Brochure Mag Cam

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MagCam Measurement Platform the complete magnet inspection solution

Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................3 1.MagCam.Base.Measurement.Platform....................................................................................................................4 . . . . . . . . 1.1.MagCam.Sensor.Hardware...............................................................................................................4 1.2.MagScope.Measurement.&.Analysis.Software............................................................................5 2.1.MagFit.Magnet.Analysis.Software..................................................................................................6 2.2.MagRemote.Automation.Software................................................................................................8 3.1.Magnet.Positioning.Frame.kit.........................................................................................................9 4.1.Measurement.and.analysis.of.permanent.magnets................................................................ 10 4.2.Renting.service................................................................................................................................ 10 4.3.Development.projects. .................................................................................................................. 10 .


3.MagCam.Hardware.Accessories...............................................................................................................................9 4.MagCam.Services...................................................................................................................................................... 10

MagCam map of multipole magnet with sinusoidal magnetization profile

The MagCam Measurement Platform consists of a basic configuration (MagCam Base Measurement Platform) and optional software and hardware modules which increase its functionality. The MagCam Base Measurement Platform consists of the MagCam magnetic field camera Sensor Hardware and the MagScope Measurement & Analysis Software. The unique MagCam magnetic field camera Sensor Hardware contains a patented sensor chip with an integrated two-dimensional array of over 16000 microscopic Hall magnetic field sensors. Each sensor independently measures the local magnetic field, resulting in a quantitative 3D magnetic field map (MagCam map) with high spatial resolution, measured at record speed: less than 1 second for a 13x13mm map with 0.1mm resolution. The fully digital and compact MagCam sensor module simply connects to your computer via a single USB cable, making the measurement data directly digitally available. The MagCam maps are analyzed in real-time by the MagScope Measurement & Analysis Software, which provides powerful measurement and data analysis capabilities for an advanced inspection, characterization and quality control of permanent magnets, as well as import/export and reporting functions. Optional software modules include the powerful MagFit Magnet Analysis Software, which offers advanced MagCam data analysis capabilities for a complete characterization of uniaxial permanent magnets. Based on theoretical magnet models, MagFit calculates a best fit to the measured MagCam map and extracts a lot of extra information from the data, such as the full magnetization vector, the magnetization deviation angle, the exact magnet position on the sensor, the 3D magnetic field vector distribution, material defects, deviations from a perfect theoretical magnet and more. The optional MagRemote Automation Software allows to remotely communicate with the MagScope software, thus enabling automated MagCam measurements, MagScope and MagFit analyses, inline inspections, integration in other programming environments etc. Hardware accessories include the Magnet Positioning Frame Kit, a set of interchangeable non-magnetic frames that can be easily mounted onto the MagCam enclosure. The relative position of each frame with respect to the MagCam sensor is calibrated, resulting in an absolute position reference frame. When a magnet is placed in the frame, its geometrical position is exactly known in the MagScope software and detailed analyses can be performed.. MagCam NV is the only company worldwide that offers this unique magnetic field mapping technology.

High resolution high speed magnetic field mapping The MagCam Base Measurement Platform consists of the MagCam Sensor Hardware and the MagScope Measurement & Analysis software.

MagCam Base Measurement Platform (laptop not included)

With the MagCam Measurement Platform, MagCam NV offers the worlds first magnetic field camera system. The unique MagCam sensor contains a patented sensor chip with an integrated two-dimensional array of over 16000 microscopic Hall magnetic field sensors. Each sensor independently measures the local magnetic field, resulting in a quantitative 3D magnetic field map (MagCam map) with high spatial resolution, measured at record speed: less than 1 second for a 13x13mm map with 0.1mm resolution. The MagCam Sensor module is protected by a hard anodized aluminum enclosure with Teflon filling of the pores, which makes it rugged, wear-resistant and self-lubricating. The sensor comes in two variants: with covered (protected) or uncovered sensor chip.

