Bba Syllabus Apsu Rewa

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A. P. S.



Ordinance No. 119


Ordinance for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration,(BBA)
1. Programme: The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme shall be a full time 3 years (Six Semesters) Programme of Teaching and Learning. Each academic year shall be divided in to Two Semesters of Six Months each. Admission: Candidates seeking admission to the first year of Bachelor of Administration Course shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) of M.P. Higher Secondary Board, or an examination recognised equivalent thereto. Selection for admission will be made through an Admission Test followed by a Group Discussion and Interview as per the guidelines of the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of M.P., Issued form time to time. Reservation of seats shall be made as per the Government rules for the SC/ST/OBC categories. Course Structure The course structure and detailed syllabus shall be finalised in the Board of Studies and faculty meeting from time to time. Scheme of Examination: The Scheme of Examination and the programme there for may be prescribe and notified by the university from time to time. English shall be the medium of the instruction. However the candidate may write the test and examination either in Hindi or English. Requirements to be fulfilled for appearing at the Written/Semester examination. Semester Examination shall be open to a student who has complied with the following requirements That a) His/Her name has been on the rolls of the college/Institutes during that semester and was enrolled for the concerned semester examination. b) He/She has attended not less that 75% of the total number of lectures/classes held during the period from the date of his/her admission on the commencement of the concerned semester, as the case may be in each paper and successfully participated in various other compulsory activities held during that semester. Deficiency in respect of the normal requirements here of may be condoned my the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal of the concerned college/Institute. c) He/She has obtained atleast pass marks (i.e. 40%) in the internal assessment in each subject/Paper for which he/she is a candidate for the examination. d) He/She has not been a defaulter in respect of payment of dues to the college/Institute /University. e) He/She has not otherwise been prevented by the university from appearing at the semester examination. f) He/She has passed the previous semester examination is covered under reappear clause or has cleared the backlog if any, in earlier semester (Refer backlog clause here in after). Provided that the candidate who failed to comply with the requirements of b & c above in respect of any particular paper(s)/Subject(s), may how ever be eligible to take the examination in the remaining papers/Subjects. Semester examination default: A candidate admitted to the first semester of the course who has failed to comply with the conditions laid down in para 5 clause b & c here in above, or does not get registered for the first semester examination, shall be a defaulter and his/her name will be liable to be struck off from the rolls. Re-appearing clause A candidate who has completed the prescribed courses of instruction as required by this ordinance for any semester examination, but did not appear in it, or having appeared, failed, may be allowed on the recommendation of the principal of the respective college/institute/to appear/re-appear in the semester examination(s)/Paper(s), as the case may be. Such candidate internal assessment marks shall be carried forward to his/her credit for the aforesaid examination. A candidate will be given provisional admission to the next semester with the specific understanding that the candidate shall clear the earlier semester backlog(s) as per provisions appearing herein after. Such a candidate, in the mean time, may prosecute his/her studies for the next higher semester(s) and appear in the examination(s) for the same along with the examination for lower semester(s). Any student re-appearing at any semester examination shall have to offer course/studies in force for the examination of the year in which he/she is re-appearing. Backlog


3. 4.






10. 11.





A candidate having backlog(s) in either semester examination(s) will have to clear such back st nd log(s) by available chances as per etiquette (i.e. 1 and 2 semester backlog(s) to be cleared by appearing in 3rd /5th and 4th / 6th semester examination, respectively and so on. b) A candidate having failed to clear his/her backlog(s) by chances as per etiquette as in a th above, may be allowed to appear at a special examination at the end of 6 semester, appointed specifically for the purpose of backlog(s) clearance. Provided that a candidate must pass all the semester examinations with in 5 years of his/her admission to the first semester of BBA programme failing which he/she will be deemed to be unfit for the BBA programme and hence he/she will have to leave the course. Special examination th The University will hold a special examination at the end of 6 semester, soon after declaration of th th the results of the 6 and final semester examination to enable the candidate of that batch (6 semester) only to clear their backlog(s), irrespective of the semester in which the paper(s) comes. Scheme of Evaluation: In each theory paper, the allocation of marks between written examination (internal assessment) and Internal Assessment shall be 70% and 30% respectively. Internal Assessment The internal Assessment for each subject shall be based on the I) Performance to the mid term test (40%) and II) Assignment, Seminar(s), class room activities and various other activities (60%) as scheduled by the respective college/Institute, from time to time, for the purpose. If the students performance on these scores is not satisfactory and/or he/she shows a consistent lack of interest in studies, the principal may cancel his/her admission to the course. The principal of the respective college/institute shall finalise the marks in consultation with the subject teachers /HOD and forward the internal assessment marks to the registrar of the examinations at least two weeks before the commencement of the respective semester examination(s). the marks so awarded shall be final and unquestionable. Conditions of Passing a) The minim percentage of marks to pass the examination in each semester, shall be 40% in each written paper and 40% in Internal Assessment, separately and 50% in aggregate in each paper. b) Promotion to next semester: A candidate who has appeared in a semester examination and cleared at least 50% of the paper (i.e. three papers out of five or six) as provided in clause herein above shall be promoted to the next semester. However, any candidate failing to clear the paper as mentioned above, shall have to repeat the semester as a fresh candidate. No grace period relaxing mandatory requirement of passing the full BBA programme within maximum limit of 5 years shall, in such case. Field Study: Every student of BBA programme shall submit a report based on his/her exposure through Industrial Visits, Market Surveys and other related activities, to the principal/HOD of the concern College/Institute, in the language in which he/she offers to write the examination(s) for the approval by the Principal/HOD. The report should be his/her original and independent work must not exceed 20 30 pages. Evaluation of field study report: The field study report shall be valued by the examiner appointed by the University as per University Rules therefore. The award on this report shall be carried forward and taken account if a candidate appears in any further examination under Re-appear or backlog clause appearing herein before. Comprehensive Viva Voce: th There will be comprehensive Viva voce at the end of 6 semester to assess the student s over all progress and performance based on the subjects as well as field study. The aforesaid comprehensive Viva-voce shall be conducted by the college/Institute as notified by the university with the help of examiners/experts appointed by the university for the purpose, from the PANEL of external examiners recommended by the examination committee.


