Challenge To The Heritage

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challenge to the heritage

3.0 Challenge to the heritage

Andrej Rehak When the space-time term was introduced in early last century, physics was very close in an effort to describe the world through a single principle. It became clear, and experimental evidence pointed to the fact that space and time in different acceleration systems are not the same. In other words, clocks in motion, as well as those located in stronger gravitational fields were ticking slower... It was discovered that the velocity and mass influence the change of space and time. At the same time, the speed of light was determining the upper speed limit of the Universe. This meant that nothing, neither the mass, particle or signal at any point in the Universe cant travel faster than light. Beside the failure to recognize the true nature of speed, the nature of mass was never clarified either. So the Universe has become large, discouraging and for our concepts of time and space unreachable place, full of unsolved anomalies and phenomena. Strange and unknown, mysterious and incomprehensible environment that assumes the existence of worlds unexplained by known laws of physics... Without interpretive reason, the measured speed of light amounts awkwardly 299,792,458 meters per second. Although without proper physical connection, meter and second were locally adopted as units for space and time. Taking into account the space-time variation, it is obvious that the idea of natural speed limit applies only within each separate referential system. If a stronger gravitational field slowed the flow of time and increased the space twice, compared to ours, and since the measured speed of light remained unchanged, expressed in the space-time units of such referential systems, the amount of our light speed would be twice smaller and its frequency would be doubled. So the frequency of our time and space in such referential system would be doubled too. In our time unit, light would travel half the amount of space, measured within two time greater space-time frame. As more mass creates greater gravity, the idea of the speed of light as an upper limit of the speed of the Universe, excludes the possibility of the existence of gravity fields equal to or greater than our light speed. That excludes the existence of mass which would generate such gravity. It is somehow equivalent to the definition of the edge of the Universe. In a sense it is not far from witnessed truth since it illustrates a marginal perception area of our spacetime octave. For such gravitational fields we adopted the name Black holes. As the epithet for the Universe is endless, it implies that it is a place of gravitational fields infinitely larger and infinitely smaller than ours. If our referent speed of light remained the same, in referential systems of infinitely large gravitational fields it would converge to zero, while in the reverse case, it would grew to infinitely large.

challenge to the heritage

The result of such concept is paradoxical notion of "Black Holes" on one side, and the inability of integrating gravity in subatomic world, on the other side of perceptual spectrum. Measuring the world, we try to describe it by our physics which is determined by our locally measured, constant speed of light. The higher the gravity difference between our system and the one we measure, the greater the space-time distortions and obvious anomalies in the results of measurements. This is because the same distance in time and space, measured from the referential system of higher gravity, provides lower result than the one measured from the weaker gravitational field. The consequence of such distorted perception of the world are unexplained negative acceleration of space probes Pioneers 10 and 11, Pound-Rebka experiment result, the progress of Mercury perihelion (point closest to the Sun) greater than calculated, galaxy rotation problem (it was observed that the galaxies do not rotate at Keplers laws, but linearly, like a wheel), black holes, the accelerating expansion of the Universe starting from the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, and countless other "solved" and unresolved anomalies, unproven hypotheses and theories. In the world of small, gravitation appeared to be too small to keep the electrons in their orbits around the nucleus. Thus, introduced are weak and strong nuclear forces and electro magnetism... On both perceived ends of the infinite space-time scale, conventionally accepted are contradicting theories of big and theories of small, anomalous to each other. Trapped by light speed dogma, physics has become more complicated, mutually incompatible, and difficult to understand for people outside the profession. It even became foreign to many physicists who created it. Although Aristarchus heliocentric model (i.e. with the Sun as the centre around which the planets orbit) existed in the 3rd century BC, and according to this model, the Sun also hasnt been at the centre of these circles, purity and simplicity of the proposed model to explain nature, were not sufficient to come to life in relation to the arguments of authority of the time. The originator of Ptolemys geocentric system, Aristotle, defined the truth as the thought which best agrees with the nature. Unable to believe that Aristotle was wrong in anything, the philosophical schools after him defined the truth as thought which best agrees with Aristotle... And so, thanks to his absolute authority, and the fact that his model was a good fit with religious teachings of expanding Christianity (which at the same time used extremely brutal methods for suppressing the knowledge of nature), a study started by Aristotle, in some way, for many of the coming centuries, ended up with him. Because of unfamiliarity with the mechanism of gravity, in Ptolemy's model of the Universe, the Earth is at the centre, and the Sun, planets and stars are orbiting around it at crystal spheres. As the Earth in its orbit around the Sun overtakes Mars and other distant planets, while Mercury and Venus overtake the Earth, their observed orbits do not draw strait lines at the Earths night sky. In moments of

