Republic Act 10644 and Dti Dao No 14-5
Republic Act 10644 and Dti Dao No 14-5
Republic Act 10644 and Dti Dao No 14-5
N", 2046
H. No 4595
@1l1lW2SS llf
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106411 J
in the country. MSMEs increase income for poor households
and build both business equity and personal assets over a
period of time. To this end, the State shall develop plans and
initiate means to ease the constraints on the establishment
of MSMEs in order to rationalize the existing bureaucratic
regulations, providing greater incentives and beneits to
MSMEs, and strengthening the Micro, Small and Mrdium
Enterprise Development (MSMED) Council.
SEC. 3. Establishment of Negosyo Centers. - There
shall be established under the supervision of the Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED) COUI)cil, a
"Negosyo Center" in all provinces, cities and municipalities.
The MSMED Council shall encourage pUblic-private
partnerships in the establishment and mtulagement of NEjgosyo
Centers. In applicable areas, the existing MSME Centers, shall
continue tc operate as Negosyo Centers subject tc the provjsions
of this Act. The Negosyo Centers shall be responsible for
promoting ease of doing business and facilitating to
services for MSMEs within its jurisdiction. The MSMED
Council through the regional offices of the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) shall perform oversight functions and shall
assign personnel to f,lliill the functions of the Negosyo Celtte]'s.
SEC. 4. Functions of the Negosyo Centers. -Negosyo
Centers shall have the following functions:
(a) Promote ease of doing business and access to se&ices
for MSMEs within its jurisdiction;
(b) Coordinate and facilitate processes of government
related to the set-up and management of MSMEs;
Center may charge a fee which shall not be more than One
thousand pesos (p1,OOO.OO) to be remitted to the Nationa1
(e) Philippine Business Registry Databank - A PbiliWine
Business Registry Databank (PBRD) shall be established. under
the DTI to serve as a repository of information of all business
enterprises in the Philippines.
SEC. 6. Eligibility. - Any person, natural.or juridical,
having the 'l.uali:fi.cations as defined m Section Sea) of Republic
Act 'No. 9178 may apply for registration as MSME.
SEC. 7. Start-up Funds for MSMEs. - Aside from
the existing benefits for MSMEs, the MSMED Council, through
the D'l'1, the Department of Finance '(DOF) and the appropriate
financing institutions, shall establish a Start-up Fund for
MSMEs to be sourced from the MSME Deve10pment Fund and
BMBE Fund to provide financing for the develqpment and
promotion of MSMEs in priority sectors of the economy as
specified :in the MSMED Plan.
SEC. 8. Transfer, Production and
Management Training, and Marketing Assistance. - The
Negosyo Centers shall provide assistance to MSMEs in the
avaihnent of technology transfer, production and management
training pr.ograms and marketing assistance of the DTl,
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), University of
the Philippines-Institute for Small-Scale Industries (Uf-ISSI),
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and other agencies
SEC. 9. Composition of the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development (MSMED) Council. - The members
of the Council shall be the folluwing:
(d) Policy Fonnulation on Women EntreprenewShlp. The Council shaJl provide policy direction 'towards recognrein,g
women's propensity in doing business .as well as esta'bJish
linkages that will enable more opportunities for 'women to
engage in entrepreneurehip.
(e) Development of Entrepreneurial Educ!'-tion and
Training. - The MSMED Council shall deve:lop, incoordination
with the Department of Education, TESDA and, OHED, a
course curriculum Or .training program in entrepreneurship
that will promote entrepreneurial culture .and ccnnpetence.
Entrepreneurship shall be integrated in the .curricull1lll of
educational and training institutions in all levels.
SEC. 11. Informatwn lJisseminatwn. - The 'Phllippine
Information Agency, in coordination with the DTJ and the
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DIlJG),
shall <,nsure the proper and adequate information dissemination
of the contents and benefits of this Act to pertinent .media
entities and all cities, municipalities andbarangl\Ys.
SEC. 12. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to
carry out the initial implementation of this Aot shall be
sOU1'ced from the current budget of the DTI. 'Thereafter, such
swns 10\8 may be necessary for the continued 1m.ple!ne-ntation
of this Act shall be included in the Bucceedin~ General
Appropriations Act.