The marks awarded to students on this score, shall be on the record of the concerned college/institute and forwarded to the registrar of the examinations, for incorporation in the final result of the student. The aforesaid viva-voce award will be taken into account if the candidate appears in any future examination under re-appear/backlog clause appearing herein before. There will be no reassessments or review of the award in respect of field study and comprehensive viva-voce. 16. Declaration of Result As soon as possible, after conclusion of the examination, the registrar of examination shall publish a list of successful candidates. However, Sixth Semester Examination result of the candidate having backlog(s) will be declared only when such candidate has cleared all the papers in the backlog(s). 17. Award of Division

No division shall be awarded in Semester Examination. Division will be awarded on the basis of combined results of all Semester Examinations. Candidates securing 60% and above marks in aggregate shall be placed in the First Division. Candidates securing 50% and above but less than 60 % shall be placed in second division. There shall be no third division. 18. The college/institute shall arrange for the teaching of higher semester classes on completion of examination(s) as per academic calendar. The students shall be provisionally allowed for such study with an understanding that his/her admission will be regularised after declaration of result of preceding semester. 19. All other matters not specifically provided by this ordinance shall be governed by the relevant provisions of other ordinance of the University in so far as such provisions are not inconsistent with the expressed provisions of this ordinance. *************




Ist Semester IInd Semester

101 102 103 104 105

Micro Economics Financial Accounting Business & Environment Business Mathematics Principles of Management IIIrd Semester

201 202 203 204 205

English Language Computers for Management Business laws Business Statistics Cost Accounting IVth Semester

301 Hindi Bhasha 302 Managerial Economics 303 Organisational Behaviour 304 Research Methodology 305 Communication Skills Vth semester

401 402 403 404 405

Financial Management Marketing Management Productions Management Personnel Management Computer Laboratory VIth Semester

501 502 503 504 505

Management Information System Labour Laws Project management Management Science Elective I 505A Working Capital Management 505B Consumer Behaviour 505C Human Resource Development

601 602 603

Entrepreneurial Development Service marketing Elective II 603A Corporate Taxation 603B Sales management 603C Industrial Laws


Elective III 604A Financial Control System 604B Advertising Management and sales Promotion 604C Wage & Salary Administration


Project Study



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to finalize the student the various theoretical concepts in economics that are related to the field.
COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Introductionto economics. Definitions of economics, Nature and Scope of Economics, Methods of Economics. UNIT - II Concept of Demand & Supply, Concept of Market Equilibrium, Elasticity of Demand Supply. UNIT - III Utility Analysis, Marginal Concept of Utility, Indfference curve Analysis: Assumptions, Properties of IC.Consumers Equilibrium: Maximising Satisfaction. UNIT - IV Factors of Production: Theory of Rent, Theory of Interest, Theory of Profit. UNIT - V National Income: Estimates and Analysis ( GNP,NNP,GDP,HDI ), Measurement of National Income. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Adhikary, M., Business Economics, New Delhi, Excel Books, 2000. Chopra, O P, Managerial Economics, New Delhi, TMH, 1985. Koutsoyiannis, A., Modern Micro Economics, New York Mac Millian, 1991.



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates,
principles, and techniques of accounting and utilisation of financial and Accounting information for planning, decision making, and control. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Accounting and its place in business and relationship with other financial areas, Double entry system. Book Keeping- Meaning, Advantages, Concepts and Conventions. UNIT- II Type of books of accounts and their Preparation. Journal, Ledger, Trial balance, Depreciation. UNIT- III Preparation of Final Account: Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet. UNIT-IV Bank Reconciliation Statement, Royalty Accounts, Accounting record in the book of lease & landlord ( wheh royalty is less than & more than minimum rent ). UNIT- V Hire Purchase Accounts: Accounting record in the book of purchasee and vendor. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Grewal, T.S. , Double Entry Book Keeping Accountancy Principles, Sultanchand & Sons, New Delhi Gupta, R L. Advanced Accounting, Sultanchand & Sons, New Delhi th Anthony R N and Reece, J S , Accounting Principles, 6 ed., Homewood, Illinois, Richard D Irwin, 1995



COURSE OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with the environmental
factors and their relevance in the business and to expose them to the latest changes in the economic scene of the country as well as the global business scenario. COURSE CONTENTS: Unit- I INTRODUCTION Introduction to business environment, classification of business environment, factors affecting business, Role of environment in business, Strategy to change environment. UNIT- II ECONOMIC & POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT

Economic Policy Old & New Economic Policy,Industrial Policy, government interference in Business-why & How.