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overtaking, the planets are seemingly slowing down and begin to move retrograde. It would be after some time that the direction of movement is back to normal (Figure 3.0.a).

Figure 3.0.a Retrograde motion effect perceived from observers orbit showing celestial body paths for central star and both, inner and outer orbiting bodies. Movie clip Celestial retrograde motion effect shows it in motion.

The word "planet" comes from the Greek word "planetos" meaning wandering star (thus, unlike the Earth, in Ptolemy's model, the Sun and Moon were planets). Because of these, for centuries unexplainable movements, the heavenly bodies in Ptolemy's model does not move by ellipses but rather by curves called epicycles (Figure 3.0.b).

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Figure 3.0.b Simplified Ptolemys model of the Universe with Moon as a first, and Sun as a fourth planet orbiting around Earth. All planets except Moon and Sun are moving on epicycles whit their centres positioned on circles called deferent. Last sphere, after Saturn, is a sphere of Stars. In this particular figure, orbital periods are adjusted so they always draw the same path. Movie clip Ptolemys model of the Universe shows it in motion. This is a good example of how false assumptions and approaches, by using more complicated mathematics and geometry, can be quite accurate in describing the nature and satisfy scientists for centuries. Genuine contender is of course the fact that science and culture of that time were absolutely monopolized, reviewed and fear ruled by the church, where a model of the Universe with Earth at its centre, fitted into preached dogma. The story of Aristarchus and Ptolemy's model illustrates the degeneration of knowledge when it becomes an instrument of power in service of the institution. Any model that does not fit the preached paradigm of "official truth" is condemned, ignored or marginalized, and without "official seal" such model is completely rejected. In the history of the occult theories, Spiritus Mundi spirit of the world is the basic substance whose understanding provides the key for solving the mysteries of Nature. But as its concept has never been determined, it is sometimes understood as a principle, i.e. a condition of existence, and sometimes as matter. 4

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In the first case, Spiritus Mundi contains relationships, roots and causes of things and events. In the second case, the basic substance is the primary matter from which everything else is derived. Unlike the first, subtle concept, the result of more detailed philosophical thought, the second concept is coarser and characterizes the decline of thought. According to P.D. Ouspensky (The new Model of the Universe) it is a sign that the ignoramus handles difficult and profound ideas. Despite the existence of fractal mathematics, the idea that the physics of the world can be described by the confusing, growing, unintuitive, incomplete, incompatible and final table of "fundamental particles", the idea of searching for "Graviton", particle that would explain gravity, the idea of searching for the "Gods particle" that will explain mass... is culmination and the inevitable end of the degeneration of thought. In these series, we could include "Pythagoratron" and say that this particle should explain the Pythagorean Theorem ... The system which proclaims that the knowledge is written in The Book, that the mass is written in a Boson, and that theres nothing else to know and to write, is a system of retardation and as such it is a tail that rejects itself. Acceleration is a natural state of infinite knowledge. When using the telescope Galileo discovered Jupiter's moons, it has become clear that the planets cant roll on crystal spheres as their moons that are occasionally seen, and occasionally disappeared behind Jupiter, must penetrate them... Also, the discovery of Jupiter's moon pointed to the fact that there are celestial bodies that do not revolve around the Earth (of course, Jupiter moons revolves around Jupiter). Galileo's empirical observation, and observation of changes in light and dark sides of Venus, proved Copernicus's revival of Aristarchus model in which the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. It actually meant that our planet has lost its central position in the Universe. The church, however, did not want to look through the telescope and the scenario of a further process against Galileo, is less or more known. Some branches of physics today have become the mental alchemy, coming up with charming theories of multidimensional spaces that can be described only in advanced mathematics but never presented in imaginable geometry. Similar to Ptolemy's model, multidimensional mathematical tensors have become a practical tool for placing the phenomenon in relation to nature which in this way can be described but never explained or understood. Although without interpretation, some of these theories are now accepted as the biggest candidates who will ultimately yield a final explanation of the Universe. It is expected that this formula will be beautiful and simple as nature. These theories may be pretty to the few ... However, some of them are so complicated that no man on planet Earth can solve them. Surprisingly, theories are accepted as good and a reason for their insolvability is our still "primitive" mathematics. Some call them theories of the 20th century in expectation of 21st century mathematics. By introduction of Copernicus (actually Aristarchus) heliocentric model of our solar system, the 5

