Music Video Narrative Comparisons Table
Music Video Narrative Comparisons Table
Music Video Narrative Comparisons Table
Video & Director Guilty Conscience by Eminem & Dr. Dre. What happens in the Video? A series of men who are about to perform a serious crime or mischievous act, such as stealing from a store, are stopped by their conscience who happen to be the artists. Eminem is seen as the bad one encouraging the man to perform the crime whether as Dr. Dre is seen as the good one and tells him not to. However, in the end Dr. Dre agrees with Eminem and turns bad. Todorov Todorovs theory is applied in this music video as the equilibrium is the men attempting to perform the crime but their conscience comes out and starts arguing with each other determining what the mans should do, this is the disequilibrium as the situation is imbalanced. However, the final verdict is made, (which in the case of the stealing, the good one wins) and the new equilibrium is presented which is the man either performing the crime or decided not to. This happens for each scenario which leads to: The man not robbing the liquor store due the new equilibrium of the criminal agreeing with Propp Not all of the 8 characters are used in this music video but the hero is seen as Dr Dre as he is encouraging the criminal to do what is right whether as Eminem is telling him to commit the crime and therefore is portrayed as the villain. The criminals themselves could be portrayed as the false hero since they are taking Dr. Dres credit and conforming to his advice but they could also be portrayed as the dispatcher since the criminal is the one who starts the hero (Dr. Dre) or villain (Eminem) on their quest/ mission. The criminal may also be Levi-Strauss There are a variety of binary opposition being shown in this music video such as good and evil since Dr Dre is good and Eminem is evil. There is also an opposition of position as Dr. Dre and Eminem are mostly scene revolving around the criminal in circles but they are always opposite each other. There is also binary opposition from the characters since the thug is Mexican, the college student is white and the construction worker is black. This creates diversity in the music video representing that Eminem and Dr. Dre and present in every individual. Opposition is Barthes Every time there is a criminal about to commit a crime; Eminem and Dr Dre are presented but also wearing the same clothes as the criminal. This happens on every account and symbolises that they are a part of him and therefore telling the viewers that they are the criminals conscience. During the end scene, Dr. Dre changes his personality from being the good hero to the villain as he conforms to Eminem and allows the criminal to commit the crime. However, this also lets the viewers believe that Eminem (the bad villain) may also have
2 gangs are in rivalry with each other and plan to fight, this determines which gang is the strongest and who is the one true leader. Both gangs take journey gathering up their friends and meet in a garage at which the leaders have a knife fight but are interrupted by Michael Jackson telling them that it doesnt matter who is wrong or who it right.
Dr. Dre, the scenario which involves the male college student taking advantage over a young girl due to Eminems antagonistic encouragement and finally a construction worker ending up killing his wife and the man who has being sleeping with her due to a joint agreement of Eminem and Dr. Dre. The main equilibrium of this music video is the gangs gathering up their friends in order to fight and determine the leader. However, Michael Jackson enters the location and stops the fighting by telling them that they shouldnt fight and that they should beat it. This is the disequilibrium as the situation is imbalanced and the gangs are confused
the prize since both Eminem and Dr. Dre want the criminal to agree with what their view point is.
also used from the first scenario of the thug having an attitude of robbing the store but has a change of heart and doesnt.
the capability to change into the hero therefore changing the viewers perspective.
Michael Jackson is portrayed as the hero in this music video since he is the protagonist who stops the fighting and violence between the gangs, he is also the one who takes the credit since he is the lead singer and dancer and is leading everyone else by dancing showing he is the true leader, not anyone from the gangs.
There are varieties of binary opposition in Beat it such as the rivalry between the gangs and also the leaders are wearing different colours. One leader is wearing white and one leader is wearing black which could show which may conclude that the one wearing black has a darker personality. Along with this point, the one wearing black has white coloured skin and the one wearing
One leader of the gang is wearing white which represents innocence and therefore might be fighting in order to earn justice rather than the one wearing black since this represents darkness who might be fighting jus for reputation. These colours also relate each character to an angel and a devil, showing conflict between the two. During the first half of the video, it shows
Both gangs are Michael dance with each other in the end resulting in both gangs not in rivalry anymore as they have learnt to respect each other.
about what to do. The new equilibrium arises when they both learn that they should respect each other and therefore stop fighting once and for all.
