Kojic Acid, A Cosmetic Skin Whitening Agent, Is A Slow-Binding Inhibitor of Catecholase Activity
Kojic Acid, A Cosmetic Skin Whitening Agent, Is A Slow-Binding Inhibitor of Catecholase Activity
Kojic Acid, A Cosmetic Skin Whitening Agent, Is A Slow-Binding Inhibitor of Catecholase Activity
J. @)1994 Pharm.Pharmacol.
Abstract-It wasfound that kojic acid,which is usedin cosmetics its excellent for whiteningeffect,inhibits catecholase actity oftyrosinasein a non-classical in manner.A decrease the initial velocity to a steadystateinhibited velocitycan be observed which is unalteredby over a few minutes.This time-dependence, prior incubation of the enzymewith the inhibitor, is consistent with a first-order transition. The kinetic data obtained correspondto thosefor a postulatedmechanism that involvesthe rapid formation of an enzymeinhibitor complex that subsequently undergoesa relatively slow reversiblereaction. Kinetic parameterscharacterizingthis type of inhibition were evaluatedby means of nonlinear regressionof product accumulationcurves.
Kojic acid (5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4H-pyran-4-one) is an antibiotic producedby many species Aspergillusand of Penicillum in an aerobic processfrom a wide range of (Lee et al 1986;Kwak & Rhee 1992).Kojic carbon sources acid has beenextensively usedas a cosmeticagentwith an excellentwhitening effect(Obara et al 1985;Ohyama 1990) (Saruno etal 1979;Chen et al because inhibits tyrosinase it 1 9 9 1 a ,) . b Tyrosinase, polyphenoloxidase (EC., a or is bifunctional copper protein complexwidely distributed on the phylogeneticscaleand responsible melanizationin for animals and browning in plants. Three different forms of binuclear copper in the active site are involved in the reactions(Lerch 1981;Robb 1981). The enzymecatalyses two different reactions:cresolase activity, or hydroxylation of monophenolsto o-diphenols and catecholase activity, or oxidation of o-diphenols o-quinone. to The expression the cresolase of actity of the enzymein the presenceof its substrate(monophenol) shows a lag period @omerantz1966;Garcia-Carmonaet al 1979)that has recently been explained by taking into account the chemicalstepsinvolved in the tyrosinase reaction(Cabanes et al 1987b;Garcia-Carmona al 1982,1987,' et 1988),while catecholase phenomena. actity showsno slow-transition Both the lag period of the cresolaseactivity and the steady-staterate are affected by kojic acid acting as a competitive and mixed-type inhibitor, depending on the phenolic substratesas has been describedby Chen et al (1991a). Thoseauthorsincludekojic acid in an important group of classical inhibitors formed of compoundsstructurally analogousto phenolicsubstrates, towards which they generallyshow competitiveinhibition, although this inhibition varies dependingon the enzymesourceand substrate used(Walker 1975;Mayer & Harel 1979;Vmos-Yigyn Correspondence: F. Garcia-Carmona, Departamento Bioquide
Y-\, ltll
rdYo" '(*)'
cH2-fH-cooH nt2
Kojic acid
o-Ouinone oroducts
of Frc. 1. Stuctures the inhibitors,a normal orthodiphenolic products tyrosinase. of substrate orthoqnonic and Khan & Andrawis 1985). t--Mimosine and tropolone 1981; have been describedby us as competitive, slow-binding accordet Valeroet al 1991), inhibitors(Cabanes al 1987a; ing to the classificationof reversible enzyme inhibitors established Morrison (1982).Theseinhibitors have an by oxo group ortho to the hydroxyl group, thus presenting structureswhich are intermediatebetweenthe diphenolic of substrate the enzymeand the enzymaticproduct (Fig. 1). actity that is They result in an inhibition of catecholase by charactenzed a long transition phase. to In view of the above,we thought it would be interesting test whether kojic acid is also an effective inhibitor of accordingto the aboveclassification. tyrosinase Materials and Methods from SigmaChemicalCo. (St Louis, l-Dopa was purchased MO). All other chemicalsused were of analytical grade.
mica y BiologaMolecularA, Unidad docente Biologia, Facultad e de Veterinaria,Universidadde Murcia, 30071Espinardo,Murcia, Soain.
