1998 Biophys J 74 Baskakov
1998 Biophys J 74 Baskakov
1998 Biophys J 74 Baskakov
ABSTRACT Given that enzymes in urea-rich cells are believed to be just as sensitive to urea effects as enzymes in
non-urea-rich cells, it is argued that time-dependent inactivation of enzymes by urea could become a factor of overriding
importance in the biology of urea-rich cells. Time-independent parameters (e.g. Tm, kcat, and Km) involving protein stability
and enzyme function have generally been the focus of inquiries into the efficacy of naturally occurring osmolytes like
trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), to offset the deleterious effects of urea on the intracellular proteins in the urea-rich cells of
elasmobranchs. However, using urea concentrations found in urea-rich cells of elasmobranches, we have found time-
dependent effects on lactate dehydrogenase activity which indicate that TMAO plays the important biological role of slowing
urea-induced dissociation of multimeric intracellular proteins. TMAO greatly diminishes the rate of lactate dehydrogenase
dissociation and affords significant protection of the enzyme against urea-induced time-dependent inactivation. The effects
of TMAO on enzyme inactivation by urea adds a temporal dimension that is an important part of the biology of the adaptation
The biology of adaptation involves the study of organisms Up to the present, we have focused on one of the two
that have adapted to environmental stresses such as ex- defining characteristics of osmolytes, namely the mecha-
tremes of temperature, dehydration, contact with high-salt nism by which osmolytes stabilize proteins thermodynam-
solutions, and even the presence of intracellular concentra- ically against denaturing stresses. Our results provide strong
tions of urea (Yancey et al., 1982). Organisms that have evidence that the unfavorable interaction of osmolytes with
adapted to these stresses appear to concentrate small organic the peptide backbone of protein is responsible for the ther-
compounds, called osmolytes (Brown and Simpson, 1972; modynamic stabilization (Wang and Bolen, 1997). But in
Stewart and Lee, 1974; Yancey et al., 1982), whose intra- the work described here, we address the second defining
cellular concentration in the range of several hundred characteristic of osmolyte action. Namely, we investigate
millimolar is believed to have two defining characteristics: the ability of the naturally occurring osmolyte trimethyl-
1) the osmolytes have the ability to stabilize cellular pro- amine N-oxide (TMAO) to offset the deleterious effects of
teins against the inactivating stress for which the osmolytes the 400 – 600 mM intracellular urea concentrations in the
were naturally selected, and 2) the osmolytes do not greatly cells of elasmobranchs.
perturb the functional activities of proteins or otherwise Many of the efforts to investigate the effects of osmolytes
upset the delicate metabolic control systems necessary to on protein function have focused on kcat, Km, and Ki param-
sustain life (Somero, 1986; Yancey et al., 1982; Yancey and eters of enzymes (Burg et al., 1996; de Meis, 1988; Gopal
Somero, 1980). These characteristics focus on the thermo- and Ahluwalia, 1993; Lin and Timasheff, 1994; Santoro et
dynamic stability and function of proteins in the face of al., 1992; Wang and Bolen, 1996; Yancey and Somero,
environmental stresses, and form the paradigm for discuss-
1979, 1980). These parameters are assumed to be time-
ing osmolyte involvement in the biology of adaptation.
independent, but the manner in which such data are col-
Nature’s use of osmolytes in the adaptation of organisms to
lected can unwittingly incorporate time-dependent effects
environmental stresses involves one of the most elusive and
into the measurements. In the course of our investigations,
long-standing problems in biology, the general problem of
we discovered time-dependent effects of both urea and
how proteins and solvent interact to produce biologically
TMAO on lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity that defi-
significant effects.
nitely affect evaluations of kcat and Km (Baskakov et al.; see
companion paper). If catalytic activity of an enzyme is not
maintained for a reasonable time while the enzyme is bathed
Received for publication 1 December 1997 and in final form 27 January in the milieu containing urea, TMAO, and urea/TMAO
mixtures as it would be in urea-rich cells, the issues of
Address reprint requests to Dr. D. W. Bolen, Department of Human
“protein stabilization” and apparent kcat and Km effects
Biological Chemistry and Genetics, University of Texas Medical Branch,
5.154 Medical Research Building, Galveston, TX 77555-1052. Tel.: 409- become moot as an adaptive strategy. Clearly, the question
772-0754; Fax: 409-747-4751; E-mail: wbolen@hbcg.utmb.edu. of the lifetime of proteins in the presence of the denaturing
© 1998 by the Biophysical Society stress and (protective) osmolytes has considerable bearing
0006-3495/98/05/2658/08 $2.00 on how effective osmolytes are in the biology of adaptation.
