. ANCOLD welcomes comments on these guidelines which will assist with future revisions. !eil Blaike Chairman, ANCOLD Membership of the A!COLD Working Group Membership of the Ancold Working Group for Guidelines on Planning, Design, Construction, Operation and Closure of Tailings Storage Facilities David Brett, (Convener) Principal Engineer, Water and Waste Management - GHD Pty Ltd Imran Gillani Principal Engineer - URS Australia Pty Ltd Keith Seddon Principal Engineer - ATC Williams Pty Ltd Norm Himsley Consultant and Member - NSW Dam Safety Committee Russ McConnell Manager Containment Systems Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM), Queensland Dr Gary Bentel Consultant Dr Bruce Brown Chief Adviser, Tailings and Dams, Technology and Innovation - Rio Tinto Professor Andy Fourie Professor of Civil Engineering - The University of Western Australia Professor David Williams Golder Professor of Geomechanics - The University of Queensland Reviewers John Phillips Principal Engineer - GHD Pty Ltd, Australia Rob Williamson Knight Piesold, South Africa D R A F T D R A F T Table of Contents 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings 26 4.1 Introduction 26 4.2 Physical and Engineering Characteristics 26 4.2.2 Compression/Consolidation Tests 27 4.2.3 Permeability Tests 27 4.2.4 Strength Tests 27 4.2.6 In-situ Testing 28 4.2.7 Field Trials 28 4.3 Mineralogy and Chemistry 28 4.3.1 Geochemistry of the Liquid and Solid Components 28 4.4 Rheology and Transport of Tailings 29 4.5 Tailings Beaches 29 5.0 Design - Water Management 30 5.1 Design Criteria 30 5.1.1 Spillways 30 5.1.2 No-spill Allowances 30 5.2 The Water Balance 31 5.3 Stream Management 31 5.4 Rainfall Run-Off 32 5.5 Tailings Decant Water 32 5.6 Evaporation 32 5.7 Water Recovery 32 5.8 Seepage 33 5.8.1 General 33 5.8.2 Predicting seepage quality and quantity 33 5.8.3 Components of a seepage model 34 5.8.4 Monitoring and verifcation 34 5.8.5 Predicting impact on groundwater 35 5.8.6 Environmental Assimilative Capacity 35 5.8.7 Design Measures to Minimise Seepage 35 5.8.8 Lining of TSFs 35 5.9 Drains and Filters 36 6.0 Design Embankment 37 6.1 Stability Analysis 37 6.1.1 Stability Evaluations 37 6.1.2 Methods of Stability Analyses 37 6.1.3 Loading Conditions 37 Drained condition: 37 Undrained condition: 38 Pseudo-static Condition: 38 Post-seismic Condition: 38 6.1.4 Shear Strength Characterisation 39 6.1.5 Acceptable Factors of Safety 40 6.1.6 Additional Points to Consider 40 6.1.7 Progressive Failure 40 6.1.8 Reliability and Sensitivity Analyses 40 6.2 Earthquake Considerations 41 6.3 Settlement 41 6.4 Durability of Construction Materials 42 6.5 Design Report 42 6.6 Third-Party Reviews 42 Table of Contents 1.0 Scope 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Past Lessons Learnt 1 1.3 Sustainable Use of Dams for Tailings Storage 2 1.4 The need for these Guidelines 2 1.5 Australian Regulations and Guidelines 3 1.6 Consultations 4 1.7 Procedure for Tailings Dam Life Cycle Management 4 1.8 Defnitions 6 2.0 Key Management Considerations 8 2.1 Selection of Waste Disposal Strategy 8 2.1.1 Disposal Strategies 8 2.1.2 General Principles for Above Ground Tailings Dam Disposal 8 2.2 Risk Management 9 2.2.1 Risk Management Process 9 2.2.2 Risk Assessment 10 2.3 Consequence Category 10 2.4 Planning 14 2.4.1 Life of Mine Planning 14 2.4.2 Key TSF Planning Objectives 14 2.4.3 Important TSF Planning Data 15 2.5 Tailings Management Plan 15 2.5.1 Design Planning 16 2.5.2 Construction Planning 16 2.5.3 Operation Planning 17 2.5.4 Emergency Response Plan/Dam Safety Emergency Plan 17 2.5.5 Closure and Rehabilitation Planning 17 2.5.6 Observational approach 17 2.6 External (Third Party) Review 18 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles 19 3.1 System Components 19 3.2 Environmental Protection Measures 19 3.2.1 Overview 19 3.2.2 Protecting the Community 20 3.2.3 Protecting Waters, Air and Land 20 3.2.4 Protection of Fauna 20 3.3 Delivery 20 3.4 Methods of Discharge and Depositional Strategies 21 3.4.1 Methods of Discharge 21 3.4.2 Depositional Strategies 21 3.4.3 Segregation and Beach Slope 22 3.4.4 Decant Pond 22 3.5 Methods of Containment 23 3.5.1 Constructed Storages 23 3.5.2 Self-Stacking Tailings 23 3.5.3 Existing Voids 23 Open Pits 24 Voids in Waste Dumps 24 Underground Mine Disposal 24 3.5.4 Co-Disposal 24 3.6 Discharge to Environment 25 3.7 Method of Construction 25 3.7.1 Staged Construction 25 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD 1 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T D R A F T 1.1 Introduction These Guidelines have been produced by ANCOLD to update and extend the previous ANCOLD Guidelines on Design, Construction and Operation of Tailings Dams, 1999. The revised Guidelines were seen as necessary, to not only review the general technical content oI the document but specifcally to highlight the consideration of risk through all aspects of the tailings dam life cycle, and also to extend the advice on designing for the closure and post-closure phases. The Guidelines are intended to support existing guidelines such as Tailings Management one of a series of publications outlining Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry published by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR, 2007). It is intended that the ANCOLD Guidelines provide additional advice to designers intending to achieve sustainable development as defned by the Bruntland Report (UNWCED, 1987) and adopted by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) as being: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In the mining and metals sector, this means that investments should be fnancially proftable, technically appropriate, environmentally sound and socially responsible (ICMM, 2003). Attention is also drawn to an ICOLD Bulletin on Sustainable Design and Post-Closure Performance of Tailings Dams, currently (2010) in draft form, that reinforces many of the parameters described in this ANCOLD Guideline. This ANCOLD Guideline introduces the concept of design evolution, whereby initial design should adopt conservative, best estimate design parameters on the basis of available data that can be progressively refned as real data becomes available. This is 1.0 Scope 1.0 SCOPE commonly known as the observational approach to design. This Guideline is primarily directed at providing advice on the above ground storage of tailings but many of the principles apply to other forms of tailings containment. 1.2 Past Lessons Learnt The mining industry has learnt from many tailings storage failures and incidents in recent decades that are helping to develop leading practice tailings management. The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Bulletin 121 (2001) provides a comprehensive report of these lessons, drawing from a range of tailings storage facility failures and incidents. The main causes of failures and incidents identifed were: lack oI control oI the water balance lack oI control oI construction, and a general lack oI understanding oI the Ieatures that control safe operations. Tailings containment wall failures were (in order of prevalence): slope instability earthquake loading overtopping inadequate Ioundations, and seepage. Tailings incidents appear to be more common where upstream construction was employed compared with downstream construction. Tailings containment walls constructed using the downstream method performed similarly to water-retaining embankments. ICOLD Bulletin 121 also concluded that successful ANCOLDs charter is to promote and assist in the development of safe and technically appropriate dams. This charter includes a focus on dams used for the containment of tailings and other wastes, which, along with the normal hazards associated with water dams, have the additional potential for major environmental impact if not properly conceived, designed, constructed, operated and closed in an appropriate manner. 7.0 Construction 43 7.1 Introduction 43 7.2 Supervision and Documentation 43 7.2.1 General 43 7.2.2 Design Engineer 43 7.2.3 Responsible Engineer 43 7.2.4 Quality Control/Quality Assurance 43 7.2.5 Construction Site Management 44 7.3 Storage Preparation 47 7.3.1 Clearing and Stripping 47 7.3.2 Springs and Permeable Ground 47 7.3.3 Preparation for Liners 47 7.4 Foundation Preparation 47 7.5 Instrumentation 48 7.6 Source of Materials 48 7.7 Use of Tailings for Construction 49 7.7.1 Perimeter Embankments 49 7.7.2 Hydrocyclones 49 7.8 Staged Construction 50 7.9 Commissioning 51 7.10 As Built Drawings and Construction Report 51 8.0 Operation 52 8.1 Management and Training 52 8.2 Operations Plan 52 8.3 Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual 53 8.4 Monitoring and Surveillance 53 8.5 Embankment Raising 55 8.6 Dam Safety Emergency Plan 56 8.7 Maintenance 56 8.8 Security 56 9.0 Closure 57 9.1 Sustainable Closure 57 9.2 Closure Plan 57 9.3 Closure Options 58 9.4 Closure Issues 58 9.5 Relinquishment 58 10.0 References 59 List of Figures Figure 1 Tailings Storage Management over the TSF Lifecycle 5 Figure 2 Management structure for contractor constructed TSF 45 Figure 3 Management Structure for Owner Constructed TSF 46 List of Tables Table 1 Severity Level impacts assessment 12 Table 2 Recommended consequence category 13 Table 3 Recommended design foods Ior spillway design and Ireeboard allowance 30 Table 4 Additional Wet Season storage allowance - Fall-back method 30 Table 5 Acceptable factors of safety 39 Table 6 Dam safety inspections levels 54 Table 7 Frequency of Inspection 54 Table of Contents A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams 2 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 3 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T planning and management of tailings storage facilities could beneft greatly Irom: the involvement oI stakeholders thorough investigations and risk assessments comprehensive documentation, and tailings management integrated into mine planning, operations and closure. 1.3 Sustainable Use of Dams for Tailings Storage Tailings, or contaminated waters associated with tailings have the potential to be one of the most signifcant environmental impacts Irom a mining or processing operation, not only during operations but also long after closure of the mine or processing plant. Over the last 30 years there has been a substantial improvement in our understanding of the design requirements and methods to allow design of safe tailings storage structures. This knowledge must now be extended to cover the safety of the storages into the extreme long-term, well after the closure of the mining operation, extending the concept of stewardship and enduring value. The viability of a surface storage tailings dam needs to be properly explored, taking into account the potential costs of closure and long-term post-closure maintenance. There will be a range of alternative possibilities, some of which may offer substantial benefts with regard to the long-term stability and environmental risk. Possibilities could include: backflling oI mine voids, including underground workings alternative use (e.g. as a construction material) reprocessing to remove problematic components, and sub-aqueous disposal in a non-sensitive location. 1.4 The need for these Guidelines Tailings dams have many similarities to conventional water holding dams. However, ANCOLD considers that there are suIfcient important diIIerences to justiIy a specifc guideline Ior Tailings Dams. 1.0 Scope Tailings dams comprise structures to store unwanted waste from a mineral extraction, power generation or manufacturing process. This gives rise to the following particular features which differ from conventional dams: the embankments must store solids deposited as a slurry as well as manage free water both the solids and waters stored in tailings dams may contain contaminants which have the potential for environmental harm if not contained both now and in the future their operating liIe may be relatively short but they are potentially required to safely store the tailings for extremely long periods of time, possibly in perpetuity they are oIten built in stages over a number oI years the construction, particularly any subsequent raising, sometimes may be undertaken by mine personnel without the level of civil engineering input or control applied to conventional water dams the materials, both those used Ior embankment construction and the tailings themselves, are likely to vary during mine life water management is crucial, particularly iI harmful materials are contained seepage and dust may have a major impact on the environment daily operations such as placement oI tailings and recovery of water are critical to the safety of the storage the flling rate, the ultimate height and even the overall storage confguration may well change in unforeseeable ways during construction and operation, and the storage must be designed with mine closure in mind, so as to create a permanent, maintenance free deposit that does not pose any unacceptable long-term environmental impact or risk. To highlight these differences, the term Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) is often used, instead of dam. In some cases, tailings storage can be successfully achieved with minimal requirement for embankment dams in the traditional sense. 1.0 Scope The primary objectives for the design of a TSF are: the saIe and stable containment oI tailings and contaminants the saIe management oI decant and rainIall runoII the management oI seepage the ability to achieve long-term eIIective closure, leaving no unacceptable environmental legacy, and The meeting oI these objectives in a cost eIIective manner. 1.5 Australian Regulations and Guidelines The regulation of tailings dams in Australia comes under State Government mining legislation. In Western Australia, the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), through the Mining Act 1978, Mining Act Regulations 1981, Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and Mine Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995, regulates safety and environmental aspects of tailings disposal. Western Australia has produced three guidance manuals to improve tailings management, namely: The Guidelines on the SaIe Design and Operating Standards for Tailings Storage (DME 1999) Guidelines on the Development oI an Operating Manual for Tailings Storage (DME 1998), and Water Quality Protection Guidelines No .2 Tailings Facilities (DME 2000). In Victoria, the Minerals and Petroleum Division (MPD) of the Victorian Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is responsible for regulating the minerals, petroleum and extractive industries within Victoria and its offshore waters, including Commonwealth waters. The MPD manages the administration of the Mineral Resources Development Act 1990 and the Extractive Industry Development Act 1995. Victoria has produced a document entitled, Management of Tailings Storage Facilities which sets out regulatory policies and provides guidelines for tailings storage in the state of Victoria (DPI 2003). In Queensland, while the mining and other extractive industries are regulated under industry specifc legislation, tailings storage facilities are regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 using the advice given in the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Management in Exploration and Mining Industry 1995. It contains specifc guidelines, amongst many others, on Tailings Management, Site Water Management and Water Discharge Management. In Tasmania a mining lease is required under the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995. Dam safety is handled under The Water Management Act 1999 which highlights in part 8, the regulations on dam construction maintenance and decommissioning. There are no specifc regulations or tailings management guidelines for tailings storage facilities in Tasmania. In South Australia there are no specifc regulations on tailings storage, and guidelines for tailings impoundment construction and operation have been adopted from Western Australia and Victoria. South Australian regulators are moving away from prescriptive regulations to more objective methods and risk management. In New South Wales (NSW) tailings dam safety is handled under the Dams Safety Act 1978 overseen by the NSW Dams Safety Committee. The NSW Department of Primary Industries also handles operational matters relating to mining under the NSW Mining Act. The NSW Dams Safety Committee in June 2010 produced a number of updated Guidance Sheets covering a range of aspects related to dam safety. In particular DSC3F covers tailings dams, but many of the others are relevant. In 2007 the Australian Government through the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, published a Manual entitled Tailings Management, which was one of a series of publications outlining Leading Practice Sustainable Development for the Mining Industry (DITR, 2007). This guideline outlines a risk based approach to tailings management that synthesises the understanding of key issues affecting sustainable development. Prior to publication of the Tailings Management Manual, the Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MCMPR) and the Minerals Council of Australia produced a document in 2003 entitled, Strategic Framework for Tailings Management. This document focused on stewardship, stakeholder engagement, risk management, implementation and the closure aspects of tailings storage (MCMPR and MCA, 2003). It was not intended to provide a detailed set of guidelines on tailings 4 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 5 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 1.0 Scope management, but to compliment tailings regulations and state specifc tailings guidance manuals where they exist. The goal of this document was to establish regulatory and industrial input to develop more consistent guidelines for tailings storage within Australia. 1.6 Consultations A key success element of an extractive industry is acceptance by the community that the industry is operating in a sustainable manner, wherein the benefts to the community and the environment outweigh the disturbance caused by the operation of the industry. Tailings dams, open cut pits and rock waste dumps are the main visible legacies left behind by extractive industries. Most of the Australian Regulations and guidelines require some form of consultation with stakeholders at various stages in the development of a project involving tailings dams. Prior knowledge of likely impacts amongst stakeholders could avoid issues associated with the appearance of the impacts. With tailings dams, the key stakeholders are usually: The background land owners (Iarmers, traditional owners, etc.) The surrounding community (neighbours, etc.) The Local Government Authority (roads, support infrastructure etc.) The Industry Regulatory Authority (approvals, surveillance, etc.) Persons involved with Planning, Design, Construction, Operation and Closure of tailings dams need to be aware of the consultation requirements in each state. 1.7 Procedure for Tailings Dam Life Cycle Management Tailings storages must meet legislative requirements and generally conform to recognised guidelines. The processes needed to authorise a tailings storage are similar irrespective of the location or nature of the project. A typical process is described in Figure 1. Activities are grouped within functional interest groups (lower left corner of an activity box) as follows: MINE represents the project owner, including commercial interests, project management, operations, safety, liability, etc. ENG representing activities which predominantly require the application of engineering and other professional skills REG representing the regulatory Iunctions required by laws that have to be met so that the project can take place, and STAKE representing the community and other stakeholders affected by a project including land owners, local authorities, infrastructure support, environmental values, heritage, etc. The outputs described in the bottom activity boxes refect the primary objectives oI project tenure within a supportive community, resulting in safe, sustainable and cost-effective tailings storage.
1.0 Scope Figure 1 Tailings Storage Management over the TSF Lifecycle Procedure for Planning , Design, Construction, Operation and Closure of Tailings Dams LEGEND MINE Mine owner//Operator ENG Engineering function REG Regulatory authority Tailings Dams STAKE Stake holders (Land owners etc.) TAILINGS FACILITY LIFECYCLE PROCEDURE MINE DEVELOPMENT PHASES OUTPUT INPUT Identify and Characterise Waste Products Mining Resource Data (ore body etc) Feasability MINE 4 Estimate Production Rates and Final Volumes MINE 2.4.3 Identify Special Requirements for Waste Management ENG 4 Identify Potential Waste Disposal Strategies and Sites ENG Establish Risk Management Framework Geographical Data (disposal sites, Soil materials, etc) Planning MINE/ENG Develop Waste Disposal Conceptional Plan ENG Consultations with Regulators and Stake Holders MINE AGREE on land use & Design Criteria Operational Aspects MINE/REG/STAKE Prepare Detailed Design of Waste Management System Mineral Process Data Design ENG Design Waste Management System Infrastructure ENG Submit Proposals for Approval MINE Review Proposals & Issue Approvals, Leases & Licenses REG MINE REC/STAKE MINE Proceed with Developement of Mine Economic Waste Disposal System Sustainable Safe Waste Disposal Strategy Project Tenure Regulatory Approvals Stakeholder Acceptance Water Management Data Operation MINE Operate Mine Monitor & Review Tailings Placement MINE Decomission Tailings Storage MINE/ENG Mine Closure MINE/REG/STAKE 2.1 2.223 2.4-2.6 1.6 3.5 6 1.5 1.5 7 8 9 6 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 7 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 1.0 Scope 1.8 Denitions Tailings (or Tailing or Tails) - Tailings, or tails comprise the residue or waste that comes out of the tail end of a processing plant. The processes that produce tailings can be: mineral processing to extract metals or compounds from ore benefciation processes that upgrade ore, coal, etc by removing some or all of unwanted materials washing processes including sand or coal washing, and clay upgrade residue (ash or Iume) Irom combustion oI coal, or from blast furnaces, and by-products Irom chemical reactions within a process (e.g. gypsum). These processes generally produce fne-grained products as a result of ore crushing, pre-existing grain sizes or chemical precipitation. The processes themselves are generally water based and the tailings are for the most part produced as a slurry of solid particles suspended in water. Waste products that are essentially liquid only are not considered as tailings, although a number of principles for storing such products are similar to those outlined in this Guideline. The volume of such tailings is extremely large since some extraction processes pass virtually all of the mined ore through to the tailings system. Tailings Storage - a site where processing wastes are temporarily or permanently stored, not necessarily formed by a dam structure. Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) - includes the tailings storage, containment embankments and associated infrastructure. Tailings Dam - a structure or embankment that is built to retain tailings and/or to manage water associated with the storage of tailings, and includes the contents of the structure. This does not include separate water dams (e.g. seepage collection dams) that may be part of the overall TSF. Freeboard - the vertical distance between the operating or predicted water level in a storage and the level where water would overfow the dam. Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) - the theoretical greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration that is physically possible over a particular catchment. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) - the largest food hydrograph resulting from PMP and, where applicable, snowmelt, coupled with the worst food-producing catchment conditions that can be realistically expected in the prevailing meteorological conditions. Annual Exceedence Probability (AEP) - the probability that a particular storm or event will be exceeded in any year. 1 in 1000 AEP Storm (or 1 in 100 AEP or 1 in 10,000 AEP) - a storm event which produces a rainfall that is statistically likely to occur once in a 1000 years (or 100 or 10,000 years) at the site under study. Storage Capacity - The storage of the facility, usually referred to as dry tonnes. This requires knowledge of the in-situ dry density of the tailings likely to be achieved in the storage. Solids Content (or concentration) - mass of solids as a percentage of the combined mass of solids plus liquids in a slurry. Water Content - (process engineering defnition) mass of water as a percentage of the combined mass of solids plus liquids 1.0 Scope Moisture Content - (geotechnical defnition) mass oI evaporable water as a percentage of the mass of solids. Slimes - silt or clay size material, usually with a high water content. Specifc Gravity (or Soil Particle Density) - mass per unit of solid volume of the solids particles in the tailings. Slurry Density (or Pulp Density) - total mass of slurry per unit of total volume of the solids plus liquids. Dry Density - mass of solids per unit volume of the solids plus liquids plus air voids Failure - the occurrence of an event outside the expectation of the design or facility licence conditions, that could range from the uncontrolled release of water including seepage, to a major instability of an embankment leading to loss of tailings. Design Engineer - Person with appropriate qualifcations and experience responsible Ior the design of the tailings dam. Responsible Engineer - Person with appropriate qualifcations and experience responsible Ior the supervision of construction, or subsequent raising of the tailings dam. Ideally this should be the Design Engineer, or iI not, well defned linkage between the design and supervision personnel should be developed to ensure that design requirements are met by the construction phase. Consequence Category - The ranking of the severity oI the consequences oI dam Iailure as defned by ANCOLD Guideline on Consequence Categories of Dams, (Draft released April 2011) This term supersedes Hazard 8 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 9 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations 2.0 KEY MA!AGEME!T CO!SIDERATIO!S The objective of planning is to ensure a commitment to managing an appropriate level of risk during all phases of the life cycle of a tailings dam, including concept development, design, construction, operation, decommissioning, rehabilitation, ongoing monitoring and the extended post-closure period 2.1 Selection of Waste Disposal Strategy 2.1.1 Disposal Strategies A tailings disposal strategy will describe the selected method of transporting, discharging, storing and permanent retention of tailings waste products. A disposal strategy must be selected to suit the type of process, the fnal volumes, the tailings characteristics, the nature of the available disposal area, the local climate, long-term requirements including capping, environmental impacts and any Statutory requirements. The strategy must consider the closure and post- closure costs to ensure that the correct decisions are made during concept development. Disposal strategies need to consider both the method of containment, the method of disposal and the method of closure, post-closure monitoring and ultimate relinquishment or maintenance. Containment Method: single-stage earth-fll embankment multi-stage raising, possibly using tailings as a construction material stacked, dry tailings within voids created by waste rock piles backflling oI open cut mines underground mine/stope fll, and seabed disposal (not covered by this Guideline). Disposal Method subaqueous into areas where water covers the deposit sub-aerial beaching on areas exposed to the atmosphere hydrocyclone beaching and separation thickened slurry (high density paste or central thickened discharge) co-disposal with coarse rejects or waste rock mechanical or solar drying and dry stacking commercial use (where possible), and Iurther processing. 2.1.2 General Principles for Above Ground Tailings Dam Disposal Generally accepted principles for the management of tailings disposal in above ground dams are listed below. In some circumstances the designer may need to select certain principles at the partial expense of others. Tailings dams should be used primarily Ior the containment of tailings. The amount of water stored on a tailings storage should be minimised to encourage drying and consolidation of the tailings except where specifc design requirements dictate otherwise, such as sub-aqueous disposal to mitigate oxidation or other chemical reaction. Where tailings dams are used as water storages Ior process waters, balancing storages, control of acid generation, or for the storage of harvested runoff waters, consideration should be given to the potential lower in-situ density of the tailings and the increased risk of seepage and overtopping in this situation. The need Ior suitable lining or underdrainage to minimise or manage seepage should be assessed at the initial planning stage, based on thorough hydrogeological studies, chemical analysis of leachate toxicity and impact studies. Seepage from tailings storages should be contained if necessary by downstream collection dams. 2.0 Key Management Considerations Water quality monitoring appropriate to the nature oI the overfow or seepage waters and associated control and treatment systems may need to be installed between the storage and any release point to the external environment. Thick deposits oI wet slimes should be avoided. They commonly result in poorly consolidated and weak tailings, which require greater storage volume and are diIfcult to cap and rehabilitate in the long-term. Deposition oI coarse tailings against embankment walls is to be encouraged for sub-aerial disposal where upstream lifting is proposed to ensure rapid consolidation, drying and gain in strength. Tailings may be stored to a level higher than the crest of the tailings dam wall (e.g. dry stacking) provided that such heaped tailings can be demonstrated to be geotechnically stable under all conditions including earthquakes. Deposition procedures or landIorms, which facilitate excessive dust creation, leaching of tailings and leachate transport should be avoided. The storage Iacility should be designed with consideration to the potential for adverse chemical reactions within the tailings mass, foundations, and storage structures. All storages must be designed with adequate Ireeboard to retain design foods, with spillways to pass higher foods without damaging the dam. Even structures designed to prevent discharge of water need consideration of safe spillage in an event exceeding the design condition. All tailings storages must be monitored to enable performance to be compared with design assumptions, and the Iacility then modifed as necessary. Staged construction should be used where practical to minimise initial capital cost and to enable changes to improve performance and/or process operations and/or production to be accommodated in future stages. The design must take into account the requirements for long-term closure, which may include the expectation of producing a long-term stable landform with no ongoing maintenance beyond that for natural landforms or similar land uses. 2.2 Risk Management 2.2.1 Risk Management Process Major tailings dam failures may be relatively infrequent, but the consequential harm can be enormous. Past failures have led to loss of life, catastrophic environmental damage, public outrage, restrictive regulatory intervention and associated fnancial losses and costs Ior the company responsible. There are signifcant measurable fnancial, reputation and sustainability benefts associated with achieving leading practice tailings management that effectively manages the potential risks associated with tailings dams during and after their operating lives. Irrespective of the detail and quality of the design, failures can occur if any tailings facility element (e.g. drains, flters) and the system as a whole, are not designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the primary intent of controlling and managing risk. Leading tailings management practice recognises potential design limitations and uncertainties by applying a risk-based management approach throughout the life of the facility from project conception, through design, construction, operation and closure. To minimise, manage and control key risks, a risk management process should be part of the project conception stage, with the application of a waste management hierarchy that attempts to eliminate or reduce the quantity and improve the quality of the waste. Benefcial risk treatments may include: avoiding the risk by deciding not to start or continue with the activity that gives rise to the risk (where this is practicable) eliminating the risk (or specifc hazards) through design reducing the likelihood oI the negative outcomes e.g. through stringent construction quality control, and through implementation of an effective surveillance and response plan reducing the extent and/or severity oI the consequential impacts, including preventative measures such as increasing freeboard or post- event mitigation through emergency response plans, and sharing the risk (win-win) such as backflling a neighbours mine void. 10 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 11 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations This risk-based process starts with the consideration of alternative storage methodologies such as in-pit disposal or co-location of tailings within waste dumps. Where applicable, these techniques can reduce the complexity of the containment structures and their failure likelihood and consequence. The risk-based process then continues into the design and operational phases. Operations should include management plans that track performance against design predictions, monitor leading indicators of failure, trigger design and operating improvements if required, and ensure quick and effective response to signs of distress or impending failure. As tailings storage facilities and the loads applied to them are constantly changing as they store more tailings, risk-based tailings management and planning must also manage these changing circumstances. Managing such change should be a core consideration in the planning, design, construction, closure and rehabilitation of tailings storage facilities. AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management - Principles and guidelines provides a generic guide to managing risk and the key elements of the risk management process. In focussing primarily on those issues that are material to achieving the performance objectives, the risk- based approach also becomes a robust and effective management tool. Activation of this approach at the start of the project provides the dam owner with greater confdence in the design and provides the designer with the ability to tailor the design towards meeting the required risk profle. 2.2.2 Risk Assessment Within the risk management process, risk assessment is used in varying Iorms to evaluate specifc risk issues or a combination of risk events. The type of assessment chosen depends on the complexity of the risk, the criticality of the element under consideration (related to safety, health, environment, business continuity), the potential consequence of a failure, and the quantity and quality of available data . Quantitative risk assessment is frequently used by designers of high consequence category dams to quantiIy and evaluate the risk tolerability oI specifc elements or features of a tailings dam such as spillway capacity (ANCOLD, 2003). Qualitative or semi-quantitative assessments are often used to rank and prioritise risk controls and risk action plans, or to demonstrate the risk associated with a combination of events e.g. fault event tree. A risk assessment of a tailings dam should clearly identify the leading indicators of potential failures, either of individual elements, or in combination where a number of individual issues combine to result in a failure. It is useful to categorise or group leading indicators (that require similar control measures). This will provide greater appreciation of the potential weaknesses in the facility/system, allowing them to be correctly and effectively managed. Risks that are retained as tolerable clearly require the effective implementation of risk controls to maintain their tolerability. Risk management encompasses the regular assessment of the facility performance against its design, during which the likelihood and consequence of hazards are rigorously reassessed, and actions are clearly defned and prioritised to minimise the occurrence or impact of the risks. 2.3 Consequence Category The outcome of a risk assessment should give guidance to the Consequence Category of the tailings dam and lead to selection of appropriate design parameters. This is undertaken by considering the potential failure modes of the facility and the resulting consequences to the business, the social and natural environment and the potential for loss of life. It is noted that ANCOLD are currently developing a revised Guideline on the Consequences of Dam Failure (ANCOLD, 2011), expected to be released in a similar timeframe to this Guideline. The content oI fnal versions oI each document will be aligned prior to release. There are likely to be signifcantly diIIerent consequences for some failure modes, depending on the life stage of the project. For example, erosion would be readily repaired during operation but could become a potential mechanism for large-scale failure post- closure when limited maintenance is likely. Similarly, seepage of contaminated water can be readily collected and treated during operation but could lead to signifcant environmental impact Iollowing closure. The impact of large scale failure of a tailings dam could increase signifcantly with time as the structure increases in scale and height. It is therefore necessary to undertake individual consequence assessments for each of the different phases of dam life. 2.0 Key Management Considerations The Consequence Category should be established using the methodology described in Consequence Guidelines (ANCOLD, 2011). The critical input to determining the Consequence Category is the assessment of the consequences of failure. This involves considering a dam-break simulation under various conditions oI fooding, including 'sunny day (no fooding) and extreme food events. The methodology for the dam-break analysis can involve complex hydrological studies, or for simple cases could follow simple empirical or qualitative methods. For tailings dams the simulation often assumes that tailings are replaced with water, or use more sophisticated methods to model mudfow. Modelling oI the fow oI mixed tailings and water is complex. Considerable judgement would be needed to determine a realistic mudfow scenario. The resulting water or mud fow is mapped in relation to the topography of the areas downstream of the dam, to determine the inundation area and the depth and velocity oI potential fows. The consequences oI this inundation are then evaluated and ranked in accordance with the Population at Risk (PAR), the nature of the receiving environment and the potential severity of impact in relation to the nature of the released material. The new ANCOLD Guidelines on the Consequence Categories oI Dams (2011) diIIer signifcantly Irom the previous guidelines. The term Consequence Category replaces Hazard Rating, and a new level of severity of impact, catastrophic has been introduced. Table 1 shows the recommended severity levels for environmental impact. With tailings that contain potentially harmful materials, it will be necessary to include other potential health and environment impact pathways. It will be necessary for designers to take account of the different physical and geochemical nature of tailings and transport water, as compared to water, when assessing the consequ 12 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 13 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations Table 2 shows the recommended Consequence Category cases (ref A!COLD 2011). As can be seen the 'catastrophic` impact classihcation results in a High Consequence Categorv even when there is no population at risk. As the Consequence Categories are used to determine design parameters and operational requirements for tailings dams, as will be presented in later Chapters of this Guideline, this means that risk assessment using these ANCOLD Guidelines is likelv to recommend higher design parameters for earthquake and ood than previous guidelines. This is considered to be appropriate, particularly when taking into account the extended design life expectations of tailings dams. Table 1 Severity Level impacts assessment (part summary table-see A!COLD Consequence Guidelines (2011) for details) DAMAGE TYPE MI!OR MEDIUM MAJOR CATASTROPHIC Infrastructure (dam, (houses, commerce, farms, community) <$10M $10M-$100M $100M-$1B >$1B Business importance Some restrictions Signifcant impacts Severe to crippling Business dissolution, bankruptcy Public health <100 people affected 100-1000 people affected <1000 people affected for more than one month >10,000 people affected for over one year Social dislocation <100 person or <20 business months 100-1000 person months or 20-2000 business months >1000 person months or >200 business months >10,000 person months or numerous business failures Impact Area <1km 2 <5km 2 <20km 2 >20km 2 Impact Duration <1 (wet) year <5 years <20 years and >20 years Impact on natural environment Damage limited to items of low conservation value (e.g. degraded or cleared land, ephemeral streams, non-endangered fora and Iauna). Remediation possible. Signifcant eIIects on rural land and local fora & fauna. Limited effects on: A. Item(s) of local & state natural heritage. B. Native fora and fauna within forestry, aquatic and conservation reserves, or recognised habitat corridors, wetlands or fsh breeding areas. Extensive rural effects. Signifcant eIIects on river system and areas A & B. Limited effects on: C. Item(s) of National or World natural heritage. D. Native fora and fauna within national parks, recognised wilderness areas, RAMSAR wetlands and nationally protected aquatic reserves. Remediation diIfcult Extensively affects areas A & B. Signifcantly aIIects areas C & D. Remediation involves signifcantly altered ecosystems. 2.0 Key Management Considerations Table 2 Recommended consequence category (Adapted from the ANCOLD Consequence Guidelines Table 3 - the worst case of the three inputs Population at Risk, Receiving Environment and Severity of Damage and Loss- determines the Consequence Category) Note: A, B and C are subdivisions within the HIGH Consequence Category level with A being highest and C being lowest. Population at Risk Severity of Damage and Loss Minor Medium Major Catastrophic <1 Very Low Low Signifcant High C 1 To 10 Signifcant Note 1 Signifcant Note 1 High C High B Note 1 High C High C High B High A 101 To 1,000 High B High A Extreme >1,000 Extreme Extreme Note 1. Change to 'High C` where there is the potential of one or more lives being lost. 14 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 15 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations 2.4 Planning 2.4.1 Life of Mine Planning Tailings storage facilities must be designed to safely contain water and tailings in a dynamic environment, not only during the operational life of the mine, but also for many years after closure of the mine has occurred. There is a wide variation in current acceptable design life periods, varying up to 1000 years in the USA and to 1000-2000 years in the EU noting that closure design is tending to be defned in a geological timescale. The period of 1000 years is considered reasonable, given that in Europe there are currently examples of tailings storages in excess of 800 years old that are being actively monitored. Planning should integrate all the processes, systems, procedures and other activities required for a safe and economical TSF. Issues infuencing the design and management of TSFs include the following: The conceptual design oI appropriate transport, disposal and storage methods (Chapter 3 - Tailings Storage Methods and Deposition Principles) The anticipated tailings properties during the liIe of the mine, and how these may vary (quantity and quality) (Chapter 4 - Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings) The management oI water; either leIt over Irom the transportation of the tailings in a slurry, or from rainfall events (Chapter 5 Water Management) The detailed analysis and design oI the Iacility and its various components including the design of raises and closure (Chapter 6 - Design and Analysis) The construction oI the Iacility (Chapter 7 - Construction) including the construction of intermittent raises The operation oI the storage Iacility (Chapter 8 - Operation) including tailings deposition planning and budgeting for intermittent raises, and monitoring of environmental and leading stability indicators to reconcile performance against design, and Decommissioning and closure to ensure that the post-closure performance will meet stakeholder expectations and regulatory requirements (Chapter 9 - Decommissioning and Closure). Integrated Life of Mine planning should take account of the potential activities that will take place through the total life of the structure. This will include the initial mine life but also consider potential extension of mining or changes in tailings properties that might affect the design. Integrating the planning for tailings storage into Life of Mine planning should also take account of impacts or synergies with all aspects of the mine operation. This can be particularly important to take advantage of other mine wastes for construction, water management impacts on mining and processing and particularly on closure methodology. Often cost and environmental benefts can be made Ior the overall project with minor extra effort or cost impost on one aspect. Optimal tailings storage considerations are often not considered as part of mine or processing operations. An example of this could be the inclusion of strategic waste rock placement at a small cost premium during operations to facilitate major cost savings at closure. 2.4.2 Key TSF Planning Objectives The key objectives of integrated planning include: 1. A TSF design that is optimal (fnancial and environmental) in terms of the whole-of-life storage methodology and design through full consideration of all potential alternatives. 2. Planning should consider the full cost of tailings disposal Irom conceptualisation to fnal decommissioning and rehabilitation, including long-term post-closure maintenance considerations. Considerations should include social, geochemical, environmental, technical and economic aspects, particularly the long-term impacts. 3. Correct designs through the full understanding of the setting, the operating environment and the potential risks including mitigatory measures to prevent adverse impact. 4. Key decisions must be based on all issues involved, particularly when using discounted cash fow methods that may minimalise the fnancial impacts associated with long-term risks issues. Decision making should be based on the whole of life evaluation of the potential consequences (cost, health, safety, environmental and community). 5. Decision making and implementation should allow an adequate margin of safety, and risks should be kept below levels that place an undue exposure to hazards on third parties or the environment. 2.0 Key Management Considerations 6. Environmental impacts are minimised by initial design and also through an ongoing and continuous programme of management and monitoring. 7. Development of a robust closure plan taking into account the potential fnal landIorm, land use and environmental protection systems and the potential for post-closure environmental impact. 8. A management process that optimises and improves the TSF operation and manages risks so that they do not increase during the operation. 9. Plan all phases of a tailings dams life to ensure optimum performance including consideration of potential changes to storage volumes through either early closure or extended mine life. 10. A full, whole of life valuation of the TSF over its life-cycle including all phases of its life. 11. Planning should consider possible developments beyond the immediate economic mine life. The life of a mine may be extended beyond the initial development stage, often for many decades. Planning should provide a degree oI fexibility that might allow signifcant strategic and economic benefts to be achieved in the Iuture with minimal cost in the present. This could be particularly important with Potential Acid Forming (PAF) tailings 2.4.3 Important TSF Planning Data In order to plan and design tailings storage systems the following data are required: estimates oI the fnal volume oI tailings to be stored land available Ior tailings storage which will exclude areas set aside due to ore reserves, environmental or archaeological (including Aboriginal) factors, plant construction, other industries, cost etc. basic environmental limitations; tailings disposal plans should be developed as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) basic tailings properties both geotechnical and chemical including process conditions, added chemicals and expected changes with time storage requirements, tailings production rates and delivery conditions, how they will change with time and the potential for planned or unplanned changes to the delivery conditions design liIe and total storage requirement with consideration of potential future changes, such as development of new ore bodies topography oI potential disposal sites consideration oI the consequences oI Iailure oI the storage, which will assist in risk assessment and selection of design parameters to be used Ioundation conditions including geology, hydrogeology, groundwater quality seismicity oI the area and seismic design parameters available construction materials including geotechnical properties long-term weather conditions including rainIall, evaporation, wind and extreme storms, with consideration of potential climate change rainIall runoII conditions, both on the storage and from surrounding areas existing hydrological, suspended solids, dissolved solids and water chemistry data for nearby rivers and streams, and long-term stable landIorm requirements including future land use and revegetation. A major part of the planning process is to identify the data required, determine what data are available and to develop programmes to obtain the remainder. In some cases this may involve monitoring of the early operations to confrm design assumptions that were based on experience or simply estimated due to the impracticality of obtaining such data at the design stage. 