SEC..13. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The
Secretary of the DTI, in consultation with 'xhel1Ppropl'iate
agencies as mllY be deemed necessary, shall formulate the
necessal:Y rules and .regulations to implement the pmvisions
of this Act within ninety (90) d!\ys after its approval. The rules
and regulations issued pursuant to this Section shall take effect
fifteen (15) days aft&, its publication in a newspaper of genel'al
SEC. 14. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this
Act shan be held unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act
not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
SEC. 15. Repealing Clause. - Section 4 of Republic
Act No. 9178 is hereby repealed. .'iections 7-A and 7-B of
FELlCI~~T&~ .
Speaker of the House
of Representatives
JUl 1 7j4
Departtment Adm
ve Order N
No. _14-5_
Series of 2014
The folllowing rule
es and reg
gulations im
ng Republiic Act No. 10644, oth
known as the Go
public Act No. 9178, Barangay Micro Bus
siness Enteerprises (B
Actt of 2002;
public Act No. 6977
7, Magna Carta for Micro, Sm
mall and Medium
Entterprises (MSMEs), as amend
ded by Re
epublic Acct No. 8289 and
public Act No. 9501; and
her laws, insofar ass their pro
ovisions ha
ave not beeen amen
nded or
repealed by R.A.
R No. 10
0644, the Go Negosyo Act.
Declaration of Policy and other General Policy Statements
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy. These rules and regulations shall be in
accordance with the Declaration of Policy set forth in Section 2 of R.A. No. 10644.1
Sec. 2. Local Economic Development. In order to pursue the policies of the State
as declared in Republic Act No. 10644, particularly with regard to inclusive growth
and job generation, this IRR recognizes the imperatives of working with Local
Government Units (LGUs) and other agencies and organizations, both in the public
and private sectors towards Local Economic Development.
To avoid duplication of efforts and to foster coordinated actions, all initiatives towards
this end must ensure coordination and collaboration with existing structural
mechanisms promoting MSMEs and entrepreneurship.
Implementation of Provisions on Negosyo Centers
Establishment and Management of Negosyo Centers.
establishment and management of Negosyo Centers shall be in accordance with
Section 3 of R.A. No. 10644.2
Sec. 2. Set-up and approval of a multi-phase plan for creation/strengthening of
Negosyo Center.
(a) Within one hundred eighty (180) days from its reconstitution, the MSMED
Council shall approve a multi-phase plan, for the establishment and
management of the afore-mentioned Negosyo Centers.
(b) The multi-phase plan shall consider the different modes of establishing the
Negosyo Centers based on the needs of the MSMEs, as well as the
capacities and capabilities of the LGUs and other necessary factors.
enterprises (MSMEs) that facilitate local job creation, production and trade in the country. MSMEs increase
Sec. 3. Establishment of Negosyo Centers. There shall be established under the supervision of the Micro,
municipalities. The MSMED Council shall encourage publicprivate partnerships in the establishment and
(c) The multi-phase plan shall include the management structure and
processes for the MSMED Councils supervision of the Negosyo Centers.
(d) The creation and roll-out of the multi-phase plan, and as envisioned under
paragraph (b) hereof, Negosyo Centers shall continue to be established
and perform their mandates without prejudice to the MSMED Plan.
Sec. 3. Public-Private Partnerships. The MSMED Council, in the national and local
levels, shall encourage public-private partnerships in the establishment and
management of Negosyo Centers.
Section 4. Lead Role by LGU in creation of Negosyo Center. In cases where the
province, city or municipality takes the lead role in the establishment and
management of Negosyo Centers, the DTI, DILG and the LGA may offer assistance
to the LGU in integrating this creation through the LGUs Local Development and
Investment Plan, Annual Investment Plan and other relevant executive and
legislative issuances.
Sec. 5. Operations of Existing SME Centers and National Economic Research and
Business Assistance Center (NERBAC).
In applicable areas, the existing SME
Centers and NERBAC, administered by the DTI in provinces, cities and
municipalities, if any, may be converted to Negosyo Centers subject to the provisions
of this Act. Existing Regional NERBACs or SME Centers may be utilized as Negosyo
Centers for the Provinces and Cities where they are physically located.