Baskakov and Bolen Time-Dependent Effects of Urea and/or TMAO on LDH Activity 2659
With the goal of better understanding the requirements Determination of the apparent order
for TMAO stabilization of proteins in the presence of urea, of reactivation
we have investigated the time-dependent effects of urea and
These experiments were performed with an LDH sample that had been
TMAO on rabbit muscle LDH stability and function. LDH incubated for 24 h with 0.8 M urea (0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.3) at 0°C.
is essential for a large number of organisms, and like many Different amounts of this urea-containing solution were withdrawn and
multisubunit proteins it is rather labile (Cho and Swaisgood, diluted into assay mixtures containing 5 mM pyruvate and 180 mM NADH
1973). The effect of denaturing stress and osmolyte concen- (0.2 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.3) to obtain 340 nm absorbance versus time data,
with a range of LDH concentrations from 0.0134 to 0.178 mg/ml. The first
tration on the lifetime of enzyme activity adds a different
derivatives of the absorbance versus time curves show that NADH oxida-
dimension to the discussion of the biology of adaptation and tion increases with time in the assay, reflecting a reactivation of LDH
the issue of defining the temporal response to inactivating during the course of the assay. The initial rates of LDH reactivation,
stress in the cell. observed at different enzyme concentrations, were determined from the
initial slopes of these first derivative curves and reported as the initial rates
of reactivation. These data were fitted to a linearized form of the equation,
velocity 5 kcn, as suggested by van’t Hoff, viz., log v 5 log k 1 n log c,
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES where k is the rate constant, n is the reaction order, and c is the concen-
tration of LDH (Laidler, 1965). The reaction order is obtained from the
Chemicals slope of the log v versus log c plot.
Rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase, NADH, sodium pyruvate, bovine
serum albumin, and TMAO were purchased from Sigma; trisma base was
from Fisher; sodium chloride was from Mallinckrodt; and ultrapure urea Gel filtration
was from ICN. Further purification of urea and TMAO and determinations
of their concentrations were performed as described in an earlier paper The experiments were carried out using a Phenomenex Biosep SEC-S3000
(Wang and Bolen, 1997). The concentration of LDH was determined high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) gel filtration column
spectrophotometrically at 280 nm (1.13 mg/mL/OD; supplied by with dimensions of 300 3 7.80 mm. LDH samples (13.4 mg/ml) were
Worthington). incubated in gel filtration buffer (0.10 M Tris-HCl containing 0.2M NaCl,
pH 7.3) at 0°C with either 0.8 M urea alone or a mixture of 0.8 M urea plus
0.8 M TMAO. In the course of incubation, aliquots were removed, and
apparent molecular masses were evaluated using the Phenomenex gel-
Measurement of LDH activity filtration HPLC column equilibrated in the presence of either 0.8 M urea or
0.8 M urea plus 0.8 M TMAO containing gel filtration buffer at 22°C. The
LDH activity was determined by following the oxidation of NADH to Phenomenex column was calibrated in the absence of urea and urea/TMAO
NAD1 at 340 nm. The standard reaction mixture contained 2.5 mM mixture and in the presence of 0.8 M urea, using Sigma gel filtration
pyruvate, 85 mM NADH in 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.3) at 24°C. molecular mass standards (MW-GF-200) containing blue dextran (2.000
kDa), b-amylase (200 kDa), alcohol dehydrogenase (150 kDa), bovine
serum albumin (66 kDa), carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa), and cytochrome c
Time-dependent activity measurements (12.4 kDa). The steel-jacketed column was operated with mechanical
injection within a fully automated BioCad SPRINT HPLC system, which
Aliquots of concentrated LDH stock solution were added to solutions allowed the elution volume to be repeatable within 60.015 ml.
containing 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.3), 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin
(BSA), and desired amounts of either urea, TMAO, or urea plus TMAO.
