Waves On A String: Physical Motivation
Waves On A String: Physical Motivation
Waves On A String: Physical Motivation
Figure 1: Two traveling waves are set in motion in opposite directions by plucking a string. Let's begin with a brief review of what you all saw in basic physics as undergrads. Consider waves on a string. When you pluck a string, you send traveling waves in both directions as Figure 1 shows. If the string is nite and clamped at both ends, the traveling waves re ect at the clamping points and superpose to produce standing waves.
Travelling Sine-Waves t1 t2 t3 sin[kx - t] = sin[k(x - ct)] c = /k
Figure 2: Illustration of a traveling sine-wave. The crest of the wave occurs where the phase is zero, which moves to the right with speed c = !=k. Similar to the traveling waves shown in Figure 1, sine-waves can also travel as Figure 2 shows. In fact, if we let yx; t denote the displacement of the string in the vertical direction as a function of position along the string x and time t, it's easy to see that the following expression is a traveling wave
in which each wave-crest or trough moves with speed c = !=k to the right. Here ! is angular frequency ! = 2f and k is wavenumber k = 2=, where f is frequency in Hz and is wavelength, presumably in meters. To say that a sine-wave moves means that the peaks and troughs move, that is that the locations of constant phase move. The wave given by equation 1, therefore, is seen to move in the +x direction, because the phase kx , ct is constant only if x increases as t increases. In fact, it is constant only if x increases with speed c. Of course, similar expressions could be derived for a traveling cosine-wave: cos kx , ct ; cos kx + ct . We noted above that traveling waves on a clamped string superpose to produce a standing wave. If the traveling waves are sine-waves this is easy to show using a simple trig identity sina + b = sin a cos b +cos a sin b. Consider the superposition of two traveling sine-waves and apply the trig identity: sinkx , !t + sinkx + !t = sin kx cos,!t + cos kx sin,!t + sin kx cos!t + cos kx sin!t = sin kx cos!t , cos kx sin!t + sin kx cos!t + cos kx sin!t = 2 sin kx cos !t; 2 where we have also used the fact that cosine is a symmetric or even function around the origin and sine is anti-symmetric or odd so cos,!t = cos!t and sin,!t = , sin!t. It should be apparent that sin kx sin !t is also a standing wave, but is shifted 90 half a period in time. As equation 1 is the classical form for a traveling sine-wave, equation 2 is the form of a standing sine-wave. Note that there is no standing cosine cos kx sin !t; cos kx cos !t for a clamped string, because the cosine does not satisfy the boundary conditions that displacement goes to zero at the ends of the string. If the string would be unclamped at one end, then the standing cosine would be allowed. From equation 2, we see that standing waves on a string are the product of a spatial shape sin kx and a temporal harmonic or oscillation cos !t; sin !t. The shape is sometimes called the eigenfunction. To this point, we've merely posited the shape being a sine and ruled out a cosine by consideration of the boundary conditions, but later in the notes we will derive the shape of the string. The shapes of several sines are shown in Figure 3. Each of these potential shapes of oscillation is called a normal mode or a mode of oscillation and can be denoted by a single number n, sometimes called the quantum number of the normal mode because the allowed shapes are discrete. The quantum numbers are integers n = 1; 2; 3; : : : where n = 1 is the fundamental mode and n 2 are the higher modes of oscillation. Inspection of Figure 3 shows that the wavelength of the fundamental mode is 1 = 2a and the rst higher modes are 2 = a; 3 = 2a=3, etc., and in general satisfy the following criterion: = 2a
from which the following can be deduced: kn = 2 = n !n = ckn = nc 3 n a a Because the boundary conditions determine the wavelengths, they also determine the frequencies. This fact is commonly summarized by reporting that the boundary conditions are what determine the frequencies of oscillation, or eigenfrequencies. 2
0 n=1
n = 2a/n
Figure 3: Modes of oscillation of a string clamped at both ends. Each mode has a shape of sinnx=a with wavelength 2a=n, where n is the modal index or quantum number that speci es the mode. Note that we have shown that if each standing wave or normal mode on a string, ynx; t, is the sum of two traveling waves then it is simply the product of a spatial shape and a temporal oscillation. Let's represent the spatial shape and temporal oscillation as Ynx and Tn t so that:
This is actually a rather powerful result, and doesn't hold for all phenomena, and in fact only holds for the string under certain restrictive conditions that we have implicitly assumed here e.g., the equilibrium tension in the string does not change with time. This result, equation 4, is called the separation of variables and we'll use it later in solving the string equation more formally. The actual displacement that the string would undergo if plucked or kicked would be a sum or superposition of the modes of oscillation as follows:
yx; t =
1 X
n=1 1 X
yn x; t =
1 X
YnxTn t =
1 X