Introduction, How technology affects business, Technological factors affecting business, ways to adopt technology.

Introduction, Role & effect of culture on business, Social Responsibility of business organization.

Global market, Strategies for going, Pros & Cons of Global Market.
1. Aswathappa, K 2. Dutt And Sundaram 3. Mishra And Puri 4. Cherunilam Francis Business Environment For Strategic Management Indian Economy Indian Economy Business Environment



COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I SETS Introduction. Forms and Types of set. Venn Diagram. Basic Operations On Set. Union and Intersection of Set. Demorgans Law for two sets. UNIT- II EQUATIONS Linear Equations in Two variable. Solution of Linear Equation. Linear Equalities. Solution Set for equalities. Graphical Solution. Quadratic Equations. Root and Coefficient of Quadratic Equations. Relation between Root and Coefficient. UNIT- III DETERMINANTS AND MATRICES Matrix- Definition. Types. Basic Operation on Martices. Transpose of Matrix. Determinants. Minors and Co factor . Adjoint and Inverse of Martix. UNIT IV LIMITS, CONTINUITY AND LOGRITHIM Differential Calculus: Differentiations of Algebraic. Exponential and Logarithmic Function ( Introductory ), Logarithm-Use of logarithmic formulae. UNIT- V CALCULUS Integral Calculus: Standard formulaes on Algebraic. Exponential and Logarithmic integral. Definite and indefinite integral ( Introductory ). Maxima and minima Functions. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. V. Sundaresan and S.B. Jeysoelan: An Intoduction to Business Mathematics, S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. M. Raghavanchari: Mathematics foir Management - An Introduction. Tata Megraw Hill Publishing company Ltd. New Delhi.



COURSE OBJECTIVE: To help the students to acquire the basic knowledge in concepts and theory
of Principles of Management. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Principles of Management, Management School & Thoughts, Functions and Responsibilities of management. UNIT II Planning: Process, types and Significance, Objective, strategies and Policies, MBO. UNIT III Organizing : Nature and Purpose of organizing Concepts or departments, Line and Staff relationship. UNIT IV Direction : Principles & Techniques, Motivation : Types & Significance, Leadership: Styles and Importance. UNIT V Controlling : The system and process of controlling, Control techniques. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. 4. Rovwer J.C. & DanieL: Management Oprinciples & Practice. John Wile & Sons. Koontz D and Welhrich : Management, International Student Edition, Tokyo 1980. R.D. Agrawal: Organisation & Management MC Graw Hill, New Delhi 1982. Newman and Warran: The Process of Management: Concepts, Behaviour and Practices, PHI.



COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the course are to improve the competence of the
students basic language skills and to acquaint student with working official English Language. Examination: The examination paper will consist of two sections, Theory (35 marks) and Internal Assessment (15 marks) COURSE CONTENTS: I. Language content: A. Structural Items: (i) Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences. (ii) Co-ordinate clauses ( with, but or, Neither-no, Otherwise or else) (iii) Sub-ordinate clauses- Noun clauses- as subject, object and complement. Relative clauses, (restrictive and non-restrictive clauses) Adverb Clauses (open and hypothetical, conditional: with because, though, where, so, that, as long as, as soon as)

(iv) Comparative clauses (as+ adjective / adverb + as no sooner ....that) B. Tense: (i) Simple present, Progressive and present perfect (ii) Simple past, progressive and past perfect (iii) Indication of futurity
C. The passive (Simple present and past, Present and perfect and to infinitive structure) D. Reported speech

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Declarative sentences Imperatives Interrogative-wh-questions, yes/no questions Exclamatory sentences.

E. Modals (Will, shall, would, ought, to have to/have got to, can-could, may-might and need) F. Verb Structures (infinitive and gerundial) G. Linking devices. Note: The above language item will be introduced to express the following communicative functions: a) Seeking and imparting information b) Expressing attitudes-intellectual and emotional c) Persuasion and discussion etc. II Reading Comprehension: Adequate practice should be provided in reading with understanding through graded materials prescribed in the text book. Attempt should also be made to expand the learners vocabulary. III Writing Skills: Graded practice should be provided in the basic skills of composition. The following forms of composition should be practiced. (i) Paragraph writing (150 words) (ii) Letter Writing ( both formal and informal) IV Speaking: Contextualized vocabulary teaching and oral work should be used to strengthen the learners acquirement of the sound distinction, stress and intonation in English. Testing Pattern: Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Short answer question from the prescribed text- 7 marks Reading comprehension & vocabulary expansion 7 marks Paragraph writing 7 marks Letter writing 7 marks Grammar 7 marks

The book published by MP Hindi Granth Academy is the prescribed book for this syllabus.