2.5 Tailings Management Plan A Tailings Management Plan (TMP) is required for the complete life of the project including closure and any post-closure care and maintenance. The Plan should address design, construction, operation, closure and rehabilitation. The Plan should account for any staged development. For example, lead times for design and construction of new storages should be clearly identifed relative to the estimated time oI flling oI existing storages. Since changes commonly occur throughout the life of a project, which can affect the operation of the tailings area, the Plan should be fexible and capable oI 16 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 17 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations modifcation. To this end the plan can be subdivided into Short, Medium, and Long-Term Plans. The Long-Term Plan provides the overall planning criteria, control points and goals for achieving satisfactory tailings disposal over the remaining life of the project. This long-term plan ensures that there is suIfcient storage capacity Ior the projected mine liIe and takes into account potential mine life extensions. This Plan should provide a link to the Closure Plan, discussed later in these guidelines. The Medium Term-Plan provides management information and detailed schedules of the anticipated construction and capital expenditure necessary to maintain the tailings disposal area for the next few years, typically 3 to 5 years. The goals for the medium- term plan are dictated by the long-term plan. The Short-Term Plan provides the month to month operating framework for the tailings storage. This includes the management of tailings beaches and wet season storm-water runoII. Modifcations to the short- term plan can be made to suit operating conditions provided they Iall within the goals specifed in the longer-term plans. Plan Reviews should be carried out at least annually based on the performance of the whole disposal system and updated future production rates. Tailings storages often do not operate exactly as planned. Therefore it is critical that regular reviews are carried out and plans revised. One common outcome from out-dated plans is the unexpected discovery that a tailings storage is flling early and the panic construction oI a new storage with consequent impact on cash fow, compromises in the standard of design and risk of environmental impact. The basic steps towards preparing a tailings management plan should include the following. 2.5.1 Design Planning The TMP must take into account that tailings dam design is not completed at the start of a project. It is more likely that the design will evolve over a number of years during operations. Accordingly, the TMP should include a design plan providing information on the basis of design and a methodology for a design review process. The design plan should include: an estimation oI the total long term storage requirement broad topographic and local land use survey oI the project area with assessment of the compatibility of the tailings disposal and storage options detail on the physical and chemical nature oI the tailings to be stored; tailings characteristics such as beaching angle, settled density, and strength from laboratory tests or pilot trials to be updated as practical experience is gained any special health and saIety, handling and containment methods required, including statutory requirements and approval processes tailings disposal method, rate(s) and period estimated volume oI liquids to be reclaimed and likely variability and a method Ior confrmation local meteorology (wind, rain, evaporation) and seismicity of the area a water balance model Ior the proposed tailings storage area Ireeboard, overfow, and storage requirements and restrictions estimated rate and quality oI seepage losses concept Iuture storage requirements and area staged construction plan that meet the requirements site investigation data identiIying Ioundation and groundwater conditions and sources of construction materials selection oI fnal disposal area(s) assessment oI rehabilitation requirements; fnal design and construction plan, and site monitoring equipment. 2.5.2 Construction Planning A construction plan, by the designer, is required to list the order in which the various elements of the tailings storage are assembled and how the various items of work interrelate. In addition, long-term construction planning identifes latest dates by which new works must be commissioned. Typical elements would be: contract tender period, award and mobilisation Ioundation preparation construction oI earthworks and/or embankment 2.0 Key Management Considerations construction oI tailings discharge system (pipework, outlets, controls) construction oI water reclaim and overfow systems, and installation oI monitoring and security systems. 2.5.3 Operation Planning Long, medium and short-term management plans should be prepared to ensure: eIfcient flling oI the disposal area transIer and reclaim oI any decant liquors saIe containment or control oI food waters periodic raising oI embankments surveillance and maintenance progressive rehabilitation where possible, and accommodation oI any variations Irom initial planning criteria. 2.5.4 Emergency Response Plan/Dam Safety Emergency Plan An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) or Dam Safety Emergency Plan (DSEP) outlines the required procedures to: protect a dam and the associated community in the event of an emergency which may threaten the dams security defne the basis oI communication and responsibility in an emergency notiIy the Emergency Authorities during a potential dam failure emergency, and provide relevant inIormation to assist the Emergency Authorities in its emergency planning for areas affected by dam breach and loss of water and tailings. An ERP/DSEP outlines the required actions of owners and their personnel in response to a range of possible emergency situations. The ERP/DSEP should be prepared in accordance with Guideline on Dam Safety Management (ANCOLD, 2003). 2.5.5 Closure and Rehabilitation Planning Closure and Rehabilitation Planning should ensure that the tailings disposal area is left in such a way that it is able to: maintain an acceptable impact on the environment be structurally stable be resistant to deterioration through erosion or decay be compatible with the surrounding unmined landform, and be Iunctionally compatible with the agreed post- mining land use. The above criteria should apply over the perceived time frame of the post-closure period, which may be indefnite. II there is no defned post-closure design life, ANCOLD recommend adopting 1000 years as a reasonable period as being considered in perpetuity. 2.5.6 Observational approach Tailings impoundments take many years to construct and can experience many changes which may require operational response. During the design phase, geotechnical predictions are often based on limited knowledge. The observational approach is a process of verifying design assumptions and using additional data, knowledge and lessons learned to revise, improve and optimise the design. Central to the observational approach is an instrumentation and monitoring program to observe and record key leading indicators associated with design and performance criteria (e.g. seepage, phreatic surface, density, strength parameters). The observed values are compared against the design predictions to evaluate if any changes in operation or design are needed. Instrumentation data reviews are helpful in identifying any imminent problems. However, more subtle behaviours may only be identifed by yearly review. It is essential to react to changes well before they become a serious problem. The observational method provides the ability to address concerns through prevention rather than cure. 18 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 19 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 2.0 Key Management Considerations The observational approach has proved to be of value in reviewing pore water pressure predictions. It is unrealistic to expect that the pore pressure conditions within a TSF could be accurately predicted throughout its operational life. During TSF operations it is common that conditions (depositional, mineralogical, process, weather etc.) change, leading to changes in the pore pressure conditions within the impoundment. The observational method addresses this uncertainty by checking the validity of the design pore pressure conditions and giving a basis for reviewing and revising models. Another beneft oI the observational approach is that it can reduce the upfront capital cost of a project. The design is based on best estimate conditions and the observational approach is utilised to check estimated parameters. The best estimate design is checked against actual conditions. Upgrade measures might be required following start-up if best estimate assumptions are incorrect. The observational approach is used to decide if and when any upgrade measures need to be constructed. 2.6 External (Third Party) Review Planning should allow for review by independent parties at critical phases of the TSF life cycle. Review could take place during concept and feasibility studies, design and construction. Third party review may also be relevant during operation. 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles The objective of tailings storage is to minimise the current and future risks from the storage. This will be achieved by ensuring the physical and geochemical stability of the tailings deposit over the whole of life of the storage. 3.1 System Components The main system components to a tailings storage facility are: environmental protection measures a method Ior the delivery oI tailings to the disposal site a method Ior the distribution, discharge and deposition of tailings within the storage a method Ior containment oI the deposited tailings, and a method Ior water management. The design and operating practices for tailings transport, discharge, deposition, and water management (decant recovery) are closely inter- related. Suitable combinations will depend on environmental values, the terrain, tailings characteristics, water balance including climatic factors, and the method of containment. 3.2 Environmental Protection Measures 3.2.1 Overview A tailings storage system needs to consider the potential impact of the system on the surrounding environment so as to minimise the operational and future risks from the storage. The principle environmental values that need consideration are: the community, which includes saIety, people and their support infrastructure and industry waters, which includes immediate receiving waters, watercourses, groundwater, water storages and potable water supply sources air, which can be a transport vector Ior dust contaminants and fugitive gases land, which includes Iauna and fora support ecosystems, and heritage. Recognised potential sources of environmental harm associated with tailings storage systems include: energy oI stored tailings or water (dam break) toxicity oI stored substances (tailings, water or fugitive emissions such as gas or dust), and toxicity oI substances within a processing plant and associated works. Recognised potential mechanisms of environmental harm associated with tailings storage systems include: uncontrolled mass release oI fowable substances, either tailings or waters, by collapse or failure of the containment embankment (dam break) uncontrolled limited release oI contaminated fowable substances into environmentally sensitive places (spillway discharge, seepage to water resources, overtopping from either upstream or downstream) transport oI Iugitive emissions (gas ,dust) to environmentally sensitive places by wind, and operational Iailure (pipe burst, pump Iailure, etc.). Environmental risks should be managed by, in order of preference, following the principles of: avoidance by design separation by distance isolation by barriers, or management by operational control within tolerable risk limits. 20 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 21 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles 3.2.2 Protecting the Community The protection of the community is of primary importance. It is best achieved through avoiding situations where emissions from a tailings storage system could, or be perceived to, adversely impact on the community. Experience has shown that locating tailings storages immediately above residential areas is not acceptable practice. 3.2.3 Protecting Waters, Air and Land Some recognised principles to protect waters include: avoid placing tailings storages on natural drainage lines (rivers, creeks, valley foors) with signifcant upstream catchments avoid placing tailings storages immediately above water resources (dams, creeks, lakes, aquifers, water holes, etc.) make provisions in the design Ior the detection, collection and management of seepage to prevent emissions to the environment make provisions in the operational control to minimise the risk of uncontrolled discharge through spillways, and manage, through deposition practices and other means, moisture content of beaches to minimise oxidation that could lead to acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD). Some recognised principles to protect air include: manage, through deposition practices and other means, moisture content of beaches to minimise salting and dusting application oI dust suppressants (polymers etc.), and use oI barrier layers (coarse rejects, waste rock, water) to prevent wind accessing tailings. 3.2.4 Protection of Fauna Tailings storages have potential for environmental harm to the surrounding land through the potential to harm fauna accessing the tailings storage. Some recognised principles to prevent access by fauna are; isolation by Iences (animals) isolation by netting (birds). 3.2.5 Protecting Heritage Avoidance by design should be adopted wherever possible. 3.3 Delivery Selection of the transport system including the use of any aids (such as thickeners) is generally based on economic considerations of capital and operating costs but could be dictated by other design considerations. The design of transport systems should include provision for instrumentation, monitoring, methods for checking for leaks, and spill containment methods for line breaks or malfunctions. Options available for transport of tailings include: pipelines (gravity or pumped) channels/fumes direct discharge (to the head oI the storage or into a natural channel leading to the storage) conveyed/trucked (Ior 'dry or mechanically dewatered material), and specialised transport or disposal systems including: pneumatic Ior dry materials such as fy-ash, fume, and screw conveyors - Ior drier or denser material over short distances. Pipelines conveying pumped tailings slurry remain the most common form of delivery. Design considerations in this case include the following: thinner slurries involve transport oI excessive water and hence may increase overall pumping costs all except very dilute slurries behave as non- Newtonian fuids. Thicker slurries typically have distinct non-Newtonian properties which may vary according to rate of shear, shear history, chemical effects etc. This is a specialised area of rheology, and testing and subsequent design requires great care in simulating the likely range of conditions slurries containing coarser sand or gravel particles require certain minimum velocities to prevent settlement of particles, although some systems use partially sanded lines with a moving bed of 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles particles in the lower portion of the delivery line. This practice is useIul where there are signifcant variations in process rates and hence fow velocities blockages in low points during stoppages set up oI high density or thixotropic tailings in the pipeline during stoppages (a standby system capable oI fushing pipelines, even in a power outage, may be required), and corrosion/abrasion/scour oI delivery pipelines. ICOLD Bulletin 101 and Paste and Thickened Tailings - A Guide (AGC, 2009), provide additional detail on design of tailings transport systems. 3.4 Methods of Discharge and Depositional Strategies 3.4.1 Methods of Discharge Decisions about the discharge method are made at the design stage. In due course the operators must be made aware of the requirements and good operating principles to implement these procedures effectively (see also ICOLD Bulletin 101, 1995). For any impoundment type storage, it is necessary to ensure a method oI distribution which will eIfciently utilise the storage. Typical discharge methods to achieve this are: Single Point - For some depositional strategies and surface topography, a single discharge point will be possible. However, if the discharge point is kept in one location, tailings may build up from this point and the flling oI the impoundment may be uneven, requiring more sophisticated methods. Alternating Single-Point Involves discharging the full stream of tailings from a single point at any one time, but with a number of alternative points available. Discharge points are alternated from time to time. This method may be utilised where there are separate valleys to the storage and evenly distributed flling is required. Multiple Discharge/Spigoting - A header main is installed along sections of the storage perimeter with multiple valved outlets located at intervals (e.g. 10 m or 20 m centres). The discharge can then be rotated around the storage by using a limited number of outlets for a time, then closing them and opening the next series of outlets. This technique is known as spigoting. Hydrocyclones - Where tailings contain a signifcant proportion oI sand, hydrocyclones may be used to separate the coarser, more freely draining material Irom the fner Iraction. The coarser Iraction is discharged as 'underfow with a relatively low water content. Following drainage, this material is then used to construct/raise the embankment, typically by centreline or downstream methods, including possible provision for compaction. Good separation of the sand from the fnes (i.e. low fnes in the produced sand) is important to ensure drainage and stability of the embankment. The fner Iraction plus most oI the water is discharged separately as 'overfow into the storage. 3.4.2 Depositional Strategies Basic strategies are: Sub-aqueous where the tailings surIace is continuously submerged below free water. Separation of the tailings solids from the liquid phase occurs by the processes of sedimentation and consolidation only. This type of deposition may be adopted deliberately for environmental or health and safety reasons dictated by the physical and/or chemical properties of the tailings e.g. to prevent oxidation of sulphides or to reduce radon emissions from radioactive tailings. In other cases, management of site water may not be possible without accepting Iree water ponded or fowing over the tailings. In containment systems of limited surface area, the rate of rise of the tailings may be so great that no effective surface drying occurs, resulting in an essentially sub-aqueous system. Sub-aerial deposition where placement oI tailings forms an exposed beach over most of the storage area. The evaporative drying of the surface improves the density of the tailings. A minimal pond area will reduce total evaporation losses and is less attractive to birds. Thickened Discharge - tailings thickened to a concentration that is non-segregating can be deposited sub-aerially from single or multiple points, which can be located centrally (Central Thickened Discharge). Thickening to concentrations higher than the non-segregating 22 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 23 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles concentration is also an effective method of minimising water loss without major increases in operating costs. 'Dry stacking systems involve dewatering the tailings (e.g. using mechanical flters) to a state where they can be handled by earthmoving machinery or conveyors. Design considerations include: The eIIect oI variations in evaporation Irom summer to winter on strength and density. The implications and management oI water that may accumulate during wet / winter seasons or following storms. Initial placement in narrow valleys and/or when the frst flling rise rate is high and will not allow drying. This effectively is subaqueous placement even though the long-term system is designed as sub-aerial, and the implications of pockets of low strength material must be fully evaluated in the design. Multiple Storages - Rotating discharge between several cells allows the central pond in one cell to dry out whilst it is being rested. The accumulation of wet low strength slimes in the centre of the storage is thus minimised seepage fows through the base are reduced due to the regular interruption, and scheduling of embankment raising is easier since it is not necessary to be discharging into and raising the same storage simultaneously. Point oI Discharge Flocculation - Signifcant de- watering of a slurry may be achieved by heavy dosing with chemical additive ('focculent) at the point of discharge from a pipeline. This results in a higher initial settled density, improved water recovery, and the potential Ior higher fnal density depending on site evaporation rates. It also imparts additional viscosity to the slurry and a steeper beach slope results giving improved runoff and drainage. It appears to be most effective in the case oI tailings slurries with high/plastic fnes content. 3.4.3 Segregation and Beach Slope In slurries at low solids contents, the segregation of coarser particles towards the top of the slope will give a classical concave beach profle (Blight, 1994). Reasonably steep slopes (up to 5 to 10%) may be obtained locally near the discharge, but the down- slope angles may be close to horizontal. The coarser material on the upper part of the beach may be subsequently utilised in embankment construction or Ior mine backfll. II this method is used, due allowance must be made in the design for the changed properties of the residual slimes, compared to the original all-in tailings. As the tailings slurry is thickened, it eventually becomes non-segregating and remains as a homogeneous slurry. The resulting beach slope will be more uniform and steeper overall. Advantage can then be taken of these properties to stack the tailings. Typical overall beach slopes obtained by thickening are in the range 1% to 4%. If the tailings are discharged from central points, low conical hills will form. The method is then called central thickened discharge (CTD). 3.4.4 Decant Pond The size and location oI the decant pond is infuenced by the method and direction of discharge and the geometry of the tailings storage. The pond location may have a critical infuence on the quantity oI seepage that occurs, and on the static and seismic (liquefaction) stability of the storage. The storage capacity can potentially be greatly increased by discharging downslope towards the embankment. However, the decant pond will form against or near the embankment. This will generally lead to a higher phreatic surface through the embankment, which will adversely affect embankment stability. The embankment height may also need to be increased to provide the necessary freeboard for water management. The relative slopes of the ground and the tailings beach infuence whether down-slope discharge will be advantageous. Concave beach slopes from segregating slurries will lose much of the advantage. Hence down- slope discharge will be most effective with thickened, non-segregating tailings that will form a steeper overall beach slope. In some circumstances there will be virtually no decant pond. However some form of runoff/decant dam will probably be required to manage wet season and storm runoff. An exposed slope is not appropriate for potentially acid forming tailings. Where the upslope method is used, the storage can be maximised for a given embankment height by minimising the beach length, thus favouring a relatively centrally located decant pond. 