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complicated trajectories of Ptolemy's planetary model are reduced to the simplest possible geometry. Epicyclical planet orbits became circles. (Later, Kepler found that they are not circles but ellipses, the fact for sawed by Aristarchus, but since the space-time in different orbital positions vary, the relative ellipses are actually absolute circles). Despite the apparent simplicity and elegance of the heliocentric model, it took years before its adoption. Moreover, being afraid of the Inquisition, Copernicus published his findings just before his death. Review of the work in the preface, which was written without knowledge of the author, describes it as a geometrical method of astronomy that is, despite the exact results, however unlikely. As for the many years it was believed that Copernicus was the author of this preface (until Kepler proved to be a forgery), already at the very beginning of reading the idea was doubtful. The word "physics" comes from the Greek word meaning "nature". Somewhere in its essence nature is evolution, and one of the basic principles of evolution is finding the simplest and most effective possible way. There are not many people outside the profession who can truly understand and derive Einstein's General Theory of gravity. In fact, its mathematical description does not mean its explanation. It does not answer the questions such as what are its variables, what is gravity, what is the gravitational constant "G", what is mass... Besides its nearly century-old inviolability and glory, General Theory of gravity quite accurately describes only one part of the world. The one called world of big. But even there it falls on the exam unable to resolve anomalies such as negative acceleration of Pioneer probes. Despite the success of quantum physics in describing the large number of natural phenomena, it is incomplete and not sufficiently fundamental to describe the Universe. Although there is no way to hide, escape or be in any way sheltered from gravity, model of quantum physics does not include it. Not because it does not want to, but because it cant. Calculating with gravity leads to the disintegration of its formulas. Also, the hypothetical Higgs boson has been introduced so the formulas of quantum mechanics could yield meaningful results. Without the Higgs Boson, the probabilities in its accounts are higher than 100%. Sometimes it seems that in modern quantum theory one does not learn how to ask questions, but how to avoid asking them... For Laws of quantum world forces, gravity, which rules the world of big became an anomaly and vice versa... As long as there are unexplained natural constants in physics, as long as there are anomalies, as long as it is local, it cannot be fundamental. Regardless of how much the theory describes and how simple or complex it is, if it contains only one unexplained constant (in modern physics, there are already quite a number of them which rather than decreasing, grows with time), if it recordes a single anomaly,