COURSE OBJECTIVE: To help the students to learn computer application skills in the major areas.

UNIT- I Introduction to computers. devices,Storage media.






UNIT- II Generation of computers and programming language, Flow chart, Flow Symbols, Advantages. UNIT- III Number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal applications and inter conversions. Computer arithmetic. UNIT- IV Computer software and operating system, Computer Networks An Overview: LAN,MAN,VAN, Network Topologies : Linerar, Bus, Star, Ring, Tree. UNIT-V Personnel computer and its use in business: application packages, introduction to spread sheet , word processing and data base management system.
1. Sinha . P. K 2. Taxali Computers Fundamentals PC Software made Easy



COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Contract Act: Essentials of a valid contract, capacity to contract (Contracts minor), free consent, unlawful and void agreements, Discharge of contract, remedies for breach of contract. UNIT - II Bailment & Pledge, Agency, Law of consumer Protection, Consumer and Consumer Dispute, Consumer Protection Councils, Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. UNIT - III Company: Formation of a company, Prospectus, Memorandum and articles of association, Share capital and Share holders, Meeting and Resolution, Directors. UNIT - IV Law of Sales of Goods: Conditions and Warranties, Transfer of property & title, performances of the contract, Rights of an unpaid seller and suits for breach of contract. UNIT - V Negotiable instruments Act 1881 Nature & their types,FEMA. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. K.Aswathappa: Principles of Business Law (Himalaya) Bulchandani K.R.: Business Laws (Himalaya, Bombay Maheswari R.P.: Business Law (National Pub., New Delhi) Reddy P.N.: Essentials of Company Law (Himalaya Bombay) Sharma N.K.: Company Law & Secretarial Practice Sahitya Bhavan, Agra)


B.K. Acharya: Company Law & Secretarial Practices (Himalaya, Bombay)



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the course are to help the student in understanding the
various statistical methods, techniques in Business studies and Analysis/discussion. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT - I Meaning and Definition of statistics, Statistical Investigations, Laws of Statistics, Scope of statistics, Limitations of Statistics. UNIT - II Collection of Data, Presentation of Data, Frequency distribution, Primary and Secondary data. UNIT - III Measures of Central Tendencies: Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric mean, Harmonic Mean. UNIT IV Measure of Variation: Standard Deviation mean Deviation and Skewness. UNIT - V Correlation analysis Karl Pearsons co-efficient of correlation,[Spearman's rank correlation. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. D.N. Elhance: Fundamental of Statistics, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad Gupta, S.P.: Business Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The basic objective of the course is to familiarize the students the basic
elements of cost and cost determination. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT - I Introduction: Purpose and scope of costing and cost accountancy. UNIT - II Elements of Costs: Material, Labour and overheads. Functional clarification of costs: Direct and Indirect costs. UNIT III Accounting of Material, Labour and overhead cost. UNIT IV Methods of costing: Unit and job costing contract costing, Process costing, Reconciliation of Cost financial accounts. UNIT V Standard costing and Budgetary control. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. R.K. Gupta: Principles and practices of cost accounting, Agra Book Store, Agra. Nigam N.: Principles and Practice of Cost accounting Sultanchand & Sons, New Delhi. S.P. Iyengar: Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.



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COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with he concepts
and theory in decision making of a firm and its application in management. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Managerial economics: meaning and scope, relation ship with other disciplines. Significance in decisionmaking demand analysis, indifference curve analysis Demand forecasting. UNIT- II Input output analysis: meaning, main features, assumptions of input out put techniques. Techniques of input output analysis UNIT- III Market structure: different types of market, main features. Perfect competitions: main features, price determination in perfectly competitive firm UNIT- IV Theory of firm : profit maximization, sales maximization, ownership and control, Behaviour theory of the firm. Production theory: short period production function, law of variable proportion. UNIT- V Business cycles: phases, Govt. Policies and impact on society, balance of trade and balance of payment. Concept of GDP, GNP, NNP SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Adhikary M, Business Economics, New Delhi, Excel books, 2000 Chopra, O P , Managerial Economics, New Delhi, TMH, 1985 Keat, Paul G & Philips K Y Young, managerial Economics, Prentice hall, New Jeresy, 1996



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of paper is to familiarize the student with basic management concepts and behavioral processes in the organization.


Unit- I Concept of Organisational Behaviour, Contributing Background/Historical perspective and Framework of OB





Unit- II Individual Behaviour- Perception- Perceptual selectivity, Perceptual organisation, Social Perception and Impression management, Attitudes and Values Unit- III Leadership- Concept, Theories and Styles; Qualities of a good leader. Group Dynamics- Group Formation, Nature of groups, Reasons for joining Groups, Functions of group within organisation Unit- IV Stress Management- Meaning, Cause, Effect and Coping Strategies for Stress and Unit-V International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour; Equal Employment Opportunities SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. 4. Robbins S.P., Organisational behaviour, 7 ed., New Delhi, PHI, 1996 Singh Dalip, Emotional intelligence at Work, Response Books, Sage Publications, Delhi, 2001 rd Huse, F E and Cunnings, T G , Organisation Development and Change, 3 ed. , New York, West, 1985 Shekcharan Uma, Oraganisational Behaviour, Text & Cases, New Delhi THM, 1989.