Features and benefits:

MagCam Specifications:

Quantitative digital magnetic field mapping Complete magnet characterization (with MagFit Magnet Analysis software) High speed measurements High spatial resolution No moving parts Absolute magnet positioning (with Magnet Positioning Frame and/or MagFit Magnet Analysis Software) For uniaxial and multipole magnets Advanced data analysis Realtime quality control with pass/fail analysis Suitable for automation

On-chip integrated 2D array of Hall sensors Sensor array size: 128 x 128 = 16 384 Pixel resolution: 0.1 x 0.1 mm Field of view: 13 x 13 mm Sensor-surface distance: 0.3mm for uncovered sensor, 1.0mm for rugged (enclosure-covered) sensor Measured magnetic field component: perpendicular to sensor surface Magnetic field range: 1T, 2T, 4T, 8T Magnetic field accuracy: 0.02% of range Measurement frequency: 1 20 frames / second Temperature compensated measurement Connection type: USB (1 cable for data and power) Enclosure size: 94mm x 71mm x 23mm Weight: 230g Enclosure equipped with threaded mounting holes (4x M4)

The MagCam system comes in a rugged Peli case

The MagScope Measurement & Analysis software records and analyzes in real time the measured magnetic field maps from the MagCam sensor.

MagScope features include:

Record digitized magnetic field maps from the MagCam Sensor Hardware Select measurement resolution for increased speed: full, 12, 14 resolution High resolution (0.025 mm) interpolated quantitative color scale plot of the measured MagCam map Auto and manual color scale and cross-section scale Analysis in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates Cross-section analysis of MagCam data using reference lines and circles in the MagCam color graph Absolute and relative distance/radius/angle measurements on reference circles and radial reference lines Absolute magnet position indication (requires Magnet Positioning Frame and/or MagFit Magnet Analysis Software) Moving average function during real-time display Average-stop function for recording a noise-free image Image processing algorithms on real-time images, recorded images and imported images (digital filter, derivatives, background subtraction, absolute value, invert scale etc.) Data offset function for detailed analysis around nonzero magnetic field values Statistical analysis of MagCam images (max field, min field, range, mean, stdev, total magnetic flux, N-S asymmetry, etc.) Perform pass/fail analysis on quantitative measurement parameters with user-defined tolerance limits Measure relative MagCam maps using recorded reference map of e.g. a reference magnet. The relative MagCam map is the difference between the measured map and the reference map. Import previously recorded MagCam maps for further analysis Export of MagCam maps (CSV data file with 128x128 data points). Data files can be used with other data processing software (Excel, Matlab, etc.). Export of image statistics as txt file Export of MagScope screenshots for use in e.g. reports, quality certificates, presentations etc.

MagScope screenshot

Additional software modules are available for advanced data analysis, integration in other software systems, automation etc.

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The MagFit Magnet Analysis software module offers advanced MagCam data analysis capabilities for a complete characterization of uniaxial permanent magnets. Based on theoretical magnet models, MagFit calculates a best fit to the measured MagCam map and thus extracts a lot of extra information from the data, such as:



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MagFit supports most common magnet geometries, such as:

blocks cylinders rings

Full magnetization vector in cartesian (Mx, My, Mz components) and spherical (M, theta, phi) coordinates Main magnetization axis (with respect to the magnet geometry) Angle deviation of magnetization from the main axis (this is theta in the spherical coordinates) Magnets XY-position in the sensor plane Magnets angular position in the sensor plane Sensor-to-magnet distance Magnet dimensions Full vector components (Bx,By,Bz) of the magnetic field distributuion Absolute value of the magnetic field distribution Deviations from a perfect theoretical magnet Local material defects in the magnet material or in the magnetization

For each parameter, the user can choose whether MagFit should optimize the parameter or keep it constant in the fitting procedure. The fitted parameters can be used for a pass/fail quality control, with user-defined quality tolerances. After fitting a MagCam map, MagFit saves the fitted (theoretical) MagCam map, the residual MagCam map (difference between measured and fitted maps), and the generated Bx, By and B maps as .magcam files. These files can be viewed and analyzed in the MagScope software. The MagFit Magnet Analysis software adds substantial value to the MagCam Measurement Platform by extracting a lot of relevant and quantitative magnet property information from the MagCam data, resulting in a complete magnet inspection solution for permanent magnets.