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if it fails in explaining a single phenomenon in nature, this theory is not a fundamental knowledge. Anomalies recorded by contradictory systems are the implication of thauthology. Comprehensive and accurate explanation of nature without unexplained constants and without anomalies is not a theory but a Principle. More than a century, physicists are building theories on the foundations of old ones, combining them and adjusting, introducing new constants, new tools and new dimensions... and again, fundamental questions remain unanswered... What is time, what is space, what is gravity, what is light speed? What is mass and what is energy? Why, unlike moving at uniform speed, we feel acceleration and rotation? Why there are natural constants in the Universe that we know? The answer to these questions would have to be one. Also, it would have to be so fundamental that it would not be possible to find a principle which explains it. He alone should be a principle. Flexible and rigid, clear and intuitive, abstract but real, true, but elusive.., and above all, comprehensive and universal. The fundamental principle that permeates all the appearance tissue of being... As it would have to connect all separate entities of same physics (nature), all physical forces would become a single principle and all physical units would become "One Measure". Scientists believe that the solution to that mystery, as old as written history of man, would provide an unimaginable evolutionary leap which has never happened before in our recorded time. Some of them (the "Nobel Prize laureate" and author of book The God Particle), however, believe that the romantic scenario in which the answer comes by merely observing the phenomenon of the world and thinking about them, the time of Thales, Babylonian mathematics and geometric relationships studied by Pythagoras, is romantic reality of a past, in scientific terms "more primitive time. Today's approach of finding answers to fundamental questions is in line with technological and economic progress of our community. To find those answers we have created a "Big Science", and big science, in the value system of the world that we built, instead of Big Thought actually means "Big Money"... In other words, exclude the creative thinking, and include particle accelerator. Without actually knowing what will happen... wait for a surprise... Wait for the several billion Euros valuable machine to answer the questions that certainly cant yield our free thought... Launch LISA and hope that it will discover the secret of gravity by itself. Because the invested money would have to guarantee the quality of the product ... Build an accelerator in lunar orbit... The search for the answer to this fundamental question is one of the reasons for adapting several billion Euros worth particle accelerator in CERN. Also, in year 2016, NASA plans to launch "LISA" (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), a triple system of solar satellites that will try to measure the effect of gravitational waves. It is expected that data collected from Lisa, in the years after the launch would contribute to bring us closer to revealing the secrets of gravity...

challenge to the heritage

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent... Albert Einstein When Alexander the Macedonian cut the Gordian knot with his sword, he became the ruler of the world (at that time Asia Minor). While we learn about this legend, the "force" in the story is a mental quip to solve puzzle. According to legend, one that unties it is one who will rule the World. Perhaps the boundaries of that promised "World" are not the limits of former Asia Minor, or the planet Earth. Perhaps the boundaries of that world are borders of thought and knowledge. Perhaps the "World" in the symbolism of puzzle is the infinity of Universe. And maybe to rule does not mean to subdue and misuse, but to know, understand, respect, protect and love, collect and expand that experience. Perhaps the promised reward after unbundling Gordian knot is self awareness, and what comes with it after solving the puzzle. Waking up from hypnosis and ending the time of ignorance and fear. However, puzzle was tried to be solved by force and force continued ruling the world. Consequently, the direction of solving the mystery of the "Holy Grail" of physics is moving by force towards a desired unification of four fundamental "forces", without actually knowing what force really is. Despite the monumental instruments for conducting experiments in the quest for unification, most of today's theories remind to computers from the 80s that are constantly upgraded with new components that have appeared on the market. Although we have invested a huge amount of time, labour, sentiment and money in their construction, if there is good reason, perhaps is not a bad idea to retire the old computer and accept the new one that is built from the sketch and in a day. If one thinks about the complexity of various theories that attempt to describe the world and understand them as basic principle, the trunk of the Universe, one must ask what is happening in its first or second level of branching. In its time iterations, such world would rapidly disintegrate, collapsed under burden of its own complexity. Since the branching of the Universe, so as time and space, is infinite, the only possible way for nature is to repeat the simplest possible pattern. Such a matrix cannot be a theory. It is a fractal code of the Universe. It is its principle. Despite the fact that some theories are sacred, and their authors famous and undisputed authorities in the field, although there are millions of books printed, countless shows recorded, Nobel Prize received, lectures held, doctorates defended and articles written, although there are huge and expensive scientific instruments built to prove their validity, ... if there is good reason, may not be the place for dogma, inertia, vanity and regret... Life is a journey, not a destination The sooner it is done, the easier will be a step to the next level of evolution of knowledge.