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles 3.5 Methods of Containment 3.5.1 Constructed Storages Storages constructed using retaining embankments are the most common form of tailings storage, and fall into two main types: cross valley or gully impoundments, and oII-valley impoundments (including side-hill and fully contained ring-dyke or paddock type impoundments). Cross-valley sites are often more economical if the topography permits smaller embankments per volume of storage. However, they will have incoming run-off from the stream and adjacent slopes requiring special attention to water control. Side-hill impoundments generally require more embankment length and will have potential runoff from the uphill slope. Paddock impoundments which include embankments on all four sides, have minimal or no runoff into the storage. Embankment types may be classifed frstly by their required function, and secondly by the method of construction. Embankments may be designed with the function of either: retaining water and solids, or retaining solids only. Embankments designed to retain both water and solids will require many of the features of a conventional water storage dam, including low permeability clay zones or upstream liners, flters and drainage Ieatures, and foundation improvement measures to limit seepage. Embankments designed to retain solids only will often include flter/drainage zones to permit saIe passage oI seepage. Alternatively, they may be used in systems where the depositional strategy is designed to minimise the occurrence of high phreatic surfaces within the embankment region and less elaborate measures may be justifed. 3.5.2 Self-Stacking Tailings Down-slope discharge of non-segregating thickened tailings, or discharge from a raised central point will minimise the need for retaining embankments, but may require higher thickening and pumping costs. This method adopts a beach slope to be maintained throughout the operation. The consequences of this are that the design needs to cater for: variability oI ore and underfow density a continuous lateral spread oI the edge oI the tailings stack incremental raising oI external bunds potential process upsets, and Flushing oI lines with water. Advantages of the method are: minimal embankments and hence low construction costs low operating costs at the TSF the large beach area maximises the opportunity Ior evaporative drying and hence the density and strength of the tailings can be high the runoII/decant pond can be located oII the tailings and can be better managed the fnal profle is selI-shedding (oI rainIall) on closure, and the fnal landIorm may be in keeping with the surrounding topography. Disadvantages of the method are: the large area required Ior placement the negative eIIect on storage capacity iI thickener performance deteriorates or varies below design assumptions the dependence on evaporative drying to achieve enhanced strength and density the capital cost oI thickeners, and the operating costs associated with high focculant usage pumping costs associated with high viscosity slurries erosion oI slopes in high rainIall regions, control oI dusting over large areas, and rehabilitation is required over a larger area (but unit costs may be lower). 3.5.3 Existing Voids Tailings may be contained at low cost in worked out pits, voids in waste dumps or in underground workings. 24 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 25 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles Open Pits Disposal into open pits can be used in a multi-pit operation or where abandoned pits are available nearby. Relevant considerations include: sterilisation oI underlying or adjacent resources interaction with potential under-ground resources interaction with groundwater the rate oI rise, will aIIect the degree oI evaporation and consolidation that will occur during flling, which infuences: placement density water recovery Irom the tailings access Ior fnal capping post-flling consolidation settlement the eIIectiveness oI under-drains, and the static head Ior pumping decant/runoII Irom the pit. In-pit disposal is a preferred approach for some situations e.g. to reduce the risk of uncontrolled post- closure release of tailings into the environment by surface erosion. Voids in Waste Dumps In some open-pit or open-cut mines there may be a possibility to modify the shape of waste dumps or spoil piles to provide for containment of tailings. Relevant considerations in this instance include: the particle size distribution oI the waste, and its ability to physically retain the tailings the Iate oI tailings water infltrating into the dumps, and potential eIIects oI infltrating water on the stability of the dump. Underground Mine Disposal Some underground mining methods require previously excavated stopes to be progressively backflled. Tailings are a possible backfll material but, being in slurry form, are usually slow to drain and consolidate. For this reason the coarser fraction is often separated oII Irom the fne tailings Iraction and used as backfll, commonly after stabilising with cement or lime. Alternatively thickeners or mechanical flters may be used to dewater tailings to a paste consistency, allowing greater percentages oI fnes to be incorporated in the backfll (ACG, 2005). This is a specialised procedure requiring considerable research, experience and design including assessment of the effect on deeper or adjacent stopes that might be operating. There may also be occupational health risks associated with discharge of tailings underground. 3.5.4 Co-Disposal The technique of co-disposal (Williams, 1997) applies in processes that produce rock waste and tailings in two or more separate size streams where the fne fraction is able to be incorporated into the voids of the coarser material (e.g. coal, mineral sands). Historically, these were disposed of separately, typically by treating the coarse waste as a solid (i.e. conveying or trucking), and the fne Iraction as conventional tailings (slurry). Co-disposal involves mixing of the waste streams either for the purpose of either or both of: Iacilitating transport, and improving the properties oI the waste product aIter placement. Co-disposal mixes can be transported either by pipeline as a slurry, or by truck or conveyor if the mix has suIfcient strength. Because of the problems associated with pumping dense mixes, co-disposal transport often uses very dilute slurries. Features of these types of systems are: large pumps and pipelines pipeline wear issues requirements Ior supply and recycle oI dilution water segregation oI the coarse and fne Iraction on discharge blocking oI pipelines, and Iormation oI a separate coarse section and a slimes pond in the storage. Attempts have been made to pump dense slurries so that at deposition the slurry is non-segregating, with the resulting benefts oI selI-stacking tailings. Slurries with high solids concentrations are required which are diIfcult to pump the slurry using centriIugal pumps. Positive displacement pumps are required with commensurate capital and operating cost implications. An alternative approach is to mix the coarse and fne fractions at the point of discharge. Where co-disposal is undertaken with the aim of improving the properties oI the fnal mix, the intent is usually to have the particles comprising the coarser Iraction in contact, with the interstitial voids flled by the fnes, plus the water. II this is not achieved, the properties of the mix will simply be governed by the properties oI the fnes 3.6 Discharge to Environment Disposal of tailings into rivers or shallow marine waters generally has signifcant negative environmental implications. Any tailings disposal method that may result in serious or irreversible environmental damage is not viewed as appropriate tailings disposal methodology by the community or by the mining industry. Deep sea tailings placement techniques may be acceptable where deep water is close to the mine and if appropriate criteria are met. The depth of water required is likely to make the method unsuitable for the Australian continental shelf. 3.7 Method of Construction 3.7.1 Staged Construction Initial construction of tailings storages to their full fnal height is rare as this requires large material quantities and signifcant capital expenditure. Hence a scheme of staged construction is often adopted. An initial starter embankment will have a life typically of about one to three years. The primary reasons are to minimise the initial capital cost and, to provide the opportunity in the design for the tailings themselves to be used in or to form part of the future embankment. The design must anticipate the future needs of the embankment right through to completion and rehabilitation. Thus features such as foundation cut- offs, underdrainage, linings, and decant provisions must be constructed at the same time as the starter embankment. Access to construct any of these items or to undertake remedial work may not be available later in mine life. In addition access to construction materials initially obtained from within the storage area may not be available for future stages. Following the completion of a starter embankment or initial stage, there are three basic methods of staged construction. These are: Downstream, incorporating a starter dam Centreline, where part oI the raised embankment is built on tailings with the rest by downstream construction, and Upstream, where most oI the embankment is built over the tailings beach. ICOLD Bulletin 106 contains further information on these methods of construction. 3.0 Tailings Storage Methods & Deposition Principles 26 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 27 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings It is not possible to properly design, operate or close a tailings dam without adequate knowledge and understanding of the tailings properties 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings 4.1 Introduction Design of a tailings storage facility should include adequate testing of representative samples of the tailings and include feld testing where possible. In general, testing should include: physical characteristics oI the tailings (both as a slurry and as solids), including allowance for particle segregation engineering characteristics, such as shear strength parameters, consolidation and permeability characteristics chemistry oI the process liquor mineralogy / geochemistry (including the receiving environment), and rheological properties (see Section 4.4). In the case of initial design for a new mine/ore body, available samples may be limited to proto-type tailings (e.g. residue from metallurgical process design testing on limited samples of ore), or tests on tailings from a similar ore-body from another mine. The quantity of material available may limit the amount of testing that is possible. In these cases the results should be treated with due caution. A conservative approach should be adopted until the design parameters are confrmed by follow up tests on production tailings and observation oI feld perIormance. The amount of testing necessary may be reduced in cases where the properties are already well known, provided monitoring confrms that properties are not changing. 4.2 Physical and Engineering Characteristics 4.2.1 Laboratory Testing Typical tailings may include sand, silt and clay sized particles. As a result of water based processing technologies, tailings are typically produced in slurry form. Physical tests for tailings should recognise that: some tailings behaviour and test results will be infuenced by processes applied to the slurry prior to discharge, such as focculation, thickening, and pumping some tailings behaviour and test results will be infuenced by processes which occur aIter deposition, such as segregation, and tailings deposited sub-aqueously, particularly through deep water, are likely to segregate. Segregation also typically occurs for tailings slurries of low solids concentration deposited sub- aerially. The characteristics (including density, strength and compressibility) of the various components following segregation will not be the same as those for the initial all in tailings. It is therefore necessary to consider: iI segregation will occur, and (iI it does), and the properties oI the segregated components. Sample preparation prior to testing must also take account of the origin and nature of the sample. Some tailings properties may be strongly infuenced by slurry history. Samples which have been obtained from an existing process may have already been focculated and thickened. Alternatively samples derived from metallurgical test-work, are unlikely to have been focculated and thickened. Storage time can be an important consideration, as some materials will change characteristics when stored for extended periods. 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings Tests which should be carried out and that are generally not infuenced by slurry history include: soil particle density (specifc gravity) particle size distribution plasticity (Atterberg Limits), and maximum/minimum dry density. Tests infuenced by slurry history typically include: settled density density aIter drying segregation characteristics, and rheological parameters. In these cases it is desirable that the tests should be carried out on samples that have been taken, or prepared, to replicate actual conditions. Rheological testing undertaken for the purpose of thickener design (sizing and torque calculation) is typically carried out on settled slurry without pre- shearing. Many slurries are thixotropic and/or subject to shear thinning. Tests on samples that have not been pre-sheared may be misleading if used for purposes of pipeline design, or for beach slope estimation. 4.2.2 Compression/Consolidation Tests An estimate of the density of the deposited tailings at the end oI flling is a common design requirement. Consolidation tests (often using a Rowe cell apparatus) are frequently carried out to provide data for this analysis. The mechanism of increase in effective stress (resulting in consolidation and increased density) in a tailings deposit is likely to be the result of a combination of three mechanisms: development oI negative pore pressure due to evaporation from the surface downward seepage into an underdrainage system, and increase in overburden stress due to selI-weight consolidation. Generally: gravel, sand or sand / silt mixes will settle relatively rapidly to form a soil-like mass little affected by subsequent drying fne silts and clays will settle slowly to Iorm a soIt, soil-like mass of low density which will continue to settle (consolidate) under its own weight with time according to the speed at which the contained water in the tailings voids can escape, and mixtures oI grain sizes may segregate in the storage with coarser particles settling near the discharge outlets and the fnest particles being carried to the furthest parts of the storage. With due allowance for low densities and some possible chemical effects, most deposited tailings eventually behave in a similar manner to soils of the same grain size and shape. In the interim, however, fner grained material may remain as a fuid or as a thixotropic material for extensive periods. 4.2.3 Permeability Tests The permeability (hydraulic conductivity) of tailings is dependent on the particle sizes, the amount and type of clay minerals present in the tailings, and the density achieved in the material at a given time. Laboratory consolidation tests carried out on tailings samples can provide permeability data for low density tailings that cannot be tested by conventional permeameters. Field tests in boreholes or pits are useful as they also include the infuences oI layering and shrinkage cracking. 4.2.4 Strength Tests Triaxial tests are the preferred method of strength testing, although shear box methods are still sometimes used. Strength tests may be carried out on undisturbed samples recovered as part of a site investigation program. This may require specialised sampling, handling and transportation techniques. Alternatively, specimens may be prepared in the laboratory from either: sedimentation and consolidation Irom a slurry, and dry/moist preparation Iollowed by saturation and consolidation. In all cases it is critically important to ensure that specimens are not pre-consolidated nor tested at a density that is un-realistic compared to the actual in- situ conditions. It is important to characterise both the drained and the undrained shear strength properties of tailings. 28 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 29 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings 4.2.5 Introduction to Liquefaction Some tailings are produced in the form of wet sand, gravel, ash or flter cake which can be handled and placed as a semi-solid or solid material. Beaches formed from these materials often appear solid. However, it is important to consider whether such apparently solid material may liquefy under either static or dynamic loading conditions. Similarly stacks of such materials may become unstable under these loading conditions and stability of these stacks should be evaluated using similar stability analysis techniques as used for conventional impoundments. The topic of liquefaction is complex and a useful reference is Idriss and Boulanger (2008). 4.2.6 In-situ Testing The condition (or state) of existing tailings deposits may need to be evaluated by in-situ testing. The reasons for investigation may include: sampling Ior chemical or geochemical reasons assessment oI in-situ strength and/or degree oI consolidation assessment oI dry density permeability evaluation, and evaluation oI phreatic surIace and/or degree oI saturation. The scope of any investigation work must be closely tied to the aims of the investigation. Suitable methods are heavily infuenced by traIfcability and access, or on the stability oI any test hole/excavation. Typical investigation methods include: boring in cased holes, with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and undisturbed tube sampling cone penetration tests (CPT), preIerably in conjunction with pore pressure probes (CPTu) shear vane tests dynamic cone testing in-situ density evaluation by sand replacement test, and hand auguring and test pitting. In-situ test penetration methods are useful for evaluation of the liquefaction potential of a deposit, and of the post-liquefaction shear strength. In principle, both SPT and CPT methods can be used. In practice, SPT methods are not continuous, and not suIfciently sensitive to low strength materials, and CPT methods are increasingly preferred. (ref Robertson and Fear, 1995 Olsen and Mesri 1970 4.2.7 Field Trials Field trials (such as trial embankments) can be used to confrm properties oI tailings and proposed construction techniques. 4.3 Mineralogy and Chemistry 4.3.1 Geochemistry of the Liquid and Solid Components Tailings and transport liquors may contain deleterious substances such as acids or alkalis, high salt levels, cyanide, heavy metals, radioactive elements, etc. Knowledge of the mineralogy and chemistry of the contained solids and fuids is thereIore essential to the proper environmental design of a storage area. There may also be ongoing chemical reactions within the storage, some of which are deleterious. Examples include: oxidation oI sulphide ores to create acidic water base exchange with cyanide compounds into non soluble forms, and binding oI metals onto clay particles. Apart from environmental considerations, knowledge of mineralogy and chemistry also helps predict the behaviour during disposal, the consolidation phase and for eventual rehabilitation. Fine tailings of apparently similar particle grading, can consist oI fnely ground rock particles or alternatively of an aggregation of many clay particles which have been focculated by surIace charges oI individual clay particles. Behaviour during deposition and consolidation may differ markedly since focculated clays may disperse in Iresh water (Irom rainIall). Conversely, apparently fne grained materials may focculate in the presence oI saline process water or concentrated decant water. Testing procedures should assess these effects and potential changes with time. 4.0 Characterisation and Behaviour of Tailings Some processes add lime, which can cause focculation, or dispersants/frothers which can cause dispersion. The addition of gypsum or lime to a consolidating clay tailings deposit can markedly improve soil conditions for rehabilitation. Some tailings change grain size upon exposure as a result of oxidation, whilst others form a cemented mass due to chemical changes or precipitation of dissolved chemicals as drying continues. It is therefore imperative that knowledge of mineralogical and chemical aspects be gained, together with knowledge of possible variations in ore types, processing variables, and potential reactions on exposure to rain and air. Any testing should take place using fresh, saturated samples with actual or simulated process water. Further testing with rainwater and pre- dried samples would give comparative results which may help to identify relevant issues. 4.4 Rheology and Transport of Tailings Rheology of tailings affects the delivery and discharge characteristics and may become important at higher solids concentrations. The determination of rheological characteristics is a specialised feld. Test methods can include rheometer and/or pipe loop tests. The most common method of transport is as a slurry, generally within the range 20% to 65% solids content by weight. The actual solids content that may be adopted for design is a function of: the specifc gravity oI the solids the solids content at the end oI the process whether thickeners / flters are used Ior water or chemical recovery or to reduce the volume for tailings pumping, and rheological properties and pumping costs. In some cases the initial settled density of tailings is a function of the density at discharge i.e. some produce settled tailings at a higher density compared to simply sedimented/settled tailings. 4.5 Tailings Beaches Beach angles can be approximated from laboratory trials but are neither reliable nor consistent with actual beach behaviour. Theoretical calculations based on rheology or shear strength may be imprecise due to material variability and the diIfculty in determining the low shear strength of recently settled material. If there are existing or nearby tailings beaches of similar material, grading and process then these will be a useful guide. Beach angles are also a function of the method of operation of a storage. Beach angles below water are complex due to various infuences that can occur, but are generally steeper where the beach enters the water. The slope of the beach depends on the solids content of the tailings, the nature of tailings including the tendency to segregate at low beaching velocities, the energy/velocity of deposition, and the distance to the decant pond (ICOLD Bulletin 101, 1995). Steeper beaches can cause signifcant 'air-space volumes in the basin that develops and can thereby increase the storm storage capacity but reduce the tailings storage capacity. The beach may be infuenced by potential slumping under earthquake or storm loading, or by rainfall erosion of upper slopes leading to sediment deposition on lower slopes. 30 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 31 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 5.0 Design - Water Management 5.0 Design - Water Management The objective of water management for a tailings storage is to ensure that the risks posed by water to the structural integrity of the storage and to the wider environment are adequately managed and that the water resources of the site are utilised responsibly. 