SAS - Checklist
SAS - Checklist
SAS - Checklist
Customer Name Plan File Created By Plan File Created On Plan Name Plan Description Machine Names
(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS)
Server Middle Tier Clients SAS Digital Marketing 5.4 SAS Campaign Management 5.4
Pre-Installation Checklist
Copyright Disclaimer Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved. Produced in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, SAS Institute Inc. Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreement with SAS Institute and the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Confidentiality This document is provided for informational purposes. SAS' contractual commitments are contained solely in the agreement for professional services executed between SAS and the Client. This document is the confidential and proprietary property of SAS Institute Inc. This document may contain approaches, techniques and other information proprietary to SAS. This document shall not be disclosed in whole or in part to third parties without the prior written consent of SAS.
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2 Data Sources
Provide the information below for each database repository to which your SAS environment will be connecting to using SAS/ACCESS products. Include all source repositories of data that reside on each server separately. If the DBMS is not on a SAS server, then the DBMS client software must be installed on the SAS server.
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files Repository/Platform DBMS Products Required: - Microsoft Office 2007 System Driver: Data Connectivity Components (ACE) - Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), Version 2.8 or higher SAS Foundation will automatically install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and Microsoft Office 2007 System Driver components (ACE) when you install SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files software. SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files works with the following types of data on Windows systems: - Microsoft Access - Microsoft Excel - Lotus 1-2-3 - DBF - JMP - SPSS - Stata - Paradox This data is made available to SAS on UNIX and Windows 64-bit through a software component running on a Windows workstation or server called the "SAS PC Files Server." The Windows data can be local to the Windows machine or on a network drive. Your license allows the PC Files Server software to be installed on as many Windows machines as needed. PC Files Server software can run as a Windows Service. For more information, consult the SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files Reference documentation on Install Center: 1 Files Location 2 Versions 3 Hostname of the PC File Server 4 Port of the PC File Server Default=8621 (TCP port type, Incoming data direction) 5 Test ID \ Password 6 Availability of the tables - can these tables be accessed at any time that we choose? 7 DBMS Location\Path\Home directory 8 Who is it in the organization that understands the technical aspects of this data?
3 Network Configuration
Network Configuration 1 Is the SAS Software Depot accessible from each machine that will be used for the SAS installation? Or has media been created, and does each system have the appropriate media drive attached or accessible (DVD, CD or mainframe cartridge)? Will the SAS installer have remote access to the servers? Do all the hardware components reside within the same domain? What is the bandwidth between server and client accessing remotely? A workspace and a workstation is required for each installer. Describe the workstation, its method of access to the server(s) (terminal emulators, etc.) and the location of the workspace in which it resides. Will the SAS installer have Internet access from the workstation? Are there any restrictions for browsers or FTP usage that we should be aware of? Will the SAS installer have a telephone available at this workstation? Or, is the use of cell phones and other portable communication devices allowed in this area?
2 3 4
2 3 4 5 6 7
Logistics and Security (For use if SAS or a consulting organization will be performing this installation.) What is the address where the installation will occur? Please provide the street address, city, etc. Provide any directions needed to locate the facility and access it. Who will be the SAS installer's contact to enter the facility? Do you have an airport recommendation? Do you have a hotel recommendation? What is the dress code for your facility? Please inform us of any special travel policies you may have that we need to comply with.
Logistics and Security (For use if SAS or a consulting organization will be performing this installation.) Please inform us of any special security clearance requirements the SAS installer needs to comply with in order to gain access to your facility.
The I/O rate for SAS data varies by process. With the large, block I/O that SAS does, the I/O throughput rate is very important to SAS. The I/O throughput rate for SAS depends on what SAS tasks are being done: For most Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes, 50-75MB/second of I/O throughput for each file system SAS is using is required per SAS session. - For end-user exploitation, 15-25MB/second per user per file system is required. However, for heavy SAS users, 50-75MB/second per user per file system is required. - Disks allocated to SAS working files - including "SASWORK" - require 15-25MB/second per user for most SAS processes with heavy SAS users requiring 50-75MB/second per user. - Disks allocated for SAS utility files for SAS threaded procedures and OLAP processing "UTILLOC" - require 50-75MB/second per user.