COURSE OBJECTIVES: To equip the students with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide an insight into the application of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of management decision making.
COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Nature and scope of research methodology. Problem formulation and statement of research, objectives cost and value of information, Bayesian Decision theory. UNIT- II Research process, research design exploratory research, descriptive research and experimental research designs UNIT- III Methods of data collection observational and survey methods. Questionnaire Design attitude measurement techniques UNIT- IV Administration of surveys, sample design, selecting an appropriate statistical technique. UNIT-V Field work and tabulation of data, analysis of data, scaling and clustering method research applications SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Bennet, Roger, Management Research, ILO, 1983 Kothari, C R , Research Methodology, Kalyani Publications, 2001 nd Fowler, Floyd J Jr, Survey Methods, 2 ed., Sage pub, 1983



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary and
techniques and skills of communication to inform others, inspire them and willing cooperation in the performance of their jobs COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Introduction: Definition And Process Of Communication. Essentials Of Effective Communication. Barriers To Communication. Role Of Communication In Organizational Effectiveness UNIT- II Public Speech Com Position, Principles, Speech Delivering Skills. Group Discussion Dos and Donts of GDs Communication In Committees, Seminars And Conference UNIT-III Non Verbal Communication: Meaning and Importance. Listening: Difference between Listening and Hearing. UNIT- IV Drafting Of Notices, Agendas, Minutes, Job Application Letters Preparation of Curricular Vitae UNIT- V Business Correspondence Essentials Of Effective Business Correspondence. Structure of Business Letter Types of Business Letter Enquiry Reply Orders Complaints Circular Letter SUGGESTED READINGS:

1. 2. 3.

Rodriges M V Sharma R C & Mohankrishna Treece, Maira,

Effective Business Communication, Concept Pub. Co. New Delhi, 1992 Business correspondence & Report Writing , TMH, New Delhi , 1996 rd Successful Business communications, 3 ed., 1987, Allyn and Bacon Boston



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with various
accounting techniques in financial decision-making and control COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Finance function and its objectives, tools for financial analysis, capitalization, over capitalization analysis, Under capitalization. UNIT- II Ratio analysis, funds flow and cash flow analysis, Meaning Interpretations of ratios, classification of ratio. UNIT- III Working capital management, capital structure, source of capital, financial leverage, optimum C.S., Theories of C.S., Factors influencing C.S., Classification of w.c., Adequate factor detemining the w.c. requirement management of working capital. UNIT- IV Capital budgeting, methods of investments evaluation, payback period and accounting rate of return, discounted cash flow method and internal rate of return. UNIT-V Capital structure decision of the firm, dividend payment and valuation of Firms dividend policy of the firm, Determinants of dividend policy & Types of dividend policy. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Van Horne, James C, 2. Bhalla, V.K. Financial Decision Making Engle Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc Financial Management and Policy, New Delhi, Anmol



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper is to familiarize the student the modern marketing
concepts, tools and techniques to develop their skills required for the performance of marketing function.

COURSE CONTENTS: Unit - I Nature and scope of marketing,Selling Vs Marketing, basic concepts and approaches. Marketing management philosophies.

Unit - II Market segmentation, Marketing Mix, Marketing Environment, Marketing System, Marketing research. Unit - III Product Classification & Product mix, branding and packaging decision, promotion mix: Advertising, Selling and Sales promotion.

Unit- IV Pricing decision, methods of setting prices, pricing strategies product promotion. Consumer Behaviour and Decision Making.

Unit- V Channel of distribution, Factors affecting choice of channel , Types of intermediaries and their roles.


1. 2.

Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall of India. William J. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing, Mc Graw, New Delhi.



COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course is designed to acquaint the students with decision making in production and operation functions in both manufacturing and services.
UNIT I Introduction Nature And Scope Of Production Management. Production Planning And Control Product. UNIT II Plant Location Facility Location, Plant Layout Layout Planning and Analysis. Productivity, Production Order and Work Study. UNIT III Replacement,Purchase Management, Store Management. UNIT IV Material Management: An Overview of Material Management. Material Planning and Inventory Control. Concept of JIT. UNIT V Quality Control: Total Quality Management ISO 9000, Safety Management.

1. Chary, S.N . 2. Chunawalla, Patel : Production And Operation Management . New Delhi, Tata Macgraw Hills Production And Operation Management Himalaya Publications



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The Objective of the course is to familiarize the dimensions of personnel management in the reference to emerging India Context.
COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Concept and functions of Personnel management, Structure & Role of Personnel management in an Organisation, implementation of Personnel policy UNIT- II Staffing Policy and process; Management Planning, Job Analysis, Job description, Job Specification, recruitment, Selection, Induction, Placement, promotion UNIT- III Manpower Training & Development. Employment training and Development, Employee Training, performance Appraisal and Potential Appraisal UNIT- IV Wage & Salary Administration, Job Evaluation & designing, Salary Structure UNIT- V Industrial disputes and participative Management, Grievance Vs Dispute Grievance Handling Procedure,Disciplinary Action. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Rustoms Daver, Personnel management & Industrial relations, Vani Books, New Delhi Edwin Philip, Principles of Personnel Management, Mc Graw Hill, International Book Co., New Delhi M.S. Saiyedhir, Personnel management, Tata McGraw Hill, New delhi



A viva voce on practical knowledge of computers will be conducted by one internal and one external examiner at the end of second semester on the following syllabus Working with windows. Elementary knowledge of words.