L-Dopa orthodopaquinone
ridibunda)were obtained from local Frogs (Ranaesculenta suppliersfrom Novemberto March. Epidermiswas separated from dermisafter incubationwith a 2 v NaBr for 24 h timeswith bidistilledwater, at0-4'C. After washingseveral negativebromide reaction took place and the epidermis a was lyophilizedand kept at 0-4'C until used.Frog epidermis protyrosinasewas extracted,partly purifled and actiofLozano et al (1975). vatedby the procedure activity was determined spectrophotoCatecholase metrically at 475nm by the appearanceof dopachrome in (e :3700r"r-'cm-r) using r,-dopa(5'6mru)as substrate buffer (pH 6'5). One unit of enzymewas sodium phosphate taken as the amount of enzymethat producedO'5pmol dopachromemin-l, since this involves the production of et l pmol dopaquinone(Garcia-Cnovas al 1982).Protein by was determined the methodof Lowry et al concentration fl951). The progresscurveswer fitted by nonlinear regression to the following equation, using Marquardt's algorithm (Marquardt 1963): P : Czt+ (C, - Cr)(l - e-c"C:. Co + (l)
4 Eo,rD
2 x Orthodopaquinone------->
L-Dopa +
postulated Cabanes al (1987b) the for by et 1. Scner\4 Mechanism E-",, tyrosinase l-mimosine. by slowinhibitionof frog epidermis Eo"rI*, Eo*",oxy form ol tyrosinase, met form of tyrosinase; of complex foried by slowisomerization E"-rl ::r,r{frj;:"ntbt,.r decrease with a progressive was observed biphasicresponse in initial activity followed by a constantrate (Fig. 2, curves as B-D); both the initial and the constantrate decreased the inhibitor concentrationincreased. This resultindicatesthat the inhibition producedby kojic slowly, thus behavingas a slow-binding acid is expressed inhibitor, according to the definition given by Morrison is tightly (1982). The inhibition expressed not necessarily in sincekojic acidconcentration the bound or stoichiometric progresscurve experiments was always much higher than the enzymeconcentration(Williams & Morrison 1979). The progresscurved'obtainedcan be describedby the integratedform of Frieden'sequation (Frieden 1970)for a flrst-order process: -.-tuct)/k"pp [P]: v,t + (v. vo)(l (2)
Equation I is equivalentto equation 2 (seebelow), Ca representing experimentaluncertainty at the zero-time the absorbance,caused by addition of enzyme to start the reaction.
Resultsand Discussion was assayed with r-dopa as When frog epidermistyrosinase rate was immediatelyattained;the a substrate, steady-state werelinearup to at least0'3 absorbance changes absorbance units (Fig. 2, crrve A). When the reaction was started by addition of the enzyme in the presenceof kojic acid, a
o o c o
Frc. 2. Progress curvesfor the inhibition of frog epidermistyrosiwere A 0, B 0'32, nase by kojic acid. Kojic acid concentrations C 0.94;D ['57 ru. The ieaction was startedby the addition of the enzvme.
respectively, initial and the represent, were Ve, V, and kunn the steady-staterates and the apparent first-order rate constant (the meaning of which dependson the mechancurves ism). Data analysisof theseproduct-accumulation can be performed by making an overall fit of the experias mental data to equation 2 by nonlinear regression, has by beendescribed Morrison (1982). To study this effect of kojic acid on frog tyrosinase, were performedin which the enzymewas preexperiments at incubatedwith differentkojic acid concentrations various times, at the end of which the reactionwas started by the progress curvessimilar to thosein addition of the substrate; Fig. 2 were obtained(data not shown).This result indicates that kojic acid doesnot bind to the free form of the enzyme (met form) and can only be interpreted by taking into activity of account the internal mechanism the catecholase of tyrosinase(Schemel) (Galindo et al 1983;Lerch 1983; postulates successive This scheme the et Cabanes al 1987b). to binding of two diphenolic substrates completethe cataof lytic cycle with the appearance an enzymaticoxy form, which, in comparison with the met form, has a greater affinity for the substrate(Galindo et al 1983).Thus, the with the binding of the secondmolecule inhibitor competes of r,-dopa,and so kojic acid mustbind to the oxy form of the enzyme.This form is an obligatory intermediate in the of catalytic turnover, and thus the presence the substrate for (and therefore,of'the catalytic activity) is necessary the slow binding of kojic acid to the enzymeto be observed. Thus, kojic acid is differentfrom other inhibitors previously
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of presence the inhibitor. Thus, incorrect rate values are is obtained if the product increase followed over a limited time and so different patterns of velocity vs substrateare on obtaineddepending the level ofinhibitor used. In agreementwith the kinetic mechanism for tyrosinase(Cabaneset al 1987b),only the oxy form, of the three different forms of the enzyme, acts on r,-tyrosine. hydroxylating it to r--dopa.On the other hand, both oxy and met forms act on l-dopa to give dopaquinone,which evolvesto give L-dopa and dopachrome.Thus, the inhibiand tion produced by kojic acid affects both catecholase activity through the oxy form. As mentioned cresolase previously, cresolaseactivity shows a complex kinetic et i..pottt" (Cabanes al 1987b),with a slow transition the phase,which basically expresses accumulation of the to maintain this activity. Control of the l-dopa necessary level of r-dopa produced in theseconditions has recently for as beenestablished an important mechanism the regulaactivity of tyrosinase(Garciation of the monophenolase Riley 1993). Carmonaet al 1987,1988; of The presence a slow transition phasesuch as the lag period in the cresolaseactivity of tyrosinase makes it impossibleto quantify the kinetic constantsof the interactlon of kojic acid and the enzyme. However, since the ernymatic intermediaries,oxy and met' are the same in activity, it might reasonably and both cresolase catecholase be assumedthat K, k6, and k-6 are the same for both activities,since theseconstantsexclusivelyreflect the pre1). ofthe oxy form and kojic acid (Scheme sence
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