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Since the right relationship between the variables of space and time was never found, the speed of light remained incorrectly incorporated in the scalar space-time model. It's like constantly trying to assemble the puzzles from different sets. Space-time is discovered to be curved but light speed remained linear... For this reason, in the gravitational theory of General Relativity, light loses energy in gravitational fields of higher intensity. This postulate has led to interpretations of the spectral shift which caused a domino effect of great and famous invalid theories and interpretations of the world, such as Black Holes, the Big Bang theories and multidimensional String theory. Moreover, the last is regarded as one of the major candidates for the final unification, although its mathematical validity applies only to 10 and 26 dimensional spaces and is for more than fifty years actually inconclusive. Also, for experimental evidence of strings existence, it would be necessary to build a particle accelerator as big as our known Universe... Maybe the fascination with the power of technology we've created produced a noise that put us away from abstract thought and hid essential. The sword has cut, but did not untangle the Gordian knot. One of the consequences of such searching for the unification are thoughts that the fundamental principle, if it ever be discovered, will have little to do with our experiential life, because it will certainly be a quantum mechanical... However, the fundamental principle cannot be separated from our every indivisible space -time experience. We are intuitively aware of it, always, now and forever. It is the fabric of our world. It is the evolving knowledge manifested as spectrum of life. It is a universal law which is subject to all and why everything is. In science, the principle of Occam's razor says that we should first take the simplest explanation. Maybe a locally proclaimed beauty is not sufficient... History of application of some simple machines (divided into six groups: slope, wheel and axle, lever, pulley, wedge and screw) goes back to the Stone Age of known history of man. Each, in space and time, separate culture of which we have evidence, know at least some of them. We use them every day, and inevitably, they are used by tribal communities, by children playing... The principle of simple machines is not the work of man. Their principle is woven into the biomechanical structure of life. Our bodies are moving by this principle. Perhaps this is the principle that could move planets, galaxies, electrons. Maybe it's the principle that bears the explanation of gravity, the origin of mass... For all simple machines applies, that the required force, deployed on a larger distance or over a longer time period will be smaller. It is actually a unique and fundamental relationship. It is the ratio of spacetime ... If one thinks of unification, it is the fundamental relationship of all fundamental forces of nature... 9

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When, therefore, in early last century, the idea of space-time as a single entity has changed the world of modern physics, which brought it closer than ever before in known history to explanation of the Universe by a single principle, that idea was still missing one crucial detail. It was a relationship between space and time. The Bible says that God created Earth in six days. At Sunday, He took a rest... Such thought, the idea of the act of creating the Earth located in its measure of time. One Terrestrial day is the time it takes Earth to make a turn around its axis... Therefore, God created Earth in its six days, although the Earth and its measure of time had not yet been created. Although today, literally accepting that idea seems ridiculous, so we accept it as a lyrical metaphor, the act of creation that we try to explain by modern science is still placed in space-time context of our space-time units. Since our conventional definition of the natural condition of the body is state of "rest", by our fixed geocentric units of space and time, and inexplicable, also geocentric, so-called universal constants of nature, we try to explain the Big Bang and the dynamic nature of the Universe. The Big Bang had to be an event. The event that happened sometime and somewhere... Without the spacetime context, the event does not exist. Thus, space and time are "more fundamental" than the socalled act of Creation. Space and time are not the self assuming framework in which we place the Universe. Their relationship is its building block. Measurement problem is actually the problem of physical disconnection between meters and seconds. Meter (space) does not describe the second (time) as the second does not describe the meter... Unit of time, second, comes from the division of circle, and the unit for space, the meter, from the division of meridian (and not anyone, Englishmen had Greenwich and the French response was a meter). The division of days into smaller fractions of time started somewhere from Babylonians, over the Egyptians, who divided day and night into twelve hours, while their length varied depending on the season. Greek astronomers Hipparchus and Ptolemy set the hour as 1/24 part of day-night cycle, but they didnt have smaller time fractions of an hour. Today's second dates from the 1200th, when the medieval astronomers divided the hour into sixty parts "pars minuta prima" (the first small part, today's minute), "pars minuta sekunda" (second small part, today's second), "pars minuta tetria" (third small part) and so on ... (according to that nomenclature the minute should actually have been nominated as "prima") At May 8th 1790, the French National Assembly decided that the meter should be equal to the length of a pendulum whose half period lasts one second. A year later, March 30th, accepted is the proposal of a new definition of the meter by French Academy of Sciences. 1 meter is equal to the ten millionth part of the distance from the equator to the North Pole, at the meridian passing through Paris...