OBJECTIVES: The objective of the course to develop the basic understanding of the decision support
system of artificial intelligence for business organisation.

UNIT- I Managerial information system definition basic concepts frame work, major trends in technology application of information technology. UNIT- II Systems approach to MIS, operating elements of MIS. MIS and decision making. UNIT-III MIS structures on the basis of management activity and organisational functions. Synthesis of MIS structure and its evaluation, role of MIS, at various levels viz operational, planning and control. UNIT-IV Need of information, levels of information handling, characteristics of information at various control levels advantages of computerization. UNIT- V Data flow diagram, data dictionary, data base management system, and word processing, electronic spread sheet and managerial application. Use of computer in managerial operations. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1.Olson Davis 2.Laudon & Laudon Management Information System Management Information System



OBJECTIVES: The course is designed to assist the students in under standing basic laws affecting
the operations of a business enterprise. COURSE CONTENTS: Unit- I Factories Act 1948 Objective, Application Of The Act, Definition, Approval Licensing and registration Of Factories Health, Safety Welfare , Working Hours UNIT-II Industrial Dispute Act , 1947 Definition , Authorities Under The Act , Procedure , Power And Duties Of Authorities , Strikes And Lock Outs Layoff, Retrenchment UNIT- III Industrial Employment ( Standing Order ) Act 1946- Meani8ng And Definition , Minimum Wage Act 1948,Payment Of Bonus Act 1965 , Payment Of Gratuity 1972 UNIT- IV Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous, Provisions Act 1952. Definition, Scope and Application, Employees Sate Insurance Act 1948. Definition, Establishment of Sate Insurance Corporation, Employees State Insurance Fund, Contribution. UNIT- V Trade Union Act 1926 Definition & Scope, Registration of Trade Union, rights and liabilities of registered trade union, approved unions, power to make regulations, penalties and procedures. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1.Taxmann 2.Chawla Labour Laws Mercantile Law Taxman Allied Services (P) Ltd 1999



COURSE OBJECTIVE :The basic purpose of this course is to understand the framework for
evaluating Capital expenditure Proposals, their planning & management in the review of the projects undertaken. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Generation and Screening of Project idea; Capital Expenditure; Importance & Difficulties. UNIT- II Market demand & situational analysis; technical analysis; analysis of project risk; social cost benefit analysis. UNIT- III Multiple projects & constraints; Network Techniques for Project management, Project Review & Administrative Aspects. UNIT- IV Project Financing in India; problem of time & cost overrun in public sector enterprises in India. UNIT- V Assessment of tax burden of various projects, making comparative analysis; Environmental appraisal of projects- Financial & Technical Environment. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1.Chandra, Prasanna, Projects: Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting & Implementation. 2.Ahuja, G. K.& Gupta, Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Allahabad, BharatLaw House, 1997. 3.Bhalla V. K. Modern Working Capital Management, New Delhi, Anmol, 1997.



COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is to develop


an understanding of basic management science techniques and their role in managerial decision making.

UNIT- I Nature, Scope and managerial application of Operation Research, Methodology and Modeling in OR, Various applicable models in OR. UNIT- II Linear Programming-Introduction & Formulation Solution to maximization and Minimization type Problems. Unit- III Transportation Problem Formulation & Solutions. Optimality test, Assignment Models, Solution to Maximization Type Problems. UNIT- IV PERT & CPM: Basic concepts, Rules of network construction, Determination of critical path, Dynamic Programming. UNIT- V Game Theory: Types of game, two person zero sum game, saddle point, dominance rule, Replacement theory (elementary concepts).Queuing Theory-: Types& Characteristics of a Queuing System SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. 2. 3. Gould, F.J. etc, Introduction to management Science, Englewood Cliffs, New Jeresy, Prentice Hall Inc., 1993 Sharma J.K. , Operations research: Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd., 1997 Vohra, N D, Quantitative Techniques In Management, TMH, New Delhi

505 A


Course Objective: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the incepted knowledge of managing current assets and raising short-term finance. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Working Capital Management: Concepts of working capital and its determinants, Risk-returns tradeoff. UNIT II Cash Management and Marketable Securities, Cash Planning. UNIT III Credit. Management, Optimum Credit Policy. UNIT IV Inventory Management: Need and Objectives of Inventory Management, Inventory Management Techniques, Selective Inventory Control. UNIT V Short term financing, money market in India, monetary system, debt financing bank financing SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. S.C. Kuchal: Financial management, Chataniya publishing House, Allahabad. 2. Khan and Jain: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi. 3. I.M. Pandey: Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. 4. Basant Raj: Corporate Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.