Both gangs are shown as the villains as they are both willing to kill one another for reputation. Both gangs could also be the prize since Michael Jackson achieves their respect for one another and they are following him.
white has black coloured skin which represents binary opposition with the characters themselves.
A typical stereotypic The equilibrium in this American couple and music video is the rebel loud rock band typical American family are neighbours who sleeping until the rock are in rivalry with each band start playing their other and start playing music out loud and pranks on each other. therefore creating a rival This includes directing war between the two. sunlight into the neighbours face with This is the disequilibrium mirrors, mimicking the and this process rock band with a continues through the hosepipe and even pranks until both getting more than 20 neighbours sort it out people singing in a and swap roles. The new cone to wake the equilibrium arises when other neighbour up. the American is part of the rock band and the This leads to a rock star sleeps with the confrontation Americans wife which
This music video makes it hard to determine who the hero is and who the villain is. The typical American may seem to be the hero since he is the one who is a perfect stereotype and living the normal life with his life however he is also the one who starts the pranking war. The rock star could be considered the hero as he is the victim of the war starting but he is also the one who is playing the music out
The battle between the neighbours is a definitely example of binary opposition as well as the theme of good and bad. There is also opposition between light and dark since both the pranks happen during the morning and during night which is also another opposition. The characters clothing are in opposition with each other, for example, the morning scene shows the rock band half dressed or
both gangs gaining more people to add to their group which results in a vast majority, this represent that this fight is very significant to them and the viewer realises this due to the car travelling with more than 10 people on the back. The way the American couple kiss each other goodnight and the way they live (such as playing operation on the dining room table) is the stereotype of an American couple. This I presented the viewers to see the difference between them (the normal way of living which also may be considered boring) and the rock band (the wild way f living). This is also supported by the neat and fitted clothing the stereotype is wearing
between the two arguing it out and eventually swap roles since the typical American is playing in the rock band and the rock star sleeps with the Americans wife.
also means that they have made peace with each other.
loud and sleeps with the Americans wife which is a common rebel rock star signature. The Americans wife is portrayed as the princess since she is the prize of the rock star which also supports the act that he may be the hero since the hero normally achieves the princess/prize.
wearing dark colours and the stereotypic typical Americans are wearing bright colours.
and the tattooed bare chested rock star which makes a difference as both characters are starred by the same person.
In this music video, Shaggy cheats on his wife with the girl next door and tries to deny it even though the wife has a lot of evidence. This results in the wife arranging with the girls to confront him by Shaggy keeps attempting a successful exit.
The equilibrium is shaggy running from his wife as she has found out that he has cheated on her with the girl next door. The disequilibrium happens when the wife arranges with her girls to confront shaggy and he has no where to go. This creates tension between Shaggy and girls as he pauses and the viewers believe that
The hero in this music video is Shaggy as he is the main character and is trying to escape from him wife who is probably going to fight him however Shaggy may also be portrayed as the villain since he had been unfaithful to his wife and the wife may want justice. The helper is introduced in this
Directed by: ?
When the neighbours are pranking each other, both men get little smiles and wave from the opposite wives who show the viewers that there is attraction between the them and that the boring American may be a rock star after all. There is a vast majority Throughout the video, of binary opposition. Shaggy is seen For example, the constantly wearing red different colours of the which makes him the motorcycles as Shaggys main character and one is red which is a the prominent one. prominent colour and Red is also worn by the matches the bra and girl next door when underwear of the girl Shaggy was sleeping next door. with her and also by the wife who shows This shows that they are they are all connected both connected and the by a love triangle. girls motorcycles are black which represents The wife however is
he is about to get caught. But RikRok helps him escape by allowing Shaggy to jump onto a truck driving below the bridge they are on and this is also the new equilibrium since everything is balanced.
music video since it is RikRok who helps shaggy escape from situations and gives him advice to deny all the evidence the wife has by saying It wasnt me. The princess/prize in this music video is the girl next door who is the girl Shaggy really wants but she could also be portrayed as the villain since she is the reason why Shaggy and his wife are in confrontation.
evil and darkness. Good and evil are presented by Shaggy and the wifes characters as even thought Shaggy is the one who is unfaithful, the viewers still see him as the good one since he is the one who is escaping from the wife who has the fury and plan to confront him.
wearing a long leather black coat over her red dress which represents the viewers that darkness is overtaking the love she has for Shaggy and this is true since she wants to confront him.