5.1 Design Criteria Following the establishment of the Consequence Category (Section 2.3) of the tailings dam, the design criteria related to water can be determined. These criteria will include: 5.1.1 Spillways A spillway should always be provided even where no spill requirements are in force, to guard against uncontrolled spillage during unforeseen circumstances that could lead to failure of the dam structure. The spillway depth should allow for passage of the design food, assuming an initial water level is at the spillway invert prior to the occurrence oI the design food. Additional Ireeboard above the maximum food water level to the dam crest might be required to prevent wave action overtopping the crest, depending on the potential for damage or environmental impact. The design food requirement Ior spillway design can preferably be determined by risk assessment methods and Guidelines on Design Floods for Dams (ANCOLD, 2000). These requirements are summarised in Table 3. The design food may need to be varied during diIIerent phases of the Tailings Dam life cycle if the Consequence Category varies. It may be appropriate to add an additional freeboard to allow for wind set-up in larger storages and for uncertainties of calculation, particularly where loss of stored water during overtopping has environmental consequences, or if erosion has potential for embankment breaching. In addition the freeboard at closure should take into account potential settlement of the embankment due to consolidation and earthquake induced deformation. For the post-closure design period the impact of multiple events should be considered. This could include several earthquakes with Annual Exceedence probabilities in excess of the OBE. 5.1.2 !o-spill Allowances Where water quality within the storage is unsuitable Ior release during fooding, an appropriate storage allowance should be provided below the spillway crest to store contaminated foodwater and accumulated wet season runoff. The storage allowance should be developed by risk assessment methods or provide additional storage using a Fall Back method as presented in Table 4. Wet season runoff should be assessed using a run-oII coeIfcient oI 1.0, unless a rigorous and calibrated hydrological model is developed. Refer to Section 5.4 for run-off calculations. Table 3 Recommended design oods for spillway design and freeboard allowance Consequence Category Design Flood AEP Wave Freeboard Allowance Low 1:100 Wave run-up for 1:10 AEP wind Signifcant 1:1000 Wave run-up for 1:100 AEP wind High Or 1:100,000 Wave run-up for 1:500 AEP wind PMF None Extreme PMF To be determined by risk assessment 5.0 Design - Water Management 5.2 The Water Balance An important design task is the development of a water balance model for the tailings storage system. The water balance model will help understand the ways water might affect the design and subsequent operational limitations and risks. Water used in tailings transport is likely to make up a signifcant proportion oI water use at a mine site. Much of this water will be retained in the tailings storage trapped within the pores. A portion will be returned to the process or released if environmental conditions allow. Some water will be lost through evaporation and/or seepage. Water gains from the natural environment into the disposal area can include surface streams, groundwater infow and rainIall. The total of water inputs into a tailings storage will be balanced by recovery, disposal or losses from the area. The water balance will determine the performance characteristics of the tailings disposal system, including fows and loses such as seepage that would need to be managed during its operation and fnal abandonment. Any imbalance can lead to progressive changes in the volume stored in the pond. For many parts of Australia there are now in excess of 100 years of accumulated rainfall records. Reference to these data provides a good indication of the rainfall extremes (both wet and dry) which are likely to occur throughout a mines life. In many cases water balance modelling will necessitate running selected years, or alternatively the entire record. The analyses may need to be done on the basis of monthly rainfall, or in critical cases, daily rainfall. Water balance modelling may also need to take account of variations in tailings properties, quantities and levels with time, and the proposed schedule of dam raises. This typically means that some years in a mine life are more susceptible to extreme rainfall events than others. The consequences of these occurrences need to be properly evaluated on the basis of joint probability. Similarly the variation of climatic conditions needs to be included in any modelling to predict the potential range of water balance outcomes. Water balance calculations frequently utilise spreadsheets, modelling packages, or purpose written programs. These should be preserved and the modelling reviewed when actual feld data becomes available after start-up to calibrate the model. The simplest water balance calculations deal with just water quantity. However, where water quality is an issue, it is possible to incorporate this into water balance calculations. It is relatively easy to carry out a balance for ions such as chlorides, but for unstable species such as cyanide, a decay series must be incorporated. An appropriate rate of decay may need to be determined by project specifc test work. Modelling of heavy metals can also be carried out, but in the absence of allowances for precipitation, adsorption, etc., may lack relevance. Modelling of water quality can be contentious in cases where oxidation of sulphides is expected to occur on tailings beaches where acid drainage is likely to develop. In these instances it is diIfcult to predict the ongoing fux oI additional dissolved compounds into the system. 5.3 Stream Management The tailings area is often separated from the surrounding stormwater streams to minimise food design requirements, to maximise settling of tailings and to minimise the volume of water which may need special management due to water quality issues. Tailings storages should ideally be located away from signifcant streams or at the head oI valleys where catchment outside the storage is limited. Any streams that develop above the tailings storage should be diverted past the storage where this is practical. The design fow capacity oI diversion works should relate to the relevant predicted food fows and the need to protect the tailings storage Irom food infow. However, if the diversion works have limited capacity then the consequences of overtopping need to be taken into account in the capacity of the tailings dam and its outlets. The potential failure of a diversion system should be considered. Tailings storages design criteria normally require consideration of ultimate abandonment. Any diversions must then be adequate for long-term, low maintenance performance and allow for erosion and degradation of structural elements. Diversion of external stormwater inputs may be less critical when the tailings are required to be stored under water. It may be necessary to divert an expanded catchment to the tailings dam to provide suIfcient water to keep tailings covered during extreme dry periods. Table 4 Additional Wet Season storage allowance - Fall-back method Hazard Category Additional Storage Allowance Low 1:5 AEP 2 month wet season runoff Signifcant 1:10 AEP 2 month wet season runoff High 1:100 AEP 2 month wet season runoff Extreme 1:1000 AEP 2 month wet season runoff 32 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 33 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 5.0 Design - Water Management 5.4 Rainfall Run-Off RainIall can be a major component oI water infow, with catchment runoff mixing with decant water in the pond area. Run-off calculations should be made in accordance with normal hydrological methods, as outlined in Australian Rainfall & Run-Off (The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1999). Run-off from the surrounding land surfaces, any tailings beaches and from the pond area itself, will need to be taken into account. Tailings beaches can vary considerably in their run- off characteristics. Coarse tailings, particularly when cycloned for embankment construction, can be quite permeable and well drained. This can lead to a reduced coeIfcient oI run-oII but increased movement oI rainwater into the tailings and/or groundwater system. However, most 'all-in fne tailings have a low permeability and are readily saturated resulting in a comparatively high coeIfcient oI run-oII. 5.5 Tailings Decant Water Tailings normally settle on beaches, thus decanting a proportion of the transport water over a short time frame This would be followed by a longer term release of transport water as consolidation of the tailings takes place for both sub-aerial and sub-aqueous methods of discharge. Further water is lost where there is evaporation from exposed beaches. It is commonly found that the increase in density is much greater in sub-aerial deposition than in sub- aqueous deposition. This applies not only to the initial water loss but also to the long-term consolidation phase due to the extra effective weight caused by lowered water levels. As tailings dry, the capillary tension in the pores causes major consolidation forces. 5.6 Evaporation Evaporation from tailings beaches and ponds can lead to signifcant water loss Irom the system. Losses Irom ponds can be evaluated from pan-evaporation data using appropriate adjustment factors or by calculations utilising wind speed, temperature, solar radiation, etc. Losses from beaches can similarly be evaluated. A factor of 0.7 to 0.8 is commonly used as a multiplier to adjust evaporation rates from water ponds as compared with measurements in standard Type A evaporimeters with bird screens. Evaporation is also directly proportional to wind speed and exposed locations will develop higher evaporation losses than sheltered locations. Losses from exposed beaches are a complex function of solar radiation, colour, degree of saturation, permeability, depth to saturation, capillary effects, temperature of tailings, etc. A common assumption for wet beaches is to assume beach evaporation is equal to lake evaporation. Salinity can have a major effect on the rates of evaporation from both tailings and from ponded water (Newson and Fahey, 1998). Salinities above that of sea water will reduce evaporation by 5% to 20%. More importantly, the formation of a salt crust on the tailings surface will create a barrier which slows further drying of the beach. Water recovery is improved by minimising the free water surface area on a tailings storage, which reduces evaporation loss. In some cases it may be strategic to maximise evaporation in order to remove contaminated water as part of an environmental management plan. This would require maximising the tailings pond area and/or frequent wetting of beaches with thin layers, and/or by using a separate evaporation pond. 5.7 Water Recovery Excess water within the tailings storage is either removed by evaporation or collected for recycle to the process plant, depending on environmental and process considerations. In some cases water quality may allow direct discharge to the environment. Recovery is usually achieved by a pump or gravity system. Floating pump stations allow fexibility oI operation with water level changes being easily accommodated. However, maintenance and running costs can be high. Pump sizing may need to cope with volumes accumulated in severe food events. Floating gravity decants or siphon decants can also be developed iI suIfcient head is available. Fixed decant structures are commonly used. These usually comprise concrete or steel tower structures with controllable outlets at various levels. They often have permeable materials such as rockfll surrounding them to improve water clarity and give a large area for water entry. The draw off level can be adjusted to suit requirements of the pond. A tailings discharge plan is required to control the beach shapes so as to maintain the position of the pond around the tower. 5.0 Design - Water Management The structural design of tower decants should take into account the large down-drag forces applied to the structure by consolidation settlement of the tailings. The draw-off system needs to allow the formation of adequate pondage to permit settlement of solids before the water is removed. A shroud over the outlet is also common to prevent foating debris or scum being carried over. 5.8 Seepage 5.8.1 General Seepage from tailings storages will potentially develop through the embankments, Ioundations and foor oI the impoundment. The amount of seepage loss will depend on the permeability of the various materials and will be greatly infuenced by the permeability oI the tailings themselves, which in many cases is quite low. Seepage losses may not be signifcant in the overall water balance, but the environmental impact of contaminated seepage may be the more signifcant factor. Along with losses due to evaporation, seepage is one oI the more diIfcult components to quantiIy accurately. Often this is taken as the component that closes the water balance, in other words, once the inputs and other outputs (losses) are quantifed (or estimated), seepage losses are considered to be the component that balances the inputs and outputs. However these can seriously under or overestimate the seepage losses due to uncertainty in estimating other large water balance components. Seepage assessment is necessary as part of detailed design to: defne pore pressures Ior use in stability analysis evaluate restrictions on rate oI rise, iI any determine potential impacts oI seepage on the receiving environment, and allow design oI drainage and collection systems. It is necessary to attempt to quantify potential seepage losses before the tailings dam is constructed and this is where the role of seepage modelling is important. The key driver of seepage is the elevation difference between the decant pond and the surrounding ground. If there were no water retained on, or within, the tailings dam, seepage would not be a concern. This is one of the primary perceived advantages of high density thickened tailings deposits where no decant pond exists on top of the storage. However, seepage from the associated balance pond needs to be considered. The height of a conventional TSF increases during its lifetime, thus continually increasing the elevation difference between the pond and the surrounding ground and hence the driving head causing seepage. When predicting likely seepage losses from a TSF it is therefore common to use the fnal height as the design condition Ior modelling. However, it can be useful to make predictions of likely seepage quantities at various times during the operational life of the TSF. In this way, predicted perIormance (such as drain fow rates) can be compared with actual perIormance, allowing Ior modifcations to the predictions oI perIormance at fnal height. It also allows for intervention at an early stage should actual performance be worse than the predicted performance. This proactive approach may also allow for taking advantage of an opportunity, should the actual performance be better than the predicted performance. Seepage, as conventionally defned, is not the only mechanism responsible for the generation of pore water pressures within tailings impoundments. Consolidation (squeezing of water from the pore spaces) is an equally important mechanism that should be considered in the analysis of pore pressure in tailings. The combination of seepage and consolidation pressures generally culminates in non-hydrostatic conditions which need to be considered in the design of tailings dams. 5.8.2 Predicting seepage quality and quantity Estimates of likely seepage volumes are usually based on some form of modelling. This modelling utilises computer simulations and it is essential that accurate and realistic input parameters are obtained for these modelling exercises. It is also important to benchmark the output by comparing actual seepage against seepage predictions for various intermediate phases of a tailings dam construction, and not restricted to the fnal geometry. Once realistic input parameters, boundary conditions and model geometry have been determined, a seepage analysis can be used to estimate the direction and quantity of seepage from a TSF. It will usually be necessary to estimate seepage quality as well. In some 34 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 35 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 5.0 Design - Water Management cases it may be possible to base estimates of quality solely on the measured quality oI decant water; however it is becoming increasingly necessary to predict the fate of contaminants (contained within the tailings seepage water) in the surrounding environment. Input from specialists such as geochemists may be required. Modelling can also be useful in predictions of likely pore water pressures within a TSF, which is essential to quantifying the stability of a TSF. Seepage modelling can also be used to locate instrumentation designed to monitor the performance of a TSF during construction and operation. Modelling can help identify likely critical sections and locations within a TSF where instrumentation can provide maximum beneft. 5.8.3 Components of a seepage model Any seepage model must include a realistic representation of the geometry of the problem being modelled, assignment of suitable parameters to the various materials present (in-situ soils, tailings, liners, etc.) and defnition oI appropriate boundary conditions. Problem geometry: Representation of the tailings within a TSF and the foundation soil below a TSF as homogeneous and isotropic layers is often unacceptably simplistic. In particular, the foundation soil may be complex, with the existence for example of paleo- channels, Iractures, fssures or layers oI diIIering material. It is essential to conduct suIfcient site characterisation to ensure a realistic representation of the subsurface has been established. Material properties: For a seepage analysis the key parameter is the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Some materials might exhibit anisotropic hydraulic conductivity values. Saturated/unsaturated modelling would involve the potential variation of hydraulic conductivity with degree of saturation in material above the fully saturated zone. Transient seepage analyses would require data on hydraulic conductivity, porosity and/or volumetric water content. The hydraulic properties of tailings are dependent on the void ratio achieved in practice, and potential layering and cracking within the deposit. 5.8.4 Monitoring and verication All tailings dams require some form of instrumentation. Piezometers are used for measuring positive pore water pressures. Most conventional piezometers can only measure positive pore pressures which occur below the phreatic surface. The phreatic surface starts at the decant pond, and the slope of this surface towards the perimeter of the tailings dam depends on the hydraulic properties of the tailings and underlying soils as well as any drainage layers or liners that might have been incorporated into the tailings dam. If the fow is predominantly vertical (bottom draining) the pore water pressures underneath the phreatic surface are generally less than hydrostatic. In contrast, when dealing with high rates of rise and/or very soft tailings, generation of excess pore water pressures can create higher than hydrostatic conditions below the phreatic surface. Capturing of true and realistic pore water pressure distributions within a tailings dam is crucial for any seepage modelling exercise. II a suIfcient number oI piezometers are installed the shape of the phreatic surface and underlying pressures can be determined. This information can be used to verify design assumptions, modelling predictions and as input to stability analyses. .Instrumentation can also be used to provide trigger levels that would indicate unsafe conditions due to increased pore water pressures above safe values. Regular piezometer monitoring enables the performance of a tailings dam to be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Data from a piezometer should be carefully interpreted. Pore-water pressures within a tailings dam can be due to not only the fow Irom the decant pond, but may also be from a high rate of rise that result in high excess pore water pressures, if tailings have a low coeIfcient oI consolidation. Drains and/or drainage layers may be built into the dam during construction to keep the phreatic surface a suitable distance away from the downstream face. The design of suitable drainage is described in ICOLD Bulletin No 97, Tailings Dams Design of Drainage. Instrumentation of tailings dams is discussed in ICOLD Bulletin 104 - Monitoring of Tailings. 5.0 Design - Water Management 5.8.5 Predicting impact on groundwater Once the potential quantity and quality of seepage water has been estimated, the potential impact on groundwater can be predicted. Before considering potential impacts, it is essential to accurately characterise and quantify the background (existing) conditions. Information required includes depth to the water table(s), any signifcant aquiIer(s), amount and quality of the groundwater and the transmissivity of the ground. Information can be obtained from records or sampling of existing bores, other geological and geotechnical drilling carried out on the site, and specifc hydrogeological investigations. A hydrogeological investigation can include simple monitoring bores to measure water levels, down- hole tests carried out to assess formation permeability, pump testing, and water quality testing. 5.8.6 Environmental Assimilative Capacity Where seepage studies indicate a potential problem, it may be necessary to model the actual movement of contaminants in the environment. Contaminants in groundwater may be subject to attenuation by various natural processes including decay, biological and/or chemical breakdown, retardation/absorption, dispersion, and dilution. Flow through unsaturated zones, in particular if the soils or weathered rocks have a high clay content, is particularly important in this regard. Cyanide and metals absorption characteristics can be measured for soils using laboratory scale tests. For rocks, some form of in- ground tracer type tests may be preferred. Groundwater seepage velocities are often slow and the actual mass of contaminant transported may be small. Where seepage emerges into existing streams or other water bodies, the assessment of potential effects should be based on the diluted concentrations. Threshold concentrations in the receiving water that are acceptable are set by regulatory authorities. 5.8.7 Design Measures to Minimise Seepage Rather than having to implement retrospective water management strategies such as installing seepage cut- off trenches or interception bores, implementation of certain key principles during the design phase can minimise seepage problems. Maximisation of solar drying, minimisation of water content of tailings and minimising the volume (and areal extent) of ponded water are fundamental considerations. 5.8.8 Lining of TSFs Methods to limit or manage foundation seepage include cut-offs, interception trenches or wells, grouting, and collection sumps/dams below points of seepage. Cut-offs are useful in areas where preferential seepage zones of higher permeability exist within the foundations. Naturally occurring clay under impoundment areas can be left in place or improved by added compaction to constitute a liner, or if necessary, additional clay may be imported. Natural clays often have relatively high permeability due to fssures, root holes etc. All foundation soils will allow some seepage. However, the rate of seepage may be so slow and the assimilative capacity of the environment so large that the impacts of the leakage small. A risk based approach to seepage losses would quantify the magnitude of this potential impact. In some circumstances it is not necessary to line a TSF, such as when the tailings liquor is benign, or when the local groundwater is unft Ior animal or human consumption (e.g. hypersaline). At the other extreme, however, there might be situations where leakage of even very small concentrations of a particular contaminant might be unacceptable, such as certain radioactive constituents. Synthetic liners are an option in lieu of or in conjunction with clay. When considering the potential need for an engineered lining system, such as a geomembrane or a composite liner, it is necessary to quantiIy the beneft of such a solution. The tailings material itself may have a very low permeability, particularly the tailings at the base of the TSF where consolidation has reduced void ratios and thus hydraulic conductivities. Furthermore, it is often the case that the more weathered or oxidised ore at the top of the deposit is mined and processed frst, giving a layer oI more clayey tailings across the base of the impoundment facility. Consideration of an engineered lining system should also consider the implications of underdrainage, when all seepage through the tailings would have to be collected and managed within drainage structures. Otherwise there is the risk of rapid build-up of excess pore water pressures (as downward drainage into the sub-surface is limited, potentially leading to low density and low strength tailings. Liners may consist of a number of materials including: 36 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 37 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 5.0 Design - Water Management compacted clay natural soils mixed with bentonite or similar additives bitumen seal PVC or similar liners HDPE, butyl or similar geosynthetic liners, and bentonite layers oI patent design. Some clays focculate in the presence oI high salinity water and have lesser permeability than indicated by laboratory results using fresh water. Each of these should be researched for the possibility of damage, compatibility with the retained tailings, and for their longevity. It is noted for example, that PVC material can lose its plasticiser in contact with clay ground and therefore loses quality in such circumstances. The liners will be subject to a full hydrostatic pressure unless drainage systems are built on top. In such circumstances small tears and incomplete seams can lead to quite signifcant volumes of seepage despite the integrity of the main part of the liner. Most synthetic liners have an inherent assigned permeability due to the likelihood of minor imperfections in the manufacturing process. Where the control of seepage is crucial a double liner (or composite liner) system may be used. In its simplest form two liners are placed in contact with each other on the basis that the probability of faults occurring in each liner at the same location is very remote. A typical situation would be a plastic (or geosynthetic) liner placed over a compacted clay liner. In some situations the two liners may be separated by a drainage medium such as sand which contains collector pipes which will collect any seepage through the frst liner into a monitoring system. Since this drainage layer will almost invariably be at atmospheric pressure, the hydraulic gradient across the lower liner is then very low and can therefore be assumed to control seepage below the second liner to minimal levels. 