Bulletin 092312

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September 23, 2012

SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:30 am, 10 am & 12 N WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri, and Sat. 8 am (Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Service) HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm

(Confession) Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Saturday 7:50 am ADORATION First Friday 8:30 am5 pm, Rectory Oratory

Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V.F.Pastor Deacon Manuel Valencia Deacon John Hull 318 North Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Phone: 626/355-1292 FAX: 626/355-2290 www.st-rita.org


Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V. F.Pastor
626.355.1292 x. 228 revkrek@st-rita.org Dcn. Manuel & Chela Valencia deaconmanuelvalencia@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Dcn. John Hulljohnhull65@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Weekend Presiders: 10 am MassFr. Chris Thiel, OFM Capuchin 12 Noon MassRev. Msgr. John Morales


Parish Ministries and Organizations

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: David & Jill Muhs 355.9810 em@st-rita.org Altar Servers, Youth: Kathy Ganino: 626.398.9302 Altar Servers, Adult: Bill Cosso Eucharistic Adoration: Marylyn Barnes Rosary Prayer Group: Marylyn Barnes Sacristans: Sat. Vigil: Gary Fidone/Bill & Patti Huber Sunday Masses: 7:30-Bill Cosso/David Banis; 10:00-David Muhs; 12N-Bernie Grace Weekdays: John Bigley, Margaret Duran Porter: (Evening Church Lockup) Sheila Palazzolo Environment: Barbara LeVeque /Gil Lazo 355.1292 Bereavement Ministry: Call Parish Office: 355.1292 Christian Family: Terri Cummings 355.8895 Greeters & Ushers: Erny Henry: 626.289.3504; 626.446.6715 Mens Club: Nick Sotis: 358-2495 nick.sotis@pro-sites.net New Members/Welcome: Contact the Parish Office St. Rita Guild: Patty Sullivan : 355.3707 sullivan514@gmail.com Senior Ministry: Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Shawl Ministry: Mary Taillac 355.3179 Marilyn Delgatto 355.8717 Archivist: Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Bulletin Submissions: bulletin@st-rita.org or drop off at Office Public Relations: ParishAdmin@st-rita.org Registration Information: rc@st-rita.org 355.1292 Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: seymour@seymourmedia.com

Liturgy & Worship

How to Contact Us
Parish Office/Mailing Address 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 6pm; Sat. 9 am to 1 pm. Office Email: ParishAdmin@st-rita.org Director of Administration
George Landis: 626.792.0445 Mary Lou Butler: mlbutler@st-rita.org 355.1292

Ministries & Organizations

Pastoral Council Vice Chair Finance Council Chair

Bill Sullivan: 355.3707

St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114

Principal: Joanne Harabedian jharabedian@st-rita.org

Other Contacts

Director of Liturgy & Music Paul Puccinelli: mm@st-rita.org Director of Religious Education Cristina Cullen: 355.3841 dre@st-rita.org Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation Theresa Bui Costanzo: 626.590.8828 ym@st-rita.org RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia; Susan Blakeslee: rcia@st-rita.org

Let Saint Rita Be There For You . . .

Communion for Sick and Homebound Parishioners
St. Rita ministers provide Communion home visits. Contact the Parish Office (355.1292) or Jill Muhs 355.9810 em@st-rita.org.

For Information about the

Sacrament of Baptism
Baptismal Preparation for parents and godparents: 7 8:30 pm the last Monday of the month. Call for Reservations. Baptisms are usually the first Sunday of the month. Preparation for children who have attained the age of reason (usually during 2nd grade) is arranged either through the Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School.

Anointing of the Sick

Sacraments of Reconciliation and first Eucharist

Please notify us (355.1292) as early as possible for the Anointing of the Sick, the sacrament intended for the seriously ill or dying. It is Our Lords special presence and companionship in serious time of need. Anointing may take place in the home, at the hospital or elsewhere and as often as once a month. If someone should die without anointing, remember that the desire to receive is sufficient and the Lord cares!

If You Should Experience the Loss of a Loved One

Sacrament of Matrimony

Contact the Parish Office upon engagement; at least six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament!

Sacrament of Confirmation

A two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens. Apply through the Office of Religious Education.

NOTE: Adult applicants for the sacraments should contact the Parish Office.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

See adjoining column.

Please call us at 355.1292 If you feel you will be in need, or your loved one has passed, we will assist in making arrangements with your chosen funeral directors; refer you to our liturgy and music directors; and offer you helpful guidelines and a book that will aid in the selection of readings for the Mass or Memorial Service. Areas we can help you with prior to the passing may help in the planning of funeral services. We know that this can be a tough time and we want you to know that your parish is there for you. PLEASE UNDERSTAND we only have one resident priest, sometimes arrangements for another priest may be needed.