These solutions were incubated on ice and, with respect to time of incu- RESULTS
bation, the LDH activity was monitored using initial velocities by addition
of aliquots of the incubating solution to standard assay mixtures. The pH Inactivation of LDH by urea
values of Tris-HCl buffer solutions to be used at 0°C were adjusted to pH
7.3 at 5°C, and those to be used at 24°C were adjusted to pH 7.3 at 25°C. Fig. 1 shows data on the time-dependent inactivation of
LDH in the course of incubation with different concentra-
tions of urea. Two different protocols for testing enzyme
Reactivation of urea-inactivated LDH activity in the course of incubation can be used, one in
which the assay mixtures contained the same concentrations
Time-dependent loss of LDH activity was induced by incubation of LDH of urea as those in the incubation samples, and a second in
(13.4 mg/ml) in 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.3) containing 0.8 M urea and
1 mg/ml BSA at 0°C. To initiate reactivation from the inactivating effects which the common standard assay mixture did not contain
of urea, aliquots of the urea-containing incubation mixture were taken with urea. The two cases give different absolute velocities, but by
time and diluted 10-fold into 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.3), containing 1 reporting the velocity at a given incubation time divided by
mg/ml BSA held at 24°C. In the course of incubation at 24°C, aliquots the velocity at zero time of incubation, the resulting per-
from this solution were withdrawn and initial velocities were assayed in the centages of initial activity for the two protocols were found
standard reaction mixture. Two different procedures were used to initiate
reactivation. In one, aliquots of the enzyme in 0.8 M urea at 0°C were to be identical. The second protocol was experimentally
withdrawn and diluted 10-fold into Tris-HCl/BSA buffer equilibrated at simpler, and the data from this protocol are reported in
24°C as described above. In the second procedure, aliquots of enzyme were Fig. 1.
added to the Tris-HCl/BSA buffer equilibrated at 0°C, and then rapidly Upon incubation at 0°C in the absence of urea, LDH loses
(within 1 min) warmed to 24°C. No differences in the final level of LDH activity with a half-time of ;105 min. Inclusion of urea in
activity were detected with these two procedures, but the second method
allowed us to follow the initial time dependence of reactivation, and this the incubation mixture greatly accelerates the processes of
procedure, being more convenient, was used exclusively in the work inactivation, such that in 0.8 M urea, LDH is inactivated
described. with a half-time of ;40 min.
2660 Biophysical Journal Volume 74 May 1998
apparent reaction order (Laidler, 1965). Varying concentra- assay mixtures, and a log (relative initial velocity) versus
tions of LDH inactivated with 0.8 M urea for 24 h were log (relative LDH concentration) as specified by the general
placed in assay mixtures containing high concentrations of expression given above is shown in Fig. 4. The final LDH
pyruvate and NADH, and the 340-nm absorbance change concentrations ranged from 0.0134 mg/ml to 0.178 mg/ml,
was monitored with time as described in the Experimental giving corresponding relative reactivation velocities cover-
Procedures. Fig. 3 A shows the results of such assays, and it ing a 250-fold change in velocity. The slope of the plot (n 5
is clear from the acceleration of absorbance change during 2.05 6 0.08) shows the reactivation to be second order, in
the time of the assay that LDH was being reactivated during agreement with the results in the inset of Fig. 2. Regardless
the course of the assay. The time derivative of these absor- of whether BSA is present (Fig. 2, inset) or absent (Fig. 4),
bance versus time curves as shown in Fig. 3 B defines the reactivation appears to be second order, indicating that the
rate of LDH reactivation at 24°C, and the initial slope of the order of the reactivation reaction does not depend upon the
derivative plot at each LDH concentration is taken as the presence of BSA.
initial rate of active LDH appearance within the assay time.
A ratio is taken of each of the initial velocities to the initial
Subunit dissociation
velocity at the lowest LDH concentration, to give the rela-
tive initial velocities for the assays. A ratio is also taken of Gel filtration experiments were performed to test whether
each LDH concentration to that of the lowest LDH concen- time-dependent LDH inactivation by urea is caused by
tration to give the relative total LDH concentrations in the dissociation of the tetrameric form of the enzyme. The gel
filtration column was calibrated with molecular mass stan-
dards, conducted in the presence and absence of 0.8 M urea,
and identical calibration plots relating molecular mass to
elution volumes were obtained. This demonstrates that the
permeation properties of the gel and the integrity of the
molecular mass standards do not change significantly in the
presence of 0.8 M urea.