Screenshot of MagFit Magnet Analysis Software (see also next page)

Measured MagCam map of axially magnetized disk magnet with defect.

Fitted MagCam map using MagFit (see previous page for parameters).

Residual MagCam map (fit - measurement) showing imperfections in measured magnet.

The MagRemote Automation Software module allows to remotely communicate with the MagScope software, thus enabling the integration of the full MagCam functionality into other environments, automate MagCam measurements and analyses and more. MagRemote features a set of shared libraries that can be used in other programming environments to control the MagCam system. The underlying communication protocol is TCP/ IP, allowing to communicate over networks and across different operating systems. Alternatively, the communication can occur through discrete I/O signals. Applications include: Automation of both measurements and full MagScope and MagFit data analysis capabilities Automated inline magnet inspection and classification Integration of MagCam functionality into other computer programs Automated large area scanning using a robot or scanning stage

3 MagCam Hardware Accessories

The Magnet Positioning Frame Kit is a set of interchangeable non-magnetic frames that can be easily mounted onto the MagCam enclosure. The relative position of each frame with respect to the MagCam sensor is calibrated, resulting in an absolute position reference frame. When a magnet is placed against the frame, its geometrical position is exactly known in the MagScope Software and detailed analyses can be performed. (See the figure below for an example.) Applications include: Determining the geometrical center of a cylindrical or ring magnet for accurate analysis using cylindrical coordinates in MagScope. Performing absolute angle deviation measurements in multipolar cylindrical and ring magnets. Determining magnetic excentricity of axially magnetized cylindrical and ring magnets, which indicates a magnetization anlge deviation and/or inhomogeneous magnetization distributions. Relating the magnetic field distribution to the geometrical magnet, e.g. for determining how far from the magnet edge a certain magnetic field occurs, or which magnetic field is present at a certain distance from the magnet edge/center etc. The Magnet Positioning Frame Kit includes different frame sizes to accommodate different sizes of magnets. The frames are easily interchanged without having to remove the fastening screws. The conical shape of screws and frame holes assure that the frame locks into the same position each time it is mounted. The frames can also be (re)calibrated by the user using the MagFit software module and a reference magnet.

Left: Magnet Positioning Frame mounted on MagCam Sensor Module, with cylindrical magnet placed in the frame. Right: The calibrated position of the frame is shown in the MagScope software and provides a new origin for the Cartesian coordinate system. Also the origin of the cylindrical coordinate system can be absolutely positioned in the geometrical magnet center and hence a powerful and very accurate magnet analysis can be performed.

MagCam Services

The MagCam measurement and analysis service allows you to have the MagCam experts measure and analyse your magnets using the MagCam Measurement Platform. The resulting measurement & analysis report will give you deeper insight in the internals of your magnets. This formula can be an ideal evaluation of the MagCam Measurement Platform before making a purchase decision. It has the additional advantage that it comes with the expertise of the MagCam personnel for getting the most out of the MagCam system for your specific application.

MagCam offers a renting service for the MagCam Measurement Platform. This formula allows you to test the system in-house before making a purchase decision. The renting formula comes with a purchase option whereby the renting fee can be largely recuperated.

MagCam can customize the MagCam Measurement Platform for your specific application, e.g. to configure the system for an automated environment, develop software or hardware etc.



MagCam NV Research Park Haasrode Romeinse straat 18 B-3001 Leuven, Belgium Tel: +32 494 58 94 04 Fax: +32 16 40 00 19 Email:


The magnetic eld camera


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