L00 PreliminariesC Flowcharts
L00 PreliminariesC Flowcharts
L00 PreliminariesC Flowcharts
To represent the order of execution of the components of a program we use flowcharts. A flowchart is a graphic representation of the steps to follow in order to arrive at the solution to a problem. It is a program design tool that you use prior to writing the actual program. Computer programmers, software designers, and multimedia folks use flowcharts to tell each other how software works, what the user of a computer program needs to do (input) and what the computer does in response (output). A flowchart consists of a set of various standard shaped boxes that are interconnected by flow lines. Flow lines have arrows to indicate the direction of flow of control between the boxes. The description of the activity within the boxes is written in English. In addition, there are connector symbols that are used to indicate that flow of control continues elsewhere, for example, another page.
TERMINAL The oval (sometimes called the rounded rectangle) is used only at the beginning or at the end of a flowchart with the word "Start" or "End" inside the oval. Single flowline. Flow begins or ends here. START END
Used whenever data is being manipulated, most often with arithmetic operations A single flowline enters and a single flowline exits.
Used whenever information is entered or displayed. A single flowline enters and a single flowline exits.
Diamonds are used for Decisions or Questions, for example, "Lemon or Milk?" The use of flowlines is explained below. Branching Here are two different ways to show branching. The diagram on the left is the typical way to show a question or decision that has two possible options (e.g., yes or no). If you have three possible options, you can modify the diagram on the left by adding a third arrow from the bottom point of the diamond shape. The diagram on the right shows how to handle multiple options. This structure is necessary if there are four or more options. 1
Predefined process
Used to identify an operation that is more fully described in a separate flowchart segment. This element can be used to denote function calls. A single flowline enters and a single flowline exits.
On-page connector
Used to connect remote segments on the same page when your flowchart gets complicated and you want to avoid arrow lines that cross each other. If you use this symbol, you must have an exit point and an entry point.
Off-page connector
Used to connect remote segments on the different pages when your flowchart gets too big for one sheet of paper.
Example of a flowchart The following text conveys the same thing as the diagram below: Dial 0 then your friend's number. You will hear a tone. If you have a calling card number, dial your home phone number and the PIN number. If you don't have a calling card number, first dial that 800 number (the one they always advertise on TV). When the computer voice asks you to say your name, say your name. Then wait for your friend to answer. If you have a calling card number, you can talk to your friend's answering machine. If you don't have a calling card number, you can't, so just hang up.
Have card?
Who answers
Hang up
A flowchart for computing the roots of a quadric equation, given the coefficients A, B, and C
Input A, B, C
D = B*B -4*A*C
1 4
Print message M4
Description of variables: A, B, C - coefficients of quadratic equation Ax2 + Bx +C = 0 END D = B2 - 4AC Messages: M1: The equation is not a quadric equation M2: The equation does not have real roots M3: The equation has only one root M4: The equation has two different roots.
Some flowchart standards: * Flowcharts are to be drawn on white, unlined 8 1/2" x 11" paper on one side only. * Flowcharts start on the top of the page and flow down and to the right.
* Use only standard flowcharting symbols. * Use a template to draw the final version of your flowchart. (or the drawing features of a word processor) * Print the contents of each symbol legibly. * If your flowchart includes function calls the flowchart for each function must appear on a separate page. * Draw arrows between symbols with a straight edge and use arrowheads to indicate the direction of the logic flow.