Each coe cient An and Bn is a weight that determines both the relative contribution of each mode of oscillation to the nal displacement and the phase of the temporal oscillation. These coe cients depend on how the string is set into motion; if it is plucked or kicked, for example. 3
If, for example, you pluck a string near the node of a mode of oscillation, you will not excite that mode. It is important to know that the way in which the string is set into motion is called the initial conditions and the initial conditions are what determine the An and Bn . Finding the An and Bn is easy if you know about Fourier Series, although it can be rather tedious. The initial shape of the string can be seen from equation 5 to be just the displacement at t = P 0: yx; 0 = 1 An sin nx=a. This is simply the Fourier Series expansion of the initial n=1 displacement pattern of the string. So, if you can nd the Fourier Series expansion of the initial displacement pattern, you have the An . Similarly, you can nd the Bn from the initial velocity applied to the string, except you will need to take the Fourier Series expansion of the initial velocity pattern of the string, which is the time derivative of equation 5.
The wave equation for a string is a di erential equation. An example that you've seen before is the simple harmonic oscillator Figure 4.
-x m
Figure 4: Schematic representation of a simple harmonic oscillator SHO, in which a mass m, connected connected to a spring with spring-constant , oscillates with displacement x about equilibrium. For small displacements its motion can be modeled with Hooke's Law that says that the force is in the direction opposite to the displacement from equilibrium and has a magnitude proportional to the displacement F = ,x. When this is placed into Newtons' second law F = ma you get a di erential equation as shown here:
Equation 6 is sometimes called the simple harmonic oscillator SHO equation. The SHO, as p you recall, oscillates with frequency ! = =m. In the parlance of di erential equations, it is a linear, second-order, homogeneous, ordinary di erential equation with constant coe cients. It is a di erential equation because there are derivatives in it, ordinary because there are no partial derivatives in it more on this later, second-order because its highest derivative with respect to the independent variable t is of second-order, 4
homogeneous because the right-hand-side of the equation is zero which means physically that there are no applied forces, and, nally, it has constant coe cients because the terms that multiply the functions of x are constant in this case it's !2 = =m. Because this is a linear ODE, if x1 t and x2 t are solutions, so is ax1 t+ bx2 t where a; b are arbitrary constants. Because it is a second-order ODE, there are two and only two independent solutions. Also within the parlance of di erential equations, equations like equation 6 are called Helmholtz equations. Ordinary di erential equations are often called ODEs. Helmholtz equations, like the SHO-equation, are particularly easy to solve. The trial solution can be written in a variety of equivalent ways, one of which is: xt = A cos !t + B sin !t; 7 where !2 = =m and A and B are arbitrary constants that depend on the initial conditions that is on how the oscillator has been set into motion drag and let go or a kick, for example. Note that there are two independent solutions cos !t, sin !t whose linear combination is also a solution. We can show that equation 7 is a solution to equation 6 by direct substitution: dxt = ,A! sin !t + B! cos !t Substitution of equations 7 and 8 into 6 establishes the result:
The procedure that we followed here is actually similar to how di erential equations are solved in practice, you guess a solution and see if it works. The guessed solution is often called the trial solution or ansatz, which is the fancier German name for it and you can use this to impress your friends who don't know any better. Now that we know the solution to Helmholtz equations like the SHO equation, we have a starting point for trial solutions later on. Consider the displacement applied to a string of length L in a coordinate system shown in Figure 5. The displacement y is a function of time t and the spatial coordinate x: yx; t. Let be the mass density of the string with units of mass per unit length and assume that is constant. Let T be the tension in the string. Tension is a force and assume that when the string is plucked the tension remains constant throughout the string. This is the same as assuming that the displacement is small for a homogeneous string. Also, assume that the force of gravity is much weaker than tension Lg T so that it does not a ect the motion of the string appreciably and can, therefore, be ignored. Inspection of Figure 6 shows that the x- and y,components of force i.e., tension can be written as follows: X x-tension Fx = T cos 2 , T cos 1 9 X y-tension Fy = T sin 2 , T sin 1 10 5
d2 x + !2x =
,A!2 cos !t , B!2 sin ! + !2 A cos !t + B sin !t = 0: dt2
Figure 5: Coordinate system for a string of length L that will undergo vertical or transverse displacements yx; t. We're interested in modeling the vertical motion of the string, yx; t, so we will explore the use of equation 10.
