Quickstart Guide: Sas 9.2 Installation Kit For Basic DVD Installations
Quickstart Guide: Sas 9.2 Installation Kit For Basic DVD Installations
Quickstart Guide: Sas 9.2 Installation Kit For Basic DVD Installations
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If you have not reviewed them yet, please refer to the System Requirements.
- System requirement documentation is available from Install Center, http://support.sas.com/documentation/installcenter.
Your SAS installation data file (SID file) is on your media and is valid for a limited time.
- If your installation process fails because the SID file has expired, contact your SAS Site Representative for a new SID file, contained in the Renewal Software Order E-mail.
UNIX users should install under a sas account. The root account should not be used.
Confirm that you have received the software that you expected.
- In your installation kit, find the SAS Order Information document, which lists the software that you ordered. Verify that the SAS products and servers listed are correct and match what you expected to receive. If they are not what you expect, contact SAS Customer Service at 1-800-727-0025. - The SAS Software Depot is a networked repository of your SAS software. After you have installed your software, the SAS Order Information document will also be available from your SAS Software Depot at /install_doc/<order number>/soi.html. - To view an expanded list of the software that makes up your order, consult the ordersummary.html, located in your SAS Software Depot at /install_doc/<order number>/ordersummary.html.
To determine if you are upgrading an existing SAS 9.2 installation, select the Help > About box in an open SAS session.
- A full version of SAS 9.2 software is listed as SAS 9.2 TS1M0. - Windows users can use their software order to upgrade the current SAS 9.2 installation. Note: It is important to backup a current deployment before you install your new SAS software order. - Upgrade deployments on hosts other than Windows require a SAS Home location that does not already contain SAS 9.2 TS1M0. The SAS Deployment Wizard will not upgrade an existing SAS 9.2 TS1M0 installation.
Insert your media into your DVD drive to start the SAS Deployment Wizard.
- The media for Windows users should autoplay. If it does not, double-click the setup.exe at the root of your DVD to start the SAS Deployment Wizard. - UNIX users should mount their DVD with the appropriate mount command and execute setup.sh at the root of the DVD. Note: If you launch the SAS Deployment Wizard from an order that spans media, do not use a shell in the removable medias file system when you launch setup.sh. In addition, the SAS
Deployment Wizard should not be invoked via the File Manager. Either of these methods for launching the SAS Deployment Wizard will create a Device busy condition, which prevents disk swapping later in the deployment process. - z/OS users must build the SAS Software Depot on a drive that the z/OS system can access. To build the SAS Software Depot, use setup.sh (UNIX) or setup.exe (Windows). Afterwards, z/OS users who have Java installed on their system should execute setup.rexx at the root of the SAS Software Depot to start the SAS Deployment Wizard. z/OS users who do not have Java should execute basicins.rexx instead. Instructions for running this command are available from http://support.sas.com/documentation/installcenter/ en/ikmvsbasic/62388/PDF/default/zos_basic.pdf.
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Select the language that you want to use for the installation. Use the dialogs to install and configure your software.
- The SAS Deployment Wizard automatically creates a SAS Software Depot, which contains everything you need to install your software order. After the SAS Software Depot is created, you should install from it. - Click the Help button for more information about the choices available in each dialog. - For more detailed information, please see the SAS Deployment Wizard Users Guide, available from Install Center, http://support.sas.com/documentation/installcenter.
TIPS AND ALERT NOTES For the latest installation news, please visit these sites for tips and Alert Notes that may not be in your documentation: - Problem Notes
http://support.sas.com/kb/?ct=51000&qm=3&la=en&qt=contenttype :%22Problem+Note%22&col=suppprd
- General support for SAS issues (including a link to Tech Support) http://support.sas.com - SAS 9.2 FAQ http://support.sas.com/kb/33/144.html
TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you need assistance with the software, we ask that only the SAS Installation Representative or the SAS Support Consultant call our Technical Support Division. - For U.S. and Canadian customers, support is provided from our corporate headquarters in Cary, North Carolina. You may call (919) 6778008, Monday through Friday. - Customers outside of the U.S. can obtain local-language technical support through the local office in their countries. Customers in these locations should contact their local office for specific support hours. See http://support.sas.com/techsup/contact/index.html for contact information for local offices. Before calling, you may want to explore the SAS Institute Technical Support Web site at http://support.sas.com/techsup/. The Technical Support web site offers a Knowledge Base, FAQs, Technical Support Documents and more that may answer your questions. This Web site also provides a mechanism for reporting problems.
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