505 B


COURSE OBJECTIVES: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the
Consumer Decision Making Process and its application in Marketing function. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Introduction to Consumer Behavior, Concept, Scope and their applications. Information search Process, Evaluative Criteria and Decision Rules. UNIT II Consumer Decision Making Process, Four views of Consumer decision rules :- Economic man, Passive man, Emotional man, Cognitive man. Models of Consumer Decision making, Nicosia Model. UNIT III Consumer Motivation, needs and goals, Positive and Negative Motivation, Dynamic nature of Motivation, Consumer Perception, Conceptual Frame Work. UNIT IV Consumer attitude and change. Influence of personality and self concept on buying behavior. Diffusion of Innovations, Diffusion Process, The adoption Process. UNIT V Reference group influence, profile of consumers opinion, Leadership. Industrial buying. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Schiffman L.G. , Kanuk,ll Consumer Behavior, PHI, New Delhi.

505 C


COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to help the students gain in understanding of
the need and methods of Management Development. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I HRD goals, Concepts and importance, HRD Climate and Practices in India, HRD Functions and Strategies. UNIT II Manpower Planning Training and Development, Assessment of Training need, Training Effectiveness, designing and Administrating Training, Feedback. UNIT III Performance Appraisal Concept, Need and Methods, Differentiate between Performance Appraisal and Potential Appraisal, career Planning and Management. UNIT IV HR System Designing and Administration, HRD for workers, HRD approaches for coping with organisation change, HRD in Indian organisation, Objective and Functions of HRD professionals. UNIT V HR report, Audit and research, Quality of Work Life, TQM, HRD strategies, HRD in Organisation, Human Resource Information System. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Rao, TV Alternative approaches & Strategies of Human Resources Development, Jaipur, Rawat,1988. 2. Pareek, U. Managing Transitions, The HRD Response. New Delhi, TataMcgraw Hill, 1992. 3. Dayal, Ishwar. Successful Applications of HRD, NewDelhi, NewConcepts,1996. 4. Tripathi PC Personnel Management & IR.



COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Concept and Nature of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Trait, Types and Significance, Role and Importance of entrepreneur in economic growth. UNIT II Entrepreneurial Development programmes in India, History, Support, Objectives, Stages of Performance, Entrepreneurial Environment, EDP and their valuation. UNIT III Entrepreneurial Behavior and entrepreneurial Motivation, N- Achievement and Management success. Innovation and Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial Success in Rural Areas. UNIT IV Establishing Entrepreneur System, Search for Business Idea, Sources of Ideas, Idea Processing, Input requirement. UNIT V Sources and Criteria of Financing, fixed and Working capital assessment, technical assistance, Marketing assistance, Sickness of units and Remedial assistance. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Desai Vasant 2. M.B. Shukla 3. Gupta C.B. Small Scale Industrial Industries & Enterprenurship Enterpreneurship & Business Management Enterpreneurship Development in India



OBJECTIVES: The objective of the subject is to develop insight into emerging trends in the services
sector in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the management of services on national basis. COURSE CONTENTS: Unit- I Service, Nature, Characteristics And Classification Of Services, Goods Vs Services Challenges in Service Marketing , Service Marketing: Origin and Growth. Unit- II Marketing framework of Service Business. Market Segmentation, Marketing Mix for Services. Unit- III Application of Services Marketing: Marketing of Financial Services, Hospitality Industry, Health , Education. Unit- IV Service Vision and Service Strategy, Quality Issues, Advertising, Branding And Packaging of Services. Unit- V Relationship Marketing Concept, Process and Importance. Marketing for Non-Profit Organisation. SUGGESTED READING
1.Newton M.P.& Payne: A The Essence Of Service Marketing, PHI, New Delhi


603 A


COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of the following course is to acquaint the students with the implication of the Tax structure and corporate profit planning in operational as well as strategic terms.
COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I - Introduction Basic concepts of Income Tax, Computation of Income under different heads of income, Deduction of Tax at source. UNIT II Companys Tax Management. Rationale of Company taxation, Residential status of a company, set off and carry forward of Losses, Advance payment of tax. UNIT III Tax Planning Concept, Significance and Problem of Planning, Distinction between Tax avoidance and Tax evasion, Division of Income Claiming, Maximum deduction, Rebates, Relieves and Restoring Tax free Incomes. UNIT IV Tax Administration Filing of returns, Self Assessment of Tax, Default and Penalties. UNIT V Tax Consideration in respect of special managerial Decisions. Make or Buy, Own or Lease, Close or Continue, Export or Domestic Sales return or Replace, Tax Planning in respect of Managerial Remuneration. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Ahuja, GK & Gupta, Ravi Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Allahabad, Bharat Law House,1999. 2. Singhania, VK Direct Taxes: Law and Pratices, Delhi, Taxman. 3. Srinivas, EA. Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning. New Delhi, TMGH 1986.