T B ds A dy y
y + dy
x + dx
Figure 6: . Because the oscillations are small, the angles 1 and 2 are small. Thus, sin 1 tan 1 and sin 2 tan 2 . We note that the increment of mass in length ds is just m = ds. Again, because the oscillations are small, ds dx so m dx. We can, therefore, rewrite equation 10 as Newton's second law governing motion of the string in the y-direction:
2 X 11 may = dx @ y = Fy = T tan 2 , T tan 1 = T tan 2 , tan 1 : @t2 Inspection of Figure 6 again reveals that tan @y=@x, thus we can rewrite equation 11 as: 2 @y @y dx @ y = T @x , @x 12 @t2 B A Note that the slope of the string at point B can be expressed as a truncated Taylor Series expansion about point A: ! @y @y + @ 2 y dx: 13 @x B @x A @x2 A
, @y
= @ 2 y @x B @x A @x2
where we cancelled the factor of dx on both sides of the equation. This equation holds at any location A along the string, so we have removed the subscript A and make location implicit in the function yx; t. Both sides of equation 15 have units of force per unit length. If there are forces F t applied to the string, they will be added to the right-hand-side of this equation, as follows:
where F t has units of force per unit length. Remember that the LHS is analogous to ma in Newton's second law so that the RHS represents the forces on the string. The rst term on the RHS is the restoring force exerted on the displacement by the string itself. In the absence of applied forces after the initial conditions, we get the equation for the free oscillations of a homogeneous string which can rewritten as: @2y = 1 @2y ; 17 where c = T= is the speed of propagation of the wave traveling in the x-direction. Equation 17 is generally referred to as the 1-D wave equation. It says that the curvature of the string at spatio-temporal point x; t is proporational to the vertical acceleration of the string at that point and that the constant of proportionality is related to the horizontal speed of propagation of a wave on the string. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have guessed that. All of this holds if the string is homogeneous, that is if the density and tension and, hence, the speed of a wave on the string are constant. If T and are a function of position along the string, then the wave equation is
c2 @t2
We will consider di erent methods to treat this case later on. Here we have considerd transvese oscillations. For longitudinal oscillations, ux, the result will be the same but the derivation will di er. For longitudinal waves, relace tension T x with Young's modulus kx, which is analogous to the spring constant for the simple harmonic oscillator. For the longitudinal oscillations of an inhomogeneous string, therefore:
In this derivation, stress is assumed proportional to strain Hooke's Law and the constant of proportionality is k. 7
We now want to solve the wave equation in 1 spatial dimension 1-D, equation 17. This equation governs wave propagation in a 1-D medium, such as a string or a wire. Partial di erential equations such as equation 17 are usually not solved directly, but are transformed into other equations that can be solved. Usually they are transformed rst into a set of ODEs, one for each free variable. For the 1-D wave equation, therefore, we'll expect two equations, one in x and one in t. The method we're going to follow now is called the method of separation of variables. Equation 17 can be separated into these two constitutive equations by using the method of separation of variables in the following way. Let us assume that the solution can be written as we know it can for a string in terms of the product of two functions, one in x and the other in t, in the following way: yx; t = Y xT t 20 Y x and T t are the unknowns we wish to nd and equation 20 is a a kind of trial solution and we'll see if it works. To substitute equation 20 into equation 17 we'll rst need the space and time derivatives of y: @yx; t = T t @Y x = T t dY x