5.9 Drains and Filters Drainage is one factor affecting seepage and stability, that can be addressed in the design. A drainage system must have the following features: a flter to prevent loss oI particles Irom the dam or foundation a drainage layer to convey the water Irom the flter, and outlets to exit water Irom the drainage layer. The drains and drainage layers have to be large enough and extend far enough within the embankment to reduce pore pressures as required. They must be completely surrounded by flter material so as to prevent any fne particles Irom being carried away with the drained water, which could lead to failure by piping. Further information is in ICOLD Bulletin No. 97, Tailings Dams - Design of Drainage. Filters must be properly designed e.g. use Sherard and Dunnigan (1984) and constructed of clean, free draining, non-plastic sand and gravel. Geotextile flters in contact with tailings may clog and should only be used after consideration of this aspect. The design liIe oI a flter in a tailings dam environment needs particular consideration in relation to the post- closure period, if there is a risk of chemical precipitation or reaction that may change flter properties. It is likely that a flter cannot be relied on to perIorm its Iunction into the post-closure phase if AMD seepage is occurring, or could possibly develop. In this case, design may need to consider alternative means to protect a tailings storage from the risk of piping. This could include: provide conservatively sized flters avoid materials prone to piping, and design Ior very 6.0 Design Embankment 6.0 Design Embankment The objective of tailings storage embankment design is to ensure that the structures are able to withstand the potential loading conditions that could be expected during their life time to the extent that the risk of failure is acceptably low. 6.1 Stability Analysis 6.1.1 Stability Evaluations Stability evaluations of tailings dams differ from those for conventional dams in the following respects: Tailings dam embankment zones may be thinner and smaller, especially for the upstream method of construction Upstream construction relies on the strength oI the tailings which can vary with time due to consolidation, and The pore pressures within the tailings are a combination of seepage pressures and consolidation pressures which generally culminate in non- hydrostatic conditions requiring specialised modelling techniques. 6.1.2 Methods of Stability Analyses The analysis of stability of tailings dam embankments is initially carried out using limit equilibrium procedures. Some of these procedures consider all of the conditions of static equilibrium (force and moment equilibrium) while others consider only some of them. Those procedures that have reasonable side force assumptions and that explicitly satisfy moment equilibrium are recommended, such as Bishop (1955), Morgenstern and Price (1965), Spencer (1967), Chen and Morgenstern (1983), and Sharma (1973). Where suIfcient data are not available it will be necessary to use conservative parameters. In some cases (if the required data are available) a fnite element/diIIerence method is used where stability is marginal or where it is necessary to predict deformations and/or pore pressures in unusual situations. The method is directly relevant to upstream construction on consolidated/partially consolidated clayey tailings, where the high clay content may lead to strain softening and where there is potential for liquefaction. The method of analysis should be determined by experienced practitioners guided by a risk-assessment process. 6.1.3 Loading Conditions Before starting stability analyses, clear understanding needs to develop about the loading conditions. Each loading condition represents a physical condition or scenario that needs to be analysed with specifc types of material strengths. Different types of shear strengths (drained or undrained), even for the same material, may be needed for different loading conditions. In addition it may be necessary to consider the contractive and dilative state of materials. The contractive versus dilative behaviour could be evaluated through laboratory tests, such as consolidated undrained triaxial tests with pore water pressure measurements, and/or feld tests, such as cone penetration tests with pore water pressure measurements. The following loading conditions should be considered for tailings dam analyses: Drained condition: This loading condition assumes that the excess pore pressures caused by loading (or unloading) have dissipated due to a slow rate of construction or suIfcient time aIter construction, and the shear- induced pore pressures are also zero due to a slow rate of shearing during failure. In essence, this loading condition represents the long-term stability of a tailings dam under steady-state conditions, with no rapid change in phreatic surface or geometry (either loading or excavation). For this loading condition, all materials are characterised with effective stress drained shear strength. The physical conditions/scenarios that this loading condition may represent include: 38 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 39 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 6.0 Design Embankment long-term static stability oI the ultimate design height embankment, and long-term post closure stability oI a TSF. This loading condition should not be used to evaluate: stability during construction, where geometry and/ or pore water pressures are changing stability oI contractive materials stability oI new construction over existing slopes stability oI renewed deposition over old impoundments slope stability with toe excavation, and post-seismic stability where the seismic event is small enough to preclude any liquefaction but large enough to induce undrained conditions. For these latter scenarios the short-term undrained loading condition needs to be evaluated as described below. Undrained condition: The undrained loading condition represents the stability of an embankment where loading and/or failure occurs rapidly enough that there is not enough time for drainage of induced excess pore water pressures, or where pore pressures are developed due the contractive nature of the tailings. Some drainage may occur in the feld but it is diIfcult to predict how much and where along the shear surface it will occur. To guard against this uncertainty, the standard practice is to check the stability of such materials using the undrained strength envelope. Materials for which undrained strength is of particular importance include saturated contractive tailings and foundation clay layers. Coarse grained, free draining materials and dilative materials, which are not expected to sustain any excess pore water pressures, are adequately characterised with effective stress drained shear strength parameters. Static liquefaction is another important slope failure mechanism whose potential needs be evaluated as part oI the undrained loading condition. As defned by Fell (2007), static liquefaction occurs at low stresses and is characterised by large pore pressure development, resulting in close to zero effective stresses at low strain levels. Further details on static liquefaction can be obtained from Fell (2007) and Duncan and Wright (2005). Pseudo-static Condition: One of the earliest procedures of analysis for seismic stability was the pseudo-static procedure, in which the earthquake loading is represented by a static horizontal force, equal to the soil weight multiplied by a seismic coeIfcient, k. This approach is conservative in that forces in the critical direction exist for only a short time before being followed by equal forces in the opposite direction which stabilise the slope. Pseudo- static analyses provide a useful way of screening for potential stability problems, however are less conservative when the soils involved may lose a signifcant amount oI their strength due to the earthquake. Because seismic loading is of short duration, it is reasonable to assume that except for some coarse grained materials, the soils will not drain appreciably during the period of earthquake shaking. Thus, consolidated undrained shear strengths are used for most fne grained materials in pseudo-static analyses. The US Army Corps of Engineers (1984) recommend the use of undrained conditions for cohesive soils and drained conditions for free draining granular materials, with a 20 percent strength reduction to allow for strain weakening during earthquake loading. Further guidance on strength reduction factors and seismic coeIfcients can be obtained Irom Duncan and Wright (2005). It is generally accepted that the pseudo-static analysis is not an accurate tool of seismic stability assessment of embankment dams, and that it may only be used as a screening tool for dams not susceptible to liquefaction (ANCOLD Guidelines for Design of Dams for Earthquake, August 1998). The indication of a low factor of safety from pseudo- static analysis should lead to an assessment of potential embankment deformation. Post-seismic Condition: Following an earthquake, the stability of a slope may be diminished because cyclic loading has reduced the shear strength of the material this is especially true for tailings. The reductions in shear strength are generally treated differently depending on whether or not liquefaction occurs. The frst step in evaluating strength loss is to determine if the material will liquefy. The procedures for doing this are semi-empirical, based on consideration of particle size grading, the degree of saturation, results oI feld tests and case histories. Four diIIerent feld 6.0 Design Embankment tests are generally considered suitable for measuring soil resistance to liquefaction: (1) cone penetration tests, (2) Standard Penetration tests, (3) shear-wave velocity measurements, and (4) for gravelly sites, the Becker penetration test. Various correlations have been developed that relate the results from these tests to the resistance of the material against liquefaction, measured as cyclic resistance ratio (CRR). The CRR values are then compared with the seismically induced seismic stress ratio (CSR) to determine if liquefaction will occur. CSR values could be estimated from the simplifed procedure oI Seed and Idriss (1971) or could be calculated using a more rigorous site response analysis approach, such as that implemented in the SHAKE computer program. If liquefaction is expected, reduced values of the undrained residual shear strengths are estimated. If a material is not expected to liquefy it is still possible that pore water pressures will increase in the material and its shear strength may be reduced. The reduction in shear strength is generally related to the factor of saIety against liqueIaction, which is defned as CSR divided by CRR. Once the post-seismic shear strengths have been determined, a conventional static slope stability analysis is performed to estimate the post-seismic stability of the structure. Liquefaction assessment is a specialised area that requires expert knowledge. Susceptibility of materials to liquefaction is not only dependent upon the CRR/ CSR values but also on many other material characteristics such as particle size gradations, Atterberg limits, etc. Guidance on liquefaction assessment and post-seismic stability can be obtained from Duncan and Wright (2005) and Seed and Boulanger (2008). 6.1.4 Shear Strength Characterisation The level oI site investigations, including feld and laboratory testing, should be compatible with the level of design and the associated analyses. Effective stress (drained) shear strength parameters may be estimated from consolidated drained (CD) triaxial test(s), consolidated direct simple shear test(s), consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial test(s) with pore water pressure measurement. Consolidated undrained shear strength should be derived in accordance with the Undrained Strength Analysis (USA) approach of Ladd (1991). The crux of the USA approach is that the undrained shear strength is a function of the pre-shear/pre-loading effective consolidation stress. This approach is also commonly called the su/`v approach. For situations where the undrained strength is estimated to be higher than the drained strength, undrained strength should be capped at the drained strength to avoid reliance on negative pore water pressures. In other words, undrained shear strength values higher than the drained shear strength values should generally be avoided. For horizontal or near horizontal shear planes, direct shear or direct simple shear type shear strength should be used (instead of the triaxial shear strength) to account for possible anisotropy in shear strength. The use of total strength parameters is not recommended because total stresses do not directly account for the pore water pressures, and for tailings dams the use of total stress parameters may give misleading results. Material strengths, both drained and undrained, are a function of effective stresses and not of total stresses. Table 5 Acceptable factors of safety Loading Condition (Note 1) Recommended Minimum for Tailings Dams Shear strength to be used for evaluation Long-term drained 1.5 Effective Strength Short-term undrained (potential loss of containment) 1.5 Consolidated Undrained Strength Short-term undrained (no potential loss of containment) 1.3 Consolidated Undrained Strength Post-seismic 1.1 Post Seismic Shear Strength See Note 2 !ote 1 See Section 6.1.3 for description of loading conditions Note 2 Cvclicallv reduced undrained/drained shear strength and/or liquehed residual shear strength for potentiallv liquehable materials. 40 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 41 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 6.0 Design Embankment 6.1.5 Acceptable Factors of Safety There are no rules for acceptable factors of safety, as they need to account for the consequences of failure and the uncertainty in material properties and subsurface conditions. Table 5 shows the ANCOLD recommended factors of safety for tailings dams under various loading conditions. If a Pseudo-Static analysis is undertaken, a factor of safety greater than 1.0 may be taken as indicative of limited deformation being caused by the design earthquake. A factor of safety less than 1.0 should not be interpreted as necessarily indicating failure of an embankment but only as a trigger for a deformation assessment. The potential for failure should then be judged on the basis of the assessed deformation, and the potential consequences of this deformation in terms of release of tailings or water that could lead to failure. 6.1.6 Additional Points to Consider The Iollowing points are made specifcally in reIerence to use of limit equilibrium methods to analyse the stability of tailings dams. In the majority of applications, non-circular failure surfaces may need to be considered. Critical Iailure surIaces are defned as those which give the lowest factor of safety, and which would likely cause signifcant damage iI sliding occurred. Shallow Iailure surIaces are oIten identifed by computer analyses using automatic search routines as giving the minimum factor of safety but do not lead to the critical breaching of the dam. Situations which can lead to an overestimation of factor of safety can usually be related to the assumptions made regarding shear strength and pore pressures, not to problems in the analysis itself, e.g.: incorrect assessment oI location oI phreatic surIace and pore water pressure conditions anisotropic conditions in the fll or tailings, giving relatively high horizontal permeability non-recognition oI bedding plane shears or landslip surfaces in the foundation non-recognition oI fssuring in the soil/rock foundation liqueIaction` under earthquake loading, leading to loss of shear strength, and static liqueIaction as stress conditions change e.g. by upstream construction where failure occurs at stresses less than given by effective stress parameters. This occurs when the loose tailings generate positive pore pressures during shearing. Recent advances in the area of numerical modelling have made it possible to calculate the factor of safety oI a slope using fnite element/diIIerence techniques (Dawson and Roth, 1999; Dawson, Motamed, Nesarajah, and Roth, 2000). The major advantage of using fnite element/diIIerence methodology is that trial shear surfaces are not required to locate the most critical shear surface. This is an expert area requiring special skills, judgment and experience other than mathematical expertise. 6.1.7 Progressive Failure Consideration should be given to the risk of progressive failure (Potts et al, 1990), where, for example, the slip surface passes through high plasticity clay which exhibits brittle or strain softening behaviour. 6.1.8 Reliability and Sensitivity Analyses Reliability calculations are used to estimate the statistical reliability of the calculated factor of safety considering the inherent uncertainties in the input parameters. It provides a means of evaluating the combined effects of uncertainties and a means of distinguishing between conditions where uncertainties are particularly high or low. Reliability calculations could be performed using probability based statistical techniques such as those described by Duncan (2000). This may be useful in decision making. It is good practice that analyses are carried out to assess the sensitivity of the factor of safety to assumptions on shear strength, pore pressures and geometry of sliding, and that the embankment is designed to be stable within a range of assumptions. Seepage analyses should be reviewed in light of stability analyses to ensure the potential range of the critical pore pressures has been evaluated. 6.0 Design Embankment 6.2 Earthquake Considerations The design of a tailings dam for earthquake should take into consideration the: level oI seismic activity that may occur at the site potential Ior amplifcation or dampening oI the frm ground acceleration by Ioundation and/or embankment materials ability oI the proposed tailings dam to survive predicted earthquake loadings, and potential Ior liqueIaction oI the saturated tailings on an elevated beach or in the storage. The assessment of seismic hazard can be made from a history of the earthquakes that have occurred in the vicinity of the storage. Reference is made to Australian Standard AS 1170.4-1993, however this does not cover the wide range of earthquake probabilities relevant to dam designs. High and Signifcant Consequence Category tailings dams should use specifc site inIormation and the assistance of seismology specialists. Estimates of ground motion parameters from past earthquakes can be calculated Ior a specifc site. The designer requires information on both the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and the Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) for dam design (refer ANCOLD Guideline for Design of Dams for Earthquakes, 1998). Dams should remain serviceable under the OBE. OBE is generally expected to cause limited damage/deformations that could be repaired without signifcantly disrupting operations. Under the MDE, damage could be more extensive and may disrupt operations, but the structural integrity of the dam needs to be maintained and uncontrolled release of tailings/water should not occur. Thus, MDE is always higher than the OBE. The OBE for tailings dams should generally be as follows, subject to the ANCOLD 1998 guideline referenced above: a 1 in 50 AEP event Ior LOW Consequence dams a 1 in 100 AEP event Ior SIGNIFICANT Consequence dams, and a 1 in 1000 AEP event Ior HIGH and EXTREME Consequence dams. When considering the MDE, the concept of Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) is often used. The MCE is calculated deterministically and is taken as the maximum theoretical earthquake associated with known or inferred faults in proximity of the site. Therefore the MCE technically does not have a return period associated with it, and is the maximum earthquake that could ever occur at the site. Earthquake events for 10,000 year, or 20,000 year or 50,000 year AEP generally start approaching the MCE event. The MDE should be at least a 1:10,000 AEP event for HIGH and EXTREME Consequence Dams. Well compacted embankment dams constructed from clayey fll or rockfll are generally resistant to earthquake shaking, although provision must be made for crest settlements and displacements resulting from the earthquake. These can be estimated so that a suitable freeboard can be maintained at all times to avoid risk of overtopping. Hydraulically placed sand flls are particularly susceptible to liquefaction or slope instability under earthquake conditions unless compacted to an acceptable relative density. The required density depends on grading and grain shape and can be determined by laboratory tests. Several tailings dams using upstream construction have failed by liquefaction. Upstream construction dams require particularly careful design and detailing to withstand earthquakes. They should use internal drainage and suitably shaped starter dams to reduce the length of a potential failure surface that could pass through the retained tailings. Note that tailings as placed are usually stratifed, so underdrains may not result in complete drainage of the tailings and liquefaction may occur under moderate earthquakes. Tailings dams are typically analysed for earthquake stability in stages of increasing order of complexity according to the results of the previous stage. The stages are described in ANCOLD (1998). 6.3 Settlement Tailings densities are low when deposited, but will increase under the effects of surface drying or from consolidation under self-weight, the weight imposed by ongoing deposition or the weight of a capping layer. Consolidation rates may be quite slow, sometimes taking many years, particularly Ior fne grained, clayey tailings. Traditional consolidation models used in geomechanics do not correctly simulate early behaviour, and use must be made of Finite Strain Theory and fnite element modelling. 42 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 43 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 6.0 Design Embankment As the material consolidates, the permeability also reduces with the lowest layers being most dense and having the lowest permeability. This restricts downwards fow necessitating much oI the consolidation water to move upwards through a longer distance than consolidation of normal soils. This in turn causes a slower consolidation than might be expected. Detailed analyses take into account the changing characteristics of the tailings as they consolidate. The consolidation of tailings may result in settlements of many metres in some cases. The effects of such settlement on the embankment or any structures near or within the tailings are to be considered carefully. For example, upstream construction may be built partly on an existing earthen embankment and partly on tailings, causing ongoing differential settlement. This can lead to cracking of the embankment both longitudinally and laterally, the effects of which should be considered in stability analyses. Similarly, the settlement of tailings around any embedded decant tower, causeway or, pipe system can be quite signifcant leading to down-drag loads which can damage such systems. Monitoring equipment embedded in the tailings must also be capable of tolerating such settlements. Settlement may continue for many years after the placement oI tailings have been fnalised. This will mean that surface drainage on a rehabilitated upper surface will change with time and may cause ponding iI suIfcient allowance or ongoing maintenance has not been provided. The consolidation causing this settlement may also continue to release water and any associated salts from within tailings for a considerable time after mine closure. Settlement can be caused by evaporation from the tailings surface which, apart from shrinkage in the drying layer, will lower the groundwater level and increase the effective stresses on deeper tailings and thus initiate further consolidation. 6.4 Durability of Construction Materials The durability of all construction materials must be considered in the design of tailings dams intended to safely retain tailings into the long-term post-closure. Examples could include: rip-rap or armour rock subject to break-down by weathering rockfll containing sulphides that could be prone to oxidation, breakdown and release of acid drainage drain material that may react with the process solution, and synthetic materials such as geotextile and pipes that do not have proven long-term performance. 6.5 Design Report The design report describes the basis of the design, including the design concept/philosophy and all design parameters such as the geotechnical properties of the tailings and construction materials, the site meteorological conditions (rainfall, evaporation, wind, etc.) and the key performance criteria. The design report is critically important in determining the safety controls, operating procedures and maintenance programs that need to be implemented for the successful operation of the facility. The design report also provides easy and quick reference for details in the event of an emergency, the assessment and evaluation of an operational need to modify operation or design, or the need for a back- analysis of an issue arising. 