Make sure that you use the best file system for your operating system that follows the types of I/O your SAS tasks will be doing. If you are doing large sequential I/O, then the file systems listed below are adequate.
Solaris 9 or 10 - VxFS Solaris 10 - ZFS AIX - JFS2 HP-UX - JFS Linux X64 - XFS Windows - NTFS *These guidelines are not applicable for z/OS.
Make sure that you turn on Read-Ahead and Write-Behinds/Write-Through on and enable dynamic multi-pathing to spread I/O over multiple fiber channels. These are needed to help the operating system's file cache fetch the data faster from disk. The recommended RAID levels for the primary file systems required by SAS are listed below. Note that you should use the one that best fits your company's IT standards, the availability requirements of your data, and what is available on your external storage array device. - Root operating system - RAID1 - SAS executables - RAID1 - SAS data - RAID5, RAID10 or RAID0 - Disks allocated to SAS working files - "SASWORK" and "Web Report Studio Query Cache" RAID5, RAID10, or RAID0 - Disks allocated for SAS utility files for SAS threaded procedures and OLAP processing "UTILLOC" - RAID5, RAID10 or RAID0 A best practices paper regarding how SAS does I/O and general disk usage is available for your review at:
This would be performed by an administrator and can prevent performance issues and file locking errors.
X Metadata Server X SAS Application Server Remote Services Middle Tier X Clients-Administration X Clients-End User Clients-Analytics
Clients-Administration machines host SAS Management Console and its various plug-ins.
Clients-End User
Clients-End User machines host client interfaces such as SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Information Map Studio, SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office, and SAS Data Integration Studio.
System Infrastructure Specification 1 Fully Qualified Domain Name (DNS): 2 IP Address: 3 DNS Alias Name: 4 Physical Location: 5 Access Method (Console or Remote): 6 Server Specifications 6.1 Vendor: 6.2 Type: 6.3 Model: Microsoft Windows for x64 6.4 Operating System: 6.5 OS Version: 6.6 Disk: 6.7 CPUs (Number, Type and Speed): 6.8 RAM: 6.9 Network: 6.10 I/O Paths: 6.11 Deployment: 6.12 Authentication: 7 Existing applications and concurrent processes running: 8 E-mail (SMTP) Server Host Name:
System Infrastructure Specification 9 Multicast Address: 1. IPv4 - *must* be in the range - In all likelihood *should* be in the range This latter range is the locally administered block scoped by RFC 3171. 2. IPv6 - *must* have the prefix ff00::/8. In all likelihood, the prefix *should* be ff14::/16. This latter prefix is the locally administered block scoped by RFC 4291. 10 Server Administrator Contact 10.1 Name: 10.2 Phone: 10.3 E-mail:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
File System Specification Path to SAS Software Depot or media drive: SAS Installation Directory: SAS Configuration Directory: SAS Data Directory: SAS Work Directory or Unit: Web Report Studio Query Cache Directory: Other: Other:
Required Rights Administrator rights (user must be a local administrator on the machine and/or a member of the administrators group)
Actual User ID
SAS Spawned Log on as a batch job (can be assigned my-domain\sassrv Servers Account by the SAS Deployment Wizard) SAS First User Log on as a batch job (can be assigned my(optional) by the SAS Deployment Wizard) domain\sasdemo * The user ID should be available in the long term for future SAS maintenance.
