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Energy Extraction from the Vacuum Field

Compiled by Adolf Schneider, Nov. 16, 2009, updated, Nov. 22, 2009, Jan. 15, 2010, Febr. 14, 2010

Scientific Papers and Books

Anastasovski, P.K., et al: Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorentz Condition: Extracting Energy from the Vacuum, 2000 Phys. Scr. 61 513-517 doi: 10.1238/Physica.Regular.061a00513 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1402-4896/61/5/001

Cole, Daniel C./Puthoff, Harold E.: Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum, Phys. Rev. B, vol.48, no.2, August 1993, p.1562, See also Fusion Facts 5, No. 3, 1 (1993)

Davis, E.W. / Puthoff, H.E.: "On extracting energy from the quantum vacuum," in M. G. Millis and E. W. Davis (eds.) Frontiers of Propulsion Science (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., Reston, VA, 2009) pp. 569-603. Davis, H. E. / Puthoff, H.E.: "Experimental Concepts for Generating Negative Energy in the Laboratory," Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF 2006), p. 1362 (2006).

Davis, E.W./ Teofilo, V.L./Haisch, B./Puthoff, H.E./Nickisch, J.L./Rueda, A., and Cole D.C.: Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field, CP813 Space Technology and Applications International Forum , STAIF 2006, Edited by S.L. El-Genk, 2006 American Institute of Physics, 0-7354-0305-8-/06 23 USD,

http://www.calphysics.org/articles/Davis_STAIF06.pdf http://www.earthtech.org/reports/Davis_STAIF_Rev.Exper.Quant.Vac.Field.pdf
Forward, Robert L.: Extracting electrical energy from the vacuum by cohesion of charged foliated Conductors, Phys. Rev. B 30, 1700 - 1702 (1984) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.30.1700

Forward, R.L. et al : Possibility of quantum vacuum fluctuation driven engines, NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Projects (BPPP), 2004, http://www.quantumfields.com/projects.htm and

Haisch, Bernard / Rueda, Alfonso (1999). "Toward an Interstellar Mission: Zeroing in on the ZeroPoint-Field Inertia Resonance".ariv: 21 September 1999 physics/990904321 September 1999. Haisch, B. / Rueda, A. / Puthoff, H.E.: "Physics of the Zero-Point Field: Implications for Inertia, Gravitation and Mass," Spec. in Sci. and Technology 20, 99 (1997).

http://www.earthtech.org/publications/spec_sci_tech.pdf Klimov, Victor I.: Energy from the Vacuum, see: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Site:LRP:Victor_I._Klimov_-_%22Energy_From_The_Vacuum%22__Verification
Lee, T.D.: Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood, New York, 1981, see Chapter 25_ Outlook : Possibility of Vacuum Engineering, p. 824-828. Ludwig, Thorsten: "Casimir force experiments with quartz tuning forks and an atomic force microscope (AFM)", 2008 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 164025 (10pp) Ludwig, Thorsten: "Advancement in Zero-Point Research, COFE 2, Sept. 23, 2006 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18992613/ADVANCEMENTS-IN-ZERO-POINT-ENERGY-RESEARCHwith-Thorsten-Ludwig-PhD-

Maclay / Jordan, G. / Hammer, Jay / Clark, Rod / George, Michel / Kim, Yeong / Asit Kir, Asit:. Study of Vacuum Energy Physics for Breakthrough Propulsion. NASA/CR2006-213311, 2004 http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/reports/2004/CR-2004-213311.pdf Modell, Garret: Assessment of proposed electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy extraction methods, 30. Oct. 2009, arXiv:0910.5893v1

http://www.calphysics.org/articles/Moddel_VacExtrac.pdf http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0910/0910.5893.pdf
Puthoff, H. : "Casimir Vacuum Energy and the Semiclassical Electron," International Journal of Theoretical Physics 46, No. 12, pp 3005-3008 (Dec 2007).