6.6 Third-Party Reviews As a prudent and proven risk management/control approach, third-party reviews are encouraged at different stages of design and operation of TSFs. These reviews should be treated separate from the annual reviews of the facility, and should be carried out by an independent party different than the designer. 7.0 Construction 7.0 Construction The objective of construction is to create a safe and stable tailings storage that conforms to the design intent, meets regulatory commitments and meets the intended tailings and water management requirements. 7.1 Introduction The integrity of a tailings embankment is as critical as for any water dam. Assuming a sound design, the success or failure of a tailings embankment will depend heavily on the manner in which it is constructed. Construction management, technical supervision and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) are essential for the successful construction of a TSF and ancillary works. The requirements for successful construction management of a TSF are as set out below, together with other construction related issues. These requirements apply equally to initial construction and any subsequent stages or raises. 7.2 Supervision and Documentation 7.2.1 General The responsibilities for technical direction and documentation oI the works need to be Iully defned prior to the commencement of construction. The preferred arrangements are set out in the following sections. 7.2.2 Design Engineer It is highly desirable that the Design Engineer should be closely involved in construction. It is preferable that the Design Engineer should also be the Responsible Engineer (see below), but where this is not the case, the Responsible Engineer should have a defned relationship to the Design Engineer to allow ongoing interaction to ensure the design intent is achieved. 7.2.3 Responsible Engineer The Responsible Engineer is the engineer responsible Ior supervision during construction and Ior certifcation of the construction works. The usual regulatory requirement for construction certifcation is that the works have been executed in accordance with the design intent. It follows that all design changes required during construction must be approved by the Design Engineer, and documented either by notes or revisions to construction drawings. The Responsible Engineer should be responsible for the technical direction of the work and should certify that the TSF has been constructed in conformance with the design and specifcations. The Responsible Engineer should be represented on site during construction by an Engineers Representative or Resident Engineer who will carry out the technical direction of the work. Technical direction comprises interpretation of the design and specifcations and review oI site conditions and materials to ensure that the intent of the design is implemented. Site conditions often vary from those assumed during the design and it is important that these variations are recognised, accommodated and documented during construction. Construction inspector(s), reporting to the Resident Engineer should be used when the complexity or importance of the work warrants it. Visual inspection oI works can be signifcantly more effective than random sampling and testing in maintaining the quality of workmanship. 7.2.4 Quality Control/Quality Assurance Quality Assurance (QA) comprises management of the design, construction and operation process to ensure that the systems in place are capable of delivering the quality objectives of a project. Quality Control (QC) comprises inspection of the work and testing of materials prior to incorporation in the Works to ensure compliance with the specifcations. This work comprises testing oI potential borrow areas, flter 44 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 45 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 7.0 Construction materials, concrete aggregates etc., inspection of membrane liners, pumps, pipelines etc. during or soon after manufacture and prior to installation or incorporation into the works. The QC work is usually carried out by the Responsible Engineer or an independent testing company who reports to the Responsible Engineer. Irrespective of the size of the project, as a minimum, earthworks should be subject to geotechnical testing. Test methods should be in accordance with the methods set out in AS 1289, Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes. Whilst not strictly applicable to embankment dams, further guidance on the practicalities of earthworks testing is provided in AS 3798-2007 Guidelines on Earthworks for Commercial and Residential Developments. A Site Inspection Manual that presents QA methodology and the types and frequency of QA/QC test work, inspection, recording and reporting requirements, in accordance to the construction specifcation, should be prepared, maintained and amended when required,. The Manual should include a site organisation chart showing lines of communication and responsibilities for the construction management team. The manual should include protocols for acceptance and rejection of components of the work, and re-work and re-testing requirements. 7.2.5 Construction Site Management There are several ways in which the construction of a TSF can be delivered. These include: TSF constructed by owner using mine equipment or by direct hire TSF constructed by contractor, and TSF constructed by combination oI contractor and owner. It is not unusual for the initial stage of a TSF to be constructed by a contractor and subsequent stages to be constructed by the mine. The management system required for the successful construction of the TSF will depend on who is carrying out the work. An appropriate management structure for a TSF constructed by a contractor is shown in Figure 2. 7.0 Construction Mining Company Responsible Engineer Construction Manager Contractual Management Technical Management Responsible Engineers Representative QA/QC Contractor Figure 2 Management structure for contractor constructed TSF The size of this management team depends on the size and level of complexity of the construction project. The team could be as little as one person who provides technical direction, carries out QA/QC inspections and feld testing and provides contract management. This is only possible if the project is small in scope. A large TSF development may require a signifcant team comprising a Resident Engineer, project engineers and inspectors, and a site laboratory for materials testing. A separate construction management team may be required comprising an owners representative, contract manager, quantity surveyors and cost control personnel. An appropriate management structure for an owner constructed facility is shown in Figure 3. 46 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 47 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 7.0 Construction Mining Company Engineers Representative QA/QC Team Mine Work Force Technical Management Figure 3 Management Structure for Owner Constructed TSF The main difference in this case is that the mine is both the owner and constructor of the TSF as well as the client of the engineer. The lines of authority to ensure that the technical requirements of the TSF construction are met need to be established and recorded in the Site Inspection Manual. Again, the size of the team depends on the size and complexity of the construction project. Projects where both contractor and owner are involved in the construction will require elements of both management structures. The most important requirement is technical direction and supervision to ensure that the TSF is constructed according to the design intent of the Design Engineer. 7.0 Construction 7.3 Storage Preparation 7.3.1 Clearing and Stripping Preparation of the storage area is typically covered in the design specifcation and/or drawings. The extent of storage preparation required will generally be site specifc and dependent on a number of factors relating to the extent of vegetation and the necessity to control seepage through the foor oI the storage. The following considerations apply. All trees and large bushes within the area for storage should be removed. The removal of these may be carried out by dozing or felling depending on the extent and nature of the vegetation. Vegetation and felled trees that is not suitable for timber or other use may be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Alternatively they can be chipped or stockpiled for use during rehabilitation. Where soils within the storage have been identifed as suitable Ior use in rehabilitation (or topsoiling) these should be stripped after the removal of the vegetation. As the usefulness of organic rich soils can deteriorate with stockpiling, the advice of the local soil conservation department or other suitably experienced advice should be sought on the most appropriate methods of storing the soil to minimise degradation. Where a design requires special treatment of the storage foor to reduce the permeability particular attention should be given to preventing the subsequent desiccation and cracking of the treated soils. Where broad scale preventative measures are not possible the work should be carried out progressively ahead of the tailings as it covers the foor oI the storage. 7.3.2 Springs and Permeable Ground Features such as springs that may rise within the basin oI a storage should be identifed. An appropriate measure for addressing such occurrences would include depressurising the ground water and placing a sealing layer over the spring. The depressurising may cease once there is suIfcient weight on top to hold down the seal. Where groundwater drains are considered an option, it may be appropriate to isolate them from the tailings with an impermeable or low permeability cover to minimise the contamination of the groundwater by tailings water. This can ensure that the groundwater collected by the isolated groundwater drains will meet release standards. Where features such as permeable faults or permeable zones have been identifed, measures must be taken to minimise the potential seepage problem. Appropriate measures would include the blanketing of the areas with a low permeability fll and/or the installation oI drainage. 7.3.3 Preparation for Liners Facilities that store hazardous tailings containing cyanide, radio-nuclides etc. may require a continuous membrane basin liner or multiple liner, refer 5.8.8. The success of membrane liners relies on the care taken in preparation of the bedding layers and in the QA/QC programmes for installation. Liners can be punctured by sharp rock particles in the bedding layer beneath the liner or in the over liner material. Protective layers of geotextile can be used to protect liners from puncture. The geotextile- membrane line interface can be a plane of weakness and care must be taken during construction to prevent slip failures. Compound liners require that the membrane liner be placed in direct contact with a low permeability soil liner. This combination can result in a signifcant reduction in potential leakage. This relies on continuous contact and excessive wrinkles in the membrane liner can make this less effective. 7.4 Foundation Preparation Foundation preparation for embankments is typically covered in the design specifcation and/or drawings. The foundations for embankments should be prepared with equal care and diligence as for any conventional water holding dam. The prepared foundation should be inspected by a qualifed geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist and if necessary should be mapped. The Responsible Engineer should confrm that the geotechnical conditions encountered are consistent with the design assumptions. The strength of the foundation materials needs to be confrmed as meeting design assumptions. In dry climates where saturated clays are rare, this is generally not diIfcult to achieve. Where saturated clays occur, consideration must be given to stability during construction. Rates of construction are usually low enough to permit the dissipation of pore pressures as the dam is built, but stability analyses should be carried out to determine an acceptable safe rate of construction (refer Section 6.1). Having determined acceptable construction pore pressures, instrumentation must be 48 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 49 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 7.0 Construction installed as the work proceeds to enable the actual pore pressures to be monitored. Where the foundations contain permeable layers of sands, gravels or alluvial, the question of seepage control must be addressed (refer Section 5.9). Cut-off trenches or underdrainage collection systems may be required, depending on the type of tailings dam, the nature of the tailings water, the topography and the ground water regime. Loose layers of saturated sands are potentially liquefable and iI encountered may need to be removed or treated in situ. Where the foundations consist of rock, seepage may commence along steep rock faces or in narrow joints where good compaction is diIfcult. Concentrated seepage through rock joints may also initiate internal erosion in the embankment materials. This is normally solved by reshaping such Ieatures, flling local features with concrete, slush grouting of jointed ground and/or the construction oI flter blankets. Seepage through deep seated joints can be restricted by grouting or by collecting it with a controlled underdrainage system. The local site conditions and nature of the rock will generally be the deciding factors in determining the most suitable action. 7.5 Instrumentation Instrumentation is placed to monitor response of the TSF to construction and operation of the facilities. Instrumentation can be delicate, and relies on accurate installation to the specifcations oI the instrument manufacturer and the Design Engineer. The instruments require protection during construction from earthmoving machinery etc. Particular care is required to protect existing instrumentation and monitoring equipment during staged construction or construction of embankment raises. Electronic equipment will also need to be shielded from induced electric current from lightning strikes. 7.6 Source of Materials A variety of materials may be utilised for construction of tailings storage facilities. The material available for use in embankment construction is likely to vary throughout the life of the storage. Evaluation and testing to characterise the material properties is part of the normal design process. Natural site materials may be available, including typical soils and rock, similar to those which would be used in conventional embankments. However, the need to produce cost effective designs often requires consideration of the use of materials which would be considered marginal or not suitable for a water dam. It is often desirable to locate borrow pits for natural materials within the storage area. If this is done, consideration should be given to the infuence oI the borrow pit on seepage from the storage. When the tailings are discharged into borrow pits, they can be expected to fll rapidly with little time Ior drying or consolidation. The persistent high water content of these tailings will inhibit the desiccation and consolidation of tailings deposited over these borrow areas. Borrow pits should be located far enough from the embankment to ensure that the desiccation of tailings is not inhibited where stability is dependent on the strength of the tailings. Borrow pits should be developed to uniIorm foor grades to avoid isolated ponding. It may be necessary to import critical components Irom oII-site sources (e.g. sands or gravels Ior flter/ drainage zones). The cost implications of this will need careful consideration. Signifcant quantities oI mine waste are generated from open-cut operations. In many cases, pre-stripping of the ore-body may be scheduled for the same time as construction of the starter embankment, and waste will be available. In other cases it may be necessary to construct the starter embankment with natural materials, with waste only becoming available for subsequent raises. In some cases, the use oI the mine feet to place overburden waste material directly at the embankment site can be more economic than the use of local materials. The following considerations apply: mining is usually on a large scale, and selection oI particular materials will be diIfcult wider crest widths or zone widths are likely to be required to suit large equipment the inclusion oI coarse and permeable material is a distinct possibility placement and compaction oI thin liIts, or narrow zones will not be practicable or possible, and it is more diIfcult to achieve Iace slopes other than the natural angle of repose of the dumped material. On the other hand, there is usually no shortage of 7.0 Construction material, and the incremental cost of placement may be very low compared to conventional earthworks. Where mine waste is used for embankment construction, weathered oxide waste generally provides a more favourable construction material. In many instances a rock waste that could be a suitable construction material will be precluded from use because of its chemistry. Where any mine waste is used for embankment construction it should be tested to ensure that it is not potentially acid forming. 7.7 Use of Tailings for Construction 7.7.1 Perimeter Embankments If the design calls for the use of tailings as the main construction material to construct perimeter embankments (or dykes) for the TSF, it is important to ensure that the excavation of the tailings from within the basin does not compromise the integrity of the TSF. When tailings are excavated from a trench adjacent to the perimeter, rapid flling oI the trench with tailings can result in deposits of low strength, under-consolidated tailings in the structural zone of the TSF embankment. This can lead to instability, excessive seepage through the downstream face of the embankment and possibly piping failures. Tailings should therefore be excavated in thin layers from the tailings beach while maintaining drainage away from the perimeter to the supernatant pond or excavated from areas remote from the perimeter and hauled into place. If the moisture content of the excavated tailings is too high to permit compaction to the required density, the tailings can be processed using techniques such as mud farming where specialised machinery is use to dry the tailings prior to excavation. Temporary stockpiling of tailings can also be used to allow drying to occur. Where tailings is used for construction, the downstream face of each stage must be dressed progressively with a suitable material such as mine waste or topsoil and re-vegetated to prevent erosion. 7.7.2 Hydrocyclones Hydrocyclones have been used for the construction of tailings embankments where the tailings contains a high fraction of coarse material or where a clean separation of the tailings can be achieved. The use oI hydrocyclones is more diIfcult Ior fne graded tailings (i.e. containing a high proportion of silt sizes and below), and separation is not likely to be Iully eIfcient in slurries containing signifcant proportions oI clay fnes (as Irom oxide ores). Effective hydrocyclone separation of a tailings material is assisted by a low slurry density in the feed. Where water resources are restricted, a high slurry feed density will require small diameter hydrocyclones and high operating pressures to achieve cyclone eIfciency. For eIfcient construction, the underfow must be Iree draining, able to stand at the required angle of repose when deposited, and capable of being compacted. Hydrocyclones can be used in a fxed location to generate material for mechanical placement. The cyclone underfow is stockpiled to drain then handled and placed in a manner appropriate to its properties. The cyclone overfow is disposed oI as a slurry. Hydrocyclones can also be individual units located in the embankment construction area, so that the underfow is deposited and drained in its fnal location without double handling. This involves periodic relocation of units and pipelines, and must always take account oI the need to deliver the cyclone overfow to the storage area without causing erosion of the underfow deposit. In general this is most easily accomplished with small diameter cyclones, although larger skid mounted cyclones have been used. Hydrocyclone performance is affected by changes in feed pressure, feed pulp density, and by wear of the hydrocyclone components. The underfow deposit is usually uniformly graded and is susceptible to erosion, and cyclone malfunction can result in rapid erosion of the deposit. Incorrectly separated or placed tailings can be highly susceptible to liquefaction. For these reasons constant supervision of the operation is required. A generous freeboard is usually maintained between the crest of the embankment being built and the beach Iormed by the cyclone overfow. 50 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 51 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 7.0 Construction Design considerations include: location oI cyclones number and size oI cyclones number oI cycloning stages required quantity and availability oI dilution water, and quantity oI sand that can be produced compared to requirements. Additional information on the operation and construction of tailings embankments using hydrocyclones is contained in ICOLD 101 and ICOLD 106. 7.8 Staged Construction The use of the downstream method of staged embankment raises requires large quantities of materials for embankment construction. Factors that may infuence such a choice would include the need for a water retaining dam, a rapid rate of rise in a narrow valley situation and seismic loadings. In addition the downstream method may be necessary for the early stages of development when the rate of rise is high and before the tailings has attained suIfcient strength to permit other Iorms oI construction. The downstream method also provides a convenient arrangement where the waste dump can be integrated with the tailings storage. Other forms of staged construction are centreline and upstream (refer to Section 3.7). These methods require progressively less quantities oI embankment fll material compared with downstream construction, but have an increasing reliance on the strength of the tailings to provide stability. For the centreline method, the strength of the tailings at the time oI construction is not as signifcant as it is for the upstream method. Generally only a small portion of the upstream shoulder is placed on the tailings surface. If the surface is too soft to support construction equipment, material can be dozed from the crest oI the embankment until a suIfcient depth has been achieved over the tailings to support the equipment. In instances where the tailings is very soft, it can be displaced by this method, requiring a suitable geotextile to be laid on the surface of the tailings to assist in the placement. Compaction of the material initially placed on the tailings will generally not be possible. This coupled with the low strength of the tailings can be expected to result in settlement with consequent formation of longitudinal cracks on the upstream face and crest. Providing account of this has been included in the design, it should not present more than a temporary construction issue. Despite this, the extent of any cracking and settlement during construction should be noted and reported to the designer Ior confrmation that it is within acceptable limits. The use of the upstream construction method is dependent on the formation of wide, well consolidated and drained/desiccated tailings beaches on which the greater portion of a staged embankment is placed. Construction by this method requires the tailings to have adequate strength to support mechanical equipment and the weight of the embankment without large settlements. Under these conditions the embankment material can generally be placed and compacted directly on the surface of the tailings beach. If adverse weather conditions, unexpected changes in ore type or increased rates of production lead to soft tailings beaches, the design will need to be modifed to provide access for construction and to accommodate the ongoing settlements from consolidation. Appropriate construction measures on soft tailings include the provision of a drainage layer over the footprint area on the tailings surface. The use of geotextiles in conjunction with the drainage layer will generally provide a signifcant improvement in the construction conditions. During staged construction on soft tailings attention must be paid to stability in the upstream direction. If the tailings have poor consolidation characteristics, it may be necessary to restrict the rate at which the embankment is constructed to ensure that pore pressures within the tailings do not increase to a point where failure can occur. Areas of soft tailings and any design changes made during the construction of a stage should be accurately documented. This information is critical to ensure that the future design and investigation take full account of the changes. Mud farming techniques where low pressure swamp buggies, amphi-rollers or swamp dozers are used to break up surface tailings crust, and provide drainage channels can be used to improve the foundations for the upstream stages. Variation in conditions cannot be predicted at the initial design stage and changes should be regarded as normal and an integral part of ongoing design and development. The possibility for changes should however be recognised at the initial design stage so that the integrity of the design can be achieved for any potential changes. 