Bilirubin T+D
Bilirubin T+D
Bilirubin T+D
Total 100 Tests The reagents are stable up to the expiry date
Colorimetric Method specified when stored at +4 to +8 °C .
Direct 100 Tests
Direct Bilirubin Total Bilirubin
The reaction between bilirubin and the Blank Sample Blank Sample
( ml ) ( ml ) ( ml ) ( ml )
diazonium salt of sulphanilic acid produced
azobilirubin which shows a maximum Reagent 1 1.0 1.0 - -
absorption at 535 nm in an acid medium. In Reagent 2 - - 1.0 1.0
the presence of ( DMSO ) the total bilirubin
Reagent 3 - 0.05 - 0.05
participate in the reaction and in the absence
of (DMSO ) only conjugated bilirubin react . Sample 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
SAMPLE : Mix. Incubate at room temperature for 10 min.
Serum, plasma. Hemolysis will interfere with away from light. Read the absorbances of the
the test .Samples should be kept away from sample (ASample ) against its blank at 535 nm.
light. ( 530 – 540 nm ), using cuvettes 1 cm light path.
Linearity up to 25 mg / dL (425 μmol/L). Color
NORMAL VALUES : stable for one hour.
Total bilirubin up to 1.0 mg / dL (17 μmol/L)
Direct bilirubin up to 0.25 mg / dL (4.3 μmol/L)
REAGENTS : Total bilirubin (mg /dl) = ASample x 14
1. Direct Bilirubin :
Direct bilirubin (mg /dl) =
ASample x 14
Sulphanilic acid 60 mmol /L
Hydrochloric acid 200 mmol /L Indirect bilirubin (mg / dl) = Total - Direct
2. Total bilirubin :
Sulphanilic acid 60 mmol /L
Hydrochloric acid 200 mmol /L Walter M. and Gerade H., (1970) Microchem. J.
15. 231
Dimethylsulfoxide ( DMSO ) 10 mol/L
3. Sodium nitrite 90 mmol /L QUALITY CONTROL :
For accuracy and reproducibility control:-
Assayed Multi – Sera, Normal and Elevated
( Total + Direct )
Colorimetric Method
Direct 100 Tests
+4 to +8˚C
Total 100 Tests
In vitro diagnostic use
CAT. NO. BR 11 10
R1 Sulphanilic acid 100 ml
R2 Sulphanilic acid –DMSO 100 ml
R3 Sodium nitrite 10 ml
Tele: 02-33385184
Mobil: 0109 – 349 20 77
Fax : 02-33385184 (102)
e.maile :
Adress: 29 Tahreer St., Dokki, Giza, Egypt