Puthoff, H.E. : "Casimir Vacuum Energy and the Semiclassical Electron," International Journal of Theoretical Physics (May 2007).

Puthoff, H. E.: Little, S. R.; and Ibison, M.: "Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Polarizable Vacuum for Interstellar Flight". J. British Interplanetary Society 55: 137144 (2002).

Puthoff, H.E.: "Can the Vacuum be Engineered for Spaceflight Applications? Overview of Theory and Experiments," Jour. Sci. Exploration 12, 295 (1998).

Puthoff, H. E. : "Space Propulsion: Can Empty Space Itself Provide a Solution?" Ad Astra 9 (National Space Society), 42 (Jan/Feb 1997). Puthoff, H. E. : "On the Feasibility of Converting Vacuum Electromagnetic Energy to Useful Form," Intern'l Workshop on the Zeropoint Electromagnetic Field," Cuernavaca, Mexico, March 29 - April 2, 1993. Puthoff, H.E. : "Zero-Point Energy: An Introduction," Fusion Facts 3, No. 3, 1 (1991). http://www.earthtech.org/publications/fusion_facts.pdf Puthoff, H.E.: "The Energetic Vacuum: Implications for Energy Research," Spec. in Sci. and Technology 13, 247 (1990).

Puthoff, H.E. : "On the Source of Vacuum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy," Phys. Rev. A 40, 4857 (1989); Errata and Comments, Phys. Rev. A 44, 3382, 3385 (1991).

http://www.earthtech.org/publications/PRAv40_4857.pdf http://www.earthtech.org/publications/PRAv44_3382.pdf http://www.earthtech.org/publications/PRAv44_3385.pdf

Putthoff, H.E.: (The energetic vacuum: implications for energy research. In: Aspden, H. (guest editor): Special Issue on Speculations in Energy. Speculations in Science and Technology, 13 (4) 247257, 1990. Roser, Joseph J. : Laboratory Scale Vacuum Energy Extraction Modeled Modeled on Weak Nuclear Force Reactions in a Spinning Black Hole System, ASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop Proceedings, p. 289, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1999bpp..work..289R Solomon, Dan: Some New Results Concerning the QFT Vacuum in the Heisenberg Picture, 2008 http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V15NO2PDF/V15N2SOL.pdf Solomoan, Dan: On the existence of negative energy states in QED in the temporal gauge, Nov. 7, 2006, http://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0611/0611091.pdf

http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/D.Solomon References to Solomon papers

http://peswiki.com/index.php/Site:LRP:BREAKTHROUGH_PHYSICS_SUSTAINS_BREAKTHROUGH_PO WER more references to Solomon papers

Szili, Jean Z. : ZPE Extraction Circuit, 31. Jan. 2005, http://www.rexresearch.com/szili/szili.htm Tseung, Lawrence: Cosmic Energy Machines, Oct. 25, 2007 http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/EnergyMachines.pdf Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of Electromagnetic Zero-point Oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy, Sept 14, 2009, living review,last version. siehe : http://www.ostfalia.de/export/sites/default/de/pws/turtur/FundE/English/Schrift_03_englisch.pdf Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy, The General Science Journal, ISSN 1916-5382 (5. Mai 2009). Im Internet abrufbar unter http://wbabin.net/physics/turtur1e.pdf Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Definite Proof for the Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical energy based on the measurement of machine power, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 155, (2. April 2009) http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=155 Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of Vacuum Energy into Mechanical Energy under Vacuum Conditions, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 141, (3. Dez. 2008) Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: A QED-model for the Energy of the Vacuum and an Explanation of its Conversion into Mechanical Energy, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 138, (4. Sept. 2008) http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=138 Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical energy, The General Science Journal, ISSN 1916-5382 (5. Juni 2008). Im Internet abrufbar unter http://wbabin.net/physics/turtur.pdf Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: A magnetic rotor to convert vacuum-energy into mechanical energy, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 130, (21. Mai 2008) Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical energy: Successful experimental Verification, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 124, (2. April 2008)


Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: A Motor driven by Electrostatic Forces, PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 119, (18. Februar 2008) http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=119 Turtur, Claus Wilhelm: Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical energy, The General Science Journal, ISSN 1916-5382 (5. Juni 2008). Im Internet abrufbar unter http://wbabin.net/physics/turtur.pdf Valone, Tom: Feasibilty study of zero-point energy extraction from the quantum vacuum for the performance of useful work, Integrity Research Institute (IRE), Washington, 2004, Review/ZPE_Feasibility_Study_by_Tom_Valone.doc+vacuum+field+energy+extraction&cd=13&hl=de &ct=clnk&gl=ch Walter, M. et.al.: Introducing the Practice of Asymmetrical Regauging to Increase the Coefficient of Performance of Electromechanical Systems, Center for Power Electronic Systems, Dep. Of Electrical and computer Engineering, Dep. Of Physics, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensnboro, NC 27411 USA, see also :


Yam, Philip: Exploiting Zero-Point Energy, Scientific American Magazine, December 1997, pp. 82-85, http://www.padrak.com/ine/ZPESCIAM.html

Popular Papers and Books

Bearden, Tom E. : On extracting electromagnetic Energy from the vacuum, CTEC, Inc. (and also Alpha

Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study, 2311 Big Cove Road, Huntsville, Alabama 35801. USA
http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/on_extracting_EM%20energy.htm Bearden, Tom E: REGAUGING and Multivalued Magnetic Scalar Potential:Master Overunity Mechanisms, 1996, see: http://www.explorepub.com/articles/beardon/overunity.html

Bearden, Tom E: Use of Asymmetrical Regauging and Multivalued Potentials to Achieve Overunity Electromagnetic Engines, in Journal of New Energy,1(2), Summer 1996, p. 60-78. Bearden, Thomas Eugene: Precursor Engineering and the Falsification of Modern Physics, Jan. 12, 2009 http://www.theorionproject.org/en/documents/BeardenPrecursor.pdf Hathaway, G. (ed): Zero-point energy: A new prime mover ? Engineering requirements fore Energy th production & propulsion from vacuum fluctuations. Proceedings of the 26 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), August 4-9, 1991, Boston, Vol.4, 376-381., 1991a Hathaway, G., ed.: An engineering introduction to vacuum energy. In: S.R.Elswick (ed.): Proceedings 1990 International Tesla Symposium. International Tesla Society, Colorado Springs 1991, 5-29 bis 550, 1991b. King, M.B.: Progress and results in zero-point energy research. 27 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 4, 4.297-4.302. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1992 King, M.B.: Tapping the zero-point energy as an energy source. 26 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 4, 364-369, 1991b. King, M.B.: Can the zero-point energy be tapped as an energy source ? In: Aspden, H., guest editor (1990) Special Issue on Speculations in Energy. Speculations in Science and Technology, 13 (4) 259266, 1990a. King, M.B.: Tapping the Zero-Point Energy. Paraclete Publishing, Provo, UT, 1989. Reid, Marcus Albert: The Concept of Free Energy, Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy,
th th

Reid, Marcus Albert: Asymmetric Electric Systems : Basic Principle. Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy, September 2009,

Reid, Marcus Albert: How vacuum energy and electric systems are related to each other, Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy, April 2009,

Reid, Marcus Albert: The self-symmetrizing mechanism within electromagnetic

Systems, Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy, March 2008,

Reid, Marcus albert: Energy flow in a simple circuit and the interaction with the quantum vacuum, Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy, September 2007

Reid, Marcus albert: Coefficient of Performance and Efficiency, Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy, January 2006

http://www.vakuumenergie.de/doc/Coefficient%20of%20Performance%20and%20Efficiency. pdf
Valone, Thomas: Practical Conversion of Zero Point Energy: Feasibility Study of Zero Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum for the Performance of Useful Work Integrity Research Institute, 2005. ISBN 978-09641070-8-3 Valone, Thomas: Zero Point Energy, The fuel of the future, Integrity Research Institute, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9641070-2-1