603 B


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to expose the students, The Modern Sales Management concept and technique and help to develop abilities and skills required for effective Sales management.
COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Nature and Scope of Sales Management, Setting and Formulating, Personnel Selling objectives, Sales theories. UNIT- II Selection, Training, Compensation and Motivation of sales force, Evaluation and Control of Sales, Compensating Sales Personnel, Evaluating and Supervising Salesman. UNIT- III Sales planning and Sales Budgeting Methods , Importance and Limitation of sales Forecasting. UNIT- IV Sales Organisation, Purpose, Principles and Policies of Sales Organisation, Setting up of sales Organisation, Typical Sales Organisation Structure. UNIT- V Evaluation and control of sales efforts, Obejectives and quotes for Sales Personnel. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Stanton, William J. Management of Sales Force. Chicago, Irwin, 1995. 2. Johnson, EM etc. sales management: Concepts, Practices and Cases. NewYouk, John Wiley,1989. 3. Anderson, R. Professional Sales Management; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PHInc. 1992.



Course Objectives: Organizational efficiency and performance are interlinked with industrial relations. This course is an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relation at both macro and the micro levels. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Industrial Relation: Historical evaluation of I.R. Nature and concept of IR & TU, objectives and Functioning of IR, Emerging Trends in IR. UNIT II Industrial unrest in India, ILO, Workers participation in Management (WPM). Quality management, Collective Bargaining : concepts and importance. UNIT III Grievance; Nature and course, Difference between grievance and dispute, Resolution method of Grievance, negotiation and settlement, co-ownership. UNIT IV Industrial disputes act, 1947 contract labour Act, Factory Act 1948, Industrial employment (standing order) Act 1946. UNIT V Emerging Issues: IR & Its perspectives, Legal framework of IR, Emerging Socio-economic Scenario, IR and the State/Govt. interference. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Das R.P. Management of Industrial Relations, Varanasi, Kkrishna Trading Corp. 2001. 2. Agrawal SN Labour Relations Law in India. 3. Taxmann Lsnpit Lsed. 1999. 4. Monal Arora Industrial Relations, Exel Books.1997 5. Maheswari Industrial Law 6. Pylee Industria Relations & Personnel Management 7.Chawla R.C. Mercantile Law

604 A


COURSE OBJETIVE: The aim of this course is to draw the attention on Financial control system for
achieving financial goals of the organisation. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Budgeting Control, Objectives of Budgeting, Classification of budgets, Flexible budgets, Performance budgeting, Zero based budgeting. UNIT II Standard costing and variance Analysis components of standard costing, Material labour and overhead standards and ordinance. UNIT III Financial goal setting: Concept and techniques. Profit centers and Investment centers. UNIT IV Organisational growth: Responsibility centers, Profit centers and Investment centers. UNIT V Offering Audit and management Audit. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. J..Batty: Corporate Planning and Budgeting control, Mcdonald and Evans Ltd. 2. A Withismove: Acenting for Management Control, Opitman Publishing.

604 B


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The Objective of this course is to help the students to acquire of using
advertising as a means of communication and demand stimulation. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT- I Definition, Objectives, Functions and classification of advertisement, Advertising as a component of marketing mix, Advertising as a marketing communication process, Use of marketing for stimulating primary and secondary demand. UNIT- II Advertising Vs other forms of mass communication, Communication mix, DAGMAR approach, Determination of target audience, building of advertising programme Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Illustration, Appeal, Layout. UNIT-III Media Planning Media characteristics, Media Selection, Media Scheduling. Social and economic relevance of advertising, ethics and truth in Advertising. UNIT- IV Sales promotion- Meaning and Importance of sales promotion, Objective and strategies for sales promotion, Consumer oriented sales promotion, Trade oriented coupons, Deals, Premiums, Contest etc. UNIT- V Trade oriented sales promotion- Allowance and Discount, Training of distributors, Sales force contest and rewards. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Aaker David a. Advertising Management, 4 ed,. PHI NewDelhi, 1985. 2. Ogilvy, David,nlgilvy on Advertising London,Lonfman, 1983. 3. Sontakki Advertisingn Management 4. Mohan M Advertising Management

604 C


COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course is designed to promote understanding of issue related to the
compensation or rewarding Human Resources in corporate sector and import skills in designing, analysing, and restructuring reward management system, Policies and strategies. COURSE CONTENTS: UNIT I Job Evaluation, Wages and Salary Administration, Method of wages Administration, Factor affecting wages administration, Importance of Wage administration in Indian Context, Wage theories. UNIT II Wage Differentials Concept and its determinants, Internal and external equity in wages differentials, understanding different components of wage packages. UNIT III Employees benefits programme, Incentives, fringe benefits nature and importance. UNIT IV Wage Board and Laws, Working of different Institution related to reward system Wage board, pay commissions. UNIT V Wage and Salary Administration Act Minimum Wages, Salary and Employee Welfare Act. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1.Srivastava S.C. Industrial Relations and Labour Laws. NewDelhi, Vikas, 1994. 2.Malhotra OP The Law of Industrial disputes. Vol. I & II Bombay. N.M.tripathi,1985. 3.Seth DD, Industrial Disputes Act 1947m Vol. I&II Bombay, 1995.



Each student is required to prepare a Project Report on a topic assigned to him on his / her area of specialisation during the course of sixth semester. The final project will be evaluated at the end of the sixth semester by one internal and one external examiner. This would be equivalent to the marks of one paper.

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