And so the world is left with awkward heritage, in which space-time fabric of its physics cannot be


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brought in an inherent and rigid relationship explained through the elementary math and geometry and without unexplained constants of nature. Due to the impossibility of defining the gravitational constant "G" (whose inviolability but scientific inexplicability is sometimes used as theological evidence of divine influence ...) in Newton's gravitational equations, we cannot answer the questions as what is mass or what is gravity. The only variable in this equation we think we can explain its nature is the radius... Theories that contain "natural" constants, actually scalars of various speeds, are unable to connect different referential systems. In other words, the nature of one world cannot be explained by one physics. Due to that impossibility, almost imperceptibly, the idea of separate worlds that describe separate physics has become a popular fact. One of the undisputed authorities in physics Wolfgang Pauli, doubting Einstein's idea of unification, said that what God has put asunder, let no man join together...

Last thirty years of his life, Albert Einstein tried to connect his Special and General (gravitational) theory of relativity. Because of that, his younger colleagues who fascinated embraced awkward and incomprehensible world of quantum mechanics (although one of its founders, Einstein never accepted it), were regarding him as a senile old man... Einstein's quest for a "unified theory" was actually searching for link between gravity and the speed of light. One of the basic preconditions for "final theory" is that there is no theory that is "more fundamental" than her. Also, it would have to be universally accurate, rigid and inseparable. Such a "theory" would have to describe and explain every motion, appearance, phenomenon, and anomaly. Such a "theory" is no longer a theory but a "principle", true always and everywhere. Coexistence between different theories could draw parallel with the coexistence of various religions. Although fundamentally similar, most of them are in the mutual conflict, and each of them believes that it provides a valid way of interpreting the world and correct path to knowledge. Due to the inability of their teachings to yield real, universal, valid, and implicit answers, hence these who are not in contradiction with nature, theories and religions build institutions and create a doctrine that often obstruct the further development of free thought and ideas. By abusing natural principle of knowledge expansion, they become creators of knowledge retardation. The institution evaluates and institutions blesses. It lays down rules and valorises. Over time, it becomes self-sufficient promoter and guardian of its own local dogma. Existence outside the institution is declared without foundation and as such, is in most cases completely ignored. And thanks to the fact that none of the theories and religion does not teach a single, rigid, and valid implicit principle, the principle which does not need an expert evaluation and blessing, which does not need a conflict of arguments and power of persuasion, a principle which is true and universal.., instead of one physics we have plural of them, instead of knowing we have multitude factories of faith, instead of knowledge we have infinite spectrum of local delusions. 11

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The truth however, is never in conflict with the truth. Self-proclaimed systems, built on universally invalid assumptions have no legitimacy of judgments. Such ignoramus systems, those who are not aligned to fundamental law of nature, the law of the laws, have no legitimacy of law creation and law enforcement. According to Steven Weinberg, a Nobel Prize laureate for Physics, the "Final theory", if ever be found (and he expressed the opinion that a man may not possess the mental capacity to recognize her), will be an abstract knowledge that is very unlikely to have a distinctive link with everyday life, because it will certainly be quantum mechanical... (Dreams of Final Theory).

The fundamental principle of the Universe cannot be some hidden, abstract and counterintuitive matrix. The principle of the Universe permeates every event and every occurrence. Its matrix is symmetric in every scale of its spectra. Its infinite complexity arises from the interaction of the simplest possible relationship. The relationship that is abstract, rigid and inherent, but intuitively clear and recognizable to everyone. That relationship is woven into nuclear, chemical, biomechanical, celestial dynamics, genetic memory... Using the principle of lever, all known earliest cultures of this cycle of humanity were harvesting awareness of the principle... It appears in everything we can imagine. And actually, its trivial formula is to be seen every time we ride the highway...


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