Zsidarsnic, Frank : Overview, 1998 http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/zpt/index.html

Haisch, Bernhard/Moddel, Garret: Quantum vacuum energy extraction, 27. Mai 2008, US Patent #7,379,286 http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2938 Mead, Franklin B. / Nachamkin, Jack : System for converting Electromagnetic Radiation Energy to Electrical Energy, U.S. Patent No. 5,590,031, Dec. 31, 1996, see : http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=5590031A&KC=A&FT=D& date=19961231&DB=EPODOC&locale=de_EP

Pinto, Fabrizio: US patents #6,650,527 and #6,665,167 #6,477,028 Fabrizio Pinto also founded the InterStellar Technologies Corporation for the investigation of the utilization of the energy of the vacuum: http://www.interstellartechcorp.com/companyFabrizio.html

Commercial Applications:

Jovion Corporation of Boulder aims to develop and commercialize a device for extracting energy from the reservoir of zero point energy that has been shown to fill all of space. The Jovion device would employ numerous Casimir cavities, consisting of closely spaced metal plates within which a range of electromagnetic modes are excluded due to quantization of the electromagnetic field. The harvested energy would be in the form of electromagnetic radiation and could in principle be converted directly into electrical power through the incorporation of solar cells. The POCi funding covers the design, construction and testing of a practical and scalable energy harvesting system. The funding is contingent on the satisfactory achievement of certain scientific proof of principle milestones relating to a prototype Casimir cavity device as described in a current research grant to Dr. Garret Moddel, Professor in CU-Boulders Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an inventor of the technology.


Videos about Zero Point Energy Extraction

http://www.documentarywire.com/free-energy-zero-point-energy-extraction-from-the-quantumvacuum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujLBM2sbHqA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO6BHTQ7YFU&feature=channel http://www.pureenergysystems.com/events/conferences/2004/teslatech_SLC/TomValone/ZPE_Extr action_QuantumVacuum.htm

DVDs about Energy from the Vacuum


21st Century Science & Technology P.O.Box 16285, Washington, DC 20041, USA, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com Cold Fusion Times (P.O.Box 81135, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181, USA), http://world.stp.com/~mica/cft.html Extraordinary Technology Tesla Tech, Inc., 296 E Donna Drive, Queen Valley, AZ 85218, USA. http://www.teslatech.info Future Energy eNews Editor Thomas Valone, Integrity Research Institute, 1220 L St. NW, Suite 100-232, Washington, DC 20005, USA, e-mail: iri@erols.com, Internet: http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org Future Energy Newsletter Editor Thomas Valone, Integrity Research Institute, 1220 L St. NW, Suite 100-232, Washington, DC 20005, USA, e-mail: iri@erols.com, http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org Infinite Energy founded by Eugene F.Mallove [], Editors W.H.Cantrell, S.R.Chubb & W.H.Zebuhr, New Energy Foundation, Inc., P.O.Box 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816, USA, http://www.infinite-energy.com/ http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/backissguide.html (index) Journal of New Energy Hrsg. Hal Fox, Institute for New Energy, 3084 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2154, USA, http://www.padrak.com/INE Journal of Scientific Exploration Society for Scientific Exploration, c/o Allen Press, East 10th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA. http://www.scientificexploration.org New Energy News Editor Patrick Bailey, Institute for New Energy, P.O.Box 201, Los Altos, CA 94023-0201, USA, e-mail: eemf@earthlink.net, http://www.padrak.com/INE New Energy Technologies Hrsg.Alexander V. Frolov, Faraday Lab, Lev Tolstoy Str.7, St.Petersburg, 197376 Russland, e-mail: office@faraday.ru, http://www.faraday.ru/


http://www.dvr-raumenergie.de/energy/ http://www.scitron.de/bibliographie_freie_energie.htm http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/zeropointenergy.htm http://users.rcn.com/zap.dnai/

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