Physics Apparent Weight
Physics Apparent Weight
Physics Apparent Weight
Apparent weight is a measure of the upwards force transmitted through the ground (or the floor of the lift in this case) to counter the downward gravitational force on the mass. When you're standing still, and not accelerating, the upwards force the same as the Earth's acceleration due to gravity. If you're in an ascending lift, however, there's an additional component - the upwards acceleration of the lift itself - which has to be added on, and therefore your apparent weight increases. If you were standing on a set of bathroom scales in the lift as it accelerated, you would see the needle move up as your apparent weight increased. The opposite holds true as well - in a descending lift, for example, you're accelerating downwards, so that gets deducted and your apparent weight drops, which is why you get that "floaty" feeling going down.
Apparent weight
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In physics, apparent weight is a property of objects that corresponds to how heavy an object is. The apparent weight of an object will differ from the weight of an object whenever the force of gravity acting on the object is not balanced by an equal but opposite normal force. By definition, the weight of an object is equal to the magnitude of the force of gravity acting on it. This means that even a "weightless" astronaut in low Earth orbit has almost the same weight as he would have while standing on the ground. An object that rests on the ground is subject to a normal force exerted by the ground. The normal force acts only on the boundary of the object that is in contact with the ground. This force is transferred into the body; the force of gravity on every part of the body is balanced by stress forces acting on that part. A "weighless" astronauts feels weightless due to the absence of these stress forces, which ultimately derives from there not acting a normal force on the astronaut. By defining the apparent weight of an object in terms of normal forces, one can capture this effect of the stress forces. A common definition is "the force the body exerts on whatever it rests on."[1] The apparent weight can also differ from weight when an object is "partially or completely immersed in a fluid", where there is an "upthrust" from the liquid that is working against the force of gravity.[2] Another example is when an object or person is riding in an elevator. When the elevator begins rising, the object begins experiencing a force in the downward direction. If a scale was used, it would be seen that the weight of the object is becoming heavier because of the downward force, changing the apparent weight.[3] The role of apparent weight is also important in fluidization, when dealing with a number of particles, as it is the amount of force that the "upward drag force" needs to overcome in order for the particles to rise and for fluidization to occur.[4]