Groups on Windows
To deploy SAS on Windows, the user must have certain local user rights on the machine hosting the server. These rights are required before the user can start a process for a stored process server, a pooled workspace server, or a standard workspace server. One suggestion for giving a user these rights is to create a group, add users to the group, and then assign the rights to the group. To set up a group, complete these steps:
1. Create a SAS server users group. This can be a local group or a group with domain scope. 2. Add the following users to the group: - SAS Spawned Servers account (automatically assigned 'Log on as a batch job' by the SAS
Deployment Wizard) - SAS First User (optional account, automatically assigned 'Log on as a batch job' by the SAS Deployment Wizard) - any other external users that need to access a standard workspace server 3. Finally, grant the user right 'Log on as a batch job' to the group. Unless Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is implemented, this user right is required for any other external user who wants to access to a standard workspace server). For information about setting local user rights, see your Microsoft Windows documentation. If the users in the group need that right on more than one Windows machine, the right needs to be assigned specifically on each machine.
Group Members
Suggested method for assigning the SAS Spawned 'Log on as a batch job' user right to the Servers Account SAS Spawned Servers account for the stored process server and pooled workspace server. Suggested method for assigning the SAS First User SAS Server Users 'Log on as a batch job' user right to the Any other users* SAS First User and any other standard workspace server users. * Unless Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is implemented, add any other any external users accessing standard workspace servers.
Actual Group
Default Port Numbers (TCP, unless noted otherwise) mail Mail Server 25 sastable SAS Table Server 2170 - 2179 sasconnect SAS/CONNECT Server and 7550 - 7559 Spawner sasmetaconn Metadata Utility 7550 - 7559 SAS/CONNECT Spawner Note that you would not run a production SAS/CONNECT Spawner at the same time as the Utility SAS/CONNECT Spawner so using the same port for both is acceptable. ossched Operating System Services 8450 - 8459 scheduler sasshare SAS/SHARE Server 8550 - 8559 sasmeta SAS Metadata Server 8560 - 8569 sasmetawork SAS Metadata Utility 8590 - 8599 Workspace Server Note: In SAS 9.2, two or more workspace servers can share the same port even if they are running at the same time. sasobjspawn SAS Object Spawner 8580 - 8589 o Operator Port saspool1 SAS Object Spawner: 8800 - 8809 pooled workspace server port bank 1 saspool2 SAS Object Spawner: 8810 - 8819 pooled workspace server port bank 2 saspool3 SAS Object Spawner: 8820 - 8829 pooled workspace server port bank 3 saswork SAS Workspace Server 8590 - 8599 Note: In SAS 9.2, two or more workspace servers can share the same port even if they are running at the same time.
Port Name
Port Description
Port Type
Data Direction
Inbound Inbound
Port Name
Port Description
SAS Stored Process Server: Bridge connection sasspmb1 SAS Stored Process Server: load balancing connection 1 (MultiBridge) sasspmb2 SAS Stored Process Server: load balancing connection 2 (MultiBridge) sasspmb3 SAS Stored Process Server: load balancing connection 3 (MultiBridge) saspworksp SAS Pooled Workspace Server sasdepltsrv SAS Deployment Tester Server sasmulticast Multicast Port A multicast group communications protocol is used to communicate configuration among middle tier SAS applications in a single SAS deployment (the set of applications connected to the same SAS Metadata Server). Therefore, the combination of multicast IP address and multicast UDP port should be different for each SAS deployment and also different from those used by other multicast applications at your site. The multicast port defaults to the same value as the metadata server port, but there is no conflict since it is a UDP port vs. a TCP port. Extra care should be taken in the assignment of this port, due to the SAS Deployment Wizard's inability to detect usage conflicts with the entered value.
Default Port Port Data Numbers Type Direction (TCP, unless noted otherwise) 8600 - 8609 TCP Inbound 8610 - 8619 TCP Inbound
8620 - 8629
8630 - 8639
RDBMS client for SAS/ACCESS Ensure that the required DBMS client software is installed on the SAS application server if SAS/ACCESS features are to be used.