Sec. 6. Functions of the Negosyo Centers. The Negosyo Centers shall have the
following functions:
(a) Business Registration Assistance
i) Accept and facilitate all new registration and renewal application of
MSMEs, including application for Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise
ii) Coordinate with the respective local government units (LGUs) and
liaise with concerned government agencies to process the duly
accomplished forms submitted by the MSMEs;
iii) Implement a unified business registration process preferably through
automated systems such as the Philippine Business Registry (PBR);
(b) Business Advisory Services
i) Assist MSMEs in meeting regulatory requirements to start and maintain
the business;
ii) Build local support networks and establish market linkages for MSME
development through the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
Development (MSMED) Council and DTI;
iii) Facilitate access to grants and other forms of financial assistance,
shared service facilities and equipment, and other support for MSMEs
through national government agencies (NGAs);
Provisions on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
SECTION 1. Registration.
Business Registration of MSMEs
Should the concerned business permits and licensing offices (BPLO)
fail to process the application, within fifteen (15) calendar days upon
receipt of the BPLO, the MSME shall be deemed registered for a
period of one (1) year: Provided, however, That within a period of thirty
(30) calendar days from the date of application of an MSME with the
BPLO, any business permit and licensing office shall have the authority
to revoke the permit or license upon determination that an MSME has
not met the requirements and qualifications imposed by the office.
Provided, further, that the BPLO shall immediately inform the applicant
by way of a written notice of revocation.
Sec. 2. Eligibility. The definition of eligibility under these IRR shall be in accordance
with the definition provided in Sec. 3. (a) of R.A. No. 9178.5
Sec. 3. Start-up Funds for MSMEs. The establishment of Start-up Funds for
MSMEs shall be in accordance with Section 7 of R.A. 10644. 6
Certificate of Authority for Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) The DTI, through the Negosyo
Center in the city or municipal level, shall have the sole power to issue the Certificate of Authority for BMBEs
to avail of the benefits provided by Republic Act No. 9178, otherwise known as the Barangay Micro Business
Enterprises (BMBEs) Act of 2002. Upon the approval of registration of the BMBE, the Negosyo Center shall
issue the Certificate of Authority, renewable every two (2) years. The DTI, through the Negosyo Center may
charge a fee which shall not be more than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) to be remitted to the National
A Philippine Business Registry Databank (PBRD) shall be established under the DTI to serve as a repository of
information of all business enterprises in the Philippines.
Barangay Micro Business Enterprise, hereinafter referred to as BMBE, refers to any business entity or
enterprise engaged in the production, processing or manufacturing of products or commodities, including
agro-processing, trading and services, whose total assets including those arising from loans but exclusive of the
land on which the particular business entitys office, plant and equipment are situated, shall not be more than
Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00). The above definition shall be subject to review and upward adjustment
by the SMED Council, as mandated under Republic Act No. 6977, as amended by Republic Act No. 8289
Aside from the existing benefits for MSMEs, the MSMED Council, through the DTI, the Department of Finance
(DOF) and the appropriate financing institutions, shall establish a Start-up Fund for MSMEs to be sourced from
the MSME Development Fund and BMBE Fund to provide financing for the development and promotion of
MSMEs in priority sectors of the economy as specified in the MSMED Plan.
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The amount to be allocated for the Start-Up Fund and the guidelines for its use must
be identified by the MSMED Council through a resolution.
Sec. 4. Technology Transfer, Production and Management Training, and Marketing
Assistance. The availment of technology transfer, production and management
training and marketing assistance shall be done in accordance with Section 8 of RA
The MSMED Council may, upon consultation with the above-mentioned agencies,
issue a resolution on a Manual of Operations for this section specifically identifying
the individual and collective roles of the above-mentioned agencies.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Council
SECTION 1. Composition of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development
(MSMED) Council. The composition of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development (MSMED) Council shall be in accordance with Section 9 of R.A. No.
Sec. 2. Additional Functions of the MSMED Council. The additional functions of the
MSMED Council shall be in accordance with Sec. 10 of R.A. No. 10644.9
The Negosyo Centers shall provide assistance to MSMEs in the availment of technology transfer, production
and management training programs and marketing assistance of the DTI, Department of Science and
Technology (DOST), University of the Philippines-Institute for Small-Scale Industries (UP-ISSI), Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and other
agencies concerned.
The members of the Council shall be the following:
(a) The Secretary of Trade and Industry as Chair;
(b) The Secretary of Agriculture;
(c) The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government;
(d) Three (3) representatives from the MSME sector to represent Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao with at least
one (1) representative from the microenterprise sector;
(e) One (1) representative from the .women sector designated by the Philippine Commission on Women;
(f) One (1) representative from the youth sector designated by the National Youth Commission; and
(g) The Chairman of Small Business Corporation.
