AO Year 4 Timeline Figures
AO Year 4 Timeline Figures
AO Year 4 Timeline Figures
George II 1683-1760
Seven Years War 1756-1763 Chien Lung Emperor of China beginning 1735 Chien Lung forbade European barbarians to enter China 1757 beginning 1735 William Pitt led Britain during Seven Years War James Cook takes soundings during the French and Indian War 1759 Lord Clive victory in India 1751 Pontiac rebels against British 1763-1766 George III crowned king 1760
Patrick Henry 1736-1799 Patrick Henry famous speech against Stamp Act 1765 Benjamin Franklin in England during passage of Stamp Act 1765
Goethe 1749-1832 Catherine II crowned Empress of Russia 1762 Voltaire writes against war and hatred 1763 James Cook claims Australia for England 1770 James Watt patents steam engine 1769 Benjamin West court painter 1763 Joshua Reynolds President of Royal Academy of Painting 1768 George III reserves land for Indians 1763 George III Stamp Act 1765 John Adams speaks against Stamp Act 1765 1765
Frederick II rebuilds Prussia beginning 1763 Louis XV takes the costly mistress Madame du Barry 1764
Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI 1770 Lafayette moves to Paris 1768
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 Catherine II mistreated under her rule, 600,000 Kalmucks return to China 1770-1771
Pompeii ruins discovered 1748 Catherine II leads Russia against the Turks 1768
Samuel Adams and Paul Revere spread word about Boston Massacre 1770 John Hancock forced to forfeit his ship due to smuggling 1768 John Adams defends British soldiers in court 1770
John Paul (Jones) 1747-1792 Father Junipero Serra works with California missions 1768 Father Junipero Serra baptizes California 1770
Hokusai 1760-1849 George III determines to enforce Acts of Navigation against Dutch 1770
Marie Antoinette plays the frivolous queen 1776 Declaration of Independence 1776 1st Continental Congress at Carpenters Hall 1774 Benjamin Franklin sails home from England 1774 Benjamin West painting George IIIs portrait when he hears of the Declaration 1776 George III hires soldiers from Frederick II 1776 Pierre Caron acts as secret agent for French to supply assistance to the Americans 1776 Benjamin Franklin ambassador to France 1776 Lafayette sails for America 1777 Adams and Franklin meet for talks with the British 1776
Burgoyne surrenders! 1777 John Paul Jones carries the news to Benjamin Franklin 1777
Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 John Adams nominates George Washington as general 1775
John Adams ambassador to France 1778 Pierre Caron drafts French treaty with America 1778
George Rogers Clark 1752-1818 George Rogers Clark fights British along Ohio & Mississippi 1778 Lafayette sails home 1778 John Paul Jones made commander of the Ranger 1777 John Paul Jones captures the Serapis 1779
Benedict Arnold plays the traitor 1780 Robert Morris superintends financial affairs 1781
Catherine II to war with Turks (again) 1787 Benjamin Franklin returns to US from France 1784 Marie Antoinette plays at peasantry 1784 John Adams US Ambassador to George III 1784
Montgolfier Brothers demonstrate hot air balloon 1783 Pierre Caron debuts The Marriage of Figaro 1784 Thomas Jefferson ambassador to France 1784 John Adams ambassador to France 1784 Frederick II signs commerce treaty with US 1784
Simon Bolvar born 1783 George Washington heads home after the war Christmas Eve 1783 Lafayette visits Mount Vernon 1784
Marie Antoinette painted in muslin 1783 Marie Antoinette French people turn against her 1784 Lafayette visits Frederick II 1786
John Paul Jones briefly helps Russia with Turkish wars 1787 Lafayette proposes financial investigation 1787
Lafayette condemned as friend of the king 1791 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette escape attempt 1791
The Bastille stormed by the peasants 1789 Constitutional Convention 1787 George Washington appoints his cabinet 1790 Alexander Hamilton proposes national bank 1790 Thomas Paine essay on The Rights of Man 1790 George Washington first US President 1789 Louis XVI calls national assembly 1789 Eli Whitney invents cotton gin 1791 Jean-Paul Marat leads September Massacre 1792 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette beheaded 1793
Rosetta Stone discovered 1799 Dr. Edward Jenner develops smallpox vaccine 1796 Catherine II loves to play with her grandchildren 1794 Catherine II dies 1796 Napoleon Bonapart fights Italians and Austrians 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte marries Countess Josephine Beauharnais 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte goes to Egypt 1798 Connecticut founded 1636 Chien Lung No Christianity in China! 1793 Chien Lung abdicates to fifteenth son 1796 John Adams President of US 1797 Richard Cameron 1644-1680
Charter Oak Captain Wadsworth hides Connecticut charter in this tree 1687
New Jersey founded 1665 Jacob Leisler governs New York 1689 Emily Dickinson 1830-1886