Dear Parishioners, School is in full swing and once again I hear the voices of angels calling out to each other outside in the play yard during recess and P.E. Amidst all of the laughter, shouting, and general mayhem, occasionally, I hear the familiar cry, BUT THATS NOT FAIR! And I wonder, how early on in their young lives did they pick up the notion and the idea that something is or is not fair. Did they get it first from a parent or a sibling or, perhaps, from a playmate? A parent, it seems to me, even though they believe it was he or she that got the idea across, must still be at least startled the first time ones own child pronounces the fair or not fair judgment upon something the parent has donesome decision or command that he or she has made. Mom, you and Dad get to drink the red stuff in that bottle before dinner and I never get to. Thats not fair! Or perhaps more germane to todays passage: Dad, you and Mom always give each other more money when we go to the store than you give to me. Thats not fair! To which observation Mom or Dad replies, Are you envious because Mom and Dad are generous with each other? Are we not free to do with our own money as we wish? Honey, we are not cheating you. Here, take your usual 35 cents allowance and go! See how useful and practical todays gospel is? For us Christians, on the difficulty scale The last will be first and the first will be last is right up there with Turn the other cheek! The whole idea of a deathbed conversion or confessionor the last rites and absolution given to a convicted serial killergrates against most peoples sense of fairness. But what about the rest of us who live decent lives for decades and work at keeping the commandments every day of our lives? You mean to tell me that Im supposed to believe that this creep will get into heaven after his lethal injection even before I will? What are we to say of Gods dispensation of grace, forgiveness and salvation? Is God not allowed to save the way God chooses to? The first reading and responsorial spoke of our God who is generous in forgiving, whose thoughts are not our thoughts and who is near to ALL who call upon him. Is it not, therefore, our place as his creatures to be humble before him and ultimately to surrender our (sometimes hasty and emotion-packed) judgment to his merciful, divine judgment? On this Earth our judgments and thoughts are and will always be human and therefore incomplete and imperfectnot omniscient. The God who made us knows us better than we know ourselves. We have every reason to curb our temptations to be the judge, the jury, and the executionerevery reason to be humble. I would wager that the late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist would not have objected to this observation. Thats my judgment. -Msgr. Richard

NEWSNOTES Besides school being in full swing, our parish organizations and ministries are going full throttle, well in advance of todays Ministry Fair. This is a very busy and fulfilling time of year for our parishReligious Education and Youth Ministry ensuring the foundation of faith for our youth; St. Rita School providing for the spiritual and educational foundation of students while also planning Food Drives and Magazine Fundraisers, along with their Annual Festival. The Mens Club, the Guild, and Senior Ministry are busy with meetings, barbecues, Communion Breakfast, Retreats, and boutique planning.

Now you know why we went to an expanded Bulletin! We realized for some time that we needed more space to tell
you about parish events and accomplishments. Along with more pages comes the requirement to provide more advertisers! The Bulletin ads pay for the printing costsour Bulletin is underwritten by the advertisersSO we need sufficient and generous supporters. (Please contact JS Paluch Co., 1-800-231-0805, for info about ad rates.)

The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace and for those who cultivate peace.

James 3:18



8:00 AM 5:30 PM


Rev. Msgr. John T. Naughton RIP Salvatore Barilla RIP

7:30 AM Jesus Domingo del Rosario RIP 10:00 AM Benjamin Go RIP 12 NOON For All Parishioners

PARISHIONERS WHO REQUEST OUR PRAYERS FOR HEALING AND RETURN TO GOOD HEALTH Kathleen Ramsey, Sam Rowland, Tonyja Blakeslee, Addie Marshall, Alice Feeney, Joanna Singleton, Jackie Bagnuolo, Mary Ellen Isoard, Tim Stanley, Antoinette Wassef, Theresa Morcos, Aspet Herapetian, Tony Comaianni, Rose Mary Taquino, Selma Tuffs, David Duran, Paul Viger, Julie Meyer, Zdenka Czerny, Debra Ann Williamson, Cliff Hancuff, Wendy Wolf Fadel, Dorothy Van Gordon, Rosanne Kenny, Hal Finney, Louise Bigley, Christa Owen, Ailey Gardner-Ybarra, Cathy Hundshamer, Eva Bernejo, Laurie Larkin Masella, Rudy Wunderlin, Edith Olah, Matteo Begnoche, Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Clare Marquardt, Brian Eck, Alex Arranaga, Anna Mary Hession, Mildred Vocelka, Ann Twedell, Joseph Moore, Effie DeGroot, Ned Vento.