Description Actual Value JUnit jar file location N/A Product Version 4.0 or greater JUnit is required for validation of some components. Without JUnit these products may operate properly but you will not be able to validate them using Deployment Tester. See the third party software support page for details:
Web Browser Platform Windows XP Pro/Vista 32-bit and Windows XP Pro 64-bit Windows 7 32-bit and x64 Supported Browser Firefox 2.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 7 (or higher) Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 8 32-bit compatibility (or higher) Linux 32-bit, x64 Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Note: A Web browser is required on each machine that will access SAS Web content. For more information, view the third party software support page:
Server, Part 6: Special Installation Instructions for Machines Communicating to SAS Foundation Servers using IPv6 Addresses
You must perform the following manual steps if this Windows machine will communicate to a SAS server solely using IPv6 addressing. 1. Run the SAS Deployment Wizard in "Install" mode. 2. Copy the sas.nioc.channels.jar from your SAS Software Depot (located in the third_party\ipv6\ directory) to the extension directory of the JRE being used(e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12\lib\ext).This copy can be done anytime after the JRE is installed. 3. Edit the deploywiz.ini file to point to the installed JRE. - Locate the alt_sku for deploywiz.In the 9.2 Maintenance 3 release, this would be the following relative path in the SAS Software Depot: .\products\deploywiz__92380__prt__xx__sp0__1 - Edit the deploywiz.ini file and locate the corresponding platform in the file. It will look something like this: [win] copy1=setup.dat copy2=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.exe copy3=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.ini copy4=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz copy5=products/securejava__92120__prt__xx__sp0__1/sas.rutil.jar copy6=products/securejava__92120__prt__xx__sp0__1/sas.rutil.nls.jar
copy7=< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/lib jre=< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/jre.exe launch=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.exe launchercmd=../../< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/bin/java launcherargs=-Xmx512M -jar deploywiz/setup.jar - Change the launchercmd value to point to the installed JRE that includes the two additional .jar files. Something like this: launchercmd=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12\bin\java 4. Run the SAS Deployment Wizard in "Configure" mode to complete the deployment process.
Metadata Server SAS Application Server X Remote Services X Middle Tier X Clients-Administration Clients-End User Clients-Analytics
Remote Services
Remote Services is a server within the SAS Platform. Its role is to coordinate among SAS Java applications in support of their communication with the SAS Metadata Server.
Clients-Administration machines host SAS Management Console and its various plug-ins.
1 2 3
System Infrastructure Specification Fully Qualified Domain Name (DNS): IP Address: # of Network Cards (per server):
CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright 2011 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
System Infrastructure Specification 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 8 9 DNS Alias Name: Physical Location: Access Method (Console or Remote): Server Specifications Vendor: Type: Model: Operating System: OS Version: Disk: CPUs (Number, Type and Speed): RAM: Network: I/O Paths: Deployment: Authentication: Existing applications and concurrent processes running: SAS Shared Services database:
Choose one: __DB2 v8 or higher For additional Shared Services __MS SQL 2008 or higher documentation, go to: __MySQL 5.1 or higher __Oracle 10g or higher rtysupport/v92m3/appservers/SharedSer __PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher vicesAlternativeDatabase.pdf __SAS Table Server 9.1 If the SAS Shared Services database you chose above is not SAS Table Server, then provide the following information: 9.2 Database host: 9.3 Database port: 9.4 Database name: 9.5 Database user ID: 9.6 Database password: 9.7 Directory containing JDBC .jar files (directory should preferably contain all required .jar files for the JDBC driver and no additional .jar files): 10 Server Administrator Contact 10.1 Name: 10.2 Phone: 10.3 E-mail:
ensure that the Web application server and the JGroups software use the same bind address. To learn more about setting JVM options see the SAS Note:
1 2 3
4 5 6
File System Specification Path to SAS Software Depot or media drive: SAS Installation Directory: SAS Configuration Directory: Permissions within the configuration directory are set correctly for most common use cases. These permissions take into account the need to provide security to sensitive data, and secruity credentials stored within the configuration directory. However, the diretories that are parent directories of the configuration directory should not block read or search access to the configuration directory. Everyone should be able to read and search the contents of the top level configuration directory as the individual files and directories located therein are protected at lower directory and individual file levels. SAS Data Directory: Other: Other:
If you are migrating from 9.1.3 to 9.2, and you wish to continue using external IDs for your user accounts, you must ensure that these IDs are set up on the corresponding machines in your 9.2 environment. See the following page of the 9.1.3 to 9.2 Migration Guide for details:
Required Rights You must have a password for this account. Sudo access is not sufficient.
