OIS Monarch Timeline Cards
OIS Monarch Timeline Cards
OIS Monarch Timeline Cards
Created by Beth Kanning, June 2011, elizabethkanning@yahoo.com for personal use only please.
This file includes individual timeline cards for each of the monarchs discussed in Our Island Story, by H.E. Marshall. The cards include the name and picture of the monarch and the dates of their reign. They are also color coded by dynasty. The images are all in the public domain. Whenever possible, I tried to use an image of the monarch that was contemporary to their reign. The cards could be cut out and laminated for use on a timeline, or print them twice and use as a memory game or card game. Enjoy!
Harold II (Saxon)
William I (Norman)
William II (Norman)
Henry I (Norman)
Stephen (Norman)
Henry II (Plantagenet)
Richard I (Plantagenet)
John (Plantagenet)
Edward I (Plantagenet)
Edward II (Plantagenet)
Richard II (Plantagenet)
Henry IV (Plantagenet)
Henry V (Plantagenet)
Henry VI (Plantagenet)
Edward IV (Plantagenet)
Edward V (Plantagenet)
Edward VI (Tudor)
Mary I (Tudor)
Elizabeth I (Tudor)
Charles I (Stuart)
Reigned Scotland 1567-1603 A.D. Reigned England and Ireland 1603-1625 A.D.
Charles II (Stuart)
Anne (Stuart)
George I (Hanoverian)
George II (Hanoverian)
George IV (Hanoverian)
William IV (Hanoverian)
Victoria (Hanoverian)