22 Note that we've replaced the partial derivatives on the right-hand side with total derivatives because they are derivatives of functions of a single variable. Substituting equations 21 and 22 into equation 17 we get: d2 T t Y x = c2 d2 Y x T t which upon rearranging yields: 1 1 d2 T t = 1 d2 Y x 23 c2 T t dt2 Y x dx2 Note that the left-hand side of equation 23 is just a function of t and the right-hand side is only a function of x. Now, comes the key step. It's simple, but you have to pay attention. How can a function of t, which in principle could be changing arbitrarily in time, be equal to a function of x that may be changing arbitrarily in space? Well, to make a long story short, the only way is if both sides of equation 23 are equal to the same constant which is called the separation constant. For a reason that will become apparent later, let's let that constant be called ,k2 , so: 1 1 d2 T t = ,k2 c2 T t dt2 1 d2 Y x = ,k2 Y x dx2 8
@x @x dx @ 2 yx; t = T t @ 2 Y x = T t d2 Y x @x2 @x2 dx2 @yx; t = Y x @T t = Y x dT t @t @t dt @ 2 yx; t = Y x @ 2 T t = Y x d2 T t @t2 @t2 dt2
tuted into equation 20 to give a solution to the PDE, the wave equation given by equation 17. Comparison of equations 24 and 25 with equation 6 reveals that both of these equations are simply Helmholtz equations, which we know how to solve because of their role in the SHO. Their solutions, therefore, are simply:
24 dx2 d2 T t + c2 k2T t = 0 d2 T t + !2 T t = 0 25 dt2 dt2 where the latter result in equation 25 holds because ! = ck. Equations 24 and 25 are the two ODEs whose solutions, Y x and T t, can be substi-
26 27
where A; B; C; and D are arbitrary constants. You can see why we de ned the separation constant as ,k2 because doing so yields equation 26 where k plays the role of wavenumber as we have de ned it previously. The boundary conditions allow us to nd A as well as k and, hence, ! as we will now show. The initial conditions will specify the products BC and BD. This is discussed further in the next section. Now, let's apply the boundary conditions. Assume that the string is clamped both at both ends: x = 0 and x = a. The boundary conditions, therefore, are y0; t = ya; t = 0 or equivalently Y 0 = Y a = 0, so using equations 26 and 27 we see that: 0 = Y 0 = A cos0 + B sin0 A = 0 1 0 = Y a = B sin ka k = a sin,1 0 kn = n ; a 28 29
where n is an integer. Remember that the expression sin,1 0 should be read as the angles at which sine is zero; which is just multiples of . We see, therefore, that we've established that there are a countably in nite number of allowable separation constants k indexed by the number n, that we recognize as the mode number or quantum number as discussed above. In section 1, we established that kn = n=a based on purely physical considerations, here the reasoning was more mathematical but the result is the same. We see now that: ! = ck = nc ; 30 k = 2 = n
which is the same as equations 10 above. You can see through equations 28 and 29 how the boundary conditions determine the frequencies of oscillation in practice. The nal solution yx; t is a linear combination of all of the solutions indexed by n:
yx; t =
Bn sin knx Cn cos !nt + Dn sin !nt 31 n=1 n=1 1 X , 0 0 = sin kn x A0n cos !n t + Bn sin !n t = Cn sin kn x sin!n t , n 32 n=1 n=1
n=1 1 X
1 X
ynx; t =
1 X
Yn xTn t =
1 X
0 where we recombined the three arbitrary constants into two A0n Bn Cn and Bn BnDn and also rewritten in terms of a phase shift n which we will reference in the discussion of energy below. This reproduces the physically motivated equation 5 above. As before, the initial 0 0 conditions will determine the coe cients A0n , Bn or Cn , n .
