Consumer Behavior - Schiffman &kanuk - Outline

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PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCE Need, Tension,Drive,Goal Achie Needs Innate-Acquir,Primary-Sec, Biogenic-Psychoge Goals Generic-Prod Specific, Goal Setting-Bagozzi Goal Selection
Promotion Focused-Prevention Focus Pers Goal Types: Ideals-Oughts

Sensation (Physic Stimu, Sensory Adapters Absolute Threshold(adaptation) Differential Threshold(JND, Ernst Weber) Subliminal Perception

MODELS Tricomponent (Aff-Cog-Con) Multiattribute Attitude Toward the Object AttitudeToward the Behavior Theory of Reas. Act. (Subj Norm) Theo of Try to Consume Att Tow the Ad FORMATION Learned Sources of Influence(Dir/Ind Exper) Personality(Need for Cogn) CHANGE Change Motivational Function Associate with Events, Groups Change Beliefs About Competitor Alter Elements of MultAtt Model Change Relative Ratings of Attrib Change Brand Beliefs Change Overall Brand Ratng Add a New Attribute ELM (Elaboration of Likelyhood Model) Central / Periph Routes to Persua POSTBEHAVIOR ATTITUDE Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Fest) Attibution Theory Self Attr(Internal/Ext - Defensive) Foot in the Door Door On the Face Attr Toward Others Attr Toward Things

Interdepence of Needs & oals Positive & Negative Motivation Emotional vs Rational Motivation DYNAMICS Needs Are Never Satisfied New Needs Emerge as Goals are Achieved Success&Failure Influence Goals Substitute Goals vs Primary goals Frustration & Defense Mechanisms
Aggress,Rati,Regr,Proj, Withdrw, Daydrea,Ident,Repress

DYNAMICS Physical Stim+Experience (Expect,Motv,Lea Perceptual Selection Expectation Motivation Selective Perception
Selective Exposure Selective Attention Perceptual Defense Perceptual Blocking

Multiplicity of Needs & Variation of Goals Arousal of Motives

Physical,Emotional,Cognitive, Environm Behaviorist vs Cognitive Schools

Perceptual Organization Figure&Ground Gestalt Grouping Chunking Closure Missing Info Completed Perceptual Interpretation Perceptual Distortion
Physical Appearance Stereotypes First Impression Halo Effect Jumping Into Conclusions

NEED CLASSIFICATION Henry Murray's Psychogenic Ne Maslow's Need Hierar Phys,Secur,Social,Ego,Self Mktg Applic (Segmentation) Trio of Needs (McClelland) Affilia,Pow,Achiev MEASUREMENT Behavioral,Subjective,Qualitative Data Motivational Research (Ernst Dichter)
Crit: Clinic Purp,Disturbed Pers, Exotic Appe

Metaphor Analysis (Zaltman's ZMET) Story Telling Word Associat & Sentence Completion Thematic Apperception Drawing Pictures & Photo Sortin

WHAT IS Reflect Ind Diff, Consistent, Can Change THEORIES Freudian Unconscious needs; mostly Bio&Sex ID, SuperEgo, Ego Product Personality Neo Freudian (Social Relationships are fundemantal) Alfred Adler Style of Life, Inferiority Harry Sullivan Rewarding Relationships Karen Horney Anxiety,
Complia-Aggres-Detached Pers.

IMAGERY Positioning Umbrella Positioning Against Competition Finding Unowned Position On Specific Benefit Filling Several Positions Repositioning Perceptual Mapping Positioning of Services Perceived Price
Internal or Exter Reference Price Acquisition vs Transaction Utility Assimilation & Contrast Theor Plausible Low/High & Implausible

LEVELS OF DM Limited Problem Solving Extensive Prob Solving Routinized Response Behv MODELS OF DM Economic Passive Cognitive (Goal Sett Bagozzi, Heuristics) Emotional (Impulsive) (Moods) A MODEL Input (Mktg, SocioCultural) Process Need Recognition Info Search
(Intern/Ext, Perc Risk(Ltd/Extensive))

Perceived Quality
Internal/Ext Cues, Expected vs Perceived Qual

Price/Quality Relationship Signalling Theor Retail Store Image Manufacturer Image

Extended Self, Stealth Parentage

Trait Theory Quantitative, Empirical, Tests Innovativeness Traits

Innovativen, Dogmatism,Optim Stim Lev OSL, Need for Uniqueness NFU, Sensation Seek SS Variety Novelty Seeking

Perceived Risk Phys,Psych,Soc,Fin,Func,Time Risk Handling

Seek Info, Brand Loyal, Brand Img Store Img, Expensiv Mdl, Reassura

Evaluation of Alternatives
The List Evoked,Inept,Inert+Overlooked The Criteria Prod Attrib, Brand Cred


Misuses:Prod Placem,Advertor,Infomerc,JND

Cognitive Pers Traits

Need For Cognition Visualizers vs Verbalizers

ELEMENTS Motivation, Cues, Response, Reinforcement THEORIES Conditioning Classical Conditioning(Pavlov)
Repetition Stimulus discrimination Stimulus Generalization

Decision Rules
Compensatory Noncompensatory Conjunctive(Min Cutoff) Disjunktive(Target Cutoff) Lexicographic (Single Attrib) Consumer Orientat(Qual,Stat,Econ) Affect-Referral

Consumption & Possession Traits

Materialism Fixated consumption Compulsive Consumption

Consumer Ethnocentricism BRAND PERSONALITY Brand Pers Framework


Associative Cognitive(NeoPavlovian)
Relationships and cognitive effort

Prod Pers & Gender/Geog/Color SELF & SELF IMAGE One or Multiple Selves Self Image Actu,Ideal,Socia,Actu-Ide,Expected,Oughtto ExtendedSelf Possessions are extensions of Self Img

Instrumental Conditioning(Skinner)
Trial&Error to fnd best response

Modeling or Observational Learning Cognitive Information Processing

Storing Sensory (2sec) ShortTerm (Rehearsal) 2-10sec LongTerm Retention Retrieval (Encoding) (Chunking) (Interference Effects) (Hemispheral Lateralization Th) (Passive vs Cognitive Learning)

Altering the Self

Self-Altering Prod. Personal Vanity: Phys + Achievement

Illiterate Consumers(Coping) LifeStyles as DM Strategies Incomplete or Noncomparable Info In Apply Rules (Abstraction on Utility) Series of Decisions Output Purchase (Trial,Repeat,LongTermCommit) PostPurch(Pos/Neg Disconformatn or Neutr) GIFTING
Indiv Indiv Group Group Self


Limited/Extensive Info Processing

Media Applic


Cons Relevance (Broad vs Narrow Categorizers) Central&Peripheral Routes to Persuasion ELM Measurement Mktg applic Trivial mttr, Brand Inv vs Pro Inv (Relatship rathr than transaction)

MEASURES Recognition & Recall Cognitive Measures

Comprehension: Msg Charac.+Ability+Involv

Attitudinal & Behavioral Measures of Loyalty Brand Equity

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