Society For Paranormal Exploration
Society For Paranormal Exploration
Society For Paranormal Exploration
This game is based, in part, on the Primary Fantasy SRD and pays homage to a popular horror RPG, as well as a horror television series that aired on Showtime in the mid-to-late-90s.
Creating Characters
Rate Character Abilities
All characters have four Abilities that define them: Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Ego. Strength is a measure of a characters raw physical power. Agility is a measure of their reflexes and coordination. Vitality is a measure of their general physical health and endurance. Finally, Ego is a measure of a characters mental toughness and willpower. You begin with five points to assign to your characters six Ability scores. You may assign these points any way that you so choose it is even okay to assign all six of these points to a single Ability and leave the remaining Abilities with a score of 0. You may gain further points to assign to your characters Abilities by choosing to take a negative score in one or more Abilities. For example, if you choose to take a -1 score in Dexterity you will gain one point to boost the score of another Ability. If you choose to take a -2 Dexterity score, you gain two points to boost the scores of other Abilities. The only limitation of gaining points in this manner is that no Ability score may be raised above +4.
Your characters Armor Class (AC) is equal to 10, plus your characters current Vitality score and the armor bonus of the armor that they are currently wearing: +2 for a padded coat, +3 for a bulletproof vest, or +4 for military-grade combat armor. Record your characters current Armor Class at this time. Your characters weapon damage is as listed on the equipment list, plus their Strength score for melee weapons and their Agility score for ranged weapons. Record your characters weapon damage at this time. If your character is completely unarmed, their damage is equal to their Strength score.
Saving Rolls
A saving roll is a special Ability roll made on behalf of your character to avoid a specific type of harm or extricate them from a situation likely to cause harm. For example, the Referee may have you roll 1d20, add your characters Agility score, profession bonus (if applicable) and Level to the result in order to avoid having your character fall off a slippery ledge while they are climbing a sheer mountain face.
Acting Order To determine what order characters in combat can take their action, roll 1d20 for each combatant and modify the result by their Level and Agility score. Characters act in order of their die results, from the highest to the lowest. Re-roll all ties. A new turn begins after all characters involved in a combat have taken action.
Resolving Attacks
When a character attacks another character or monster with a melee weapon, roll 1d20, adding their Level and Strength score to the result. If the final result of this roll is equal to or higher than the targets AC, then the attack is successful. When a character attacks another character or monster with a ranged weapon, roll 1d20, adding their Level and Agility score to the result. If the final result of this roll is equal to or higher than the targets AC, then the attack is successful.
Resolving Combat
Taking Action
Combat is broken up into turns, representing the passage of time in the game world. A character can take one action each turn..
Non-Combat Damage
Drowning Suffocation
Any character can hold her breath for a number of turns equal to twice her Vitality score. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Vitality saving throw every turn in order to continue holding her breath. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When this roll is failed, the character dies.
Fire Effects
If a characters clothes or hair catch fire, he takes 1d6 points of damage immediately. For each subsequent minute that the character remains on fire, he takes another 1d6 points of damage. A successful Agility saving roll will extinguish the fire.
Healing Damage
Natural Healing
For every full 8 hours of sleep or more that your character accrues after being inured, remove one point of Damage Taken per character Level. For example, if your character is of 3rd Level and has taken 5 points of damage, but has rested for 8 hours, they will reduce Damage Taken by 3 points. If your character rests uninterrupted for an entire 24 hours after being injured, you can remove an amount of Damage Taken equal to twice your characters current Level.
Exposure to Cold
An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40 F) must make a Vitality saving roll for each hour of exposure (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage. In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0 F), an unprotected character must make a Vitality saving roll once every 10 minutes (DC 15), taking 1d6 points of damage. Extreme cold (below -20/ F) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no saving roll).
Exposure to Heat
A character in very hot conditions (above 90/ F) must make a Vitality saving roll each hour (DC 15) or take 1d4 points of damage. In severe heat (above 110/ F), a character must make a Vitality saving roll once every 10 minutes (DC 15) or take 1d4 damage. In extreme heat (air temperature over 140/ F, fire, boiling water, lava), merely breathing air deals 1d6 damage per minute (no saving roll).
Magical Healing
Certain spells may restore character health. To learn how these spells work, consult the individual descriptions in the source document that you are using or the spells devised by the Referee.
Healing Limits
You can never reduce Damage Taken to less than zero (i.e., your character cant recover any more health than they lost to begin with).
Falling Effects
Falling characters sustain1d6 points of damage per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d6. A Vitality saving roll can be made at heights of 20 feet or less to halve damage (rounded down). Saving rolls do not mitigate falling damage from heights above 20 feet and further damage may be incurred by landing on objects as the Referee sees fit.
Character Growth
Characters experience two different kinds of growth Ability growth and level growth.
Ability Growth
Any time that a player rolls a natural (i.e., unmodified) result of either 1 or 20 when making an Ability roll, they need to place a checkmark next to the Ability involved. At the end of a game session, a player needs to roll 1d20 for each checkmark on their record sheet, one at a time. If they roll a result that equals or exceeds the rating of the Ability that the checkmark is -3-
next to, plus 10, then the player may raise the rating of that Ability by 1 point (to a maximum of +6).
Level Growth
Characters gain a character Level after they see 2-3 adventures (up to the Referee) through to a successful conclusion.
An encounter may have more than one elite monster, but elites should always be outnumbered by lesser creatures in that encounter. To create an elite monster: Double its DT. Give it a single 1d6 bonus that may be applied to any one roll.
Menace Templates
Following are two creature templates that you may use to challenge players.
Solo Monsters
Solo monsters are the most fearsome of all creatures that characters will encounter and must, by definition, be faced alone. To create a solo monster: Multiply its DT by #of PCs. Give it a number of 1d6 bonuses equal to the number of PCs that may be applied to rolls.
Elite Monsters
Elite monsters are typically the most fearsome or noteworthy creatures in an encounter mix. Usually, elite monsters are the leaders in a given encounter, though this is not strictly necessary.
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The entirety of this document, apart from this license and the artwork is declared Open Game Content. All artwork by Forever People Game, used with permission.