For a string clamped at both ends, the the solution for displacement yx; t, dropping the primes on the coe cients, is: sin kn x An cos !t + Bn sin !t ; 33
where the coe cients An and Bn depend on how the string is set into motion, i.e., on the initial conditions, and kn = n=L and !n = ckn where L is the length of the string and c is the speed of propagation of waves on the string. If f x and gx are the initial patterns of displacement and velocity imparted to the string, then from equation 33 we see that:
an sin kn x; n=1 1 X vx; 0 = yx; 0 = gx = !nBn sin kn x = bn sin knx: _ n=1 n=1
n=1 1 X
yx; 0 = f x =
1 X
An sin kn x =
1 X
34 35
The nal equality in equations 34 and 35 is just the expansion of f x and gx in a Fourier Series. In both cases, the Fourier Series is only a sine-series because the boundary conditions require that the function go to zero at the end-points x = 0; x = L. As usual, the coe cients in the Fourier Series are given by: Z L 36 a = 2 f x sink xdx;
2 bn = L
Here the constant in front of the integral is 2=L rather than 1=L because of interval we're considering goes from 0 to L rather than ,L=2 to L=2. Comparison of equations 34 and 35 with 36 and 37 reveals that: 2 An = an = L f x sinkn xdx; 0 bn = 2 Z L gx sink xdx: Bn = ! ! L n n n 0
38 39
These equations together with equation 33 give the solution to the problem with the initial conditions imposed. Example: Let yx; 0 = f x = y0 sin2x=L and y_ x; 0 = gx = 0. Then an = y0 n2 and bn = 0 so 2x
cos 2ct
: yx; t = y sin 40
To this point, we expressed the solution to the 1-D wave equation as a sum of standing waves. This is called the solution in terms of normal modes or Fourier basis functions. There is another approach in terms of traveling waves that is attributable originally to d'Alembert. The idea is to try to nd a pair of independent variables that transforms the 1-D wave equation, equation 17, into a simpler equation. Let's try a linear transformation:
= x + at
= x + bt;
where a and b are to be determined. We want to rephrase the string equation in yx; t in terms of y; . To do this we need to nd @ 2 y=@x2 and @ 2 y=@t2 in terms of derivatives in and : @y; = @y @ + @y @ = @y + @ 42
Substituting equations 45 and 47 into equation the string equation, equation 17, we get:
2 2 2 2 @y @: 1 , a2 @ y + 2 1 , ab @@ + 1 , b2 @y = 0: 48 2 c @2 c2 c We can choose a and b to be anything we want, as long as it makes the resulting equation easy to solve. Let's set a2 = b2 = c2 so that the rst and third terms in equation 48 disappear and also choose a ane b to have opposite signs, to ensure that @ 2 y=@@ 6= 0. The result is: @ 2 y = 0: 49 @@ ! !
= x , ct
= x + ct:
Equations 49 and 50 are equivalent to equation 17. Equation 50 is a linear transformation that takes equation 17 into equation 49. To solve equation 49 we rst integrate with respect to , which gives us an arbitrary "constant" which is actually an arbitrary function of :
@y = h: @
We now integrate again with respect to where the arbitary "constant" of integration is a function of . The result then is:
52 53
Equation 53 is the result we wanted. It says that the general solution to the 1-D wave equation is a function traveling to the right at speed c, f x , ct, and another one traveling to the left at speed c, gx + ct. The entire displacement of the string is a superposition of these two waves. The functions f and g can be found by specifying the initial displacement and velocity of the string. For example, suppose that the initial displacement is some function x and its initial velocity is x so that
yx; 0 = x
yx; 0 = x: _
where the primes mean di erentiation with respect to x. Integrating equation 56 from 0 to x: Z x 57 f x , gx = , 1 x0 dx0 + a; where the constant of integration a = f 0 , g0. Adding and subtracting this to equation 55 gives: 1 x , 1 Z x x0 dx0 + a ; 58 f x = 2 2c Z0 2 x gx = 1 x + 21c x0 dx0 , a : 59 2 2