7.9 Commissioning The objectives of the commissioning phase are to: confrm that all components are Iunctioning according to the specifcations prior to placing tailings make saIe and protect the works which may be damaged during the early placement of tailings, and in particular: covering and protection oI exposed drainage system components from the effects of wind or erosion by stormwater protection oI exposed drainage system components from the effects of damage or blocking by tailings protection oI the underdrains Irom damage by construction equipment prevent initial tailings fow Irom eroding embankments, drains, liners, etc., and confrm the tailings properties/behaviour and dam/tailings facility behaviour against the design specifcations. 7.0 Construction 7.10 As Built Drawings and Construction Report Construction and commissioning records, including feld and laboratory testing, should be kept to provide documentation of compliance with the design drawings and specifcations. Deviations Irom the drawings or specifcations should be documented in 'as-built records. A fnal surIace survey is required as part oI the as built drawings. These records are also essential for ongoing management of the TSF. The construction records together with monitoring data form the basis of the design of subsequent stages. The records should be collated and presented in a Construction Report prepared at the end of construction of the starter facility and after the completion of each stage. 'As-built drawings should be fles in records or archive, and be readily available to operational personnel, together with investigation and design reports. 52 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 53 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 8.0 Operation 8.0 Operation Objective The objective of the operations phase of a tailings dam is to: - safely store the tailings - produce a stable structure that can be successfully closed on completion of operations - minimise risks to the environment and the operations during mining and closure. To achieve this objective, operational constraints have to be identifed and incorporated into operational procedures. 8.1 Management and Training Operation of tailings storage facilities should be in accordance with approved procedures, signed off by regulators where required, and regularly reviewed and modifed iI necessary to improve tailings management or refect changes in conditions. An Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual (refer to ANCOLD Dams Safety Management Guidelines-2003) should be produced prior to commencement of tailings placement, outlining all designer requirements for operation, maintenance and dam safety surveillance that must be met to ensure the ongoing safety and effective operation of the tailings storage facility. A Dam Safety Emergency Plan (DSEP) should also be produced (see Section 8.7). The owner should ensure that the tailings storage facility is operated by an appropriately experienced team with a proven track record in the execution of works of a similar nature and magnitude. For EXTREME, HIGH and SIGNIFICANT Consequence Category dams, the team should include a professionally qualifed civil or geotechnical engineer. Operators should be appropriately trained for their roles with regular refresher training. It is most important that the owner and management of an organisation owning a tailings dam are aware of the consequences of failure of the dam, and their legal responsibilities to ensure that proper and adequate attention is given to the management of risks. It is the owners responsibility to ensure that adequate funds and resources are provided to allow staff to establish and maintain the required level of rigor in operating and maintaining the facility. 8.2 Operations Plan The objective of the operational phase of a tailings storage facility is to develop the storage in such a manner as to ensure that the tailings facility is: maintained in a saIe and stable state and in accordance with prescribed risk management specifcations operated in accordance with the requirements oI the Design Report and Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual, and within the constraints of industry norms of good practice operated in accordance with legal requirements operated to achieve prescribed environmental objectives, and operated towards achieving the closure and intended use after closure. The tailings facility should be operated in order to achieve the following objectives: to achieve the requirements oI the OMS Manual, as periodically updated by the design engineer to control distribution oI the tailings in order to achieve the required geometric shape of the deposit, to maintain the water pool within the specifed position and to ensure that segregation does not compromise the structural integrity of the deposit to control the deposition cycle in order to ensure that settlement and drying of tailings conforms with the design intent 8.0 Operation to control the level and position oI the water pool in order to maintain a specifed water cover or maintain freeboard to prevent the risk of overtopping (see Sect. 8.4) to control the fow and discharge oI storm water which accumulates on the storage in such a way as to prevent damage to control access so that only those persons authorised to gain access for the purposes of operation and supervisory management can do so to optimise the recycle oI water Irom the storage. Discharge of water to the environment should not be permitted unless specifcally allowed in the design to keep uncontaminated water separate Irom water which becomes contaminated, and to control dust during windy conditions by more frequent deposition to create maximum area of wet beaches and by control oI traIfc in the area. 8.3 Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual An Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual is to be completed normally prior to commissioning of a tailings storage facility. The Manual should cover design intent, predicted behaviour of tailings, daily operations and inspections, water management procedures, criteria for mechanical and electrical works (including pumps), surveillance, maintenance and reporting requirements. Operational Management Plans within the OMS Manual should specifcally highlight all designer requirements Ior operation and response actions that must be met to ensure the ongoing safety of the dam. The OMS Manual should specify all requirements for operators and the minimum level of operator training with alternatives (e.g. consultant assistance) whenever these operator requirements cannot be met. OMS Manuals for tailings dams should be updated at least every two years with the whole tailings facility management strategy reviewed to see if there are better ways of achieving the facilitys objectives. The OMS Manual should include maintenance requirements. The Manual should be updated prior to closure to include care and maintenance requirements during closure. 8.4 Monitoring and Surveillance The operational procedures for the tailings facility should include provisions for surveillance (i.e. regular inspection, monitoring and evaluation) and documentation thereof. Conditions can develop during operations which, if not detected early, could lead to loss of containment or unsuitable conditions for undertaking plans for extension or closure of the facility. Accordingly, owners should meet in full the provisions of Chapter 5 of the ANCOLD Guidelines on Dam Safety Management- 2003. These guidelines recommend that owners undertake comprehensive inspections on initial dam flling, and thence on a fve yearly basis, with intermediate audit inspections undertaken usually on an annual basis. These requirements are summarised in Table 6 and Table 7. 54 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 55 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 8.0 Operation Table 6 Dam safety inspections levels Type of Inspection Personnel Purpose Comprehensive Dams Engineer and Specialist (where relevant) The identifcation oI defciencies by a through onsite inspection; by evaluating data; and by applying current criteria and prevailing knowledge. Equipment should be test operated to identiIy defciencies. Intermediate Dams Engineer The identifcation oI defciencies by visual examination oI the dam and review of surveillance data against prevailing knowledge. Equipment is not necessarily operated. Routine Operations personnel / inspector The identifcation and reporting oI defciencies by feld and operating personnel as part of their duties at the dam. Special Dams Engineer and Specialist The examination of a particular feature of a dam for some special reason (e.g. aIter earthquakes, heavy foods, rapid draw down). Emergency Dams Engineers The examination of a particular feature of a dam which has been identifed as having a possible defciency or which has been subject to abnormal conditions. Table 7 Frequency of Inspection Consequence Category Inspection Type Comprehensive Intermediate Routine Special EXTREME OR HIGH A, B or C On frst flling then 5 yearly Annual Daily to tri Weekly As required SIGNIFICANT On frst flling then 5 yearly Annual Twice Weekly to Weekly As required LOW On frst flling then 5 yearly Monthly As required 8.0 Operation In ensuring effective surveillance of tailings dams, the owners are required to select suitable operational staff and arrange for their training in the areas of dam safety management with regular refresher courses to keep operators up to date with current practices. As part of that training, operators should be capable of recognising abnormal conditions and circumstances that could affect the safety of their dams and be able to institute appropriate actions including when to call for more expert assistance. In ensuring effective surveillance of tailings dams, the owners are required to select suitable operational staff and arrange for their training in the areas of dam safety management with regular refresher courses to keep operators up to date with current practices. As part of that training, operators should be capable of recognising abnormal conditions and circumstances that could affect the safety of their dams and be able to institute appropriate actions including when to call for more expert assistance. Routine inspection and monitoring of the dam by trained staff should be carried out in accordance with the designers requirements (usually aligning with Table 5.3 oI ANCOLD-2003 as modifed by regulatory requirements). The items that need to be monitored and the relevant associated instrumentation should be designated by the dam designer to enable a suitable coverage of the aspects that affect the ongoing safety and operational performance of the facility. Ongoing recording oI inspection fndings, monitoring instrument readings, and any incidents is essential for all tailings storages. Attention is drawn to ICOLD (1996) Monitoring on Tailings Dams which deals with the monitoring of tailings storages during construction and operation. Records should be kept in an accessible, secure repository and in an organised form covering: Groundwater monitoring with special emphasis on the environmental impacts of the tailings dam on groundwater (e.g. geochemical processes) SurIace drainage and seepage monitoring, both visual observations and seepage measurement are required as a minimum, with chemical analysis also of value (e.g. acid drainage generation) Capacity monitoring (tailings, process water, water recovery, evaporation) Tailings monitoring (e.g. beach development, drainage, density, desiccation) Monitoring oI instrumentation and instrumentation readings Monitoring oI equipment and pipework Monitoring oI dam movements, stresses, cracking and seepage Inspection reports (i.e. times, dates, observations) Incident reports (i.e. time date, nature, actions), and Annual audit. Monitoring of seepage is essential even when every reasonable effort has been made to minimise it. If suIfcient seepage occurs so that it is detectable, it will be necessary to assess the impact on the environment, and in some situations to take action to recover the lost tailings liquor to limit the environmental impact. Monitoring of the facilitys performance is also imperative as a facility is usually designed for particular tailings characteristics. Deviations from these typical characteristics, (i.e. grading, slurry density, chemical constituents) could infuence the operating procedures and the facility performance. Therefore, tailings characteristics should be checked at periods not exceeding 6 months. Overall flling rates, densities, beach shapes, water recovery etc. should be formally evaluated at 12 month intervals, and signifcant variations reIerred to the designer. Formal technical reviews/audits should take place at regular intervals. The audits should be undertaken by appropriately skilled personnel and should be formally recorded. Audits should include consideration of dam safety. A suitable approach is described in ANCOLD, 2003. Effective management techniques are required to ensure that the outcome of the inspections, monitoring and audits are referred to the designers, constructors, operators and regulators as relevant. Any necessary changes should be confrmed as having been carried out. 8.5 Embankment Raising Tailings dams are often designed to have containment embankments progressively raised during operation. Such raisings should not increase the risk of operating the dam and need to take into account prevailing weather conditions during raisings (food risks, wet weather). While upstream and centre lift tailings dams can be a cheaper method of construction, they require the highest level of design input, operator skill and owner diligence in order to maintain their stability. They also 56 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 57 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 8.0 Operation need to be subject to strict design and operational constraints to ensure their ongoing safety with the following critical operational issues highlighted for the consideration of dam owners and their designers: a seepage fow net analysis detailing all assumptions should be undertaken. Trigger piezometric levels, which signal unsafe phreatic surfaces, should be determined and documented, and should be regularly checked against actual piezometric levels and operating pond levels tailings discharge requirements Ior saIe operation of the dam should be established, targeting the required density for construction and stability a planned, and saIe maximum rate oI rise oI the dam should be determined design parameters, values and requirements Ior seepage control, should be assessed, documented and followed specifcations Ior surveillance (including monitoring instrumentation) should be determined and outlined food handling capabilities oI tailings dams are particularly crucial for their long-term safe operation, and The rate oI rise oI an upstream or centre-liIt dam generally should be based on consideration of a total stress stability analysis, and incorporate additional monitoring aimed at fully understanding the pore pressures being developed in the dam. 8.6 Dam Safety Emergency Plan A Dam Safety Emergency Plan (DSEP), in conjunction with appropriate emergency authority planning, should be prepared for tailings dams where any persons, infrastructure or environmental values could be at risk should the dam collapse or fail (see Chapter 8 of the ANCOLD, 2003). The DSEP should include an appropriate dam break study with the conservative assumption oI liquid tailings fow in the event oI dam failure unless a more sophisticated analysis of water and/or tailings fow can be justifed. DSEP`s are to be updated annually and tested at regular intervals. 8.7 Maintenance The principle in determining maintenance priorities is to attend to all items that affect the structural integrity frst, Iollowed by environmental items and then by conventional maintenance (see ANCOLD 2003 etc.). For example, a wash-away of a perimeter wall that compromises the freeboard, would need to be repaired urgently, as would a burst slurry delivery pipeline. Conversely, the gradual siltation of a stormwater drain would need less urgent attention. Spillages can occur in the operation of tailings storages. The frst principle should be to prevent spillages through disciplined operation and maintenance. The second principle should be to incorporate a surrounding ditch or catch area so that the area affected by a spillage is minimised. Particularly sensitive environmental areas, e.g. stream crossings, should be protected from spillages. When spillages do occur, clean-up operations should be prompt and thorough. 8.8 Security All access ways, and in particular those likely to be in use during adverse climatic conditions, are to be made safe for the operating personnel to negotiate in the course of their duties. Access to dangerous areas should be limited by appropriate barriers and signs and through communication and training. The possibility of theft and malicious damage should be considered. The management system should thus take into account the possible loss of equipment or damage to the facility. Provision should be made to ensure that the integrity of the storage is not compromised under these potential circumstances. 9.0 Closure 9.0 Closure Sustainable closure is the target set at commencement of planning for a tailings dam and is subject to review throughout the construction and operation phases. 9.1 Sustainable Closure This Guideline has introduced aspects of closure throughout the various sections, highlighting the important principle of designing, constructing and operating a tailings dam with an aim to an eventual closure strategy that will allow a safe and stable structure to remain following the completion of mining operations. Post-closure, a tailings dam must be able to cope with potential conditions to be encountered over the extended period determined as the design life, potentially of 1000 years or longer. The Iollowing more specifc principles apply to the successful achievement of sustainable design and post closure performance (ICOLD, 2010, draft): the main objective oI mine closure should be the long-term stabilisation of physical, chemical, ecological and social conditions of the tailings dam within a reasonable time scale to prevent any ongoing degradation the closed Iacility does not require ongoing maintenance and expenditure other than normally required for similar land use the closed Iacility does not pose a risk to human health and safety the closed Iacility does not pose an unacceptable environmental risk, and the Iacility is leIt with an appropriate and sustainable land use and water use that meets stakeholder and community objectives. 9.2 Closure Plan Decommissioning and rehabilitation options should be evaluated early in the life of the project. A Closure Plan should be prepared, and costed, as part of the initial project development and included in economic, social and environmental analysis of the project viability. The Closure Plan should then be kept live and regularly reviewed and updated as the project develops through design, construction, operation and potential changes in scale and direction (i.e. Integrated Life-Cycle Management). The Closure Plan should address closure objectives, strategy and context (including climatic regime, policy; perIormance objectives, criteria and indicators) required monitoring inIormation, data collection, analysis and records management specifc issues (including geochemistry oI tailings and entrained water, salinity, radioactivity, future land use, etc.), and implementation and management oI closure stages (active, passive and self-sustaining), including monitoring and audits to ensure systematic risk reduction. 58 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T 59 Guidelines on Tailings Dams A!COLD D R A F T 9.0 Closure 9.3 Closure Options Closure options need to be reviewed on a case by case basis as there are likely to be specifc issues to be addressed in each case. Some considerations include: landIorm reconstruction options will be infuenced by climate water management approach will be driven by climatic regime and should consider possible climate change a water or saturated soil cover might be appropriate in a wet climate to maintain the tailings saturation when required to prevent oxidation and the production of contaminants in seepage a rainIall shedding cover may be appropriate in a wet climate to minimise infltration and ongoing seepage (incorporating a spillway and sediment collection pond) a store/release cover might be appropriate in a moderate or dry climate, possibly including a sealing layer allowing the development oI an evaporative crust may be appropriate in a dry climate, in which any infltration into the desiccated tailings will re- evaporate, without reliance on vegetation. Special attention is required for dust control, and stakeholder engagement is essential. 9.4 Closure Issues Issues to be addressed in the Closure Plan include: Final landIorm and its relationship to embankments and storage geometry earthworks plan and staging materials handling and stockpiling temporary works physical and chemical stability oI the tailings facility and durability of control structures cover types Ior tailings consequences oI extreme environmental conditions (e.g. drought, food, fre, earthquake) access control structural integrity geotechnical stability on-going settlement erosional stability, including sedimentation and its infuence on drainage surIace drainage works (noting that these concentrate fows, making them diIfcult to sustain without rigorous design, construction and ongoing maintenance) surIace treatment to minimise erosion (via rock cover and/or vegetation), while sustaining vegetation, and monitoring and audit requirements Ior the closure process and aftercare. 9.5 Relinquishment Relinquishment will require confrmation that agreed performance targets have been achieved. This is likely to require a period of active management and monitoring over an agreed timeframe during which the required performance 10.0 References 10.0 References Other Relevant A!COLD Guidelines Consequence Guidelines (2010) Guidelines on Risk Assessment (2003) Guidelines on Dam SaIety Management (2003) Guidelines on Design Floods Ior Dams (2000) Guidelines Ior the Design oI Dams Ior Earthquake (1998) Guidelines on Dam Instrumentation and Monitoring (1983) This A!COLD Guideline for Tailings Dams is written to include aspects arising from the nature and variety of climatic conditions in Australia and nearby countries. However, the following international guidelines prepared by ICOLD are also relevant: No. 45 Manual on Tailings Dams and Dumps No. 74 A Guide to Tailings Dam SaIety No. 97 Tailings Dams - Design oI Drainage (1994) No. 98 Tailings Dams and Seismicity (1995) No. 101 Tailings Dams Transport, Placement and Decantation (1995) No. 103 Tailings Dams and Environment (1996) No. 104 Monitoring oI Tailings Dams (1996) No. 106 A Guide to Tailings Dams and Impoundments (1996) DraIt Guideline oI Closure oI Tailings Dams 60 A!COLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams D R A F T References Tailings Management, Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry, Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR), February 2007. Mine Closure and Completion, Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry. Australian Government, Department of Resources Energy and Tourism, June 2009. Mine Rehabilitation. October 2006. Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry. Australian Government, Department of Resources Energy and Tourism. United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) Our Common Future (1987), OxIord: OxIord University Press. ISBN 0-19-282080-X ICMM SD Framework Final Principles, International Council on Mining and Metals, Document Ref: C 020/290503, 29 May 2003 AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, Risk management - Principles and Guidelines Brett, D When Is A Dam Not A Dam?- Design Of Mine Tailings Storage Facilities For Closure. ANCOLD Conference on Dams, 2008 Paste and Thickened Tailings A Guide, Editors: Richard Jewell, Andy Fourie and Ted Lord, Publisher: Australian Centre Ior Geomechanics, ISBN: 1 74052 070 X Handbook on Mine Fill, Editors: Y. Potvin, E. Thomas and A. Fourie, Publisher: Australian Centre for Geomechanics, ISBN: 0-9756756-2-1, 2005 Australian Rainfall & Run-Off, a Guide to Flood Estimation, 2 Volumes, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Canberra, 1987. Robertson & Fear Other Guidelines Guidelines on the Safe Design and Operating Standards for Tailings Storage 1999 WA Department of Minerals and Energy, Guidelines on the Development of Operating Manual for Tailings Storage 1998, WA Department of Minerals and Energy, Management of Tailings Storage Facilities 2004, Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Dam Safety Management Guidelines 2002, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, refer dams.html 10.0 References