Data on the evaluation of LDH apparent molecular mass
as a function of incubation time in 0.8 M urea are presented
in Fig. 5 A. With time of incubation, the relative amount of
protein corresponding to the major peak (left peak) at zero
TABLE 1 Elution volumes of LDH species obtained after 5 min of incubation at 0°C in the presence of the solutes indicated
Elution volume (ml) and corresponding (kDa)* of
Conditions Concentrations of LDH 1st minor peak# Major peak 2nd minor peak
No solutes 5–670 mg/ml §
7.673 6 0.005 (230) 8.442 6 0.007 (97.6) 9.640 6 0.010 (24.2)
0.8 M urea 5–670 mg/ml§ 7.50 6 0.005 (277) 8.352 6 0.009 (103) 9.315 6 0.015 (34)
0.8 M urea 1 0.8 M TMAO 13.4 mg/ml — 8.464 6 0.014 (93.1) —
*Average elution volumes corresponding to different LDH concentrations. Values of molecular masses determined from calibration plots are presented in
The two minor peaks become apparent only on the most sensitive absorbance scale (0.001 OD at 280 nm).
Eight different concentrations between 5 and 670 mg/ml were used.
Baskakov and Bolen Time-Dependent Effects of Urea and/or TMAO on LDH Activity 2663
The minor peak reported in Table 1 with an apparent protection of LDH from time-dependent activity loss in the
molecular mass of 24 kDa is lower than the known mass (36 presence of urea, but it is unable to completely prevent loss
kDa) of a LDH subunit. This observation suggests that of activity in the concentration range and ratios of 3:2 or 2:1
column sorption effects may be responsible for the anoma- urea:TMAO found in sharks and rays (Yancey and Somero,
lously low molecular masses. The fact that apparent molec- 1979).
ular masses of the three detectable chromatographic species A quantitative assessment of how the half-time for LDH
in the presence of urea are higher than the corresponding inactivation varies with urea, TMAO, and 1:1 and 2:1 ratios
peaks in the absence of urea (see Table 1) could be due to of urea:TMAO is given in Fig. 7. At both 1:1 and 2:1 ratios
0.8 M urea partially abolishing the adsorption effects and/or of urea:TMAO, as urea concentration increases TMAO is
inducing swelling of the protein species. A swelling effect seen to provide greater and greater improvement in staving
caused by urea on the native forms of proteins has been off inactivation, compared to activity loss that would occur
observed by means of size exclusion chromatography (Cor- if TMAO were not present.
bett and Roche, 1984).
Effect of TMAO on urea-induced time-dependent
Urea-rich cells such as those in elasmobranches and kidney
inactivation of LDH
pose the problem that intracellular enzymes must reside in
At issue is the question of how TMAO affects the time- the presence of the denaturant (urea), yet must also maintain
dependent inactivation of LDH by urea. Fig. 6 shows results functional activity. Enzymes in urea-rich cells are believed
of the same type of experiment as shown in Fig. 1, but with to be just as sensitive to the deleterious effects of urea as
incubations carried out in the presence of TMAO alone and those occurring in non-urea-containing cells (Yancey et al.,
in mixtures of urea:TMAO. Upon incubation of LDH in 0.6 1982; Yancey and Somero, 1978). What protects the en-
M TMAO, it is found that the enzyme is inactivated by a zymes in urea-rich cells and enables them to function is the
measurable but relatively small extent, with a half-time of additional presence of organic osmolytes such as TMAO in
inactivation that is about twofold less than that of the elasmobranches and glycerolphosphocholine in kidney cells
control. Urea (0.6 M) inactivates the enzyme at a rate that is (Bagnasco et al., 1986; Garcia-Perez and Burg, 1990;
300-fold faster than that of the control, but when 0.3 M Yancey, 1985; Yancey and Somero, 1978). Much of the
TMAO is present with 0.6 M urea, the half-time of the emphasis in the biology of adaptation of urea-rich cells
inactivation rate is only 60-fold faster. If TMAO concen- has been on the magnitude of the effects of urea and of
tration is increased to give a mixture of 0.6M urea:0.6M
TMAO, the half-time of inactivation is only ;10-fold faster
than that of the control. Clearly, TMAO provides significant
counteracting osmolyte (e.g., TMAO) on the stability and slightly with time of incubation. TMAO in a 1:1 ratio with
function of enzymes (Burg et al., 1996; de Meis, 1988; urea does not give complete protection of LDH from inac-
Gopal and Ahluwalia, 1993; Lin and Timasheff, 1994; tivation after 24 h incubation in the mixture (Figs. 6 and 7),
Santoro et al., 1992; Wang and Bolen, 1996; Yancey and so the absence of lower molecular mass species (Fig. 5 B) at
Somero, 1979, 1980). Accordingly, the parameters gener- .24 h incubation indicates that loss of activity does not
ally sought are changes in Tm as a function of urea and/or have to result entirely from LDH dissociation.