A. Advisory Unit. There shall be an Advisory Unit to the Council, which shall consist of the following:
(a) The Secretary of Science and Technology;
(b) The Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas;
(c) The President of the Land Bank of the Philippines;
(d) The President of the Development Bank of the Philippines;
(e) The Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority;
(f) One (1) representative from the labor sector, to be nominated by accredited labor groups;
(g) A representative from the private banking sector to serve alternatively between the chamber of thrift
banks, and the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP);
(h) A representative of the microfinance nongovernment organizations (NGOs);
(i) A representative of the University of the Philippines-Institute for Small Scale Industries (UP-ISSI); and
(j) The President of the Credit Information Corporation.
Aside from its existing functions as mentioned under Section 7-B of Republic Act No. 9501, otherwise known
as the Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the MSMED Council shall have the
following additional functions:
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The MSMED Council shall, through a resolution, identify the other functions of the
Regional and Provincial MSMED Councils to pursue the function as coordination and
oversight body for the Negosyo Centers.
Public Information Dissemination
SECTION 1. Information Dissemination. The Philippine Information Agency (PIA),
in coordination with the DTI and the DILG, shall ensure the proper and adequate
information dissemination of the contents and benefits of RA No. 10644 and this IRR
to pertinent media entities and all cities, municipalities and barangays and widely to
other stakeholders. To ensure wide dissemination to as many stakeholders as
possible, the agencies concerned shall utilize electronic updates and posting in their
respective websites and social media and provide leaflets or brochures which shall
contain frequently asked questions.
SECTION 1. Appropriations. The amount necessary to carry out the initial
implementation of this Act shall be sourced from the current budget of the DTI.
Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for the continued implementation of this
Act shall be included in the succeeding General Appropriations Act. The amount to
be allocated shall include, but not be limited to, support for the provincial, city and
municipal operations of the Negosyo Centers.
the Negosyo Centers. Further, the MSMED Council shall monitor and assess the progress of the Negosyo
for compliance by MSMEs, the Council shall publish compliance guidelines which shall be written in plain
and shall cooperate with industry associations to develop and distribute such compliance guides. The
the website of the agency, and distribution of the guide to known industry contacts, such as small entities,
associations or industry leaders affected by the rule. The issuing government agency shall publish and
(d) Policy Formulation on Women Entrepreneurship. The Council shall provide policy direction towards
recognizing womens propensity in doing business as well as establish linkages that will enable more
(e) Development of Entrepreneurial Education and Training. The MSMED Council shall develop, in
entrepreneurship that will promote entrepreneurial culture and competence. Entrepreneurship shall be
Provision of Amendments to the IRR
SECTION 1. Amendments to the IRR. In the event that amendments may be
needed to this IRR, the BSMED shall submit the proposed amendments to the
Secretary of Trade and Industry for approval.
Transitory Provisions
SECTION 1. Full Reconstitution of MSMED Council. The Secretary of the
Department of Trade and Industry, as Chair of the MSMED Council, shall ensure that
the MSMED Council as presently constituted shall meet to deliberate and act
appropriately on policy and program matters, until such time that the MSMED
Council is fully reconstituted pursuant to RA 10644. The presently constituted
MSMED Council shall be limited to matters with identified timeframes, and urgent
concerns from consultations for the formulation of this IRR, to ensure that there is no
gap in policy and program formulation for the MSMEs.
In this regard, the MSMED Council Chair shall ensure that the MSMED Council shall
be reconstituted within sixty (60) days from the approval of this IRR. The Philippine
Commission on Women (PCW) and the National Youth Commission (NYC) shall
submit the names of their designated representatives before the scheduled
reconstitution of the MSMED Council.
Sec. 2. Constitution of the Advisory Unit. In order to ensure continuity in the support
and assistance to the MSMEs, any current member of the MSMED Council whose
representation has now been designated as being part of the Advisory Unit, will
continue to be a member of the Advisory Unit until such time that the MSMED
Council issues the relevant policy concerning the term of office of each Advisory Unit
member which are not ex-officio in nature.
Final Provisions
SECTION 1. Effectivity Clause. Pursuant to Section 13 of RA 10644, these
Implementing Rules and Regulations formulated by the Secretary of the Department of
Trade and Industry, in consultation with the appropriate agencies as may be deemed
necessary, shall prescribe the implementation of the Act. Upon approval of the