Actual User ID
The SAS Deployment Wizard requires that you supply the root password during configuration. Certain SAS products and features employ functionality that requires SAS to check user ID authentication and file access authorizations. This in turn necessitates that certain files within your SAS installation have setuid permissions and be owned by root.
Port Name
Port Description
Default Port Port Data Numbers Type Direction (TCP, unless noted otherwise) 5090 - 5099 TCP Inbound 6050 - 6059 TCP Inbound
Port Name
Port Description
saswrsudp1 saswrsudp2 saswrsudp3 saseventhttp sasdepltsrv saswashttp saswashttps saswasrmi saswassoap saswashttpa saswashttps a sasdmgrsoa p sasdmgrrmi sasdmgrhttp sasdmgrhttp s sasnodesoap sasnodermi saswashttp1 saswashttps 1 saswasrmi1 saswassoap 1 saswashttpa 1 saswashttps a1 saswashttp2
Web Report Studio IP Scheduling UDP Port 1 Web Report Studio IP Scheduling UDP Port 2 Web Report Studio IP Scheduling UDP Port 3 Event Broker HTTP Port SAS Deployment Tester Server WebSphere HTTP Server Port WebSphere HTTPS Server Port WebSphere RMI Port WebSphere SOAP Port WebSphere HTTP Admin Server Port WebSphere HTTPS Admin Server Port Deployment Manager SOAP Port Deployment Manager RMI Port Deployment Manager HTTP Port Deployment Manager HTTPS Port Node Agent SOAP Port Node Agent RMI Port WebSphere HTTP Server 1 Port WebSphere HTTPS Server 1 Port WebSphere RMI 1 Port WebSphere SOAP 1 Port
Default Port Port Data Numbers Type Direction (TCP, unless noted otherwise) 7570 UDP Both 7571 7572 8110 - 8119 10020 10029 9080 9443 9811 8880 9061 9044 8879 9809 9060 9043 8878 2810 9080 9443 9811 8880 9061 9044 9081 9444 9812 8881 9062 UDP UDP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP Both Both Inbound Inbound Inbound Inbound Both Both Inbound Inbound Both Both Inbound Inbound Both Both Inbound Inbound Both Both Inbound Inbound Inbound Inbound Both Both Inbound
WebSphere HTTP Admin Server 1 Port WebSphere HTTPS Admin Server 1 Port WebSphere HTTP Server 2 Port saswashttps WebSphere HTTPS Server 2 2 Port saswasrmi2 WebSphere RMI 2 Port saswassoap WebSphere SOAP 2 Port 2 saswashttpa WebSphere HTTP Admin 2 Server 2 Port
Port Name
Default Port Port Data Numbers Type Direction (TCP, unless noted otherwise) WebSphere HTTPS Admin 9045 TCP Inbound Server 2 Port WebSphere HTTP Server 6 9085 TCP Inbound Port WebSphere HTTPS Server 9448 TCP Inbound 6 Port WebSphere RMI 6 Port 9816 TCP Both WebSphere SOAP 6 Port 8885 TCP Both WebSphere HTTP Admin 9066 Server 6 Port WebSphere HTTPS Admin 9049 Server 6 Port TCP TCP Inbound Inbound
Port Description
IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Description Default Value Actual Value Installation Directory N/A Product Version 6.1 Required Maintenance - Install WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Fixpack 21 to bring WAS 6.1 to Notes: Install the Web server making use of the manufacturer's distribution package, apply any necessary hotfixes, and verify the Web server's operation. The Web server should be stopped before deploying your SAS software. For more information, view the third party software support page: IBM recommends installing as root. If you wish to deploy using WebSphere Application Server Base instead of Network Deployment, view the following document for instructions:
Description Actual Value JUnit jar file location N/A Product Version 4.0 or greater JUnit is required for validation of some components. Without JUnit these products may operate properly but you will not be able to validate them using Deployment Tester. See the third party software support page for details:
Web Browser Platform Windows XP Pro/Vista 32-bit and Windows XP Pro 64-bit Windows 7 32-bit and x64 Supported Browser Firefox 2.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 7 (or higher) Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 8 32-bit compatibility (or higher) Linux 32-bit, x64 Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Note: A Web browser is required on each machine that will access SAS Web content. For more information, view the third party software support page:
Metadata Server SAS Application Server Remote Services Middle Tier X Clients-Administration X Clients-End User Clients-Analytics
Clients-Administration machines host SAS Management Console and its various plug-ins.