TMAO and changes in kcat and Km of enzymes as a function Although the effects are exceedingly slow, TMAO itself
of these solutes. Such parameters are truly time-independent causes LDH inactivation, decreasing the half-time of inac-
parameters if the experiments for determining Tm, kcat, and tivation in the absence of solutes from ;60 days to ;30
Km are performed in a manner that excludes time-dependent days at 0°C (see Fig. 6). Nevertheless, TMAO is quite
effects (Hand and Somero, 1982; Withycombe et al., 1965). effective in extending the half-time of the enzyme in the
However, in many reports, precautions to exclude time- presence of urea, decreasing the urea-induced rate of loss by
dependent effects have not been implemented, and the pos- fivefold in 0.6 M urea:0.3 M TMAO and by ;30-fold in 0.6
sibility exists that such evaluations of the above-mentioned M urea:0.6 M TMAO (Fig. 6). Thus it appears that TMAO
parameters may not entirely reflect the interpretation of- has the ability to greatly diminish time-dependent loss of
fered for them. Given that enzymes in the urea-rich cells of LDH activity, presumably by preventing urea-induced dis-
sharks and rays are continuously bathed in the urea:TMAO sociation of LDH.
milieu, it is important to evaluate time-dependent effects of TMAO has also been reported to decrease time-depen-
these solutes on enzyme function, because such dependen- dent loss of phosphofructokinase activity due to cold-
cies are an integral part of adaptation phenomena. induced tetramer dissociation, but it does not protect the
As shown in Fig. 1, LDH held at 0°C in the absence of enzyme from inactivation due to urea-induced dissociation
urea loses activity with a half-time of ;60 days, but in 0.6 (Hand and Somero, 1982). There is an important biological
M urea, a concentration reported in the cells of rays (Forster reason why this enzyme may be an exception. Because
phosphofructokinase activity regulates glycolytic flux, it
and Goldstein, 1976), the loss of activity increases by sev-
has been hypothesized that the urea-induced dissociation of
eral orders of magnitude and occurs with a half-time of ;3
tetrameric enzyme prevents build-up of damaging acidic
h. Antidiuretic rat kidney has been reported to have urea
conditions, thereby playing an important role in the urea-
concentrations of 1.5 M (Garcia-Perez and Burg, 1990), and
rich cellular environment occurring in hibernating animals
5 M urea has been reported in desert mice under dehydra-
(Hand and Somero, 1982).
tion stress (MacMillen and Lee, 1967). Given the sensitivity
Time-dependent processes have not been emphasized in
of activity loss of LDH in urea, time-dependent effects on
the context of the biology of adaptation, but their impor-
activity must be an exceedingly important issue in under-
tance becomes evident when effects of urea on multisubunit
standing the biochemistry of urea-rich cells.
proteins are considered. Urea-induced dissociation of mul-
Fig. 2 illustrates that LDH inactivated in the presence of tisubunit proteins can occur in the presence of very low
0.8 M urea at 0°C can be reactivated at 24°C, but revers- concentrations of urea (Hand and Somero, 1982). If it is true
ibility of reactivation is dependent on the length of time of that enzymes in urea-rich cells are just as sensitive to urea
inactivation at 0°C. These data also suggest that reactivation effects as enzymes in non-urea-rich cells (Yancey et al.,
is a second-order process, and this implies that inactivation 1982), the importance of time-dependent effects becomes
by urea involves the dissociation of LDH. More than 98% of inescapable. In fact, with some enzymes it could be more
LDH activity is lost when it is incubated with 0.8 M urea at important than the counteracting effect on kcat and Km.
0°C for 24 h, but when the temperature is shifted to 24°C, Enzyme turnover is a key factor in metabolic control, and
reactivation occurs rapidly enough to see the velocity in- loss of enzyme activity as an important part of the turnover
crease during the course of the assay for LDH activity phenomenon will affect the survivability of cells stressed by
(Fig. 3 A). The time derivatives of the assays (Fig. 3 B) can urea. From the results with LDH, it is indeed likely that the
be used to evaluate the rate of reactivation as a function of ability of counteracting osmolytes like TMAO to slow down
LDH concentration, and these data permit an evaluation of or prevent dissociation of proteins in urea-rich cells is an
the reactivation reaction as second order by using the van’t essential part of the protection and counteraction it offers
Hoff (log-log) plot (Fig. 4) (Laidler, 1965). Again, the against urea-induced inactivation.
results suggest that urea has the effect of dissociating LDH
and that reassociation of dimers to active tetramers is rate
determining. Supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM49760.
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