K C Fracture Toughness Testing Software: For Use With Fasttrack 8800 Servohydraulic Testing Systems

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KIc Fracture Toughness Testing Software

For Use With FastTrack 8800 Servohydraulic Testing Systems

Fast and Efficient KIc Testing to
Accepted Standards
The FastTrackTM 2 fracture toughness testing The K Ic program features: realtime graphics keeping the operator
software is a complete package for KIc testing n Test control and results to: informed of the status of the test until it
on pre-cracked brittle specimens, increasing - ASTM E399 for KIc and E1290 finishes. On completion, a printed and
laboratory efficiency and improving accuracy for CTOD graphical report of the KIc value is produced.
of test results. Operating within Windows® 95, - BS7448-1991 for K Ic, CTOD and J The program indicates if the test meets the
98, 2000, XP Professional and NT n Interactive results manipulation ASTM/BS standard and if not, cites the
environments, the user interface is consistent n Report of test results and any invalidity messages from the
with the other packages in the FastTrack 2 invalidity parameters relevant standards.
applications suite. n Universal ASCII format raw data
Running a Test
Ready for Testing in Minutes
The program conducts the K Ic test in a
Once the test parameters have been entered, sequence of selected steps, each with its own
the program automatically balances the set of realtime controls and graphics:
transducers and sets up the initial test n Test parameter set-up - the system is driven
conditions. The KIc test is then run, with to zero load and the COD (crack opening
displacement) gauge is rebalanced
Testing data is During the test a realtime graphics display shows a plot of load versus COD gauge output
specified in a to allow monitoring of the test status and progress.
manner on a single
page, or recalled from
a file stored on disk.

A summary report
information is avail
depends on the sta

FastTrack Software Suite

FastTrack is Instron®’s family of software

applications for use with FastTrack 8800 testing
systems. FastTrack applications work within the
FastTrack Console environment or alongside the
n Testing to failure under user defined from your test data. For example, upper or FastTrack 8800 Operator Panel. The FastTrack
conditions - the K Ic test begins, switching lower modulus limits can be repositioned family includes:
to the desired control mode (either and new results calculated as many times as J MAX for simple fatigue testing
position or load control) to complete the you wish.
J WaveMaker for more advanced fatigue
test to specimen failure or at a
pre-set limit A summary report including the K Ic value
J Merlin for tension, compression and other
and all test and specimen information is
static tests
Sub-sized specimens can also be tested using available for each test, as well as a validity
report highlighting any area of the ASTM or J KIc for fracture toughness/CTOD applications
the program, allowing K Ic values to be
determined for thin materials. BS standards’ criteria that has not been met. J da/dN for fatigue crack propagation testing
J JIc for unloading compliance testing
Flexible Post-Test Analysis Range of Specimens J LCF for low cycle fatigue testing
J Random/spectral loading for end-point
Once the test is completed, the data is stored Straight notched compact-tension, stepped
data playback
and the calculations for K Ic performed by the notched compact-tension and three-point
J RSPlus for continuous data playback
program. Summary reports and graphs from bend specimens are selectable at the touch of
this or previous tests are available for display or a button. Having clicked on the appropriate J Block Program for simple block tests

printout. Test data reanalysis may be specimen geometry, your individual specimen J LabVIEW Drivers for programming FastTrack
performed retrospectively, allowing you to apply dimensions and parameters may be entered. 8800 in the LabVIEW environment
new test criteria to obtain maximum value J Other applications including stress corrosion
and elastomeric tests

Data from all FastTrack applications can be freely

Results facilities include the flexibility to select the exchanged with other Windows® programs.
standard for the results calculation, for any test
performed. The results displayed depend on the
standard selected.

including the KIc value and all specimen Complete data flexibility
lable for each test. The format of the report A validity report is available highlighting any area of the
andard selected. ASTM or BS standards’ criteria that has not been met. The FastTrack 2 KIc program stores all the data files in
ASCII format for convenient analysis and presentation in
the spreadsheet or scientific graphics program of your
choice. You can quickly create documents such as
customized test reports using any commercial Windows®
95, NT and 98 software such as Excel (including version
7.0), Word or MicroCal Origin graphics software.




Control Results and Data Handling
n Test procedure - in accordance with n Results reporting - in accordance with
BS7448K, BS7448 CTOD and BS7448K, BS7448 CTOD and
BS7448J BS7448J
n Control mode - position or load n Post-test results
n Pre-test functions - User selectable upper and lower
- User defined pre-loading cycle ensures load points
- Unlimited recalculation capability
correct specimen “bedding in”
- Load or position controlled test to using new results and specimen
failure at a user defined rate parameters
- Storage of measured crack lengths
- Variable logging rate on all
data channels - Invalidity messages
- Recalculation using new standards
n Test termination - automatic on
specimen break or pre-selected limit
n Data storage format - ASCII
in load or extension n Max. data sample rate - 1KHz
n Realtime graph - load versus crack n Graphs - Load versus COD
opening displacement

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Instron is a registered trademark of Instron Corporation.
FastTrack is a trademark of Instron Corporation. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright © Instron 2003. All rights reserved. All of the specifications shown in this brochure are subject to change without notice. WB1102B

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