x0 dx0 :
Equation 60 is d'Alembert's solution to the 1-D wave equation. It gives the displacement yx; t in terms of the given initial conditions on displacement, yx; 0 = x, and velocity, yx; 0 = x. _ Example 1: Suppose that x = ux; 0 = 1 , jxj for ,1 x 1 and is 0 otherwise, and that x = yx; 0 = 0. That is, assume the string starts from rest but is deformed around the _ origin by a triangular diplacement pattern. As time increases, the displacement will be given by: yx; t = 1 x , ct + x + ct : 61 2 12
The original triangular waveform splits into two triangles each with half the amplitude of the original one, with half moving to the right with speed +c and half moving to the left with speed ,c. So, if the string is simply displaced from equilibrium, the waves that propagate on the string will look like the original displacement. If the string has a non-zero original velocity, however, the propagating displacement pattern will di er from the original displacement. Example 2: As a second example, consider the following:
where denotes complex conjugation, which is necessary to ensure a real function. This is called a plane wave solution, and is useful since an arbitrary function with only a nite number of discontinuities can be expressed as a sum of such plane waves. This is just a 2D Fourier Series. Substituting equation 62 into 17 shows that the solution is acceptable provided that ! and k satisfy ! = ck the dispersion relation again. For sinusoidal traveling waves such as in equation 62, displacement patterns repeat. Points at which the displacement amplitudes are equal have equal phases; i.e. !t , kx = !t + t , kx + x. This is true if !t , kx = 0 ! c = dx=dt = !=k. This is the velocity of a phase, so is called the phase velocity. Wave groups are more complicated and we'll get back to them later, but they are constructed out of a set of component waves such as plane waves and satisfy the condition of constructive interference; that is each component must have the same value of the phase angle !t , kx + although the individual values of !; k and may be di erent. Thus, the quantity !t , kx + must be independent of frequency if evaluated at a characteristic frequency, !0 , of the group: d!t , kx + =d!j!0 = 0. Carrying out the di erential we nd that the constructive interference condition will be met for a wave traveling with the group velocity U = d!=dkj!0 . Thus, the group velocity is just the slope of the dispersion relation. For a nondispersive system, the dispersion relation is linear and the group velocity is constant with frequency. For the 1D homogeneous string, the slope of the dispersion relation is just c, and therefore U = c. It is not true for all nondispersive systems that group and phase velocities are equal. As an historical aside, D'Alembert hoped that this method of solution to the 1-D wave equation would be applicable to other PDEs, but that's not the case. The point of this exercise has been to show that there are two types of basis functions that are useful in studying waves on a string: the Fourier type standing waves, sines and cosines and the d'Alembert type traveling waves. In a string, we see and hear the modes of oscillation and the waves themselves are obscure. However, in the Earth we see individual packets of energy arriving on a seismogram. Although we will frequently use modal techniques to solve di cult problems, we frequently see and identify waves in data and, therefore, think of modes superposing to produce the waves. A facile geophysicist must be able to think in both modes and waves as he or she must be able to think both in the time and frequency domains.