8:00 AM 8:00 AM

8:00 AM Donna Agnew Winkler RIP Rev. Mateo H. Hicarte RIP Communion Service



8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:30 PM

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Tuesday, September 25, RCIA Class
7:30 pm, Parish Office Meeting Room For information, please contact deaconmanuelvalencia@gmail.com


Communion Service


Lewis Cenicola RIP

Desmond Howling RIP For All Parishioners

Wednesday, September 26, Evening Prayer

Try ityou may like it!

5:30 pm Meditation 6 pm Prayer Rectory Oratory

7:30 AM Alfonso N. Gonzalez RIP 10:00 AM John Keshysian RIP 12 NOON Danny Abrego RIP

Thursday, September 27, Bible Study Resumes

7 pm, Parish Office Meeting Room

Just bring your Biblewe supply the rest!

Ss. Cosmas and Damien St. Vincent de Paul

St. Ritas Womens Weekend Retreat November 2-4, 2012 Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center 700 N. Sunnyside, Sierra Madre Cost: Suggested donation $195 A special time for prayer, meditation, and renewal.


St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions; St. Wenceslaus Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

Questions? Call Joan 355-3621 or Marie 355-1234


The next Baptism Preparation Class (for October 7 baptisms) will be this Monday, September 24 at 7 pm in the Parish Office Meeting Room. Please contact Paula in the Parish Office. 355-1292 x 223 paula@st-rita.org

First ReadingThe wicked say: With revilement and torture let us put the just one to the test (Wisdom 2:12, 17-20). PsalmThe Lord upholds my life (Psalm 54). Second ReadingThe wisdom from above is full of mercy and good fruits (James 3:16 4:3). GospelWhoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me (Mark 9:30-37).

Were looking for 1-2 people to coordinate the preschool (for 3-5 year olds) Sunday School program during the 10 am Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring the faith to the children of our parish as well as becoming more connected to your own. Classes begin this Sunday, September 23. Questions? Cristina Cullen dre@st-rita.org

Help Needed


High School Ministry
Hey all high school teens, join us for PARKING LOT PALOOZA, our official 2012-2013 Youth Nite Kick-Off on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7:00 8:30 pm in the church parking lot. There will be food, drinks, games, and a mystery activity. It will be FUN!


What is Edge?
Edge is a Catholic ministry for middle school youth (6th-8th graders). Using an interactive, non-classroom format, Edge is a relational model of catechesis and evangelization. Edge relies on a core team comprised of caring adults and teen volunteers who serve as small group leaders. Goals of the Edge To create a positive experience of the Catholic Church for early adolescents. To assist middle school youngster in gaining an understanding and appreciation of what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. To incorporate the Catholic Churchs vision of social justice and peace into the spiritual life of preadolescents. To develop an identity in middle school youth and in The Edge ministry as being a vital and visual presence within the parish community. Edge Fellowships are monthly Youth Ministry gatherings for ALL middle school youth, including those attending St. Ritas School. All 6th to 8th graders are invited to join us at the first Edge Fellowship on Monday, October 1, 4:00 pm5:15 pm in Msgr. Gara Hall.

Sunday, Sept. 30Guild Communion Breakfast The St. Rita Guild invites all women and girls of our parish to attend our Annual Communion Breakfast. The event begins with Mass at 10 am followed by a catered gourmet breakfast in OMalley Hall. Our speaker is Theresa Costanzo, St. Rita Director of Youth Ministry, who will speak on Practical Ways for Parents to Share Faith at Home. Cost is $15/person; reservation deadline is September 25. Questions/Reservations? Patty Sullivan 355-3707 sullivan514@gmail.com

St. Rita School

The school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color, or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies and practices, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs, although certain athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan schools operate as single sex schools. While the school does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of services may not always be available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the students emotional, academic and physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the students needs.

Support Catholic Education at St. Rita School through the annual Magazine Drive. Stop by the school office to renew or purchase new magazine subscriptions. Online ordering is also available through the school website: st-ritaschool.org Select "Great American Opportunities."

Learn to stop inappropriate activity before it happens. Child safety tip: Teach your child to respect the word stop! Teach your preschooler that stop means stop, and that your child has the right to stop people from touching his or her body. Obviously, exceptions will have to be made for doctors and parents, but even parents must listen when a child doesnt want to be tickled or hugged anymore. Reinforcing this excellent lesson gives your child the power to recognize and to stop bad touching by others if it should happen. For particular help, you may call: Archdiocesan Assistance Ministry, 213/637-7650. Articles from the Archdiocese are also on our website: St-rita.org (select publications, then Safeguard the Children)


The school earns 50% of every sale, while you pay less than the newsstand price and most subscription offers. Thank you for your help in ensuring the success of this Annual Drive. Harvest Festival Weekend, October 26 & 27 Beer, Brats, and BingoFriday, October 26 Harvest FestivalSaturday, October 27 Watch for a flyer insert in next weeks Bulletin!