Clients-End User
Clients-End User machines host client interfaces such as SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Information Map Studio, SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office, and SAS Data Integration Studio.
System Infrastructure Specification 1 Fully Qualified Domain Name (DNS): 2 IP Address: 3 DNS Alias Name: 4 Physical Location: 5 Access Method (Console or Remote): 6 Server Specifications 6.1 Vendor: 6.2 Type: 6.3 Model: Windows 6.4 Operating System: 6.5 OS Version: 6.6 Disk: 6.7 CPUs (Number, Type and Speed): 6.8 RAM: 6.9 Network: 6.10 I/O Paths:
System Infrastructure Specification 6.11 Deployment: 6.12 Authentication: 7 Existing applications and concurrent processes running: 8 Server Administrator Contact 8.1 Name: 8.2 Phone: 8.3 E-mail:
1 2 3 4 5 6
File System Specification Path to SAS Software Depot or media drive: SAS Installation Directory: SAS Configuration Directory: SAS Data Directory: Other: Other:
Required Rights Administrator rights (user must be a local administrator on the machine and/or a member of the administrators group)
Actual User ID
* The user ID should be available in the long term for future SAS maintenance.
Microsoft Office Description Default Value Actual Value Product Version Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3 (minimum) Note: You must close all Microsoft Office programs before installing your SAS software.
Web Browser Platform Windows XP Pro/Vista 32-bit and Windows XP Pro 64-bit Windows 7 32-bit and x64 Supported Browser Firefox 2.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 7 (or higher) Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Internet Explorer 8 32-bit compatibility (or higher) Linux 32-bit, x64 Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.0 (or higher) Note: A Web browser is required on each machine that will access SAS Web content. For more information, view the third party software support page:
Clients, Part 5: Special Installation Instructions for Machines Communicating to SAS Foundation Servers using IPv6 Addresses
You must perform the following manual steps if this Windows machine will communicate to a SAS server solely using IPv6 addressing. 1. Run the SAS Deployment Wizard in "Install" mode. 2. Copy the sas.nioc.channels.jar from your SAS Software Depot (located in the third_party\ipv6\ directory) to the extension directory of the JRE being used(e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12\lib\ext).This copy can be done anytime after the JRE is installed. 3. Edit the deploywiz.ini file to point to the installed JRE. - Locate the alt_sku for deploywiz.In the 9.2 Maintenance 3 release, this would be the following relative path in the SAS Software Depot: .\products\deploywiz__92380__prt__xx__sp0__1 - Edit the deploywiz.ini file and locate the corresponding platform in the file. It will look something like this: [win] copy1=setup.dat copy2=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.exe copy3=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.ini copy4=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz copy5=products/securejava__92120__prt__xx__sp0__1/sas.rutil.jar copy6=products/securejava__92120__prt__xx__sp0__1/sas.rutil.nls.jar
CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright 2011 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
copy7=< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/lib jre=< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/jre.exe launch=< DEPLOYWIZ_PRT_PKG>/deploywiz.exe launchercmd=../../< JAVARUNTIME_WIN_PKG>/bin/java launcherargs=-Xmx512M -jar deploywiz/setup.jar - Change the launchercmd value to point to the installed JRE that includes the two additional .jar files. Something like this: launchercmd=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12\bin\java 4. Run the SAS Deployment Wizard in "Configure" mode to complete the deployment process.