Energy Expressions for the kinetic and potential energy density are required for Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, and we will consider them brie y here. The energy density of a string is its energy per unit length. Let K denote kinetic energy density, then:
1 K= 1 v = 2 2
@y 2 ; @t
K=1 2
@y 2 dx: @t
Note that here we use K rather than T for kinetic energy so as not to confuse it with tension. Italicized capital letters distinguish quantities that have units of energy density from those having units of energy. The derivation of the appropriate expression for potential energy is a little more complicated. Consider an increment of the string, dx, stretched to a new length ds. The change in length is just ds , dx. This derivation is a little easier if we consider transverse rather than longitudinal oscillations. The nal equations are the same if tension, T , is replaced with Young's modulus, k. So imagine a transverse perturbation, dy. Then, ds2 = dx2 + dy2 and factoring out a dx:
ds , dx = dx
1 + dy=dx , 1 :
Under the small oscillation approximation, dy=dx root in equation 65 which yields:
dy 2 ds , dx = 1 dx dx: 2
Stretching takes place against tension, and the work against tension is just tension times stretch:
2 W = 1 T dx dx; 2
1 T dy
2 ; V = 2 dx so that the total potential energy becomes: 1 Z L T dy
2 dx: V=2 dx 0 Total energy density H = K + V , so that 1 H = 2
2 + 1 T dy
2 : @t 2 dx
H =
1 = 2
@y 2 + c2 dy @t dx
It should be noted that this equation only holds either when the endpoints of the string are xed or when the spatial gradient of displacement at the endpoints goes to zero. The former is the the situation we are considering here so equation 72 is ne, but it should not be considered a general formula which is applicable in any situation. For further discussion see Morse and Feshbach ch. 2.1. It will be left as an exercise to calculate the energy per mode of oscillation. The kinetic, potential, and total energies in terms of the modes of oscillation from equation 32 is simply: 1 L X nc 2 c2 cos2 nct , ; K = 4 n n L L n 1 L X nc 2 c2 sin2 nct , ; V = 4 n n L L n 1 L X nc 2 c2 : H = 4 n L n 73 74 75
Thus, the kinetic and potential energies are out of phase by 90 degrees and sum to give a constant of motion. In each mode, the energy oscillates between kinetic and potential forms as the string itself oscillates. The periods of the oscillations of the string are 2L=nc, while those of energy are half that great, corresponding to successive realizations of a given phase of the motion. Equations 73 - 75 demonstrate a striking result, that the individual terms in the Fourier series solution, equation 32, are independent in that each carries a xed amount of energy and this energy cannot be exchanged with the energies of any other mode, much as the traveling waves in the string do not exchange energy when they pass one another but simply superpose. We say these modes are, therefore, uncoupled. Complexities added to the string can produce modal coupling as we will see as the course progresses. Later on we will also consider re ection of string waves o xed masses, the solution to the inhomogeneous string problem, and perturbative and approximate methods for nding frequencies and shapes of oscillations. Conservation of Energy Although the total energy, H , is stationary for the entire string, energy can ow along the string. Thus, an energy ux, J , should be de ned. The energy ux, J , and the energy density are related by the conservation of energy which states that the time rate of change of energy density at a point is related to the net amount of energy owing into or out of a region. For example, if more energy ows across the point x + dx than ows across x, then the energy contained in the length dx of the string must diminish:
@ J + @ H = 0: @x @t
= ,1 2
= = = =
Derivation of the String Equation from Conservation of Energy Using this expression for energy ux and the expression for total energy density given by equation 70, from the conservation of energy an alternative derivation of the wave equation for the string results:
Since @y=@t is an arbitrary function, equation 86 implies 17 where c2 = T= . Recall the previous derivation of the string equation came from the application of Newton's Second Law.
Fetter and Walecka use Hamilton's Principle to derive Lagrange's equation for a continuous system on pages 128 - 130. This is their equation 25.59, which is as follows:
@ @L , @ @L = @L @t @ y _ @x @ @y=@x @y
The second term on the left-hand side is new, it does not appear in Lagrange's equation for discrete systems. Thus, for a continuous system the functional dependence of the Lagrangian is Ly; y; @y=@x, at least in principle. From our discussion in section 7, we can write down L _ explicitly. Instead of using kinetic and potential energies to derive the Lagrangian, let's obtain the Lagrangian density for simplicity still called L here from the kinetic and potential energy densities: 2 @y 2 L = K , V = 1 x @y , 1 T x @x 88 2 @t 2 16
Note that by retaining the functional dependence of tension and density on position x along the string, we have the Lagrangian for an inhomogeneous string. You can see immediately that Ly; @y=@x; that is, that the Lagrangian density is independent of the displacement y. In the _ parlance of Lagrangian mechanics, y is a cyclic coordinate. Remember that independence on the amplitude of displacement results from the small amplitude approximation which is related to Hooke's Law. The existence of a cyclic coordinate is a symmetry principle, which implies the existence of a conserved quantity which in this case is mechanical energy. We want to subsitute the Lagrangian for the inhomogeneous string, equation 88, into Lagrange's equation for a continuous system, equation 87. First, take the appropriate derivatives:
Which is the same as the inhomogeneous wave equation we wrote down but did not derive earlier equation 18.