Bulletin articles. Please submit copy/information

10 days before the desired Sunday of publication. bulletin@st-rita.org or bring/send to the Parish Office.


Meetings, Ministry & Special Events


This Week at St. Rita

See adjoining column for more information.

This Sunday St. Rita Ministry Fair Msgr. Gara HallAfter All the Masses Take a closer look at the ministries and organizations of St. Rita. Dont miss this great opportunity to find out the what of St. Rita! Raffle (free) Refreshments Fun

This Sunday, September 23Bundle Sunday This Sunday, September 23Ministry Fair
8 am until 2 pm, Msgr. Gara Hall See adjoining column for more information. See page 4 for more information.

Monday, September 24Baptism Preparation Class

This Sunday8 am until 2 pm The St. Vincent de Paul Society truck will be in the Church lower parking lot.

Bundle Sunday

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Tuesday, September 25RCIA
7:30 pm, Rectory Meeting Room

Wednesday, September 26Evening Prayer

5:30 pm Mediation; 6 pm Group Prayer Rectory Oratory

Thursday, September 27Bible Study

7 pm, Parish Office Meeting Room

Bring usable clothing, shoes, small appliances, household items, linens, books, etc. For furniture and large appliances please phone 323/224-6280 or 800/97-HELP-1 for a special free pick up at your home. Your contributions will either be given to the needy or sold in the St. Vincent Thrift Shops to support their charitable activities.

Save the Date

Sunday, September 30Guild Communion Breakfast
See page 5 for more information.

Catholic Community & Local Events

Fingerprinting, Wed., Sept. 26Nativity, El Monte For appointment call 626/448-8895 Bereavement SupportBegins Thurs., Sept. 27, 7-9 PM. An eight-week group support program. $10 for workbook. St. Luke Church Parish Center, 5605 Cloverly, Temple City. Info/reservations: Sherrie 626/291-5900 or 287-8504 College FairThurs. Sept. 27, 6:30-8:30 pm in the St. Francis High School Courtyard, LaCaada. Info: 818/790-0325 The Heros JourneyBecoming a Saint Saturday, Sept. 29, 9 am-5 pm Come to learn the habits it takes to persevere and become a hero for God. Fee is $35, or pay what you can. St. Joseph Retreat Center Campus, Alhambra. Info: 626/289-1353 San Gabriel Mission Elementary Schools 100th AnniversarySunday, Sept. 30, 11:15 am Mass Join Archbishop Jos Gomez for Mass, followed by a tour of the campus and gardens, with food trucks and fellowship. Info: 626/281-2454 St. Francis Alumni Golf ClassicMonday, Oct. 1 Brookside Golf Course. Proceeds for student financial aid. Info / Registration: www.sfhs.net San Gabriel Pastoral Region Annual Regional Congress, Embracing Gods CallSaturday, Oct. 6 Bishop Amat High School, La Puente. Info: 626/962-7707 congress@sgpr.org

Catholicism, A Series About the Catholic Faith

Sunday, September 304 pm, OMalley Hall Refreshments, fellowship, discussionplease join us!

Friday, October 26Beer, Brats and Bingo AND Saturday, October 27 Harvest Festival
Watch future Bulletins for more information.


Together in Mission (TIM) Report


October Special Collections

Sunday, October 14Maintenance & Repairs. This monthly collection is to help pay for the expenses of running a parishwe have bills just like you do! Our utility bills have increasedjust like yours! We do not get any discount or break from the utility companies just because we are a religious institution. Please be generous in helping. You may use your blue envelope (from your envelope packet) or just write For Maintenance Only on your check or an envelope. Thank you! Sunday, October 21World Mission Sunday. This Annual Appeal by the Archdiocese should not be confused with our recent Missionary Cooperative Appeal (see adjacent column). On Missionary Sunday, we are asked to support the Propagation of the Faith in their continuing efforts to spread the faith around the world. Checks should be made payable to St. Rita please. Again, you will find a special envelope in your envelope packet and also in the pews.

Archdiocesan Assessment $59,712.68 Amount Pledged & Paid to Date $45,726.00 Pledges yet to be Paid $ 3,850.00 Amount Still Needed $10,136.68 Will you help? Can you help? Please join the 165 families who have already participated. Thank you!

Thank you!
Thank you for your support of the August Missionary Cooperative Appeal presented by Father Peter Linhxuan Dat Vu on behalf of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Divine Grace near Saigon, Vietnam. A check in the amount of $4796 was sent to the Archdiocese to forward to the Abbey once again, the generosity of St. Rita parishioners is overwhelming!

Thank you for your generosity!

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